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    人教版英语八年级下册 Unit3 Could you please clean your room 单元测试课件01
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    人教版英语八年级下册 Unit3 Could you please clean your room 单元测试课件05
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    人教版英语八年级下册 Unit3 Could you please clean your room 单元测试课件01
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    人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?综合与测试授课ppt课件

    这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?综合与测试授课ppt课件,文件包含人教版八年级英语下册精品课件Unit3Couldyoupleasecleantheroom单元测试ppt、unit3doc、unit3高质量mp3等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共22页, 欢迎下载使用。


    .I听小对话,选出与对话内容相符的图片: 5 分)

       A             B              C              D             E

      1_______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______

    II. 听下面一段对话, 回答6--10题(5分)

    (    )6. Who is coming over in an hour ?

    1. Mikes grandfather.      B. Mikes grandmother.     C. Mikes cousin.

    (    )7. What do Mark and Mike want to do ?

    1. Go to a meeting         B. Go to the mountains.     C. Go to the movies.

    (    )8. What do Mikes mother and his grandmother want to do ?

    1. Go to the movies        B. Go to a meeting         C. Go to the store.

    (    )9. Where can Mark and Mike meet ?

    1. At the store             B. At the library           C. At the cinema

    (    )10. Can Mike borrow some money from his mother ?

          A. Yes, he can.       B. No, he cant.           C. We dont know.

    III. 听下面一段文章, 选择最佳答案(5分)

    (     )11. How many sisters does the writer have ?

            A. One           B. Two                 C. Three

    (     )12. What did the writers family probably live ?

     A. In the countryside       B. In a big city           C. In a big town

    (    )13. How many days a month did the writers father stay at home ?

            A. Two           B. Three                C. Four

    (    )14. How old did the writers go to school ?

            A. Five          B. Six                  C. Seven

    (    )15. What can we learn from the passage ?

    1. The father came home late every day.  B. The kids liked doing housework very much.      C. The writers family lived a hard but very happy life.

    IV. 听完下面的短文, 完成句子。 (5分)

    1. Mary ________________before breakfast.
    2. She _______________________after school.
    3. Mary has to go to the park _____________________with her dog.
    4. Mary can watch TV________________________.
    5. Mary goes to the Childrens  palace to______________________on weekends.

    V. 单项选择(10分)

    (   )21.-----Could I borrow your camera ?

          _____________________. But please give it back by Saturday.

    1. Im sorry.       B. Of course        C. Certainly not       D. No, thanks.

    (    )22. ---Sir , Could you please put out your cigarette(香烟)? This is a smoke--free school . (无烟的)

    1. Im sorry about this.   B. No problem.  C. Sure, Id love to.    D. Never mind.

    (   )23. --Tomwould you please _______the box ? Its for your sister.

          A. not open       B. dont open      C. not to open     D. to not open

    (    )24.Where do you usually have lunch ?

            In the school dining hall. It______ different kinds of food _______us.

    A. provides...to   B. provides......with    C. provides...for     D.provides....by

    (    )25. In order to finish the project in time, everyone must _____this job.

    1. do their best to    B. take part to    C. get on with     D. do their part in

    (    )26. Will you go to the beach tomorrow ?

             It __________the weather. If it is fine, Ill go there.

           A. goes on      B. depends on     C. puts on       D. decides on

    (    )27. There was thick haze (雾霾)in our city this spring. What do you think of it?

             I think __________cars we drive , ________pollution our city will have.

              A. the fewer, the fewer             B. the fewer, the less  

              C. the more, the fewer             D. the more, the less

    (    )28.He has no money , And _______ he also has no time to do that.

            A. Anyway      B. Then        C. None       D. However

    (    )29. Kate, May I _________your bike ?

             Sure, But youd better not _______it to others.

    1. lend ; lend      B. lend ; borrow     C. borrow; borrow     D. borrow; lend

    (    )30. What language is that guy speaks ? I can hardly catch a single word .

            __________. Hes from India, so I guess it is Hindi.

         A. Neither I can     B. Neither can I     C. So can I       D. So I can

     VI .选词完成句子  10分)

    1. teachers job   B. the minute     C. independence    D. fairness  E.no need

    F. any minute now  G. threw down     H. drop    I. waste     J. what a mess

    1. The price of the house is very high. I hope it can ______ in the future.
    2. Its every ________ to explain things clearly to the students.
    3. Let your little daughter make some delicious food by herself. Its important to develop her __________.
    4.  Dont ______time doing what you dont like to do.
    5.  _________the little girl saw her mom, she began to cry.
    6. We all know that the ________of the competition is very important.
    7. ___________you have made! You should clear it up before mum gets here.
    8. The guests are arriving ________but we are still not ready.
    9. He _________the magazine and turned on the TV.
    10. Theres _______to tell him the news ,. He has heard of it.

    VII、完形填空 15分)

    No one hates housework(家务劳动) more than I do. I always try not to do41.________ housework, but sometimes I have to. It is really something that I   42   . But now I find a few ways of making it   43   . Maybe some of these   44   can also help you enjoy your housework.

    Invite friends over for dinner: this is my favorite way. Everyone likes to go to a   45    house. By inviting friends to your home, youd like to do the   46   . We all know that a clean house can make people   47   . A clean house is part of a successful   48   .

    Think about something interesting : I feel tired and 49_______about doing chores before. However if I think something interesting about myself or my friends.I will feel happy. As a 50_______, I do housework in a short time.

     Music and singing: it sometimes seems(好像) that I never have time to   51.   my favorite music. So sometimes I   52   my CD player and listen to music when working. If you like singing, do it. You are going to find your work is finished before you know it.

     Give yourself a 53.______: tell yourself you are going to see a movie   54   you finish your housework. Plan to do something that makes you feel good.

    These are all about my ideas, I hope some will help you. Then you are going to find your work is finished 55______you know it.

    (    )41. A. housework    B. washing       C. cleaning       D. homework

    (    ) 42. A. like        B. agree     C. dislike     D. disagree

    (    ) 43. A. interesting    B. difficult     C. happy     D. successful

    (    ) 44. A. songs       B. ideas      C. gifts        D. music

    (    ) 45. A. new        B. nice      C. big      D. clean

    (    ) 46. A. chores     B. homework    C. sports     D. job

    (    ) 47. A. wiser     B. happier     C. healthier       D. wilder

    (    ) 48. A. life        B. survey      C. party        D. Lunch

    (    )49 . A.upset         B. happy        C. good          D. easy

    (    )50. A. fact          B. way          C. result         D. plan

    (    ) 51. A. look     B. buy      C. play        D. enjoy

    (    ) 52. A. turn on     B. turn off    C. turn up     D. turn down

    (    )53. A. finger         B. gift         C. sign           D. spirit

    (    ) 54. A. or      B. and     C. after        D. before 

    (    )55. A. after         B. and          C. before         D. or

    VIII.选择适当的词填空, 注意适当的形式变化(10分)

    with    are    solve    who    do     crazy   relax   agree   even  like

    Work and life are all of pressure in modern times. So if you do something simple 56_______ washing dirty clothes, it can make you feel both relaxed and successful. It seems impossible, but in fact some experts(专家)are really encouraging people to do so. Simple housework such as washing the windows or ironing (熨烫)clothes is a good way to face the pressure 57_______taking medicine says Carol Clark, a successful New York psychologist(心理学家)She has met some people 58_____have

    Pressure in life. She advises them to try 59______daily housework. While washing the windows she tells them , imagine youre washing away all the little things in life that 60.______troubling you . While ironing, imagine you are 61._______the problems of your life. But some people did not 62._______. We interviewed two working parents. Housework is the main reason for pressure in my life.says Linda, a computer programmer and a mother of three children. She says, Get out of housework and then Ill really be able to 63._____. Gary is a doctor and a single father of a six-month-old baby.He was 64.______more against doing housework. I pay a psychologist $200 an hour tells me to do some housework! I dont know who is 65________, ---the psychologist or me!






     IX. 阅读(20分)      A

    In America, there are chores for children of different ages. American people think its important to tell children their duty in the family. Use this list of age chores for your children


    Age 2--3

    Help make the bed;

    pick up toys and books;

    Take laundry(要洗的衣服)to the laundry room;

    Help feed pets;

    Age 4--5

    Clear and set the table;

    Help cook dinner;

    Put away groceries(杂物);

    Age 6--8

    Take care of pets;

    Take out the rubbish;

    Age 9--12

    Help wash the car;

    Learn to wash the dishes;

    Clean the bathroom;

    (    )66. This passage tells us something about ___________

    1. American children    B. Chinese children    C. Children all over the world

    D. People all over the world.

    (    )67. American people think children should do chores in the family because ___

    1. Children have nothing to do except playing 

    B. They think children should develop good habits.

    C. They think its important to let children know their duty in the family.

    D. Parents want their children to be good.

    (    )68. If Bob is 3 years old , he can _________

    1. set the table  B. help make the bed  C. wash the dishes  D. take out the rubbish

    (    )69. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

    1. Children should help parents do housework.

    B.A 5-year-old child can help make dinner.

    C. A 10-year-old child should be able to clean the bathroom.

    D. 6-year-old Mary should be able to wash the dishes.

    (    )70. Whats the passage mainly about ?

    1. Why children should do chores.    B. Children have duty in the family.

    C. What chores American children of different ages should do ?

    D. Different opinions on whether(是否)children should do chores in the family.


     Many parents make their children do chores around the house. For some families, teaching children what to do and how to do chores is easy. But in other families, getting children to do some housework can be a very big problem.

        It is a good idea for parents to teach their children at an early age that all family members must work together to make the house clean, and each person must do his or her share() of the work. We can do this by starting a plan of chores and responsibilities when children are young.

        Chores are good for children-even very young ones. Doing chores teaches children many important skills (技能 ) such  as  working together and being responsible. Jobs also teach children what is fair(公平的)and doing things for others. The skills and values (价值) from doing chores will do good to

    children all their lives.

    (    )71.. The first paragraph tells us _______________.           .

    A. all the parents make their children do chores

    B. it's easy to teach children to do chores

    C. some children think doing chores is difficult

    D. it is different on teaching children to do chores among different families

    (    )72.The underlined word "responsibilities means "____________.

          A. skills          B. functions        C. duties       D. jobs

    (    )73.Its  good to teach _______________  to do chores.

    A. young children        B. girls            C. parents      D. some families

    (    )74.. Children can learn _______________ from doing chores.

    A. working together with others   B. how to write   C. what is fair   D. A,and C

    (    )75. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

    A. It's a big problem to teach children to do chores.

    B. Only the children who do chores know what is fair.

    C. Some children like to do chores but  some don't.

    D. In a family, young children don't need to do chores.


    In some western countries, many children do chores (家务) to get pocket money.76.___________School students have to do homework and study for tests. They dont have much free time on weekdays. 77_______________Young kids only do easy chores. So they dont get much money. But thats enough. Many of them only want to buy candy. 78.__________They often help do the dishes, sweep the floor, or feed the pet cat or dog.
    When they get older, they want to buy more and more things. They want things that are more expensive than candy. 79.______________They often help their parents wash the family car, cut the grass, or cook meals.80________________For example, they can learn how to use a lawnmower ( 割草机) or how to cook. Of course, their parents help them at first.


    A.So they have to work harder!

    B.They usually start to do this when they are ten years old.

    C.And candy is cheap!

     Doing housework is bad for the students who are busy with their lessons.

    E.They often do chores on weekends.

    F.Some jobs are a good way for kids to learn new things.

    G. They hardly have time to go out with their friends.

    X. 补全对话(5)

    A: Hi, Jason ! Could you practice basketball with me this afternoon ?

    B: 81._________________________. I have to clean the room this afternoon.

    A: 82._________________________________________________?

    B: No, not really . Its very boring, but my parents are too busy to do it.

    A: I see. I hate doing it, too. But I like other chores.


    A: I like taking out the trash and making the bed. I think they are relaxing and easy.

    B: 84.___________________________________________?

    A: Yes, very much. I think doing the dishes is interesting. What about you ?

    B: 85_________________________. I often help my mum do the dishes.

    XI 写作(10分)

     假如你是李冰根据下面的线索, 写一篇日记。

    1. 整理我的卧室。   2. 整理书架      3. 擦窗户     4. 擦地板,倒垃圾   5,洗衣服

    Sunday                         Mar3rd                                 Sunny






















    Unit 3 的答案

    1. W:Could you please make the bed, Mike ?

      M: Sure, Mom. But I have to do my homework.

    1. W: Could I go shopping with my friends tonight ?

       M: Yes, you can . But you have to come back home before nine oclock.

    1. W: Could you help me clean the room ? Your grandfather is coming.

       M: Sure, Dad.

    1. W: Dad, could you play football with me ?

      M: Sorry, I cant . I have to make dinner. Your mother will come back from work soon.

    1. W: Could you please fold the clothes for me, Tom ?

      M: Sorry , I dont know how to fold them. I think its difficult for me . But my sister does.  1----5 DBCEA

    II. 听下面一段对话, 回答6--10题(5分)

    W: Mike, could you take out the rubbish now , please ? I really need some help, Mike. Your grandmother is coming over in an hour.

    M: Sure. Oh, could I use the car this afternoon ? Mark and I want to go to the movies.

    W: No, your grandmother and I need to go to a meeting at the library. But I can give you ride.

    M: OK. I can meet Mark at the cinema. Oh, and Mom, Could I borrow some money for my movie ticket ?

    W: Of course you can.

    M: Thank you very much. 6--10BCBCA

    III. 听下面一段文章, 选择最佳答案(5分)

    I liked doing chores when I was young. My mother started teaching us to cook when we were five or six. There was a reason for that. My father was at home for only two days a month, so my mother had to do everything . She had to grow crops, feed the dog and the chickens and cook for us. When we were five or six years old , we all started to help my mother do farm work on the farm. My second sister Daisy did the laundry, and I cooked for the family . When my sisters finished their work, they both came to the kitchen to help me. When I was seven I went to school, but I will came home every day and cooked for the family. I also liked to bring the food I cooked and share with my classmates.  11---15BAACC

    V. 听完下面的短文, 完成句子。 (5分)

    Im Mary. Im glad that you can do the things you like at home. I never have fun, because there are too many rules in my family. I have to get up at six oclock every morning. And I have to make my bed before breakfast and then go to school. I cant play with my friends after school because I have to do my homework . After that I have to go to the park for a walk with my dog. After dinner, I cant watch TV on school nights. I have to play the violin for an hour. I have to go to bed before nine oclock. I can watch TV only on Saturday nights. On weekends I have to go to the Childrens Palace to play the violin. My life is so boring. Can you help me ?

    1. makes her bed     17. does her homework    18. for a walk 

     19. on Saturday nights     20.play the violin

    V. 单项选择(10分)

    21---25BAACD   26--30BBADB

    VI .选词完成句子  10分)

    1. H   32 A   33. C  34 I  35. B    36. D  37. J   38. F    39. G    40. E

    VII、完形填空 15分)

    41---45ACABD   46--50ABCAC    51--55DABCC

    56. like    57.without   58. who     59. doing     60.are    61.solving

    62.agree     63. Relax      64.even    65.crazier

    IX. 阅读(20分)    

    A)66---70ACBDC     B)71----75 DCADC      C)76---80 BECAF

    X. 补全对话(5)

    81.Sorry , I cant     82. Do you like cleaning the room ? 

    83.What chores do you like ?  84. Do you like doing the dishes?

    85.. I agree with you.

    X 写作(10分)

    Today is Sunday. I want to help my parents with the chores. So I decided to clean up my bedroom today. I cleaned the windows first. And then I did some washing . Then I took all my book off the bookshelf and put them back in order. Later ,I swept the floor and took out the rubbish. It took me almost the whole morning to clean up my bedroom. Although I was tired, it was really great to see my room clean and tidy again. I decided to keep my bedroom clean all the time.


    英语八年级下册Section B教课ppt课件: 这是一份英语八年级下册<a href="/yy/tb_c11298_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Section B教课ppt课件</a>,共45页。PPT课件主要包含了Revision,Discussion,Pair work,Practice,Warming up,New words,Skimming,阅读策略,Reading,ill sick等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    初中人教新目标 (Go for it) 版Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section A集体备课课件ppt: 这是一份初中人教新目标 (Go for it) 版<a href="/yy/tb_c11296_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section A集体备课课件ppt</a>,共22页。PPT课件主要包含了Review,Discussion,Reading,Summary等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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