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    第一部分 语言知识(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)
    1. When bking flights, I have a fr windw seats t enjy city skylines.
    A. plan B. reasn C. reputatin D. preference
    2. He vlunteered at the shelter every weekend, shwing great fr the hmeless dgs.
    A. respect B. evidence C. sympathy D. appreciatin
    3. It’s challenging fr film t stay true t the riginal stries due t time limits and medium differences.
    A. psters B. reviews C. festivals D. adaptatins
    4. The newly pened cafe was an instant hit, with custmers all the seats by nn.
    A. remving B. ccupying C. sweeping D. exchanging
    5. The advertisement aimed t custmers f the prduct’s advantages with real user experiences.
    A. warn B. cure C. accuse D. cnvince
    6. Clwn dctrs yung patients with jkes and tricks, prviding mments f jy and distractin frm pain.
    A. entertain B. fl C. prtect D. study
    7. Renewable energy surces like slar pwer can clean electricity withut harmful pllutants.
    A. recycle B. cnduct C. save D. generate
    8. Their facial features were virtually , making it difficult t tell them apart.
    A. perfect B. identical C. invisible D. unchanged
    9. Online learning platfrms have made educatin mre t individuals wrldwide, regardless f their gegraphical lcatin.
    A. useful B. relevant C. accessible D. affrdable
    10. Fr jurnalists, it’s imprtant t reprt news , presenting facts withut persnal pinins.
    A. cruelly B. sincerely C. bjectively D. psitively
    11. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, is the wrld’s highest railway, cnnects Xining and Lhasa, ffering breathtaking views f the Himalayas.
    A. where B. whichC. what D. that
    12. Our gal as educatrs is students t pursue their passins and achieve their dreams.
    A. inspired B. inspiring C. t inspire D. t be inspired
    13. healthy habits, such as exercising and eating well, can steadily imprve yur physical and mental well-being.
    A. Building B. Having built C. T build D. T have built
    14. Music has the pwer t call frth memries and emtins, that is t say, it has a unique ability t transprt us back t specific mments and evke pwerful feelings.
    A. bring ut B. fcus n C. put aside D. attend t
    15. Wife: Hw’s yur Shenzhen Marathn training ging?
    Husband: It’s been tugh. but I’m nt ging t yet.
    A. pave the wayB. thrw in the twelC. brave the elementsD. crack a smile
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Thrughut the past century. Canyn visitrs are ften surprised t learn that Grand Canyn sets n recrds fr immense size. Hwever, this landscape is defined as “grand” due t a cmbinatin f factrs. The layers have been preserved almst perfectly. Nwhere else n Earth displays s many quantities f the planet’s histry. The resulting landscape prvides visitrs with sme f the mst magnificent n the planet.
    Scenic Spts
    Suth Rim
    There are trailhead f the Bright Angel Trail, histric buildings, and massive crwds. It is a ppular stp fr many travelers and prvides an excellent pint fr viewing the canyn.
    Nrth Rim
    With far fewer visitrs, this area can be a great place t enjy the peace and majesty(壮观) f the canyn. The main viewpints are Bright Angel Pint, Cape Ryal, and Pint Imperial.
    Grand Canyn West
    It is a viewpint t verlk the last few miles f Grand Canyn. Activities include rafting trips n last few miles f whitewater and bat rides n the smth waters f Lake Mead.
    Havasupai Reservatin
    It is smewhat affected, the incredible canyn belw the Supai Village is wrth the visit. Visitrs must park here and hike, ride, r fly t Supai near the waterfalls.
    By car
    While the average distance acrss the canyn is nly ten miles, there are n rads, meaning the trip by car is a five-hur drive f 215 miles. All private vehicles entering must pay a $35 entrance fee.
    By bus
    Bus is an ptin fr custmized travel times and lcatins, prviding transprtatin at any time frm any lcatin with drivers that have expert knwledge f the Grand Canyn regin.
    By train
    The train features a histric sightseeing during the way. Hwever, it takes abut twice as lng as driving t the canyn. Individuals n a train must pay a $15 entrance fee.
    16. What makes Grand Canyn “grand”?
    A. Immense size.B. Preserved layers.
    C. Display f planet’s histry.D. All f the abve.
    17. Which spt will attract peple wh are interested in watersprts?
    A. Suth Rim.B. Nrth Rim.A. Grand Canyn West.D. Havasupai Reservatin.
    18. What is special abut travelling by bus, cmpared with ther means f transprtatin?
    A. Driving distance.B. Persnalized service.
    C. Entrance price.D. Natural sightseeing.
    Many peple are fascinated by the idea f being a jurnalist. They get t travel t different places, meet different peple, and share their thughts with a large audience. Peng Yixuan, studying digital media at the Cmmunicatin University f China, has been a vide jurnalist at China Daily fr almst five years.
    Peng is well-knwn fr her vlgs recrding big natinal events and taking the audience alng fr the ride. But the prcess f his becming a famus vlgger was quite accidental. “When I came up with the idea f recrding tw sessins in the frm f a vlg with just my phne in 2019, the thers n my team felt unsure abut it,” Peng said. “But we decided t give it a try, and it went viral.”
    Cmpared with traditinal media jurnalists, thse in new media are “almighty(全能的)”. “Frm Script(脚本) writing t vide editing, we need t be cmpetitive in each step f the vide-making prcess,” Peng said. “We als need t react fast t the latest news and think f what yung peple are curius abut. Bringing the serius-natured natinal event clser t rdinary peple is what I believe t be the reasn fr success.
    Als, it’s imprtant t “care”. Peng said that nly when yu actually care abut the peple and the tpic yu are cvering will yu make the interviewees pen up and tuch the hearts f yur audience. “I’m an ENFP-an extrverted(外向的) persn. I’m always curius abut the lives f thers and want t engage with them,” she said. Once, Peng tried t interview an ambassadr. She saw him reject many jurnalists befre her. “I knew I culdn’t simply ask him t d the interview.” Instead, she said, “Yur utfit is s cl! Are these traditinal clthes frm yur cuntry?” That’s what gt him t start talking t her.
    Peng’s jb makes her see the necessity and pwer f internatinal cmmunicatin. “I can feel the changes in Chinese media ver the past few decades,” Peng said. “We went frm telling stries frm abrad t telling the wrld ur stries. As a jurnalist, it’s my hnur t be a part f it.”
    19. What d we knw abut Peng Yixuan?
    A. She starts her jurnalist career this year.
    B. She is nly gd at vide editing skills.
    C. She always seeks interactins with thers.
    D. She was sure that her vlg wuld g viral.
    20. Which is NOT the reasn fr Peng’s success?
    A. News-audience engagement.
    B. Timely capture f latest news.
    C. High writing and editing skill.
    D. Curisity twards yung peple.
    21. Why did Peng Yixuan tell the stry f interviewing an ambassadr?
    A. T shw she is an utging and careful persn.
    B. T illustrate the imprtance f care in interviewing.
    C. T prve she has mre advantages than ther jurnalists.
    D. T shw she likes cmmunicating and engaging with peple.
    22. Which can be a suitable title fr the text
    A. Hw t becme a jurnalist B. A new jurnalist and v lgger
    C. Reprting with her wn style D. Peng went viral in new media
    What can a seal teach us abut the deep cean? Plenty-as lng as it’s wearing satellite-linked devices n its head. Clive McMahn, wh wrks n an elephant seal tagging prject at the University f Tasmania in Australia, said that deep-diving seals can prvide scientists with a wealth f infrmatin n the structure f the cean flr.
    T gather this infrmatin, McMahn and his team attached small satellite-linked devices t seals. The devices tk measurements f temperature and depth as the seals swam. Since 2004, McMahn’s team has tracked mre than 500, 000 individual seal dives beneath the East Antarctic cntinental shelf, which is the edge f a cntinent that lies under the cean.
    “Given the remte nature f Antarctica and the surrunding Suthern Ocean, nly a small part f the Antarctic cntinental shelf was surveyed by ships in the past,” McMahn said. “S the infrmatin available abut this area is sparse.” But seals are helping scientists fill in the pieces t this puzzle. In July 2023, McMahn and his team published a study abut their wrk with deep-diving seals in a scientific jurnal.
    Infrmatin frm seal dives is helping scientists understand hw the cean affects Antarctica’s rle in glbal climate. “We fund in sme regins that mre than 25 percent f previus estimates f the cean depths were wrng.” said Mark Hindell, wh als wrked n the study. “We nly knw this nw because the seals were diving hundreds f meters belw thse depths. In the mst extreme cases, they dived mre than 1, 000 meters (3,281feet) deeper than what we thught was the ‘cean flr’”.
    The data, r infrmatin, frm the dives als revealed new underwater features, including trughs, which are lng, wide and deep sunken areas in the cean flr. Thanks t the seals, the scientists als fund a deep canyn near the Vanderfrd Glacier, which is as lw-mving river f ice hundreds r thusands f meters deep.
    23. What is the main purpse f the article?
    A. Analyzing East Antarctic shelf’s gegraphy.
    B. Discussing cean impacts n climate change.
    C. Describing satellite devices in cean research.
    D. Intrducing seals’ rle in cllecting cean data.
    24. Which is clsest in meaning t “sparse” in paragraph 3?
    A. Limited.B. Plentiful.C. Cmplex.D. Unrelated.
    25. Why is the seal-gathered data cnsidered imprtant?
    A. Seals dive deeper than ther marine animals.
    B. Seals are able t replace extensive ship surveys.
    C. Seals are equipped with advanced technlgy in devices.
    D. Seals access remte cean areas beynd huma’s knwledge.
    26. What might the article cntinue talking abut?
    A. The impact f seal dives n cean ecsystem research.
    B. The challenges faced by scientists in tracking seal dives.
    C. The significance f the newly discvered underwater features.
    D. The applicatins f satellite-linked devices in ther animal studies.
    “Yu can lve smene and still chse t say gdbye t them.” Tara nw says. It’s hard t understand these wrds until I read Tara Westver’s memir Educated.
    In her bk Educated, Tara was raised in rural Idah. Her dad believed the wrld was cming t an end, and that the family shuld interact with the health and educatin systems as little as pssible. Majr medical crises went untreated-her mther never recvered frm her brain injury. Because Tara and her six siblings wrked at their father’s junkyard, nne f them received prper hmeschling.
    Educated is an amazing stry. I fund it fascinating hw it tk studying philsphy and histry in schl fr Tara t trust her wn perceptin f the wrld. Befre stepping ft in a classrm until she was 17, her wrldview was entirely shaped by her dad. It wasn’t until she went t Brigham Yung University that she realized there were ther perspectives n things her dad had presented as fact. Eventually, she earned her dctrate in histry frm Cambridge. Of the seven Westver siblings, three earned Ph. D.s. I think their childhd experience made them tugh and helped them persevere. When yu meet Tara, she is never cruel even when mentining her childhd traumas, including the physical abuse she suffered. I was impressed by hw she talks s penly abut hw ignrant she nce was.
    Educated tuches n the divides in ur cuntry: rural versus urban, cllege-educated versus nt. Since she’s spent her whle life mving between these tw wrlds, I asked Tara what she thught. “I wrry that educatin is becming a stick that sme peple use t beat ther peple int submissin r becming smething that peple feel arrgant(傲慢的) abut,” she said. “I think educatin is really just a prcess f self-discvery-f develping a sense f self and what yu think. I think f it as this great mechanism f cnnecting and equalizing.”
    Tara’s prcess f self-discvery is beautifully captured in Educated. She’s a talented writer, and I suspect this bk isn’t the last.
    27. Hw did Tara’s upbringing shape her wrldview?
    A. It prepared her fr a successful academic career.
    B. It limited her access t educatin and critical thinking.
    C. It encuraged her t embrace different perspectives and ideas.
    D. It instilled in her a strng sense f independence and resilience.
    28. Which culd best describe Tara accrding t the text?
    A. Perseverant and hnest.B. Talented and weak.
    C. Cruel and accmplished.D. Rmantic and determined.
    29. Accrding t Tara, what shuld educatin primarily invlve?
    A. Explring mre f neself and individual thughts.
    B. Fllwing established scial rules and regulatins
    C. Strengthening divisins and in equalities amng peple.
    D. Obtaining certain rights and privileges t defeat thers.
    30. What is the text type f this passage?
    A. Autbigraphy.B. News reprt.
    C. Persuasive essays.D. Bk review.
    Building language skills desn’t happen vernight, especially if yu want t becme a fluent speaker. Hwever, there are sme imprtant tips and tricks that wrk fr every learner.
    1. Engage yurself in a language
    Engagement is arguably the mst effective way t learn a language. Yu shuld surrund yurself with the language and listen.t it as much as yu can. Just try t speak the language in different situatins, even if it’s nt necessary.31If yu dn’t knw the wrd, that wuld be a nice chance t lk it up and learn smething new.
    2. Learn thrugh cntext
    If yu’re learning a language, yu shuld make sure that it’s based n natural dialgues and real-wrld situatins. Cntextual learning will help yu guess the meaning frm the cntext. 32
    Learning abut culture, peple, and custms is an imprtant part f acquiring language skills. And that’s really imprtant, especially when yu’re just starting ut.
    Grammar is the fundatin f every language and a system f rules that allw us t structure sentences. But peple are ften afraid f it r they find it dreadfully bring. 34 Instead, grammar can be taught thrugh examples, stries, and, nce again, cntext! In ther wrds, yu shuld see grammar in actin. Yu shuldn’t nly learn grammar rules but rather see them in usage.
    As yu can see, there are many ways t practice the language efficiently. 35 One thing is fr sure: learning languages can and shuld be a fun and enjyable experience.
    A. Learn language rules systematically.
    B. Dn’t skip grammar·-but d it differently.
    C. Yu just need t find a methd that wrks fr yu and keep at it.
    D. Fr instance, if yu’re making dinner, yu can try t name each cuisine.
    E. This is a great way t learn frm lcals while integrating in a new cuntry.
    F. It will als allw yu t apply yur knwledge and get valuable cultural insights.
    G. Learning it desn’t have t invlve memrizing a bunch f rules frm a textbk.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Lking at a timeline f Kirstie Ennis’ life, it’s clear that t call her ag-getter wuld be a cnsiderable understatement By 31, she has made remarkable 36 , such as gaining three masters degrees, walking 1, 000 miles acrss England, and climbing six f the wrld’s tallest muntains, all after 37 a tragic accident.
    In 2012, the frmer sldier 38 survived in a helicpter crash. Underging 40 surgeries. she eventually lst her left 39 t serius infectin. Frced int medical retirement, Ennis needed t 41 away t bth prcess her trauma(创伤) and cntinue t 41 peple, ne f her main reasns fr jining the army.
    She fund the answer in the great 42 .She began snwbarding and diving, participating in events t raise mney fr nnprfits. Sn, she had a mre specific gal in mind: She wuld munt all Seven Summits-the highest 43 n each f the seven cntinents. Since 2017, she’s checked six f them ff her list. Next spring, she wuld set t explre her final 44 , the mst difficult climb, Munt Everest.
    She has als setup the Kirstie Ennis Fundatin, ffering educatinal and 45 pprtunities t peple like her and intrducing medical device technlgy t underserved parts f the wrld. Its missin is t 46 individuals t bravely get ver the muntains in frnt f them.
    Ennis 47 dubt abut her capabilities. “Peple lk at me and think ‘She’s small she’s a wman, she has ne leg. 48 I enjy the challenge, and being the underdg.” She added, “I’m 49 f myself and I want t shw peple that with self-belief and 50 , nthing is impssible.”
    36. A. changes B. discveries C. cntributins D. achievements
    37. A. witnessing B. vercming C. preventing D. investigating
    38. A. really B. barely C. slightly D. prbably
    39. A. arm B. eye C. leg D. ear
    40. A. beg fr B. agree n C. make up D. figure ut
    41. A. teach B. amuse C. assist D. cmfrt
    42. A. majrity B. traditin C. utdrs D. cities
    43. A. degrees B. peaks C. levels D. awards
    44. A. stage B. prject C. frntier D. chance
    45. A. healing B. cultural C. financial D. vlunteering
    46. A. unite B. inspire C. educate D. accmpany
    47. A. vices B. ignres C. spreads D. welcmes
    48. A. Yet B. Then C. Once D. Sn
    49. A. prud B. ashamed C. critical D. cautius
    50. A. sincerity B. patience C. genersity D. perseverance
    A paper-cutting exhibitin centered k China’s dragn culture began at the Beijing Fengshang Art Museum n Mnday. It 51 (c-hst) by the Institute f Natural and Cultural Heritage Research at Nanjing University, the China Natinal Culture Fundatin, the bureau f culture and turism in Beijing’s Dngcheng District and the Beijing Dngcheng District Culture Center t celebrate the appraching Year f the Dragn, 52 (present) exquisite(精美的) wrks frm 100 flk artists natinwide.
    Chen Jing, deputy directr f the Institute f Natural and Cultural Heritage Research at Nanjing University, stated, “The dragn, 53 represents wisdm, curage, strength, prsperity, and auspicius ness(吉祥), serves as the 54 (symbl) representatin f the Chinese natin.”
    After nearly a year f 55 (prepare) the rganizers have cllabrated with paper-cutting inheritrs f intangible cultural heritage and flk artists frm acrss the natin t prduce hundreds f artwrks 56 (center) arund the theme f dragn culture.
    A thughtfully selected cllectin f 200 exquisite pieces, 57 (main) depicting dragns in different frms and styles, is nw 58 display at the pening exhibitin in Beijing. Subsequently, the exhibitin will embark n a tur, 59 (visit) lcatins such as Shenzhen, Guangdng prvince, and Linfen, Shanxi prvince.
    This ffers a unique pprtunity fr a brader audience 60 (appreciate) the diverse and fascinating representatins f dragns in this artistic cllectin.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    请你以“My View n Sprtsmanship”为题写一篇英文发言稿,内容包括:
    My View n Sprtsmanship

    When I was fur years ld, I learned an imprtant lessn abut trust and water. It was a lessn I wuld carry with me fr the rest f my life.
    I remember thse lazy summer days when my father and I used t play in the swimming pl. He was a giant in the water, his chest twering abve the surface, while I struggled t keep my head abve water. One day, he decided it was time t teach me hw t swim. Here assured me, “Put yur head underwater. It’s nt scary, I prmise.” But my fur-year-ld self was t afraid f the unknwn depths. What if smething happened t me dwn there? I culdn’t take the risk. My father pinted t a distant flag and said, “Lk at that flag!” As sn as I turned t lk, his hands pushed my head beneath the water. Fr a brief mment, I culdn’t see r breathe. Then, just as quickly, he let g, and l emerged breathing fr air. It was a memry that stayed with me.
    A year later, during a family vacatin in Miami when I was five, my father suggested we try the waterslide at the htel pl. The slide was tall and full f twists and turns that made me dizzy just lking at it. He said, “Let’s g. If yu’re scared, we can cme back dwn.” I climbed t the tp but refused t slide. I remembered his trick frm the previus year. Unexpectedly, he lightly pushed me, and I went sliding dwn with a splash.
    Over the years, with my father’s challenge and cmpany, I tried varius kinds f adventurus water sprts, including surfing, sailing, and rafting. Gradually, I had turned frm distrusting my father t trusting myself. As I turned 18, my father prepared a special gift fr me, cliff-diving in Red Rcks, Arizna, where participants jumped ff cliffs(悬崖) int bdies f water. After hurs f flight and drive, we were there.
    I std n a cliff, facing the deep sea and vast sky and preparing t jump.


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