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    2019 学年第一学期浙江“七彩阳光”联盟期初联考
    高三年级 英语试题
    1. 本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共 8 页,满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。
    2. 答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号。
    3. 所有答案必须写在答题卷上,写在试卷上无效。
    4. 考试结束后,只需上交答题卷。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    How does the man feel about the French film?
    A. Interesting. B. Amusing. C. Terrible.
    【原文】W: Let's go and see whether there are any seats left for that new French film.
    M: Whenever we come out to town, you want to see some awful French film.
    What do you learn about the woman?
    A. She is going over her accounts.
    B. She is excited about going there.
    C. She is counting the number of vacation days.
    【原文】M:Are you looking forward to the trip to the seaside next month?
    W:I'm counting the days.
    What are the man and woman talking about?
    A. Car number. B. Car parking. C. Room in the car-park.
    【原文】W:Where can I leave my car?
    M:There's plenty of room in the car-park. Just put it in a numbered space.
    Why can’t the man ring the woman?
    A. He hasn’t got a telephone. B. He is unfortunate. C. His telephone doesn’t work.
    【原文】M: I’ll tell you more when I see you next week.
    W: Can’t you ring me?
    M: No, unfortunately. My phone’s still out of order.
    Why does the man suggest the woman go early?
    A. The road will be busy. B. It is a long distance. C. London will be crowded.
    【原文】W:I may drive up to London on Saturday. There are one or two things I need to do there.
    M:I'd go early if I were you. The highway can get very busy, even on a Saturday. You may get stuck in the traffic.
    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位罝。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

    6. What is the woman looking for?
    A. A friend's house to stay. B. A cheap hotel. C. The Euro Hotel.
    7. When was this town built?
    A. In the 13th century. B. In the 14th century. C. In the 15th century.
    8. Where are the two speakers?
    A. In a hotel. B. On a bus. C. In the downtown.
    【答案】6. B 7. A 8. C
    【原文】M: Good afternoon.
    W: Hello. I wonder if you could help me. I've just arrived here, and I'm looking for somewhere to stay.
    M: Uh huh.
    W: Can you tell me where I can find a cheap hotel?
    M: Certainly. There are a few around here ,but the nearest and one of the nicest is just around the corner. It's called the Euro Hotel. Would you like me to phone to see if they have a room?
    W: No, that's ok. I'll just wander round there myself.
    M: This is a very pretty town, isn't it?
    W: It looks terribly old. Have you any idea how old this town is?
    M:Yes, it was founded in the thirteenth century.
    W: Really? As old as that? Wow! Well, I'd better get going. Oh, I'm not sure if we're near the centre of town, because I've only just arrived.
    M: Yes, this square out here is just about the centre.
    W: Thanks very much. Thanks for your help.

    9. Which is Martin's favorite sport?
    A. Football. B. Volleyball. C. Tennis.
    10. Where does Martin play his favorite sport in the summer?
    A. At local sports centres. B. In the playground. C. On the beach.
    11. How many people form a team for beach volleyball?
    A. Two. B. Four. C. Six.
    【答案】9. B 10. C 11. A
    【原文】W: So Martin, what sports do you play?
    M: I play football, volleyball and table tennis but volleyball is my favorite game as it’s a team game and you can play it with your friends, and enjoy it as a team.
    W: Is it quite a fast game as well?
    M: Yeah. It is a fast game.
    W: How exciting…
    M: Yes.
    W: Where do you play, then?
    M: I play at local sports centres more during the winter, and in the summer, I only play beach volleyball.
    W: Is beach volleyball different from the volleyball you play in the centres?
    M: Yes, it’s a very different game. Instead of six players on a team, it’s only two players.

    12. When did the conversation take place?
    A. Before summer vacation. B. During summer vacation. C. After summer vacation
    13. Who are the two speakers?
    A. Brother and sister.
    B. Unemployed young man and woman.
    C. College students.
    14. What kind of jobs does the man prefer?
    A. Camp jobs. B. A job at a hotel. C. A job in the open air.
    【答案】12. A 13. C 14. C
    【原文】W: It's almost vacation time. Have you found a summer job yet?
    M: I suppose I can work at the boy's camp where I worked last summer. But camp jobs don't pay much.
    W: I think I can get a job at the Edgewater Hotel.
    M: My sister worked there last summer; making beds and cleaning bathrooms. she didn't like it, but she earned quite a lot of money.
    W: A friend of my sisters did that one summer.
    M: What I want is a job outside. After sitting in college classes all winter; I'd like a job in the open air.
    W: The high school kids earn a lot of money every summer cutting grass. My brother is only fourteen, but he gets five dollars every time he cuts somebody's grass.
    M: That's pretty good. I used to cut grass when I was in high school. But now I thought I might work for a road-building company, or something like that.

    15. What news does Renee share with Tom?
    A. She met a high school classmate.
    B. She found an old friend's address.
    C. She got in touch with an old friend.
    16. Why did Renee and her friend lose contact?
    A. Her friend's family left for another city.
    B Her friend transferred to another school.
    C. They had an argument and drifted apart.
    17. What does Tom say about his old friends?
    A. He has lost touch with all of them.
    B. He maintains contact with most of them.
    C. He keeps in touch with one or two of them.
    【答案】15. C 16. A 17. C
    【原文】W: Hi, Tom, just want to share with you some good news.
    M: What's that, Renee?
    W: I've just received an email from one of my former high school classmates.
    M: That's nice, isn't it?
    W: You bet. I feel so excited. Well, actually I haven't heard from her for ages. Can you imagine she used to be my best friend in high school? I felt sad when I lost touch with her when she moved to another city with her parents. And that was almost about five years ago.
    M: To be frank with you, I have been out of touch with most of my old friends, too. Only one or two still keep in touch with me.
    W: I know. It's really hard to maintain contact when people move around so much.

    18. What is the lecture mainly about?
    A. History and culture of the Great Britain and US.
    B. Educational system of the Great Britain and US.
    C. Varieties of examinations of the Great Britain and US.
    19. How long do British children study the basics?
    A. Six years. B. Eight years. C. Five years.
    20. What sort of exams do British children have to take?
    A. Nation-wide standard exams. B. Local exams. C. School set tests.
    【答案】18. B 19. B 20. A
    【原文】Let me begin by saying thatahthe history and culture of these two countriesGreat Britain and the United Statesseem to be similar in many ways, but ahnot in others. In the field of education, for example, the school systems of these two English-speaking countries are quite different.
    Let's look at the matter of examinations.
    In England they are standard. That is, students all over the country take the same examination. Most children begin school at five, you seeand study the basics for about eight years then, if they decide to go on, they select certain subjects and study for these nation-wide standard exams. This process ends at about age 16, except for those who want to enter universities. These students mustah, study for yet more difficult examinations, known in England as the "A Levels".
    As you can see, these national examinations are very important to British studentsbut in the United States there are none oh, of course we have other kinds of tests that are important but I mean there are no nationally set examinations that determine whether students can graduate from our public schools. Each local school system has its own standards.
    Generally speaking, there are twelve grades in the American system. Each grade takes one year so children who begin the first grade at the age of six usually graduate when they are about seventeen. If they want to go on to college they have to write and find out what the entrance requirements are, because each college and university is different.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 35 分)
    第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 25 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。
    NASA’s (美国宇航局的) newly announced space tourism program is possibly the biggest mistake in the agency’s history.
    Beginning as early as 2020, NASA will offer visits to the International Space Station for $35,000 per night, not including transportation, to pretty much anyone who can pass a physical.
    The reason this is a mistake, and a big one, is that NASA has worked for generations to create an image of astronauts as extraordinarily skilled, highly trained, courageous heroes. For example, NASA invites grade schools to participate in creating experiments that are carried on the space station. The astronauts talk to kids from space, sending a message that if you study, work hard and learn math and science, you may reach these heights, too.
    According to one report, Las Vegas-based Bigelow Aerospace is making plans to haul four tourists at a time to the space station on SpaceX rockets. U.S. taxpayers forked over a hundred billion dollars to build the International Space Station. It would be nice to try to preserve the image of it as an inspirational achievement, instead of turning it into a flying Howard Johnson’s.
    NASA’s press release about the space tourism program tries to cast it as a partnership with the private sector to “provide expanded opportunities” at the space station to “manufacture, market and promote commercial products and services.” But it also states that one goal is “quantifying NASA’s long-term demand for activities in low-Earth orbit.”
    The space station has been costing U.S. taxpayers between $1.5 billion and $3 billion each year. If it’s perceived as a private Disneyland for the top tax bracket, public support for the entire space program could be at risk.
    But worse, we will have degraded what once inspired us. Sometimes a nation needs stars in its eyes.
    21. What is NASA’s space tourism program?
    A. To invite students to attend their experiments.
    B. To send visitors to the space station.
    C. To run a restaurant in the space station.
    D. To build a Disneyland in the space station.
    22. Why does the writer view the space tourism program as a big mistake?
    A. It may influence the science experiment negatively.
    B. It will cost people a lot of money.
    C. It is too dangerous for visitors.
    D. It may destroy the image of astronauts.
    23. What does the underlined word “stars” refer to?
    A. Planets. B. Satellites. C. Wealthy tourists. D. Astronauts.
    【答案】21. B 22. D 23. D
    细节理解题。根据第二段中Beginning as early as 2020, NASA will offer visits to the International Space Station for $35,000 per night, not including transportation, to pretty much anyone who can pass a physical.(早在2020年,NASA提出,对于健康情况允许的几乎任何人,只要支付35000美金,不包含交通费,就可以在国际空间站过一晚。)可知,NASA的太空旅游项目是将游客送上空间站。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段首句The reason this is a mistake, and a big one, is that NASA has worked for generations to create an image of astronauts as extraordinarily skilled, highly trained, courageous heroes. (太空旅游项目是一个很大的错误的原因是NASA通过几代人的努力将宇航员的形象塑造为非常熟练的、训练有素的并且勇敢的英雄。)以及第四段最后一句It would be nice to try to preserve the image of it as an inspirational achievement(努力将宇航员的形象保持为鼓舞人心的成就是比较好的)可推断,这个计划最大的错误就是破坏了宇航员的形象。故选D。
    词义猜测题。根据文章第四段最后一句(继续将宇航员的形象保持为鼓舞人心的成就是比较好的)以及画线前一句But worse, we will have degraded what once inspired us.(但更糟糕的是,我们会贬低曾经激励我们的东西)可知,宇航员在人们心中一直是值得尊敬和学习的,我们贬低激励我们的东西是糟糕的。所以画线单词所在句子意思为一个民族需要这样的值得学习的人,也就是指需要这样享有盛誉的宇航员。故选D。
    Most dog owners have probably been puzzled waiting for their dog to do its business. Instead of just finding a soft area of grass to go number two, they make a whole ritual(仪式) out of it, spinning in a circle before finally squatting(蹲下). Luckily, the ultimate pet owners’ question may finally have been answered.
    A few theories have circulated about why dogs might circle before pooping, and most are similar to the reasons they spin before lying down. Trampling around in a circle would flatten the grass around, which would keep tall blades(叶片) from trapping their waste. Another explanation could be that they’re scanning for snakes and predators before they become completely occupied.
    But Czech researcher Hynek Burda didn’t quite buy into those theories. Dogs evolved from wolves, which didn’t need to worry much about tall grass. And if they were scanning their environment, keeping still to listen and sniff would be more effective than giving the area a quick once-over. Instead, Burda suggested that dogs spin to get a feel for the Earth’s magnetic pull.
    The Earth has a magnetic field around it protecting it from radiation from space, and some animals seem to use it to get a sense of where its North and South poles are. For instance, it’s how birds know which way to migrate. In 2013, Burda published a study in the journal Frontiers in Zoology suggesting dogs have a strong internal compass, too. He and his team spent two years watching 70 dogs poop and pee and recording which way they faced and how strong the magnetic(磁的) field was.
    As it turns out, when the magnetic field was calm, dogs preferred to poop facing either north or south.
    The pattern couldn’t explain why dogs like facing the Earth’s poles, but the researchers think it might help them remember where they marked their territory.
    If they can remember which way they were facing, they might find it easier to find that spot again. So before you roll your eyes when your dog takes ages to do his business, remember that Fido might just be getting scientific about his potty spot.
    24. What is the ritual for dogs when they do their business?
    A. They poop twice daily.
    B. They circle before pooping.
    C. They usually make their owner impatient.
    D. They just find a soft area to poop.
    25. According to Burda, dogs ________.
    A. look for snakes and predators before pooping
    B. spin to flatten the grass
    C. sniff around to scan the environment
    D. circle to face a certain direction
    26 The writer cites “birds” in order to show ________.
    A. how magic they are
    B. dogs also can migrate
    C. dogs have inner compass
    D. the differences between birds and dogs
    27. It might be concluded that dogs ________.
    A. have good reasons to take ages to do his business
    B. are more scientific than human beings
    C. are sensitive to radiation from space
    D. often play tricks with their owners
    【答案】24. B 25. D 26. C 27. A
    细节理解题。由文章第一段中第二句话Instead of just finding a soft area of grass to go number two, they make a whole ritual(仪式) out of it, spinning in a circle before finally squatting(蹲下).可知,狗大便时不仅是要找一块软软的草地,还要做一个有仪式感的动作,在蹲下之前要转个圈。do business, go number two 和poop都是指的同一回事,指狗狗大便。故选B。
    细节理解题。由第三段最后一句Instead, Burda suggested that dogs spin to get a feel for the Earth’s magnetic pull.可知,Burda认为狗狗绕圈是为了感受地球磁场,由第五段可知,当地球磁场平静的时候,狗狗会朝着北极或南极大便。也就是说狗狗绕圈是为了面向一个方向。故选D。
    推理判断题。鸟迁徙是第四段采用的一个例子,例子一般都是来证明中心的。由第四段“The Earth has a magnetic field around it protecting it from radiation from space, and some animals seem to use it to get a sense of where its North and South poles are”可知,本句为中心句,地球有一个磁场保护它不受外空的辐射,一些动物就是依靠它来判断南极北极在哪儿。结合本文论述的狗狗大便的话题,所以这个例子是为了证明狗狗也有内部指南针,能感受到南北极。故选C。
    推理判断题。由最后一段中最后一句 So before you roll your eyes when your dog takes ages to do his business, remember that Fido might just be getting scientific about his potty spot.可知,主人在狗长时间转圈的时候不要翻白眼(不耐烦),因为他们正在寻找“科学”的位置,也许为了下次能够更容易找到这个地方,也许是上一段提到的更好地标记地盘,总之,他们有理由这么做。故选A。
    【易错分析】A项“他们大便两次”文章没有提到;根据第一段第一句Most dog owners have probably been puzzled waiting for their dog to do its business.(大多数狗主人等待他的狗大便时,可能一直困惑。),故C项“他们通常会让主人不耐烦”错误;根据第一段的Instead of just finding a soft area of grass to go number two, they make a whole ritual(仪式) out of it, spinning in a circle before finally squatting(蹲下). (他们不只是找到一片柔软的草地,他们做一个完整的仪式,在最后蹲下来之前转一圈。),故D项“他们只是找到一片柔软的地方”是错误。根据第一段中第二句话Instead of just finding a soft area of grass to go number two, they make a whole ritual(仪式) out of it, spinning in a circle before finally squatting(蹲下).可知,狗大便时不仅是要找一块软软的草地,还要做一个有仪式感的动作,在蹲下之前要转个圈。do business, go number two 和poop都是指的同一回事,指狗狗大便。故本题选B。
    You may have heard that humans only use ten percent of their brain, and that if you could unlock the rest of your brainpower, you could do so much more. You could become a super genius, or acquire psychic powers like mind reading.
    This “ten-percent myth” has inspired many references in the cultural imagination. In the 2014 movie Lucy, for example, a woman develops godlike powers thanks to drugs that release the previously inaccessible 90 percent of her brain.
    Contrary to the ten-percent myth, however, scientists have shown that humans use their entire brain throughout each day.
    Over the years, brain scientists have shown that different parts of the brain are responsible for specific functions, whether it’s recognizing colors or problem solving. Contrary to the ten-percent myth, scientists have proven that every part of the brain is integral for our daily functioning.
    Research has yet to find a brain area that is completely inactive. Even studies that measure activity at the level of single neurons(神经元) have not revealed any inactive areas of the brain.
    Many brain imaging studies that measure brain activity when a person is doing a specific task show how different parts of the brain work together. For example, while you are reading this text on your smartphone, some parts of your brain, including those responsible for vision and reading comprehension, will be more active.
    A more direct counter to the ten-percent myth lies in individuals who have suffered brain damage – like through a stroke(中风)– and what they can no longer do, or do as well, as a result of that damage. If the ten percent myth is true, then damage to many parts of our brain shouldn’t affect your daily functioning. Studies have shown that damaging a very small part of the brain may have devastating consequences.
    If someone experiences damage to Broca’s area(布罗卡氏区), for example, they can understand language but can’t speak fluently.
    In one highly publicized case, a woman in Florida permanently lost her “capacity for thoughts, perceptions, memories, and emotions that are the very essence of being human” when a lack of oxygen destroyed half of her brain.
    28. What is the passage mainly about?
    A. The ten percent myth is not true.
    B. Brain scientists have a long way to go.
    C. Human brain is much more powerful than we imagine.
    D. All parts of the brain are equally important.
    29. Why does the writer mention the movie “Lucy”?
    A. To show the power of women.
    B. To introduce an interesting story.
    C. To fight against the ten percent myth.
    D. To show the influence of ten percent myth.
    30. It can be inferred that Broca’s area is responsible for ________.
    A. listening B. writing C. speaking D. reading
    【答案】28. A 29. D 30. C
    主旨大意题。文章第一二段提出了人脑只被利用了百分之十这个谬论以及它带给人们的影响。由第三段Contrary to the ten-percent myth, however, scientists have shown that humans use their entire brain throughout each day可知,然而,与10%的神话相反,科学家已经证明人类每天都在使用他们的整个大脑。后面的段落都是为了反驳这个谬论。所以整篇文章就是为了证明人脑只被利用了百分之十这个谬论是错误的。故选A。
    推理判断题。提到这部电影的名称就是为了说明段落主题句This “ten-percent myth” has inspired many references in the cultural imagination.(这个人脑只被利用了百分之十的谬论在文化界有很多人参考),也就是作者提到电影《露西》是为了说明这个谬论对人们的影响。故选D。
    推理判断题。由倒数第二段“If someone experiences damage to Broca’s area(布罗卡氏区), for example, they can understand language but can’t speak fluently.”可知,如果一个人布罗卡氏区受损,他们只能理解语言但是不能流利地说出来,由此可推知,布罗卡氏区负责说话的能力。故选C。
    第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
    ___31___ While these compulsive(无法控制的) actions may appear to be irrational or pointless, and may even result in negative consequences, the individual experiencing the compulsion feels unable to stop him or herself.
    The compulsive behavior can be a physical act, like hand washing, or a mental activity, like counting objects. When an otherwise harmless behavior becomes so consuming that it negatively impacts oneself or others, it may be a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)(强迫症).
    ___32___The former is an overwhelming desire to do something, while an addiction is a physical or chemical dependence on a substance or behavior. People with addictions will continue their addictive behavior, even when they understand that doing so is harmful to themselves and others. ___33___
    Unlike compulsions and addictions, which are acted out uncontrollably, habits are actions that are repeated regularly and automatically.
    Habits typically develop over time through a natural process called “habituation,” during which repetitive actions that must be consciously initiated eventually become subconscious and are carried out habitually.
    While there are good habits and bad, unhealthy habits, any habit can become a compulsion or even an addiction. ___34___ For example, the good habit of exercising regularly can become an unhealthy compulsion or addiction when done to excess.
    Common habits often develop into addictions when they result in a chemical dependency, as in the cases of smoking. The habit of having a glass of beer with dinner, for example, becomes an addiction when the desire to drink turns into a physical or emotional need to drink.
    ___35___While we can choose to add good, healthy habits to our routines, we can also choose to break old harmful habits.

    A. A compulsion is different from an addiction.
    B. It currently affects about 1 in 40 adults and 1 in 100 children in the U.S.
    C. Some of these behaviors are visible actions while others are mental behaviors.
    D. In other words, you really can have “too much of a good thing.”
    E. Compulsive behaviors are actions that a person feels “compelled” or driven to do over and over again.
    F. Alcoholism, smoking, and gambling are perhaps the most common examples of addictions.
    G. Of course, the key difference between a compulsive behavior and a habit is the ability to choose to do them or not.
    【答案】31. E 32. A
    33. F 34. D
    35. G
    空格位于文章首句。由第二句中的“these compulsive(无法控制的) actions”可知,首句中一定会出现一些无法控制的行为。选项E中的“Compulsive behaviors”符合语境,且选项E使用下定义的方法,在首句中引出文章谈论的对象,也是符合语篇结构的。故选E。
    空格位于段首。由空格后第二句中的“the former…while an addiction…”可知,上句是将两个概念进行对比。选项A(强迫行为与上瘾是不同的。)是将a compulsion与an addiction进行对比,且an addiction与下句中的 an addiction呼应,a compulsion与下句中的an overwhelming desire to do something呼应,故选A。
    空格位于段尾。是对上一句的举例说明。选项F中的the most common examples of addictions与上句中的“People with addictions will…”呼应,故选F。
    空格位于段中。由空格后的For example可知,例子是来证明空格处观点的。举例的内容为(经常锻炼的好习惯当做的过度的时候也能变成不健康的强迫性行为或者成瘾),选项D(换句话说,你真的可能在一件好事情上过度)与这一例子的中心符合,故选D。
    空格位于段首。空格后内容为:我们可以在日常生活中增加好的健康的习惯,也可以选择打破旧的有害的习惯。选项G中的“the ability to choose to do them or not(选择做与不做的能力)”与空格后句子中的两个choose呼应,故选G。
    第 II 卷(非选择题部分)
    第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 45 分)
    第一节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分〉
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。
    Peggy Lewis lost her house in a brutal tornado, but the tornado couldn’t take the one thing that meant the most.
    One ___36___, Peggy Lewis and her husband, Harris Lee, were ___37___ the trees blow in the wind outside their home in Eureka, Kansas. The next, they were surrounded by glass from the house’s ___38___ windows. The roof tore off. The walls caved in. After the tornado had ___39___, it took a team of neighbors to take them to the hospital. “I thought we were going to___40___,” says Lewis.
    When the pair ___41___ to their property three days after that awful night last June, it was ___42___ that what remained of the house would need to be torn down. But ___43___ Lewis would let that happen, she wanted one thing—her family Bible.
    Lewis had bought the Bible 35 years earlier, at the start of her ___44___. Like many folks, she’d used it to hold and preserve her ____45____ history: decades-old photos, a lock of her daughter’s hair, ____46____ a piece of a scarf her uncle had brought back from the Korean War.
    The Bible was the first thing Lewis ___47___ when she returned to the house. It wasn’t ____48____ she’d last seen it, ___49___ top of a dresser in her bedroom. In fact, the dresser wasn’t there at all.
    When two volunteers ____50____ to help the couple dig out, Lewis had one mission for them: “If you can find anything,” she said, “please find my Bible.”
    After an hour of ___51___, one of the volunteers ran up to her. Lewis had tears streaming down her cheeks and a book in her hands. Stunningly, while many books inside the home had been destroyed beyond____52____, the Bible was still intact(完好无损), even though it had sat in the rain for days. “I____53____broke down,” says Lewis.
    “I thought it was gone forever. It was a(an) ____54____.”
    She knows that while every good book tells stories of catastrophic(灾难性的) weather and unlikely survival, this one actually____55____it.
    36. A. day B. minute C. year D. night
    37. A. cutting B. watching C. planting D. drawing
    38. A. broken B. beautiful C. designed D. charming
    39. A. passed B. arrived C. formed D. hit
    40. A. leave B. remember C. die D. lose
    41. A. stuck B. aimed C. returned D. referred
    42. A. lucky B. impossible C. mad D. clear
    43. A. before B. after C. when D. until
    44. A. life B. marriage C. work D. college
    45. A. children’s B. mother’s C. father’s D. family’s
    46. A. still B. even C. such D. so
    47. A. took away B. prepared for C. handed in D. looked for
    48. A. where B. that C. when D. why
    49. A. at B. beside C. on D. in
    50. A. slowed down B. showed up C. got off D. turned on
    51. A. recalling B. guiding C. searching D. treating
    52 A. words B. dreams C. imagination D. recognition
    53. A. seldom B. completely C. generally D. mostly
    54. A. accident B. chance C. mystery D. miracle
    55. A. retold B. painted C. wanted D. lived
    【答案】36. B 37. B 38. A 39. A 40. C 41. C 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. D 46. B 47. D 48. A 49. C 50. B 51. C 52. D 53. B 54. D 55. D
    考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:前一分钟,Peggy和她的丈夫还正在看房子外边被风吹着的树。A. day一天;B. minute分钟;C. year年;D. night晚上。此空格与下一分钟(the next)形成对比关系,形容龙卷风来得之快,故选B。
    考查词义判断之词义辨析。句意同上。A. cutting切割,凿成;B. watching观看;C. planting播种;D. drawing画画。根据句意,只能看被风吹着的树,故选B。
    考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:下一分钟他们周围就已经全是破碎的窗户上掉下来的碎玻璃。A. broken破碎的;B. beautiful美丽的;C. designed精心设计的;D. charming迷人的。从后一句房顶被掀开,墙倒塌可以推测窗户破裂。故选A。
    考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:龙卷风过后,很多邻居才把他们送到医院。A. passed过去;B. arrived到达;C. formed形成;D. hit打击,袭击。龙卷风过后,大家才敢出门,故选A。
    考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:Lewis说我以为我们要死了。A. leave离开;B. remember记得;C. die死;D. lose失去。由上句中很多个邻居把他们送到医院,可以推测他们伤的很重,所以他们以为自己要死了。故选C。
    考查语境判断之对应原文。句意:在六月那个糟糕的夜晚后的第三天这对夫妇回到他们的房产处。A. stuck卡住;B. aimed目标;C. returned返回;D. referred参考。此空格与第五段首句“when she returned to the house”中的returned呼应,故选C。
    考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:很明显房子剩下的部分也需要被拆除。A. lucky幸运的;B. impossible不可能的;C. mad疯狂的;D. clear清楚的,明显的。前文已经交代房顶没了,墙也倒了,所以很明显废墟得拆除。故选D。
    考查语境判断之逻辑关系。句意:Lewis在让拆房子之前,要找到一个东西——她家族的《圣经》。A. before在……之前;B. after在……之后;C. when在……时候;D. until直到。找东西一定是在拆房子之前找,故选A。
    考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:35年前Lewis买了这本圣经,那时她的婚姻刚刚开始。A. life生活;B. marriage婚姻;C. work工作;D. college大学。根据上下文,这本书里面夹着的都是和家庭有关的物件,所以自从结婚以来比较符合逻辑。故选B。
    考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:跟很多人一样,她用它保存家庭的历史。A. children’s孩子的;B. mother’s妈妈的;C. father’s父亲的;D. family’s家庭的。后面提示不仅有女儿的,还有叔叔的纪念品,所以用家庭一词。故选D。
    考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:书里有几十年的老照片,女儿的一缕头发,甚至还有她叔叔从朝鲜战场带回来的围巾。A. still仍然;B. even甚至;C. such这样的;D. so因此。从老照片到女儿到叔叔之间是逐层递进的关系,故选B。
    考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:圣经是Lewis回家后第一件要找的东西。A. took away拿走;B. prepared for准备;C. handed in上交;D. looked for寻找。由下句中的find可知,这里指的是Lewis想要找的东西。故选D。
    考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:它之前在卧室梳妆台上,但是现在,梳妆台都不见了。 A. at朝;B. beside在……旁边;C. on在……上;D. in在……里。on top of…意为“在……之上”,为固定搭配,符合句意。故选C。
    考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:当两名志愿者出现来帮这对夫妇挖掘的时候,Lewis告诉他们,你们要是能找到东西,一定先要找到我的圣经。A. slowed down慢下来;B. showed up出现;C. got off下车;D. turned on打开。志愿者肯定是自己出现的,故选B。
    考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:经过一个小时的搜索。A. recalling回忆;B. guiding指导;C. searching搜寻;D. treating处理。此空格与上段中的find呼应,故选C。
    考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:使人目瞪口呆地,很多家里的书都被损坏的辨认不出模样,这本圣经却一直完好无损。A. words言语;B. dreams梦;C. imagination想象;D. recognition识别。由于是形容书,所以只能说书辨认不出来了。故选D。
    考查语境判断之感情色彩。句意:尽管这本圣经在雨里呆了好几天,却完好无损。Lewis说“我彻底惊呆了”。A. seldom很少;B. completely完全;C. generally普遍地;D. mostly主要地。这里形容让Lewis彻底吃惊地样子,故选B。
    考查语境判断之其它线索。句意:我以为它已经永远消失了,它是一个奇迹。A. accident事故;B. chance机会;C. mystery神秘事物;D. miracle奇迹。根据上文 “while many books inside the home had been destroyed beyond 52 , the Bible was still intact(完好无损),”可知,很多家里的书都被损坏的辨认不出模样,这本圣经却一直完好无损,尽管在雨里呆了好几天。可推断是一个奇迹。故选D。
    考查语境判断之忠于原文。句意:虽然每一本好书都讲述了灾难性天气和不太可能生存下来的故事,但这本书却实实在在经历了一番。A. retold重述;B. painted油漆;C. wanted想要;D. lived生存。这里强调书在灾难中存活了下来,故选D。

    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    Cards and digital(数字的) technologies ___56___(kill) off cash slowly, but is it a cause for concern? Not ___57___(necessary). Here are some ways of making the most of digital finance.
    Cash is no longer king. Over recent years fewer and fewer transactions have been made with cash. The most recent figures show coins and notes are used just 34% of ___58___ time, down from 63% a decade ago. And usage ___59___(predict) to fall to just 10% in 15 years.
    Instead we’re paying with cards and digital technologies. Some of this is down to user choice, with contactless cards and smartphones making spending ___60___(fast) and more convenient.
    But it’s also being forced upon us. Some retailers are refusing physical money as they can avoid the high bank charges levied(征收) at them for ___61___(handle) cash. Meanwhile it’s harder to get your hands on notes as cash machines and ___62___(bank) disappear from the high street. And these are trends which are likely ___63___(increase) in the coming years.
    This could be bad news if you still primarily use cash, ___64___ that’s how you pay your bills or how you budget. For some, cash is just what you know. For _____65_____, cash is a necessity—especially when going digital is the alternative.
    As a result this move towards cashless society makes many uneasy.
    【答案】56. are killing
    57. necessarily
    58. the 59. is predicted
    60. faster 61. handling
    62. banks 63. to increase
    64. whether
    65. others
    考查现在进行时与主谓一致。句意:银行卡和数字科技正在慢慢取代现金。这句话缺少谓语动词,且根据句意,表示现阶段存在的状态,应使用现在进行时。主语“Cards and digital technologies”为复数形式,所以谓语为are killing。故填are killing。
    考查一般现在时的被动语态。句意:并且,金钱的使用被估计15年内将会降到10%。这句话与上一句都是数据显示的结果,上一句使用的一般现在时,所以这句话也应使用一般现在时。Usage作主语,与predict是被动关系,应使用被动语态,且谓语动词用单数形式。故填is predicted。
    考查形容词比较级。句意:非接触式卡片和手机使得消费更加快捷更加方便。and前后连接两个并列成份,由more convenient可知,空格处应该也填形容词比较级。故填faster。
    考查不定式。句意:接下来几年中这些趋势有可能继续加强。be likely to do sth.意为“有可能做某事”,为固定搭配。故填to increase。
    第四部分写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分 15 分)
    内容包括:1. 表示欢迎并说明接机时间和地点;2. 你的安排。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    【答案】Dear John,
    I’m writing to extend my warmest welcome to you and confirm our schedule on the day you arrive.
    I’m going to pick you up at the Xiaoshan International Airport at 10:00 next Sunday morning, standing at the exit and wearing a red jacket so you won’t miss me. After that, we are to head directly for my home and you are to settle down. I bet my mother will have cooked a delicious lunch for us by then.
    Hope you can enjoy your stay in China and become my good friend in the following month.
    Wish you a happy journey.
    Li Hua
    第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)
    extend my warmest welcome to you(向你表示最热烈的欢迎);confirm our schedule(确定时间安排);pick you up(接机);standing at the exit(站在出口);you won’t miss me(你不会错过我);settle down(安顿下来)等。
    I’m going to pick you up at the airport,after which,we are to head directly for my home and you are to settle down.我要去机场接你,然后我们直接去我家,你要安顿下来。which引导定语从句.
    I wish you would have a happy journey.我祝愿你有一个快乐的旅行。wish that sb would have虚拟语气。
    第二节:概要写作(满分 25 分)
    67.阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。
    Whether you’re looking for a quick hotel in the city or a isolated resort in the tropics, where you choose to stay can make or break your vacation experience. But even the most seasoned travelers may not know the difference between the two main types of homes-away-from-home. Besides their first letter, is there any real difference between hotels and motels?
    These two types of lodging(宾馆) have the same basic purpose—a place for travelers to sleep—but there are plenty of features that set them apart. For instance, they came to be for different reasons, and at very different times. The word “hotel” dates back to the 1600s and comes from a French word, hotel. That word, just like the English one, referred to a place that provides lodging, meals, entertainment, and other services to travelers.
    Motels, on the other hand, are a much more recent—and pretty much exclusively American—lodging option. This word dates back to the 1920s and combines the words “hotel” and “motor.” As America’s major highway system developed, so did motels, filling the need for roadside stops for motorists traveling cross-country.
    There are also some smaller differences that can help you figure out which type of place you’re in. Hotels tend to be built for longer stays, while motels are geared more for one- or two-night stops along a journey. Because of this, hotels are much more likely to have offerings like lounges, gyms, and entertainment.
    So, in the end, it comes down to what you want from your trip and from your lodging. Want the place you stay to be just as much a part of your travel experience as anything else? Opt for a hotel. Just need a place to pop in and out of to shower and sleep? A motel might be the better choice.
    【答案】Motels and hotels have real differences other than their first letters in spelling(要点1). Although serving the same purpose of offering travelers a place to sleep, they have different features(要点2). Take their origin as an example, hotels appear much earlier than motels, which stem from the necessity to cater for/accommodate highway motorists(要点3). Another slight difference is that hotels are intended for longer stay and motels for shorter stops(要点4). It’s up to the travelers to decide which one they prefer(要点5)
    第二段和第三段介绍他们起源时间和原因目的不同。可以用到的词汇或句型有:purpose,date back to,for instance,定语从句等。
    第四段介绍他们提供不同长度的住宿时间。可以用到的词汇或句型有:highway,longer stays,定语从句等。
    Serving the same purpose of offering travelers a place to sleep, they have different features.服务于为旅客提供睡眠的相同目的,它们具有不同的特征。serving是非谓语动词作状语。
    Although hotels appear much earlier than motels, they stem from the necessity to cater for/accommodate highway motorists.虽然酒店比汽车旅馆早得多,但他们迎合/容纳公路驾车人士。although引导让步状语从句。






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