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      房山区2020年高三衔接诊断测试英语试题2020. 4.30 ( 一模).docx
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      房山区2020年高三衔接诊断测试答案 2020.4.30(一模).doc
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    这是一份北京市房山区2020届高三衔接诊断测试(一模)英语试题,文件包含房山区2020年高三衔接诊断测试答案2020430一模doc、房山区2020年高三衔接诊断测试英语试题2020430一模docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共10页, 欢迎下载使用。

    房山区 2020 年高三衔接诊断试卷
    本试卷共 12 页,120 分。考试时长 100 分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将答题卡交回,试卷自行保存。
    第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45 分)
    第一节语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)

    阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的词,

    内Learning isn’t simply abut earning degrees r attending stried institutins. Bks, nline curses, MOOCs, prfessinal develpment prgrams, pdcasts, and ther resurces have

    never been mre accessible, 1(make) it easier than ever t make a habit f lifelng
    能learning. Every day, each f us 2(ffer) the pprtunity t pursue develpment. Peple wh devte themselves t learning and wh exhibit curisity are almst always 3

    (happy) and mre scially and prfessinally engaging than thse wh dn’t.
    The high-speed railway line cnnecting Beijing and Zhangjiaku, the c-hst city f the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, went int peratin n December 30th, 2019. 4 (design) with 5G signals and wireless charging, the smart train G8811 departed frm Beijing Nrth Railway Statin 5 8:30 am t Zhangjiaku. The railway is 174 km lng, with 10 statins alng the line. With a maximum design speed f 350 kph, it greatly reduces the travel time frm ver three hurs t 47 minutes, facilitating inter-city traffic.
    S far, the length f China’s railrad lines in service 6(reach) 139,000 km, including 35,000 km f high-speed rail, ranking first in the wrld.
    Frsythia(连翘)is ne f the earliest 7(flwer) blming in spring, between
    March and May. It is a ppular plant knwn fr its bare branches filled with brilliant yellw flwers. The plant has fur petals and its branches stretch upward, 8 is native t China. It’s easy t grw 9 it can tlerate unfavrable cnditins and partial shade, but it grws best in full sun. During July and August it prduces fruit, ften used in 10 (traditin) Chinese medicine, prven by sme f the earliest Chinese medical texts dating back t sme 4,000 years.
    第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)
    阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Reaching Impssible Heights
    Xia, 69, reached the peak f Munt Qmlangma, the highest muntain in the wrld n May 14th , 2018. What’s remarkable, hwever, is that Xia has n 11 f his wn.
    Xia was chsen by the Chinese muntaineering team in 1974 and tgether with his teammates, Xia 12 Munt Qmlangma in 1975. Hwever, he and sme f his teammates were 13 in a snwstrm just 200 meters belw the peak and were frced t g dwn the hill. Eventually, nine climbers reached the tp, but Xia 14 severe freezing cld and lst bth his feet. After that, he became a duble amputee.
    He heard the news f his teammates’ 15 n the radi as he lay in bed in hspital awaiting the peratin. “I was prud f my teammates but 16 because I was nt amng them. I didn’t dare t imagine my 17 f sitting in a wheelchair, perhaps frever,” he said.
    He felt 18 fr a lng time until a dctr tld him that n artificial legs, he culd live life like anyne else, and might even d quite a lt f physical exercise. His hpes were
    19 and he set a target: he wuld climb Qmlangma. The visin f the 20 came clse t him. It gave him the curage and hpe t 21 .
    He failed t reach the 8,844-meter peak fur times. Althugh it tk Xia mre than 40 years t realize his 22 , he stayed less than 10 minutes at the tp because f a strm. Facing int the wind, he 23 his bdy t carry n dwn the muntain, knwing that the
    24 had nly just begun. His artificial legs had n feeling. Lw temperatures and the
    burden f hiking caused his legs t swell, s that the artificial legs didn’t 25 as they shuld. He uses twice as much 26 as fully-able muntaineers. Many times, his feet gt
    27 in cracks in the ice and his teammates had t help pull his legs ut. Then there was the snw. His glasses were cvered with a layer f 28 . “Everything was white. I culdn’t see clearly. The nly thing I culd d was t hld tight t the rpe and keep mving n,” he recalled. It tk Xia tw days t 29 t the base camp, mre than 3,000 meters belw.
    His 30 is beynd mst peple’s imaginatin. When he was reprted t have cnquered Qmlangma, he replied, “It is Qmlangma that accepts me. Nature cannt be cnquered, but peple can.”
    第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,40 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,共 30 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Live & study in Cambridge, England
    Explre Lndn, Cambridge, and Paris
    Prepare fr cllege
    Have fun and make great friends frm arund the wrld
    Our Cambridge Schlars’ Prgram is t help intelligent high schl students aged 14-18 reach their full ptential and prepare fr their amazing futures.
    Outstanding Educatin
    We ffer a range f excellent curses—frm Astrnmy t Psychlgy t Debate. Pick内 and mix frm ur diverse curse list t pursue yur passin r try ut different subjects t find不 yur favrite. The curses are taught by ur experienced teachers, nearly all f whm belng t
    the University f Cambridge.能
    Enriching Activities答
    We run activities after classes t help yu develp friendships with the great new peple

    yu’ll meet. In the evenings we have dances, sprts activities, punting n the River Cam, film
    nights, and mre.
    Cultural Trips
    We have trips arund Britain. Visit castles, palaces, museums and mre t learn mre abut the cuntry’s cultural heritage and have a fantastic time with all the new friends yu’ll make.
    Optinal Paris trip
    Nte: Sign up fr the ptinal Paris trip yu shuld pay extra $1500 fee.
    After the Cambridge prgram ends, we ffer an ptinal week in Paris—seeing all the famus sites such as the Eiffel Twer and Versailles, as well as having a trip t Disneyland Paris.
    11. A. ears
    B. eyes
    C. legs
    D. arms
    12. A. reprted
    B. climbed
    C. discvered
    D. measured
    13. A. buried
    B. absrbed
    C. engaged
    D. trapped
    14. A. ignred
    B. suffered
    C. defended
    D. vercame
    15. A. success
    B. kindness
    C. curage
    D. prgress
    16. A. mved
    B. relaxed
    C. depressed
    D. cncerned
    17. A. plan
    B. future
    C. relief
    D. behavir
    18. A. fearless
    B. cnfident
    C. hpeless
    D. inspired
    19. A. raised
    B. recrded
    C. destryed
    D. prmised
    20. A. memry
    B. recvery
    C. peratin
    D. muntain
    21. A. take n
    B. live n
    C. depend n
    D. pass n
    22. A. dream
    B. situatin
    C. psitin
    D. decisin
    23. A. shk
    B. warned
    C. allwed
    D. frced
    24. A. travel
    B. reward
    C. struggle
    D. research
    25. A. fit
    B. apprach
    C. prevent
    D. change
    26. A. passin
    B. supprt
    C. energy
    D. knwledge
    27. A. lst
    B. invlved
    C. dressed
    D. stuck
    28. A. ice
    B. sand
    C. paint
    D. plastic
    29. A. rush
    B. return
    C. escape
    D. wander
    30. A. patience
    B. independence
    C. cntributin
    D. determinatin
    Time: Tw Week: Saturday, July 25th—Sunday, August 9th
    Optin One
    Optin Tw
    Optin Three
    Optin Fur
    Cambridge Thinking
    Cmputer Science
    Artificial Intelligence
    Essay Writing
    Criminal & Frensic Psychlgy
    Business Psychlgy
    Ecnmics & Finance
    Internatinal Relatins, Plitics & Leadership
    English Literature
    Mind Games
    Essay Writing
    The Quantum Universe
    Mind Games
    9 am – 10:30 am
    10:45 am – 12:15 am
    1:30 pm – 3 pm
    3:15 pm – 4:45 pm
    Our full curse ffering during the tw weeks is as fllws:
    线31. What can we learn abut the Cambridge Schlars’ Prgram?
    内A. It is designed fr intelligent university students.
    B. It ffers the chance t visit the places f interest f Britain.
    不C. It includes an ptinal week f turing arund Paris fr free.
    能D. It has varius curses taught by experienced cllege students.
    If a student has free time frm 2 pm – 10 pm, what curses can he attend?

    Mind Games and Essay Writing
    题B. Debate and Cambridge Thinking
    Jurnalism and Cmputer Science
    Chemistry and Artificial Intelligence
    What is the main purpse f this passage?
    T cmpare the curses.
    T evaluate the activities.
    T recmmend the prgram.
    T intrduce the travel arrangement.
    It’s never t early t start ding gd deeds fr thers. Adults shuld always be rle mdels fr children and the yuth, but smetimes thse rles are easily exchanged. A yung by did just that—shwing that at an early age ne can d mre t uplift thers.
    Pavel, 9-year-ld Russian by, made up his mind t use his talent t reach ut t thse in need. The yung artist frm the small city f Arzamas decided t use his lve fr painting int helping animals, by exchanging his artwrk fr animal fd and supplies, which are then dnated t a lcal shelter.
    Pavel had this wnderful idea fr helping animals when his family lst ne f their wn pets. He als began t grw cncerned ver the situatin f stray animals wandering in the city. He felt it was his duty t help, which resulted in a prject called “Kind Paintbrush”. It was set up by Pavel and his mther. The prject started as a way t hnr the memry f their pet, but has since evlved int a distinctive way f helping animals. Only ne animal shelter, husing ver 100 dgs, exists in the lcal area, and Pavel is its yungest vlunteer. T supprt the shelter, Pavel draws images f real pets and in return, he is paid with animal fd and ther needs f the shelter.
    This isn’t even the first time that mther and sn have vlunteered their time t a wrthy endeavr. They wrk n their wn time and effrt, with n supprt frm ther rganizatins. They are simply mtivated by their empathy, huge heart, and willingness t use their skills fr helping animals.
    This stimulating prject has already grwn beynd Arzamas city. Pavel has becme quite a sensatin, particularly amng animal lvers in Russia wh have been in tuch t have prtraits f their pets made. Requests fr paintings f their pets have als cme frm abrad, such as Spain and Germany.
    Pavel’s dreams fr the future are still tied t helping animals. He plans t becme as much as he can with his art and lve fr animals.
    What can we knw abut Pavel?
    He has wn several awards.
    He dreams t build an animal shelter.
    He is gd at drawing images f real pets.
    He gets a lt f help frm ther rganizatins.
    Why did Pavel start the prject “Kind Paintbrush”?
    T attract mre vlunteers.
    T prmte his paintings in lcal area.
    T learn mre skills f feeding animals.
    T memrize his lst pet and help animals.
    Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Pavel?
    Creative and caring.
    Plite and intelligent.
    Mdest and ambitius.
    Humrus and determined.
    What des the passage mainly tell us?
    It is never t ld t learn.
    Time and tide wait fr n man.
    A kind act can make a difference.
    Saying is ne thing and ding anther.
    The research frm the U.S. Centers fr Disease Cntrl and Preventin shws that fd allergies ( 过 敏 ) in children have increased abut 50 percent. Cmmn symptms f allergic
    respnses include itchy muth, thrat tightening, and difficulties in breathing.
    Fd allergy is a medical cnditin f expsure t certain fds. It ccurs when the immune system attacks the prtein in fd that in nrmal cases is harmless. Accrding t reprts, mre than 170 fds cause allergic reactins. The majr fd allergens are in eggs, milk, peanuts, wheat, sy, fish, tree nuts, and crustacean shellfish.
    There are several reasns behind the rise in fd allergies. The fd being prduced these days is high in sugar, unhealthy fats, genetically mdifies and sme fd farms have pesticides
    ( 农 药 ) and ther fd have been injected drugs. All this can have a negative impact n ur
    micrbime (微生物群), which is the basis f gd health and immunity.
    In a study cmparing tw children, a 15-year-ld wh lived in urban Italy and a 14-year-ld child frm rural Africa, it clearly shwed a significant difference in the diversity f bacteria in their guts. The reasn lies in their diet. The child frm rural Africa has his diet lw in fat and rich in plant-based fds which are grwn and harvested lcally by villagers. In cntrast, the Italian kid’s diet was rich in animal prtein, sugar then lw in fiber. Ultimately, the micrbime f the kid frm Italy was less than that f the kid frm Africa.
    Besides, the s-called ‘hygiene hypthesis’ suggests that decreased expsure t micrbes in early life can lead t an increased chance f allergies in later life, because f individuals nt having built up immunity at a yung age.
    Yet anther reasn fr the explsin in allergies may be envirnmental changes. The envirnment has seen a rise in temperature and is estimated that in the cming decades the temperature culd rise even further by 10 degrees. As a result f this warm climate, the grwing seasns will be lnger, increasing allergen cunt thus making allergies even wrse. Accrding t scientists, climate change is a cntributing factr that needs immediate attentin.
    Dr. R. Sharn, researcher f Allergy and Asthma Research Centre at Stanfrd University, believes the cause f allergies will ultimately cme dwn t a cmbinatin f many factrs.
    Fd allergies have n cure but can be managed by aviding fd that brings the reactins. Scientists are studying fd allergies medical methds fr general use. They are all trying t actively understand a certain part f the puzzle when it cmes t allergies.
    What can we learn frm the passage?密
    Scientists have fund an effective methd t slve fd allergies.

    There culd be many reasns that cmbine t lead t fd allergies.
    Envirnmental changes are the mst imprtant reasn fr fd allergies.线
    T decrease children’s allergies, we shuld make them eat less every day.内
    In paragraph 4, the tw children are mentined t shw that .

    pesticides have bad effects n peple’s fd
    a persn’s daily diet can affect his micrbime能
    fd allergies have n cure but can be avided答
    climate change is anther factr fr fd allergies题
    What is the main purpse f this passage?
    T explain the causes f fd allergies.
    T stress the influences f fd allergies.
    T intrduce the slutins t fd allergies.
    T tell peple the symptms f fd allergies.
    What’s the authr’s attitude t the treatment f fd allergies?
    Indifferent.B. Psitive.
    C. Dubtful.D. Critical.
    Say gdbye t standing in lng lines hlding barding passes and ther travel dcuments.
    Step this way, instead. Lk int the camera lens and ff yu g.
    Sund cnvenient? Technlgy cmpanies wrking with travel prviders and the federal gvernment t install facial recgnitin systems at airprts hpe yu think s.
    But privacy advcatrs dn’t want yu t becme t cmfrtable. They wrry that what we’re willing t accept fr cnvenience tday will sften ur resistance t the idea f filling public spaces with cameras that can identify us and track ur every mve.
    Facial recgnitin technlgy came suddenly int mdern reality with very few peple prepared fr it. Facial recgnitin is a bimetric technlgy that uses distinguishable facial
    密features t identify a persn. In many cases, we see it being used by gvernments and law
    enfrcement agencies—testing its accuracy and value fr future purpses.

    Tday, it’s used in a variety f ways frm allwing yu t unlck yur phne, g thrugh
    线security at the airprt, purchase prducts at stres. It checks the identities f ride-hailing drivers, permits turists t enter attractins and let peple pay fr things with a

    smile. Airprts are increasingly adding facial recgnitin technlgy t security checkpints.
    不It’s even said that past ftage f unslved mysteries wuld benefit greatly frm this
    能technlgy as it wuld help identify the criminals f crimes lng frgtten.
    Hwever, there has been a serius clash between the gvernment and citizens in general
    答ver the technlgy’s use cases. At an airprt, travelers are requested t present their passprts,题frm which the sftware will determine whether the persn standing in frnt f the camera matches the identity. If it matches, then they can get thrugh quickly. Hwever, the surveillance
    system searches a large database fr the face presented t the camera. Editing such a big database, many wrry, will inevitably lead t privacy cncerns dwn the rad. The biggest drawback fr facial recgnitin technlgy in mst peple’s pinins is the threat t an individual’s privacy.
    Sme say that it’s the mst pwerful tl as they fear fr their privacy being invaded almst n a daily basis, while the gvernment tries t push it as smething necessary fr better civil cntrl and crime preventin. Overall, talks usually bil dwn t whether facial recgnitin technlgy shuld be banned r if it shuld be regulated.
    Accrding t IBM, the banning f facial recgnitin technlgy wuld be a step backward fr human scientific advancement. Hwever, restricting it within light regulatins culd yield
    just as many gains as it wuld in a “free market”.
    There are many useful applicatins f facial recgnitin technlgy—bth at the cnsumer level as a matter f security and cnvenience, and fr gvernments and law enfrcement agencies. The challenge is finding the balance between thse benefits and the expectatin f privacy. Banning facial recgnitin is nt the answer. Regulating it, hwever, may be necessary t put an acceptable framewrk f rules arund its use.
    With the help f facial recgnitin, we can .
    purchase prducts at hme
    figure ut unslved mysteries
    reduce the number f criminals
    pass the security at the airprt faster
    What des the underlined wrd “clash” in paragraph 6 prbably mean?
    Cnflict.B. Crisis.C. Challenge.D. Cnsequence.
    Facing the use f this technlgy, citizens .
    have n idea f its benefit
    have already gt well-prepared
    wrry their infrmatin is misused
    refuse t accept the cnvenience
    Which pint f view may the authr agree t?
    Banning facial recgnitin.
    Debating with the gvernment.
    Maintaining the current situatin.
    Regulating facial recgnitin with rules.
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
    Suppse yu were prmised $1,440 each day that cmes t $525,600 a year. That culd never be reduced r changed in yur whle life. Sunds great, desn’t it? Actually, we all d get 1,440 a day—but in minutes, nt dllars. 46 It’s pssible t get mre mney, but yu can’t make mre time.
    Many f the management practices that help peple make gd use f their mney can als be applied t yur “time currency”. But the questin is, are yu a gd manager f yur time? 47
    Find ut where yur time is ging nw. Write dwn everything yu d in a day. Include wrk, study, cking and meals, cleaning and husehld maintenance, sleep, family time and mindless activities such as watching TV and getting lst in scial media.
    48 Ten minutes f planning can save yu an hur f time and helps stretch the time yu have, and yu’ll see pckets f time yu can use fr things yu want t d. “Once
    第三部分:书面表达(共两节,35 分)
    第一节(15 分)
    假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国好友 Jim 在给你的邮件中提到他今年暑假将来北京参加“外国人朗诵中国诗词大赛”,希望你能为他推荐一首中国诗词。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:
    注意:1. 词数不少于 50;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Jim,
    peple have a clear picture, they actually d have a lt mre time than they realize.” Clark, the
    funder f the Purpseful Planner says.
    Yu can als set limits. Use kitchen timers, phne reminders, apps r ther timing devices t stay fcused and wrk mre prductively, suggests Janine Adams, certified prfessinal
    第二节(20 分)
    Li Hua密
    rganizer f Peace f Mind Organizing.
    49 When yu have missins t run, instead f making three separate trips n three different days t buy grceries, ffice supplies r hme stre prducts, integrate them—visit all three stres in ne trip. It’s mre efficient t finish “little ne-ff” tasks tgether rather than deal with ne at a time thrughut the day.
    At the end f the day, week, mnth and year, take a lk at hw well yu’ve managed yur time. Yu’ll see where yu culd d better and where yu’ve cmpleted what yu set ut t d. Bren cmpares this prgress check t reviewing yur annual “financial statement”.
    50D that ver and ver and “it frms habit and becmes natural.” Bren says.
    Try these simple steps t take cntrl f yur clck and calendar.
    Time is ne f the mst precius and limited resurces fr peple.
    Gruping small tasks int ne jb prves t be helpful in daily practice.
    The mst imprtant tasks are nt always the same as the mst pressing tasks.
    Fcus n what yu’re ding and avid having t repeat the same prcess twice.
    Invest a few minutes at the beginning f each day r week t plan and rganize.
    Take time each day t reflect n yur achievements and set gals fr tmrrw.
    注意:词数不少于 60。

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