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    Fur years ag, my sweet mm went t be with her Lrd. She did it her way.
    I gt the call at wrk, and I headed hme quickly. Mm and Dad lived n a small farm that they had wned since I was seven. I hated ging there every weekend. There was nthing fr a yung girl t d but watch the ne statin n the ld TV set, if the weather allwed receptin.
    My mm, n the ther hand, lved the peace and quiet f the land. The place was rustic(乡村的), with n indr plumbing r heat. We had a big wd stve in the kitchen that did its best t heat the little farmhuse, but it always seemed cld and t quiet t me.
    In the evenings, my mm and I wuld sit fr hurs singing in the little kitchen. I sang the meldy and Mm harmnized. Her favrite sng was “Mn River” and we sang it ver and ver. Mm tld me stries abut hw when I was a little girl, I culd sing befre I culd talk.
    As time passed, I had my wn children and went t visit them every week r tw. The kids lved the farm and the tractr rides with my dad. Me, well, I still hated the silence f the farm. While my mm lved t sit at her kitchen table and lk ut at her garden and flwers and retell all the ld stries, I missed the hustle and bustle(喧闹)f my life at hme. But I sat there listening quietly as she reminisced.( 叙旧)
    Nw, I sat back in the silence and the silence was deafening s I finally leaned ver t turn n an ld radi. Music always cmfrted me. My heart skipped a beat. “Mn River” was playing n the radi. I sat there stunned,with a tear running dwn my cheek, as I listened t every familiar nte.
    Then the radi annuncer came n. “Here’s ne we haven’t heard in a while,” and an unfamiliar sng began. I began t cry harder as I heard the wrds sung ver the airwaves.
    1. The writer didn’t like staying n the farm fr the fllwing reasns EXCEPT that ______.
    A. it was t cld and quiet
    B. she culd nly sing ne sng n the small farm
    C. there was nthing mre that culd make her excited
    D. the place was rustic, with n indr plumbing r heat
    2. Frm the first paragraph, we knw that the writer’s mther ______.
    A. left the small farm with LrdB. passed away fur years ag
    C. left fr Lrd t live her wn wayD. preferred t be with Lrd
    3. Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr this passage?
    A. Mm’s musicB. Cherish (珍惜) life
    C. My happy childhdD. Our small farmhuse
    【答案】1. B 2. B 3. A
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“There was nthing fr a yung girl t d but watch the ne statin n the ld TV set, if the weather allwed receptin.(如果天气允许的话,一个年轻的女孩除了在那台旧电视机上看一个频道外没有别的事可做。)”可知C“乡村让人觉得乏味、无所事事” 是作者不喜欢乡村的原因之一;第三段“We had a big wd stve in the kitchen that did its best t heat the little farmhuse, but it always seemed cld and t quiet t me.(我们的厨房里有一个很大的木制火炉,尽力为这个小农舍取暖,但我总觉得它又冷又静。)”及倒数第三段“I still hated the silence f the farm.(我仍然讨厌农场的寂静。)”可知A“乡村太冷太安静”是作者不喜欢乡村的原因之一;第三段“The place was rustic(乡村的), with n indr plumbing r heat.( 这个地方是乡村风格的,没有室内管道,也没有暖气。)”可知D“没有管道和暖气”也是作者讨厌乡村的原因。而在第四段提到作者和自己的母亲唱歌,没写到她只能唱一首歌,这不是作者不喜欢待在乡村的原因。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Fur years ag my sweet mm went t be with her Lrd.( 四年前,我亲爱的妈妈去和主在一起了。)”及第二段第一句话“I gt the call at wrk, and I headed hme quickly.(我在上班的时候接到了电话,于是我马上回家了)”可知,作者的母亲在四年前去世了。pass away去世。故选B。
    主旨大意题。本文主要是作者在追忆自己的母亲。而其中最为突出的是和母亲一块儿唱歌的情景,所以标题Mm’s music(母亲的音乐)作为文章标题最为合适。故选A。
    This may sund like a jke abut a lazy persn's dream jb. Earn big mney by staying in bed and watching TV. But this is really happening, and it's a prject f NASA and tw Eurpean space agencies: the Institute f Aerspace Medicine at the Clgne-based German Aerspace Center and the Eurpean Space Agency. It's called Artificial Gravity Bed Rest Study, aimed at studying hw the bdy adapts t weightlessness in space.
    Scientists are seeking 12 wmen t spend tw full mnths in bed in the fall at a German lab, plus an additinal mnth there fr preparatin and recvery. The first 12 test subjects, all men, already have started the study
    Participants spend tw entire mnths in bed and remain lying dwn even t d everyday things like eating, drinking and exercising. They als answer nature's call and shwer, but it's unclear frm the NASA website hw thse tasks are accmplished in bed.
    “Daily rutine shwering, getting dressed, eating, exercising takes much time when yu cannt stand up t d them," says the website, adding that there is "cntinuus data cllectin", including bld pressure, heart rate, nutrient absrptin and als the participants' feelings. Study subjects will spend the 60 days with their heads tilted dwn six degrees, which imitates cnditins in space.
    Participants are encuraged t pass the time by watching TV, taking nline curses, reading and any ther activities they can perfrm while lying dwn alne in bed t relieve what culd, be bredm. Family and friends are allwed t visit.
    The-high $18,500 payment fr tw mnths f lazing abut is prbably a majr mtivatin fr peple willing t g thrugh smething this extreme. Hwever, if yu' re an American wh really needs the mney, yu prbably can't affrd it. Candidates need t travel t Clgne fur times at their wn expense fr the emplyment prcess between April and July. Plus, they need strng German-speaking skills. Als participants need t be nnsmkers between ages 24 and 55, in gd health, with nrmal bdy weight.
    4. What are participants expected t d during the study?
    A. Reprt their feelings regularlyB. Cmplete their daily rutines in bed.
    C. Keep their bdies tilted dwn six degreesD. Recrd their physical respnses every day.
    5. What data abut the participants will the researchers cllect?
    A. Their physical and mental reactinsB. Their behavirs t weightlessness.
    C. The ways they d their daily things.D. The changes in their weight.
    6. What will be a challenge fr the participants?
    A. The language skills they need.B. The difficulty meeting family.
    C. The pssibility that they feel dull.D. The slw recvery f their health.
    7. The requirements fr ptential participants are_________.
    A. challenging fr AmericansB. tailred t thin persns
    C. easy fr the yuth t satisfyD. suitable fr mst peple
    【答案】4. B 5. A 6. C 7. A
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Participants spend tw entire mnths in bed and remain lying dwn even t d everyday things like eating, drinking and exercising.(参与者要在床上躺上整整两个月,即使是吃、喝、锻炼等日常活动也要保持平躺状态)”可知,在这个研究中,参与者要在床上完成他们的日常事情。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“... adding that there is ‘cntinuus data cllectin’, including bld pressure, heart rate, nutrient absrptin and als the participants’ feelings.(他还补充说,他们会‘持续收集数据’,包括血压、心率、营养吸收以及参与者的感受)”可知,研究者要收集的信息是参与者的身心反应。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第五段中“ watching TV, taking nline curses, reading and any ther activities they can perfrm while lying dwn alne in bed t relieve what culd be bredm. Family and friends are allwed t visit.(通过看电视、参加网络课程、阅读和其他任何他们可以在床上独自进行的活动来缓解无聊。允许家人和朋友来访。)”可推断出,对参与者来说,他们可能感到无聊是他们面临的挑战。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Hwever, if yu’re an American wh really needs the mney, yu prbably can’t affrd it. Candidates need t travel t Clgne fur times at their wn expense fr the emplyment prcess between April and July. Plus, they need strng German-speaking skills. Als participants need t be nnsmkers between ages 24 and 55, in gd health, with nrmal bdy weight. (然而,如果你是一个真正需要钱的美国人,你可能负担不起。在4月到7月期间,申请者需要自费去科隆四次。此外,他们还需要很强的德语技能。此外,参与者必须不吸烟,年龄在24岁到55岁之间,身体健康,体重正常)”可推断出,对潜在参与者的要求对美国人来说颇具挑战性。故选A。
    Diseases spread in many ways. An infected persn can cugh r sneeze n smene nearby, r they can spread germs thrugh a handshake. But smetimes we pick up germs indirectly. A sick persn might leave behind bacteria r viruses when they tuch a dr handle, fr example. But what if thse surfaces culd clean themselves?
    Tw teenagers frm Hng Kng asked themselves the same questin. Nw they’ve develped a dr handle that can kill germs n cntact.
    The idea is simple. Every time the dr is pened, the mvement creates pwer that starts a germ-killing reactin n the handle. In lab tests, their system killed abut 99.8 percent f the germs that they spread nt lab dishes cvered with their material.
    Research by thers has shwn that dr handles in public areas are ften hme t lts f bacteria and viruses, ntes 17-year-ld Sum Ming (“Simn”)Wng. He and his schlmate Kin Png (Michael) Li, 18, wanted t design a cvering fr dr handles that wuld kill germs.
    After ding sme research, they learned that a mineral called titanium dixide (二氧化钛)is knwn t kill bacteria. It’s already used in many prducts, frm paints t desserts. T make their cvering, the teenagers made the mineral int a very fine pwder.
    Titanium dixide kills bacteria best when lit by ultravilet (紫外线的) light, says Simn. UV light is fund in sunlight. But UV light des nt naturally shine n indr handles r any used at night, s the teenagers light their dr handle frm within.
    T make sure the light reaches the cated surface, the teenagers made their dr handle ut f clear glass. Each end fits int a bracket (托架). Inside ne f the brackets is a strng light-emitting dide (LED). Frm it cmes UV light.
    And here’s the interesting part: The pwer that makes the UV light shine cmes frm pening and clsing the dr. The pwer frm the dr is then carried by wire t the LED inside the dr handle.
    The dr handle system, Michael and Simn say, might cst n mre than abut $13 (abut 81 yuan) t build.
    8. The ways diseases spread are mentined at the beginning f the text t .
    A. demnstrate hw mst diseases are spread indirectly
    B. remind readers f the imprtance f cleaning their hands
    C. explain hw t kill bacteria r viruses effectively
    D. help t describe a new inventin that prevents diseases frm spreading
    9. The LED is placed inside the brackets t .
    A. supply enugh pwer t the handle system
    B. prduce titanium dixide t kill bacteria
    C. prvide UV light t help titanium dixide wrk better
    D. direct the UV light in sunlight t the cated surface
    10. What is the authr’s attitude tward Michael and Simn’s dr handle system?
    A. CautiusB. CriticalC. DisappintedD. Enthusiastic
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. D
    推理判断题。第一段“Disease spread in many ways. An infected persn can cugh r sneeze n smene nearby, r they can spread germs thrugh a handshake. But smetimes we pick up germs indirectly. A sick persn might leave behind bacteria r viruses when they tuch a dr handle, fr example. But what if thse surfaces culd clean themselves?”(疾病以多种方式传播。感染者可以通过对附近的人咳嗽或打喷嚏,也可以通过握手传播细菌。但有时我们会间接地感染细菌。例如,一个生病的人可能会在接触门把手时留下细菌或病毒。但是如果门把手的表面可以自我清洁呢)然后在第二段“Tw teenagers frm Hng Kng asked themselves the same questin. Nw they’ve develped a dr handle that can kill germs n cntact.”(来自香港的两名青少年也问了自己同样的问题。现在他们发明了一种门把手,可以杀死接触的细菌)由此可知,开篇主要是引入为什么要发明这个自动消毒手柄,即帮助描述防止疾病传播的新发明——自动消毒手柄。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第六段“Titanium dixide kills bacteria best when lit by ultravilet light, says Simn. UV light is fund in sunlight. But UV light des nt naturally shine n indr handles r any used at night, s the teenagers light their dr handle frm within.”(二氧化钛在紫外线照射下最能杀灭细菌。阳光中有紫外线。西蒙说。紫外线是在阳光中发现的。但是紫外线不会自然地照射到室内把手或任何夜间使用的把手上,所以这两个青少年想从室内照亮他们的门把手)和第七段“T make sure the light reaches the cated surface, the teenagers made their dr handle ut f clear glass, Each end fits int a bracket (托架) Inside ne f the brackets is a strng light-emitting dide (LED). Frm it cmes UV light.”(为了确保光线到达涂有粉末的表面,这两个青少年用透明玻璃制造出门把手,两端各配备一个支架。 其中一个支架内是一个强大的发光二极管(LED)。它发出紫外线)由此可推断出,LED被放置在托架内是为了提供紫外线帮助二氧化钛更好地工作。故选C项。
    推理判断题。文章第一段最后一句“But what if thse surfaces culd clean themselves?”(但如果这些表面可以自己清洁呢?)第二段“Tw teenagers frm Hng Kng asked themselves the same questin. Nw they’ve develped a dr handle that can kill germs n cntact.”(来自香港的两个青少年问了自己同样的问题。现在他们已经开发出一种能在接触时杀死细菌的门把手)和第三段中“In lab tests, their system killed abut 99.8 percent f the germs ”(在实验室测试中,他们的系统杀死了99.8%的细菌);第五段“After ding sme research, they learned that a mineral called titanium dixide(二氧化钛)is knwn t kill bacteria. It’s already used in many prducts”(他们发现一种矿物称为二氧化钛杀死细菌。它已经被用在很多产品中)第八段“And here’s the interesting part: The pwer that makes the UV light shine cmes frm pening and clsing the dr.”(有趣的是:紫外线照射的能量来自开关门)根据文中的用词“killed abut 99.8 percent f the germs ”、“It’s already used in many prducts”和“And here’s the interesting part:”这些语句字里行间可推断出作者对这项发明的态度充满热情。A.Cautius 小心的;B.Critical 批评的;C.Disappinted 失望的;D.Enthusiastic 热情的。故选D项。
    D yu want t put a smile n smene’s face? Maybe make their day a little bit brighter?___11___ In fact, many things can be dne as a part f yur nrmal rutine and cst little r nthing. Try ut ne r mre f the fllwing ways tday t put smiles n their faces:
    1. ___12___ Handwritten ntes that are given t encurage smene, nt just fr thanking smene fr a gift, are rare. That makes handwritten ntes even mre special. Start a new practice f sitting dwn and writing an encuraging nte n a regular basis.
    2. Take a friend ut t lunch r invite him t yur hme. ___13___ If yu feel like being mre adventurus thrw a party fr several f yur friends.
    3. Deliver a meal t smene yu knw that is sick r having a rugh time. We have all been sick and knw the last thing yu want t d is be ut f bed. There are als times when life is tugh. ___14___
    4. Ask a friend if yu can take care f their kid fr a day r an evening. If yu have been a parent, yu knw the value f being able t have a few hurs f free time withut wrrying abut the children. ___15___ Offer t d it when the parents want t relax themselves.
    Besides, there is ne mre way that can’t be ignred. Give a real smile t everyne yu meet. Yu will experience hw easy it is t get thers t smile!
    A. Thank everyne that supprts yu.
    B. Write an encuraging nte t thers.
    C. Helping thers will be rewarded with mre smiles.
    D. It desn’t have t take much time r mney n yur part.
    E. Yu can be a great help by prviding a meal that can be enjyed.
    F. Dn’t wait t be asked t babysit when it is required.
    G. Yu will get t knw each ther even better than yu d right nw.
    【答案】11. D 12. B 13. G 14. E 15. F
    根据后句“In fact, many things can be dne as a part f yur nrmal rutine and cst little r nthing.(事实上,很多事情都可以作为你日常生活的一部分,而且花费很少甚至不需要任何东西。)”可知,做这些不会花费你多少时间和金钱。选择项中“take much time r mney”和后句中的“cst little r nthing”相呼应。故选D。
    此处为本段中心句。结合其它三点的中心句可知,应该为动词原形开头的祈使句。根据后文可知,后文都在介绍写便条,可以写一些鼓励的话。所以这里应该为给别人写一封鼓励的便条。选择项中的“encuraging nte”和后文中的“ntes”、“encurage”和“encuraging nte”相一致。故选B。
    根据前句“Take a friend ut t lunch r invite him t yur hme.(带一个朋友出去吃午饭或者邀请他到你家。)”可知,这样既可以聚会聊天,也可以联络感情,这样的话,你们彼此之间都会比之前更了解对方。故选G。
    根据本段中心句“Deliver a meal t smene yu knw that is sick r having a rugh time.(送餐给你认识的生病或有困难的人。)”和前句“There are als times when life is tugh.(生活也有艰难的时候。)”可知,谁都会有生活艰难的时候,所以提供一顿美味的饭菜,你就可以提供一个很大的帮助。选择项中“prviding a meal”与本段中心句的“Deliver a meal” 相一致。故选E。
    根据本段中心句“Ask a friend if yu can take care f their kid fr a day r an evening.(问一个朋友,你是否可以照顾他们的孩子一天或一个晚上。)”和前句“If yu have been a parent, yu knw the value f being able t have a few hurs f free time withut wrrying abut the children.(如果你曾经为人父母,你就会知道有几个小时的空闲时间而不用担心孩子的价值。)”及后句“Offer t d it when the parents want t relax themselves.(当父母想要放松自己的时候,主动提供帮助。)”可知,要主动提供帮助,不要等到别人有照顾孩子需求的时候才去做。选择项中的“babysit”与中心句中的“take care f their kid”相一致。故选F。
    第三节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    Have yu ever wndered what yu wuld tell yurself if yu had the chance t g back t the past? We all have thse life lessns that culd have ___16___ significantly t ur persnal grwth if nly we had knwn them ___17___.
    When I was 8 years ld I was tld I had leukemia (白血病). Althugh it is ___18___ fr a child t have cancer, I was smewhat lucky ___19___ I was unaware f the verall ___20___ f it. Sure, I was sick, but ___21___.
    Tw years later I had a relapse (旧病复发), and it was much harder t ___22___ it the secnd time. After receiving all kinds f treatments and a series f peratins, I ___23___ recvered. And I’m here 13 years later t tell my stry.
    Because f ___24___ the abve things at a yung age, I’ve learned things n ther child gets the pprtunity t. If I culd g back and give my 8­year­ld self ___25___, I'd say, “Bryce, what yu are abut t experience is ging t be ne f the ___26___ things anyne culd face. Yu’re ging t have days when yur bdy is s weak that thers will have t ___27___ yu s that yu can eat, drink, r sit up. Yu’ll be s ___28___ that fr a year yu wn’t be able t g ___29___ unless yu wear a mask.”
    “That sunds bad, but it desn’t ___30___ what yu’ll learn because f it. Yu’ll learn that n matter what bad things ___31___ t yu, yu shuld make a gd life ut f what is left. Yu’ll learn that yu can never judge a persn because yu just dn't knw what ____32____, illnesses, r trials they’ve been thrugh.”
    T this day, my cancer experience wrks ___33___ a reminder that difficulties are nt all bad, and I hpe t live up t the ____34____ I have f my persnal grwth. Hw abut yu? I hpe the life lessns I’ve ____35____ can help yu reflect n yur wn.
    16. A. wedB. cntributedC. repliedD. referred
    17. A. laterB. betterC. earlierD. further
    18. A. excitingB. interestingC. cnfusingD. frightening
    19. A. sB. becauseC. ifD. unless
    20. A. seriusnessB. lnelinessC. encuragementD. argument
    21. A. gave awayB. set ffC. went upD. pulled thrugh
    22. A. stressB. fightC. slveD. examine
    23. A. simplyB. extremelyC. actuallyD. eventually
    24. A. studyingB. readingC. experiencingD. imagining
    25. A. knwledgeB. adviceC. newsD. lie
    26. A. safestB. brightestC. cheapestD. tughest
    27. A. callB. findC. mveD. persuade
    28. A. fatB. sickC. busyD. cld
    29. A. upstairsB. utsideC. aheadD. nearby
    30. A. turn tB. pint tC. cmpare withD. cperate with
    31. A. happenB. speakC. explainD. return
    32. A. challengesB. dreamsC. prjectsD. plans
    33. A. atB. asC. withutD. frm
    34. A. cnclusinsB. expectatinsC. invitatinsD. cnsideratins
    35. A. rganizedB. cnductedC. sharedD. cllected
    【答案】16. B 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. A 21. D 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. A 33. B 34. B 35. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们都有那些生活中的教训,如果我们早一点知道的话,可能会对我们的个人成长有很大的帮助。A. wed归因于;B. cntributed贡献;C. replied回答;D. referred涉及。根据后文“significantly t ur persnal grwth”可知此处指在生活中得到的教训会对成长有很大帮助。短语cntribute t“有助于、有利于……”。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们都有那些生活中的教训,如果我们早一点知道的话,可能会对我们的个人成长有很大的帮助。A. later更迟;B. better更好;C. earlier更早;D. further更远。结合上文中“if yu had the chance t g back t the past?”可知回到过去的话,那么一些经验教训我们早点知道,可能会对个人成长有很大帮助。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然对一个孩子来说患癌症是很可怕的,但我还是有点幸运的,因为我不知道癌症的严重性。A. exciting激动的;B. interesting有趣的;C. cnfusing困惑的;D. frightening可怕的。根据后文“fr a child t have cancer”以及常识可知,患癌症对于孩子来说是可怕的。故选D。
    考查连接词词义辨析。句意:虽然对一个孩子来说患癌症是很可怕的,但我还是有点幸运的,因为我不知道癌症的严重性。A. s所以;B. because因为;C. if如果;D. unless除非。根据句意可知,“我不知道癌症的严重性”是“我还是有点幸运的”的原因,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然对一个孩子来说患癌症是很可怕的,但我还是有点幸运的,因为我不知道癌症的严重性。A. seriusness严重性;B. lneliness寂寞;C. encuragement鼓励;D. argument争论。作者不感到害怕正是因为不了解事情的严重性(seriusness)。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:当然,我病了,但是挺过来了。A. gave away赠送;B. set ff出发;C. went up增长;D. pulled thrugh恢复健康,渡过难关。根据下一段中“Tw years later I had a relapse”可知作者虽然两年前患病,但是恢复了健康,两年后疾病复发。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析句意:两年后,我又旧病复发,第二次与之抗争变得更加困难。A. stress强调;B. fight斗争;C. slve解决;D. examine检查。作者旧病复发了,所以需要第二次跟病魔斗争,应用fight。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:经过各种治疗和一系列手术,我终于康复了。A. simply仅仅;B. extremely极其;C. actually实际上;D. eventually终于。根据后文“recvered”可知作者经过各种治疗和一系列手术,终于康复了。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为在很小的时候就经历了以上的事情,我学到了其他孩子没有机会学到的东西。A. studying学习;B. reading阅读;C. experiencing经历;D. imagining想像。结合上文可知作者很小的时候就经历了(experiencing)两次与重大疾病斗争的事情。后文中“yu are abut t experience”也是提示。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我能回到8岁的时候给自己一些建议,我会说:“布莱斯,你将要经历的事情将是每个人都会面对的最艰难的事情之一。”A. knwledge知识;B. advice建议;C. news新闻;D. lie谎言。此处对应第一段中“Have yu ever wndered what yu wuld tell yurself if yu had the chance t g back t the past? We all have thse life lessns”指回到过去,给自己一些人生建议。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果我能回到8岁的时候给自己一些建议,我会说:“布莱斯,你将要经历的事情将是每个人都能面对的最艰难的事情之一。”A. safest最安全的;B. brightest最明亮的;C. cheapest最便宜的;D. tughest最艰难的。结合上文可知,作者两次跟病魔斗争是很艰难痛苦的经历。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:会有那么几天,你身体非常虚弱,只能让别人来挪动你,这样你才能吃、喝或坐起来。A. call打电话;B. find找到;C. mve移动;D. persuade说服。结合上文“yur bdy is s weak that thers will have t”可知身体虚弱,所以只能依靠别人来移动自己。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你会病得很厉害,一年之内你都不能出去,除非你戴上口罩。A. fat胖的;B. sick生病的;C. busy忙碌的;D. cld寒冷的。根据第二段中“When I was 8 years ld I was tld I had leukemia.”可知作者八岁的时候得了白血病,病得很厉害。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:你会病得很厉害,一年之内你都不能出去,除非你戴上口罩。A. g upstairs上楼;B. g utside外出;C. g ahead前进;D. g nearby附近。根据前后文语境可知,作者得了很重的病,不戴口罩,无法外出(g utside)。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:这听起来很糟糕,但它无法与你从中学到的东西相比。A. turn t求助于;B. pint t指向;C. cmpare with比较;D. cperate with合作。结合后文作者列举了自己从患病的经历中学到的东西,可推知作者认为疾病的痛苦无法与自己学到的东西相比较。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:你会学到,无论什么坏事发生在你身上,你都应该用余下的东西过上美好的生活。A. happen发生;B. speak说话;C. explain解释;D. return返回。根据前后文语境“what bad things … t yu”可知此处指发生在一个人身上的坏事,happen t“发生”。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:你会明白,你永远不能因为不知道一个人经历过什么样的挑战、疾病或考验而去评价他。A. challenges挑战;B. dreams梦想;C. prjects项目;D. plans计划。根据后文“illnesses, r trials(疾病或考验)”可知此处应用challenges,与后文名词情感色彩相同,都是指经历的困难。故选A。
    考查介词词义辨析。句意:直到今天,我的癌症经历提醒我,困难并不全是坏的,我希望不辜负我对个人成长的期望。A. at在;B. as作为;C. withut没有;D. frm来自。根据后文“a reminder”可知作者将自己的癌症经历当做一种提醒,wrk as“充当”。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:直到今天,我的癌症经历提醒我,困难并不全是坏的,我希望不辜负我对个人成长的期望。A. cnclusins结论;B. expectatins期待;C. invitatins邀请;D. cnsideratins考虑。结合上文“I hpe t live up t”可知此处指不辜负对自己个人成长的期望。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我希望我分享的生活经验能帮助你们反思自己。A. rganized组织;B. cnducted实施;C. shared分享;D. cllected收集。文章内容主要为作者分享自己的抗癌经历以及自己从中学到的人生经验,希望读者能从他所分享的人生经验中获益。故选C。
    第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分45分)
    第一节 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
    China, nce famus fr fur inventins in ancient times, has nce again shwed its ability ___36___ (change)the wrld with its“new fur great inventins”:electrnic payments, shared bicycles, high-speed railways and nline shpping.
    With electrnic payments, peple can buy and eat ____37____ they want simply with a tap f their phnes. Electrnic payments are s cnvenient that they are really ppular with flks. Even pancake sellers are fund ____38____(use)Alipay. The bikes themselves are nt new, ____39____the perating mdel f bike-sharing is innvative. Chinese cmpanies have surprised the wrld with the business mdel f bike-sharing which ___40___ (include)high technlgies, and are entering verseas markets such as Singapre and Britain. The launch f high-speed trains has a ___41___(big)influence n peple’s chice f traveling than expected. The newly launched Fuxing Ha can travel at an____42____ (amaze)speed f 300 km/h, making the 1, 318km jumey in five and three-quarter hurs. China als takes the lead in nline shpping with varius e-cmmerce platfrms. ___43___ the 11. 11 shpping day in 2018, sales hit 10 billin yuan in the first 2 minutes after midnight and ____44____(reach)213. 5 bilin by the end f the day.
    Thanks t the large amunts f capital(资金)China has invested in encuraging inmvatin(创新), China has entered ____45____ new innvative time.
    【答案】36. t change
    37. whatever/what
    38. using 39. but
    40. includes
    41. bigger 42. amazing
    43. On 44. had reached
    45. a
    考查非谓语动词。句意:中国,在古代以四大发明而自豪,今天它再次以它"新的四大发明"展示了改变世界的能力。短语ability t d sth.表示"做……的能力",故填t change。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:甚至卖煎饼的人也在使用支付宝。短语be fund ding sth.“被发现在做某事”,故填using。
    考查主谓一致。句意:中国企业共享单车的商业模式令世界惊讶,其中包括高科技,它们正进军新加坡和英国等海外市场。本句为定语从句修饰先行词the business mdel f bike-sharing,且在从句中做主语,故谓语动词应用单数形式。故填includes。
    考查形容词比较级。句意:高铁的推出对人们出行选择的影响比预期的要大。根据下文than expected可知应用形容词比较级,故填bigger。
    考查动词时态。句意同上。根据下文by the end f the day“截止一天结束时”可知应用过去完成时。故填had reached。
    46. The final examinatin is drawing near, Yu shuld start_________(复习)as sn as pssible.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:期末考试快到了,你应该尽快开始复习了。start ding sth.开始做某事。根据汉语提示及句意,故填revising。
    47. Suddenly the little by fell int the water. He was f________ and cried fr help.(根据首字母单词拼写)
    48. The salesman in the shp lked at them _______(好奇地).(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查副词。句意:商店里的售货员好奇地看着他们。根据句意及汉语提示可知,应使用副词curiusly,修饰动词lk at。故填curiusly。
    49. She’s gt t an age when she is being ________(难对付的)(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意: 她到了难相处的年龄。句中形容词形式作表语。根据汉语提示及句意,故填awkward。
    50. Many schls need ____________ (志愿者) t shw children hw t read. (根据汉语意思填空)
    51. The cuple were a_______ by the beauty f nature, s she decided t spend anther tw days. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:这对夫妇被大自然的美丽所吸引,所以她决定再待两天。be attracted by 被……所吸引。根据首字母提示及句意,故填attracted。
    52. Sme students are a______ t mbile phnes bth physically and mentally. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:一些学生在生理上和心理上都沉迷于手机。be addicted t沉迷于。根据首字母提示及句意,故填addicted。
    53. We were all deeply mved and prud f having such a ___________ (负责的) teacher. (根据汉语意思填空)
    54. Whatever happens, we must stay calm first and then find a wise s______.(根据首字母单词拼写)
    55. The idea that cmputers can r_______ human vices surprises many peple (根据首字母单词拼写)
    56. She nly __________(申请) t ne university and was accepted. (根据汉语意思填空)
    【详解】考查动词时态。句意:她只申请了一所大学,并被录取了。分析句子结构,该空处需填动词作谓语,根据was accepted可知,此处陈述过去发生的事情,需用一般过去时。“申请”一词为“apply”。故填applied。
    57. Dllywd is ne f the mst___________ (独一无二的) theme parks in the wrld. (根据汉语提示填空)
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:多莱坞是世界上最独特的主题公园之一。根据汉语提示“独一无二的”,可知应填形容词unique,此处为“ne f+形容词最高级+复数名词”结构,形容词最高级作定语。故填unique。
    58. She slwed the car and began driving thrugh the twn’s n______ streets. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    59. English is used as an ______ language in many cuntries. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    60. It is highly r______ that parents shuld nt allw their children t play cmputer games t much. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:强烈建议父母不要让他们的孩子玩太多的电脑游戏。it's highly recmmended that...强烈建议……,后接shuld +动词原形的虚拟语气。根据首字母提示及句意,故填recmmended。
    61. The city lks beautiful.
    62. I watch the by playing ftball at the playgrund.
    63. Chatting n the internet brings me a lt f fun.
    64. The Anti-Japanese War brke ut in 1937.
    65. In spring the trees turn green.
    66. The machine must be ut f rder.
    67. Henry bught a dictinary yesterday.
    68. I fund mst f my classmates friendly and helpful.
    69. We are trying t make ur city what yur city is nw.
    70. We are lking frward t hearing frm yu.
    【答案】61. SP 62. SVOC
    63. SVIODO 64. SVA
    65. SPA 66. SP
    67. SVOA 68. SVOC
    69. SVOC 70. SVO
    考查句子结构。句意:这个城市看起来很漂亮。分析句意及句子成分可知,The city为主语,lks为系动词,beautiful为表语,因此本句为“主系表”结构。故答案为SP。
    考查句子结构。句意:我看着那个男孩在操场上踢足球。分析句意及句子成分可知,I为主语,watch为谓语,the by为宾语,playing ftball at the playgrund为宾语补足语,因此本句为“主谓宾+宾补”结构。故答案为SVOC。
    考查句子结构。句意:上网聊天给我带来了很多乐趣。分析句意及句子成分可知,Chatting n the internet为主语,brings为谓语,me为间接宾语,a lt f fun为直接宾语,因此本句为“主谓+间接宾语+直接宾语”结构。故答案为SVIODO。
    考查句子结构。句意:抗日战争爆发于1937年。分析句意及句子成分可知,The Anti-Japanese War为主语,brke ut为谓语,in 1937为时间状语,因此本句为“主谓状”结构。故答案为SVA。
    考查句子结构。句意:春天树木变绿了。分析句意及句子成分可知,In spring为时间状语,the trees为主语,turn为系动词,green为表语,因此本句为“主系表状”结构。故答案为SPA。
    考查句子结构。句意:这台机器一定是出了故障。分析句意及句子成分可知,The machine为主语,must be为系动词,ut f rder为表语,因此本句为“主系表”结构。故答案为SP。
    考查句子结构。句意:亨利昨天买了一本字典。分析句意及句子成分可知,Henry为主语,bught为谓语,a dictinary为宾语,yesterday为时间状语,因此本句为“主谓宾状”结构。故答案为SVOA。
    考查句子结构。句意:我发现我的大多数同学都很友好和乐于助人。分析句意及句子成分可知,I为主语,fund为谓语,mst f my classmates为宾语,friendly and helpful为宾语补足语,因此本句为“主谓宾+宾补”结构。故答案为SVOC。
    考查句子结构。句意:我们正努力把我们的城市变成你们的城市。分析句意及句子成分可知,We为主语,are trying t make为谓语,ur city为宾语,what yur city is nw为宾语补足语,因此本句为“主谓宾+宾补”结构。故答案为SVOC。
    考查句子结构。句意:我们期待着你的回信。分析句意及句子成分可知,We为主语,are lking frward t为谓语,hearing frm yu为宾语,因此本句为“主谓宾”结构。故答案为SVO。S (subject) V (verb) P (predicative) O (bject) A (adverbial)
    DO (direct bject) C (bject cmplement) IO (indirect bject)

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