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    1. Both Millies parents think she is too young to ________.

    A. dress her         B. be dressed

    C. dress herself        D. wear herself 

    2._____ great progress he has made! I really think its _____ great success.

    A. What a; 不填                   B. What; a

    C. How; a                        D. What; 不填

    3. We are not allowed to bring any snacks at the sports meeting.


     A. Neither are we  B. Neither do we  C. So are we  D. So do we 

    4. There is ________ bridge over the river.

    A. a 110-meters-long       B. a 110-meter-long

    C. an 110-meter-long       D. an 110-meters-long

    5. Jack spent much time playing computer games. _______, he failed to pass the exam.

    A. As result of        B. In a result

    C. As a result        D. To a result

    6. It is impossible for ______ little children to do ______ much work in ______ a short time.

     Aso ; so; such Bsuch ; so ; such Cso ; such ; such Dsuch ; such ; so

    7. the number of classes in our school is___ than ____of any other school in Wuxi .
    A  larger,the one  B  more,that  C  larger,that  D  more,the one

    8. ----What did Max just say to you ?

    ---He asked me_____.

    A if I would like to go skating    B when did I buy this CD

    C where I will spend the weekend  D that I had a good time

    9. A friend is someone  _______ says, What! You too? I thought I was the only one!

    A. who     B. which   C. what    D. whose

    10. All the students went home after school yesterday _______Jack. Why? 

    Because he was on duty. 

    A. except    B. besides   C. except for  D. beside

    11. Why not go to the South Lake for a picnic next week?

    OK. But Im not sure _____ it will rain.

    1.           why     B. where   C. when   D. whether

    12. After that terrible disaster, the officer had no choice but to _________ calm to deal with different problems.

    A. require        B. remain     C. remind      D. reduce

    13. ----Will the volleyball match be covered _____?

    Yes, But if you are not a sports fan, you might find it a bit____.

     A. alive; boring  B. alive; bored  C live boring   D live bored

    14. He lives  _____  to Joy, and in the factory he works  ____   with her as well.
    A closelyclosely          B closeclosely   
    C closeclose               D closelyclose

    15. The victim wanted to report the crime his boss _______the police.

    A. committed to        B. has committed with

    C. had committed to       D. committed with

    16. The kidnapping ________between 9 a.m. and l a. m.

    A. took place        B. was happened

    C. was taken place       D. has happened

    17. Do you often see the little _______flowers near the station?

    A. selling    B. sell    C. to sell    D. sold

    18. After a long walk in the sun, they wanted to drink ________. 

    A. cold something       B. something cold

    C. anything cold        D. cold anything

    19. We should find some time to relax ourselves____we can achieve a better result.

    A so that   B though   C as a result    D unless

    20. ---Would you please stay for lunch?

    -----Sorry ,I _____.My brother is coming to see me and hell arrive at about 12.

    A mustnt   B cant    C wouldnt   D couldnt

    21.  What shall we do to kill time?

     Well. ______ it is Wanda Cinemas half-price day, why not go to watch a film?

     A. While  B. Since  C. Unless  D. Though 

    22. Linda said that she ______ the Summer Palace.

    A. will visit         B. was going to visit

    C. is going to visit       D. has visited

    23. ________who wants to join the Tree-planting Club is popular.

    A. Someone    B. No one   C. Anyone   D. None

    24. Youd better ________ alone at night

    A. not to go out        B. to not go out

    C. not go out        D. to not to go out

    25.---Theres nothing wrong with your mobile phone ,is there ?

    ---______,Ill have it _____.

    A. Yes ;repaired     B. Yes; repair

    C. No; repaired     D. No; repair

    26.Can any of your friends tell us sometime about Hainan Island?

    --Of course , they can.___ Lucy___ Lily has been there before. Either of them can do it.

    A Both; and  B Neither; nor  C Either ; or  D Not only ; but also

    27. The strange man never spoke to anyone, so nobody knew _______he did for a living.

    A. how     B. where    C. why     D. what

    28. Ill remember the old buildings ______ I visited in the village.

    A. where    B. which    C. who    D. when

    29.---I cant bear忍受the air pollution in this city any more. It is getting more terrible.

    ---_____! Weve never had so many factories before.

    A. I wont agree  B. You said it  C. In some ways  D. No way

    30. Does Mary want to be a teacher in the future?

    No. Neither her parents nor she _________ can make a good teacher.

    A. think     B. have thought   C. thinks    D. thought

    31. Must I turn off the gas after cooking?

    Of course, you can never be _________ careful with that.

    A. so     B. such     C. enough    D. too

    32. Its everyones duty to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign 光盘行动.

    Sure. We should try to _________ all the food that weve ordered.

    A. give up   B. eat up    C. turn up   D. show up

    33. None of the shoes in the shop are the right size. They are_________ too big_________ too small.

    A. both; and   B. neither; nor   C. either; or   D. not only; but also

    34. What did Mr. Wu say just now?

    He said that water _________ice at the temperature of zero degree centigrade.

    A. had become  B. became    C. becomes    D. will become

    35. Mike did badly in the English exam. He is feeling_________ now.

    A. blue    B. green     C. brown    D. white

    36. Do you believe________ man can live on Mars in the future?

    Its hard to say. Scientists are still not sure________ we can grow plants on Mars.

    A. if; that   B. whether; if   C. that; that   D. that; whether

    37. My mother asked me________ I was going to speak at the meeting and I said Yes.

    A. what   B. when    C. why    D. whether

    38. We can invite Mr. Smith to the party next Saturday.   _________? Ill call him at once.

    A. Why not    B. What     C. What for    D. How

    39. Little Mary often feel lonely because he has no friends _________.

    A. to play    B. play     C. playing with   D. to play with

    40. Whats wrong, Simon?        I have a problem, and I dont know _________it.

    A. what to do    B. how to do    C. how to deal with  D. what to deal with

    41. Could you tell me _______?

            A. who can help us organize the show         B. how long you have bought the car

            C. what was your favourite subject           D. how many students are there in your class

    42. ––Excuse me, could you tell me _______   ––Yes. Its about twenty minutes walk.

             A. how long it takes to go to the park       B. how far it is from here to the park

             C. how does it take to go to the park        D. how far is it from here to the park 

    43. When shall I hand in my report?   As soon as it _________ tomorrow.

    A. completes   B. is completed   C. will complete   D. will be completed

    44. Learn to walk_________ you can.

    A. as     B. after     C. while     D. before

    45. He was about to tell me the secret _______ someone patted 拍打 him on the shoulder.

            A. as               B. until              C. while            D. when

    46. They speak perfect English. How long have they learnt it? ______ they were seven years old.

             A. Since           B. When        C. After             D. Until

    47. _______ of the football players playing for the club _______ born in _______.

    A. Half; were; 1990s                    B. The half; were; the 1990s

    C. The half; was; 1990s               D. Half; were; the 1990s

    48. His aunt wants to have him _______ the radio, but he has had it _______ already.

    A. repair, repair    B. to repair, repair     C. repaired, to repair   D. repair, repaired

    49. What shall we do to kill time?

    Well, _________ it is Wanda Cinemas half-price day, why not go to watch a film?

    A. since    B. while     C. unless    D. though

    50. Yao Ming is admired _________ millions of people _________ not only his achievements but also his spirit.

    A. for, by    B. by, for    C. by, as     D. as, for

    51. It is well known _______ all people that Beijing is known _______ the capital of China.

    A. for; as           B. to; for           C. to; as         D. for; for

    52. What shall we do now?      _______ its raining hard, lets stay at home.

    A. So           B. Since           C. Though       D. If

    53. _______ are you going to the School Uniform Exhibition, Amy?

    To learn about different styles of school uniforms.

    A. What          B. Where          C. How        D. Why

    54. Its _______ that there _______ more than one child there when the accident happened.

            A. highly possible; was              B. possible; were

            C. probably; was                   D. high possibly; were

    55. _______, when Marx was already _______, he found it was important to study the situation in

    Russia, so he began to learn Russian.

            A. In 1870s, in his fifties            B. In 1870s, in fifties

            C. In the 1870s, in fifties         D. In the 1870s, in his fifties

    56. When will A Bite of China II begin tonight?   It _________ for ten minutes.

    A. will begin    B. has begun    C. will be on    D. has been on

    57. When people want to relax themselves, they prefer _________TV rather than _________sports.

    A. to watch; doing  B. watching; to do  C. to watch; do   D. watching; do

    58. Could I go and watch the concert with you, Bob? Im afraid not, _________you have a ticket.

    A. if      B. unless    C. though     D. since

    59. Do you know if Dr White ___________ for dinner this evening?

          No, but I think he will come back if he ___________ free.

          A. will come; is      B. will come; will be    C. comes; is         D. comes; will be

    60. _______ went to see the football match on the playground in our school yesterday afternoon.

            A. A number of the students          B. The number of the students

          C. A number of students            D. The number of students  

    61. Scientists generally agree that earths climate will warm up over the next 50 to 100 years _______ it has warmed in the 20,000 years since Ice Age.

    A. so long as      B. as much as      C. as long as     D. as well as 

    62. You could hardly imagine _____ amazing the Great Wall was _____ you saw it with your own eyes.

             A. how, unless  B. what, unless C. how, if  D. what, until

    63. I dont like horror films. They are terrible.   _________.

    A. Me, too    B. So do I    C. Nor do I    D. Neither, I do

    64. Which film do you like better, Friendship or Kens Story?

    Its hard to say. I like the story of Friendship better than _________of Kens Story, but I think the actors act worse than _________of Kens Story.

    A. it; them    B. that; those    C. one; ones   D. this; those

    65. The teacher asked him to speak louder _______ by his classmates.

            A. so that to be heard             B. in order to catch

            C. so that he could be heard        D. being heard

    66. _____ the sun was not up yet, many people were already taking exercise in the square.

            A. As    B. If     C. Though   D. Because

    67. The river is______, I think _______river isn't too long.

    A. 100-metres-long;  an 100 meters long   B. 100 meters long;  a 100-metre-long

    C. 100-metre-long;  a 100-metre-long    D. 100 meters long;  an 100-metre-long

    68. You can play football with your friends if your homework______.

    A. will finish  B. will be finished  C. has finished   D. is finished

    69. There are ___ shops near our school, and ____of the shoos is getting larger and larger.

    A. the number of;  the number of    B. a number of;  the number of

    C. a number of;  a number of    D. the number of;  a number of

    70. ________ people are very interested in watching the football match.

    A. Thousands of B. Two thousands  C. Thousand of D. Two thousand of

    71. Hepburn won         Oscar         Best Actress for her role in that film.

      A. an; of           B. an; for         C. a; for           D. an; to

    72.          Amy likes to go to the cinema, but she doesn't like to see horror films.

      A. Since           B. As            C. Though         D. /

    73. --Lily and I plan to go to the old people's home this weekend. What about you?

      --If you go there,         .

      A. so do I                          B. so will I

      C. neither do I                      D. neither will I

    74. --Sorry, I         you         my old classmate just now.

       --Never mind.

      A. mistake, as                      B. mistook; as

      C. mistake; for                     D. mistook; for

    75. --I dont know where to go this summer vacation?

       --Why not         visiting Suzhou ?  There are many places of interest there.

      A. suggest                          B. wonder

      C. consider                         D. encourage

    76. The famous film star         a cold winter morning last year.

    A. past away in                      B. passed away in

    C. past away on                      D. passed away on

    77. Andy Lau won Golden Horse Awards for Best Actor in the film A Simple Life         by Ann Hui.

      A. was directed                      B. directed

      C. directing                         D. which directed

    78. The film         his novel tells us what         in the past in China.

    A. based on; the life was like

      B. is based on; the life was like

      C. based on; was the life like

      D. is based on; was the life like

    79. The girl devoted all her time she had         others.

      A. to Help                          B. helping

      C. Helped                          D. to helping

    80. The child was         right after supper.

        A. enough tired to go to bed

        B. too tired to go to bed

        C. so tired that he went to bed

        D. very tired that he didn't go to bed


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