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    2020-2021学年Module 6 War and Peace单元测试一课一练

    这是一份2020-2021学年Module 6 War and Peace单元测试一课一练,共24页。

    My name is Christian Dmings. I have a SuperDAD in my life. Every kid dreams abut ne day being just like his dad. I have a dream t be ne day like a SuperDAD wh isn't my real dad. My SuperDAD is my best friend, my her, my superman, Ruben Trevin. Ruben wrks as a prject manager. In my eyes, a SuperDAD's behavir is what sets them apart frm all thers.
    Ruben is said t be knwn by his quiet curage and determinatin in his wrk. He is the surce f strength in my family. He prvides me with guidance and stability (稳定). He desn't just guide me, listen t me and shw me hw t lead my life; he's the man I want t be like. I admire him fr his intellectual ability, friendly behavir, lving nature and kindness. He has always been an inspiring (鼓舞人心的) example in my life.
    I want t be just like him when I get lder and nt fr all f his gd qualities, but fr his heart. My mm gt sick with cancer years back as ur family went thrugh sme hard times. During thse hard times, Ruben shwed me hw t get thrugh my wn hard times at schl — I was being bullied (欺凌) — and still be supprtive and strng at hme. He didn't teach me t be tugh and hurt anther persn. He taught me hw t have a heart. He put things in perspective (正确处理事情) and said that the kid was prbably having a hard day. Over time, Ruben has taught me t lead with my heart. I like being me and hw Ruben led me t be the persn I am tday.
    Ruben is a wnderful man. He is the persn in my life that I can trust the mst. I culd tell my mther anything in the wrld and she'll understand me, but Ruben was there fr me when my mther culdn't be. That is a true SuperDAD, being behind the heart and sul (灵魂) f a family in gd times and bad.
    21. What can we infer abut Ruben Trevin?
    A. He is every kid's dream superman.
    B. He behaves rather differently frm thers.
    C. He is a respectable man f great character.
    D. He helps many families in ne way r anther.
    22. What did Ruben d when the authr was bullied?
    A. He helped punish the bully.
    B. He tld him t fight back bravely.
    C. He patiently taught the bully a lessn.
    D. He tld him t be generus and frgiving.
    23. What kind f feeling des the authr shw in the text?
    A. Admiratin.
    B. Sympathy.
    C. Wrry.
    D. Dissatisfactin.
    Only thrilling fr art addicts
    Twards the end f the Secnd Wrld War, Twards the end f the Secnd Wrld War, America sent a special grup f sldiers t Eurpe t restre famus art pieces t their rightful wners. The Mnuments Men, directed by Gerge Clney, is inspired by this culture-preserving task.
    Set in 1943, histrian Frank Stkes (Clney) successfully persuades the US president f the need t get back stlen art frm the Nazis. Frank believes nly by returning the art pieces t their wners can civilizatin develp as a whle.
    S he gathers seven fine arts and histry experts; after sme basic training, the grup went int the heart f the battlefield t recver missing art pieces.
    Thugh there's sme enjyable acting, the film suffers frm a lack f fcus.
    The script (剧本) is nt particularly amusing either: nearly tw-hur search nly manages t raise a few laughs, and far mre yawns cvered by ppcrn-cated hands.
    If yu're an art lver, I suppse the simple idea f saving art alne may be abslutely thrilling.
    — Chris Lau
    Brutal (残忍的), beautiful fighter
    The film 12 Years a Slave will make yur heart break, but als sing in celebratin f the amazing strength f the human spirit.
    British directr Steve McQueen's mvie is all the mre remarkable because it is based n a true stry. Chiwetel Ejifr, stars as Slmn Nrthup, a black man whse happy life is turned upside dwn.
    The educated vilinist is brn a free man in New Yrk state. He is abducted (绑架), and taken t the Deep Suth and sld as a slave.
    He is passed between wners, trtured (折磨) and even left fr dead, yet remains determined t lift his spirits and thse f ther slaves.
    It's nt an easy film t watch because f the many heartbreaking scenes: lynchings, whippings, assaults. These scenes frce us t see the brutal reality f slavery — and questin nw things culd have been allwed t g s wrng.
    Ejifr impresses the audience with his ability t express suffering with the simplest f facial expressins n his face.
    It's n surprise this has been nminated (提名) fr nine Oscars.
    — Mabel Sieh
    24. What was the grup's aim in the mvie The Mnuments Men?
    A. T recrd Wrld War II.
    B. T perfrm military duties.
    C. T prtect the US president.
    D. T rescue artistic masterpieces.
    25. Hw des Chris Lau find The Mnuments Men?
    A. Tuching.
    B. Exciting.
    C. Uninteresting.
    D. Cnfusing.
    26. What can we knw abut the mvie 12 Years a Slave?
    A. It wn nine Oscar awards.
    B. It is full f fighting and vilence.
    C. It is inspiring thugh heartbreaking.
    D. It's set during the American Civil War.
    27. In which clumn f a newspaper wuld yu prbably find the text?
    A. Literature.
    B. Entertainment.
    C. Interview.
    D. Educatin.

    Abut 20,000 years ag, much f Eurpe, Asia, Nrth and Suth America was cvered by huge sheets (片) f ice, each many kilmetres thick. Since then, the ice has gradually melted and the ice sheets have retreated. Tday, the nly ice sheets n Earth's land masses are fund in Antarctica and Greenland. Sme ice als ccurs as glaciers (冰河) in muntainus regins and as flating ice fles (浮冰块) in the Arctic Ocean and arund Antarctica.
    At first sight, these remte left-vers frm the last Ice Age seem f little imprtance fr mst f us tday. Hwever, nthing culd be further frm the truth. Many scientists believe that ur planet is warming as a result f the greenhuse gases that we are pumping int the atmsphere. If the planet becmes warmer, the ice sheets will start t melt, causing sea level t rise perhaps several metres by the end f this century. Such a rise wuld cause widespread flding f lw-lying castal areas and threaten many large cities.
    Observatins frm space suggest that parts f the majr ice sheets are beginning t melt mre rapidly. Meanwhile, recent satellite images have als shwn that unusually large areas f sea ice have been melting during the Arctic summer. Althugh sea level will nt be affected by the melting f the flating ice, there will be ther imprtant envirnmental changes. Fr example, ice sheets act like a mirrr, reflecting (反射) sunlight and cling Earth. If the ice disappears, Earth is likely t becme warmer and majr climate changes culd ccur. Wildlife living in the plar regins may als be destryed.
    28. What des the underlined wrd “retreated” in Paragraph 1 prbably mean?
    A. Grwn.
    B. Reduced.
    C. Frmed.
    D. Disappeared.
    29. What's mst cmmn peple's attitude twards the ice sheets?
    A. Optimistic.
    B. Critical.
    C. Sincere.
    D. Uncncerned.
    30. What wuld happen if the greenhuse gases cntinue t increase?
    A. Vast amunts f land will be flded.
    B. Large cities in the wrld will disappear.
    C. The sea level will drp t its lwest level.
    D. Glbal temperatures will drp sharply.
    31. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. Ice sheets melt faster than flating ice.
    B. The melting f flating ice isn't damaging.
    C. Sea ice melting will have disastrus effects.
    D. Space research cntributes t climate changes.

    Fr mst f us Veterans Day just means a chance t enjy an extra day ff frm schl r wrk. Hwever this Nvember 11th, be sure t spend a few minutes n its true purpse, by acknwledging (感谢) the men and wmen wh have served in ur armed frces.
    And yu dn't have t stp at just this ne day. Jin the ver 10,000 yuth members f the Yung Marines grup that hnr these brave men and wmen all year lng with special events and cmpletely spil (宠坏) them fr an entire week, frm Nvember 4th t 11th, by visiting hspitalized veterans, perfrming chres (杂务) fr disabled veterans and even rganizing cmmunity-wide scial events. The prgram pen t kids ranging frm the age f eight all the way t high schl, is a great way t nt nly shw yur appreciatin, but als get a chance t d sme fun activities with like-minded kids and make a real difference in a veteran's life.
    Peple ften believe that Memrial Day and Veterans Day are celebrated fr the same reasn. There is hwever a subtle but imprtant difference between the tw. While bth hnr ur military persnnel, the frmer is a day t remember and pay respect t all the men and wmen that died serving ur cuntry in a war, while Veterans Day is t celebrate the sldiers wh are still alive and served in the frces at any time, during peace r war.
    Thugh several ther cuntries celebrate this day in hnr f their wn veterans, the meaning is slightly different fr each ne. Sme like the United Kingdm, celebrate it in hnr f all sldiers — living r dead, while thers like Canada celebrate it t hnr all living veterans. They als call it different names. France and New Zealand still call it Armistice Day. In the United Kingdm, Australia and Canada it is referred t as Remembrance Day, while Malta and Suth Africa celebrate it as Pppy Day.
    N matter what it is called, the reasn fr bserving the day is the same — t shw ur appreciatin t the brave men and wmen wh sacrifice everything t make this wrld a safer place fr the rest f us.
    32. What's the prime purpse f Veterans Day?
    A. T let peple have ne mre day ff.
    B. T shw respect fr sldiers' cntributins.
    C. T rganize fun activities fr schl children.
    D. T celebrate America's success in wrld wars.
    33. What can kids d at the Yung Marines grup prgram?
    A. Help take care f sick veterans.
    B. Organize parties fr disabled veterans.
    C. Share stries with veterans and ther kids.
    D. Entertain veterans by singing and dancing.
    34. What can we learn abut Memrial Day?
    A. It is in remembrance f war dead.
    B. It is anther name fr Veterans Day.
    C. It is bserved n Nvember 11th every year.
    D. It hnrs sldiers wh are serving in the military.
    35. What is Paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. The rigin f Veterans Day.
    B. The Histry f Veterans Day.
    C. Veterans Day arund the wrld.
    D. The bservance f Veterans Day.
    Why yu shuld read every day
    When was the last time yu read a bk? D yur daily reading habits center arund tweets r Facebk updates (更新)? If yu're ne f cuntless peple wh dn't make a habit f reading regularly, yu might be missing ut. Reading has many benefits, and just a few benefits f reading are listed belw.
    Mental Stimulatin (振奋精神)
    Studies have shwn that staying mentally stimulated can slw (r pssibly even prevent) the prgress f Alzheimer's and Dementia. 36 Just like any ther muscle in the bdy, the brain requires exercise t keep it strng and healthy.
    Wider Knwledge
    Everything yu read fills yur head with new bits f infrmatin, and yu never knw when it might cme in handy. 37
    Stress Reductin
    N matter hw much stress yu have at wrk, in yur persnal relatinships, r cuntless ther prblems, it all just slips away when yu lse yurself in a great stry. 38 And an interesting article will distract yu and keep yu in the present mment, allwing yu t relax.
    When yu read a bk, all f yur attentin is fcused n the stry — the rest f the wrld just falls away, and yu can immerse (沉浸) yurself in every fine detail yu're absrbing. Try reading fr 15 t 20 minutes befre wrk, and yu'll be surprised at hw much mre fcused yu are nce yu get t the ffice.
    Tranquility (安宁)
    40 Reading spiritual texts can lwer bld pressure and bring abut a sense f calm, while reading self-help bks has been shwn t help peple suffering frm certain md disrders r mental illnesses.
    A. Strnger thinking skills
    B. Imprved fcus and cncentratin
    C. A well-written nvel can transprt yu t ther wrlds.
    D. Reading a gd bk can als bring abut great inner peace.
    E. That's because keeping yur brain active prevents it frm lsing pwer.
    F. Reading bks is als imprtant fr learning new languages and cultures.
    G. The mre knwledge yu have, the better-equipped yu are t deal with yur future challenges.
    I believe that with hard wrk and dedicatin (奉献) anything can be achieved. In life I had a 41 that taught me this exact belief.
    The symbl that 42 me f this hard wrk and dedicatin is my Lewandwski jersey (运动衫). This jersey has been an imprtant 43 f my life fr a lng time. In cllege, I 44 it n many ccasins t play sccer. The day I 45 hard wrk and dedicatin culd get a persn t where he wanted t be, was just the 46 day I received my jersey. My family was n a vacatin in Pland. One day, my dad 47 me t my first Plish Internatinal Friendly. This was a sccer 48 that was played in Pland against ther natinal teams. The purpse f the game was t wrk hard t win. My dad 49 me my Lewandwski jersey befre we entered the 50 . Lewandwski had been having an amazing seasn as Pland's 51 gal scring striker.
    The day we went, Pland was playing Germany. Germany was the 52 team in the wrld, and Pland was abut the twentieth. 53 , it was bvius that Germany was ging t win easily. Hwever, Lewandwski didn't 54 it that way. He was determined t wrk hard and scre sme gals fr Pland, and t hpefully win. Lewandwski 55 twice alne and he tgether with his teammates cntinued t fight 56 hard. I saw Lewandwski sweating and dwnright exhausted frm the incredible game. 57 the Plish team wn.
    I saw what hard wrk lked like. I made up my mind t becme the best that I can be. The jersey fr me is a(n) 58 f what it takes t becme 59 great. It shws me that it takes hard wrk and determinatin t 60 the gals that we want t achieve.
    41. A. prblem B. truth C. teacher D. lessn
    42. A. reminds B. infrms C. warns D. persuades
    43. A. event B. part C. dream D. mment
    44. A. liked B. nticed C. wre D. valued
    45. A. imagined B. guessed C. dubted D. realized
    46. A. previus B. same C. fllwing D. ther
    47. A. invited B. intrduced C. tk D. allwed
    48. A. game B. team C. ball D. activity
    49. A. lent B. fund C. gave D. bught
    50. A. grund B. theater C. stadium D. hall
    51. A. cmmn B. tp C. prud D. last
    52. A. best B. newest C. busiest D. rapidest
    53. A. Then B. Besides C. Instead D. Therefre
    54. A. play B. learn C. see D. keep
    55. A. cmpeted B. scred C. rested D. appeared
    56. A. extremely B. exactly C. simply D. regularly
    57. A. In time B. In ttal C. At nce D. At last
    58. A. memry B. sign C. effrt D. attempt
    59. A. anything B. everything C. smething D. nthing
    60. A. reach B. catch C. build D. decide
    In advance f the Allied landings at Nrmandy, the British planned the aerial bmbing f the Amiens Prisn in nrthwest France.
    On February 18, 1944, 18 f the legendary Msquit fighter-bmbers (蚊式轰炸机) carried ut the plan 61. ________ (free) the 700 French Resistance members 62. ________ (lck) up there. The weather that day was s bad that ne f the pilts thught 63. ________ it was a seemingly impssible task. Hwever, the grup still 64. ________ (fly) acrss the English Channel at just 15 meters abve the waves, thugh five had t turn back due t radi and engine prblems. Nw dwn t 13 planes, Grup Captain Charles Pickard carried n 65. ________ the raid.
    At 12:01 pm, the bmbers attacked the prisn wall t allw the prisners 66. ________ rute f escape. They went n t destry the blcks where German fficers were standing guard, many f 67. ________ were killed r wunded. Tw Msquits als attacked the nearby train statin, 68. ________ (buy) the prisners time while the German sldiers were distracted. Only tw aircraft were lst in the attack. While 258 prisners escaped, 102 69. ________ (kill) in the raid and anther 155 were caught and kept as prisners. Even tday the sheer skill and curage shwn by the Msquit pilts are cnsidered t be 70. ________ (true) admirable.
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Tday Mr. Zhang, ur English teacher, tld us what t imprve ur English writing skills. The ability t write in English is becming increasing imprtant in English cmmunicatin as well as in examinatins. Thus, it is wrth fcus ur attentin n.
    In rder t write a gd essay, we shuld had an excellent cmmand f ver 2,000 frequently-used English wrd. It's necessary and useful fr them t read r even recite beautiful English articles. Beside, as the saying ges, that “Practice makes perfect”, s we shuld take every pssible chance t write in English.
    Accrding t my persnal experience, keep a diary every day is a gd means t achieve the aim. I hpe Mr. Zhang will suggest in ur class.
    上周五你班组织同学们参观了抗日战争纪念馆(Anti-Japanese War Museum),请你给校英文报写一篇报道,介绍你们的参观过程。内容主要包括:
    1. 观看墙上有关抗日战争的照片;
    2. 听老军人讲述战争经历;
    3. 与老军人合影;
    4. 同学们的感受。
    注意:1. 词数100左右(开头已给出,但不计入总词数);2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Last Friday, ur class visited the Anti-Japanese War Museum.

    Madeleine Liu and Angela Wang are bth students in Grade 11 at Vancuver's West Pint Grey Academy. Last night they wn the first prize in Startup Weekend Vancuver's 7th yearly cmpetitin. They were awarded $10,000 fr their newly created cmpany they've named Culitech.
    Their gal is t develp a line f smart cutlery (knives, frks and spns used fr eating). The instruments will use a technlgy called near-infrared spectrmetry (近红外光谱法) t warn users abut the nutritinal (营养的) cntent in their fd, as well as the presence f allergens (过敏原), pisns and bacteria.
    The prducts are still in the research-and-develpment stage. The teens are nw trying t reduce the size f a spectrmeter s they can cmmercialize (使供应市场) this prduct.
    Ms. Liu and Ms. Wang are hpeful that their new prduct will nt nly be gd business but will help peple arund the wrld.
    “In Canada, ne in 13 peple have a fd allergy, and in the US every three minutes smebdy is sent t the emergency rm fr a fd-related allergy,” Ms. Liu said. “S right nw there is a need fr medical inventin.”
    Fr Ms. Wang, the mtivatin behind the prduct is a bit mre persnal. She riginally thught f smart cutlery as a slutin t help fight the spread f helicbacter pylri, a dangerus bacterium that can lead t cancer and is cmmn in China.
    “I realized there's a need fr this prduct because my mm has helicbacter pylri,” she said.
    S the prduct can be made t fit these tw very specific needs. The teens hpe a bacteria-specific versin f the prduct can be marketed in China. The ther versin, which fcuses n identifying allergens and alerting users abut nutritinal cntent, may find its hme in Nrth America.
    But while building a successful business is imprtant t Ms. Liu, she said her lng-term gal is t be able t help peple. She als plans t create scial rganizatins in the future.
    “I've been thinking f ne that can help peple that are unemplyed get an educatin r find a jb,” she said.
    Bth girls have yet t decide where they want t g t university, but they are sure they want t study science and business, and get the skills t make Culitech a reality.
    1. Fr what purpse is the teens' inventin used?
    A. Cking mre delicius fd.
    B. Making fd mre nutritinal.
    C. Offering infrmatin abut fd safety.
    D. Helping teenagers learn mre abut light.
    2. What inspired Angela Wang t invent the prduct?
    A. The prblems f fd-related allergies.
    B. The serius harm f a type f bacteria.
    C. The strng wish t win the first prize.
    D. The big prfits n medical prducts.
    3. What d we learn abut the new prduct?
    A. It will be used by dctrs.
    B. It is sld at very lw prices.
    C. It has been put n the market.
    D. It will be designed int tw types.
    4. Fr Madeleine Liu, what is her life's ambitin?
    A. Study at a first-class university.
    B. Wrk fr the welfare f the public.
    C. Make Culitech a reality immediately.
    D. Have a successful career in educatin.
    5. What des the text mainly tell us abut?
    A. Smart cutlery develped by tw teens.
    B. The exciting persnal life f tw girls.
    C. A newly created cmpany's rapid grwth.
    D. Startup Weekend Vancuver's cmpetitin.
    A particularly wet summer in the Midwest may mean fewer pumpkin pies n hliday tables this fall. Pumpkin brand Libby's, wned by Nestlé, supplies abut 80 percent f the canned pumpkin used wrldwide. This fall, the cmpany reprts that unusually sggy weather has left farmers with abut half as many pumpkins as usual.
    Libby's depends n a special strain (品种) f pumpkins grwn in Illinis, knwn as Libby's Select Dickinsn pumpkins. Dickinsn pumpkins are especially well suited fr baking — they're different frm the pumpkins typically carved int jack-' -lanterns.
    Plants need water t grw, but pumpkins generally d best in warm, relatively dry cnditins. If there's t much rain, they dn't grw t their full size and have a higher water cntent. Damp cnditins als encurage the spread f certain diseases that affect pumpkins.
    This past June (an imprtant time f year fr pumpkin grwth), Illinis received 9.42 inches f rain — mre than duble the average rainfall fr the mnth. “Out f 121 years f data, that is easily an all-time recrd,” Department f Agriculture meterlgist Brad Rippey tld Climatewire.
    The recrd rainfall is part f a trend (趋势), particularly in Illinis. The state has experienced a 10 percent increase in rainfall during the past century and several years in the past decade that were unusually wet r dry. “We're fairly certain that's tied t climate change,” climatlgist Jim Angel f the University f Illinis tld Climatewire.
    This year isn't the first time that rain has caused truble fr Libby's. In 2009, heavy rains affected the harvest, rather than the grwing perid. Fields were t wet fr tractrs t gather the crps, and many pumpkins rtted (腐烂) in the fields.
    The cmpany is hpeful that it can meet the needs f this year's hliday bakers but suggests stcking up n pumpkin sner rather than later. Once the last can f pumpkin has shipped ut t stres, there wn't be any mre available until next year's harvest.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “sggy” in Paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Rather freezing.
    B. Extremely ht.
    C. Quite mild.
    D. Very wet.
    7. What is Libby's facing this year?
    A. Falling sales.
    B. Labr surplus.
    C. Material shrtage.
    D. Fierce cmpetitin.
    8. What can we infer abut this year's Dickinsn pumpkins grwn in Illinis?
    A. They may taste better.
    B. They may grw smaller than befre.
    C. They may be used as jack-' -lanterns.
    D. They may be harvested in the early summer.
    9. What happened t pumpkin farmers in 2009?
    A. They had a pr harvest.
    B. They benefited frm Libby's.
    C. They stcked many pumpkins.
    D. They used tractrs t gather the crps.
    10. Where des this text prbably cme frm?
    A. A news reprt.
    B. A research paper.
    C. A weather frecast.
    D. A press advertisement.

    21-25 CDADC 26-30 CBBDA 31-35 CBAAC 36-40 EGCBD
    41-45 DABCD 46-50 BCADC 51-55 BADCB 56-60 ADBCA
    61. t free 62. lcked 63. that
    64. flew 65. with 66. a
    67. whm 68. buying 69. were killed
    70. truly
    71. ... tld us what t imprve ... what → hw
    72. ... increasing imprtant ... increasing → increasingly
    73. ... it is wrth fcus ... fcus → fcusing
    74. ... we shuld had ... had → have
    75. ... English wrd. wrd → wrds
    76. ... useful fr them ... them → us
    77. Beside ... Beside → Besides
    78. ... that “Practice makes perfect”... 去掉that
    79. ... keep a diary ... keep → keeping
    80. ... suggest in ur class. suggest后加it
    One pssible versin:
    Last Friday, ur class visited the Anti-Japanese War Museum. When we went int the exhibitin rm, we were attracted by the pictures and intrductins abut the war n the walls. Sme f us tk ntes carefully and we were all shcked at the cruelty f the war. Then we gathered and listened t an ld sldier wh tld us abut his experiences during the war. We were very glad t meet such a her. Last, we all came t the frnt f the museum and tk a picture with the ld sldier in memry f ur visit.
    By visiting the museum, we can learn what happened in the war and treasure ur peaceful life.
    A篇 (人际关系)
    本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了Ruben Trevin在生活中对作者的帮助和影响。
    21. C。推理判断题。由第一、二段的描述可知,作者钦佩Ruben Trevin的智力、友善、慈爱的天性和善良;由此可以推断,Ruben Trevin是一个品格高尚、值得人尊敬的人。
    22. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的He didn't teach me t be tugh and hurt anther persn ... hw t have a heart ... and said that the kid was prbably having a hard day可知,当作者受到欺负时,Ruben告诉他要理解、宽容那个孩子。
    23. A。推理判断题。由文中的描述可知,作者对Ruben Trevin充满了钦佩和感激之情。
    B篇 (文娱)
    24. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的t restre famus art pieces t their rightful wners可知,在电影《盟军夺宝队》中,这支队伍被派往欧洲是为了从纳粹手中夺回珍贵文物。
    25. C。推理判断题。由第四段中的Thugh there's sme enjyable acting, the film suffers frm a lack f fcus和第五段中的nearly tw-hur search nly manages t raise a few laughs, and far mre yawns cvered by ppcrn-cated hands可知,Chris Lau认为这部电影很乏味。
    26. C。细节理解题。由Brutal, beautiful fighter介绍内容的第一段The film 12 Years a Slave will make yur heart break, but als sing in celebratin f the amazing strength f the human spirit可知,《为奴十二年》是一部既让人心痛又振奋人心的电影。
    27. B。文章出处题。通读文章可知,本文是两则电影评论,故最有可能出自报纸的娱乐专栏。
    C篇 (自然)
    28. B。词义猜测题。由第一段的描述以及该段中的the ice has gradually melted和the nly ice sheets n Earth's land masses are fund in Antarctica and Greenland可知,冰逐渐融化,冰原也变小了,两万年前,欧洲、亚洲、北美洲和南美洲大部分被巨大的冰覆盖着,而现在地球陆地上的冰原只存在于南极洲和格陵兰岛。
    29. D。观点态度题。由第二段中的At first sight, these remte left-vers frm the last Ice Age seem f little imprtance fr mst f us tday可知,乍一看,这些从冰河时代留下来的冰原对我们大多数人来说似乎意义不大,由此可推断,大多数人并不关心冰原的存在。
    30. A。推理判断题。由第二段中的ur planet is warming as a result f the greenhuse gases和If the planet becmes warmer ... wuld cause widespread flding f lw-lying castal areas and threaten many large cities可知,如果大气中的温室气体继续增加,地球将会变得更温暖,冰原开始融化,海平面将会上升,这会使得低洼的沿海地区洪水泛滥,甚至会威胁到很多大城市。
    31. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的If the ice disappears, Earth is likely t becme warmer and majr climate changes culd ccur. Wildlife living in the plar regins may als be destryed可知,地球上冰层的融化和消失将会带来灾难性的后果。
    D篇 (节假日活动)
    32. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的acknwledging the men and wmen wh have served in ur armed frces可知,退伍军人节是为了向退伍军人表示敬意。
    33. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的by visiting hspitalized veterans, perfrming chres fr disabled veterans and even rganizing cmmunity-wide scial events可知,参加活动的孩子们可以看望住院的退休老兵,帮残疾的退休老兵做杂务,还可以组织社区范围内的社交活动。
    34. A。细节理解题。由第三段中的the frmer is a day t remember and pay respect t all the men and wmen that died serving ur cuntry in a war可知,美国的阵亡将士纪念日是为了悼念在各战争中阵亡的美军官兵。
    35. C。段落大意题。由第四段的描述可知,本段主要介绍了不同国家的退伍军人节的意义及名称。
    36. E。由该空前的Studies have shwn that staying mentally stimulated can slw (r pssibly even prevent) the prgress f Alzheimer's and Dementia可知,E项内容“那是因为保持大脑活跃可以防止它失去能量”符合此处语境。
    37. G。由该段的标题Wider Knwledge以及该空前的描述可知,你掌握的知识越多,应对未来的挑战时你的准备就越充分。
    38. C。由该空后的And an interesting article will distract yu and keep yu in the present mment可知,C项内容“一本写得很好的小说可以带你进入另一个世界”符合此处语境。
    39. B。由该段中的yur attentin is fcused和hw much mre fcused yu are可知,本段主要说明阅读能够提高集中力和专注力。
    40. D。由该段标题Tranquility以及该空后的描述可知,读一本好书也可以给你的内心带来平静和安宁。
    41. D。由下文的描述可知,“我”的这一信念来自于生活中的“经验教训(lessn)”——一次观看足球比赛的经历。
    42. A。由下文的描述可知,让“我”“想起(reminds)”刻苦努力与奉献的是一件Lewandwski运动衣。
    43. B。由下文中的n many ccasins t play sccer可知,这件Lewandwski运动衣是“我”生活中重要的一“部分(part)”。
    44. C。在大学时,“我”在很多踢足球的场合都“穿(wre)”那件运动衣。
    45. D。46. B。由下文的描述可知,“我”“意识到(realized)”努力和奉献会让一个人成功正是“我”收到那件Lewandwski运动衣的“同一(same)”天。
    47. C。由下文的描述可知,父亲“带(tk)”“我”去观看“我”有生以来看到的第一场国际间的足球赛。
    48. A。由下文中的The purpse f the game was t wrk hard t win可知,Plish Internatinal Friendly是国际水平的足球“比赛(game)”。
    49. D。50. C。由上下文的描述可知,父亲在进入“体育场(stadium)”前给“我”“买了(bught)” 一件Lewandwski运动衣。
    51. B。由下文的描述可推知,Lewandwski是波兰队“顶尖的(tp)”进球前锋。
    52. A。由下文中的Pland was abut the twentieth和Germany was ging t win easily可知,德国队是世界上“最好的(best)”足球队。
    53. D。由上下文的描述可知,波兰队和德国队实力悬殊,“因此(Therefre)”,德国队将轻松获胜。
    54. C。由下文中的He was determined t wrk hard and scre sme gals fr Pland, and t hpefully win可知,然而,Lewandwski并不这么“看(see)”。
    55. B。由下文中的the Plish team wn可知,Lewandwski“进球(scred)”两次。
    56. A。Lewandwski和其他队友继续“奋战(fight extremely hard)”。
    57. D。“最终(At last)”,波兰队获胜。
    58. B。由上文中的symbl可知,这件运动衣对于“我”来说是一种“标志(sign)”。
    59. C。由文中的描述可知,此处指如何成为“伟大的人(smething great)”。
    60. A。由该空后的the gals that we want t achieve可知,要“达到(reach)”目标,需要不懈地努力和付出。
    61. t free。考查不定式作定语的用法。plan后常接不定式作后置定语,故填t free。
    62. lcked。考查过去分词作定语的用法。lck和members之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且lck所表示的动作已经完成,故填lcked。
    63. that。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且从句的意思和成分均完整,故填that。
    64. flew。考查一般过去时。由后面的had t可知,此句是对过去事实的描述,应用一般过去时,故填flew。
    65. with。考查介词。carry n with sth.表示“继续某事”。
    66. a。考查不定冠词。rute意为“道路”,是可数名词且在此表泛指,故填不定冠词a。
    67. whm。考查关系代词。逗号后是“many f +关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,补充说明fficers,故填whm。
    68. buying。考查动词-ing形式作状语的用法。Msquits与buy之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且buy所表示的动作与主句谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,故填buying。
    69. were killed。考查一般过去时的被动语态。由前面的escaped可知,此句是对过去事实的描述,应用一般过去时,又因为102 (prisners)与kill之间是被动关系,故填were killed。
    70. truly。考查副词。设空处修饰admirable,表示“真正地”,故填truly。

    1-5 CBDBA 6-10 DCBAA
    A篇 (现代技术)
    1. C。细节理解题。由第二段中的The instruments will ... pisns and bacteria可知,这项发明能够给人们提供食品安全方面的信息。
    2. B。细节理解题。由第六、七段可知,幽门螺杆菌的危害让Angela Wang产生了发明这种产品的想法。
    3. D。细节理解题。由第八段可知,这种新产品将被设计成两种,分别面向中国和北美两个市场。
    4. B。推理判断题。由倒数第三段和倒数第二段可知,Madeleine Liu决心一生为公众事业而努力奋斗。
    5. A。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文报道了温哥华两名华裔少年发明的一种能够提供食品安全信息的智能餐具。
    B篇 (自然)
    6. D。词义猜测题。由上文中的A particularly wet summer以及下文多次提到的rainfall可知,今年秋季潮湿、多雨的天气让南瓜产量比往年少了一半。
    7. C。细节理解题。由于多雨天气造成南瓜产量大幅度降低,供应全世界八成南瓜罐头的Libby's公司今年将面临原材料短缺的问题。
    8. B。推理判断题。由第三段介绍南瓜生长的条件可知,过多的雨水会导致南瓜长不大;再由第四段可知,今年伊利诺斯州六月份雨量是同期的两倍多,故今年在伊利诺斯州种植的Dickinsn南瓜很可能会比以往长得小。
    9. A。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的In 2009, heavy rains affected the harvest ... many pumpkins rtted in the fields可知,2009年的大雨使得大量的南瓜因不能及时收割而烂在了地里,故那年种植南瓜的农民收成很不好。
    10. A。文章出处题。今年因大雨成灾,美国最大的南瓜生产地伊利诺斯州收成锐减,而使美国最大的南瓜罐头制造商Libby's的产量深受影响。本文就造成南瓜产量降低的原因进行了报道。

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