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    Module 6 Animals in Danger 单元测试题2
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    高中Module 6 Animals in Danger单元测试随堂练习题

    这是一份高中Module 6 Animals in Danger单元测试随堂练习题,共22页。试卷主要包含了95,65,45等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    What I Saw n the Hibiscus Airship
    C. L. Heng
    A girl n a great jurney t find her destiny (命运), realizes the pwer f wrng dings, unsung heres, and mst f all, lve. What I Saw n the Hibiscus Airship is a stry f adventure and family.
    The Tiger and the Lepardess
    H Khng Ming
    An ld hungry tiger is n the hunt fr a meal and meets an unhappy lepardess (雌豹). Can enemies trust each ther? In this stry, The Tiger and the Lepardess, will hate r lve influence their relatinship?
    Privatizatin f Facility Management in Public Hspitals
    Hng Ph Fan
    Hng Ph Fan explres the changes public hspitals have undertaken (着手) t imprve services in Malaysia. He shares lessns learned ver a fifteen-year perid f hspital privatizatin in this detailed (详细的) examinatin f hw t imprve health care.
    Escape t America
    Tetsu Fukuyama
    Fukuyama decided t leave his hmeland and experiment with a cmpletely different lifestyle: living in New Yrk City. This stry f hw the authr’s curage and determinatin helped him survive in difficult cnditins will encurage readers t find their wn happiness.
    21. Which f the fllwing is an adventure bk?
    A. Escape t America.
    B. The Tiger and the Lepardess.
    C. What I Saw n the Hibiscus Airship.
    D. Privatizatin f Facility Management in Public Hspitals.
    22. Wh explred lve and hate in his bk?
    A. C. L. Heng.
    B. Hng Ph Fan.
    C. H Khng Ming.
    D. Tetsu Fukuyama.
    23. What d we knw abut Escape t America?
    A. It tells a stry abut friendship.
    B. It is based n real-life events.
    C. It describes life in Malaysia.
    D. It is fr practical use.
    The University f Miami’s newest hspital has a six-bed emergency rm (急诊室), perating rm, a birthing rm and utpatient clinics.
    The nly thing missing is patients. Instead, nursing students get a realistic clinical experience using cmputerized patients and staff actrs.
    “Practicing n real peple can be a frightening envirnment, and as ur patients may be unwilling t accept treatment when a student walks in,” said Susana Barrs-Fernandez, wh versees UM’s simulatin (模拟) prgram. “We created this envirnment t allw students t practice and make mistakes and never put a patient r student at risk.”
    UM’s Simulatin Hspital is part f a grwing trend (趋势) f clleges building simulatin centers t prvide real-life experiences t students. Cmmunity clleges and schls als use simulatrs fr emergency medical technician (技师) and medical assistant prgrams.
    A 2014 study by the Natinal Cuncil f State Bards f Nursing fund that clleges culd use simulatin t replace up t half f all clinical experience withut any bad results. The students scred as well n nursing license exams as thse getting mst f their experience in hspitals and health care centers. Officials say they think simulatin has helped their students achieve nearly perfect passing rates n the exams.
    There are majr advantages f simulatin. In additin t giving students a safe envirnment t practice in, it als gives students experience with cnditins that are rare, but still imprtant fr them t knw hw t deal with.
    The Simulatin Hspital will als be used as a training place fr peple utside f UM, fficials said.
    “Yu can bring cmpanies in that want t test new prducts befre they g t market,” Barrs-Fernandez said. “Yu can wrk with cmmunity partners like plice and fire departments. Yu can take this hspital and turn it int a casualty (伤亡) event and have the cmmunity practice disaster preparedness and respnse. It’s nt just abut nursing educatin.”
    24. What is special abut the new hspital?
    A. It has mdern services and expert dctrs.
    B. It is cmfrtable and patient-friendly.
    C. There are plenty f clinics.
    D. There are n real patients.
    25. What did the 2014 study shw?
    A. Simulatin was used in mst clleges.
    B. Simulatin culd help students get jb chances.
    C. Simulatin culd avid sme unfavrable results.
    D. Simulatin increased the risks f patients and students.
    26. What d we knw abut UM’s simulatin prgram?
    A. Only unusual cnditins can be prvided fr students.
    B. Students can be trained in a safe envirnment.
    C. Students have chances t act as patients.
    D. It mainly invlves utdr training.
    27. What can be learned frm Barrs-Fernandez’s wrds in the last paragraph?
    A. This hspital can be widely used.
    B. She was nt satisfied with the nursing educatin.
    C. This hspital is gd at dealing with casualty events.
    D. She advised cmpanies t put mre mney int this hspital.
    Every year, abut 75,000 Great White Pelicans fly away frm Eastern Eurpe’s cld winter t East Africa, where they spend the summer. It’s a lng jurney and the main stp is in Israel.
    The Great White Pelican is a huge bird. It’s the largest bird in the wrld t make such a lng jurney. Its diet is mainly fish and it eats abut 1.4 kils each day.
    The pelicans lve t gather (聚集) in large numbers. Until recent years, there were plenty f water supplies (供给) in Israel. Frequently, the pelicans arrive in Israel tired. They cannt cntinue their lng jurney until they have rested. Hwever, fr a variety f reasns, these water supplies have dried up and the pelicans have had t find ther fd surces.
    Fish farming has becme big business in Israel. As yu may imagine, a fish farm is smething pelicans culd usually nly dream f! In the summer mnths when the Great White Pelicans passed thrugh, Israel’s fish farmers began t lse tns f fish. Sme farms were even frced t clse their business. Smething had t be dne.
    The Israel Ministry f Agriculture cnsidered the prblem carefully. Hw culd it stp 75,000 huge pelicans frm arriving in Israel? It decided this was nt pssible. It chse a place with a plentiful supply f water, and prvided mney fr lcal farmers t buy fd, which they fed t the pelicans. The pelicans sn understd this and nw arrive at the place t feed and rest. They n lnger have t rely n the fish farms fr fd.
    It’s a slutin that seems t have wrked. At ne pint, it lked as if the Ministry wuld stp the mney. One criticism was that with s much fd, the pelicans wuld never leave and wuld becme even mre expensive. Hwever, there was such utcry frm envirnmentalists and farmers that the mney remains.
    Perhaps their large numbers in Israel will attract birdwatchers frm all ver the wrld t visit the amazing sight, and turism can bring new incme t the cuntry.
    28. What can we learn abut Great White Pelicans?
    A. They are lners.
    B. They winter in Israel.
    C. They are gd at lng-distance flying.
    D. They reduce their intake during their jurney.
    29. What prblem did the fish farmers face?
    A. The pelicans damaged the lcal envirnment.
    B. Their farms were clsed by the gvernment.
    C. The water supplies were nt enugh.
    D. They suffered a heavy lss f fish.
    30. What measures did the gvernment take?
    A. They prevented the pelicans stpping in Israel.
    B. They encuraged farmers t develp turism.
    C. They gave farmers mney t farm mre fish.
    D. They fund a new place fr the pelicans.
    31. What is the authr’s attitude t the pelicans in Israel?
    A. Optimistic.
    B. Unclear.
    C. Dubtful.
    D. Uncncerned.
    I grew t be a tall girl but I tried t be as rdinary as pssible. At schl, I always chse a seat in the back f the rm, and never raised my hand in class. When I was 16, I went t my new schl. And I liked the English teacher. In my last year in high schl, hwever, we were tld that we were ging t have a new English teacher, Oliver Bascm.
    Oliver Bascm! My girlfriends and I laughed as we imagined a shrt and bald man. The situatin was nt funny, because this man wuld teach us fr the whle year.
    After we pened the dr, there in frnt f the blackbard, we saw a yung and handsme man!
    What fllwed was pandemnium (喧闹), seventeen-year-ld girls flying t get t seats in the frnt f the rm. And I managed t get a frnt and center desk.
    I really wanted t make a gd impressin n my new teacher, but I usually kept quiet. The day that directins were given fr ur first majr writing assignment (作业), I arrived late t class. A friend later gave me the guidelines and I thught I understd them. I wrked the whle weekend n the essay and waited nervusly fr Mr. Bascm’s evaluatin (评价).
    After three days, he arrived in class hlding the crrected papers. “I’ve chsen the ten best essays fr class discussin,” he said.
    Twenty minutes later, my heart sank (下沉) when he gt t the last essay, and I didn’t hear my name.
    “These are all great essays,” Mr. Bascm cntinued. “Hwever, I am nw ging t read yu the mst successful f all ...” We were all surprised as I was the authr f this unusual wrk.
    A different girl walked ut f the classrm that day. I knew that I had a new set f standards t live up t and that anything was pssible in the future. Finally, I raised my head.
    32. What was the authr’s prblem?
    A. She was deeply trubled by her height.
    B. She changed schls nw and then.
    C. She disliked her English teacher.
    D. She behaved badly in class.
    33. What was the students’ reactin when they saw their new teacher?
    A. They laughed at his name.
    B. They became quiet at nce.
    C. They rushed t get the back seats.
    D. They were surprised by his appearance.
    34. Why did the authr care abut Mr. Bascm’s evaluatin s much?
    A. She didn’t want t fail English.
    B. She didn’t understand the guidelines.
    C. She wanted t draw Mr. Bascm’s attentin.
    D. She spent such a lng time finishing her hmewrk.
    35. Hw did Mr. Bascm affect the authr?
    A. She came tp f the class in English.
    B. She decided t wrk harder at writing.
    C. She learned t deal with things in a new way.
    D. She dreamed f being a teacher in the future.
    Why d yu run? Different peple have different reasns. Whatever yur reasn, there’s ne thing we can be sure f: Running is much better injury-free. In his bk, Dr. Jrdan Metzl’s Running Strng, Metzl has the perfect suggestins fr enjying yur running withut lsing yur well-being. Here are five must-fllw rules fr injury-free running:
    1. Train fr yur level f fitness and yur gals.
    36 If yu run fr fitness and yur gal is 30 minutes a day, that’s cl. But if yu are just starting ut, yu need t get there slwly.
    2. Wear the right shes fr yur feet.
    Yu will hear lts f pinins abut whether running shes really help prevent injury and whether yu shuld even wear them. 37 And sme f yu may need a little added assistance frm inserts (鞋垫).
    3. 38
    Be hnest abut hw much sleep yu need and stick t it. The cl runner is the ne wh wins the race. Sleep will get yu there.
    4. Fuel yur bdy right fr running and recvery.
    39 And after a wrkut r race, yu need t deliver nutrients (传递营养物质) t all the bdy rebuilders in yur muscles (肌肉), s they can d their jb and get yu back int tip-tp shape fr yur run tmrrw.
    5. Pay attentin t pain.
    When pain changes the way yu run, stp running. 40 And use dynamic rest (动态休息) t stay in shape until yu are back n yur running feet.
    A. Try t find ut what’s ging n and treat it.
    B. Get seven t eight hurs f sleep every night.
    C. Running shuld be seen as fun rather than pain.
    D. Dn’t run mre miles than yur bdy can deal with.
    E. A gd pre-run meal plan is ne that keeps yu stepping strng.
    F. It is because f the health benefits, including lwering yur risk fr disease.
    G. The right running shes can help crrect ft-mvement prblems that lead t injury.

    I was fifteen and a high schl freshman when I started rapidly lsing weight. I was abut 130 punds, and I was 41 ten punds every cuple f weeks. I culdn’t understand why I was always hungry, thirsty, and never 42 . Every night I 43 five r six times, feeling like I had t g t the bathrm, but I never 44 had t. Finally, I decided t g t the hspital t 45 nthing bad was ging n.
    I remembered being 46 in the hspital, cnfused, hungry, and with an extremely 47 bld sugar level. The dctrs and nurses thught I might pass ut, s they injected (注射) me and tld me the 48 news I culd have imagined — 49 shwed that I had Type 1 juvenile diabetes (青少年1型糖尿病). I was s 50 that the nly questin I culd think t ask was, “Am I ging t die?” A nurse tld me t g ut, enjy a meal with my family, and 51 , because tmrrw my new, 52 life wuld begin.
    I dn’t remember what time I had t be at the hspital, 53 I knw it was early. Three nurses, ne dietician, and a dctr all trained me, ver the curse f tw days, t 54 me. Every needle (打针) hurt, but in sme way I began t feel 55 every time I was able t think abut the needles withut crying.
    Nw, nearly three years later, I still remember the 56 when the dctrs tld me I was a Type 1 diabetic. I’m 57 when I lk back that I was able t be strng, and that my family and friends 58 me. I’m nw tw mnths shy f eighteen. T this day, I have had 3,438 needle injectins, but each f them helps me t remember I must be strng. 59 , I am grateful fr my disease — it has made me the persn I am tday, and I wuld never 60 wh I am.
    41. A. keeping B. carrying C. drpping D. measuring
    42. A. satisfied B. tired C. determined D. excited
    43. A. std up B. wke upC. dressed up D. cheered up
    44. A. suddenly B. really C. cmpletely D. certainly
    45. A. pint ut B. explain C. make sure D. knw
    46. A. lked after B. perated n C. paid fr D. checked ver
    47. A. gd B. acceptable C. high D. safe
    48. A. latest B. interesting C. wrst D. imprtant
    49. A. tests B. researches C. instructins D. activities
    50. A. shy B. angry C. sad D. serius
    51. A. recver B. relax C. escape D. exercise
    52. A. meaningful B. difficult C. unfair D. special
    53. A. s B. and C. because D. but
    54. A. make fun f B. make use f C. take cntrl f D. take care f
    55. A. strnger B. healthier C. stranger D. simpler
    56. A. message B. dream C. feeling D. curage
    57. A. thankful B. regretful C. successful D. hpeful
    58. A. supprted B. crrected C. amazed D. advised
    59. A. Frtunately B. Dubtfully C. Naturally D. Surprisingly
    60. A. mind B. recgnize C. shape D. change

    The Gliath frg, the biggest frg in the wrld, lives in Camern and Equatrial Guinea. It is especially threatened by hunting fr 61. ________ (it) meat. S far, Gliath frgs 62. ________ (hunt) ut frm the areas arund villages. Rapid human ppulatin grwth means 63. ________ are fewer and fewer places far enugh frm human settlements 64. ________ the animals can be safe. The meat f the frgs is 65. ________ (high) prized and eaten in the frm f a special ‘gulash’. The species is als threatened by lss f its frest habitat.
    Because these frgs are a type f bushmeat and fd surce, the key t 66. ________ (success) cnservatin (保护) is in wrking directly with cmmunities hunting the species. The Camern Herpetlgy-Cnservatin Bilgy Fundatin, with the supprt f Glbal Wildlife Cnservatin, is leading the wrk 67. ________ (slve) the prblems f ver-hunting and habitat lss. By 68. ________ (get) cmmunity supprt, the Camern Herpetlgy-Cnservatin Bilgy Fundatin wrks t change behaviur and reduce hunting.
    There is als an urgent need t better understand the breeding bilgy f the species. As an 69. ________ (endanger) amphibian (两栖动物), the Gliath frg is symblic f many f the prblems facing frgs. At present, 40 per cent f amphibians are 70. ________ risk f extinctin.

    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    My grandmther dn’t even knw hw t call smene frm a mbile phne. Last week I read reprt and it said unless senirs feel cnnecting t technlgy, it can be harmful fr their physical and mental (精神的) health. Being able t use a mbile phne can help imprve their healthy. Therefre, I decided t teach she hw t use ne. Nw she can nt nly make calls, and she can als text and play games t have a fun. She asked me t teach her friends as well, t that I gladly agreed. Her friends were all quite happily. Nw I’m thinking abut teach them mre new things.
    ​1. 濒危野生动物的现状; ​2. 分析原因; ​3. 可采取的措施。
    Gd mrning, everyne. It’s my great hnur t stand here and share my views n hw t prtect endangered wildlife.
    That’s all. Thanks fr yur listening.

    In a warehuse (仓库) east f Ls Angeles, Richard Medina emplyed “Black Cat” t keep mice frm stealing the drinks and fds that were stred there.
    Black Cat is ne f many neutered feral cats (绝育的流浪猫) that “n-kill” shelters are giving t businesses and peple t help cntrl animals like mice, and t save cats’ lives.
    Medina received his animals thrugh a wrking cat prgram at the Ls Angeles shelter f the Best Friends Animal Sciety. The rganizatin is trying t end unnecessary pet euthanasia (安乐死).
    But placing cats in businesses can nly help a little with the prblem f unwanted pets.
    Thugh the number f animals euthanized in shelters has been decreasing (减少), abut 860,000 cats are still killed each year. Many city shelters dn’t have space t huse them and many are t wild t make gd huse pets.
    Wrking cats start ut living n the streets, where they learn t fear humans, says Marc Peralta, wh runs Best Friends’ Ls Angeles shelter. Sme are caught by animal cntrl fficers and brught t shelters run by the city — which is where Best Friends mainly gets its wrking cats.
    Besides businesses, the prgram has placed cats with peple wh need help in the cuntryside.
    Brittany Srgenstein raises plants, sheep and a rabbit n her land. She culd nt get away frm the mice. Thrugh the Best Friends Animal Sciety, she fund ut abut the wrking cat adptin prgram and decided t give it a try. Last year, she raised tw cats.
    It’s nt always perfect. They may kill birds r ther wildlife, which is why sme envirnmental activists are against putting hmeless cats back int sciety, says Rebekah DeHaven, a spkesman fr an animal rights rganizatin. But she added that mst cmmunities dn’t see these cats as a large prblem if they are fixed and disease-free.
    1. What did Black Cat d in a warehuse?
    A. He was placed there t accept euthanasia.
    B. He helped cntrl ther pets there.
    C. He escaped there t survive.
    D. He was wrking there.
    2. What is the aim f the Best Friends Animal Sciety?
    A. T save pets frm unnecessary euthanasia.
    B. T send hmeless cats t peple as pets.
    C. T prvide space fr hmeless pets.
    D. T train animals t help peple.
    3. Why did Brittany Srgenstein adpt tw cats?
    A. T find playmates fr her rabbit.
    B. T help huse hmeless animals.
    C. T slve her muse prblem.
    D. T save them frm illness.
    4. Why d sme peple disagree t put hmeless cats int sciety?
    A. These cats may spread disease.
    B. They fear these cats may d harm t peple.
    C. These cats may be dangerus fr sme animals.
    D. They think staying in a shelter is better fr these cats.
    Sixty years ag, Manchester United was said t be the finest sccer team that Great Britain had prduced since Wrld War II. It had wn three league titles (联赛冠军) between 1952 and 1957. But in February 1958, the Manchester United team, tgether with its management and jurnalists, travelled t Belgrade t take part in a Eurpean Cup match. The team was successful and was returning hme t Manchester knwing that it was thrugh t the Eurpean Cup semi-finals (半决赛).
    In thse days, even shrt jurneys required several stps s the plane culd be refueled. On 6th February 1958, the team stpped at Munich-Riem Airprt in West Germany t refuel. As everyne waited, it began t snw and the weather grew wrse and wrse.
    Finally, the plane was ready. Fallen snw was beginning t melt n the runway. Players lked ut f the windw nervusly. The plane tried t take ff nce and then a secnd time. It went fr a third try. If this failed, the team wuld have had t stay in West Germany vernight. N ne wanted that.
    The plane raced alng the 600-metre-lng runway and everything lked fine. Then, the engines (引擎) began t lse pwer. There was n take-ff and the plane crashed int a ball f fire at the end f the runway.
    Seven Manchester United players were killed in the crash, as were three club staff and eight jurnalists. The famus Manchester United team had lst ver half f its players. Many thught that there wuld be n chance f the club cntinuing. The city f Manchester began t murn (哀悼).
    In the fllwing weeks and mnths, a Manchester United side was made up frm the reserve and yuth teams. In its very first match fllwing the disaster, it beat Sheffield Wednesday 3-0, even thugh nly tw f the riginal team players were fit t play.
    Slwly, and under the guidance f Matt Busby, new players were signed up. Amngst them were Gerge Best and Denis Law, wh became the next generatin (代) f superstars.
    5. Manchester United went t Belgrade in February 1958 t .
    A. watch a Eurpean Cup match
    B. d an interview there
    C. accept a prize
    D. play a match
    6. Why did the team stp at Munich-Riem Airprt?
    A. There was nt enugh fuel t supprt the distance.
    B. The players were t nervus t fly.
    C. The engines f the plane lst pwer.
    D. The weather was t bad.
    7. What des the underlined wrd “that” in Paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. The plane.
    B. Heavy snw.
    C. A frzen runway.
    D. An vernight stp.
    8. What happened after the air disaster?
    A. The reserve left the team.
    B. The team lst the first match.
    C. The team brught in sme new bld.
    D. Many superstars were signed up at nce.
    1-5 CBBAA 6-10 BBACC 11-15 BAABC 16-20 CABAC
    21-25 CCBDC 26-30 BACDD 31-35 AADCC 36-40 DGBEA
    41-45 CABBC 46-50 DCCAC 51-55 BBDDA 56-60 CAADD
    61. its 62. have been hunted 63. there 64. where
    65. highly 66. successful 67. t slve 68. getting
    69. endangered 70. at
    71. ... dn’t even knw ... dn’t → didn’t
    72. ... I read reprt ... reprt前加a
    73. ... feel cnnecting t ... cnnecting → cnnected
    74. ... imprve their healthy. healthy → health
    75. ... t teach she ... she → her
    76. ... and she can ... and → but或去掉and
    77. ... have a fun. 去掉a
    78. ... t that I ... that → which
    79. ... all quite happily. happily → happy
    80. ... teach them mre ... teach → teaching
    One pssible versin:
    Gd mrning, everyne. It’s my great hnur t stand here and share my views n hw t prtect endangered wildlife.
    Animals are ur friends and each species is essential fr keeping the balance f nature. Hwever, an astnishing number f wild species becme endangered r even extinct every year. One f the majr reasns is illegal hunting driven by demands fr mney. And anther knwn cause is habitat lss due t the veruse f frest and grassland.
    Therefre, it’s high time we tk measures t prtect wildlife frm extinctin. Nt nly shuld mre natural reserves be established, but als we teenagers shuld fight fr the cause f wildlife prtectin, starting frm saying n t all kinds f wildlife prducts. Only in this way can we save the animals in danger befre it’s t late.
    That’s all. Thanks fr yur listening.

    主题语境:人与自我 —— 生活与学习
    21. C。细节理解题。由What I Saw n the Hibiscus Airship介绍内容中的What I Saw n the Hibiscus Airship is a stry f adventure and family可知,这本书讲述了关于冒险和家庭的故事。
    22. C。细节理解题。由The Tiger and the Lepardess介绍内容中的In this stry, The Tiger and the Lepardess, will hate r lve influence their relatinship可知,该书的作者在此书中探讨了爱与恨。
    23. B。 细节理解题。由Escape t America介绍内容中的This stry f hw the authr’s curage and determinatin helped him survive in difficult cnditins will encurage readers t find their wn happiness可知,该书结合了作者自身的经历,讲述了作者如何用勇气与决心克服困难的故事。
    主题语境:人与社会 —— 科学与技术
    24. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的The nly thing missing is patients. Instead, nursing students get a realistic clinical experience using cmputerized patients and staff actrs可知,医院利用电脑化的假病人与扮演工作人员的演员来训练学生。
    25. C。细节理解题。由第五段中的clleges culd use simulatin t replace up t half f all clinical experience withut any bad results可知,使用模拟情景训练学生可以避免不好的结果。
    26. B。细节理解题。由第六段中的In additin t giving students a safe envirnment t practice in可知,模拟训练可以为学生提供一个相对安全的环境。
    27. A。推理判断题。由最后一段中Barrs-Fernandez所说的话可知,医院可以用来帮助公司试验新药,让社区民众练习灾难准备与应对措施,它的用途不只在于护理教育;由此可推知,这类医院可以广泛用于其他的用途。
    主题语境:人与自然 —— 自然生态
    28. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的It’s a lng jurney and the main stp is in Israel以及第二段中的It’s the largest bird in the wrld t make such a lng jurney可知,白鹈鹕擅长长距离飞行。
    29. D。细节理解题。由第四段中的Israel’s fish farmers began t lse tns f fish可知,每年当地农民因为白鹈鹕的到来都会损失数吨的鱼。
    30. D。细节理解题。由第五段中的It chse a place with a plentiful supply f water, and prvided mney fr lcal farmers t buy fd, which they fed t the pelicans可知,政府为白鹈鹕重新选择了一处食物供应充足的地方。
    31. A。推理判断题。由最后一段的Perhaps their large numbers in Israel will attract birdwatchers frm all ver the wrld t visit the amazing sight, and turism can bring new incme t the cuntry可知,作者认为以色列境内的白鹈鹕可能为发展旅游业、增加人们的收入注入新的活力。由此可知,他对以色列白鹈鹕这一问题持乐观的态度。
    主题语境:人与社会 —— 人际沟通
    32. A。 细节理解题。由第一段的I grew t be a tall girl but I tried t be as rdinary as pssible ... and never raised my hand in class可知,作者因为身高问题,尽可能地让自己不那么显眼,故身高是困扰作者的问题。
    33. D。 细节理解题。由第二段中的My girlfriends and I laughed as we imagined a shrt and bald man以及第三段的we saw a yung and handsme man可知,他们想象中的老师其貌不扬,然而令他们意想不到的是老师本人却年轻英俊。
    34. C。细节理解题。由第五段中的I really wanted t make a gd impressin n my new teacher可知,作者想给老师留一个好的印象。
    35. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的I knew that I had a new set f standards t live up t and that anything was pssible in the future可知,作者学会了思考事物的新思路。
    主题语境:人与自我 —— 生活与学习
    36. D。由下文中的If yu run fr fitness and yur gal is 30 minutes a day, that’s cl可知,每天跑步应该在身体承受的范围之内。
    37. G。由上文中的whether running shes really help prevent injury and whether yu shuld even wear them可知,好的跑鞋可以纠正脚在鞋内的移动,避免因这些移动而产生伤害。
    38. B。由下文中的Be hnest abut hw much sleep yu need and stick t it可知,该小标题与睡眠有关,建议人们每天应保证7到8小时的睡眠。
    39. E。由上文中的Fuel yur bdy right fr running and recvery以及下文中的yu need t deliver nutrients t all the bdy rebuilders可知,跑前进食的计划可以帮助你变得强壮。
    40. A。由上文中的When pain changes the way yu run, stp running可知,一旦发现疼痛,应立刻停止跑步,检查问题出在哪里,并及时治疗。
    41. C。根据上文中的I started rapidly lsing weight可知,作者的体重下降得很快,每几周就“降(drpping)”十磅。
    42. A。根据上文中的I was always hungry, thirsty可知,作者总感觉饥饿,口渴,永不“满足(satisfied)”。
    43. B。44. B。根据文中的feeling like I had t g t the bathrm, but ...可知,作者每晚总会“醒来(wke up)”五六次,却并不是“真的(really)”需要去厕所。
    45. C。根据上文中对各种症状的描述可知,作者最终决定去医院做检查来“确定(make sure)”自己没有问题。
    46. D。根据下文中的in the hspital及bld sugar level可知,作者去医院接受了“检查(checked ver)”。
    47. C。48. C。49. A。根据文中的The dctrs and nurses thught I might pass ut, s they injected me及I had Type 1 juvenile diabetes可知,作者的血糖水平很“高(high)”,医生和护士告诉了作者他所能想到的“最坏的(wrst)”消息——“化验(tests)”显示作者罹患了1型糖尿病。
    50. C。根据该空后的the nly questin I culd think t ask was, “Am I ging t die?”可知,作者非常“难过(sad)”。
    51. B。52. B。根据上文中的A nurse tld me t g ut, enjy a meal with my family及下文中作者接受治疗的描述可知,一位护士让作者去和家人吃顿饭“放松(relax)”一下,因为第二天作者新的、“艰苦的(difficult)”生活就会开始。
    53. D。I dn’t remember what time I had t be at the hspital(“我”不知道自己什么时候得到医院)与I knw it was early(“我”知道很早)之间是转折关系,故选but(但是)。
    54. D。根据上文中Three nurses, ne dietician, and a dctr all trained me, ver the curse f tw days可知,医护人员是在“照顾(take care f)”作者。
    55. A。根据上文中的Every needle hurt及下文中的I was able t think abut the needles withut crying可知,作者开始觉得自己“越来越坚强(strnger)”。
    56. C。根据上文中作者对自己发病、确诊及治疗的描述可知,作者仍然记得当初医生告诉自己罹患糖尿病时的“感觉(feeling)”。
    57. A。58. A。根据文中的when I lk back that I was able t be strng可知,作者对于自己能坚强面对病痛和家人朋友能够“支持(supprted)”自己,内心是非常“感激的(thankful)”。
    59. D。60. D。根据本段中的T this day, I have had 3,438 needle injectins, but each f them helps me t remember I must be strng及it has made me the persn I am tday可知,作者“惊奇地(Surprisingly)”发现自己竟然很感谢这场病,因为自己已由原先患病时的悲伤无助变得坚强,而且作者会继续做坚强的人,不会“改变(change)”。
    61. its。考查代词。设空处在此表示所属,意为“它的”,故填its。
    62. have been hunted。考查现在完成时的被动语态。由前面的S far可知,应用现在完成时,又因为Gliath frgs与hunt之间是被动关系,故填have been hunted。
    63. there。考查there be句型。设空处所在句意为:人类人口的迅速增长意味着离人类社区足够远的对动物来说安全的地带越来越少,故填there。
    64. where。考查关系副词。设空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰places,且在从句中作地点状语,故填where。
    65. highly。考查副词。设空处修饰谓语,表示“高度地”,故填 highly。
    66. successful。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处作定语修饰cnservatin,表示“成功的”,故填successful。
    67. t slve。考查不定式作状语的用法。进行这项工作的目的是解决过度捕杀和栖息地减少的问题,故填t slve。
    68. getting。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作by的宾语,故填getting。
    69. endangered。考查过去分词作定语的用法。设空处作定语修饰amphibian,表示“濒危的”,故填endangered。
    70. at。考查介词。at risk f ...意为“有……的风险”。

    1-4 DACC 5-8 DADC
    主题语境:人与社会 —— 社会服务
    1. D。推理判断题。由第一段中的t keep mice frm stealing the drinks and fds that were stred there 可知,它被安排在仓库中,保护饮食免受老鼠的破坏。
    2. A。细节理解题。由第三段中的The rganizatin is trying t end unnecessary pet euthanasia可知,该组织希望通过努力来结束动物没有必要的安乐死。
    3. C。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的She culd nt get away frm the mice可知,她的田园深受鼠患所害,故收养两只猫来解决这一问题。
    4. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的They may kill birds r ther wildlife, which is why sme envirnmental activists are against putting hmeless cats back int sciety可知,这些猫偶尔会误杀鸟或者其他动植物,故而一些环保主义者反对将流浪猫放回社会。
    主题语境:人与社会 —— 体育
    5. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的the Manchester United team, tgether with its management and jurnalists, travelled t Belgrade t take part in a Eurpean Cup match可知,他们去Belgrade参加欧洲杯的比赛。
    6. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的On 6th February 1958, the team stpped at Munich-Riem Airprt in West Germany t refuel可知,他们停留在此处是为了添加燃油。
    7. D。篇章结构题。由第三段中的If this failed, the team wuld have had t stay in West Germany vernight可知,如果飞机起飞再失败,他们将不得不在此处过夜。但没人希望在此处过夜。
    8. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的Slwly, and under the guidance f Matt Busby, new players were signed up可知,球队在Matt Busby的指导下招募了新的球员。

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