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      北京市怀柔区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版含解析.docx
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      北京市怀柔区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份北京市怀柔区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含北京市怀柔区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷Word版含解析docx、北京市怀柔区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
    The stry f Jennifer Bricker is ne f the mst amazing stry, which is full f bth great surprises and life lessns.
    Jennifer was brn in Rmania withut any legs. She was later ____1____ by a lving American family, the Brickers, and raised in the small twn f Hardinville, Illinis.
    The Brickers never let this ____2____ stp her frm achieving her dreams. Her new parents gave her a simple rule, “Never say can’t”! They did whatever they culd t make her life a success.
    The girl was ____3____ just like the Brickers’ wn children. She was encuraged t play with the ther nrmal bys and girls and became gd at many ____4____, including vlleyball, sftball and basketball.
    But it was tumbling (翻腾运动) that was her true lve. When she was a little girl, she was a big ____5____ f the Olympic gld medalist--- Dminque Mceanu. She wuld cpy her n TV whenever Dminque Mceanu ____6____in the tumbling prgrams and cntinue practicing afterwards.
    As she grew lder Jennifer began ____7____ against prfessinal tumbling athletes arund Illinis. Nt nly did she cmpete, but she even went n t becme a State Champin! Jennifer and her family always believed she culd d whatever she wanted t and that her psitive attitude and hard wrk wuld make it anther ____8____.
    If her stry was nt amazing enugh already, when Jennifer turned 16, she gt the mst ____9____ news in her life. She learned that her belved Dminque Mceanu was actually her bilgical sister! Nw Jennifer is turing the cuntry as a(n)_____10_____ speaker t encurage mre disabled yungsters.
    1. A. adptedB. injuredC. sldD. seen
    2. A. disabilityB. giftC. excuseD. failure
    3. A. signed upB. brught upC. put upD. kept up
    4. A. rlesB. instrumentsC. sprtsD. tricks
    5. A. audienceB. athleteC. memberD. fan
    6. A. perfrmedB. appearedC. hstedD. challenged
    7. A. cmpetingB. fightingC. actingD. ging
    8. A. pityB. tpicC. challengeD. success
    9 A. disturbingB. ppularC. unbelievableD. reliable
    10. A. fluentB. ludC. silentD. inspiring
    I remember Graham was very difficult befre he came int my class. I had heard stries abut his bad behavir. Once I caught him and his friends seeing wh culd jump the farthest ff the schl stage! But when he gt interested, he changed. The first day he walked int my class, he ____11____ (drag) his schlbag behind him and lking bred, but as sn as I set up an experiment ____12____ (shw) hw the human stmach wrks using acid and an nin, he gave me his full attentin.
    It happened early n a Friday mrning. Tina, a sixteen-year-ld girl came t schl as usual. But when she entered the classrm, she ____13____ (find) her teacher n the flr, uncnscius. Tina quickly nticed that her teacher was wearing a bracelet ____14____ said she had diabetes, Tina phned the emergency services and tld them what she ____15____ (just see).
    A few days ag, I went ut fr a dinner get-tgether with sme friends. My best friend left the table fr 30 ____16____ (minute) because he had t take a call. Sme spent the dinner bent ver their phnes, ____17____ (text) friends nline but ignring the nes wh sat right in frnt f them.
    Mst peple believe when they are living ____18____ (cmfrtable) and earning enugh mney, they will have n wrries. Hwever, mst peple never feel they have earned enugh. Jasn Harley decided t drp ut f this kind f lifestyle, and he discvered that ____19____ (have) nly a little mney made him free. Are there any things he misses frm his past? “N, I’m much _____20_____ (happy) nw because I am living accrding t my values. Success is nt measured by hw much mney yu have but by hw yu understand the true meaning f life”
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Explre yur wrld—Mirthy
    Online events t help yu discver, learn and cnnect
    Wh is Mirthy?
    Mirthy is ne f the mst ppular websites fr nline events and already lved and trusted by mre than 45,000 peple. It was designed t create an inclusive cmmunity where peple can learn, share, and cnnect with thers thrugh a variety f events that are active, sciable, and uplifting. It’s all abut fulfilment and wellbeing.
    There are sme nline events each mnth t try, frm craft wrkshps (手工工坊) t fitness sessins. Fr example, accrding t ur event calendar, this week yu can attend gardening classes and singing lessns. S whether yu have a desire t get fitter r t pick up a new skill—signing up fr classes and events with Mirthy culd be just what yu have been lking fr.
    Hw des it wrk?
    Sign up via the nline registratin frm at Mirthy.cm. Then yu can take a lk thrugh the calendar f upcming events and see what takes yur fancy.
    Once yu register fr an event, yu will then receive a link n email ready fr yu t jin the live event. If yur plans change and yu can’t make it, yu will receive a link fr a 7-day replay that yu can watch at a time that is cnvenient fr yu!
    Best f all, it’s cmpletely FREE t jin!
    Jin Mirthy fr free tday, and yu can enjy any 4 events every mnth, fr free! If yu’re up fr mre, then yu can either select and bk additinal events n a pay-as-yu-g basis, nrmally fr £2.99 each, r yu can upgrade t the Premium membership giving yu full free access t all events fr nly £4.99 per mnth.
    If yu chse t g fr the Premium membership, there’s n cntract. Yu simply upgrade yur membership and yu can cancel anytime.
    21. Mirthy is intended t_________.
    A. imprve peple’s fitnessB. rganize sciable events
    C. prvide craft wrkshpsD. create an nline cmmunity
    22. What can peple d at Mirthy this week?
    A. Make art crafts.B. Talk abut fitness experience.
    C. Learn sngs.D. Study wild plants and animals.
    23. Which f the fllwing is true abut Mirthy?
    A. Peple can sign up fr the events nline.
    B. The events can be watched again at any time.
    C. Peple can upgrade their membership fr free.
    D. N mre than 4 events are ffered each mnth.
    24. What’s the main purpse f this passage?
    A. T share a lifestyle.
    B. T recmmend a website.
    C. T intrduce nline events.
    D. T explain a registratin prcess.
    The Well that Changed the Wrld
    As a six-year-ld Canadian schlby, Ryan had truble believing the wrds spken by his teacher that many peple in develping African cuntries culdn’t get enugh clean water. He lked acrss the classrm at the drinking funtain. It was very clse—nly ten steps away. S, Ryan asked himself, “Why d sme African children have t walk ten kilmeters t get water every day? And why is the water s dirty that it makes them sick?” Yung Ryan thught, “Life is easy fr me, but hard fr thse peple. Why dn’t I help?”
    At first, his plan was t earn mney t build a single well smewhere in Africa. He cleaned windws and did gardening fr his family and neighbrs. He sn reached his first target (目标) f $70, but when he gave the mney t a charity, he was tld that it actually cst $2,000 t build a well.
    Tw thusand dllars was a lt f mney, but Ryan didn’t give up. He started t ask fr help frm his classmates and neighbrs and persuaded them t dnate mney. At the same time, a friend f Ryan’s mther helped make his stry g public. After several mnths, Ryan had raised the $2,000, with which a well was built near a primary schl in Uganda. The children at the schl n lnger needed t walk fr hurs t get water. They were grateful t him and invited him t visit.
    In Uganda, Ryan at last saw the finished well with his wn eyes. But that was nt all. He als saw hundreds f delighted students wh had turned ut t welcme him. They sang and danced happily. Sme even ffered him fd and gifts. At first Ryan was nervus, but sn great warmth filled him. He really had made a difference fr these children. He brke int a jyful smile.
    Later, Ryan’s experience led him t set up a fundatin (基金会) t encurage mre peple t help. Many inspired peple gave him their supprt. Ryan’s fundatin cntinues t attract supprt frm mre and mre peple, s the wrk f building mre wells can g n. Tday, ver 800,000 peple in 16 cuntries acrss Africa have benefited frm the life-changing gift f clean, safe water.
    25. The fllwing statements make Ryan decide t help students in develping African cuntries, EXCEPT_________.
    A. Ryan has trubles understanding the wrds spken by teachers.
    B. Many students are suffering frm sickness caused by dirty water.
    C. Ryan thught life shuldn’t be s hard fr them while his is easy.
    D. Many students have t walk a lng way t get clean and safe water.
    26. Hw did Ryan raise mney t build a well after finishing his first target?
    A. By asking his teacher and friends’ parents fr help.
    B. By persuading peple arund him t dnate mney.
    C. By setting up a public fundatin t attract supprt.
    D. By ding sme wrk fr his family and neighbrs.
    27. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Ryan?
    A. Kind-hearted and determined.B. Humrus and ambitius.
    C. Brave and generus.D. Grateful and hardwrking.
    Chinese scientists recently achieved precise ttal synthesis (合成) f sugar frm carbn dixide in the labratry, marking a crucial step in artificial sugar synthesis.
    The synthesis, which tk mre than tw years t realize, was achieved by teams frm the Chinese Academy f Sciences’ Tianjin Institute f Industrial Bitechnlgy and the academy’s Dalian Institute f Chemical Physics. Their research was published last week in a paper in Chinese Science Bulletin, a multidisciplinary academic jurnal.
    Sugar is a majr surce f energy fr the human bdy and a key raw material fr industrial prductin, and it is mainly btained by extracting it frm crps such as sugar cane. Hwever, the traditinal methd f extractin is limited by the energy cnversin efficiency f plant phtsynthesis. Mrever, the prcess f extracting sugar has been affected by uncertain raw material supplies due t land degradatin and shrtages, ecsystem degradatin and extreme weather and natural disasters caused by glbal warming.
    As a result, artificial sugar synthesis has been cntinually studied by the scientific cmmunity in recent years, and scientists arund the wrld have cntributed t the effrt. In their latest research, the Chinese scientists adjusted high-cncentratin carbn dixide and ther raw materials in the reactin slutin. With the help f chemical catalysts and enzyme (酶) catalysts, they btained fur kinds f sugars: glucse, allulse, tagatse and mannse.
    The experiment lasted abut 17 hurs, much shrter than the time required fr traditinal methds f sugar extractin, accrding t Yang Jiangang, lead authr f the paper and assciate researcher at the Tianjin institute.
    The efficiency f sugar synthesis in this study was 0.67 grams per liter per hur, which was mre than 10 times higher than the previus results achieved by scientists wrldwide. Yang said that the carbn dixide t sugar cnversin rate f glucse reached 59.8 nanmles f carbn per milligram f catalyst per minute. This is the highest level f artificial sugar prductin knwn dmestically and internatinally.
    The study als achieved precise cntrl f artificial sugar synthesis. “By cntrlling the varied catalytic effects f different enzymes, theretically almst any type f sugar can be synthesized,” Yang said. Regarding the study, Manfred Reetz, a member f the German Natinal Academy f Sciences Lepldina, said it is a particularly challenging task t cnvert carbn dixide int sugars.
    The achievement by Chinese scientists has prvided a flexible, multifunctinal and efficient sugar synthesis rute, which pens a dr fr green chemistry, Reetz said. Green chemistry, similar t sustainable chemistry, is a rapidly develping field that fcuses n hw t fully utilize raw materials and energy in the prcess f prducing the intended prduct while minimizing r eliminating the use and generatin f harmful substances.
    Carbn dixide t sugar cnversin is seen as an example f green chemistry since it was cnducted under nrmal temperature and pressure cnditins and did nt yield any harmful substances.
    28. Why d scientists keep studying artificial sugar synthesis?
    A. Because sugar is an essential energy surce fr industrial prductin.
    B. Because the traditinal extractin apprach is nt envirnmentally friendly.
    C. Because raw material supply is unreliable in the prcess f traditinal sugar extractin.
    D. Because the traditinal extractin apprach is less prductive than plant phtsynthesis.
    29. Hw is the Chinese study significant?
    A. It synthesized almst all types f sugar in the labratry.
    B. It cntrlled varied catalytic effects f different enzymes.
    C. It cnverted high-cncentratin carbn dixide int sugar.
    D. It lasted 17 hurs, shrter than previus traditinal methds.
    30. What can we infer frm the passage?
    A. Green chemistry helped use up all raw materials t generate mre prducts.
    B Carbn dixide t sugar cnversin will be used in industrial prductin sn.
    C. Green chemistry is a new field where Chinese scientists will put mre effrts n.
    D. Carbn dixide t sugar cnversin will take up all sugar prductin due t its efficiency.
    Teens wh have gd, supprtive relatinships with their teachers enjy better health as adults, accrding t a research.
    “This research suggests that imprving students’ relatinships with teachers culd have imprtant, psitive and lng-lasting effects beynd just academic success,” said Jinh Kim, the authr f the study. “It culd als bring abut imprtant health benefits in the lng run.”
    Previus research has suggested that teens’ scial relatinships might be linked t health utcmes in adulthd—perhaps because pr relatinships can lead t chrnic stress which can raise a persn’s risk f health prblems ver the lifespan, accrding t Kim. Hwever, it is nt clear whether the link between teen relatinships and lifetime health is certainly cause and effect—it culd be that ther factrs, such as different family backgrunds, might cntribute t bth relatinship prblems in adlescence and pr health in adulthd. Als, mst research has fcused n teens relatinships with their peers, rather than n their relatinships with teachers.
    T explre thse questins further, Kim analyzed data n nearly 20,000 participants frm the Add Health study, a natinal study that fllwed participants fr 13 years, frm seventh grade int early adulthd. The participants included mre than 3, 400 pairs f brthers and sisters. As teens, participants answered questins, like “Hw ften have yu had truble getting alng with ther students?” “Hw much d yu agree that friends care abut yu?” “Hw ften have yu had truble getting alng with yur teachers?” and “Hw much d yu agree that teachers care abut yu?” As adults, participants were asked abut their physical and mental health. Researchers als tk measures f physical health, such as bld pressure and BMI (体质指数).
    Kim fund that, as expected, participants wh had reprted better relatinships with bth their peers and teachers in middle schl and high schl als reprted better physical and mental health in their mid-20s. Hwever, when he cntrlled fr family backgrund by lking at pairs f brthers and sisters, nly the link between gd teacher relatinships and adult health remained significant.
    The results suggest that teacher relatinships are even mre imprtant than previusly realized and that schls shuld invest in training teachers n hw t build warm and supprtive relatinships with their students, accrding t Kim.
    31. Accrding t paragraph 3, we can knw that ________.
    A. teen relatinships with teachers were nt studied befre.
    B. family backgrund is the main factr in imprving mental health.
    C teen relatinship is nt the nly factr that affects the lifetime health.
    D. relatinship prblems in adlescence can cause pr health in adulthd.
    32. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. Hw the research was dneB. What questins were explred
    C. Hw physical health was measuredD. What kind f participants were studied
    33. Accrding t Kim’s findings, we can infer that ________.
    A. Gd adult health depends n teens’ gd teachers.
    B. Mre attentin shuld be paid t the students relatinships with teachers.
    C. The imprtance f student-teacher relatinships was fully realized befre.
    D. Participants reprted better relatinships with their teachers and better health as adults.
    34. Where des this text prbably cme frm?
    A. A. family surveyB. A medical reprt
    C. A term paperD. A health magazine
    Taking gd ntes is a time-saving skill that will help yu t becme a better student in several ways. ___35___ Secnd, yur ntes are excellent materials t refer t when yu are studying fr a test. Third, nte-taking ffers variety t yur study time and helps yu t hld yur interest.
    Yu will want t take ntes during classrm discussins and while reading a textbk r ding research fr a reprt. ___36___ Whenever r hwever yu take ntes, keep in mind that nte-taking is a selective prcess. ___37___
    The fllwing methds may wrk best fr yu.
    ·Read the text quickly t find the main facts and ideas in it.
    Carefully read the text and watch fr wrds that can shw main pints and supprting facts.
    Write yur ntes in yur wn wrds.
    Nte any questins r ideas yu may have abut what was said r written.
    As yu take ntes, yu may want t use yur wn shrthand (速记). When yu d, be sure that yu understand yur symbls and that yu use them all the time. ___39___
    A. Use wrds nt cmplete sentences.
    B. There are three practical nte-taking methds.
    C. Yu must write yur ntes n separate paper.
    D. Otherwise, yu may nt be able t read yur ntes later.
    E. Yu will als want t develp yur wn methd fr taking ntes.
    F. That means yu must first decide what is imprtant enugh t include in yur ntes.
    G. First, the simple act f writing smething dwn makes it easier fr yu t understand and remember it.
    Last year, I baked biscuits fr cmplete strangers t say “thank yu”. I’d had t call 999 because I fund my husband uncnscius n the flr. Within minutes, a plice car arrived and sn my husband received medical care in hspital.
    A week later, when I drpped ff still-warm biscuits and presented a thank-yu nte at the plice statin, the plicemen thanked me fr delivering gifts.
    I drve away feeling light and happy. Later, I realized that my natural high might have been mre than it seemed.Research has shwn that sharing gratitude has psitive effects n health. Peple wh express gratitude will increase their happiness levels, lwer their bld pressure and get better sleep.
    What abut peple wh receive gratitude?Research has cnfirmed that when peple receive thanks, they experience psitive emtins.“Thse are happy surprises,”says J-Ann Tsang, a prfessr f psychlgy. When smene is thanked,he’s mre likely t return the favr r pass kindness n, and his chances f being helpful again dubles, prbably because he enjys feeling scially valued.
    The give-and-take f gratitude als deepens relatinships. Studies shw that when yur lved nes regularly express gratitude,making yu feel appreciated,yu’re mre likely t return appreciative feelings, which leads t mre satisfactry in yur relatinships.
    Nwadays,hwever,many peple dn’t express gratitude. Our mdern lifestyle may be t blame. With cmmercial and scial media, everything is speeding the yunger generatin t feel they’re the center f the wrld. If it’s all abut them, why thank thers?
    Why nt thank thers? Just take a lk at hw many psitive effects can saying “thank yu”have n persnal health—and the well-being f thers.
    If yu aren’t particularly grateful, I strngly suggest yu learn t be.Peple wh are instructed t keep gratitude jurnals,in which they write dwn psitive things that happen t them,cultivate gratitude ver time.
    40. What health benefits can peple gain frm expressing gratitude?
    41. Hw d peple prbably respnd when they receive gratitude and feel scially valued?
    42. Please decide which part f the fllwing statement is false, then underline it and explain why.
    ▷ Saying “thank-yu”imprves relatinshipsbut nwadays sme yung peple dn’t want t d it because everything is making them feel blamed by the whle sciety.
    43. If pssible, wh wuld yu like t express gratitude t mst? Why? (In abut 40 wrds)
    44. 假设你是红星中学高二学生李华。你校下周将要举办秋游活动,请给你校的交换生Jim写一封信,邀请他参加此次活动,内容包括:
    1. 时间、地点、参加者;
    2. 活动安排;
    3. 询问意愿。
    提示词:autumn utging
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua

    北京市怀柔区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份北京市怀柔区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含北京市怀柔区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题Word版含解析docx、北京市怀柔区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。

    北京市丰台区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份北京市丰台区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含北京市丰台区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷Word版含解析docx、北京市丰台区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    北京市西城区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份北京市西城区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含北京市西城区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末英语试题Word版含解析docx、北京市西城区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共38页, 欢迎下载使用。






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