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    (考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:100分)
    第一节 完型填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,共15分)
    I mved t a new city and tk a jb in marketing. I didn’t really understand whether it applied t me. I enjyed ding things that I felt had 1 . As the mnths passed, I felt it just wasn’t fr me. I needed t find a way ut.
    A jb advertisement fr an editr fr a new yuth magazine came at exactly the right time. I applied and was successful. My rle was t help teams f yung peple edit their cntent and help them with their wrk. I had assumed the magazine wuld be a(n) 2 f games and dull reviews, s I was 3 when ne f the first pieces written was abut scial welfare. 4 , I fund smething I was interested in.
    I felt a 5 in me straight away. I had a purpse again. Days were lst t discussing ht tpics and 6 the wrds f their strng and pininated (坚持己见的) vices. 7 in their wrld, I culd see myself making a difference t the team’s writing ability. As ur website 8 increased and the wrk shifted t reflect what ur audiences wanted, I develped a greater understanding f what yung peple might want t read.
    The biggest change the jb brught, thugh was t my well-being. It is rare yu find yurself in a jb yu lve, ne that yu are happy t 9 each day. I was thriving in this creative envirnment, inspired by the talented yung peple I was helping t 10 their careers. Nw, I realize that there are jbs that will keep yu happy, energetic and inspired.
    9.A.leave behindB.g intC.refer tD.set aside
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)
    Nathen 11 (cycle) alng a remte rad when he came acrss an abandned kitten. Mved by her sad eyes and pitiful mewing, Nathen decided t adpt her and named her Mil. Tgether, they experienced kindness, 12 (visit) charities, and rescued animals, frming an unbreakable bnd. Mil especially liked ging t the railway statin near their hme during rush hur, 13 cmmuting (通勤) was challenging fr mst peple. Often 14 (find) sitting n a ticket gate, Mil greeted cmmuters and brught smiles t all she encuntered, making the spring mrning a little brighter.
    Research suggests a cnnectin between defrestatin, 15 (result) in prer air quality, and increased rates f depressin and anxiety. It has been revealed that cuntries with mre frested land tend t see 16 (few) cases f mental health disrders. In the 1980s, “frest bathing” was intrduced as a therapeutic practice centered arund trees t enhance the psychlgical benefits f utdr experiences. Up till nw, this practice 17 (use) fr treating patients.
    Many f ur actins are initiated by emtin. Challenging situatins will arise in ur lives and 18 we handle these situatins is a mark f hw mature and independent we are. Keeping ur emtins 19 dminating ur lives is essential because stable emtin brings a sense f cntentment and calm. Luckily, there are many 20 (help) techniques t cntrl ur emtins, such as meditatin, yga, and breathing exercises.
    D yu want t bst yur ATAR, a rank which indicates the verall achievements f all Year 12 students in Australia, and get a preview f university life? When yu jin the Deakin Accelerate Prgram, yu’ll get a head start by cmpleting tw first-year university units while yu’re still a high schl student.
    Hw Deakin Accelerate Prgram wrks
    Yu’ll study tw first-year university units thrugh the prgram. If yu chse t study and experience university life n campus, yu’ll attend classes and cnferences during the day. Or if studying nline is mre accessible fr yu, cmplete the prgram nline in yur free time at schl r after hurs when it suits yu.
    N matter hw yu chse t study, yu’ll benefit frm ur nline learning platfrm, which allws yu t access classes, wrkshps, resurces and mre. Whether yu’ re using yur desktp, tablet r mbile, yu’ll have access t curse cntent all year rund and get answers in real time.
    After successfully cmpleting yur Accelerate units, yu’ll gain credits which yu’ can put twards a related Deakin university curse. Plus, there is n charge fr that.
    Apply t the Deakin Accelerate Prgram if yu’re:
    ·a high achiever with abve-average Year 11 results;
    ·lking fr an extra challenge in high schl;
    ·a self-starter wh can wrk independently;
    ·keen t make a head start n yur university degree.
    T be qualified fr the prgram, yu must:
    ·be cmpleting Year 12 in 2024;
    ·meet the high schl subject requirement;
    ·attain a minimum average grade f 65% acrss yur subjects.
    Fr mre infrmatin abut the Deakin Accelerate Prgram, yu can read ur FAQs r get in tuch using ur nline inquiry frm.
    Submit an inquiry
    21.What benefit d participants gain frm the Deakin Accelerate Prgram?
    A.Receiving a preview f their ATAR.B.Experiencing different learning styles.
    C.Cmpleting tw years’ university units.D.Earning credits twards university curses.
    22.What is available fr participants n the nline learning platfrm?
    A.Real-time respnse.B.Guidance n using devices.
    C.High schl curse cntent.D.An nline learning schedule.
    23.Which is a requirement fr the applicants?
    A.Submitting an inquiry frm.
    B.Graduating frm university in 2024.
    C.Having started t study fr a university degree.
    D.Achieving an average scre f at least 65% in all subjects.
    When I was nine, my best friend nearly chked t death n a gbstpper, a type f hard candy. After several attempts, she cughed up the candy. I haven’t had a gbstpper since and I have carried with me a fear f seeing that scene again. Sadly, as I discvered this week, lightning can strike twice.
    I was getting ff a tube train in Lndn when I nticed a wman cughing. I slwed dwn, watching her carefully. I had learned that cughing is rarely a sign that smething is terribly wrng. Suddenly, the wman stpped cughing, her eyes widened and she bent ver.
    When I went ver t ask if she was OK, she lked up at me, panicked, and pinted t her back. I started hitting her back and screaming fr help. Despite having watched a few vides, I was terrified that I wuldn’t be able t crrectly perfrm the Heimlich, a first-aid methd, and that I wuld have t walk away with guilt fr her death. But it was just the tw f us, alne at an undergrund statin; if I didn’t try t help, n ne wuld. Thankfully, much like with my friend, after a few sharp hits, whatever had been stuck in her thrat came lse. She thanked me, almst embarrassed, and walked up t the lift. I fllwed behind her, shaking, with tears in my eyes.
    By the time we reached the lift, we had bth calmed dwn. She tk my hands and thanked me again, befre disappearing. She might have been fine withut my hurried hits n her back — I may nt have actually saved her life — but at least she knew that smene, a stranger whm she wuld never see again, cared.
    This experience als taught me abut the bystander effect, where peple assume thers assumed t be available during an emergency, direct help frm thers is far less likely t will help, leading t inactin. I get it: the fear f making things wrse, especially if yu have n medical training, is real. Research suggests that when a “medically cmpetent” persn is assumed t be available during an emergency, direct help frm thers is far less likely t ccur. Smetimes, thugh, regardless f wh else culd be nearby, it may be useful t get invlved. S it was with the cughing wman n the tube.
    24.Hw did the friend’s chking incident affect the authr?
    A.She lived with a sense f guilt.
    B.She realized the imprtance f first aid.
    C.She develped a fear f witnessing similar events.
    D.She deepened her understanding f the bystander effect.
    25.What did the authr d t help the wman n the tube?
    A.She relieved the wman’s cughing.
    B.She walked the wman up t the lift.
    C.She fund a “medically cmpetent” persn fr her.
    D.She perfrmed first aid by hitting the wman’s back.
    26.Which situatin can be described as the bystander effect?
    A.Yu vlunteered t help an ld man carrying a heavy bag.
    B.Yu asked yur brther wh is a dctr t save a dying wman.
    C.Yu avided invlvement when seeing an injured lady n the rad.
    D.Yu walked away after the rescue men asked yu t leave the scene.
    27.What can we learn frm this passage?
    A.A gd tun deserves anther.B.Every clud has a silver lining.
    C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.D.Actin speaks luder than inactin.
    Baleen whales play a vital rle in ecsystems. T cmmunicate acrss vast distances and find each ther, baleen whales depend critically n the prductin f sunds that travels far in dark ceans. Hwever, since whale sngs were first discvered mre than 50 years ag, it remained unknwn hw baleen whales prduce their cmplex vcalizatins (发音).
    A new study in the jurnal Nature reprts that baleen whales develped unique structures in their larynx (喉) that enable their lw-frequency vcalizatins, but als limit their cmmunicatin range. The study was led by vice scientists Prfessr Cen Elemans and Prfessr Tecumseh Fitch. “The tthed whales and baleen whales were initially land animals that had a larynx serving tw functins: prtecting the airways and sund prductin. Hwever, their switching t living in the water placed new and strict demands n the larynx t prevent chking underwater,” says Tecumseh Fitch.
    The study shws that baleen whales nevertheless can still prduce sund with their larynx, but they have develped new structures t d s, which nly exists in baleen whales. “This is prbably t keep a rigid pen airway when they have t mve huge amunts f air in and ut during explsive surface breathing,” states Fitch. “We fund that this U-shaped structure pushes against a big fatty cushin (垫) n the inside f the larynx. When the whales push air frm their lungs past this cushin, it starts t shake and this generates very lw frequency underwater sunds,” says Elemans.
    T understand hw muscle activity culd change the calls, the researchers built a cmputatinal mdel f the entire whale larynx. The mdel predicted the natural vcalizatins f the whales very well. Hwever, these newly discvered features that allwed whales t successfully cmmunicate in the vast ceans als pses huge physilgical (生理的) limits fr many baleen whales. Cmbining experiments and mdels, the researchers prvide the first evidence that baleen whales are physilgically incapable f escaping nise caused by humans, because it cvers up their vices, and thus limits their cmmunicatin range. “Unfrtunately, the main frequency and depth f man-made nise caused by shipping traffic cver the frequency range and maximum cmmunicatin depth f 100 meters that we predicted,” Elemans says.
    The first vice recrdings f a certain whale sng by Rger and Katy Payne in 1970 attracted glbal interest in sea cnservatin effrts. The Payne’s made peple aware hw quiet the seas were befre humans started the widespread use f machine ships. Elemans adds: “Cmpared t the seventies, ur ceans are nw even mre filled with human-made nise, which affects the whales, because they are dependent n sund fr cmmunicatin. Nw we shw that despite their amazing physilgy, they literally cannt escape the nise humans make in the ceans.”
    28.What can we knw abut baleen whales’ vcalizatin system?
    A.Their airways are clsed during explsive surface breath.
    B.Their larynx has difficulty preventing chking underwater.
    C.Their vcalizatin system changed when they were land animals.
    D.Their fatty cushin shakes t make lw frequency underwater sunds.
    29.The researchers’ experiments and mdels shw that ______.
    A.baleen whales are incapable f recgnizing humans’ nise
    B.the muscle activity is related t the vcalizatins f the whales
    C.human-made nises disturb baleen whales’ cmmunicatin range
    D.the bdily features in baleen whales limit their cmmunicatin depth
    30.What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A.Sea cnservatin effrts used t be better than nw.
    B.The special structure prtects Baleen whales frm nises.
    C.Actins shuld be taken t regulate human activities at sea.
    D.The applicatin f technlgy cntributes t sea cnservatin.
    In 1992, Edward de Bn argued that “creativity is the mst imprtant human resurce f all.” But might cmputers have the capacity t be creative? Culd artificial intelligence utperfrm us in even the mst human f phenmena? These questins have mved t the frefrnt f sciety with the launch f ChatGPT and DALL-E, tw pwerful deep learning mdels capable f creating art.
    Where human creativity cmes frm is a cmplex and heavily-debated tpic. One thery suppses that creativity emerges frm slving prblems in new ways. The game designer Mark Rsewater explains that “if yu use the same neural pathways, yu get t the same answers, and with creativity, that’s nt yur gal.” But studies frm the University f Virginia suggest humans mst default (默认) t slving prblems by building n knwn slutins, restricting riginality. Sme neurscientists prpse anther thery regarding creativity. Research frm the University f Calgary reveals that when being creative, humans dn’t use the same brain regins assciated with thught and prblem-slving, implying that creativity is primarily an uncnscius prcess. Accrding t this thery, the brain slves prblems best when nt directly fcusing n them using the frntal lbe (前额叶) , instead letting the ther parts f the brain take ver.
    A.I. cannt currently emulate (仿真) the full cmplexity f the human mind. D these deep learning netwrks even have the required cmpnents that we use when we are creative? Duglas Hfstadter explains hw “emergent phenmena,” such as creativity, crrespnd t cnnectins between levels within mental systems. Similar cnnectins culd exist in artificial neural netwrks, even if the mechanics differ. Fr example, mdern artificial intelligence emplys attentin circuits that may cause it t behave similarly t the frntal lbe where mst f the brain’s fcusing tendencies cme frm.
    The emergent nature f creativity pens the dr fr similar tendencies in machines, but they are tuned s carefully t cpy existing ideas that it may nt be enugh fr true riginality. Mr. Rsewater’s thery n creativity suggests that fr A.I. t be creative, it shuld be able t slve prblems in new ways, which is difficult because A.I. is based s heavily n already existing ideas. Alternatively, if creativity is an uncnscius prcess as the University f Calgary research suggests, then it ccurs mstly utside the frntal lbe and may nt exist in machine learning netwrks. Either way, current A.I. prbably lacks the capacity fr genuine creativity and riginality, but it can cmbine existing ideas in interesting ways.
    The questin f machine creativity has repercussins in many areas, such as develping law regarding A.I. wrks, cnsidering A.I. submissins in art cntests, and determining the use f ChatGPT as a tl fr schl assignments. Creativity may be, at least fr nw, a unique human quality. Cmputers are nt yet starting revlutinary artistic mvements, but they are already cmbining what exists int smething new, challenging us t lk deeper int ur wn creativity.
    31.Abut the surce f human creativity, research frm the University f Calgary discvers that ______.
    A.human creativity heavily relies n the existing ideas
    B.dealing with prblems helps develp human creativity
    C.being creative is clsely related t certain brain regins
    D.human creativity is a prcess that happens autmatically
    32.The authr wuld prbably agree that ______.
    A.effrts shuld be put int the study f human creativity
    B.creativity can be attained cnsciusly n mst ccasins
    C.A.I. creates better than humans in sme areas at present
    D.humans need machines t be mre creative in varius areas
    33.What des the underlined wrd “repercussins” in Paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    34.Which wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Cmputing Creativity: Is it a gd thing?
    B.Cmputing Creativity: Can it be pssible?
    C.Human Creativity: Why des human develp it?
    D.Human Creativity: Hw can A.I. help human create?
    Scrates, Galile, Marie Curie, Einstein ... What did these great thinkers have in cmmn? They all practiced deliberate dubt and used it as a tl t imprve their thinking and generate creative ideas.
    35 It is abut suspending ur certainty and letting g f ur precnceived (先入为主的) ntins in rder t explre new ideas and perspectives. When we’re certain f smething, we tend t stp lking fr alternative explanatins r pssibilities. 36 Dubt can, f curse, be unsettling, but it can als result in a greater understanding f a subject and inspire fresh thughts and insights.
    37 But it desn’t mean we shuld use it all the time. While deliberate dubt can be a valuable tl fr generating creative ideas and explring cmplex prblems, it can als be cunterprductive if it is nt practiced in the right way.
    It’s imprtant t keep in mind that deliberate dubt is nt cnstant dubt. If we’re cntinuusly dubting ur wn ideas, we’ll be less likely t pursue them and see them thrugh t cmpletin. 38 We spend s much time dubting everything and end up nt ding anything.
    39 We can becme self-critical and unsure f ur abilities, which can undermine ur self-esteem. As a result, we may be t afraid t try new things r take risks.
    T avid these traps, it’s imprtant t strike a balance between dubt and certainty, and t use dubt as a tl t stimulate creative thinking and explratin, rather than as a means f undermining urselves r thers.
    A.Deliberate dubt can als lead t a lack f cnfidence.
    B.But when we dubt, we’re frced t cnsider ther perspectives.
    C.In this case, deliberate dubt can prevent us frm making decisins.
    D.When practiced all the time, deliberate dubt can lead t a different belief.
    E.By turning dubt int a deliberate prcess, we pen urselves t new pssibilities.
    F.Deliberate dubt is the practice f actively questining ur beliefs and assumptins.
    G.Deliberate dubt can help us t develp a mre pen-minded apprach t the wrld.
    第三部分 书面表达(共两节,共32分)
    第一节 阅读表达(共4小题,第40、41题各2分,第42题3分,第43题5分,共12分)
    When I think abut running a timed mile in elementary schl PE class, I can still feel the full-bdy sensatin f stress. The mile run was part f the Natinal Physical Fitness Test, a bi annual assessment given t elementary thrugh high schl students, which included five events: the mile run, sit-ups, pull-ups r push-ups, a sit-and-reach and a shuttle run.
    Twice a year, the tp 15 percent f participants natinwide were hnred with a Physical Fitness Award. At my schl, the winners’names were painted n ne f the gym’s walls. Fr years I stared admiringly at thse names, wndering if I wuld ever make the cut. But n matter hw hard I tried, I culd never pull my chin abve the bar.
    I believe deeply in the value f physical activity fr bth the mind and the bdy. Hwever, it wasn’t until I was in my 30s and had run a half-dzen half-marathns, at a cmfrtable pace, that I even began t believe I was a sprtswman. I’ve heard similar stries frm many peple. My friend Natalia, a grup fitness instructr, said that fr years she saw herself as lacking athleticism thanks t her experience in PE class. It was nly when she tk a fitness class that she began t see herself as physically capable.
    Their experiences, and my wn, made me believe even if PE class and fitness assessment fail t make yu develp a psitive relatinship with sprts, there is definitely a psitive pprtunity t make it a surce f jy in yur life.
    It’s taken years t meet myself where I am. When I run a mile these days, I feel s gd by the end that I want t run anther. I still can’t d a traditinal pull-up, but a trainer at my gym recently intrduced me t assisted pull-ups with resistance bands; I delight in finally feeling up t the task.
    Fitness shuldn’t be fr the few. We all benefit frm sprts, whether we earn ur names n the wall r nt.
    40.What is the Natinal Physical Fitness Test?

    41.What was in her mind when the authr stared at the names n the wall?

    42.Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement, then underline it and explain why.
    Accrding t the authr, many peple fail in PE class r fitness assessment and then they will find it difficult t make sprts a surce f jy in their life.
    43.What d yu think f the idea “fitness shuldn’t be fr the few” in the last paragraph? (In abut 40 wrds)

    第二节: 书面表达(共一题,20分)
    1. 描述令你印象最深刻的照片;
    2. 表达你的感受。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Jim,
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.D
    1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我喜欢做我觉得有意义的事情。A. purpse目的意图,意义价值;B. cnvenience便利;C. restrictin限制,约束;D. entertainment娱乐。根据上文“I didn’t really understand whether it applied t me”可知,作者不知道为什么从事当时的那份工作,所以推测,作者喜欢做有意义的事,下文“I had a purpse again.”中purpse是原词复现。故选A项。
    2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我原以为这本杂志会是一堆游戏和无聊评论的混合体,所以当我看到最初的一篇文章是关于社会福利的时候,我感到很惊讶。A. replacement取代,替代品;B. mixture混合;C. innvatin创新;D. symbl符号,象征。根据下文“f games and dull reviews”可知,作者应该是猜想年轻人写内容多是这两种的混合。故选B项。
    3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. amused被逗笑的,愉悦的;B. embarrassed尴尬的;C. tuched感动的;D. surprised惊讶的,出乎意料的。根据下文“when ne f the first pieces written was abut scial welfare. ____4____ , I fund smething I was interested in”可知,作者原以为会看到年轻人作品会很无聊,事实看到写的是社会福利这样有意义的社会问题,所以作者感到很惊讶。故选D项。
    4.考查副词词义辨析。句意:终于,我找到了我感兴趣的事情。A. Naturally自然而然地;B. Generally一般来说;C. Frequently频繁地;D. Finally最后,终于。根据上文“As the mnths passed, I felt it just wasn’t fr me. I needed t find a way ut.”以及下文“I fund smething I was interested in.”可知,几个月过去了作者没有找到合适的工作,终于找到自己喜欢又有意义的工作。故选D项。
    5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我立刻感到我的内心发生了变化。A. cntrast对比;B. shck震惊;C. change变化,改变;D. shame羞耻。原来做的是不适合自己的工作,现在是自己很喜欢的工作,心情是变化了。下文“I had a purpse again.”以及“The biggest change the jb brught, thugh was t my well-being”都说明作者感受到了自己的变化,其中change是原词复现。故选C项。
    6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:几天的时间在讨论热点话题和阅读他们的强烈和坚持己见的声音中过去了。A. reading阅读;B. translating翻译;C. spelling拼写;D. cpying复制。根据上文“My rle was t help teams f yung peple edit their cntent and help them with their wrk.”作者的工作是编辑,应该是首先要阅读表达年轻人观点的文章,再进行修改指导编辑。故选A项。
    7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:投入到他们的世界中,我可以看到自己对团队的写作能力有很大的影响。A. Trapped困住;B. Hidden隐藏;C. Invested投资,投入;D. Imagined想象。根据上文“Days were lst t discussing ht tpics and ______6______ the wrds f their strng and pininated (坚持己见的) vices.”可知,作者我喜欢这份工作,后面表示对这些年轻人的习作能力有了很大的影响,说明作者应该是全身心地投入的工作中。故选C项。
    8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着我们网站点击量的增加,并且我们的工作也在随之转变,反映我们的读者想要什么,我对年轻人可能想要读什么有了更深入的了解。A. hits点击量;B. pages页数;C. prfits利润;D. advertisements广告。下文“the wrk shifted t reflect what ur audiences wanted”说明网站点击量增多了,故选A项。
    9.考查动词短语辨析。句意:你很难找到自己喜欢的工作,一份你每天都乐意投入的工作。A. leave behind甩在后面;B. g int参加,开始从事;C. refer t参考,提及,指的是;D. set aside暂时搁置一边。根据上文“The biggest change the jb brught, thugh was t my well-being”以及下文“I was thriving in this creative envirnment”可知,作者找到了一份自己喜爱的工作,每天很投入地去做(g int)。故选B项。
    10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在这种创造性的环境下很充实,我帮助这些有才华的年轻人取得事业的进一步发展,而我也深受鼓舞启发。A. transfer转移,移交;B. rescue救援;C. discipline纪律,惩罚;D. further使进一步,推进。作者作为编辑帮这些年轻作者修改稿子,提高他们的写作能力,应该是推动了他们的事业更进一步发展。故选D项。
    11.was cycling 12.visited 13.when 14.fund
    11.考查固定句型和时态。句意:Nathen在一条偏僻的路上骑自行车时,遇到了一只被遗弃的小猫。cycle“骑自行车”。根据句意和空后的when和came可知,此处为固定句型“was/were ding... when...”,本空用过去进行时,表示过去某个时间正在进行的动作,主语Nathen为第三人称单数,be动词用was。故填was cycling。
    13.考查定语从句。句意:Mil尤其喜欢在上下班高峰期去家附近的火车站,那时上下班对大多数人来说都是一种挑战。本空引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是rush hur,关系词代替先行词在从句中作时间状语,应用关系副词when引导。故填when。
    15.resulting 16.fewer 17.has been used
    16.考查形容词比较级。句意:据透露,森林覆盖率较高的国家,精神健康障碍的案例较少。结合句意和mre frested land可知,本空用few的比较级fewer“更少的”,修饰名词cases“案例”,作定语。故填fewer。
    17.考查动词语态、主谓一致。句意:到目前为止,这种实践已经被用于治疗病人。根据Up till nw可知,use“使用”这一动作开始于过去,持续到现在,句子应用现在完成时,且this practice与use为被动关系,句子用现在完成时的被动语态,主语为第三人称单数,助动词用has。故填has been used。
    18.hw 19.frm 20.helpful
    18.考查连词。 句意:在我们的生活中会出现挑战性的情况,我们如何处理这些情况标志着我们的成熟和独立程度。本空用连接词hw“如何”,引导主语语从句,表示方式,说明处理问题的方式。故填hw。
    19.考查固定短语。 句意:控制情绪不被其主宰我们的生活至关重要,因为稳定的情绪能带来满足感和平静。本空填介词frm,“阻止……做……,使……免于……”为固定短语。故填frm。
    20.考查形容词。 句意:幸运的是,有许多有用的技巧来控制我们的情绪,比如冥想、瑜伽和呼吸练习。本空用形容词helpful“有帮助的”,修饰名词techniques,作定语。故填helpful。
    21.D 22.A 23.D
    【导语】这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了一个名为Deakin Accelerate Prgram的项目的情况,包括申请要求和项目工作流程等情况。
    21.细节理解题。根据第四段“After successfully cmpleting yur Accelerate units, yu’ll gain credits which yu’ can put twards a related Deakin university curse.(在成功完成加速单元后,你将获得学分,这些学分可以用于迪肯大学的相关课程)”可知,参与者可以从迪肯加速项目中获得大学课程学分。故选D。
    22.细节理解题。根据第三段“Whether yu’ re using yur desktp, tablet r mbile, yu’ll have access t curse cntent all year rund and get answers in real time.(无论您是使用台式机、平板电脑还是移动设备,您都可以全年访问课程内容,并实时获得答案)”可知,在线学习平台的参与者可以获得实时答复。故选A。
    23.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“·attain a minimum average grade f 65% acrss yur subjects.(·各科平均成绩至少达到65%)”可知,对申请人的要求是各科平均成绩至少达到65%。故选D。
    24.C 25.D 26.C 27.D
    24.细节理解题。根据第一段“When I was nine, my best friend nearly chked t death n a gbstpper, a type f hard candy. After several attempts, she cughed up the candy. I haven’t had a gbstpper since and I have carried with me a fear f seeing that scene again.(我九岁的时候,我最好的朋友差点被一种叫gbstpper的硬糖噎死。几次尝试后,她咳出了糖果。从那以后,我再也没有吃过gbstpper,我一直害怕再次看到那一幕)”可知,朋友的窒息事件让作者对目睹类似的事件产生了恐惧。故选C。
    25.细节理解题。根据第三段“I started hitting her back and screaming fr help.(我开始拍打她的背部,大声呼救)”以及“Thankfully, much like with my friend, after a few sharp hits, whatever had been stuck in her thrat came lse.(谢天谢地,就像我的朋友一样,在几次猛烈的拍打之后,卡在她喉咙里的东西松动了)”可知,作者通过拍打女人的背部来进行急救,来帮助地铁上的女人。故选D。
    26.推理判断题。根据最后一段“This experience als taught me abut the bystander effect, where peple assume thers assumed t be available during an emergency, direct help frm thers is far less likely t will help, leading t inactin.(这段经历也教会了我“旁观者效应”,即人们认为别人在紧急情况下可以提供帮助,而别人的直接帮助远不太可能提供帮助,从而导致不作为)”可知,C选项“当你在路上看到一位受伤的女士时,你避免了介入”属于旁观者效应。故选C。
    27.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“She might have been fine withut my hurried hits n her back—I may nt have actually saved her life—but at least she knew that smene, a stranger whm she wuld never see again, cared.(如果没有我匆忙拍她的背,她可能也会没事——我可能并没有真正救了她的命——但至少她知道有个人,一个她再也见不到的陌生人关心她)”以及最后一段“Smetimes, thugh, regardless f wh else culd be nearby, it may be useful t get invlved.(不过,有时候,不管谁在附近,参与进来可能会很有用)”可知,故事告诉我们行动胜于无为。故选D。
    28.D 29.C 30.C
    28.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“We fund that this U-shaped structure pushes against a big fatty cushin (垫) n the inside f the larynx. When the whales push air frm their lungs past this cushin, it starts t shake and this generates very lw frequency underwater sunds”(我们发现这个U形结构在喉部内部推动一个大的脂肪垫。当鲸鱼从他们的肺部推动空气经过这个垫子时,它开始震动,这产生了非常低频的水下声音)可知,鲸鱼的脂肪垫震动以产生低频水下声音。故选D。
    29.推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Cmbining experiments and mdels, the researchers prvide the first evidence that baleen whales are physilgically incapable f escaping nise caused by humans, because it cvers up their vices, and thus limits their cmmunicatin range.”(通过结合实验和模型,研究人员提供了第一个证据,即鲸鱼在生理上无法逃避人类造成的噪音,因为它掩盖了他们的声音,从而限制了他们的通信范围。)可知,人类制造的噪音干扰了鲸鱼的通信范围。故选C。
    30.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Nw we shw that despite their amazing physilgy, they literally cannt escape the nise humans make in the ceans.”(现在我们表明,尽管他们的生理结构令人惊叹,但他们实际上无法逃避人类在海洋中制造的噪音。)可推知,应该采取行动来规范海上的人类活动。故选C。
    31.D 32.A 33.A 34.B
    31.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Research frm the University f Calgary reveals that when being creative, humans dn’t use the same brain regins assciated with thught and prblem-slving, implying that creativity is primarily an uncnscius prcess.(卡尔加里大学(University f Calgary)的研究表明,当人们富有创造力时,大脑中负责思考和解决问题的区域并不相同,这意味着创造力主要是一个无意识的过程)”可知,卡尔加里大学的研究发现创造力是一个无意识的过程,是一个自动发生的过程。故选D项。
    32.推理判断题。根据第二段“Where human creativity cmes frm is a cmplex and heavily-debated tpic. One thery suppses that creativity emerges frm slving prblems in new ways. The game designer Mark Rsewater explains that “if yu use the same neural pathways, yu get t the same answers, and with creativity, that’s nt yur gal.” But studies frm the University f Virginia suggest humans mst default (默认) t slving prblems by building n knwn slutins, restricting riginality. Sme neurscientists prpse anther thery regarding creativity. Research frm the University f Calgary reveals that when being creative, humans dn’t use the same brain regins assciated with thught and prblem-slving, implying that creativity is primarily an uncnscius prcess. Accrding t this thery, the brain slves prblems best when nt directly fcusing n them using the frntal lbe (前额叶) , instead letting the ther parts f the brain take ver. (人类创造力的来源是一个复杂且备受争议的话题。有一种理论认为,创造力来自以新方式解决问题。游戏设计师马克·罗斯沃特解释说,“如果你使用相同的神经路径,你会得到相同的答案,而创造力不是这样。”但弗吉尼亚大学的研究表明,人类通常默认通过构建已知的解决方案来解决问题,从而限制了原创性。一些神经科学家提出了关于创造力的另一种理论。卡尔加里大学的研究表明,在进行创造性活动时,人类并不使用与思考和解决问题相关的同样脑区,这暗示着创造力主要是一种无意识的过程。根据这一理论,大脑在不直接使用前额叶集中注意力时最能解决问题,而是让大脑的其他部分接管)”可知,人类创造力的来源是一个复杂且备受争议的话题,现存许多不同的研究理论,由此推知,作者可能会赞成我们应该努力研究人类的创造力这一观点。故选A项。
    33.词句猜测题。结合选项和划线词后“in many areas, such as develping law regarding A. I. wrks, cnsidering A. I. submissins in art cntests, and determining the use f ChatGPT as a tl fr schl assignments (在许多领域,例如制定有关人工智能作品的版权法,考虑艺术比赛中的人工智能在提交的作品,以及确定将ChatGPT用作完成学校作业的工具)”可推知,人工智能创造力的问题会对下文列举的这些领域产生影响,故划线词repercussins与influences同义。故选A项。
    34.主旨大意题。通读全文,结合第一段中“But might cmputers have the capacity t be creative? Culd artificial intelligence utperfrm us in even the mst human f phenmena? These questins have mved t the frefrnt f sciety with the launch f ChatGPT and DALL-E, tw pwerful deep learning mdels capable f creating art.(但是,计算机有创造力吗?人工智能能在最人性化的现象上超越我们吗?随着ChatGPT和DALL-E这两个能够创造艺术的强大深度学习模型的推出,这些问题已经走到了社会的前沿)”和最后一段中“Cmputers are nt yet starting revlutinary artistic mvements, but they are already cmbining what exists int smething new, challenging us t lk deeper int ur wn creativity.(计算机还没有开始革命性的艺术运动,但它们已经将现有的东西结合成新的东西,挑战我们更深入地审视自己的创造力)”可知,文章讨论了探讨了人工智能是否可以模仿人类的创造力以及这一过程中涉及的复杂性。故“Cmputing Creativity: Can it be pssible?(计算机创造力:可能吗?)”是最佳标题。故选B项。
    35.F 36.B 37.G 38.C 39.A
    35.根据下文“It is abut suspending ur certainty and letting g f ur precnceived (先入为主的) ntins in rder t explre new ideas and perspectives.”(它是关于暂停我们的确定性,放弃我们先入为主的观念,以探索新的想法和观点。)可知,下文是对上文“刻意怀疑”定义的具体解释。故F选项“刻意怀疑是积极质疑我们的信念和假设的行为。”切题。故选F项。
    36.根据上文“When we’re certain f smething, we tend t stp lking fr alternative explanatins r pssibilities.”(当我们确定某事时,我们倾向于停止寻找其他解释或可能性)可知,选项与上文为转折关系且说明怀疑时的做法。故B选项“但当我们怀疑时,我们被迫考虑其他观点。”切题。故选B项。
    37.根据下文“While deliberate dubt can be a valuable tl fr generating creative ideas and explring cmplex prblems, it can als be cunterprductive if it is nt practiced in the right way.”(虽然刻意怀疑可以成为产生创造性想法和探索复杂问题的宝贵工具,但如果不以正确的方式进行怀疑,也可能适得其反。)可知,选项承接下文说明的是刻意怀疑的作用。故G选项“刻意怀疑可以帮助我们以更开放的态度看待世界。”切题。故选G项。
    38.根据上文“If we’re cntinuusly dubting ur wn ideas, we’ll be less likely t pursue them and see them thrugh t cmpletin.”(如果我们一直怀疑自己的想法,我们就不太可能去追求它们,把它们完成。)可知,选项承接上文都在说明刻意怀疑的阻碍作用。故C选项“在这种情况下,刻意怀疑可以阻止我们做出决定。”切题。故选C项。
    39.根据下文“We can becme self-critical and unsure f ur abilities, which can undermine ur self-esteem. As a result, we may be t afraid t try new things r take risks.”(我们会变得自我批评,不确定自己的能力,这会损害我们的自尊。因此,我们可能太害怕尝试新事物或承担风险。)可知,本段在说刻意怀疑对自信产生不良的影响。故A选项“刻意的怀疑也会导致缺乏自信。”切题。故选A项。
    40.It is a biennial assessment given t elementary thrugh high schl students. 41.She was wndering if she wuld ever make the cut. 42.Accrding t the authr, many peple fail in PE class r fitness assessment and then they will find it difficult t make sprts a surce f jy in their life.
    Accrding t the passage, many peple fail in PE class r fitness assessment but there is definitely a psitive pprtunity fr them t make sprts a surce f jy in their life. 43.I agree with the idea that "fitness shuldn't be fr the few," as it prmtes inclusivity and encurages everyne t participate in physical activities. It emphasizes the imprtance f sprts fr all individuals, regardless f their athletic abilities.
    40.考查细节理解。根据第一段“The mile run was part f the Natinal Physical Fitness Test, a bi annual assessment given t elementary thrugh high schl students(一英里跑是全国体能测试的一部分,这是一项每两年对从小学至高中学生进行的评估)”可知,全国体能测试是一项两年一次的评估,对象是小学到高中的学生。故答案为:It is a biennial assessment given t elementary thrugh high schl students。
    41.考查细节理解。根据第一段“Fr years I stared admiringly at thse names, wndering if I wuld ever make the cut.(多年来,我一直羡慕地凝视着那些名字,想知道自己是否有一天也能成为其中的一员)”可知,作者盯着墙上的名字,想知道自己是否能达到要求。故答案为:She was wndering if she wuld ever make the cut。
    42.考查细节理解。根据第四段“Their experiences, and my wn, made me believe even if PE class and fitness assessment fail t make yu develp a psitive relatinship with sprts, there is definitely a psitive pprtunity t make it a surce f jy in yur life.( 他们的经历和我自己的经历让我相信,即使体育课和体能评估未能让你与运动建立起积极的关系,肯定也有一个积极的机会,让运动成为你生命中的快乐源泉)”可知,作者认为,即使体育课和体能测试不能让你与运动建立起积极的关系,也一定有积极的机会让它成为你生活中的乐趣来源。所以陈述中“and then they will find it difficult(然后他们将发现……困难)”表述错误,应修改为“but there is definitely a psitive pprtunity fr them(但是肯定也有一个积极的机会使他们……)”,故答案为:Accrding t the authr, many peple fail in PE class r fitness assessment and then they will find it difficult t make sprts a surce f jy in their life. Accrding t the passage, many peple fail in PE class r fitness assessment but there is definitely a psitive pprtunity fr them t make sprts a surce f jy in their life
    43.开放性试题。言之有理,注意词数限制。如根据最后一段中的“We all benefit frm sprts, whether we earn ur names n the wall r nt.”可知,我们都能从运动中受益,不管我们的名字是否出现在墙上。由此可知,健身是每个人都应该享有的权利,而不是少数人的特权。故答案为:I agree with the idea that “fitness shuldn't be fr the few,” as it prmtes inclusivity and encurages everyne t participate in physical activities. It emphasizes the imprtance f sprts fr all individuals, regardless f their athletic abilities.
    44.Dear Jim,
    I’m glad t knw yu’re interested in ur schl’s phtgraphy exhibitin themed “The Mst Beautiful Mments in Life.”
    Amng all the stunning phts, ne particular image stands ut t me. It’s a phtgraph capturing a smiling child playing with bubbles in a sunny park. The inncence and jy n the child’s face are simply breathtaking. The clrs are vibrant, and the mment is frzen in time, reminding us f the pure happiness that we all experienced in ur childhd. This pht deeply resnated with me, reminding me f the beauty in simple pleasures and the imprtance f cherishing every mment.
    I hpe yu’ll have a chance t visit ur schl and see this exhibitin in persn. It’s truly a visual feast that captures the essence f life.
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    高兴的:glad→ happy
    对……感兴趣:be interested in→ g in fr
    特别的:particular→ special
    快乐:jy→ delight
    原句:It’s a phtgraph capturing a smiling child playing with bubbles in a sunny park.
    拓展句:It’s a phtgraph which captures a smiling child playing with bubbles in a sunny park.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】It’s a phtgraph capturing a smiling child playing with bubbles in a sunny park. (运用了现在分词capturing作定语)
    【高分句型2】The clrs are vibrant, and the mment is frzen in time, reminding us f the pure happiness that we all experienced in ur childhd.(运用了that引导的限制性定语从句、现在分词reminding作状语)

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