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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Hw much will the wman pay?
    A. 80 dllars.B. 100 dllars.C. 120 dllars.
    2. What des the man want t d?
    A. Bk a rm.B. Shp fr fd.C. Ask fr better service.
    3. What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student.B. Dctr and patient.C. Classmates.
    4. Hw is the man feeling nw?
    A. Peaceful.B. Angry.C. Regretful.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Freign travel.B. Further educatin.C. Jb applicatin.
    6. What did the man majr in at cllege?
    A. Law.B. English.C. French.
    7. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a shw.B. In a classrm.C. In an interview rm.
    8. What will the wman take?
    A. Carrts.B. Beans.C. Tmates.
    9. Why is the man grwing mre vegetables?
    A. T sell.B. T share.C. T exchange.
    10. What des the man ask Sara t d?
    A. Chat with her mther.B. D sme husewrk.C. Take regular exercises.
    11. What is Sara’s attitude t the man’s prpsal?
    A. Dubtful.B. Psitive.C. Uncaring.
    12. What will the man prbably d t help?
    A. Ck meals.B. Wash clthes.C. D sme cleaning.
    13. Where are the speakers?
    A. At hme.B. In a club.C. In a cmpany.
    14. Why des the wman lk fr a restaurant?
    A. T gather with friends.B. T meet the kids’ need.C. T celebrate her birthday.
    15. What fd interests the wman?
    A. Biscuits.B. Lemn ckies.C. Strawberry pancakes.
    16. Wh will take part in a game this weekend?
    A. Mike.B. Mary.C. Janne.
    17. When will the speakers g t the Pancake Huse?
    A. On Sunday mrning.B. On Saturday mrning.C. On Saturday afternn.
    18. Wh is the speaker talking t?
    A. Club members.B. Ba duan jin fans.C. Internatinal students.
    19. Why did Mr. Wang start t learn ba duan jin at 12?
    A. T have fun.B. T please his mther.C. T fllw Chinese traditins.
    20. What is Mr. Wang ging t d next?
    A. Teach ba duan jin.B. Share his experience.C. Intrduce his students.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
    I was lking thrugh ld phts with Mm. “Where n earth is that pht f Dad and Mumpsy?” I asked. It was my favrite ne f Dad hlding his dg.
    “Maybe Jean has it,” said Mm. “We culd ask her.” I lked at Mm as if she had the third eye. She culd nt be serius! Grandma had tw sns, Dad and Uncle Ralph, wh was married t Jean. Mm and Jean hadn’t gt alng since I was a little by. Jean wuld say hurtful wrds t Mm, and Mm tried t let it g. After Grandma passed away, ur cnnectin with Uncle Ralph and Jean fell apart.
    Yet here was Mm, intending t reach ut t Jean after nearly 30 years. “We’re in ur eighties,” Mm said. “Neither f us has many years left. Why nt give it a try?”
    Mm called Jean. Jean said the phts weren’t rganized, and she invited Mm ver t help lk fr the pht.
    Sitting dwn at the table, Mm and Jean gt thrugh all the bxes frm Grandma but didn’t find the pht. After a shrt talk, Jean said srry fr what she had dne years befre. She said that ver the years, she had cme t realize her mistakes but the fear f nt being frgiven had stpped her saying srry. Over the next few hurs, they talked abut what had happened in their lives.
    “Jean received a cllege degree, and she’s becme an artist. She has even sld a few f her paintings.” Mm later tld me. “Then Jean pulled ut a pht album (相册) f her family, just t share with me.”
    “I suppse yu didn’t find the Mumpsy pht,” I cmmented.
    “Oh, I almst frgt. Guess what was stuck int the back cver f the album and fell ut when she pened it?” Mm held up the pht f Dad and Mumpsy — lst until the recvery f Jean and Mm’s wunds.
    21. Hw did the authr treat her mther’s idea f asking Jean?
    A. He was serius abut it.B. He shwed disbelief in it.
    C. He was angry at it.D. He thught highly f it.
    22. What d we knw abut Jean?
    A. She became a successful artist.B. She wasn’t an rganized persn.
    C. She never realized her mistakes.D. She gt alng with Grandma badly.
    23. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Treatment f Family IssuesB. Adventure f a Special Pht
    C. Bridging the Gap f UnderstandingD. Rediscvering Cnnectins Thrugh Phts
    Farm t schl events are taking place natinwide this mnth. The events are aimed at bringing fresh fd t students’ plates.
    Students in Watkins Elementary grw vegetables in their schl garden. They excitedly prepare fr FRESHFARM classes held in the schl’s kitchen. In ne such class, children jyfully cut and ck freshly harvested vegetables, filling the air with their sweet smell. Regina Green, a cach f the class, stresses, “Teaching nutritin (营养) withut a kitchen is like swimming lessns withut a pl.” The students at Watkins Elementary are frtunate t have access t such a kitchen with varius cking tls.
    At a time when diet-related diseases are a leading cause f death, it’s impssible fr a cking prgram t slve such a scial prblem. It needs many things t cme tgether t supprt healthy eating. In prmting healthy eating, varius factrs must be cnsidered. Amng the challenges is the marketing f unhealthy prducts. Often there’s easy access t snacks and children’s taste preferences are shaped by the fds that are arund them.
    Despite these challenges, prgrams like FRESHFARM play an imprtant rle in encuraging children t explre new tastes. At first, many kids were turned ff by the bitter taste f greens. But thrugh different cking ways, many kids becme inspired.
    The excitement f 5th graders is bvius as they happily taste the biscuits they’ve made, winning ver many f their classmates. Catie Kelley, whse children have taken part in the prgram, shares, “Our family has new cking experiences because f the prgram. The kids bring hme recipes (食谱) that intrduce us t dishes we dn’t usually make. They shw mre interest at the stre in identifying fds they’ve tried in the prgram.”
    It is hped that such schl prgrams can arm children with the skills and inspiratin needed t make healthy fd chices, setting them n a path twards health in every way.
    24. What des Regina stress?
    A. Skills are hard t learn.B. Kids shuld learn happily.
    C. Practice is quite necessary.D. Kitchens shuld be advanced.
    25. What can we learn frm paragraph 3?
    A. Healthy eating is a tugh task.B. Kids can make wise fd chices.
    C. Prgrams f this kind will g nwhere.D. Diet-related diseases draw n attentin.
    26. What des Catie think f the prgram?
    A. Cstly.B. Helpful.C. Challenging.D. Ppular.
    Erin Alexander, wh was suffering frm the lss f her relative, was having a hard day. Hwever, her day tk an unexpected turn when she picked up her rder and nticed a message n the cup: “Madam,” the waitress had written next t a heart, “yur heart is glden.” The small and unexpected act mved her deeply, brightening the rest f her day.
    New research cnfirms the great influence f experiences like Ms. Alexander’s. Researchers fund peple wh perfrm an unplanned act f kindness tend t undervalue hw much the receiver will appreciate it. This culd hld many f us back frm ding nice things fr thers mre ften.
    In a recent experiment, 84 participants (参与者) were given a ht chclate n tw cld weekends at a park and were tld they culd keep it r give it t a stranger. The 75 participants wh gave away their drink were asked t guess hw “big” their kind act wuld feel t the receiver n a scale (等级) frm 0 t 10, and hw the receiver wuld rate their feelings upn receiving it. The receivers were then asked t reprt hw they actually felt using the same scale.
    It turned ut that the peple ding the kind thing always undervalued the imprtance f their actins. While they thught they were ffering smething small, the receivers cnsidered it mre meaningful because smene had dne smething nice fr them.
    Despite lnging fr kindness, many peple feel awkward at the thught f being kind. The “little inner vice” ften leads them t questin whether their behavir might be misunderstd r whether it will make the receiver feel pressured t pay it back.
    But an act f kindness is unlikely t have unintended results; it can lead t even mre kindness. If yu are nt already in the habit f perfrming unplanned kind acts, start by thinking abut what yu are interested in and hw yu can turn that int an ffering fr thers.
    27. Hw did Erin Alexander feel after reading the message?
    A. Calm.B. Puzzled.C. Warmed.D. Anxius.
    28. Paragraph 3 is mainly abut the ______ f the experiment.
    A. ruleB. prcessC. purpseD. result
    29. What may prevent peple perfrming kindness accrding t the text?
    A. A mix f fears.B. Cldness frm thers.
    C. High expectatins f thers.D. Vices frm the public.
    30. What des the authr suggest readers d?
    A. Think twice befre helping.B. Value kindness frm thers.
    C. Find ways t change habits.D. Take actin t ffer kindness.
    When yu hear the wrd “culture,” yu may think f natins r scieties. 31 What is family culture? It is the cmbinatin (结合) f values, expectatins, and experiences that describes a family and shapes the way its members get alng with each ther.
    Everyne has a unique culture that determines wh they are as a persn. Yur family culture helps yu understand yur traditins and explains the reasn fr yur behavir every day. It’s imprtant t yu. 32 A deeper sense f unity and tgetherness is imprtant fr a family culture. The fllwing will help yu understand hw t uncver yur cultural stry with yur family.
    33 Yu can find ut what yur family’s values are and what they stand fr by lking at the traditins arund thse values. Yu can d this by talking t peple yu respect in yur family r by using sme simple Internet searches. Thrugh lking int yur family’s histry, yu will understand the cntext f their culture.
    After this, it’s time t write a detailed descriptin f yur family’s culture. 34 S yu need t take yur time with this step. In this descriptin, yu need t give a specific accunt f yur family’s culture, traditins, values, and histry.
    The last step is t share it with peple. Yu can talk t yur family abut their culture and let them knw that yu’ve written dwn what they are like. Yu can als talk t friends wh knw little abut yur family’s culture. 35
    Explring yur family’s culture is an exciting prcess that will bring new meaning t everything yu’ve ever held dear. S start yur jurney f uncvering it right nw!
    A. This is a key part f the prcess.
    B. But every family has a culture, t.
    C. Knw hw t talk with yur family.
    D. Start by researching yur family’s histry.
    E. It als cntributes t yur family tgetherness.
    F. Then they can start a prcess f self-explratin.
    G. S they will knw better what yur family is all abut.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I was brn in a pr village in Uganda. I spent the 36 days f my childhd there. My mther died when I was brn. My father never cared abut me, which 37 me t leave when I was ten. Fr the next three years, I helped peple d smething and they prvided me with shelter and fd 38 . Luckily, a 39 family paid fr me t g t schl. Fr the first time after leaving hme, I felt 40 . Then, I attended schl and gt a jb. I always 41 t help children in need. Yet I 42 felt I culd d smething mre.
    In 2016, I gt passed t be a fster (收养) parent. By the end f 2019, ten kids had filled my huse. In 2020, I gt a call frm a center fr 43 children. When asked if I culd take Anthny, I 44 it because ten kids were all I culd d with. 45 , I was talked int taking Anthny just fr the weekend. I didn’t ask abut his situatin 46 .
    Anthny arrived that night, “Can I call yu Dad?” he asked.
    “N.” I needed t keep my 47 .
    Mnday mrning a wrker in the center came t 48 Anthny. Frm their talk, I learned he had been 49 three times, but nbdy wuld take him in.
    Lking at Anthny, I saw smething that made me think f the 50 by I had nce been. “I’ll take him in,” I said.
    36. A. bringB. busyC. darkD. rdinary
    37. A. frcedB. allwedC. preparedD. reminded
    38. A. in publicB. in advanceC. in persnD. in return
    39. A. kindB. prC. traditinalD. small
    40. A. challengedB. lvedC. trappedD. praised
    41. A. failedB. agreedC. vlunteeredD. pretended
    42. A. hardlyB. alreadyC. nceD. still
    43. A. trubledB. hmelessC. deafD. slw
    44. A. refusedB. dubtedC. facedD. frgt
    45. A. TherefreB. HweverC. BesidesD. Instead
    46. A. rudelyB. secretlyC. purpselyD. blindly
    47. A. prmiseB. distanceC. balanceD. recrd
    48. A. cheer nB. lk afterC. pick upD. chat with
    49. A. takenB. rescuedC. invitedD. frgiven
    50. A. prudB. utgingC. sillyD. helpless
    In the 1950s, the Egyptian gvernment wanted t build a new dam acrss the Nile. But the prpsal led t prtests. Water frm the dam wuld likely damage many temples and destry cultural 51 (relic) that were an imprtant part f Egypt’s cultural heritage. After 52 (listen) t the scientists wh had studied the prblem, and the citizens wh lived near the dam, the gvernment turned 53 the United Natins fr help in 1959.
    A cmmittee was established 54 (limit) damage t the Egyptian buildings and prevent the lss f cultural heritage. The grup asked fr supprt within the internatinal cmmunity. Experts investigated the issue, cnducted several tests, 55 made a prpsal fr hw the buildings culd be saved. 56 (final), the wrk began in 1960. Taken dwn piece by piece, temples and ther cultural sites 57 (mve) and put back tgether again in a place 58 they were safe frm the water. It tk thusands f engineers and wrkers 20 years t cmplete the prject. When it ended in 1980, it was cnsidered a great success.
    The spirit f the Aswan Dam prject 59 (be) still alive tday. If a prblem seems t difficult fr 60 single natin, the glbal cmmunity can smetimes prvide a slutin.
    第四部分 语言知识(共两节,满分20分)
    61. Frty hurs is an ______ wrking week fr mst peple.
    62. We armed urselves with the tls we wuld need t ______ in the frest.
    63. I hadn’t seen Lucy fr 20 years, but I recgnized her ______.
    64. Maria ______ quickly t the lcal custms when she came t China.
    65. Yuan Lngping is well knwn fr his great ______ t the wrld.
    66. My father ______ me angrily fr a few minutes because f my cheating in an exam.
    67. The lud nise utside ______ her when she was trying t stay calm.
    68. Every ______ is being made t make sure that these wrks f art are preserved.
    69. The famus cmpany pays great attentin t the ______ f its prducts.
    70. It was ______ cld utside, but the villagers gave us a warm welcme.
    71. 他们建议成立一个新的政府机构负责环境保护。
    They recmmended a new gvernment agency shuld be set up t be respnsible ______ the envirnment.
    72. 我度假时你能照看我的狗吗?
    Wuld yu please watch ______ my dg while I am n hliday?
    73. 鼓励学生自己把控学习,而不是仅仅依赖老师。
    Students are encuraged t take cntrl ______ their wn learning instead f depending nly n teachers.
    74. 目前,队友们除了训练什么都不想。
    Fr nw, the teammates dn’t want t think abut anything ther ______ training.
    75. 作为中国最古老的民间艺术之一,剪纸可以追溯到公元6世纪。
    As ne f the ldest flk arts in China, paper cutting dates ______ t the 6th century.
    76. 美好的回忆会激起人们对生活的热爱。
    Sweet memries can make peple stir ______ peple’s lve fr life.
    77. 成功的一大秘诀就是以一种永不被耗尽的状态度过一生。
    A great secret f success is t g thrugh life as a man ______ never gets used up.
    78. 强大的洪水冲走了许多村庄。
    The pwerful fldwaters swept ______ many villages.
    79. 她向地震灾区捐赠了许多物资。
    She dnated many supplies ______ the earth-stricken area.
    80. 无论生活中遇到什么困难,你都可以从书籍中找到解决办法。
    N matter ______ difficulties yu meet with in life, yu can find slutins in bks.
    第五部分 书写(5分)
    I study failure t try t wrk ut what determines success. There is a deep-rted belief in ur culture that success means never failing, and that if I fail, it means there’s smething wrng with me. Of curse, that’s nnsense. We all make mistakes, and failure is part f the jurney twards success.
    第六部分 写作(满分25分)
    Cynthia was a primary schl student. She was curius abut everything. She made effrts t get a gd grade in every subject. She was a kind-hearted and utging girl. At schl, she was always ready t help her classmates. At hme, she helped her mum d sme husewrk. She was never a cncern t her mum, Mrs. Andersn.
    Hwever, Mrs. Andersn nticed a change in Cynthia these days. There were mre quiet mments. Mrs. Andersn saw Cynthia lking ut f the windw, lst in thught. She als learned frm her teacher that Cynthia wasn’t as fcused n schl as befre. A sense f wrry rse in Mrs. Andersn’s heart and she wndered abut what was behind Cynthia’s unusual behavir.
    Befre ging t bed, she started talking with Cynthia, asking abut her day. Hwever, Cynthia just said that nthing in particular happened. Mrs. Andersn’s cncern grew. She decided t keep a clser eye, hping t uncver the challenges her daughter might be facing.
    One day, while cleaning up Cynthia’s bedrm, Mrs. Andersn discvered smething unexpected — n her desk lay sme bks n hw t treat injured birds. It was quite surprising. Cynthia had never tld her abut this. It als amazed Mrs. Andersn. She had a deep lve fr nature and birds and she culd always find inspiratin in their freedm and the beauty f their sngs. She culdn’t help but wnder what had inspired her daughter’s newfund interest in birds.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 开头已给出。
    The next mrning, Mrs. Andersn saw Cynthia walking quietly int the backyard with a first aid kit in hand.
    Mrs. Andersn culdn’t help but walk ut.

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