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      「BBC英语教学大破解」“彩虹色” 的垃圾回收体系.mp4
    Unit 3 The environment Period 5 more practice & culture corner(课件43张PPT+教案+导学案)01
    Unit 3 The environment Period 5 more practice & culture corner(课件43张PPT+教案+导学案)02
    Unit 3 The environment Period 5 more practice & culture corner(课件43张PPT+教案+导学案)03
    Unit 3 The environment Period 5 more practice & culture corner(课件43张PPT+教案+导学案)04
    Unit 3 The environment Period 5 more practice & culture corner(课件43张PPT+教案+导学案)05
    Unit 3 The environment Period 5 more practice & culture corner(课件43张PPT+教案+导学案)06
    Unit 3 The environment Period 5 more practice & culture corner(课件43张PPT+教案+导学案)07
    Unit 3 The environment Period 5 more practice & culture corner(课件43张PPT+教案+导学案)08
    Unit 3 The environment Period 5 more practice & culture corner(课件43张PPT+教案+导学案)01
    Unit 3 The environment Period 5 more practice & culture corner(课件43张PPT+教案+导学案)02
    Unit 3 The environment Period 5 more practice & culture corner(课件43张PPT+教案+导学案)01
    Unit 3 The environment Period 5 more practice & culture corner(课件43张PPT+教案+导学案)02
    Unit 3 The environment Period 5 more practice & culture corner(课件43张PPT+教案+导学案)03
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    牛津版 (深圳&广州)九年级下册(2014秋审查)Unit 3 The environment完美版ppt课件

    这是一份牛津版 (深圳&广州)九年级下册(2014秋审查)Unit 3 The environment完美版ppt课件,文件包含Unit3TheenvironmentPeriod5morepracticeculturecornerpptx、Unit3TheenvironmentPeriod5morepracticeculturecorner导学单doc、Unit3TheenvironmentPeriod5morepracticeculturecorner教案doc、U3Mormp3、「BBC英语教学大破解」“彩虹色”的垃圾回收体系mp4等5份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共43页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Watch the vide and talk abut it.
    Rainbw recyclingWhat was the Rainbw recycling created by?A Swedish city.Which area has an impressive recycling recrd?Eskilstuna.Hw many categries f husehld waste are srted by peple?Seven.
    Rainbw recyclingWhat really makes the system stand ut?The bright clr cde.Hw ften are rubbish bags cllected?Frtnightly.Why can scanners select the bags and separate them efficiently?Because f the bright clrs.
    Lk at the title f the stry. What will the stry be abut?The jurney f a plastic bttle⬇The jurney f a plastic bttle frm being sld, bught, used up t being thrwn away.
    Mre practice
    Read the stry abut the jurney f a plastic bttle. Then answer the questins belw.
    The jurney f a plastic bttleI am a plastic bttle. A week ag, I was n a supermarket shelf. I had a nrmal life, the same as all my brthers and sisters-ther bttles full f water. I felt really happy.Then a tall wman picked me up and put me in her basket! The wman tk me hme and put me in the fridge. It was cld, but I sn make friends with the cans and bttles in it.
    Hwever, nly a few hurs later, she tk me ut f the fridge and drank the water inside me. Then she threw me int a dustbin. I have never felt s empty and alne in my life.Early the next mrning, a man tk me ut f the dustbin. He threw me and the ther rubbish in t the back f a truck. There were s many hrrible smells. Then I was pushed tgether with the rest f the rubbish. Sn I was cmpletely flat. I cannt believe hw thin I became.
    I slept fr a while. When I wke up, I fund myself in a terrible place. Everything arund me was ugly and had hrrible smells. I felt afraid. I kept hping that I wuld be mved smewhere else. Then huge trucks came and cvered us with a layer f sil.I asked anther bttle what wuld happen t us. He said that we wuld never leave this hrrible crwded place, but wuld have t stay here fr thusands f years.“Why can't they reuse r recycle us?” I cried.
    Language pints.
    Useful phrases1. have a nrmal life捡起…;拾起…2. the same as与…一样3. full f …装满,充满4. pick up …捡起5. Smewhere else其他地方
    1. Then I was pushed tgether with the rest f the rubbish. the rest f: 剩下的…;其余的…Translate:他的阅读能力不及班上其他人。He's behind the rest f the class in reading. 2. I slept fr a while. fr a while: 一会儿Translate:去躺一会儿吧。G and lie dwn fr a while.
    3. When I wke up, I fund myself in a terrible place. wake up: 醒来Translate:你通常什么时候醒来?What time d yu usually wake up? 4. I kept hping that I wuld be mved smewhere else.keep ding sth.: 不断做某事;继续做某事Translate:我一直在等待,你却没有来。I keep waiting fr yu but yu never cme.
    5. Then huge trucks came and cvered us with a layer f sil.cver … with …: 用…覆盖…Translate:给他盖件外套,让他暖和点。Cver him with a cat and make sure he is warm. 6. …, but wuld have t stay here fr thusands f years.thusands f: 成千上万的Translate:有几十万人正处于危险中。Hundreds f thusands f peple are at risk.
    Answer the questins.
    1.At the beginning f the stry, what was inside the plastic bttle?Water.2. What happened t the plastic bttle n the next day after the wman threw it away?A man tk it ut f the dustbin. He threw it and the ther dustbin int the back f a truck. It was pushed tgether with the rest f the rubbish. Sn I was cmpletely flat.
    3. What will happen t this plastic bttle?It will have t stay in the hrrible crwded place fr thusands f years.4. Hw many different places the plastic bttle has stayed?The plastic bttle has stayed in six different places.
    5. What des the sentence “There were s many hrrible smells.” suggest?We shuld classify different kinds f rubbish.6. What des the last sentence in Paragraph 3 mean?The plastic bttle was in a crwded place with a lt f rubbish and it became very flat.
    Can yu describe the jurney f this plastic bttle? Can yu change his jurney in a green way? Discuss this with yur classmates.
    n the supermarket shelf
    in the hme fridge
    in a dustbin
    empty & alne
    in the back f a truck
    in a terrible place
    under the sil
    hrrible & flat
    Why can’t they reuse r recycle us?
    The jurney f a plastic bttle
    What d yu think peple shuld d t the plastic bttle?
    1. Change the plastic bttle int a small flwerpt.Because there are mre and mre peple like t raise sme flwers and plants n the balcny at hme.2. Change the plastic bttle int a strage bx.3. Change the plastic bttle int a simple sealed artifact.It can be used t seal fd in plastic bags.
    4. Change the plastic bttle int a magic egg barrel.This kind f bucket is used t hld eggs. The eggs are nt fragile, and they are mre safe than plastic bags.5. Change the plastic bttle int a piggy bank.6. Change the plastic bttle int a srting bins.It is specially used t discard plastic recyclable garbage, and the garbage classificatin will nt be frgtten.
    Study skills
    Research skills (4): Analysing the results f a questinnaireMre and mre peple, bth yung and ld, are becming greener tday. This means they are trying t prtect the envirnment.
    Hw green are yu? Answer the questinnaire belw. Circle yur answers, add up yur scre and then check the ttal with the analysis n page 47.
    HOW GREEN ARE YOU?1. D yu recycleA. newspapers?1B. tins?1C. plastic bags?22.When yu make a shrt jurney, d yuA. walk r cycle?3B. g by car?0C. g by public transprt?2
    HOW GREEN ARE YOU?3. What d yu use fr shpping?A. A basket r a clth bag.3B. Reused plastic bags.1C. New plastic bags.04.Hw many electrical appliances d yu have at hme?A. Ten r mre.0B. Five t nine.1C. Less than five.2
    HOW GREEN ARE YOU?5. Hw ften d yu switch ff the lights and ther electrical appliances when they are nt needed?A. Usually.2B. Seldm.1C. Never.06.D yu usually takeA. a bath?0B. a shwer?1
    Analysis Scre1-3Yu have nt started turning green yet!4-7Yu are pale green. Try harder!8-10Yu are medium green. Keep ging!11-13Yu are bright green. Well dne!
    Wrk in grups t cmpare yur answers. Then prduce a shrt reprt. Yu can als make a pie chart t shw the results. Fllw the example.
    This is ur reprt n the “Hw green are yu?” questinnaire.The average scre fr ur grup is 8.3. This means that we are medium green. Ten per cent f us have nt started turning green yet. Twenty per cent are pale green. Frty per cent are medium green. Thirty per cent are bright green.We scred the mst pints fr questins 2 and 5.We scred the fewest pints fr questin 4.
    medium green
    bright green
    Culture crner
    Yur carbn ftprintThe ttal amunt f carbn dixide (CO2) yu prduce a year is called yur carbn ftprint. Besides breathing, there are tw ther ways yu can prduce CO2. First, yu can d it directly, by driving a car r using a gas stve. Secnd, yu can d it indirectly, by buying r using prducts that prduced CO2, when they were made.
    Generally, yu shuld make yur carbn ftprint as small as pssible. Fr example, yu can use public transprt instead f a car, r yu can walk r cycle.
    Answer the questins
    1. What des carbn ftprint mean?It refers t the ttal amunt f carbn dixide that ne prduces a year.2. Hw many ways ne prduces CO2 are mentined in the text?Three.3. Hw t prduce CO2 directly? By driving a car r using a gas stve.
    4. Hw t prduce CO2 indirectly? By buying r using prducts that prduced CO2, when they were made.5. What shuld we d t reduce ur carbn ftprint?Use public transprt instead f a car, r walk r cycle.
    What ther things can yu d t reduce yur carbn ftprint?Suggested answer:1. Take a shwer: Taking a shwer uses abut 1/5 f the energy as taking a bath, and as lng as yu dn’t fall asleep it shuld use less water t. If nt, yu can always install a “lw flw” shwer head t limit the amunt f water being used.
    2. Unplug yur phne charger: When yu’re nt using it that is. Accrding t the U.S. Department f Energy, appliances cnsume a significant amunt f electricity even when they are switched ff. Ever ntice hw yur phne charger can get ht with n phne n it?3. Buy a laptp instead f a desktp: Laptps can use up t 80% less energy than a desktp, and unless yu are a die hard tech junkie that needs t have the fastest prcessr n the planet, a mdern laptp will suit yur needs just fine.
    4. Avid black trash bags: Because f the black pigmentatin these trash bags cannt be recycled. A better ptin is t use white trash bags and the best ptin is f curse…nne.5. Filter yur wn water: This ne is huge. Mst tap water (in western cuntries) is safe t drink and by filtering it yu can d a lt f saving. First f all, the water is usually flwn in frm far away which requires fuel and then the packaging itself uses a lt f energy. Besides, buying bttled water nly feels gd until yu check yur bank accunt.
    6. Buy lcal: Once again, if yu keep things lcal it will reduce the amunt f fuel that is required t get the fd frm the farm t yur fridge. The same cncept ges fr ther gds and services as well.7. Replace lightbulbs with CFL bulbs: CFL (cmpact flurescent) bulbs can last up t 15 times lnger and use up t 8% less energy than regular lightbulbs. Again, this culd certainly have the added benefit f streamlining yur electric bill.
    8. Use rechargeable batteries: Using rechargeable batteries can shave almst 1,000 punds ff f yur carbn ftprint by the time the batteries die fr gd.9. Read the newspaper nline: This ne is a n-brainer. By getting yur daily fix f news nline rather than in print yu are saving a lt n paper printing csts.10. Drive a hybrid: Althugh they run a little pricier, ver the lifetime f the vehicle yu will find yurself mre than cvering the difference in gasline savings.
    1. I had a nrmal life, ____________ all my brthers and sisters.同我所有的兄弟姐妹一样,有一个正常的生活。2. The wman _____ me hme and ____ me in the fridge.女人把我带回家,把我在冰箱里。3. I sn ________________ the cans and bttles in it.我很快和里面的其它瓶瓶罐罐成了朋友。
    Cmplete the sentences.
    the same as
    make friends with
    4. I have never felt s ______ and ______ in my life.我从来没有感到我的生活是如此的空虚寂寞。5. I cannt believe _________ I became.我简直不敢相信我能瘦成这样了。6. I asked anther bttle what wuld ___________ us.我问另一个瓶子接下来我们将会怎么样。
    ( )1. These are picture bks, and the rest ____ English nvels.A. isB. areC. wasD. were( )2.Wuld yu like smething _____ t drink?A. ther B. thers   C. anther   D. else
    Chse the crrect answers.
    ( )3. We're ging t be minus a car fr ____ while. A. aB. anC. theD. /( ) I nearly always wake ___ fresh and rested.A. ff B. n   C. up   D. fr
    Key pints: The article abut The jurney f a plastic bttle;Research skills;The infrmatin abut ne’s carbn ftprint.
    熟读P45的文章。完成Culture crner环节的活动,即写一篇关于如何低碳出行的小作文。

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    英语九年级下册(2014秋审查)Unit 3 The environment授课ppt课件: 这是一份英语九年级下册(2014秋审查)Unit 3 The environment授课ppt课件,文件包含Unit3TheenvironmentPeriod5morepracticeculturecorner课件pptx、Unit3TheenvironmentPeriod5morepracticeculturecorner学案doc、Unit3TheenvironmentPeriod5morepracticeculturecorner教案doc、Unit3TheenvironmentPeriod5morepracticeculturecorner练习doc、U3Mormp3、相关视频flv等6份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

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