unit3 grammar2教学目标1. To use “in order to” to introduce the purpose of an action.
2. To use “as a result” to introduce the result of something.
3. To use “need to” to talk about something we have to do. 重点难点分析The same as above教学流程安排集体智慧(以知识体系为主)个性设计(二次备课)教学后记Step 1 revisionHave students write out the following sentences in English.1你还记得我昨天说的吗?2 他想知道你将怎样完成这个工作?3 我们难以想象他为什么买了这个机器人 ?4你能告诉我去火车站怎么走?5 我想问你我接下来该做什么Step2 leading in1 . Lead students to answer‘If you want to have more free time, what will you do?’ Help Ss to answer with ‘In order to have more free time, we should …’ e.g. In order to have more free time, we should make good plans. We should make good plans in order to have more free time.2. Explain to students that ‘in order to’ means ‘with the purpose of’ and that we can use ‘in order to’ to introduce the purpose of an action. Tell students that ‘in order to’ can be used at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. Remind them when we use ‘in order to’ at the beginning a sentence, we use a comma to separate the two parts.3. Have student recall the simmilar sentences in the reading part.4.Go to ‘as a result’ by reviewing the sentence ‘The victim was attacked with a knife and bled to death as a result.’ Remind Ss that we use ‘as a result’ to introduce the result of something.Step3 Doing Exx1 Ask Ss to do the exercises on page 30 which requires Ss to decide whether a sentence is talking about the purpose of result of something and add ‘in order to’ or ‘as a result’ to make a complete sentence.2 Have 5students shair their answers with the class.correct the mistakes if having.Step 4 Using ‘need to’1 Ask Ss ‘If you are hungry, what do you want to do?’ 2 Help them to answer like: ‘I’m hungry. I need to eat.’3 More practice: I’m thirsty. I need something to drink. I’m tired. I need to get some sleep. I’m cold. I need to wear more clothes.3 Explain to Ss that ‘need to’ is a strong verb. We use it when we want to talk about something we should do. Tell them that the meaning is similar to, yet weaker than ‘must’. Ask Ss to read the example sentences on the top of page31. Then ask them to work on their own to complete the exercise using ‘need to’ and the phrases in the box. Students translate. 汉译英对于学生有点难度,指导学生如何解题 Listen , think and compare Encourage them to speak aloud. 指导学生完成练习 Students finish the Exx by themselves Students think and answer 学生学习本课语法部分难度很大,部分学生不会运用。 练习安排1 review the rules of “in order to”, “as a result”, “need to”2 finish the Exx on the paper板书设计Words phrases sentences 备课组长审核签名: 年级主任复核签名: