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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Fur Mvies fr Yur Vacatin
    Sng f spring
    The mvie tells a tuching stry f an 85-year-ld mther caring fr her 65-year-ld daughter, wh lives with Alzheimer’s disease (阿尔兹海默症). The whle mvie is full f warmth and hardship, and the hardship makes the audience see hpe and happiness. Imprtantly, the mvie sheds light n the families f Alzheimer’s patients, taking n a realistic side t life and giving it significant scial value.
    Mrs Harris Ges t Paris
    In 1950s in Lndn, Mrs Harris, a cleaning lady whse husband has been dead fr decades, is passinate abut high-end designer dress. And she decides t save up and wrk hard t buy ne f her wn. After pling enugh mney, Mrs Harris flies t Paris. Having experienced varius changes, she finally fulfills her desire. This mvie is mre appreciated by thse wh are sick f living an aimless life.
    The Gd Bss
    Blanc, CEO f a cmpany that manufactures industrial weighing equipment, seems t be generus, fair, and always there fr his emplyees, but in fact, he has his wn interests at heart. A Spanish natinal treasure actr plays this tw-faced “gd bss” t perfectin. The screenwriter directs the mvie, a wrk that is fun but thught-prvking t watch.
    King Richard
    Armed with a clear visin and plan, Richard Williams is determined t write his tw daughters int histry. Training n tennis curts, rain r shine, the girls are shaped by their parents, challenging the adversity befre them. Based n a true stry that will inspire thewrld, King Richard fllws the uplifting jurney f a family whse reslutin and belief finally make tw f the wrld’s sprts legends.
    1. Wh was mre likely t be inspired by Mrs Harris Ges t Paris?
    A. A suffering patient.B. An inactive middle-aged wman.
    C. An ambitius parent.D. A mean tw-faced emplyer.
    2. Whse screenplay is written by its directr?
    A. Mrs Harris Ges t Paris’.B. Sng f spring’s.
    C. The Gd Bss’.D. King Richard’s.
    3. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T recmmend hliday mvies.
    B. T advertise award-winning mvies.
    C. T shw backgrund infrmatin n the mvies.
    D. T ffer advice n hw t appreciate the mvies.
    In recent fast paced life, the demands and pressures f wrk left me feeling mentally and physically stressed. I decided t discnnect frm my jb fr a while fr a mental break. As a nature lver, withut any delay, I came t Brne, the wrld’s third largest island.
    Upn arrival, a lcal ffered t be my guide, which was a great bnus fr me. He led me thrugh the jungle and I was immersed in the explratin. One day, the guide turned ff the smth rad and tk me acrss a rugh hillside instead. We picked ur way gingerly when suddenly, a Rafflesia (大王花) appeared int my view amng thse stnes. Mre than delighted, I bent dwn and put my nse practically t feel the flwer’s special flavur.
    As I was appraching the end f my trip, there was anther thing highlighting my trip. We happened t encunter the king f the crcdile (鳄鱼), a saltwater crcdile, which can grw ta length f 6 meters. It was getting dark. When we shne a flashlight twards the muddy shre, little sunds emerged in the darkness as if smething unseen underwater had brken the mud. Taking a secnd lk, we sptted tw greedy eyes just abve the water line. Cautiusly, we apprached it and finally culd figure ut it was a baby crcdile. Thugh alarmed, I culd prudly talk big that I had encuntered a hungry crcdile in the wild and lived t back.
    Thugh I have settled back int the rutine f everyday life nw, the experience stays lng after the physical jurney ended. I have learned t face life’s challenges with a renewed utlk. Despite the rat race f daily existence, try t spare time t spt the breathtaking beauty f nature and the heartfelt cnnectins with thers, The wrld ut there is sfascinating.
    4. Why did the authr g t Brne?
    A. T cnnect better with his wrk.
    B. T relieve himself f the pressures.
    C. T keep an appintment with a lcal guide.
    D. T reward himself fr his prmtin in jb.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “gingerly” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Patiently.B. Rughly.C. Cautiusly.D. Rapidly.
    6. What is the tne f the authr when recalling the saltwater crcdile he met?
    A. Critical.B. Instructive.C. Regretful.D. Humrus.
    7. What des the authr advise us t d in the last paragraph?
    A. Keep a balance between life and wrk.
    B. Battle with challenges frm life and wrk.
    C. Research yur destinatins ahead f time.
    D. Learn mre abut travel safety knwledge.
    In 2018, Russian scientists tk a sil sample frm deep in the permanently frzen grund in Siberia in Russia. They discvered tw tiny rund nematdes (线虫) frzen in the sample, which were s small that they culd nly be seen with a micrscpe. Tests shwed the sil had been frzen fr abut 46,000 years ld. When the nematdes were placed in rm temperature, they began t mve. The nematdes are the ldest living animals ever brught back t life after being frzen. The discvery makes up fr the research n hw living things can survive in tugh cnditins.
    Nematdes can live fr years if they’re frzen. They can enter a special state called cryptbisis (隐生现象) , during which animals reduce their activities and cnsume very little energy. Befre this, the lngest nematde had been knwn t survive thrugh cryptbisis was abut 25 years. Being revived after 46,000 years was a new recrd fr any kind f animal.
    The nematdes were sent ff t Germany t be studied further. The researchers fund the tw nematdes were a new species f nematde that had nt yet been discvered. That’s nt t surprising, since there are s many species f nematdes. They als fund the nematdes were able t survive being frzen better if they were dried ut a little first. The drying helped them prduce a special sugar called trehalse (海藻糖), which helped them survive being frzen. The scientists als studied a nematde species that is cmmn these days. They fund that it als uses the sugar t prtect itself in cryptbisis.
    Bth f the nematdes were females. Befre lng, they began t have babies. Sme kinds f nematdes, including these, have the ability fr a single nematde t have babies all by itself. The tw riginal frzen nematdes have nw died. But their babies had babies wh had babies, and s n. Mst f the nematdes nly live a mnth r tw unless they get frzen.
    8. What d we knw abut the tw nematdes in the first paragraph?
    A. They were the ldest living animals.
    B. They were still alive when warmed up.
    C. They were fund n the surface f the grund.
    D. They were the tiniest creatures ever discvered.
    9. Hw des cryptbisis affect nematdes?
    A. It slws dwn the pace f their life.
    B. It helps them speed up their drying.
    C. It gets their bdy temperature dwn.
    D. It stps them frm cnsuming energy.
    10. Which f the fllwing is unrelated t the nematdes’ survival fr years?
    A. Cryptbisis.B. Trehalse.C. Their sex.D. Dry cnditin.
    11. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Female nematdes live lnger than the male nes
    B. Nematdes can prduce yung when they are frzen
    C. Nematdes are ranked the fastest prducing creatures
    D. Shrt-lived nematdes survived fr thusands f years
    If yu live in San Dieg, yu’ve prbably nticed sme strangely clured water n the beach lately. Yu might wnder abut red tide, but it’s actually an intentinal jb. Scientists at UC San Dieg Seripps Institutin f Oceangraphy and University f Washingtn have been experimenting with dyeing (给…染色) the cean at San Dieg beach pink. What culd they pssibly be up t?
    This is being dne fr a study that examines hw fresh water n the utlet f the sea is intermixing with the cean. The experiment is. called Plumes in Nearshre Cnditins (PiNC). “I’m excited because this research hasn’t been dne befre and it’s a really unique experiment,” said Sarah Giddings, a Scripps castal ceangrapher leading the PiNC study. “The aim is t understand hw fresh water interacts with cean waves, since it is usually warmer than cean water and mre flating.” The researchers are hping that this pink dye experiment will help them recrd mre abut hw pllutants and sediments (沉积物) are distributed in the cean water thrugh these additins f fresh water.
    The fresh water is dyed pink s that the team can easily keep track f it when fresh water is added t the sea water. The dye des nt threaten the wildlife living there and is then sptted as it prgresses in the water. It is tracked by sensrs n ples that are lcated alng the sand as well as by drnes (无人驾驶飞机). There’s als a device that tracks the light that is given ff by the pink dye. The sensrs recrd the height f the waves, cean currents andtemperature.
    Giddings explained, “We’re bringing tgether a lt f different peple with different expertise. I think it’s ging t have sme really great results and impacts. We will cmbine the results frm this experiment with a frmer field study and cmputer mdels t help us further understand hw the dyed fresh water spreads.”
    12. Hw des the authr lead in the tpic f the text?
    A. By making a cmparisn.
    B. By making an assumptin.
    C. By quting a well-knwn saying.
    D. By shwing a strange phenmenn.
    13. What is the purpse f Plumes in Nearshre Cnditins?
    A. T intrduce the benefits f dyeing sea water pink.
    B. T shw hw fresh water cmbines with sea water.
    C. T prve that fresh water is warmer than sea water.
    D. T examine the impact f fresh water n sea water.
    14. Why is pink dye used by the team?
    A. It can enrmusly give ff light.
    B. It can functin well with sensrs.
    C. It can be recgnized easily and ec-friendly.
    D. It seems t attract wildlife and spread rapidly.
    15. What will the researchers d accrding t Giddings’ wrds in the last paragraph?
    A. Integrate mre results f frmer studies.
    B. Build mre scientific cmputer mdels.
    C. Experiment with dyes f anther clur.
    D. Challenge the results with sme experts.
    Miscmmunicatins can smetimes be funny, hwever, mst f time yu will feel frustrated r upset. Put sme effrts int yur cnversatins, and yu can lwer yur risk fmiscmmunicating.
    16 Thinking abut yur wrds allws yu t rganize yur thughts and prepare t say smething meaningful. Especially if yu’re abut t have an imprtant cnversatin, make sure yur wrds are rganized s that yu can say what yu mean.
    Get peple’s attentin. It means making sure they are listening t and understanding the wrds yu say. Make eye cntact and check t make sure they are listening. If the ther persn is distracted r in the middle f ding smething else, say that yu'll talk later when he r she is mre available. 17
    Listen clsely. 18 Instead f trying t think abut what they will say next, just stay engaged with the persn wh is speaking. 19 One f the best ways t d this is thrugh actively listening. Turn yur bdy tward them and lean in. Dn’t turn t distractins, like cell phnes.
    Avid interrupting. If smene else is speaking, d yur best nt t interrupt them. 20 This shws that yu’re listening and yu care abut what they are saying. If yu tend t interrupt peple ften, they may feel frustrated in talking t yu and may nt cmmunicate all they wish t say.
    A. Think befre yu speak.
    B. Check fr understanding.
    C. Give yur full attentin when smene is speaking.
    D. Avid calling ut r shuting at peple t get attentin.
    E. He r she will appreciate feeling heard and understd.
    F. Let them cmplete their thughts befre yu add t them.
    G. This is true if yu’re talking t smene frm a different culture.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    When I was arund six years ld, we had a neighbr, Dave Julian. As a car fancier, he was always wrking n his ld car in his carprt, during which I wuld g t him with 21 . He wuld never be 22 f explaining why he was ding certain things in a certain rder. We als had interesting 23 abut his life. We 24 with each ther until he mved away ne day. In spite f a strng sensef 25 fr quite a few days, my life went n.
    26 , I ran int Dave tw decades later in a restaurant fr breakfast. He appeared much lder and I had grwn up. He said he was living n his wn, 27 by a dg.
    In the fllwing days, I wuld always 28 Dave and his dg at breakfast and we talked like befre. He was still passinate abut cars and 29 car shws f each seasn, and he had been eager t attend ne but culdn’t make it by himself. I 30 t myself secretly that I wuld take him there, but I always 31 ut ne after ne fr ne reasn r anther and kept saying I’d g fr next shw. Hwever, ur next shw never came. I was 32 that Dave had passed away days ag, which came as a 33 t me at that mment. I 34 nt t have tears n my cheeks. I learned a 35 lessn fr that: Never put ff ding smething with thse wh meant a lt t yu.
    21.A. satisfactinB. respectC. pleasureD. curisity
    22.A. aware B. typicalC. tiredD. ashamed
    23.A. experimentsB. cnversatinsC. strategiesD. predictins
    24.A. cnnectedB. cnflictedC. cperatedD. quarreled
    25.A. identityB. humrC. lss .D. smell
    26.A. UnfrtunatelyB. UnexpectedlyC. GraduallyD. Nrmally
    27.A. impressedB. frightenedC. injuredD. accmpanied
    28.A. encunteredB. inquiredC. distractedD. interrupted
    29.A. figured utB. participated inC. lived up withD. kept track f
    30.A. intrducedB. explainedC. prmisedD. prpsed
    31.A. fundB. missedC. burnedD. carried
    32.A. impliedB. permittedC. remindedD. infrmed
    33.A. shckB. reliefC. warningD. chance
    34.A. ensuredB. decidedC. struggledD. claimed
    35.A. stressfulB. painfulC. funnyD. perfect
    With thusands f fishing lights blanketing its surface, Erhai Lake in Dali Bai Autnmus Prefecture, suthwest China’s Yunnan Prvince, 36 (ffer) a splendid night view since the annual eclgical regulatin f fish ppulatins in Erhai Lake began n August 21.
    As darkness falls each night, fishing bats travel acrss the lake and fishing lights 37 (gradual) cver the lake with fishing nets stretching acrss the water. In vides made with time-lapse (延时拍摄的) phtgraphy, stars in the night sky appear t fall int Erhai Lake, 38 (create) a fantastical and dreamlike shape f incredible beauty.
    The 2023 eclgical regulatin f fish ppulatins in Erhai Lake aims t cmpletely 39 (strength) bidiversity prtectin, taking full advantage 40 the structure f fish ppulatins and effectively guarding against and cntrlling dangerus alien species.
    Based n varius fish 41 (type), this year’s regulatin effrts are divided int three stages acrss the lake’s waters, the cre prtected areas f the Cangshan Erhai Natinal Nature Reserve nt 42 (include).
    The first stage 43 (schedule) t last frm August 21 t September 20, with a fcus n the sharpbelly and ther species f small-sized fish. 44 number f families applying fr and receiving eclgical regulatin permits reached as many as 590, with 45 they culd enter the lake t cnduct fishing activities during the permitted perids.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,为了促进中外交换生更好地交流,你校将于下周举办主题为“Hw t Use Bdy Language Prperly”的专题讲座。请你代表学生会写一则通知发布到校英文网站上,内容包括:
    Jim Fraser wuld bserve a little girl selling flwers beside a street n his way frm wrk every day. She sat by a large green bard and a banner that read, “Brighten yur day with these flwers, and yur help can brighten mine.”
    Every time Jim crssed that specific street, he nticed that the girl was there. Unfrtunately, few paid attentin t her and she rarely sld anything. Jim always wanted t help her, and ne day he gt his chance. One f his ffice’s clerk was retiring. He wanted t get her smething, and he thught a buquet (花束) wuld be a great idea.
    He stpped by the little girl that day, “Hell there,” he said, smiling, “culd yu please make me a fresh buquet f rses?”
    The girl raised her head, shyly, “Thank yu fr buying flwers frm me. Please select the flwers and I will tie them tgether fr yu.”
    He picked up the flwers and handed them t her. The little girl reached fr a sheet and a ribbn beside her, and she skillfully made a lvely buquet and extended t Jim. Jim was blwn away by the girl’s abilities.
    “Ww! That’s lvely. Thank yu again fr the buquet. What’s yur name, by theway?”
    “I’m Cassy, and I’m 11 years ld,” she said brightly, lwering her head again. “I hpe yu like the flwers, Please cme fr mre!”
    “I lve them, Cassy. Thank yu! I’m Jim. It is nice t meet yu!” Jim smiled at her shyness.
    The next day, Jim was n his way frm wrk. Hwever, he didn’t see Cassy in her usual spt. And she didn’t shw up fr several days in a rw.
    Jim was afraid that smething hrrible had happened t her. He asked the shps nearby and peple arund if they knew anything abut Cassy, but regrettably, nthing came f it. Thankfully, after a week n his way frm wrk, Cassy had returned with her flwers! Hwever, she appeared incredibly skinny and pale, as if she hadn’t eaten and washed up in days, if nt weeks.
    1∼3 BCA
    1.B【解析】细节理解题。根据Mrs Harris Ges t Paris介绍中的最后一句可知,这部影片更适合那些厌倦了漫无目的生活的人观看。
    2.C【解析】细节理解题。根据The Gd Bss 介绍中的最后一句可知,该片由这部电影的编剧执导,是一部既有趣又发人深省的作品。
    4∼7 BCDA
    8∼11 BACD
    12∼15 DBCA
    16∼20 ADCEF
    18.C【解析】C项中的full attentin与下文中的stay engaged呼应。
    21∼25 DCBAC 26∼30 BDADC 31∼35 BDACB
    36. has ffered 37. gradually 38. creating 39. strengthen 40. f
    41. types 42. included 43. was scheduled 44. The 45. which
    36. has fered【解析】考查时态。根据句中的时间状语since the annual eclgical regulatin…可知,该句用现在完成时。
    37. gradually【解析】考查副词。此处用副词来修饰动词cver。
    38. creating【解析】考查非谓语动词。逻辑主语stars与动词create为逻辑上的主谓关系,因此,此处用现在分词形式作结果状语。
    39. strengthen【解析】考查动词。根据该空后的名词bidiversity prtectin可知,此处要用动词来构成动宾关系。
    40. f【解析】考查介词。take advantage f为固定短语,意为“利用……”
    42. ineluded【解析】考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,逻辑主语the cre prtected areas与动词include为逻辑上的动宾关系。因此,此处用过去分词作后置定语。
    43. was scheduled【解析】考查时态和语态。分析句子可知,主语The first stage与谓语动词为动宾关系。因此,此处要用被动语态。同时根据句中的时间状语frm August 21 t September 20可知,该句要用一般过去时的被动语态。
    44. The【解析】考查冠词。根据该句谓语reached as many as 590可知,此处主语应为the number f,表示“……的数量”。
    45. which【解析】考查定语从句。该句是由介词+ which引导的非限制性定语从句,先行词是eclgical regulatin permits,介词+ which在从句中作状语。
    In rder t prmte better cmmunicatin with exchange students, a speech themed “Hw t Use Bdy Language Prperly” will be held by ur schl.
    The speech is scheduled t take place at 9 ’clck n Friday mrning in the schl hall.T make the speech mre practical, a prfessinal will be at present t share knwledge cncerning the specific usages f bdy language in different cultural backgrunds, which will be quite a bnus fr yu t braden yur hrizns.
    Whever takes interest is welcme t attend the speech. D remember t bring yur pens and ntebk with yu and ensure yu attend the spech punctually.
    Student Unin
    Jim asked why she hadn’t been here in days. With sadness, Cassy shared her experience with Jim. Her father passed away when she was a baby and her mther made a living by selling flwers. Whenever Cassy was available, she wuld jin her mther. Unfrtunately, her mther fell n the flr and hurt seriusly last week, s she had t stp selling flwers t lk after her. T make the matters wrse, her mther culdn’t affrd t receive peratin. That’s why she shwed up again selling flwers t earn mney fr her mther’s treatment. Hearing that, Jim cnsidered ding smething.
    Tassist Cassy and her mther , Jim created a GFundMe page nline. He emphasized in the descriptin that peple culd brighten a pr family’s day if they were generus enugh t dnate. When he awke the next mrning t check n the dnatins, he culdn’t believe his eyes! The ttal dnatins were far mre than what the family wuld require. When Jim arrived at Cassy’s huse with the gd news, Cassy and her mther burst int tears. They were beynd grateful t Jim and thse wh ffered help.Ntice
    Student Unin
    Jim asked why she hadn’t been here in days.
    T assist Cassy and her mther, Jim created a GF undMe page nline.

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