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    英语必修3Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia单元测试同步测试题

    这是一份英语必修3Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia单元测试同步测试题,共22页。

    Bullgatrtail 10 minutes ag
    I particularly enjy the wrks f Greenwich Village pet Edward Field, whse interest in cinema led t a number f pems based n ld mnster (怪物) mvies (including many abut Frankenstein and my favrite, Curse f the Cat Wman).
    Litteacher8 29 minutes ag
    There are s many t chse frm! I lve Rbert Frst, especially “Mending Wall,” mstly because he is my dad’s favrite pet. Hwever, persnally I lve Langstn Hughes’s pem “Dreams” because it always brings happiness t me. I am als a big fan f the lder pems, such as Spenser’s “One Day I Wrte Her Name Upn the Strand” because it is s simple, and “The Tyger” and “The Lamb” by William Blake because I lve the language.
    Michael Ugulini 51 minutes ag
    My favrite pet is Suji Kwck Kim. Ever since I read her bk f petry “Ntes frm the Divided Cuntry”, I have been a big fan f her clear and thughtful writing. My favrite pem f hers is “Brderlands,” which she wrte in memry f her grandmther. It is a pem abut her grandmther’s experiences during the war.
    Lraaa 1 hur ag
    Hard t decide! But if I have t, I’d say Emily Dickinsn. Her life was s wnderful and her pinins abut life are als interesting. Her understanding f nature speaks t the heart f anyne wh lves the utdrs! Dickinsn als understd human nature very well. Her pems speak f lve, lneliness, etc. Finally, my favrite pem by her is “I Never Saw a Mr”. I lve her thughts!
    21. Why des Litteacher8 like the pem “Dreams”?
    A. It always cheers him up.
    B. He lves the language f it.
    C. He is a big fan f its authr.
    D. It is his father’s favrite pem.
    22. Whse favrite pet is Emily Dickinsn?
    A. Michael Ugulini’s.
    B. Bullgatrtail’s.
    C. Litteacher8’s.
    D. Lraaa’s.
    23. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A newspaper.
    B. A webpage.
    C. A ntice bard.
    D. A bk review.

    I always wanted t be a firefighter. It seemed exciting t me. I like t be utside, lift heavy things and sleep n the grund!
    In cllege, I gt a jb with the frest service. My first week n the jb, they asked if I wanted t get my red card (training fr frest fires). I said yes!
    The training was a week lng. I learned abut the different types f fire crews (工作人员) and I remember the instructr saying htshts were the tp dgs. He said they had the mst difficult and dangerus jb and that yu had t really prve yurself in rder t be a htsht. I was sld. I didn’t want t d anything else!
    Hwever, htsht crews dn’t hire (雇佣) peple withut fire experience. I returned hme frm training t Lgan where the Lgan Htshts are based. I walked in and tld the bss I wanted t be a htsht and they shuld keep me in mind if they needed anyne
    The very next day I gt a nte saying the Htshts were lking fr me! A wman n their crew gt injured and they needed a replacement ... they were headed t a fire that day. They thught f me because I had just been there the day befre.
    We arrived at the fire near Prv, Utah at abut 10 pm that night. We ended up wrking 40 hurs, digging fire lines. I think I fell asleep standing up against my tl at ne pint.
    My feet were cvered in blisters (水泡) and the helicpter that was suppsed t pick us up at the tp f the muntain brke dwn and we had t walk miles!
    T my delight, the crew liked me and hired me after that. I als met my husband that night! Hw cl is that!
    24. What kind f persn is the authr?
    A. Easy-ging.
    B. Risk-lving.
    C. Well-rganized.
    D. Simple-minded.
    25. When did the authr decide t becme a htsht?
    A. When she started cllege.
    B. After she returned t Lgan.
    C. When she did her red card training.
    D. After she finished the frest service.
    26. Why did the Lgan Htshts send a nte t the authr?
    A. They were shrt f persns.
    B. They wanted t test her skills.
    C. They were satisfied with her ability.
    D. They thught she was rich in fire experience.
    27. Hw did the authr find the firefighting that night?
    A. Dangerus.
    B. Exciting.
    C. Hard.
    D. Unsuccessful.

    The Bw Seat Ocean Awareness Student Cntest (竞赛) “invites middle schlers and high schlers frm arund the wrld t create pieces f art that lk at human influences n ur ceans,” says prgram directr Alyssa Irizarry.
    The cntest was funded in 2011 by Linda Cabt, a visual (视觉的) artist and cean activist based in Westwd, Massachusetts. It has since reached nearly 10,000 kids wrldwide. N entry fee (费用) is required, but students wh want t enter must be between the ages f 11 and 18.
    Students are required t “create a piece that nt nly presents prblems, but als cmmunicates a message that encurages thers t act.”
    Students can cmpete in ne f five categries (种类): visual art, petry, prse, film, and music. They are given a schl year t wrk n their pieces, which are then entered int ne f tw categries: junir r senir.
    Irizarry says that visual art is the mst ppular categry, fllwed by petry. Winners receive schlarship (奖学金) awards f up t $1,500 and see their wrk appear in different places t help raise awareness abut cean health.
    When mst peple think abut cean science, they think abut the tls that cean scientists use. Irizarry has a different idea. “Art is a really pwerful tl fr peple t cnnect with nature and t learn abut the wrld arund them,” she says. “It requires yu t slw dwn, ntice things, think, and ask questins.”
    Making art, Irizarry adds, helps a persn create a cnnectin t the wrld. That cnnectin “turns awareness f a prblem int actin.”
    Irizarry has a message fr all kids wh want t help prtect ur ceans: “D smething t make a difference.”
    28. What can we learn abut the rules f the cntest?
    A. Each winner receives $1,500.
    B. Cntestants must be f certain ages.
    C. Students need t pay t enter the cntest.
    D. Cntestants can cmpete in mre than ne categry.
    29. T win the cntest, students must _____.
    A. be gd at making visual art
    B. have a wide knwledge f gegraphy
    C. start preparatin ne year ahead f time
    D. be able t influence thers with their wrks
    30. Which categry attracts the largest number f students?
    A. Visual art.
    B. Petry.
    C. Film.
    D. Music.
    31. What des the underlined wrd “It” in Paragraph 6 refer t?
    A. The cntest.
    B. The wrld.
    C. Nature.
    D. Art.

    It’s a bk abut friendship, lyalty (忠诚), and teamwrk. It will make yu laugh and cry, and give yu hpe.
    C-written by Jessica Kensky and her husband, Patrick Dwnes, the new picture bk, Rescue & Jessica: A Life-Changing Friendship, tells the stry f a girl named Jessica wh is dealing with the lss f her leg. Rescue, her service dg, discvers that he can be a gd friend and help Jessica get thrugh hard times.
    The bk is illustrated (作插图) by Sctt Magn, whse drawings shw Rescue wrking alngside Jessica. “He can pick up the phne t bring it t her if she needs it,” Magn said. “He can even pen drs fr her r call fr help if she’s in truble.”
    The stry des nt discuss the bmbing attack (炸弹袭击) at the Bstn Marathn in 2013, which tk place at the finish line, killing three peple and injuring hundreds f thers. But readers learn in the authrs’ nte that Dwnes and Kensky were amng thse injured. Kensky lst bth legs, and Dwnes lst his left leg.
    It tk tw years t write Rescue & Jessica, and tw mre t publish (出版) it. “The best part was having a gd distractin frm the really hard time I was having during my recvery (康复),” Kensky said.
    Dwnes described hw Rescue has helped the cuple. “When we’re sad, he makes funny sunds and makes us laugh,” Dwnes said. “He’s als there t help us celebrate gd times. If yu have a friend, things might be hard, but yu can vercme it tgether.”
    Dwnes and Kensky and their picture bk speak fr “Bstn Strng.” Dwnes explained the term: “It brught peple tgether after the bmbing and brught ut the best in everyne. When peple needed it the mst, we tk care f each ther.”
    32. What happened t Jessica in the bk?
    A. She lst ne f her legs.
    B. She saved a service dg.
    C. She was injured during an attack.
    D. She was frced t leave her friends.
    33. What can we infer abut the bk?
    A. It encurages peple t be friendly t dgs.
    B. It is based n the authrs’ wn experience.
    C. It is especially helpful fr peple with special needs.
    D. It places imprtance n having a gd friend in life.
    34. What did Kensky get frm writing the bk?
    A. She became better prepared fr hard times.
    B. She felt it tk her mind ff her hardship.
    C. She grew mre interested in writing.
    D. She became clser t Rescue.
    35. What des the underlined wrd “vercme” in the last but ne paragraph mean?
    A. Realize.
    B. Understand.
    C. Depend n.
    D. Get thrugh.
    We all experience hardship and stress (压力) at sme pint. 36
    N ne can “make” yu feel anything.
    N ne can drive yur car unless yu give them the keys. Hw yu feel and the way yu deal with a situatin is a chice.
    Lk at the situatin and ask yurself “Is this smething I can change?” 37 If the situatin cannt be changed, accept it and find ways t deal with it. In this way, stress can be greatly reduced.
    Exchange attitude fr gratitude (感恩).
    Our attitude has a big influence n hw we deal with situatins. When in a stressful situatin, try exchanging attitude fr gratitude. 38 Instead f being angry abut the traffic, find sme gratitude. Lk arund and think f all the things yu can be thankful fr.
    Relax, relax, relax.
    39 It will help yu relax and make yu better prepared t deal with stressful situatins when they cme.
    Many peple say they dn’t have time t relax, but relaxatin des nt have t be time-wasting. It can include 5-10 minute breaks f breathing exercises r watching yur favrite shw fr 30 minutes.
    Lk at the big picture.
    Lk at yur stressful situatin frm a “big picture” pint f view (观点). 40 If the answer is n, it’s likely nt wrth yur time and energy.
    A. Did yu find what wrks best fr yu?
    B. Stress is different frm persn t persn.
    C. When yu are stuck in traffic, change yur attitude.
    D. Try t find smething that yu enjy and d it every day.
    E. If s, start wrking n useful ways t change the situatin.
    F. When dealing with stressful situatins, cnsider the fur pints belw.
    G. Ask yurself “Hw imprtant is this?” and “Will this matter in the lng run?”

    第三部分: 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
    “Cme n Dad, it will be fun!” My daughter Bailey 41 saying that t me, but I culdn’t get past the feeling I was ging t thrw up. I was fifty and wanted t d smething I’d 42 dne befre. Bailey thught skydiving (跳伞运动) wuld be the perfect 43 fr me — she had dne it befre and 44 it and she wanted t g again. I culd tell yu f all the things I was thinking f ding, 45 an airplane never came clse t making the list. As I aged, I seemed t have a grwing 46 f heights. The 47 f ding it made me break ut in a sweat (汗). I was really 48 .
    After several requests (请求) frm my daughter, I 49 said yes and she lked almst 50 . I tld her I 51 t d smething I was afraid f ding. I tld a friend what we were ding, and she 52 t g, t. We had a 3 hur drive t the jump site, and I was getting 53 as we gt clser. My heart beat very fast.
    We 54 and my friend was late, 55 we had t wait. At least it gave us 56 t watch the vide f skydiving. As we gt int the plane, I was strapped (绑住) t my instructr Rnnie s I didn’t have t wrry abut anything; I just had t 57 myself. The shrt climb t the right altitude (高度) was 58 fr me, as I almst threw up. As we stepped t the dr, I lked behind me and said “RONNIE I AM NOT ... GOOD!” He said, “Dn’t wrry; it’s ging t be 59 ”, and we fell t the grund at 200 kilmetres an hur.
    The next five minutes were s beautiful and amazing. I was 60 that I gt ver my fear.
    41. A. rememberedB. avided C. practicedD. kept
    42. A. never B. already C. always D. just
    43. A. jb B. behavir C. ending D. activity
    44. A. regretted B. lved C. dubted D. began
    45. A. missing B. taking C. getting ff D. jumping ut f
    46. A. fear B. cllectinC. understanding D. share
    47. A. result B. feeling C. thught D. fact
    48. A. bred B. afraid C. lazy D. tired
    49. A. suddenly B. usually C. finally D. pssibly
    50. A. shy B. surprised C. impatient D. frightened
    51. A. cntinued B. hated C. needed D. refused
    52. A. wanted B. failed C. frgt D. pretended
    53. A. angry B. weakC. sad D. nervus
    54. A. fllwed B. arrived C. stayed D. appeared
    55. A. s B. but C. thugh D. because
    56. A. time B. reasns C. mney D. instructins
    57. A. accept B. teach C. frgive D. enjy
    58. A. special B. painful C. different D. imprtant
    59. A. strange B. crrect C. difficult D. great
    60. A. srry B. wrried C. glad D. interested
    Amazn rain frests are 61. ________ vast that they affect rainfall n the earth. Prtecting the rain frests 62. ________ (be) ne f the best ways t fight climate change. This is the reasn 63. ________ the Peruvian gvernment created Yaguas Natinal Park. Nw the park is prtecting mre than tw millin acres (an acre is abut 4,047 square metres) f rain frests 64. ________ defrestatin — the cutting dwn f trees.
    Rain frests are 65. ________ (terrible) imprtant t the health f the planet. Their trees and plants take in carbn dixide frm the atmsphere and replace it with xygen. Thick clud cver keeps the frests wet and warm, making 66. ________ (they) perfect fr different species f life.
    Yaguas is hme t mre than 3,000 species f plants, 500 species f birds, and 160 species f animals. It cntains species, especially unusual fish that are unlike any fish 67. ________ (find) elsewhere n the earth.
    Mre than 1,000 peple depend n the frest’s plants and animals fr fd. Over the past 20 years, they have been wrking 68. ________ (prtect) the land. They educate 69. ________ (scientist) abut the frest’s plant and animal life and help cnvince (使……信服) gvernments that the land is wrth 70. ________ (save).

    第四部分: 写作 (共两节,满分35分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    When I was fur year ld, my lder sister and I had very few mney. But we used t getting a few cins frm relatives, like urs grandparents. My sister always asks me t exchange my ld and dirty cins fr her new shiny nes. I was very happily t d that. What I didn’t realize f was that the cins she was giving me was wrth less than the nes I was giving her. I learned tw things in that experience: ne was hw t cunt and ther was never t trust my sister with mney.
    1. 说明现状:沙尘暴频发、危害环境;
    2. 给出建议:种植树木、减少沙漠化;
    3. 前景展望。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    D yu dwnlad (下载) music? D yu buy CDs? D yu listen t music n yur phne? D yu prefer t watch music r just t listen? Have yu ever seen yur favurite band r singer perfrm live? There are s many ways t discver, buy and listen t music!
    In the UK, peple enjy live music.
    The O2 in Lndn is the secnd largest live music arena (场地) in Eurpe. There yu can see wrld-famus singers and bands such as One Directin, Justin Bieber, Scissr Sisters, Prince, The Rlling Stnes, Eltn Jhn, and Take That. This large hall has space fr 20,000 peple. It als has 548 tilets! Tickets are nt cheap. Yu need t pay mre than 50 punds t see a cncert at The O2.
    What abut free live music? There are music festivals acrss Britain every year that are cmpletely free. Last year mre than 150,000 peple went t the Tramlines free music festival in Sheffield in the nrth f England. The festival is held every July. Last year there were 900 perfrmances (表演) frm all ver the wrld.
    What are yu and yur friends listening t these days? Hip hp, dance, rck, heavy metal, rap, urban, reggae, ... Persnal interests are very different amng British peple. If a kind f music exists (存在) then smebdy likes it.
    A shpping centre in Birmingham, in central England, recently discvered what kind f music sme lcal teenagers dn’t like. This is what happened ... Shppers and shp wners cmplained t the plice abut teenagers behaving badly in the shpping centre. When a new sund system in the centre started playing Bach, Mzart and Beethven, the antiscial behaviur stpped. The yung peple causing prblems had gne! Classical music was clearly nt ppular with these particular teenagers!
    1. What can we learn abut The O2?
    A. Tickets aren’t very expensive.
    B. Great cncerts are ften held there.
    C. It is the largest music arena in Eurpe.
    D. Peple can enjy free live music there.
    2. The numbers in Paragraph 4 are given t shw ______.
    A. free live music is quite ppular
    B. live music shuld be cmpletely free
    C. music has the pwer t bring peple tgether
    D. Tramlines is the best chice fr music lvers
    3. Why did the yung peple leave the shpping centre?
    A. They didn’t find what they wanted.
    B. They were angry with shppers.
    C. They didn’t like classical music.
    D. They were afraid f the plice.
    4. What did the authr want t shw by telling the stry in the last paragraph?
    A. Teenagers like ging shpping.
    B. Few peple like classical music.
    C. Peple have different tastes in music.
    D. Teenagers behave badly while shpping.

    While the temperature in Chicag n March 4, 2018 was 5 degrees, the water was even clder — 2 degrees. That didn’t stp mre than 4,800 peple n Nrth Avenue Beach frm jumping int Lake Michigan.
    The Chicag Plar Plunge is a yearly event t raise mney fr Special Olympics Chicag. All f the participants cllect at least $200 frm friends and family members t get the chance t jump int the lake’s icy water in the middle f winter. Mre than $1.5 millin was raised fr a great cause: Special Olympics Chicag and the mre than 7,500 athletes (运动员) it serves.
    Special Olympics, a nnprfit (非营利的) rganizatin, was funded in 1968. The grup’s purpse is t prvide athletic training and cmpetitin in 22 sprts fr children and adults with intellectual disabilities (缺陷).
    After sme initial speeches, the first grup f plungers ran int the lake. Many f the participants were members f teams that dressed up in cstumes (化妆服), including Minins and Wald frm the Where’s Wald bk series.
    Chle Krecun, 12, frm Chicag, was shaking when she gt ut f the water. “I culdn’t feel my feet r fingers, and my shes are filled with water,” she said afterwards. But she wuld d it again t supprt the Special Olympic athletes.
    “Just because peple have different needs,” Chle said, “desn’t mean they can’t d the same things we can d.”
    As ther plungers headed twards the water t “take a plunge,” they shared why they had participated in the event. “My cusin has really benefited (获益) frm the Special Olympics, s my family and I are ut here supprting him by plunging,” said Brandn Marty.
    Brunilda Cttn, a special educatin teacher at Sycamre Trails Elementary Schl in Bartlett, Illinis, was als paying attentin t Special Olympics as she prepared t plunge. “It gives the athletes cnfidence; they belng t a team, and they enjy being able t d things ther kids d,” Cttn said.
    The Plar Plunge is a cld — but amazing — experience that shws hw much fun yu can have helping thers.
    5. What d we knw abut the Chicag Plar Plunge?
    A. It was first held in 1968.
    B. It raised ver $1.5 millin last year.
    C. It requires plungers t wear cstumes.
    D. It requires each participant t raise $200 r mre.
    6. Hw did Chle Krecun find her experience in the water?
    A. Pleasant.
    B. Difficult.
    C. Dangerus.
    D. Necessary.
    7. Why did Brandn Marty take part in the event?
    A. T give supprt t his cusin.
    B. T give ther plungers cnfidence.
    C. T raise mney fr the Special Olympics.
    D. T get a chance t enter the Special Olympics.
    8. What is the main purpse f this text?
    A. T reprt a plunging event.
    B. T intrduce the Special Olympics.
    C. T encurage peple t help thers.
    D. T raise mney fr athletes with special needs.

    21-25 ADBBC26-30 ACBDA31-35 DABBD36-40 FECDG
    41-45 DADBD 46-50 ACBCB 51-55 CADBA 56-60 ADBDC
    61. s62. is 63. why / that64. frm / against 65. Terribly
    66. them 67. fund 68. t prtect 69. scientists 70. saving
    71. ... fur year ld ... year → years
    72. ... very few mney. few → little
    73. ... t getting a ... getting → get
    74. ... like urs grandparents. urs → ur
    75. ... always asks me ... asks → asked
    76. ... very happily t ... happily → happy
    77. ... realize f was ... 去掉f
    78. ... me was wrth ... was → were
    79. ... in that experience ... in → frm
    80. ... and ther was ... ther前加the
    One pssible versin
    Dear friends,
    I’m glad t be here t share my ideas abut sandstrms.
    In recent years, sandstrms have frequently swept ver sme cities in China, causing great harm t the envirnment and peple’s health. S we need t take mre actin t reduce the ccurrence f sandstrms. We shuld prevent desertificatin by grwing mre grass and trees. What’s mre, the gvernment shuld put mre effrt int frest prtectin. I believe with jint effrts there will be fewer sandstrms and perhaps in the near future there will be n sandstrms.
    Thanks fr yur listening.

    21. A。细节理解题。由Litteacher8所发内容中的persnally I lve ... brings happiness t me可知,他喜爱这首诗,因为它总能让他开心。
    22. D。细节理解题。由Michael Ugulini所发内容中的My favrite pet is Suji Kwck Kim可推断,他们讨论的话题包括最爱的诗人。再由Lraaa所发内容中的Hard t decide! But if I have t, I’d say Emily Dickinsn可知,Lraaa最爱的诗人是Emily Dickinsn。
    23. B。推理判断题。由全文的风格,尤其是每条消息的发布者以及发布时间,可以推断出本文最有可能摘自某网页。
    24. B。推理判断题。由第一段中的I like t be utside,sleep n the grund和第三段中的He said they had the mst difficult and dangerus jb可知,作者喜欢到户外、喜欢冒险。
    25. C。细节理解题。由第三段中的I was sld. I didn’t want t d anything else并结合第二段可知,作者在接受“红卡”培训时,知道了htsht这一类消防员,于是下定决心从事这份工作。
    26. A。细节理解题。由第五段中的A wman n their crew gt injured and they needed a replacement可知,因为一名女消防员受伤了,所以他们通知作者加入他们去灭火。
    27. C。推理判断题。由倒数第二、三段可知,工作时间长、累得站着都能睡着、脚上起了水泡还得继续走路,这些都说明这次灭火任务比较艰巨。
    28. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的students wh want t enter must be between the ages f 11 and 18可知,该竞赛对参赛学生的年龄有要求。
    29. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的Students are required ... encurages thers t act可知,该竞赛要求参赛作品既能反映问题又能引发他人行动起来,因此,想要获奖,参赛学生必须创作出有影响力的作品。
    30. A。细节理解题。由第五段中的visual art is the mst ppular categry可知,视觉艺术门类最受欢迎。
    31. D。篇章结构题。由倒数第三段中Irizarry所说的话可知,她认为艺术能强有力地将人与自然联系起来,使人们了解周围的世界。它(艺术)需要人们放慢脚步、关注事物、思考和发问。
    32. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的the stry f a girl named Jessica wh is dealing with the lss f her leg可知,该绘本的主人公Jessica失去了一条腿。
    33. B。推理判断题。由第二段中的a girl named Jessica wh is ... get thrugh hard times和第四段中的Kensky lst bth legs, and Dwnes lst his left leg以及倒数第二段可知,绘本故事的情节与作者夫妇的经历相似,因此推断,该故事是基于作者的亲身经历创作的。
    34. B。细节理解题。由倒数第三段中Kensky所说的话可知,创作并发表该书期间,她正处于康复期,写书分散了她的注意力,帮助她度过了痛苦的康复期。
    35. D。词义猜测题。由倒数第二段中的When we’re sad, he makes funny sunds and makes us laugh和He’s als there t help us celebrate gd times可知,主人不开心时,狗逗他们开心,同时也与他们一起庆祝美好时光。因此,Dwnes认为,身边有一个朋友陪伴,即使处境艰难,也能一起克服困难。
    36. F。F项内容引起下文,介绍应对压力时应注意的四个方面。
    37. E。E项与下文If the situatin cannt be changed, accept it and find ways t deal with it阐述了针对上文问题Is this smething I can change的两种可能性。
    38. C。C项中的change yur attitude与本部分小标题中的Exchange attitude相照应,且下文中的traffic复现C项中的traffic。
    39. D。D项所描述的事情能给人带来轻松的心情,这点符合本部分小标题Relax, relax, relax的主旨。且下文中的It指代D项所描述的行为。
    40. G。由下文中的If the answer is n可知,本空应填问句;且由下文中的it’s likely nt wrth yur time and energy可推断,问句应涉及带来压力的事情的重要性,故填G项。
    41. D。由下文中的After several requests frm my daughter可知,女儿“不断(kept)”鼓励“我”去尝试跳伞运动。
    42. A。由下文的描述可推断,作者没有跳过伞。故此处表示“我”五十岁了,想尝试做一些自己“从未(never)”做过的事。
    43. D。由上文中的 “Cme n Dad, it will be fun!”可知,女儿认为对“我”来说,跳伞是最佳的“活动(activity)”。
    44. B。由本句中的she wanted t g again可知,作者的女儿“喜欢(lved)” 跳伞。
    45. D。由上文中的skydiving以及下文中的gt int the plane,stepped t the dr 和we fell t the grund可知,此处表示从飞机上“跳下(jumping ut f)”。
    46. A。47. C。48. B。由上文可知,女儿提议“我”去尝试跳伞。结合文中的made me break ut in a sweat和I gt ver my fear可知,年龄越大,“我”越“恐(fear)”高,哪怕只是“想(thught)”到要去跳伞,“我”也会浑身冒汗。“我”真的很“害怕(afraid)”。
    49. C。由上文可知,“我”恐高,不敢去尝试跳伞。结合本句中的After several requests frm my daughter可知,在女儿再三央求之下,“我”“最终(finally)”决定去尝试跳伞。
    50. B。由下文中的I tld her I ... t d smething I was afraid f ding可知,作者对女儿解释了自己为什么会答应她的请求,故此处表示她有些感到“惊讶(surprised)”。
    51. C。由上文中的I was fifty and wanted t d smething I’d ... dne befre可知,“我”“需要(needed)” 去尝试做一些自己曾经不敢做的事。
    52. A。由下文中的my friend was late可知,作者的朋友也去跳伞了。故此处表示她也“想(wanted)”去。
    53. D。由下文中的My heart beat very fast可知,我们快到跳伞地点时,“我”开始“紧张(nervus)”了。
    54. B。由上文中的we gt clser以及本句中的my friend was late可知,我们“到达(arrived)”目的地了。
    55. A。56. A。因为朋友比我们晚到,“所以(s)”我们得等一会儿。不过,这样我们就有 “时间(time)”看看跳伞运动的视频。
    57. D。由本句中的I didn’t have t wrry abut anything可知,“我”什么都不用担心,只需要尽情地玩就行。enjy符合语境。
    58. B。 由本句中的I almst threw up可知,飞机往高空飞时,“我”感到很 “不舒服(painful)” ,差点吐了。
    59. D。由本句中的Dn’t wrry以及下文中的The next five minutes were s beautiful and amazing可知,此处表示跳伞的感觉会很棒,great符合语境。
    60. C。由上文可知,“我”最初因为恐高不敢去尝试跳伞。在女儿的鼓励下,最终决定试一试。因此,“我”很“高兴(glad)”能够挑战自我,克服恐惧。
    61. s。考查副词。s ... that ... 意为“如此……以至于……”。
    62. is。考查主谓一致。单个动词-ing形式短语作主语,谓语动词用单数,因为设空处描述的是客观情况,故填is。
    63. why / that。考查关系副词。设空处引导定语从句修饰reasn,且在从句中作原因状语,故填why / that。
    64. frm / against。考查介词。prtect ... frm / against ... 意为“保护……免受……”。
    65. terribly。考查副词。设空处作状语修饰形容词imprtant,表示“非常”,故填副词terribly。
    66. them。考查代词。设空处作宾语,指代the frests,表示“它们”,故填宾格them。
    67. fund。考查过去分词作定语的用法。find与fish之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且find表示的动作已发生,故填fund。
    68. t prtect。考查不定式作状语的用法。设空处所在句意为“他们一直努力保护这片土地”,故填t prtect。t prtect the land 在此作目的状语。
    69. scientists。考查名词复数。设空处作宾语,表示“科学家”,scientist是可数名词,且此处表示泛指,故填scientists。
    70. saving。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。be wrth ding sth. 意为“值得做某事”。

    1-4 BACC 5-8 DBAA
    1. B。细节理解题。根据第三段可知,The O2这一音乐场馆的门票非常昂贵;在这里可以看到很多世界知名歌手和乐队的演出。
    2. A。细节理解题。根据第四段可知,本段通过举例Tramlines音乐节并列举数字以说明:免费的现场音乐非常受欢迎。
    3. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,这些青少年之所以离开了购物中心,是因为他们讨厌商场里播放的古典音乐。
    4. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,作者讲述这一故事,主要说明人们喜欢的音乐多种多样。作者举例想表达的观点在上段:Persnal interests are very different amng British peple。
    5. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的All f the participants cllect at least $200 ... in the middle f winter可知,人们如果想获得参与资格,必须从亲戚朋友那里筹集至少200美元。
    6. B。推理判断题。由第五段中的shaking when she gt ut f the water ... filled with water可知,她从水中出来之后,鞋子里灌满了水,手脚被冻麻木,全身发抖。因此可推断,跳入冰冷的水中对她来说并不是件易事。
    7. A。细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的My cusin has really benefited ... supprting him by plunging可知,Brandn Marty来参加活动是为了支持他的表弟。
    8. A。写作目的题。本文报道了2018年的芝加哥极地跳水活动,对这项活动进行了简单介绍,并描述了当天的气温、人们的参与情况等,同时展示了部分参与者参加活动的初衷和感受。

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