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    第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)
    Watercolor Painting Classes
    The following is something related to watercolor painting classes for people online.
    What is the Watercolor Academy
    The Watercolor Academy is much more than just a painting course. Here, you will also become a member of a unique art community where you can exhibit your artworks, get professional opinions on your creative progress, have your art questions answered, and communicate with your academy visitors.
    Learn how to paint watercolors in our fun and practical art classes taught by professional artists in London. Our lively, fun Watercolor Painting Courses are designed to debunk (揭穿) the myth that painting with watercolors and inks is difficult—through our tutors’ lively instruction and encouragement, students will lose their depression and create lively artwork.
    Classes meet once a week on their scheduled day. Review our schedule to find out when course terms start and end, and please see the registration page for class days and times. We believe that with time, encouragement and the proper instruction, anyone can learn to draw and paint exceptionally well. Our school has served the Minneapolis & St. Paul community for over 25 years as artists and teachers.
    The price for a group of 2 to 5 people is $ 100 per person. For 6 or more participants, the cost is $60 per person. The price for a private class starts at $ 200 for an individual. If you choose the private class, you will be able to select the painting of your choice and schedule the day and time that works well for you and the instructor. Call 970-429-2777 to book a private watercolor class.
    1. What can students do in the Watercolor Academy?
    A. Give a lecture on painting. B. Present their own good works.
    C. Set up a unique art community. D. Learn to give professional opinions.
    2. What’s the purpose of the Watercolor Painting Courses?
    A. To show watercolor painting is fun. B. To make students professional artists.
    C. To make students more lively. D. To make watercolor painting easy for its students.
    3. What is special about the private class?
    A. It can last for many hours. B. The class is given by famous artists.
    C. The students can schedule their class time. D. It requires students to work well.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. C
    细节理解题。根据“What is the Watercolor Academy”部分第二句“Here, you will also become a member of a unique art community where you can exhibit your artworks, ”(在这里,你也将成为一个独特的艺术社区的一员,在那里你可以展示你的艺术作品,)可知,学员可以展示自己的艺术作品。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据“Contents”部分第二句“Our lively, fun Watercolor Painting Courses are designed to debunk (揭穿) the myth that painting with watercolors and inks is difficult—through our tutors’ lively instruction and encouragement, students will lose their depression and create lively artwork.”(我们开设生动有趣的水彩画课程,旨在揭开水墨画难的神秘面纱——通过老师的生动教导和鼓励,学生将不再沮丧,而是创造出生动活泼的艺术作品。)可知,开设水彩画培训班的目的是使学习水彩画变得更加简单。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中“If you choose the private class, you will be able to select the painting of your choice and schedule the day and time that works well for you and the instructor. ”(如果你选择的是私人课程,你将能够选择你所选择的绘画,并安排适合你和导师的日期和时间。)可知,对于私教课,学员可以选择适合自己的上课时间。故选C。
    Macaire Kverett, 14, and her 9-year-old brother, Camden, discovered a unique way to entertain themselves. When bored at home, they began to draw impressive, colorful and imaginary chalk art in their neighborhood. After they completed each chalk art mural (壁画), Camden would lie on the ground to become part of each adventure scene for photos. Their drawings soon grew into massive murals that attracted crowds of neighborhood onlookers. Neighbors would enthusiastically gather to view and take pictures of each new imaginary design.
    Their imaginative art collaboration (合作) took their minds off world troubles and transported them to an exciting, imaginary world. Hie great adventures were brought to life through their chalk drawings, including Camden dancing in puddles, zip-lining and floating away with a bunch of balloons. The incredible drawings also had Gamden traveling to the Great Wall of China and Times Square.
    Macaire enjoyed collaborating with her brother so much on the creative project that she continued it for 100 days.
    “My brother and I talk about ideas a lot during dinner. He likes to ‘travel’ so it’s fun to take him to places,” Macaire explained.
    Once they agree on a design, the process takes Macaire two to four hours for smaller drawings and up to six hours for larger murals.
    They received such a positive response from their creative artwork that they shared their drawings on social media. Macaire then compiled the artwork into her first book, The World from Our Driveway. They have since published a second book, Cum and Hopper Travel the World.
    4. Why did Macaire and Camden draw the chalk art?
    A. To entertain the neighbors. B. To drive away their boredom.
    C. To show off their drawing skills. D. To prepare for publishing books.
    5. How did the neighbors feel about the chalk art?
    A. annoyed. B. Disturbed. C. Disappointed D. Interested.
    6. Who is the major figure in the chalk art?
    A. Macaire. B. neighbor. C. Camden. D. An onlooker.
    7. Which can replace the underlined word “compiled” in the last paragraph?
    A. Corrected B. Included C. Divided D. Changed
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. C 7. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段“When bored at home, they began to draw impressive, colorful and imaginary chalk art in their neighborhood. (在家里无聊的时候,他们就开始在他们的邻居画令人印象深刻的、彩色的和想象的粉笔艺术。)”可知,姐弟俩画粉笔画的目的是赶走无聊。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Their drawings soon grew into massive murals that attracted crowds of neighborhood onlookers. Neighbors would enthusiastically gather to view and take pictures of each new imaginary design.(他们的画很快就变成了巨大的壁画,吸引了邻居们的围观。邻居们会热情地聚集在一起,观看并拍照每一个虚构的新设计。)”可推断,邻居对他们的画作很感兴趣。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Hie great adventures were brought to life through their chalk drawings, including Camden dancing in puddles, zip-lining and floating away with a bunch of balloons. The incredible drawings also had Gamden traveling to the Great Wall of China and Times Square.(他们的粉笔画将他们伟大的冒险展现得栩栩如生,包括Camden在水坑里跳舞、滑索和带着一堆气球飘走。这些令人难以置信的画还让甘登去了中国的长城和时代广场。)”可推断,粉笔画中的主要人物是弟弟Camden。故选C。
    词义猜测题。根据画线词后文“They have since published a second book, Cum and Hopper Travel the World.(此后,他们又出版了第二本书《Cum和Hopper环游世界》。)”可知,姐弟俩的粉笔画被收录到Macaire的第一本新书《从我们的车道看世界》当中。所以compiled为“收录”之意。故选B。
    When you swim on the beach and sea, have you ever accidentally drunk the seawater? How did it feel? It must have tasted salty. So, why is the seawater salty?
    Seawater is water that comes from the ocean. Seawater can be salty because it contains an average salt content of 3.5%. This is also a place for the salt farmers to produce cooking salt and other salt.
    Some theories explain that seawater comes from rainwater that falls and flows through rivers and estuaries (河口) where the seawater will be fully filled and again formed clouds because the steam uses the help of the sun. When we talk about this, we talk about the rainwater cycle. But when the rainwater cycle occurs, the water that passes through the river carries mineral salts. These mineral salts are obtained from various places of the land starting from rocks and soils that the rainwater flows through, these remaining mineral salts make seawater salty, so the salinity of seawater is different in each part of the world. But it is certain that seawater is salty or has high salinity.
    The saltiest sea in the world is the Red Sea. There the temperature is extremely hot so that evaporation (蒸发) is greatly carried out. High evaporation, coupled with little rainfall and little input of water from the river, causes its highest level of salinity. There is also the Dead Sea, which is nine times saltier. Due to the high salinity, when you swim there, you can float. However, the Dead Sea is not a sea at all which is a lake geographically.
    8. What’s the purpose of paragraph 1?
    A. To draw a conclusion.
    B. To make the article interesting.
    C. To introduce a famous beach.
    D. To bring in the topic.
    9. Where is the salt in seawater originated from?
    A. Land. B. Ocean. C. Rain. D. Cloud.
    10. What can we infer about the Red Sea?
    A. Its salinity is higher than that of the Dead Sea.
    B. The climate there causes the highest salt level.
    C. People are in danger when they swim there.
    D. The land around it contains the most salt.
    11. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
    A. The reason why the seawater tastes salty
    B. The reason why the Dead Sea is not a sea
    C. The reason why the rainwater cycle occurs
    D. The reason why the sea looks blue and green
    【答案】8. D 9. A 10. B 11. A
    推理判断题。根据第一段“When you swim on the beach and sea, have you ever accidentally drunk the seawater? How did it feel? It must have tasted salty. So, why is the seawater salty?(当你在沙滩和海上游泳时,你有没有不小心喝过海水?感觉如何?它一定尝起来很咸。那么,海水为什么会咸呢?)”以及下文对海水很咸原因的详细介绍可知,第一段运用一系列的问句,由最基本的生活常识开始引入了本文要说明的问题。所以第一段的主要目的是引入话题,故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第三段的第一句“Some theories explain that seawater comes from rainwater that falls and flows through rivers and estuaries (河口) where the seawater will be fully filled and again formed clouds because the steam uses the help of the sun.( 一些理论解释说,海水来自于雨水,雨水流经河流和河口,在那里海水将完全充满,并且在太阳的作用下蒸腾的水汽再次形成云。)”可知海水来自于雨水;再结合此段的第三、四句“But when the rainwater cycle occurs, the water that passes through the river carries mineral salts. These mineral salts are obtained from various places of the land starting from rocks and soils that the rainwater flows through, these remaining mineral salts make seawater salty, so the salinity of seawater is different in each part of the world.(但当雨水循环发生时,流经河流的水携带着矿物盐。这些矿物盐是从雨水流经的岩石和土壤中获得的,这些剩余的矿物盐使海水变咸,所以海水的盐度在世界上每个地方都是不同的。)”可知海水中的盐来自于雨水流经的岩石和土壤,所以可推知海水中的盐来自于陆地,故选A。
    推理判断题题。根据最后一段中的“The saltiest sea in the world is the Red Sea. There the temperature is extremely hot so that evaporation (蒸发) is greatly carried out. High evaporation, coupled with little rainfall and little input of water from the river, causes its highest level of salinity. (世界上最咸的海是红海。那里的温度非常高,因此水大量蒸发。高蒸发量,加上降雨量少,河流水量很少,导致其盐度最高。)” 可知红海的高温、干旱、少雨的气候特点造成了红海的高盐度。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段最后一句“So, why is the seawater salty?(那么,海水为什么会是咸呢?)”以及下文对海水含盐的原因的详细介绍,可知这篇文章主要介绍了海水很咸的原因,所以A选项“The reason why the seawater tastes salty(海水尝起来咸的原因)”作为标题,可以概括全文,故选A。
    We live in a time when various illnesses and conditions can be treated with just a few pills or spoonful of liquid. Unfortunately for us, many medicines come with a bitter (苦的) and unpleasant taste that can make taking them more difficult. There are, however, a few ways you can overcome a medicine’ s taste and keep yourself healthy at the same time.
    The easiest way to take bitter liquid medicine is by mixing it with a better-tasting drink.This is usually fine with most medicines, but you have to be careful. There could be interactions between your drug and certain liquids. Check with your doctor and ask what is the best kind of liquid for your medicine, and if there are any juices that will interact with your drug.
    Medicines usually have less taste when cold. If you can’t thin your medicine, you can try serving it cold to reduce the bitter taste. Leave it in the refrigerator for about an hour before taking it to ensure that it is sufficiently cold. Suck on an ice cube before taking the medicine.This will numb (使麻木) your mouth and make it harder to taste. With your mouth numbed,you can swallow the medicine before getting too much of a bitter taste.
    Crush (碾碎) your pills and mix them into food. If you’ve consulted your doctor and confirmed that it is safe to crush your pills, then use this opportunity to take your medicine with food you enjoy. Many methods for taking pills involve crushing or breaking the pills and mixing them into food. Before doing this, make sure this won’t lower the effectiveness of your medicine. Some pills have time-release coating and can be harmful if crushed down.
    12. What problem is mentioned in paragraph 1?
    A. We are threatened by various illnesses.
    B. We can’t find a cure to most diseases.
    C. Many medicines don’t work well at all.
    D. Many medicines taste bitter and unpleasant.
    13. Why should we consult the doctor before thinning the medicine?
    A. Only doctors really know which juice tastes good.
    B. It is illegal to do so without a doctor ‘s permission.
    C. Certain liquids reduce the medicine’s effectiveness.
    D. Some medicines interact with each other in liquids.
    14. What’s the purpose of sucking on an ice cube before taking medicines?
    A To let the mouth lose taste for a while. B. To improve curative effect.
    C. To make medicines taste good. D. To get rid of the side effect.
    15. Where is the text probably taken from?
    A. A biology text book. B. A health magazine.
    C. A research paper. D. A travel brochure.
    【答案】12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Unfortunately for us, many medicines come with a bitter (苦的) and unpleasant taste that can make taking them more difficult.(对我们来说不幸的是,许多药物都带有苦味以及不愉快的味道,这会使服用变得更加困难。)”可知,第一段中提到的问题是对我们来说不幸的是,许多药物都带有苦味(苦的) 以及不愉快的味道,这会使服用变得更加困难。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“There could be interactions between your drug and certain liquids. Check with your doctor and ask what is the best kind of liquid for your medicine, and if there are any juices that will interact with your drug.(药物和某些液体之间可能存在相互作用。请咨询医生,询问哪种液体最适合您药物,以及是否有果汁会与您的药物相互作用。)”可推知,我们在稀释药物前要咨询医生是因为某些液体会降低药物的效力。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Suck on an ice cube before taking the medicine.This will numb (使麻木) your mouth and make it harder to taste.With your mouth numbed,you can swallow the medicine before getting too much of a bitter taste.(吃药前先吸一块冰块。这会麻痹你的嘴,让你更难品尝。在你的嘴麻木的情况下,你可以在尝到太多的苦味之前把药吞下去。)”可知,吃药前吸冰块的目的是让口腔暂时失去味觉。故选A项。
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2 分,满分10分)
    Everyone wants to be happy. _____16_____ You must find it in your journey on your own and decide what it is that makes you happy. Therefore, you are the one to light it up and spark it. To give you more happiness, I have provided several habits that you can work on to live an inspiring life that will change you and those around you forever.
    See the light in all situations. There’s a bright side to everything. _____17_____ But when it hides from the clouds, remember that you are the one that lights up the sky even brighter than the stars.
    Stop comparing yourself with others. Comparing yourself to others is a waste of who you are. _____18_____ There is no one in this world that is exactly like you. You have many special qualities that can’t be compared to others. Be yourself and keep at it.
    _____19_____Who are the people in your life that is important to you? Does the person bring the best out of you? Spend time with these people. It’s worth it.
    Be confident. Your confidence can uplift your mood. Whether it’s your posture, smile, eye contact, or voice, work on it and you will not only feel better but be better. Write yourself five things that you love about yourself and put it on your wall or read it every morning you wake up. _____20_____
    You really are the one who can make this world better. As you work on all these steps to become happier you will see the world a lot better than it used to be.
    A. Just be yourself.
    B. It can really count.
    C. On the darkest of days, the moon still shines.
    D. Spend time with people that make you better.
    E. What makes you feel like you’re flying in the sky?
    F. However, happiness doesn’t come to you naturally.
    G. You can create your own happiness and spread it to others.
    【答案】16. F 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. B
    根据前文“Everyone wants to be happy. ”(每个人都想快乐)和后文“You must find it in your journey on your own and decide what it is that makes you happy. ”(你必须在自己的旅程中找到它,并决定是什么让你快乐)可知,你决定着你的快乐。由此推知,空处和前文为转折关系,可讲述快乐不是自然而来,并非从天而将。F项“然而,幸福不会从天而降”承上启下,符合文意。故选F。
    根据前文“See the light in all situations. There’s a bright side to everything. ”(在任何情况下都能看到光明,凡事都有光明的一面)和空后“But when it hides from the clouds, remember that you are the one that lights up the sky even brighter than the stars.”(但是当它隐藏在云层之后,记住你是那个照亮天空甚至比星星还亮的人)可知,it指代前文的“光明”。由此推知,空处应讲述光明在什么情况下存在。C项“在最黑暗的日子里,月亮依然闪耀”,讲述了月亮在黑暗的日子里会提供光明,符合题意,故选C。
    根据前文“Stop comparing yourself with others. Comparing yourself to others is a waste of who you are.”(不要拿自己和别人比较。拿自己和别人比较是对自己的一种浪费)可知,不把自己和别人比较。因此空处应承接前文,描述我们要做好自己。A项“做你自己”与本段首句“停止与他人比较”呼应。故选A。
    根据下文“Who are the people in your life that is important to you? Does the person bring the best out of you? Spend time with these people. It’s worth it.”(你生命中对你重要的人是谁?那个人能把你最好的一面展现出来吗?和这些人在一起。这是值得的)可知,本段主要描述与能把你最好的一面展现出来得人在一起是值得的。D项“花时间和能让你变得更好的人在一起”符合语境。故选D。
    本段的首句“Be confident. ”(要有自信),和该空上一句“Write yourself five things that you love about yourself and put it on your wall or read it every morning you wake up.”(给自己写出五件你喜欢自己的事情,把它们贴在墙上,或者每天早上醒来读它们)可知,空处应承接前文,讲述这样做对于树立自信的含义是什么。B项“这真的很重要”符合语境。故选B。
    第二部分语言知识运用(共两节 ,满分45分)
    Sally Petreyko, aged 76, had been hospitalized alone for several weeks. After she was discharged (准许离开) from the hospital, her first destination was to a____21____ store. It was crowded and she____22____ there for quite some time.
    Having____23____ what she needed and ready to check out, something____24____ happened. She was told that her FlexCard was not being____25____ because of expiration (过期).Without any extra money,she then put all the items back to where they had belonged to,feeling____26____ . At that time,Joe,a store employee, ____27____ what was going on, came over to Sally. Sally____28____ her problems, trying to hold back her tears.
    Joe kept____29____Sally down, “Take it easy. Things are not as bad as you might imagine.”Then out of nowhere, he pulled out his money without____30____, saying “Just pay it”. Sally looked at him in ____31____. Accompanied by Joe, Sally came to the cashier again, paying $ 198. Sally was____32____ that she would have food in her refrigerator for the next few weeks____33____this kind act. “It’s not often that you____34____ a person like Joe, but when you do, all you can say is ‘Thank you.’ The man deserved (值得) public____35____as a reward, so I____36____it to the local media,” Sally said.
    In fact, Joe____37____ to be interviewed at first, but he____38____ agreed to encourage people to help others. He said, “It doesn’t have to be $198, and it could be a cup of coffee. Anything that can help some one out____39____ their day. People can also take____40____ in helping others.”
    21. A. clothing B. shoe C. book D. grocery
    22. A. recovered B. rushed C. shopped D. rested
    23. A. selected B. listed C. bought D. packed
    24. A. unknown B. unexpected C. unreal D. unfair
    25. A. accepted B. welcomed C. considered D. delivered .
    26. A. frightened B. confused C. amazed D. upset
    27. A. thinking B. noticing C. hearing D. ignoring
    28. A. discovered B. solved C. explained D. confirmed
    29. A. calming B. turning C. letting D. knocking
    30. A. doubt B. difficulty C. purpose D. hesitation
    31. A. hope B. silence C. shock D. fear
    32. A. grateful B. intelligent C. ambitious D. energetic
    33. A. as for B. instead of C. due to D. apart from
    34. A. carry out B. come across C. get through D. find out
    35. A. education B. support C. forgiveness D. recognition
    36. A. showed B. brought C. reported D. sent
    37. A. required B. continued C. desired D. refused
    38. A. fortunately B. eventually C. entirely D. secretly
    39. A. spends B. makes C. counts . D. ruins
    40. A. generosity B. faith C. pleasure D. success
    【答案】21. D 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. C 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. D 36. C 37. D 38. B 39. B 40. C
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:出院后,她的第一个目的地是一家杂货店。A. clothing衣服;B. shoe鞋子;C. book书;D. grocery杂货。根据下文“she would have food in her refrigerator for the next few weeks(她的冰箱里会有接下来几个星期的食物)”可知,莎莉的目的地是杂货店。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:那里很拥挤,她在那里买了好长一段时间。A. recovered回复;B. rushed冲、奔;C. shopped购物;D. rested休息。根据上文的crowded可知,因为很拥挤所以,在那里的“购物”时间会很长。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她挑选好所需的东西准备结账时,意想不到的事情发生了。A. selected选择;B. listed列清单;C. bought买;D. packed打包。根据下文“what she needed(她需要的动词)”可知,此处指“挑选好”所需要的东西,符合语境。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. unknown未知的;B. unexpected意想不到的;C. unreal不真实的;D. unfair不公平的。根据下文“She was told that her FlexCard was not being(她被告知她的FlexCard不能被)”可知,此处指发生了意想不到的事情。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她被告知她的FlexCard因为过期而不被接受。A. accepted接受;B. welcomed欢迎;C. considered考虑;D. delivered传递 。根据下文“because of expiration(因为过期)”莎莉的卡因为过期而不能被“接受”。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:没有多余的钱,她把所有的东西放回了原来的地方,感到很难过。A. frightened害怕的;B. confused感到困惑的;C. amazed感到惊讶的;D. upset感到难过、感到心烦意乱的。根据上文“Without any extra money, she then put all the items back to where they had belonged to(没有额外的钱,她把所有的东西放回了原来的地方)”可知,此时的感受肯定是不好受的,所以用upset表示“感到难过”符合语境。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这时,店员乔注意到发生了什么事,向莎莉走来。A. thinking思考;B. noticing注意到;C. hearing听到;D. ignoring忽略。根据空格后的“what was going on(发生了什么)”可知,此处用noticing指“注意到”发生了什么事情,符合语境。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:莎莉解释了她的问题,试图忍住眼泪。A. discovered发现;B. solved解决;C. explained解释;D. confirmed证实。根据下文“trying to hold back her tears(试图抑制住眼泪)”可知,莎莉向员工“解释”了她的问题,符合语境。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:乔不停地让莎莉平静下来,“别紧张。事情并不像你想象的那么糟。”A. calming平静;B. turning转动;C. letting使、让;D. knocking敲击。分析句意再根据空格后的down可知,此处用calm down表示“使平静下来”符合语境。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后,他毫不犹豫地掏出了钱,说:“快付钱吧。”A. doubt怀疑;B. difficulty困难;C. purpose目的;D. hesitation犹豫。根据下文的Just pay it可知,此处指毫不犹豫地掏出钱。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:莎莉惊愕地看着他。A. hope希望;B. silence寂静C. shock震惊;D. fear恐惧。根据上文第10题可知,店员毫不犹豫地掏出了钱,所以莎莉应该是感到惊讶。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在乔的陪同下,莎莉再次来到收银台,付了198美元。莎莉很感激,因为这样的善举,她的冰箱里有了接下来几周的食物。A. grateful感激的;B. intelligent聪明的;C. ambitious有抱负的;D. energetic精力充沛的。根据下文“she would have food in her refrigerator for the next few weeks(她的冰箱里会有接下来几个星期的食物)”可知,此处用grateful表示莎莉是很“感激的”符合语境。故选A项。
    考查短语辨析。句意:同上。A. as for要求;B. instead of代替;C. due to由于;D. apart from除……之外。根据下文this kind act可知,此处用due to表示“由于”这种善举,符合语境。故选C项。
    考查短语辨析。句意:“你不经常遇到像乔这样的人,但当你遇到的时候,你能说的就是‘谢谢你。’这个人应该得到公众的认可作为奖励,所以我向当地媒体报道了这件事,”萨莉说。A. carry out实行;B. come across偶遇;C. get through通过;D. find out查明。根据空格后的person可知,此处用短语come across表示“偶遇”这样的人,符合语境。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. education教育;B. support支持;C. forgiveness宽恕;D. recognition。根据空格前的public可知,此处用recognition表示得到公众“认可”符合语境。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. showed展示;B. brought带来;C. reported报告;D. sent发送。根据下文的media可知,此处用reported表示向媒体报道,符合语境。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,乔一开始拒绝接受采访,但他最终同意鼓励人们帮助别人。A. required要求;B. continued继续;C. desired渴望;D. refused拒绝。根据下文but可知,乔一开始应该是“拒绝”采访的。故选D项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. fortunately幸运地;B. eventually最终;C. entirely完全地; D. secretly秘密地。根据下文的“agreed to encourage people to help others(同意鼓励人们帮助别人)”可知,此处用eventually表示“最终”同意这样做,符合语境。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:任何能帮助别人的事都能让他们过得愉快。A. spends花费;B. makes使;C. counts计数;D. ruins毁坏。分析句意再根据空格后的day可知,此处用动词make构成固定短语make one’s day表示“过得愉快”符合语境。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:人们也喜欢帮助别人。A. generosity慷慨;B. faith信念;C. pleasure快乐;D. success成果。根据上文“It doesn’t have to be $198, and it could be a cup of coffee. Anything that can help some one out  19  their day.”和下文also可知,此处用pleasure与前面take搭配 构成take pleasure in,表示“乐于;喜欢”,讲述任何能帮助别人的事都能让他们过得愉快,由also可推断,人们也喜欢帮助别人。故选C项。
    When people come to the Wandering Moose Cafe in Liaoning Province’s Dalian Jinpu New Area, they can taste special coffee from Canada. That is ____41____ its owner, Brian Clark, hopes.
    The Canadian registered (注册) his company in 2016 and got a restaurant license two years ____42____ (late). In the cafe, people can enjoy Canadian food. They can see the decorations ____43____ (collect) from his country, including 100-year-old ice ____44____ (skate). The paint on the walls is red. Clark offers more than 20 types of beans from around the world.
    Clark began his business journey in 2000. Before he and his wife decided to move to China in 2008, he ____45____ (own) a coffee company. His friends told him he was crazy to go to a tea country ____46____ (sell) coffee. But he would not quit. He appreciates and enjoys Chinese tea culture and finds similarities between tea and coffee. He believes Dalian is ____47____ wonderful city to raise his family and a great place to start a business.
    Clark has ____48____ (success) established good friendships and business relationships. His local friends have helped him through the process of starting his business. When he had to do things ____49____ his own, government officials were _____50_____ (patience) and helpful, he said.
    【答案】41. what
    42. later 43. collected
    44. skates 45. had owned
    46. to sell
    47. a 48. successfully
    49. on 50. patient
    考查非谓语动词。句意:他们可以看到从他的国家收集来的装饰品,包括有100年历史的滑冰。can see是谓语动词,收集是非谓语动词,装饰品和收集是被动关系,用过去分词作定语,故填collected。
    考查动词时态。句意:2008年,在他和妻子决定搬到中国之前,他已经拥有一家咖啡公司。表decided之前发生的动作,用过去完成时。故填had owned。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:他的朋友们告诉他,他去茶叶之乡卖咖啡简直是疯了。分析句子可知,空处是非谓语动词,表示目的用动词不定式作状语。故填to sell。
    考查冠词。句意:他认为大连是一个适合养家糊口的城市,也是一个创业的好地方。 可数名词前用冠词,表示泛指,wonderful发音是以辅音音素来头,用不定冠词。故填a。
    考查介词。句意:他说,当他不得不自己做事情时,政府官员很耐心和有帮助。固定搭配on one’s own,表示独自,故填on。
    第三部分写作(共两节, 满分35分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    Last summer, my parents encouraged me help my grandparents harvest rice. Frankly speak, I had never done it before. But guessing it will be fun, I agreed. So I went to one of our grandparents’ rice fields to cut down rice. In the beginning, I was excited, but soon I found the job tired. Besides, my arms were covered with several small painful cuts causing by the rice’s leaves. In the spite of these, I didn’t give up. Together, we spent four days gathering the crops, during that we chatted on fun things and laughed joyful. The experience made a deep impression to me.
    【答案】1. 在help前加 to 2. speak→speaking 3. will→would 4. our→my 5. tired→tiring 6. causing→caused 7. 删除the 8. that→which 9. joyful→joyfully 10. to→on

    【详解】1. 考查非谓语动词。句意:去年夏天,我的父母鼓励我帮助爷爷奶奶收割水稻。根据句中谓语动词“encouraged”可知,应用help的非谓语动词形式;encourage sb. to do sth.为固定短语,意为:鼓励某人做某事,所以应为to help。故在help前加to。
    2.考查非谓语动词及固定短语。句意:坦白说,我以前从未干过这个活。根据句中谓语动词“had done”可知,应用speak的非谓语动词形式,作状语;frankly speaking为固定短语,意为:坦白说。故将speak改为speaking。
    3. 考查时态。句意:但是猜测它会很有趣,我就同意了。根据“Last summer”可知,文章描述的是过去发生的事情;结合句中“agreed”及句意,本句应用过去将来时would do的形式。故将will改为would。
    4. 考查人称代词。句意:所以我去了我祖父母的一个稻田去割水稻。根据句中主语“I”可知,这里应该是指“我”的祖父母。故将our改为my。
    5. 考查形容词。句意:一开始我很兴奋,但很快我就发现这份工作很累。根据句意,这份工作是令人疲惫的,修饰物,应用-ing形容词tiring。故将tired改为tiring。
    6. 考查非谓语动词。句意:此外,我的胳膊上还有几处被稻叶弄伤的有些疼的小伤口。根据句中谓语“were covered”可知,应用cause的非谓语动词形式,与“cuts”形成被动关系,作定语修饰“cuts”,所以应为过去分词。故将causing改为caused。
    7. 考查介词短语。句意:尽管如此,我没有放弃。in spite of 为固定短语,意为:尽管、不管。故将the删除。
    8. 考查定语从句关系代词。句意:我们一起花了四天时间收割庄稼,在这期间我们聊着有趣事,开心地笑着。“during that we chatted on fun things and laughed joyful”为非限制性定语从句,而that不能用于非限制性定语从句中;先行词是“four days”,指物,在句中作介词“during”的宾语,应用关系代词which。故将that改为which。
    9. 考查副词。句意:我们一起花了四天时间收割庄稼,在这期间我们聊着有趣的事,开心地笑着。“laughed”是动词,应用副词joyfully修饰,作状语。故将joyful改为joyfully。
    10.考查介词及固定短语。句意:这次经历给我留下了深刻的印象。固定短语make an impression on sb.意为:给某人留下印象。故将to改为on。
    第二节书面表达(满分 25分)
    52. 假定你是李华,你打算下周邀请外教Steven去你们当地的一个公园游玩。请你用英语给他写封邮件,内容包括:
    【答案】One possible version:
    Dear Steven,
    I haven’t seen you for a long time. How have you been recently? I plan to pay a visit to the Dong Jiang Park in our city next week. I’m writing to invite you to go with me.
    Located in the south of the city, the park is about 400 acres. Full of many kinds of trees and flowers, this park has beautiful scenery. In addition, there is a lake in the middle of the park where people often go boating.
    Let’s meet at the school gate at 8 am next Saturday and go to this park together. I’ m looking forward to your reply.
    Li Hua
    打算:plan to do sth. →intend to do sth.
    参观:pay a visit to →visit
    美丽的:beautiful →pretty
    此外:in addition →besides
    原句:Full of many kinds of trees and flowers, this park has beautiful scenery.
    拓展句:The park is full of many kinds of trees and flowers, and it has beautiful scenery.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Located in the south of the city, the park is about 400 acres. (运用了过去分词作状语)
    [高分句型2] In addition, there is a lake in the middle of the park where people often go boating. (运用了where引导的定语从句)


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