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    题目: Unit 1 Making friends 题目: Unit 1 Making friends题目: Unit 1 Making friends 题目: Unit 1 Making friends 题目: Unit 1 Making friends 题目: Unit 1 Making friends 题目: Unit 2 Different families 题目: Unit 2 Different families题目: Unit 2 Different families题目: Unit 2 Different families题目: Unit 2 Different families 题目: Unit 2 Different families题目: Unit 3 Amazing animals 题目: Unit 3 Amazing animals题目: Unit 3 Amazing animals 题目: Unit 3 Amazing animals题目: Unit 3 Amazing animals 题目: Unit 3 Amazing animals 题目: Unit 4 Plants around us 题目: Unit 4 Plants around us 题目: Unit 4 Plants around us 题目: Unit 4 Plants around us 题目: Unit 4 Plants around us 题目: Unit 4 Plants around us 题目: Unit 5 The colour world题目: Unit 5 The colour world 题目: Unit 5 The colour world 题目: Unit 5 The colour world题目: Unit 5 The colour world 题目: Unit 5 The colour world题目: Unit 6 Useful numbers 题目: Unit 6 Useful numbers题目: Unit 6 Useful numbers题目: Unit 6 Useful numbers题目: Unit 6 Useful numbers题目: Unit 6 Useful numbers 教学内容: Part A How do we greet friends? Let’s talk, Sing and role-play 教学目标:1.语言能力:能听懂、会说句型“Hello/Hi, I’m... ”“My name is ...”“Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you too.”2.文化意识:能了解日常英语对话,并在日常情景中运用;3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯.4.学习能力:能运用所学句型进行口语交际。教学重难点:1.能听懂、会说句型“Hello/Hi, I’m...”“My name is ...”“Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you too.”并能在日常情景中运用;2.能在日常生活中熟练地运用重点句型。课时安排第一课时教学准备人物头饰、眼罩、课件。教学设计复备Step 1 Warm-upEnjoy a song教师播放歌曲Hello,引导学生一起欣赏,老师和学生边唱边做打招呼动作。Meet mew friends(1)教师PPT呈现Sarah, John, Mike, and Chen Jie图片,用不同的声调和语气对人物进行介绍。T: Hello, boys and girls. Today we’re going to meet some other friends!Who are they?(提问引起学生好奇心)T: Hello, I’m Sarah.Hello, I’m John.Hello, I’m Mike.Hello, I’m Chen Jie.(2) Let' say Hello/Hi to them. Ss: (⭐出现引导学生说) Hello/Hi, Sarah/John/Mike/Chen Jie.Step 2 Presentation&PracticeLead in.(课前引入)T: The bell rings. Let’s go into the classroom.(创设情境上课铃声响,学生进教室上课)Presentation.(对话学习)1. Let’s talk(1)展示上课图片,并对人物进行提问。T: Look at the picture, they’re having a class. Who are they?Ss: Mike and Wu Binbin...(回答部分)(2)看视频回答问题。T: Let’s watch the video and answer. Who are they?Ss: Sarah, Wu Binbin and Miss White.(3)带领学生听音频点读对话,稍后分角色朗读对话。T: OK. Let’s follow and repeat. (4)结合操练讲解句型。T: Let’s look and say.(分页呈现 Wu Binbin和Mike图片)Ss: Hello/Hi, I’m __________.Practice.(单词/句型操练)1. Let's say hello to each otherT: Hello, I’m ...Ss: Hello, I’m ...(老师先和一位学生进行示范)T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you too.Step 3 Consolidation&Extension1. Let’s play(1)教师请一名女生上台,给她戴上Liu Xin的头饰,师生进行对话。T: Hello, I’m ...S1: Hello, I’m Liu Xin. (2)学生两人一组,仿照课本对话进行练习。稍后教师请几组学生上台表演对话。对于表现好的小组,教师给予表扬。 (3)看视频跟读对话。Step 4 Summary&Homework(1)小结: Hello/Hi, I’m ...(2)作业。板书设计Unit 1 Making friendsHello/Hi, I’m ...Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you too.课堂作业新设计一、选择正确的名字,将其序号写在头像的下面。A. Mike B. John C. Wu Binbin D. Miss White E. Chen Jie F. Sarah _________ ______ ______ ________ _______ ________二、判断下列句子是否与图片相符,相符的打√,不符的打×。( ) 1. I’m Miss White. ( ) 2. I’m John. ( ) 3. I’m Wu Binbin. ( ) 4. I’m Sarah. 教学反思教学内容: Part A How do we greet friends? Let’s learn, Listen and do,Letters and sounds教学目标:1.语言能力:能听、说、认读ear, eye, mouth, hand和arm这五个表示身体部位的单词;并能介绍自己的五官。能熟练运用句型:“I ‘m... My name is ...”介绍自己。2.文化意识:能了解日常英语对话,了解不同的身体部位,教育学生要学会保护眼睛,注意口腔健康。3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯.4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:1.能听、说、认读单词ear, eye, mouth, hand和arm;能熟练运用句型:“I ‘m... My name is ...”介绍自己。2.掌握ear和mouth两个单词的发音。课时安排第二课时教学准备录音机、录音带、课件。教学设计复备Step 1 Warm-upGreeting(1)师生之间打招呼(Say hello to the Ss)T: Hello, boys and girls!S: Hello/Hi, teacher!Enjoy a song (Let's sing and dance)教师播放歌曲If you are happy,引导学生一起欣赏,老师带领学生边唱边做相应动作。Review (Meet friends)T: Who are they, do you remember?(PPT呈现人物图片)Ss: Wu Binbin, Sarah, Chen Jie, Mike和Sam (课件呈现人物名字。)T: Yes, let's introduce our friends, okay?Ss: This is.... And this is ...Step 2 Presentation&PracticeLead in.(课前引入)(1)教师呈现Zoom阴影图片T:Look at the picture. Guess: Who is it? Ss: Zoom(Students may have different answers.) T:Yes! It’s Zoom. Let’s say hello to Zoom.(课件呈现Hello, I’m Zoom.)Ss: Hello, Zoom. T:Great! Let’s have a close look at Zoom!Presentation.1. Let’s learn(单词/对话学习)(1)教授单词ear, eye, mouth, hand, arm(2)肢体语言教授Listen and do的句子。Wave your hand. Hello! Look into my eye. Hi!Wave your arm. Bye! Point to your ear. Listen!Point to your mouth. Smile!(3)实物指读。Point to different students’ eyes and say“eye”. Ask students to read the word in different ways.(4)板书单词。(5)句型呈现。Write down the sentences “Point to your ear. Listen!” on the blackboard. Let students do the actions.(课件出示:依次显示字母ear, eye, mouth, hand, arm的相关内容,教学步骤基本同上,略有变化)(6)五个单词学完之后,整体进行单词复习。T: Look and say. Look at me! This is ...(7)教师呈现课文动画。The teacher plays the video. Let students read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. (8)教师呈现Let's learn中课本图片。T: Look and say. Lead the students read again. Practice.(单词/句型操练)1. Introduce yourself邀请同学上台自我介绍。2. Look and say.Step 3 Consolidation&Extension1. Listen and doNow boys and girls, let’s watch and do. (呈现动画视频) (1) T: Watch the video, then follow it. (第一遍)(2) T: Let’s learn by body language.(逐个图片呈现)(3) T: I say, you do/ I do, you say. (Game time) (4) T: Look and fill.2.Letters and sounds.Step 4 Summary&Homework(1)小结:ear, eye, mouth, hand, arm.板书设计Point to your mouth. Smile!Unit 1 Making friendsPart A How do we greet friends?ear, eye, mouth, hand, arm.Wave your hand. Hello! Look into my eye. Hi!Wave your arm. Bye! Point to your ear. Listen!课堂作业新设计一、选择正确的单词补全句子,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ( ) 1. ______ is your name? A. What B. How C. What colour( ) 2. ______ are you? A. What B. How C. What colour( ) 3. I ____ fine. A. is B. am C. are( ) 4. Let’s _____ to school. A. goes B. going C. go二、为下列问句选出合适的回应,将其充号填入题前括号内。( ) 1. Good morning. A. How are you? B. Good morning.( ) 2. Nice to meet you. A. Good morning. B. Nice to meet you.( ) 3. How are you? A. I’m fine. B. How are you? 教学反思教学内容: Part B How can we be a good friend ? Let’s talk, Look and match教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:Oh no! We can share! Thank you. It’s OK.2. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。3. 能够在真实的语境中运用句型。4. 能够在真实或虚拟的场景中运用句子Oh no! We can share! Thank you. It’s OK.教学重难点:1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读句式:We can share! Thank you.能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。2. 难点:能够在真实的语境中运用句型Oh no! We can share! Thank you. It’s OK. 能够在真实或虚拟的场景中运用句子。课时安排第三课时教学准备多媒体课件、姓名卡教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1. 展示教材中主人公的图片,请学生根据其姓名齐唱韵句。Teacher:Look, this is John. Let’s chant together. Step 2 Lead in1.呈现教材图片,讲授单词can, share。Teacher:Let’s read them together, can, share.(板书单词) Read it one by one, please. Step 3 Presentation1. 展示课本图片,请学生猜测他们的对话内容。然后播放对话录音,请学生通过录音发现答案。Teacher: Look at these two boys. What are they doing?How can we be a good friend ? Listen to the tape. Then find out. 2. 再次播放录音,学生跟读。Teacher: Listen to the tape again. This time please say with it. Step 4 Practice1. 练习读对话内容。学生以自己喜欢的方式练习读课文。Teacher: Read the text freely. You can read it in pairs or in groups. 2. 分角色读课文。先男女生分角色,再请三个学生分角色表演读。Teacher: Let’s read the dialogue in roles. Let’s read. 3. 链式问答。4. 教师走到某一个学生面前,先向他/她打招呼,再询问他/她的姓名,最后告别,将本课时及之前学过的重点句式组合成对话。5. 出示姓名卡,学生先读一读卡上的姓名,再利用卡上的姓名进行问答练习。Teacher: Let’s play a game. Look, I have some cards. Read the sentences please. Choose one and make a dialogue with it. Step 5 Summary1. 呈现自编韵句,再现本课重要内容, 学生认真看、听。Teacher:Let’s chant. Look at and listen to the chant first. 2. 齐说韵句,结束课程。Teacher:Let’s say the chant together. Teacher: Time’s up. It’s time to say goodbye. Goodbye, boys and girls. 板书设计Unit 1 Making friendsPart B How can we be a good friend ?Oh no!We can share!Thank you.It’s OK.课堂作业新设计一、为下列句子选择正确的回应,将其序号填入题前括号内。( ) 1. Hello. A. Bye. ( ) 2. Goodbye. B. Nice to meet you too.( ) 3.Nice to meet you. C. Hi. 教学反思教学内容: Part B How can we be a good friend ? Let’s learn, Listen and chant, start to read教学目标:1.语言能力:能听、说、认读smile, listen, help和share这四个单词;能熟练运用句型:“I ... ”介绍自己。2.文化意识:能了解日常英语对话,表达自己的情绪。3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯.4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读单词smile, listen, help和share。能够在真实或虚拟的语境中正确使用以上单词2. 难点:能够听懂以下指令,并做出正确反应。课时安排第四课时教学准备多媒体课件、图卡教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1.播放歌曲:Hello.Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s sing together..Step 2 Lead in1.出示课文主图,教学四个表示动作的单词。smile, listen, help和share(板书单词)Step 3 Presentation1. 导读,引出课文内容,播放课文录音,学生倾听。Teacher: How can we be a good friend ? Listen to the tape. 2. 展示教材图片,讨论内容,使学生深入了解教材内容。Teacher: Yeah,if we want to be a good friend, we can smile,listen, help, and share.3. 再次播放录音,学生跟读。Teacher: Listen to the tape again. Follow it, please. Step 4 Practice1. 以游戏操练单词。(1)我指你说。教师指向黑板上的单词,让学生快速读出。Teacher: Let’s play a game. I point you say. When I point to the word, please read it as quickly as you can .(2)猜单词。教师展示单词卡片的背面,让学生猜出单词名称。Teacher:What’s this? (展示动作卡片,请学生一一读出单词。) (3)猜单词。展示文具的部分图片, 请学生猜出单词名称。Teacher:Now, look, what’s in the bag? We can see a part of them. Please guess. (4)猜单词。以乱序呈现组成单词的字母,请学生猜出单词。Teacher:Look,these are some letters. Put the letters in order, we can see a word. What is it? Yes, it’s a ruler. Please guess like this. 2. 以指令活动操练单词。教师说出指令,请学生做出相应的动作。3. Listen and chant.Am I a good friend ? Yes, I am.I listen and say “Hi” I smile too.Am I a good friend ? Yes, I am.I help and share. I play fair too.Start to read.I say “Hi” and “Goodbye!”I listen with care.I share my toys.I help my friends.I am nice to my friends.Step 5 Summary呈现文具类图片,请学生一一读出其英语名称,再播放韵句:I have a pen. Me, too. 学生齐唱韵句,再请学生自己编制韵句,演唱韵句。板书设计Unit 1 Making friendsPart B How can we be a good friend ?smile, listen, help, shareAm I a good friend ? Yes, I am.I listen and say “Hi” I smile too.Am I a good friend ? Yes, I am.I help and share. I play fair too.课堂作业新设计Chant to your classmates.Am I a good friend ? Yes, I am.I listen and say “Hi” I smile too.Am I a good friend ? Yes, I am.I help and share. I play fair too.二、完成书上P9的习题。教学反思教学内容: Part C Project: Make a mind map of making friends. 教学目标:1.语言能力:能听、说、认读本单元相关词语和句型。2.文化意识:能了解日常英语对话,了解不同的身体部位,了解如何表达自己,结交朋友。3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯.4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:1.重点:能够在真实或虚拟的语境中正确使用本单元的单词和句型。2.难点: 头脑风暴,完成思维导图。课时安排第五课时教学准备多媒体课件、图卡教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up游戏导入。Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s play a game. 游戏环节开启新课,在游戏二点过程中复习旧知,总结本单元所学的单词和句型。Step 2 Lead in1.出示课文主图,引出本节课任务:Make a mind map of making friends. 。2. 提问并思考:关于Making friends 学习了哪些内容。Step 3 PresentationHow can John make friends at school? Listen and circle.播放课文录音,学生倾听。Teacher: How can John make friends at school? Listen to the tape. 2. 展示教材图片,讨论内容,使学生深入了解教材内容。Teacher: What do you do with your friends? Discuss in your group.I smile.I say “Hi”.I listen.I help.I share.I am nice to my friends....3. 根据活动二制作你的思维导图。Teacher: We can do so many things. Now, please use activity 2 to make your mind map.4.Share your ideas in class. Step 4 PracticeSelf assessment.I can greet people and introduce myself.2. I can say the names of body parts.3. I can say how good friends get along.4. I can read, write and say Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd.Step 5 Summary板书设计Unit 1 Making friendsPart C Project: Make a mind map of making friends.I smile.I say “Hi”.I listen.I help.I share.I am nice to my friends.课堂作业新设计制作思维导图。 Making friends教学反思教学内容: Reading time 教学目标:1.语言能力:能听懂、理解故事内容,并且能大致复述故事。2.文化意识:能了解日常英语对话,知道如何用英语表达和结交朋友。3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯。4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:1.重点:能听懂、理解故事内容,并且能大致复述故事。2.难点:能了解日常英语对话,知道如何用英语表达和结交朋友。课时安排第六课时教学准备多媒体课件、图卡教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up播放歌曲:ABC songs。学生一起跟唱。Teacher: Let’s listen to a song. Sing the song together. Step 2 Lead in1. 你能发现什么?呈现一幅图片,让学生从中找出字母,看他们能找到多少。 Teacher:Look at this picture. Can you find the letters? Say them. Say them. 2. 乱序出示组成单词的字母,请学生猜出单词。最后呈现Zip和Zoom的名字。Step 3 Presentation1. 导读,引入故事,播放故事视频,学生认真观察。Teacher: Where is Zip and Zoom ? Let’s watch a story about Zip. Watch carefully. 2. 展示故事图片,与学生讨论故事的内容。Teacher: Can you see Zip? What does Zip say? 3. 再次播放故事,学生跟读,提醒学生注意语音及语调。Teacher: Watch the story again. Read with it. 4. 学生自由读故事。Teacher: Read the story freely. Step 4 Practice1. 两人合作,表演故事。Teacher: Now, let’s act the story out. We’ll find the best pair. 2. Let’s sing. 学唱歌曲。Teacher: We know Zoom and Zip. It’s time to say hello. Let’s listen to the song first. Listen carefully.Teacher: Sing the song together, please.3. 请学生自编歌曲。Teacher: Now try to sing hello to your friends. Change the name. Practice then show me you song. 4. 完成Let’s check中的Listen and number。Teacher:Zoom says hello to you, too. Let’s listen. Look at these pictures. You should number them with 1, 2, 3... according to what you hear. 5. 完成Let’s check中的Look and match。Teacher: (指向图片)This is a ____. (用这种形式,让学生说出图片的英文名称,补全句子)6. 完成Start to read活动。Teacher: There are so many words about the stationery. Can you count the words? There are two pens. So we write 2 here. Please count the words. Then write the numbers in the blanks.Step 5 Summary总结升华:Smile and say hello to make friends.Good friends share, help and listen with care.2.播放歌曲Hello,学生齐唱。Teacher: Let’s say hello to the letters. Let’s sing the Hello song to the letters. 板书设计Unit 1 Making friendsReading timeZip ZoomSmile and say hello to make friends.Good friends share, help and listen with care.课堂作业新设计了解故事大意,尝试读故事。分享如何交朋友。教学反思教学内容: Part A Who lives with you ?Let’s talk, Sing and play 教学目标:1.能够听懂、会说句型:This is …2.能够听懂、会读对话,并能分角色表演。3.能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用句型来介绍自己的朋友或家人。4.培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:1.重点能够听懂、会说句型:This is ...能够听懂、会读对话,并能分角色表演。2. 难点能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用重点句型,并乐于在活动中进行交流。课时安排第一课时教学准备 多媒体课件、学生的照片或图片教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up播放第一单元歌曲, 学生齐唱。Step 2 Lead in1.展示教材人物图片,通过问答的方式进行介绍,引出本课重点句式:This is ...Teacher: Look at this boy/girl. Who’s this? He/She is our friend Wu Binbin/ Amy. Who’s this girl? Who’s this boy?Step 3 Presentation1. 展示陈洁的父母的图片,让学生猜测图中男人的身份,先使其理解新单词dad的含义,再顺利引出问句:Who’s that man? Teacher:This is my dad . Read after me, please, this is my dad .学生尝试猜测图片中上年纪的男人和女人的身份。2. 播放对话录音,学生找出答案。Teacher:Now, let’s listen to the dialogue. Listen carefully. You can find out. 听完录音后,请学生说出自己的答案。Teacher: Now, please tell me. Who is that man and that woman?学生听录音后回答:This is my grandma/grandpa.Step 4 Practice1. 再次播放课文录音。学生跟读课文。Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s read the dialogue after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefully.2. 学生分角色朗读课文。Teacher: Now, who wants to be Chen Jie? Who wants to be Sarah? Who wants to be Chen Jie’s dad? Who wants to be Chen Jie’s grandma and grandpa ?Let’s act the dialogue out.3. 请学生戴上头饰来扮演对话的角色,表演对话。Teacher: Now we’ll find the best actor or actress. Please come to the front and show the dialogue.4 小组活动。请根据Who is…?两个句型编一个小故事,并到前边表演,评选出表现最优的小组。Teacher: Let’s do a group work. Please make a dialogue or story. You can use the sentence Who is…? Then show it. Let’s find which group is best.Sing and play.手指绘图不同人物,然后学唱歌曲《Family fingers》Step 5 Summary教师指向班里任意学生,由学生根据他们的姓名来完成韵句。 This is ... 板书设计Unit 2 Different familiesPart A Who lives with you ?This is ...课堂作业新设计一、为下列问答选择正确的答句,将序号填入题前括号内。( ) 1. Nice to meet you. A. Good morning. B. Nice to meet you, too.( ) 2. Who’s that man? A. He is my dad. B. She’s my mum.( ) 3. Who’s that boy? A. He is my dad. B. He is my friend.( ) 4. This is my friend, Amy. A. Nice to meet you. B. Who’s that girl.教学反思教学内容: Part A Who lives with you ?Let’s learn, Listen and do,Letters and sounds教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:father(dad), mother(mum), grandfather(grandpa), grandmother(grandma), me,sister.2. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说句式:I’m ... This is my ...3. 能够了解中华传统文化中家庭的相关知识。教学重难点:1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读单词:father(dad), mother(mum), grandfather(grandpa), grandmother(grandma), me,sister.能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说句式:I’m ... This is my ...2. 难点:能够正确掌握并区分grandfather(grandpa), grandmother(grandma)。课时安排第二课时教学准备多媒体课件、家庭的照片或图片教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1.开始课程前,将学生分成四组,在黑板上给每组画一棵树。他们表现良好的话,就在每组树上画一个果子。课程结束时,哪组树上的果子多哪组获胜。Teacher: I’ll divide you into four groups. Each group has a tree. We call it “group tree”. If you did well, you will get an apple on the tree. The group that gets more apples is better. Step 2 Lead in1. 出示Mike的家庭树,学生根据家庭树猜测人物之间的关系。Teacher:Look, this is a “tree”, too. But on this tree, there is no fruit. There are family members. We call it family tree. And this family tree is for Mike. Look at this family tree. Please guess who they are. Step 3 Presentation1.播放课文录音,学生认真倾听,检验自己猜测的答案。Teacher:Now listen to Chen jie. Let’s check our answers.2. 检验学生答案的同时,板书本课重点单词,学生跟读、拼写。Teacher:The girl is Chen jie’ s sister. Say with me, sister. Spell with me. s-i-s-t-e-r.This old woman is Chen jie’ s grandmother. And we can say grandma. Read after me, please. Grandmother. Grandma.This old man is Chen jie’ s grandfather. And we can say grandpa. Say it together, please. Grandfather, grandpa. This woman is Chen jie’ s mother. And we can say mum. Read after me, please. Mother, mum.This man is Chen jie’ s father. And we can say dad. Say it together, please. Father. Dad.Step 4 Practice1. 游戏:我来指,你来说。教师指向家庭树中的成员,学生快速说出单词。Teacher: Let’s play a game. I point, you say. I point to the person on the family tree. You should say the correct word. If you are right, you will get an apple for you group. Listen and do.This is my mum. This is my grandma. Hello, hello, hello!Nice to meet you. This is my dad. This is my grandpa.Hi, hi, hi! How do you do? This is my sister. How are you?3. 播放课文录音,学生跟读。注意发音。4. 绘制自己的家庭树,向组内同学介绍自己的家人。5. Letters and sounds.Step 5 Summary统计小组树的产量,评选最优小组。板书设计Unit 2 Different familiesPart A Who lives with you ?sister me brothermother father mum dadgrandmother grandfather grandmother grandfathergrandma grandpa grandma grandpaThis is my family. This is my…课堂作业新设计一、选出下列各项中不是一类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。( ) 1. A. he B. she C. who( ) 2. A. friend B. grandma C. grandpa( ) 3. A. my B. that C. your( ) 4. A. yes B. no C. that( ) 5. A. teacher B. brother C. sister二、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 This is my family. This old woman is my grandmother. This old man is my grandfather. He is tall. This is my mother. She is beautiful. This is my father. He is tall, too. I’m a boy. I’m not so tall. I love my family. They love me, too. We love each other. ( ) 1. My grandmother is old and tall.( ) 2. My grandfather is old and tall.( ) 3. My mother is beautiful and tall.( ) 4. My father is tall.( ) 5. I love my father and mother.教学反思教学内容: Part B How are families different ?Let’s talk, Ask and answer 教学目标:能够听懂、会说句式:You have a big family. Is this your…? Is that your…? Yes, it is. No, it’s my cousin.2. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。3. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来询问或回答家庭成员的身份。教学重难点:1.重点:能够听懂、会说句式:You have a big family. Is this your…? Is that your…? Yes, it is. No, it’s my cousin.能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。2. 难点:能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来询问或回答家庭成员的身份,做到语调自然、准确,表达流畅。课时安排第三课时教学准备多媒体课件、学生的家庭照片教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1. 播放chant They are a family。Step 2 Lead in1. 出示教师家人照片,请学生猜一猜家庭成员。Teacher: They are a family. I have a happy family, too. Look at the picture of my family. Guess, who are they? 板书句子:Who’s this boy/man/woman? Is he your…? 引导学生使用句型来猜测家庭成员名称。Step 3 Presentation1. 展示教材中的某一幅图片,引导学生猜测其身份。Teacher:Now, look at this picture. What can you see in this picture? Who is this man? Guess. You can say like this: Is he …?2. 播放课文内容,学生认真倾听,找到答案。Teacher:Now listen to the dialogue, try to find who the man is. Listen carefully.Step 4 Practice1. 播放课文内容,学生跟读,注意发音、语调。Teacher:Now read the dialogue with the tape. Please read it carefully and loudly. Pay attention to the pronunciation.2. 出示课文中的图片,根据课文内容与学生进行交流。Teacher: Who’s that boy? Is this Sarah’s brother? Is that woman Sarah’s mother? Is that man Sarah’s father? 3. 自由读对话内容,分角色表演课文。Teacher:Read the dialogue freely. Then I will ask you to act it out. Let’s find the best pair. 4. 游戏:猜猜他是谁。请一个学生站到前面,背对大家。其他同学中找出一个来打招呼。前边的学生需要猜是男生还是女生,姓名是什么。Teacher: Now, let’s play a game: Who is he? I want a volunteer to come to the front. Then a student will say hello to you. You should guess who he is. Say like this: Is he a boy? Is she a girl? Is he…(名字)? Is she…(名字)?Step 5 Summary自编韵句,再现本课重要内容,结束课程。Boy, boy, who’s that boy? Who’s that boy?Is he your brother? Yes, he is. Yes, he is.Woman, woman, who’s that woman? Who’s that woman?Is this your mother? No, it isn’t. This is my teacher.板书设计Unit 2 Different familiesPart B How are families different ?You have a big family.Is this your…?Is that your…?Yes, it is.No, it’s my cousin.课堂作业新设计一、连词成句。1. that who is boy (?)________________________________________________2. your father he is (?)________________________________________________3. is my she teacher (.)________________________________________________二、为下列问句选出正确的答句。( ) 1. Who’s that boy? A. She’s my mother. B. He’ s my brother.( ) 2. Is she your mother? A. This is my mother. B. Yes, she is.( ) 3. Is he your teacher? A. No, he isn’t. B. She is my teacher.( ) 4. Who’s that woman?Yes, she is. B. She is my new teacher.教学反思教学内容: Part B How are families different ? Let’s learn, Listen and chant, start to read教学目标:1.语言能力:能够听、说、认读单词和词组brother,cousin,uncle,aunt和baby brother;能用句型“My family is big. I have a ...”简单介绍自己的家庭。2.文化意识:注重培养同学热爱家庭、热爱生活的美好情感。3.思维品质:理清家庭成员之间的关系,能将称呼与人物对应.4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:重点:掌握表示家庭成员的词汇并能简单介绍自己的家庭成员。难点:理清家庭成员之间的关系,能将称呼与人物对应。课时安排第四课时教学准备课件;关于家庭称谓的单词卡片教学设计复备Step 1 Warm-up & Revision播放视频《Finger family》,师生共唱。复习关于家庭称谓的名词及介绍人物的形容词。复习关于家庭称谓的名词。出示关于家庭称谓的单词卡片如mother,father,sister等,学生认读。随后课件出示一家人的图片,通过询问,学生将人物图片与称谓匹配并大声说出来。复习介绍人物的形容词。教师让学生说出学过的描述人物的形容词,并自由讨论,用所学的形容词描述身边的人。Step 2 Presentation & PracticeLead in.T:Who is she?(课件出示Let’s learn部分的图片)Ss:She is Sarah. T:Here are three photos of her family. Let’s go and see! Let’s learn.(1)教学词汇及词组brother,baby brother,uncle,aunt和cousin。① brother.T:Who’s the boy?(课件出示第一幅照片)Ss:He’s Sarah’s brother.  ② baby brother.T:Listen!(播放婴儿哭声的音频)What can you hear?Ss:...课件出示第三幅照片。教师重点教学baby brother是baby和brother组合而成的词组。拓展:baby duck/ baby bird/ baby cat... ③ uncle和aunt.课件出示第二幅照片,依次教学uncle及aunt。让学生了解中文里舅父、叔父、伯父、姑父、姨父在英文中统称为uncle;姑母、姨母都统称为aunt。④ cousin.课件出示第三幅照片,教师着重强调uncle或aunt的女儿或儿子都统称为“cousin”。Look and say.课件出示Let’s learn部分完整的图片,学生根据图片说出对应的家庭称谓的词汇或词组。Listen and repeat.教师带领学生用升降调读Let’s learn 板块的录音,理解情景语“Hi. Meet my family!”。3.单词游戏。课件出示拼图卡片,学生快速并大声读出的单词。Step 3 Consolidation&ExtensionListen and chantI have an uncle. I have an aunt. I have two cousins too.I have a brother. And a baby sister. They can play with me.Start to read.(1)阅读课本P21内容,思考并完成阅读理解。(2)师生检测答案并分享观点。Step 4 Summary&HomeworkSummary. 重点单词:brother,cousin,uncle,aunt,baby brotherHomework.(1)将自己的全家福照片用英语介绍给家长或朋友。(2)完成本课时配套练习。板书设计Unit 2 Different familiesPart B How are families different ?brother cousin uncle aunt baby brotherMy family is big. I have a ...课堂作业新设计教学反思教学内容: Part C Project: Make a family tree.教学目标:1.语言能力:能听、说、认读本单元相关词语和句型。2.文化意识:能了解日常英语对话,了解不同的家庭成员,学会用英语介绍自己的家庭成员。3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯.4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:1.重点:能够在真实或虚拟的语境中正确使用本单元的单词和句型。3.难点: 头脑风暴,完成思维导图。课时安排第五课时教学准备多媒体课件、图卡教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up游戏导入。Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s play a game. 游戏环节开启新课,在游戏二点过程中复习旧知,总结本单元所学的单词和句型。Step 2 Lead in出示课文主图,引出本节课任务:Make a family tree2. 提问并思考:关于family 学习了哪些内容。Step 3 Presentation1.Which is Li Na’s family? Listen and tick.播放课文录音,学生倾听。Teacher: Complete the family tree about Li Na’s family.2. 完成后师生分享并讨论。3. 根据活动二制作你自己的家庭树。Teacher: Make your family tree.Use the words we learned in this unit.father(dad), mother(mum), grandfather(grandpa), grandmother(grandma), me, sister, brother, cousin , uncle, aunt, baby brother4.Share your family tree in class. This is my family tree. This is my ...Step 4 PracticeSelf assessment.1. I can introduce my family to others.2. I can describe different families.3. I can say how families are the same and different.4. I can read, write and say Ee, Ff, Gg and Hh.Step 5 Summary板书设计Unit 2 Different familiesPart C Project: Make a family tree.father(dad), mother(mum),grandfather(grandpa), grandmother(grandma),me, sister, brother,cousin , uncle, aunt, baby brother课堂作业新设计教学反思教学内容: Reading time 教学目标:1.语言能力:能听懂、理解诗歌内容。2.文化意识:能了解日常英语对话,知道如何用英语介绍自己的家庭。3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯。4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:能听懂、理解诗歌内容。2.能了解日常英语对话,知道如何用英语介绍自己的家庭。课时安排第六课时教学准备多媒体课件、图卡教学设计复备Step 1 Warm-up & RevisionRevision.复习学习过的表示家庭成员的词汇。课件出示家庭成员图,学生根据关系框架说出相应的英文名称。复习表示职业的单词及询问职业的句型。Let’s sing.教师播放该部分Let’s sing的歌曲,师生共唱。Step 2 Presentation & Practice1. Pre-reading(1)Look and say.课件出示该部分的图片(模糊图),教师让学生猜测图中的人数,随后出示清晰图。(2)Look and predict.学生观察该部分的图片,猜测图中人物分别是哪些家庭成员。2. While-reading(1)Listen and circle.教师播放该部分的录音,学生先将表示家庭成员的单词圈出来,随后在表示职业的单词下面画横线。(2)Read and match.学生再次认真仔细阅读课文,将家庭成员及图片连线。(3)Read and tick(√)or cross (×).学生根据短文下方所提的问题判断对应的图片是否正确,完成相应练习后,核对答案。3. Post-reading学生根据该部分的图片,根据提示,复述阅读部分的内容:This is my _____. I play with my ______. We ________. We ______ with care . I have a _____family . I love my _____family .Step 3 Consolidation&Extension1.出示该部分的第一幅图片。教师介绍故事背景:Animals also have a big family. Who are they ? Let’s have a look.2.Watch and answer .教师出示书上的几张照片,学生先观察他们分别是谁谁的家庭。3.Listen and fill in the blanks.教师播放录音,学生听录音。教师随后询问:What can they do with their families ?4.Read and act.教师播放音频,学生跟读、模仿并分角色扮演。Step 4 Summary&HomeworkSummary:Families can be big or small.Family members love each other.(1)复习本单元所学的家庭成员词汇。(2)复习谈论家中有几位家庭成员的句型。2.Homework:(1)收集家人的照片,制作“亲情树”,在“亲情树”中用英文标注出家人的身份及职业。(2)完成本课时配套练习.板书设计Unit 2 Different familiesReading timeFamilies can be big or small.Family members love each other.课堂作业新设计一、了解诗歌大意,尝试熟读诗歌。二、分享家庭树,并向好朋友介绍你的家庭团成员。。教学反思教学内容: Part A What pets do you know? Let’s talk, Do a survey 教学目标:能够听懂、会说、认读句型:I like ... Do you have a pet? No, I don’t./Yes, I do.2. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用Do you have a pet? No, I don’t./Yes, I do.来问答。 3. 能够大胆表达,乐于使用英语与他人进行交流。教学重难点:1.重点能够听懂、会说、认读句型:I like ... Do you have a pet? No, I don’t./Yes, I do.2. 难点能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用Do you have a pet? No, I don’t./Yes, I do. 来问答。 课时安排第一课时教学准备多媒体课件、教材人物头饰、手偶教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1.出示教材中小主人公的图片,请学生向他们打招呼。Teacher:Look at the picture. Who’s this? She is Sarah. Please say hello to Sarah. Hello, Sarah. And He is Mike. Say Hello to Mike, please.2. 齐说韵句:Hello, Sarah, hi, hi, hi. 教师出示教材中人物的图片,学生据此向他们打招呼。 Step 2 Lead in 1.以《生日快乐歌》的曲调,演唱Good morning. Good morning to you. Good morning to you. Good morning, boys and girls, good morning to you. 2. 出示Chen Jie 的图片,请学生向她打招呼。Teacher:Who’s this? Please say good morning to her.Step 3 Presentation1. 展示教材图片,讨论图片人物,请学生猜测人物的身份。播放课文内容,学生倾听。Teacher:This is Chen Jie. What’s this? Yes, It’s a dog. Who’s this? It’s Chen Jie’s. What are they talking about? Listen to the tape and find. 2. 讨论对话内容。Teacher:What are they talking about? Yes. They are talking about pets. (板书单词) pets,了解大意:宠物。And please think about it : What pets do you know?(dog, cat, fish ...)Step 4 Practice1. Read the dialogue after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefully.2. 学生分角色朗读课文。操练本课时基本句型: I like ... Do you have a pet? No, I don’t./Yes, I do.Do a survey.小组成员之间讨论并完成调查表格。 Step 5 Summary1. Teacher: Let’s play a game. I point you say. Look at the blackboard, please. I will point to the words in the sentences. Please read it quickly. 2. 与老师对唱How are you。Teacher:Let’s sing the song—how are you. I sing it first. Then you answer.板书设计Unit 3 Amazing animals Part A What pets do you know? I like ... Do you have a pet? No, I don’t./Yes, I do.课堂作业新设计一、选择正确的单词补全句子,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ( ) 1. ______ you have a pet ? A. Do B. Does C. Did( ) 2. ______ are you? A. What B. How C. What colour( ) 3. I ____ your dog. A. like B. am C. are( ) 4. I _____ a cat. A. have B. had C. has教学反思教学内容: Part A What pets do you know? Let’s learn, Listen and do,Letters and sounds教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说单词:fish, cats, birds, rabbits, dog .2. 能够听懂、会说句型:I like ...3. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用句型来表达自己喜欢的动物。4. 能够正确朗读对话,并能够表演对话。 5. 能够乐于和同学一起用英语进行交流。教学重难点:1.重点能够听懂、会说单词:fish, cats, birds, rabbits, dog .能够听懂、会说句型:I like ...2. 难点能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用重点句型来表达自己喜欢的动物。课时安排第二课时教学准备多媒体课件、动物图片教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1.播放字母歌,学生齐唱。Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s sing the ABC song together. 2. 随机出示字母,学生快速读出字母名称。Teacher: Look at the letters. What’s this? Step 2 Lead in1.乱序排列字母,让学生猜出单词,先复习家庭成员类的单词。Teacher: Look at these letters. This is a word. What is it? Guess.呈现动物图片,请学生说出动物名称。Teacher: Look at the Pictures of the animals. What’s this? Yes, it’s a fish. What’s this? Yes, it’s a dog . ...Step 3 Presentation1. 导读,引起阅读兴趣,播放课文录音,学生认真倾听。Teacher:Do you want to know more animals? Listen and watch. How many animals do you hear?2. 播放课文录音,学生跟读。Teacher:Listen to the tape again. Read with it this time. 3. 展示课文中出现的图片,请学生尝试说出动物的名称。Teacher: Look at this picture. What’s this? Yes, it’s a fish. (板书单词)Read after me, fish. What’s this? It’s a cat. (板书单词) Say it together, cat. I like cats. What’s this? It’s a bird. (板书单词) Say it together, bird. I like birds. What’s this? It’s a rabbit. (板书单词) Say it together, rabbit. I like rabbits. What’s this? It’s a dog. (板书单词) Say it together, dog. I like my dog. Step 4 Practice1.Listen and do.听录音,跟着读,并做出相应的动作。Run, run, run like a dog.Sleep, sleep, sleep like a cat.Sing, sing, sing like a bird.Hop, hop, hop like â rabbit.Swim, swim, swim like a fish.2. (1)听动物声音,猜出动物单词。Teacher:I will show the sounds of the animals. Guess the animal, please. (2)教师说单词,请学生模拟动物的声音。Teacher: This time I will say the words of the animals. Please show me the sound of the animals. 2.Letters and sounds: I i , J j , K k , L l .Step 5 Summary齐唱韵句,总结再现重点词汇和句式。Teacher: Let’s chant together. 板书设计Unit 3 Amazing animals Part A What pets do you know? fish, cats, birds, rabbits, dog .I like ...课堂作业新设计一、 将下列字母按正确顺序排列组成单词,并写在相应序号的下方。1.i r d b 2. s h i f 3. c t a 4. o d g 5. r b i a b t二、、判断以下各句与图片内容是(√)否(×)一致。( ) 1. The cat is fat. ( ) 2. The dog is on the book. 教学反思教学内容: Part B What wild animals do you know? Let’s talk, Play with the shadows. 教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:What’s this? What’s that? It’s a ... 2. 能够听懂、会说单词:panda, cute 3. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。4. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来询问物品的英语名称。教学重难点:1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读句式:What’s this? What’s that? It’s a ... 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。2. 难点:能够在真实语境中运用本课的句型询问动物或物品是什么。课时安排第三课时教学准备多媒体课件、动物图卡教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1.播放韵句:Look at the cat。学生齐唱。Teacher: Let’s listen to the chant 《look at the cat》. Say it together, please. Step 2 Lead in1. 展示手里的动物图卡,询问动物名称,再指向大屏幕上的动物,询问动物名称。Teacher: What’s this? Yes, It’s a cat. Look, what’s that? Yes, it’s a dog. (展示更多的动物图片,复习之前学习过的动物)Step 3 Presentation1. 展示教材中打扮奇特的熊猫的图片,讨论图片,引出课文内容。Teacher:Look at that picture. What’s that? Guess. Teacher: Now listen to the tape to find the answer. 2. 讨论对话内容,展示重点词汇及重点句式。Teacher: What’s that? Is it a bear? No, it’s a panda. (板书单词)Read it together, panda. (展示正常熊猫的图片,对比教材中的图片)Look, this panda is cute. (展示可爱的熊猫图案,让学生感受cute的含义)Are they cute? Yes, they are cute. Look at the fox. Is it cute? Do you like it? Do you like the cute dog? Do you like the cute panda? Step 4 Practice1. 播放课文内容,学生跟读,注意发音、语调。Teacher:Now read the dialogue with the tape. Please read it carefully and loudly. Pay attention to the pronunciation.2. 自由读对话内容,分角色表演课文。Teacher:Read the dialogue freely. Then I will ask you to act it out.3. 学生以肢体语言来模仿某个动物,其他学生尝试猜出。Teacher: Who can act as an animal? It’s funny, right? Guess what’s that? Do you like ...? 4.展示动物图片,与学生进行对话练习,然后请学生进行两人小组对话。5. Play with the shadows. Step 5 Summary1. 倾听、学习韵句。Teacher: It’s time for a chant. Listen carefully. What’s that? What’s that?It’s a panda. It’s a panda. It’s cute. It’s cute. I like it. I like it. Teacher: Please say the chant after me. 2. 自编韵句,展示韵句,总结本课主要内容。Teacher: Now please make a chant like this and show it. 板书设计Unit 3 Amazing animals Part B What wild animals do you know? What’s this? What’s that? It’s a ...课堂作业新设计一、根据图片内容选择正确的回答。( ) 1.What’ s that? A. It’s a panda. B. It’s a bear. ( ) 2. What’s that? A. It’s a dog. B. It’s a cat. ( ) 3. What’s that? It’s a pig. B. It’s a duck. 二、连词成句。1. a it is panda (.)_________________________________________________________2. that is what (?)_________________________________________________________3. it like I (.)________________________________________________________教学反思教学内容: Part B What wild animals do you know? Let’s learn, Listen and chant, start to read教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:What’s this? What’s that? It’s a ... 2. 能够听懂、会说单词:panda, monkey, tiger, elephant, lion3. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。4. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来询问物品的英语名称。教学重难点:1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读句式:What’s this? What’s that? It’s a ... 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。2. 难点:能够在真实语境中运用本课的句型询问动物或物品是什么。课时安排第四课时教学准备多媒体课件、动物图卡教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1. 播放歌曲:ABC song。Step 2 Lead in1.展示创意字母设计,请学生猜出字母名称。Step 3 Presentation1. 展示手影,让学生理解其含义,引发学生的阅读兴趣,出示对话内容。Teacher: (展示手影图片)What’s this? It’s a shadow of our hands. And it’s a kind of animal. What’s this? Let’s Listen to the dialogue and find. Please listen carefully. Teacher:(展示教材中出现的几种手影询问学生)What’s this? It’s a panda. (出示熊猫的图片)Look, it’s a panda. Read after me, panda. (板书单词) (出示猴子、老虎、大象、狮子的图片,询问并板书单词)What’s this? Yes, it’s a monkey. Boys read it, please. What’s this? It’s a tiger . Girls read it, please. What’s this? It’s an elephant . Girls read it, please. What’s this? It’s a lion . Girls read it, please. Step 4 Practice1.播放课文录音。学生跟读课文。Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s read the dialogue after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefully.2. 自由读课文。Teacher:Read the dialogue freely. If you have any questions, raise your hand and ask me. 3.播放动物的叫声,学生猜测动物名称。Teacher:This time, listen to the sound and guess what it is. What’s this?4.Listen and chantWhat's this? It's an elephant.What's this? It's a monkey.What's this? lt's a panda.What's this? It's a lion!What's this? It's a tiger!Run!5.Start to read.(1)阅读课本P33内容,了解不同动物的特点。(2)Circle the animals you see in the pictures.Then group all of the animals with big,small, tall or fast.(3)师生检测答案并分享观点。Step 5 Summary1. 将本课的重点内容总结为韵句,先让学生听,再进行练习。2. 学生加入动作模仿动物,表演韵句。板书设计Unit 3 Amazing animals Part B What wild animals do you know? panda, monkey, tiger, elephant, lion课堂作业新设计 一、根据图片选择正确的句子。( ) 1. A. It’s a bear. B. It’s a cat. C. It’s a dog. ( ) 2. A. It’s a bear. B. It’s a duck. C. It’s a dog. 二、连词成句。1. it What this (?)________________________________________________________2. a dog It is (.)_____________________________________________________ __教学反思教学内容: Part C Project: Make an animal picture book教学目标:1.语言能力:能听、说、认读本单元相关词语和句型。2.文化意识:能了解日常英语对话,了解不同的动物名称单词,了解如何表达关于动物的相关话题。3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯.4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:1.重点:能够在真实或虚拟的语境中正确使用本单元的单词和句型。4.难点: 头脑风暴,完成动物图片书。课时安排第五课时教学准备多媒体课件、图卡教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up游戏导入。Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s play a game. 游戏环节开启新课,在游戏的过程中复习旧知,总结本单元所学的单词和句型。Step 2 Lead in出示课文主图,引出本节课任务:Make an animal picture book。提问并思考:关于animals 学习了哪些内容?你知道哪些动物的英文单词?What wild animals do you know? What pets do you know? Step 3 Presentation1.What animals do the children like ? Listen and circle.播放课文录音,学生倾听。Teacher: What animals do the children like ? Listen to the tape. 2. 展示教材图片,讨论内容,使学生深入了解教材内容。Teacher: What animals do the children like? Discuss in your group.Rabbits lion fish monkey bird Elephant cat dog ...3. 思考并分类。Teacher: We know so many animals. Are these animals different? Think and group them.出示课本页面,让学生讨论,并将动物分类。4.Share your ideas in class. 5. Make your animal picture book.6. Share your animal picture book in class. 并尝试用本单元所学句型介绍。Step 4 Self assessment.1. I can tell others about my pets.2. I can ask about wild animals and describe them.3. I can group different animals.4. I can read, write and say l i, J j, K k and L l.Step 5 Summary课堂小结并展示作品。板书设计Unit 3 Amazing animals Part C Project: Make an animal picture bookRabbits lion fish monkey birdElephant cat dog ...课堂作业新设计一、制作动物图片书。二、用英语向同学或家长介绍你的图片书和你喜欢的动物。教学反思教学内容: Reading time 教学目标:1.语言能力:能听懂、理解故事内容,并且能大致复述故事。2.文化意识:能了解日常英语对话,知道关于动物的相关表达。3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯。4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:1.重点:能听懂、理解故事内容,并且能大致复述故事。2.难点:能了解日常英语对话,知道关于动物的相关表达。课时安排第六课时教学准备多媒体课件、图卡教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1. 播放歌曲:Old MacDonald. 学生认真倾听,尝试跟唱。Teacher: Let’s listen to a song, Old MacDonald. Please watch the video carefully,and try to sing with it. Step 2 Lead in1.询问学生在歌曲中听到的动物名称,让学生尝试说出更多的动物名称。Teacher: What animal did you hear in the song? Teacher: What else do you know? Say the animals, please. Step 3 Presentation1. 播放故事,初步感受。Teacher: You know so many animals. Let’s watch a story about the shark. You can know many animals, too. Please watch it carefully and find what animals they are. 2. 再次播放故事,通过与学生交流,使其理解故事的内容。Teacher: Watch the story again. Teacher: Do you like the story? Yes, we can know that so many animals are amazing. Animals can be big, small, fast or slow. Step 4 Practice1 播放故事,学生认真观察并跟读。Teacher: Watch the story again. Follow it. Read the story, please. 2. 分角色朗读故事。Teacher:Now let’s read the story in roles. 3. 表演故事,鼓励学生们增加动物。Teacher: Let’s act the story out. You can act as more animals. Have a try. 4. 完成读一读、数一数练习,并根据图片内容进一步进行对话练习。Teacher: You know animals well. Now look at the pictures. I will show you more animals, and you can introduce them in your way. 5. 完成Let’s check练习。Teacher: You did a very good job. Look at this picture. The animals have a race. Who is the first? Step 5 Summary1.齐唱字母韵句。Teacher:Boys and girls, follow me, please. Let’s say the chant about the letters. Let’s say from A to L. 2.Some animals are wild. Some others live with us. Animals can be big, small, fast or slow.They are all special.板书设计Unit 3 Amazing animalsReading timeSome animals are wild. Some others live with us.Animals can be big, small, fast or slow.They are all special.课堂作业新设计一、了解故事大意,尝试读故事。二、分享不同的动物有什么特点。教学反思教学内容: Part A What do we get from plants? Let’s talk, Ask and answer 教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说单词:apple, bananas, fresh2. 能够听懂、会说句型:Do you like ...? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I like ... 并在真实或模拟的场景中使用句式询问他人对水果的好恶3. 能够理解对话大意,并用正确的语调朗读对话4. 能够在重点句式中正确使用名词的复数形式。教学重难点:1.重点能够听懂、会说单词:apple, bananas, fresh能够听懂、会说句型:Do you like ... ? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I like ...能够理解对话大意,并用正确的语调朗读对话2. 难点能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用重点句型Do you like ...? 来询问他人对水果的好恶。能够在重点句式中正确使用名词的复数形式。课时安排第一课时教学准备多媒体课件、单词卡片教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1. TPR:Bounce the ball. Teacher:Boys and girls, Let’s do some actions. Do and say with me. Bounce, bounce, bounce the ball, bounce, bounce, bounce.Row, row, row the boat, row, row, row.Drive, drive, drive the car, drive, drive, drive.Read, read, read a map, read, read, read.Step 2 Lead in1. 展示球的图片,和学生进行交流,谈论他们的好恶。2. 画一个苹果,和学生进行交流,教授新词汇和句式:Teacher: Look at this, is it a ball? No, it’s an apple. Boys read it, please. Now, girls, please. It’s an apple. Do you like apples? Yes. Good. Apples are very good for you. Step 3 Presentation1. 接着画香蕉简笔画,或呈现香蕉的图片,教授新单词,并谈论其对于香蕉的好恶。Teacher: What’s this? Is it an apple? No, it’s a banana. Read it one by one, please. Do you like bananas? Say with me: bananas. Do you like bananas? What about you?Teacher: Apples and bananas are fruit. Do you like fruit?2.播放教材对话录音,学生认真倾听,寻找答案。Teacher:Most of you like fruit. What about Mike? Does Mike like apples? Listen and find the answer.Teacher: Now, who can answer my question? Does Mike like apples? Yes, he does. Attention, please. Does Binbin like apples? No, he doesn’t. He likes bananas. Step 4 Practice1.播放课文录音。学生跟读课文。Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s read the dialogue after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefully.2. 自由读课文,针对对话内容进行交流。Teacher:Who are they? Where are they? Does Mike like pears? Does Binbin like bananas? 3. 分角色朗读课文。Step 5 Summary出示水果图片,学生复习水果名词。同时询问其对这一种水果的好恶,复习总结本课时重点句式。板书设计Unit 4 Plants around us Part A What do we get from plants? apple, bananas, freshDo you like ... ? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I like ...课堂作业新设计一、连词成句。1.I bananas like (.)______________________________________________2. you like Do apples (?)______________________________________________3. apples like I (. )___________________________________________教学反思教学内容: Part A What do we get from plants? Let’s learn, Listen and chant, Letters and sounds教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:apples, bananas, grapes, oranges。2. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、认读句式:Do you like ...? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 3. 能够在与同学合作对话和唱一唱、说一说等活动中掌握重点词汇及句式。教学重难点:1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读单词:apple, banana, pear, orange能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、认读句式:Do you like ...? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 2. 难点:能够准确使用重点句式及重点词汇来询问他人对于水果的好恶。课时安排第二课时教学准备多媒体课件、水果图片、水果实物、单词卡片教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1. 播放歌曲Apple tree。学生先听,再歌唱。Step 2 Lead in1. 展示苹果图片,与学生针对苹果进行交流,并引出另外一种水果,初步展示词汇和重点句式。Teacher: What’s this? Yes, it’s an apple. (板书单词)A sounds /æ/. It has two ps. Let’s spell and read it together, a-p-p-l-e, apple. Do you like apples? Step 3 Presentation1. 播放课文录音,回答问题。Teacher:What does Wu Binbin like? Let’s listen to the tape. Listen carefully and try to find the answer. Teacher: Now, show me your answer, please. 2. 播放课文录音,学生跟读。Teacher:Listen to the tape again. Read with it this time. 3. 展示课文中出现的图片,指向水果,学生说出单词,并进行交流。Teacher: Look at the picture. What do you see? Who is she? Who is he? What’s this? Say with me, pear. We can see an ear in the grape. Let’s spell it, g-r-a-p-e, grape. What’s this? Yes, it’s a banana. How many as in it? How many ns in it? Let’s spell it together, b-a-n-a-n-a, banana. Do you like bananas?Step 4 Practice1. 以游戏操练单词。先出示四种水果的图片,再突然消失其中一个,请学生说出消失的水果是哪一种。练习几次之后,变成出示四种水果的单词,再随机使其中一个消失,请学生说出消失的是哪个单词。Teacher:Let’s play a game. What’s missing? Now, look at these four pictures. What are they? Good, you know them all. Oh, now there are three pictures. What’s missing? Put up your hands and say your answer. Teacher: This time, we can see four words. Can you read it one by one? Now, watch carefully. What’s missing? Can you say the word? Can you spell it? 2. 游戏:猜单词。仍然分两个轮次。将apple, orange, grape, banana, fruit五个单词卡的背面朝向学生,打乱顺序,请学生猜测是哪个单词。3. Let’s chant. 播放韵句,观察教材中图片,用动作使学生理解韵句的内容。Grapes are small. Bananas are long.Apples and oranges make you strong.Trees grow and give us things:Fresh air, flowers and leaves in spring.4. 再次播放韵句,学生跟读。Teacher: Let’s listen to the chant again. This time please follow it.5. 学生练习说唱韵句,并表演。Teacher: Practice the chant freely. Then please show it. You can do it yourself. And you can do it in groups. Let’s find the best one. 6.Letters and sounds: M m , N n , O o , P p .Step 5 Summary出示本课中的四个重点水果词汇及韵句中出现的葡萄,共五种水果,老师出示的数字,学生读相应的遍数,并齐说、齐答句子。板书设计Unit 4 Plants around us Part A What do we get from plants? apples, bananas, grapes, orangesDo you like ...? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 课堂作业新设计一、 将下列字母按正确顺序排列组成单词,并写在相应图片的下方。p p l e a a n b a n a r a o n g e 二、根据图片提示,选择正确的回答。( ) 1. Do you like grapes? A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t. ( ) 2. Do you like apples?A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t. ( ) 3. Do you like bananas?A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t. ( ) 3. Do you like fruit?A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t. 教学反思教学内容: Part B How can we help plants? Let’s talk, Look and discuss 教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:The school gardens need help. We can ... 2. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。3. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来表达自己可以为学校花园做些什么。4. 培养孩子对保护环境、爱护学校花草树木的意识,并为学校的花草树木贡献自己的力量。教学重难点:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:The school gardens need help. We can ... 2. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。3. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来表达自己可以为学校花园做些什么,做到表达准确、流畅课时安排第三课时教学准备多媒体课件教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1.韵句:I eat apples. Teacher:Let’s chant together. Listen to the chant then say it together. Step 2 Lead in1. 展示部分水果的图片,由学生猜出水果名称。可以以多媒体课件的方式展示,也可以使用单词图卡,用其他卡片遮住水果,一点点呈现给学生,让学生不断去猜测。Step 3 Presentation1. 展示课文主图,介绍学校花园里的植物,然后引入课文,呈现课文内容。学生带问题倾听课文,并找出答案。Teacher:Look at our school gardens. They need our help. What can we do for them ? How can we help them ? Listen to the tape and try to find the answer. Teacher: Now who can show me your answer? How can we help them ?Yes, we can water the flowers. We can water the grass. We can plant the new trees.2. 展示教材图片,讨论课文内容,展示并帮助学生理解本课重点句式。Teacher: Look at the picture. Who are they? What are they doing?How can we help them ? We can water the flowers. We can water the grass. We can plant the new trees.Step 4 Practice1. 播放课文内容,学生跟读,注意发音、语调。Teacher:Now read the dialogue with the tape. Please read it carefully and loudly. Pay attention to the pronunciation.2. 自由读对话内容,分角色表演课文。Teacher:Read the dialogue freely. Then I will ask you to act it out. Let’s find the best group. 3. 操练重点句式。Teacher: We can ...(板书句子) What about you? Students in this line please say it one by one. 4. Look and discuss.根据课本P43内容进行讨论,绿水青山从我做起,我们能做的有什么?5. 小组分享讨论成果。Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s do a group work. Teacher: Now, which group wants to show your chart. Step 5 Summary学生重复说出重点句式。板书设计Unit 4 Plants around usPart B How can we help plants? The school gardens need help. We can water the flowers.We can water the grass.We can plant the new trees.课堂作业新设计一、选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. fruit B. apple C. pear( ) 2. A. grapes B. bananas C. like( ) 3. A. apple B. here C. orange( ) 4. A. buy B. like C. some二、选择正确的句子补全对话。A:1.____________B: Thanks. I like grapes.A: 2______________C: Sorry. 3_________________ Can I have some bananas?A: 4. ___________________A. Have some pears. B. Here you are.C. Have some grapes. D. I don’t like pears.教学反思教学内容: Part B How can we help plants? Let’s learn, Listen and chant, Start to read 教学目标:能够听懂、会说、认读单词air, water, trees, flowers, sun, grass.2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:Plants need ...3. 能够在真实或虚拟的情境中正确表述植物生长所需的东西,表达对植物的喜好。4. 培养孩子对保护环境、爱护学校花草树木的意识,并为身边的花草树木贡献自己的力量。教学重难点:能够听懂、会说、认读单词air, water, trees, flowers, sun, grass.2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:Plants need ...3. 能够在真实或虚拟的情境中正确表述植物生长所需的东西,表达对植物的喜好。课时安排第四课时教学准备多媒体课件、单词卡片教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1.开始课程前,将学生分成四组.Teacher: I’ll divide you into four groups. Each group has a tree. If you did well, I will draw fruit for you. At the end of the lesson, the group which gets more fruit will be the winner. 2. 播放韵句:I eat apples. 学生先听再齐唱。Step 2 Lead in1. 游戏:I draw you guess.Step 3 Presentation1. 在黑板接着画出大树,花朵,草地。(也可以使用单词图卡进行,或以多媒体展示图片)学生边猜边学习新授单词。Teacher:What’s this? It’s a tree. Read after me, please, water-melon, watermelon. This line, read it one by one. Is this a tree? No, it’s so small. It’s grass. (展示草地的图片) Now read after me, grass, grass. Boys read it, please. Girls read it. You know this word. What are they? Yes, they are flowers. Read it together, please, flowers. Yeah , they are so beautiful.2.播放课文录音,观察课文图片,回答问题。Teacher:Look at this picture. What do the plants need ? Do you know? Let’s listen and find. Teacher: Who can try to answer my question?Yes, plant need air, water and sun. 3.教学新词 air, water, sun,Step 4 Practice1. 跟读课文,读准字音。Teacher:Listen to the tape again, and follow it please. 2. 我来指,你来说。老师指向黑板上的简笔画,学生快速说出单词。Teacher:Look at the pictures on the blackboard. I point you say. Let’s see who is fast. 3. 给新单词编上序号,老师说出序号,学生说出单词读音。Teacher: Now I number the words. This time, I will say the number. You say the correct word. 4.Listen and chantAir, water and sun.These can all help plants grow.Plant, water, cut and turn.These are some things I know.5.Start to read.(1)阅读课本P45内容,了解植物生长所需的东西,以及我们能为植物生长做什么。(2)Circle the things you see in the pictures.Then talk about a plant.Step 5 Summary1. 学生以自己喜欢的方式表演韵句,来总结本课时的重点知识。Teacher:Now please show the chant. You can show it by two or in groups. Let’s find the best group. 2. 总结小组表现,鼓励最佳小组。板书设计Unit 4 Plants around usPart B How can we help plants? air, water, trees, flowers, sun, grass课堂作业新设计一、根据你自己的实际情况来回答问题。1. Do you like trees? __________________________________2. Do you like flowers?___________________________________3. What do the plants need ?___________________________________教学反思教学内容: Part C Project: Make a paper garden教学目标:1.语言能力:能听、说、认读本单元相关词语和句型。2.文化意识:能了解日常英语对话,了解不同的植物及其成长所需的东西,学会用英语表达喜欢的植物及自己可以怎么做。3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯.4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:1.重点:能够在真实或虚拟的语境中正确使用本单元的单词和句型。5.难点: 头脑风暴,积极创作,完成手工花园创作。课时安排第五课时教学准备多媒体课件、图卡,彩笔,卡纸教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1.歌曲导入。Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s sing a song. 歌曲开启新课,在唱歌的过程中激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂氛围。2.复习旧知,总结回顾本单元所学的表示植物的词语及句型。Step 2 Lead in1.出示课文主图,引出本节课任务:Make a paper garden2. 提问并思考:关于植物学习了哪些内容,你有什么收获。Step 3 Presentation1.Which fruits do the children like ? Listen and match.播放课文录音,学生倾听并连线。Teacher: Now, please listen and match.2. 完成后师生分享并讨论。3. What do you know about fruit trees ? Discuss in your group.小组成员讨论交流,说出你所知道的果树,并回答以下三个问题:What do fruit trees need ?How can we help ?What can they give us ?A. air D. grapes G. sunB. apples E. oranges H. waterC. bananas F. plant the tree l. water the tree4. 小组展示讨论结果。5. Make your paper garden.(小组合作,完成手工花园)(1) Make some cards.(2) Make your garden.Teacher: Make your paper garden. Use the words we learned in this unit.apples, bananas, grapes, orangesair, water, trees, flowers, sun, grassWe can water the flowers.We can water the grass.We can plant the new trees.6.Share your paper garden in class. This is my paper garden. The apple trees need air, water and sun. We can help them ....Step 4 Self assessment.1. I can talk about fruits I like.2. I can name some plants.3. I can say how we help plants and plants help us.4. I can read, write and say M m, N n, O o and P p.Step 5 Summary板书设计Unit 4 Plants around us Part C Project: Make a paper gardenapples, bananas, grapes, orangesair, water, trees, flowers, sun, grassWe can water the flowers.We can water the grass.We can plant the new trees.课堂作业新设计一、制作手工植物花园。二、用英语向同学或家长介绍你的花园,并表述你可以为植物做些什么。教学反思教学内容: Reading time 教学目标:1.语言能力:能听懂、理解故事内容,并且能大致复述故事。2.文化意识:知道关于植物及其生长的相关表达,懂得人与自然和谐相处的道理及一些力所能及的事。3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯。4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:1.重点:能听懂、理解故事内容,并且能大致复述故事。2.难点:知道关于植物及其生长的相关表达,懂得人与自然和谐相处的道理及一些力所能及的事。课时安排第六课时教学准备多媒体课件、图卡教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1. 播放儿歌:《花园种花》英文版, 学生认真倾听,尝试跟唱。Teacher: Let’s listen to a song. Please watch the video carefully,and try to sing with it. In a little little garden. I dig dig a hole.I plant a little seed. For the little bloom to grow.In a big big garden. I dig dig a hole.I plant a big seed. For the big bloom to grow.In a super big garden. I dig dig a hole.I plant a super seed. For the super bloom to grow.Step 2 Lead in1.Teacher: We plant the seed. And do you know what we plant? What will be when it grow up ? Please guess it.(学生可能猜出许多植物的名字,尽量用英文表达,回顾本单元所学的植物。)Teacher: Yeah,maybe we planted an apple tree. Today, we will learn a story about an apple tree.Step 3 Presentation1. 播放故事,初步感受。Teacher: Do you like the apple tree ? Yeah, the apple tree need air, water and sun. And the new family can help him. Last, the apple tree gave many apples to the family. 2. 再次播放故事,通过与学生交流,使其理解故事的内容。Teacher: Watch the story again. Teacher: Do you like the story? Yes, it’s so interesting.Step 4 Practice1 播放故事,学生认真观察并跟读。Teacher: Watch the story again. Follow it. Read the story, please. 2. 分段朗读故事。Teacher:Now let’s read the story in groups. 3. 表演故事,鼓励学生们积极参与。Teacher: Let’s act the story out. 4. 完成读一读、数一数练习,并根据图片内容进一步进行对话练习。Teacher: You did a good job. Now look at the pictures, and you can introduce them in your way. 5. 完成Let’s check练习。Teacher: You did a very good job. Step 5 Summary1.齐唱字母韵句。Teacher:Boys and girls, follow me, please. Let’s say the chant about the letters. Let’s say from A to P. 2.总结升华We need plants to live.We can help plants grow.板书设计Unit 4 Plants around usReading timeWe need plants to live.We can help plants grow.课堂作业新设计一、了解故事大意,尝试读故事。二、分享不同的植物有什么特点,以及你能如何帮助植物生长。教学反思教学内容: Part A What colours do you see ? Let’s talk, Guess and check教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句型:What colour is it ? --It’s ... Red and blue make purple.2. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用What colour is it ? --It’s ... 来向询问颜色。3. 能够了解三原色以及颜色混混合变成什么颜色。4. 能够大胆表达,乐于使用英语与他人进行交流。教学重难点:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句型:What colour is it ? --It’s ... Red and blue make purple.2. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用What colour is it ? --It’s ... 来向询问颜色。课时安排第一课时教学准备多媒体课件、水粉颜料、透明的颜色卡教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1.出示教材中小主人公的图片,请学生向他们打招呼。Teacher:Look at the picture. Who’s this? She is Sarah. Please say hello to Sarah. Hello, Sarah. And He is Mike. Say Hello to Mike, please. Step 2 Lead in 1.出示早上Miss White在校园里的照片。讨论图片。Teacher:Look,who’s this? This is Miss White. And what are they doing ?Ss: (上美术课。)Teacher:Yes, they are having an art class. Do you like art class ? Why ?学生自由发表观点,激发学生对本节课的兴趣。Step 3 Presentation1. 展示教材图片,讨论图片人物,请学生猜测图中的人物的上课内容。播放课文内容,学生倾听。Teacher: What do they learn about ? Let’s listen to the tape and find the answer.2. 讨论对话内容。Teacher:What do they learn about ? Do you get it?Yes, they learn different colours.3.讲解本课重点句型,如何询问和回答颜色:What colour is it ? --It’s ...4.会认读几个表示颜色的词语:Green red orange blue purple 5.讲解句型Red and blue make purple.Step 4 Practice1. 展示展示图中几种颜色的颜料,让学生正确认读颜色的单词。Teacher: Boys and girls, I will show you the different colours. When you see the colour, please read it loudly.通过活动快速操练并巩固上述颜色单词。2. 再次播放课文录音。学生跟读课文。3. 学生分角色朗读课文。4. 请学生戴上头饰来扮演对话的角色,表演对话。Teacher: Now we’ll find the best actor or actress. Please come to the front and show the dialogue.请学生尝试将红色和蓝色颜料混合,体验颜色的变化,理解句子Red and blue make purple.Guess and check. Blue and yellow make green.请学生尝试其他颜色的混合,体验颜色变化的乐趣,并用混合的颜料完成一幅自己满意的作品。小组分享和展示。Step 5 Summary1. 请学生展示自己画的图片,向大家介绍画和图中所用到的颜色。Teacher:Show us the picture of your friend.2. 展示部分图片,请学生一起说唱韵句,总结本课重点,结束课程。板书设计Unit 5 The colour world Part A What colours do you see ?What colour is it ?--It’s ...Red and blue make purple.Blue and yellow make green.课堂作业新设计一、连词成句。 colour what it is (?) Is green it (.) blue red purple and make (.) 教学反思教学内容: Part A What colours do you see ? Let’s learn, Listen and chant, Letters and sounds教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:red, yellow, green, blue, purple.2. 能够根据不同动物及植物的颜色进行描述,掌握句子:The world is colourful!3. 能够正确区分不同的颜色,理解世界的多彩性。4. 培养学生留心观察、热爱自然的美好品质。教学重难点:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:red, yellow, green, blue, purple.2. 能够根据不同动物及植物的颜色进行描述,掌握句子:The world is colourful!课时安排第二课时教学准备课件、不同颜色的动植物图片及玩偶教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1.歌曲导入,师生齐唱颜色歌。Teacher: OK, Now let’s sing a song together. 《Colour song 》.2.师生一起数歌曲中出现的颜色单词,并回上一课时的句型,巩固旧知。Step 2 Lead in1.展示Let’s learn部分的图片,请学生观察图片。Teacher:Look at this picture. What can you see? Ss: We can see many animals and plants. The animals and plants have different colours.Teacher:Well done, you did a goo job. Different things have different colours. The world is colourful! Today we will go on to learn something about colour.Step 3 Presentation1. 学生带问题倾听课文录音。Teacher:What animal do you see? What colour is the animal? What plant do you see? What colour is the plant? Let’s listen to the tape. Listen carefully and try to find the answer. 学生交流,分享答案。2. 播放课文内容,学生跟读。Teacher: Let’s listen to the tape again. Read after it, please. 3. 指名读课文。Teacher:Who wants to read the text?4. 分组读课文。Teacher:Let’s read the text in groups. I will find the best group. Step 4 Practice1. 游戏:I point you say. 我指你说。教师指向黑板上的单词,请学生快速说出单词。Teacher:Look at the words on the blackboard. I will point to the word. Please say it as quickly as you can. 2. 出示不同颜色的彩笔,请学生快速说出其颜色。Teacher:Look at these crayons. Say the colour quickly. 3. Show me green. 教师发出指令,学生出示相应颜色的彩笔。4. 游戏:I see red. 教师随机说出颜色,学生指向教室内有这种颜色的物品。Teacher:Let’s play another game. Clap your hands and say with me. Look, look, I see something ... When I say red, you point to something red in our classroom. (在说规则的同时指向教室内的相应物品,为学生做示范,让学生能理解规则)Look, look, I see something- green! ...5.Listen and chant.l see colours here and there.Purple flowers, green grass and blue sea.I see colours here and there.A big brown bear. What else can you see? 6.Letters and sounds: Q q , R r , S s , T t, U uStep 5 Summary1. 展示韵句,学生倾听。Red, red, I see red. Yellow, yellow, I see yellow.Green, green, I see green. blue, blue, I see blue!2. 学生跟唱韵句,并指向相应的物品。Teacher: Say the chant and point to something that has the colour. 板书设计Unit 5 The colour world Part A What colours do you see ?red, yellow, green, blue, purple.The world is colourful!课堂作业新设计一、看图选择正确的颜色单词,将其序号写在图片下方。A.red B. yellow C. green D. blue( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、选择正确的字母,补全单词。( ) 1. gr____n A. ae B. ee C. ie D. ei( ) 2. yell___ A. ow B. ou C. ao D. lo( ) 3. bl____ A. ow B. eu C. ue D. ou( ) 4. r__d A. a B. i C. u D. e教学反思教学内容: Part B How do colours help us ? Let’s talk, Draw and role-play教学目标:1.能够听懂、会说、认读句式:What colours do you like? I like ... Let’s draw some red and pink flowers. Let’s draw some purple and brown bird. 2. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。3. 能够在真实的语境中运用句型What colours do you like? I like ... 来询问喜欢的颜色。4. 能够在真实或虚拟的场景中运用句子去询问喜欢的颜色及提出建议。教学重难点:1.能够听懂、会说、认读句式:What colours do you like? I like ... Let’s draw some red and pink flowers. Let’s draw some purple and brown bird. 2. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。课时安排第三课时教学准备多媒体课件、未涂色的画、彩笔教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1. 播放字母歌ABC song。Teacher: Let’s sing the ABC song together. 歌曲导入,活跃课堂气氛。Step 2 Lead in1.呈现字母y , o , e , l , l , w, 请学生猜出单词。Teacher: Look at these letters. What word is it? Put them in order. Yes, it’s yellow. 2.呈现字母u , r , p , p , e , l, 请学生猜出单词。Teacher: Look at these letters. What word is it? Put them in order. Yes, it’s purple. 相同方法依次复习回顾上节课所学的颜色单词,brown, green, blue.Teacher: W e know so many colours. Please think about it : How do colours help us ?学生会说出很多答案,教师顺势引出本课内容,不同颜色可以画不同的画。Step 3 Presentation1.展示教材图片,讨论图片内容,然后播放对话录音,请学生带问题认真倾听。Teacher: Look at these two girls . Who are they? This is Wu Chen Jie . And this is Sarah. (引导学生答出角色姓名) What are they doing ? Let’s listen to the tape and find the answer.Teacher: What are they doing ? Read the dialogue and answer. 2. 再次播放录音,学生跟读。Teacher: Listen to the tape again. This time please say with it. 3. 学生尝试回答问题。Teacher: What are they doing ? Ss: Have an art class. Draw pictures.讲解重点句型:What colours do you like? I like ... Let’s draw some red and pink flowers. Let’s draw some purple and brown bird. Step 4 Practice1. 练习读对话内容。学生以自己喜欢的方式练习读课文。Teacher: Read the text freely. You can read it in pairs or in groups. 2. 分角色读课文。先男女生分角色,再请两个学生分角色表演读。Teacher: Now who wants to be Chen Jie ? Who wants to play Sarah ? Let’s find the best group. 3.使用头饰、手偶或人物图片完成对话。完成教材55页Draw and role-play的活动。 Step 5 Summary1.呈现韵句,再现本课重要内容, 学生认真看、听。 The sun is orange. Grass is green.What about the sky and sea?Roses are red. Snow is white.Please, please tell me why!2.齐说韵句,结束课程。Teacher:Let’s say the chant together. 板书设计Unit 5 The colour world Part B How do colours help us ?What colours do you like? I like ... Let’s draw some red and pink flowers. Let’s draw some purple and brown bird.课堂作业新设计连词成句。1.colour what like you do (?) 2.Red I like (.) 教学反思教学内容: Part B How do colours help us ? Let’s learn, Listen and do, Start to read教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词: black, white, orange, pink, red 2. 能够听懂、会说单词:useful3. 能够听懂以下指令,并做出正确反应: Sit down. Turn around. Touch the ground. Jump up and down. 4. 了解不同颜色的意义,知道颜色是非常有用的,培养孩子正确的审美。教学重难点:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词: black, white, orange, pink, red 2. 能够听懂、会说单词:useful3. 能够听懂以下指令,并做出正确反应: Sit down. Turn around. Touch the ground. Jump up and down.课时安排第四课时教学准备多媒体课件、颜色卡片、彩笔教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1. 开始课程前,将学生分成四组。Teacher: I’ll divide you into four Teams. You are the purple team . You are the blue team. You are the green team. You are the yellow team. If you did well, you will get one point for your team. At the end of the lesson, the team which gets more points will be the winner. 2. 使用指令,让学生熟悉自己的组别。Teacher:Do you remember your team. Listen. purple team, Stand up. (以手势让学生明白stand up的意思)purple team, sit down. (使用手势让学生理解指令的意思)Green team, stand up. Green team, sit down. Step 2 Lead in1.游戏:I see something green. 教师说出看到的颜色,学生指向班里有相应颜色的物品。Step 3 Presentation1. 导读,出示教材图片,引出课文内容,播放课文录音,学生倾听。Teacher: What can you see in this picture? Oh, you can see a nurse. You can see a clothes. You can see a truck and a piano . They have different colours. 2. 展示教材图片,讨论内容,使学生深入了解教材内容。Teacher: What colour is the nurse’s clothes ? Yes, it’s pink. What colour is this clothes ? It’s orange . 指向卡车图片,并提问:What colour is this truck? It’s red. Read after me, red.(板书单词) Boys read it, please. Girls read it. What colour is the piano ? It’s black and white. (板书单词)blue team and yellow team, read it one by one, 3. 再次播放录音,学生跟读。Teacher: Listen to the tape again. Follow it, please. Step 4 Practice1.我指你说。教师指向黑板上的单词,让学生快速读出。Teacher: Let’s play a game. I point you say. When I point to the word, please read it as quickly as you can .2.Listen and do. Black, black, sit down. White, white, turn around,Pink and red, touch the ground.Orange and red, jump up and down.3.Start to read.根据阅读资料了解不同颜色的意义,理解颜色会说话。Colours can talk. It's red. Red can say "No!"It's green. Green can say "Go!"It's blue. Blue can say "Use again!"It's yellow. Yellow can say "Be careful!"完成教材57页相关练习题。Step 5 Summary1. Show me red. 教师说出颜色,学生出示相应的颜色的彩笔,然后齐说韵句。2. 总结小组表现,奖励最优小组。 Teacher: Now let’s count the points of each team. Which team is the winner? Congratulations. Everybody, please be better next time. 板书设计Unit 5 The colour world Part B How do colours help us ?black, white, orange, pink, red Sit down. Turn around. Touch the ground. Jump up and down。课堂作业新设计一、读一读,按照单词的意思为它们涂色。二、根据提示选择正确的颜色。( ) 1. The grass is _________. A. red B. green( ) 2. The apple is _________. A. red B. black( ) 3. The banana is _________. A. black B. yellow( ) 4. The sun is _________. A. white B. red教学反思教学内容: Part C Project: Make a colour flip book.(制作翻页书)教学目标:1.语言能力:能听、说、认读本单元相关词语和句型。2.文化意识:能了解日常英语对话,知道不同颜色的英语单词以及不同颜色的意义。3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯,学生了解世界的多彩性,以及懂得思考不同情境下不同颜色的意义。4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:1.语言能力:能听、说、认读本单元相关词语和句型。2.文化意识:能了解日常英语对话,知道不同颜色的英语单词以及不同颜色的意义。课时安排第五课时教学准备多媒体课件、图卡,彩笔,卡纸教学设计复备Step 1 Warm upLet’s chant.Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s chant together . Black, black, sit down. White, white, turn around,Pink and red, touch the ground.Orange and red, jump up and down.以chant导入,复习上节课所学的颜色及指令,活跃课堂气氛。复习旧知,总结回顾本单元所学的表示颜色的词语及句型。Step 2 Lead in出示课文主图,引出本节课任务:Make a colour flip book.2. 提问并思考:关于颜色学习了哪些内容,你有什么收获。Step 3 Presentation1.Which colours do the children say ? Listen and circle.播放课文录音,学生倾听并圈出所听到的颜色。Teacher: Now, please listen and circle.2. 完成后师生分享并讨论。3. Which colours match the things ? Discuss and add colour labels(标签).小组成员讨论交流,说出图中的颜色,并补充相应的标签。4. 小组展示讨论结果。5. Make your colour flip book.(小组合作,完成颜色的小册子)(1) Choose the colours you like.(2) Make your book.Teacher: Make your colour flip book. Use the words we learned in this unit.red, yellow, green, blue, purple.black, white, orange, pink, red6.Share your colour flip book in class. This is my book. I like yellow, red and blue. Bananas are yellow ....Step 4 Self assessment.1. I can say the colour of things.2. I can talk about colours I like.3. I can describe what colours mean.4. I can read, write and say Q q, R r, S s, T t and U u.Step 5 Summary板书设计Unit 5 The colour world Part C Project: Make a colour flip book.red, yellow, green, blue, purple.black, white, orange, pink, red课堂作业新设计一、选择正确的字母补全单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。( ) 1. yell___ A. ou B. oo C. ow( ) 2. gr___n A. ee B. un C. en( ) 3. br___n A. ou B. ow C. wo( ) 4. ___ite A. hw B. wh C. w( ) 5. or__ge A. in B. en C. an二、制作手工颜色翻页书。 三、用英语向同学或家长介绍你的翻页书,并表述你最喜欢的颜色是什么。教学反思教学内容: Reading time 教学目标:1.语言能力:能听懂、理解故事内容,并且能大致复述故事。2.文化意识:知道关于向日葵及其生长的过程,不同生长过程中呈现不同的颜色,懂得人与自然和谐相处的道理及一些力所能及的事。3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯。4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:1.语言能力:能听懂、理解故事内容,并且能大致复述故事。2.文化意识:知道关于向日葵及其生长的过程,不同生长过程中呈现不同的颜色,懂得人与自然和谐相处的道理及一些力所能及的事。课时安排第六课时教学准备多媒体课件教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1. 播放儿歌:《The seed song》, 学生认真倾听,尝试跟唱。Teacher: Let’s listen to a song. Please watch the video carefully,and try to sing with it. Little seed, What do you need to help you grow big and strong ?Little seed, What do you need to help you grow ?I need water. I need air. I need warmth to help me grow. I need water. I need air. I need warmth.Step 2 Lead inTeacher: We plant the seed of a sunflower. And do you know what’s sunflower ? What’s he like when it grow up ? Please guess it.(学生自由讨论,引入课文主图。)Teacher: Yeah,today, we will learn a story about sunflower. Let’s learn the story together.Step 3 Presentation1. 播放故事,初步感受。Teacher: Do you like the sunflower ? Yeah, the sunflower is so beautiful and helpful to us. 2. 再次播放故事,通过与学生交流,使其理解故事的内容。Teacher: Watch the story again. Teacher: Do you like the story? Yes, it’s so interesting.Step 4 Practice1 播放故事,学生认真观察并跟读。Teacher: Watch the story again. Follow it. Read the story, please. 2. 分段朗读故事。Teacher:Now let’s read the story in groups. 3. 表演故事,鼓励学生们积极参与。Teacher: Let’s act the story out. 4. 根据图片内容作为提示,学生进一步进行故事复述。Teacher: You did a good job. Now look at the pictures, and you can introduce them in your way. 5. 完成Let’s check练习。Teacher: You did a very good job. Step 5 Summary1.齐唱字母韵句。Teacher:Boys and girls, follow me, please. Let’s say the chant about the letters. Let’s say from A to U. 总结升华Colours are everywhere. Colours are beautiful.Colours help us and tell us many things.板书设计Unit 5 The colour world Reading timeColours are everywhere.Colours are beautiful.Colours help us and tell us many things.课堂作业新设计一、了解故事大意,尝试读故事。二、了解另一种你喜欢的植物的生长过程。教学反思教学内容: Part A When do we use numbers? Let’s talk, Choose and role-play.教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式: This is ... How old are you? I’m ... years old. Me too.2. 能够听懂、会说单词:five3. 能够理解并能正确认读课文对话,发音准确,语调自然。4. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来询问别人的年龄并表达自己的年龄。教学重难点:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式: This is ... How old are you? I’m ... years old. Me too.2. 能够在真实的语境中运用本课的句型来询问别人的年龄并表达自己的年龄。课时安排第一课时教学准备多媒体课件、数字图卡教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up做字母操,复习学习过的字母。谈话导入。Step 2 Lead in教师出示课文主图,展示图片中的几个人物,学生讨论。Teacher: Who are they ? Yes, this is Mike. This is Sarah.And another two people? OK, let’s have a look.Step 3 Presentation1. 展示教材中的图片,讨论图片,引出课文内容。Teacher:Look at that picture. Who are they? We can two boys and two girl. Who is this boy? Yes, this is Mike. This is Sarah.Who is this girl? And another two people? OK, let’s have a look. Let’s listen and find. Teacher: Now listen to the tape to find the answer. 2.播放课文内容,学生尝试回答问题。Teacher: Now can you answer the question? Who is the little boy? Yes, he is Sam. He is Sarah’s brother.(板书单词) Do you have a brother? What’s his name? Who is the little girl? Yes, she is Xinxin . Now they are talking about the age. How old is Sam? Yes, he’s five years old. How old is Xinxin ? Yes, she is five years old too. Step 4 Practice1. 播放课文内容,学生跟读,注意发音、语调。Teacher:Now read the dialogue with the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation.2. 自由读对话内容,分角色表演课文。Teacher:Read the dialogue freely. Then I will ask you to act it out. Let’s find the best group. 3. 完成Choose and role-play的活动。 Teacher: I have some pictures. They have different ages. What’s their name? How old are they? Step 5 Summary1. 以“两只老虎”的曲调演唱以下歌词:How old are you? How old are you? I’m five. I’m five. How old are you? How old are you? I’m five. I’m five. 总结本节课重点句型。板书设计Unit 6 Useful numbers Part A When do we use numbers?This is ...How old are you?I’m ... years old.Me too.课堂作业新设计一、为下列句子选择合适的回应,将其序号填入题前括号内。( ) 1.This is my brother. A. How old are you. B. Nice to meet you. ( ) 2. How old are you? A. I’m five years old. B. I’m fine. 教学反思教学内容: Part A When do we use numbers? Let’s learn, Listen and Chant, Letters and sounds教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:one, two, three, four, five2. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中正确使用数字来表示数量。3. 能够会唱韵句:Jump, jump, jump,并通过韵句熟悉数字的表达。教学重难点:1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读单词:one, two, three, four, five能够在真实或虚拟的情景中正确使用数字来表示数量2. 难点:能够正确认读五个数字类单词。课时安排第二课时教学准备多媒体课件、数字图卡教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1.TPR 活动,I say one, you clap one.Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s do some actions together. If I say one, please clap your hands one time. If I say two, please clap two times. Step 2 Lead in1. 我来说你来做。教师说出数字,学生用手指展示数字。Teacher: Now, I say you show. Show me one, please. Show me three, please. Show me two, please. Show me five, please. Show me four, please. Step 3 Presentation1. 导读,引起阅读兴趣,播放课文录音,学生认真倾听。Teacher:When you play a game, you will count from one to five, too. Look, Binbin , Mike and Sarah are playing hide and seek. Sarah is counting. Listen and count with her, please. 2. 认真观察图片,获取正确的单词拼写。Teacher:Can you find the words in the picture? The five words of numbers are in the garden. Where are they? Find and show me, please. 3. 讲授单词,书写单词。Teacher: You find all the numbers. Now let’s write them on the blackboard together. Let’s write one, first. O, N, E, one. Show me your finger and write it with me. How many letters in one? Yes, three. (以这种方式板书two, three, four, five)Step 4 Practice1. 以游戏操练单词。(1) I say you spell. 教师将字母卡分发给学生,老师说出数字,学生尝试用手中的字母卡拼出单词。Teacher:Let’s play a game. I say you spell. I have many letters. Please take them. Listen to me carefully. Then try to spell the word with the letters. (2)展示首字母猜单词。Teacher:This time I’ll show you the first letter of the word. Guess what number it is. 2. 老师说出数字及物品,学生快速展示。Teacher: I will say the number and the thing, please show me. If I say two books, please show me two books. Ready? One pencil box, three pencils, two rulers...3. 播放韵句,学生认真倾听。然后讨论韵句内容,学生跟读,自由练习之后学习表演韵句。Teacher: It’s time for a chant. Listen carefully first. Teacher: What are they doing? They are jumping. Look at me, jump, jump, jump. Say with me, please, jump. (通过运动示范让学生明白jump的意思)Can you jump high?(使用手势让学生明白high的意思)Is it fun? Do you like jumping? 4. Letters and sounds: V v , W w , X x , Y y, Z z.Step 5 Summary1. 齐唱韵句,结束课程。Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s chant together.板书设计Unit 6 Useful numbers Part A When do we use numbers?one, two, three, four, five课堂作业新设计一、 将下列数字与相应的单词连线。one two three four five三、数一数,填一填I have _______________. I have _______________________.I have _______________. I have _______________________.教学反思教学内容: Part B How useful are numbers ? Let’s talk, Count and say.教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说单词:ten, six, shop2. 能够听懂、会说句型: How many...? I have ten yuan. I have six yuan. Let’s go to the shop.3. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用句型How many .... ? 来询问物品的数量,并用数字来回答。4. 能够正确朗读对话,并能够表演对话。5. 能够乐于和同学一起用英语进行交流。教学重难点:1.重点能够听懂、会说单词:ten, six, shop能够听懂、会说句型: How many...? I have ten yuan. I have six yuan. Let’s go to the shop.能够正确朗读对话,并能够表演对话。2. 难点能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用句型How many .... ? 来询问物品的数量,并用数字来回答。知道在How many后边用复数形式。课时安排第三课时教学准备多媒体课件、数字卡片教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1. 播放歌曲:ABC song.Teacher:Let’s sing the ABC song together. Step 2 Lead in1.谈论字母的数量,引出数字类单词。Teacher:(展示所有的字母)How many letters? Let’s count. One, two, ... There are twenty-six letters. Step 3 Presentation1.展示教材图片,讨论其内容,引起阅读兴趣,引出课文。Teacher: Who are they? Yes, he is Sam. Look, this is Sam and Sarah. What are they doing? What do they want? Let’s listen to the tape and find out. 2. 播放课文内容,学生认真倾听, 尝试回答问题。Teacher:What are they doing? They are buying ----- apples , bananas and orange. 3. 再次播放课文内容,学生跟读。Teacher: Please listen to the tape again, and follow it, please Step 4 Practice1. 自由读课文。2.分角色朗读课文。Teacher: Let’s read the dialogue in roles. Who wants to be Sam? Who wants to be his mum? Who wants to be the cake girl? Let’s find the best group. 3. 表演课文。Teacher: Let’s act the dialogue out. Who wants to try?4. 顺序数单词。请六位学生到台前连续从一数到五,错误的回到座位上。Teacher: Now let’s play a game. Let’s count from one to five. I need six students to come to the front. If you are wrong, please go back to your seat. Count from one to five one by one. 5. 我来说你来做。老师说出数字,学生以手指来展示数字。Teacher: Now I say you do. I say the number, you show me the number with correct fingers.6. 数一数。先让他们数一数教师展示的物品,再两人小组活动数一数自己的文具数量,最后数一数教材中图片里物品数量。Step 5 Summary1. 正序、倒序数数字。Teacher:Let’s count together from one to five. Teacher: Let’s count backward. From five to one. 板书设计Unit 6 Useful numbers Part B How useful are numbers ?How many...?I have ten yuan.I have six yuan.Let’s go to the shop.课堂作业新设计一、根据图片选择正确的数字。( ) 1. How many pencils? A. Five. B. Four.( ) 2. How many eggs? A. Two. B. Three.( ) 3. How many plates? A. One. B. Two.( ) 4. How many bears? A. One. B. Two. ( ) 5. How many pandas? A. Three. B. Four. 教学反思教学内容: Part B How useful are numbers ? Let’s learn, Listen and chant, start to read教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:six, seven, eight, nine, ten2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:That’s ten yuan, please. Here are you.3. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中正确使用数字来表示数量。教学重难点:1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读单词:six, seven, eight, nine, ten能够听懂、会说认读句式:That’s ten yuan, please. Here are you.2. 难点:能够在真实或虚拟的情景中正确使用数字来表示数量。课时安排第四课时教学准备多媒体课件、数字卡片教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1.演唱歌曲Ten little fingers. Step 2 Lead in1. I show you say. 教师用手指出示数字,学生快速说出相应的数字。2. I say you show. 教师说出数字,学生用手指出示。Teacher:This time, I say you show. Three. Five. ...Step 3 Presentation1. 导读,引起学生的阅读兴趣,然后播放课文视频。学生带问题看视频。 Teacher:Look at these boys and girls. What are their names? How old are they? Watch the video and find the answer. 2.学生尝试回答问题。Teacher: Now try to answer the questions. (1) Who are they ? They are Sarah and Sam. (2) Where are they ?They are in the shop . (3) What are they doing ? They are buying some fruit.3. 再次播放课文录音,学生跟读。Teacher: Let’s listen to the tape again. Please read after it. Step 4 Practice1. 数一数有多少。 出示书、铅笔等教室里的实物,请学生说一说其数量。Teacher: Look at my book. How many books? How many pens? How many pencils? Teacher: Ask and answer in pairs, please. 3. Listen and chant.Teacher:Now ,let’s chant together.One head, two legs, ten toes.I am a child.One head, eight eyes, eight legs.I am a spider.One head, four wings, six legs.I am a bee,4.教师展示一组电话号码,请学生读出来。将写着电话号码的纸条交给答对的学生。Teacher:Look at these numbers. That is telephone numbers. Can you say it? Start to read.Read the story and get the main ideas.Circle the numbers you read in the text.Say the numbers in each group.Step 5 Summary齐唱Ten little fingers。Teacher:Show me your fingers, sing with me. Ten little finger. Let’s sing together. 板书设计Unit 6 Useful numbers Part B How useful are numbers ? six seven eight nine tenThat’s ten yuan, please. Here are you.课堂作业新设计一、数一数,写出数字单词。____________ ____________ _______________________ _____________ ___________二、算一算,写出正确的数字单词。1. one + two =__________________2. four + five = ________________3. ten – one = _________________4. two + five = ________________5. six + two = _______________教学反思教学内容: Part C Project: Make a birthday card. 教学目标:1.语言能力:能听、说、认读本单元相关词语和句型。2.文化意识:能了解日常英语对话,知道数字1-10以及如何询问价格和年龄。会用所学的句型在真实的场景里购买物品。3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯。4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:1.语言能力:能听、说、认读本单元相关词语和句型。2.文化意识:能了解日常英语对话,知道数字1-10以及如何询问价格和年龄。会用所学的句型在真实的场景里购买物品。课时安排第五课时教学准备多媒体课件、图卡,彩笔,卡纸教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1.Let’s chant.Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s chant together . One boy, two boys,Three boys, four!Five boys, six boys,Seven boys, more!以chant导入,复习上节课所学的数字单词,活跃课堂气氛。2.复习旧知,总结回顾本单元所学的表示数字的词语及相关问答句型。Step 2 Lead in1.出示课文主图,引出本节课任务:Make a birthday card.2. 提问并思考:关于数字学习了哪些内容,你有什么收获?在生活中你能利用数字做什么?Step 3 PresentationIt’s Xinxin’s birthday soon. Listen and circle. Teacher: Think about the two questions:How many people are there?How old is Matt ?播放课文录音,学生倾听并圈出答案。Teacher: Now, please listen and circle.2. 完成后师生分享并讨论。3. Read the invitation card and circle the numbers. Teacher: Think about the three questions:How old is Xinxin now?What time is the party?What numbers do you see on the card?小组成员讨论交流,完成答案。。4. 小组展示讨论结果。5. Make your birthday card.(小组合作,完成生日贺卡。)Teacher: Make your birthday card. Use the words we learned in this unit.6.Share your birthday card in class. And give your birthday card to a friend.Step 4 Self assessment.1.I can ask about age and number.2.I can count things with the numbers 1 to 10.3. I can use the numbers 1 to 10 in different places.4. I can read, write and say V v, W w, Xx, Y y and Z z.Step 5 Summary板书设计Unit 6 Useful numbers Part C Project: Make a birthday card. one, two, three, four, fivesix, seven, eight, nine, ten课堂作业新设计一、选择正确的字母补全单词。( ) 1. thr____ A. ae B. ee C. en( ) 2. ___ght A. ee B. ea C. ei( ) 3. t___ A. en B. ee C.ei ( ) 4. f___r A. ou B. au C.oo( ) 5. t____ A. eo B. wo C. ow二、将数字与单词连线。 eight six seven ten nine教学反思教学内容: Reading time教学目标:1.语言能力:能听懂、理解故事内容,并且能大致复述故事。2.文化意识:知道关于不同数字的表达方法,了解中国传统文化以及一些数字有关的历史知识,知道罗马数字、中文大写数字以及甲骨文中一些数字的形状。3.思维品质:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯。4.学习能力:培养学生的表演能力和实际运用英语的能力。教学重难点:1.能听懂、理解故事内容,并且能大致复述故事。2.知道关于不同数字的表达方法,了解中国传统文化以及一些数字有关的历史知识。课时安排第六课时教学准备多媒体课件教学设计复备Step 1 Warm up1. 播放歌曲:Ten little candles学生认真倾听,并跟唱。Teacher: Let’s listen to a song, Ten little candles. Please watch the video carefully, and try to sing with it. Step 2 Lead in1. I say you show. 教师说出数字,学生用手展示。Teacher:Show me the numbers. Are you ready? Show me four. Show me nine. Show me one. Show me ten. ... 2. How old are you? 问答练习。Step 3 Presentation1.导读,激发学生的阅读兴趣,播放故事,学生带着问题认真观看。Teacher: What are they talking about ? Let’s watch a story. 2. 通过与学生交流,使其理解故事的内容。Teacher: Yeah, they are talking about the numbers. Do you know what are the different pictures? Let’ s read it carefully.Step 4 Practice1 播放故事,学生认真观察并跟读。Teacher: Watch the story again. Follow it. Read the story, please. 2. 分角色朗读故事。Teacher:Now let’s read the story in roles. 3. 完成看一看、圈一圈的活动。Teacher: Show me your answers please. 4. 了解不同语言中数字的表达方式,教师出示多种数字图片,扩大学生的知识面,并进行对比和小组讨论。 5. 教师视频展示中国传统文化中的数字,以及中国文字中数字的变迁,特别展示甲骨文中不同的数字内容,激发学生的兴趣。6.尝试用甲骨文、汉字、阿拉伯数字、罗马数字等形式画出你的幸运数字。Teacher: We know many letters now. Can you draw them?Step 5 Summary1.齐唱字母歌。Teacher:Boys and girls, follow me, please. Let’s sing the ABC song together.Summary.Numbers are helpful. We use them all the time.Numbers are different around the world.板书设计Unit 6 Useful numbers Reading timeNumbers are helpful.We use them all the time.Numbers are different around the world.课堂作业新设计一、了解对话大意,尝试与同学之间对话,并创编新的对话。。二、了解不同语言中不同数字的图片,并画下来你最喜欢的数字。教学反思






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