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    1. The Marc Pl Memrial Hall stands at the east end f Dngguan Street ________ Yangzhu.
    A. tB. nC. atD. in
    2. “What’s that?” is ________ f the first things that children say.
    A. smeB. eachC. neD. that
    3. Teamwrk desn’t happen ________ in the wrkplace r schl. It needs training.
    A. naturallyB. crrectlyC. wildlyD. especially
    4. Lk! My sister ________ the table. Let’s give her a hand.
    A. setB. setsC. is settingD. was setting
    5. China has made great effrts ________ ther cuntries build high-speed railways.
    A. helpB. t helpC. helpingD. helped
    6. Our mnitr is ________. He always spends a lt f time helping with ur class prjects.
    A. generusB. humrusC. nervusD. curius
    7. As we all knw, the Yangtze River ________ as a “mther river” f the Chinese natin.
    A. knwsB. knewC. is knwnD. was knwn
    8. —Hw des this new washing machine wrk?
    —It’s easy. Yu ________ tuch this icn.
    A. evenB. almstC. everD. just
    9. Many think SOS is shrt fr “save ur ship”, but it desn’t really ________ anything.
    A. lk frB. stand frC. pay frD. try fr
    10. Yu can’t eat an elephant all at nce. Eat it ne bite ________.
    A. n timeB. at a timeC. all the timeD. at the same time
    11. Since I was brn, my family ________ in the same flat.
    A. liveB. will liveC. are livingD. have lived
    12. ________ yu are t tired t d all the things n yur T-D list, try a T-Dn’t list.
    A. IfB. UntilC. AlthughD. Unless
    13. —D yu knw why zebrafish are taken t Shenzhu-18?
    —They have ________ like small size and shrt develpment cycle.
    A. stagesB. advantagesC. messagesD. passages
    14. Teenagers dn’t always understand ________ their parents have s many rules.
    A. whyB. whichC. whereD. what
    15. —I hear yu’re leaving fr Guilin fr yur hliday?
    — ________. And I’m lking frward t it.
    A. It desn’t matterB. It’s a pleasureC. That’s rightD. Never mind
    二、完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题1分,计15分)
    Befre Anne Frank went int hiding with her family, she was a carefree girl like any ther.
    Anne Frank ran dwn the stairs as fast as she culd. She was suppsed t d her ____16____, but it was s bring. Margt, her perfect sister, might be happy reading bks all day, but Anne wasn’t.
    Other children were already ut n the sunny Amsterdam streets. Sme were rlling hps, thers ding handstands against the wall. Anne was ____17____ at handstands, but knew anther way t get everyne’s attentin.
    “____18____ this!” she cried, lifting her arm high in the air. Anne waited until everyne was lking at her, then she swung her arm arund fast. All the bys ____19____ and cheered.
    Hearing the ____20____ f laughter, Anne’s mther, Edith, lked ut the windw.
    “I bet that girl hasn’t dne her hmewrk,” she thught. It was always hard with Anne. ____21____, she was glad Anne had gt used t Amsterdam life s easily. Anne was nly seven.
    That night, Anne’s father, Ott, put Anne t bed as usual.
    “Tell me a stry abut Gd Paula and Naughty (淘气的) Paula, Daddy!” Anne said, “____22____ I have ne abut Naughty Paula? She’s mre fun.”
    “Margt ____23____ Gd Paula,” Ott said.
    “Well she wuld,” Anne replied, angrily. It was ____24____ having Margt as an lder sister.
    Ott ____25____ what she was thinking. “Yu culd be gd, t, Anne.”
    “I’ll try, Daddy, I prmise,” Anne said. “____26____ t make yu happy!”
    The next day, when Anne gt back frm schl, Edith was preparing supper. “We have ____27____ tnight,” she said.
    “Wh’s cming?” Anne asked eagerly.
    “Miep, frm Daddy’s wrk and her friend Jan.”
    “Hray!” Anne cried. ____28____ the drbell rang, Anne rushed t let them in. The next mment, she was thrwing them ____29____. “Hw are yu Miep? What’s it like wrking fr Daddy? Hell Jan!” Then Anne stpped and lked at them ____30____, her brwn eyes shining with interest. “Oh! Are yu Miep’s byfriend?” she asked.
    Edith cut in, “Quiet, Anne!”
    “Time fr supper” added Ott, gently.
    16. A. ckingB. shppingC. hmewrkD. sprts
    17. A. endlessB. fearlessC. meaninglessD. hpeless
    18. A. WatchB. FindC. CnfirmD. Search
    19. A. jumpedB. whisperedC. laughedD. rushed
    20 A. rderB. sundC. callD. vice
    21. A. MreverB. OtherwiseC. AnywayD. S
    22. A. CanB. MustC. NeedD. Shuld
    23. A. wundsB. hatesC. surprisesD. prefers
    24. A. hardB. differentC. dangerusD. impssible
    25. A. dubtedB. guessedC. believedD. prved
    26. A. NthingB. N neC. AnythingD. Anyne
    27. A. citizensB. hstsC. custmersD. guests
    28. A. WheneverB. BefreC. WhileD. As sn as
    29. A. questinsB. dishesC. instructinsD. suggestins
    30. A. allB. bthC. eitherD. any
    三、阅读理解(共15 小题;每小题2分,计30分)
    China has named the spacecraft that will put its astrnauts n the mn. The new manned spacecraft is Mengzhu and the lunar lander is Lanyue. China plans t land its astrnauts n the mn arund 2030. Check the table t learn the details n China’s exciting jurney t the mn.
    31. Which f the fllwing is Lanyue’s task?
    A. Operate near-Earth space statin.
    B. Supprt Earth explratin and activities.
    C. Transprt between the grund and space statin.
    D. Wrk as the center fr energy supply n the mn.
    32. What can we learn frm the explratin steps?
    A. The same rcket sends Mengzhu and Lanyue int space.
    B. Astrnauts reach and leave the mn in the Lanyue lander.
    C. Mengzhu and Lanyue jin tgether at the space statin.
    D. The Lanyue lander returns t Earth with the samples n the mn.
    33. What is the purpse f this passage?
    A. T encurage the yuth t make inventins fr China’s mn prgram.
    B. T tell the reader abut the histry f China’s lunar explratin jurney.
    C. T ffer suggestins n hw t take up challenges in the lunar explratin task.
    D. T give infrmatin n the new spacecraft fr China’s manned lunar explratin task.
    One day in autumn Squire Grdn, my master, went n a trip int twn. Jhn, my caretaker, went with him. I pulled the cart. The weather was rainy and windy, but we travelled happily.
    Grdn’s business tk a lng time. We didn’t leave until late afternn. The wind was then much higher. My master said t Jhn, “I have never been ut in such a strm!” Mr Grdn and Jhn culd nt see well in the rain.
    We came t a wden bridge. It was very nearly dark. We culd just see that the water was ver the middle f the bridge. But as that happened smetimes when the flds were ut, master did nt stp. The mment my feet tuched the first part f the bridge, I felt sure there was smething wrng. I dare (敢于) nt g frward, and I made a dead stp. “G n, Beauty,” said my master, and he gave me a tuch with the whip (鞭子), but I dare nt mve. He gave me a sharp cut and I jumped, but I dare nt g frward.
    “There’s smething wrng, sir,” said Jhn, and he gt ut and tried t lead me frward. “Cme n, Beauty.” But I knew that the bridge was nt safe.
    Just then the man n the ther side saw us.
    “Hey! Hall! Stp!” he cried.
    “What’s the matter?” shuted my master.
    “The bridge is brken in the middle, and part f it is carried away. If yu g nt it, yu’ll be int the river.”
    “Thank yu fr saving us, Beauty!” said Jhn. He gently turned me rund t the right hand rad by the river side. It grew darker and darker, stiller and stiller.
    When we returned hme the Squire tld Mrs Grdn, “Black Beauty saved ur lives. He knew the bridge was dangerus.”
    Jhn tk me t the stable. Oh! What a gd supper he gave me that night! What a nice bed f straw! I was glad f it, fr I was tired.
    — Adapted frm Black Beauty
    34. What was the weather like when Grdn, Jhn and Beauty left twn fr hme?
    A. The rain came t a stp.B. There was a heavy strm.
    C. It was sunny and windy.D. The wind was much gentler.
    35. Which f the fllwing is the crrect rder f the stry?
    a. The man warned them nt t crss the brken bridge.
    b. The master tuched Black Beauty with the whip.
    c. Black Beauty was well rewarded fr his decisin.
    d. Black Beauty refused t bey his master at the bridge.
    e. They three came t a wden bridge ready t crss the river.
    A. ebdacB. bdaecC. edcabD. dbeca
    36. Which detail supprts the main idea that Black Beauty knew the bridge was dangerus?
    A. Mr Grdn and Jhn culd nt see well in the rain.
    B. We culd just see that the water was ver the middle f the bridge.
    C. He gave me a sharp cut and I jumped, but I dare nt g frward.
    D. He gently turned me rund t the right hand rad by the river side.
    37. Accrding t the passage, what is Black Beauty like?
    A. Brave and smart.B. Mdest and hard-wrking.
    C. Implite and fearful.D. Impatient and unwise.
    Chinese culture has great attractin fr peple bth at hme and abrad. We have seen many peple frm arund the wrld express their lve fr Chinese culture in different frms. A grwing number f freigners have even chsen t live in China fr its culture.
    Interested in Chinese classical literature, Canadian artist Brandn Cllins-Green r Lin Buran in Chinese expresses his understanding f A Dream f the Red Chamber by Ca Xueqin and Chinese pems thrugh thusands f paintings. Often painting thrughut the night, he has created mre than 4,200 wrks. Living alne in the center f Nanchang, he has cme a lng way since he first came here in 2015 t study ancient Chinese literature.
    Brandn lves learning abut the lifestyle f ancient Chinese peple. “S far, I have read the nvel three times, translated mst f its pems, sngs, lantern riddles (谜语), and dialgues int English, and cmpleted ver 1 millin wrds f articles and 2,000 related paintings during my PhD studies,” said Brandn with pride and satisfactin.
    Timur Kuvatv, directr-general and editr-in-chief f the Kazakhstan Tday News Agency, is a Chinese kung fu fan. He has wn kung fu champinships a lt f times and als served as a cach fr the Kazakhstan kung fu team. “Chinese kung fu is a treasure f Chinese culture. It is nt just a sprt but als reflects the Chinese way f dealing with peple, their understanding f life, nature, and the wrld,” he said.
    Vincent Cazeneuve, knwn as Wensen Qi in Chinese, is a French artist devted t lacquer (漆器) creatin. He came t live in Chngqing in 2009. His wrks have been shwn in art institutins bth in and utside f China, and his fans have even cllected sme f them.
    What is the charm f Chinese culture that attracts these peple? It lies in its richness and penness. Als its cultural backgrund differences make freigners curius abut the lifestyles, way f thinking, and values f the cuntry.
    38. What has Brandn dne t express his lve fr Chinese culture?
    A. He has created many famus Chinese pems.
    B. He has decided t mve t China with his friends.
    C. He has written thusands f Chinese lantern riddles.
    D. He has translated part f Ca Xueqin’s nvel int English.
    39. As t Chinese culture, what is Timur Kuvatv interested in?
    A. Kung fu.B. Paintings.C. Literature.D. Lacquer creatin.
    40. What des the writer express thrugh the stries f Brandn, Timur and Vincent?
    A. Chinese names are mre attractive t freigners.
    B. The influence f Chinese art prves greater abrad.
    C. Chinese culture is getting ppular arund the wrld.
    D. China is an ideal cuntry fr peple frm abrad t live.
    41. What can be the best title fr the passage?
    A. New lk f traditinal Chinese culture
    B. Charm f Chinese culture in freigners’ eyes
    C. Develpment f Chinese culture in the West
    D. Culture differences between the East and West
    Think abut hw much time yu spent utside last week. Really “utside.” Walking frm the car int the mall desn’t cunt.
    Nw think abut hw much time yu spent indrs—n the Internet r playing vide games r watching TV.
    Yu may say, “I play inside mre than utside and I like t play games n the cmputer.”
    If s, it’s likely that yu spent mre time inside fur walls than utside in fresh air. Kids tday spend tw fewer hurs per week n sprts and utdr activities than kids did 20 years ag. That’s accrding t a University f Michigan study. Nn-mving activities are mre ppular. The csts “include verweight, greater stress, higher rates f physical and emtinal illness and less jy…,” says Richard Luv, writer f Last Child in the Wds: Saving Our Children frm Nature-Deficit Disrder.
    Play is imprtant, even fr adults.
    Outdr activity betters yur senses. The next time yu sit dwn t message yur friends, take nte f yur senses during and after yur texting. Then d the same experiment after yu’ve dne smething utside. Yu will find being utdrs brings the senses t life. “Hiking, explring, and fishing help hne all f yur senses,” says Betsy Keller. She’s a prfessr f exercise and sprts sciences at Ithaca Cllege in New Yrk. “Smell, sight... all f yur senses are in use when yu’re utside.”
    Outdr play frees yur mind. Are yu stressed ut? Having truble devting yur mind t what yu’re ding? T much time indrs — away frm the natural wrld — may be a cause. Luv uses a term t describe the set f prblems caused by t much time indrs: nature deficit disrder. He says, “I use it t describe the price we pay fr being s separated frm nature.”
    Spending time utdrs brings yu clser t the envirnment. When yu’re ut, breathe in fresh air, hear the leaves crackle underft and search cl birds and plants in the wds. It can help yu feel mre cnnected t the natural wrld. N wds nearby? Nature can be fund right utside yur back dr r in yur lcal park.
    S the next time yu sit dwn t spend quality time with a vide game, cnsider treating yurself t a little utdr play instead.
    42. Hw des the writer first intrduce the tpic f utdr play?
    A. By presenting the results f a recent study.
    B. By intrducing different kinds f utdr play.
    C. By inviting the reader t think abut his r her wn case.
    D. By telling the reader utdr play is gd fr bdy and mind.
    43. Which sentence shuld g in the empty bx in Paragraph 5?
    A Outdr play helps frm relatinships.
    B. Just getting utdrs des wnders.
    C. Nature can remind us f life beynd ur wrries.
    D. The utdrs is the best place t practise physical skills.
    44. Which wrd is clsest t the meaning f “hne” in Paragraph 6?
    A. imprveB. limitC. prduceD. rganize
    45. Which f the fllwing is a gd way t enjy utdr play?
    A. Walking frm yur car int the mall.
    B. Spending yur quality time with TV drama series.
    C. Playing a vide game f making sandcastles by the beach.
    D. Watching in yur lcal park hw fast the cluds are mving.
    46. Planting sme flwers in yur garden is very ________ fr attracting bees. (help)
    47. Every year, Yangzhu ffers a magical and special experience fr its ________. (tur)
    48. Thugh I failed a lt ________ times than I succeeded, I knw hw t fail well. (many)
    49. Elena ________ the nvel she was reading n the desk and lked ut the windw. (drp)
    50. If salt is ________ nt the ice, the freezing temperature will be lwer than 0℃. (spread)
    51. New ________ have greatly changed ur lives. (技术)
    52. They didn’t g t their niece’s fifth birthday party last ________. (七月)
    53. Fr further infrmatin n ________ weather cnditins, call the htline belw. (明天)
    54. Sme f ________ are better at helping thers than we are at lking after urselves. (我们)
    55. My father always ________ clthes shpping, fr he desn’t care abut his clthing. (避免)
    五、阅读表达(共5 小题;每小题2分,计10分)
    阅读短文,回答下面5个问题,将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。(每题答案不超过10 个词)
    A ttal f 23 sptted seals (斑海豹) were put back int the waters ff the cast f Dalian in Nrtheast China’s Lianing Prvince n Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023 as part f China’s cntinuus effrts t prtect endangered wildlife.
    The seals were hunted and sld, but have nw been saved and marked fr future prtectin. A fishery law enfrcement ship arrived at the sea area near Dalian in the mrning, carrying the sptted seals. The seals were let g free ne by ne int the sea. They swam freely in the water, returning t their natural hme.
    Sptted seals are natinally prtected animals in China. They are the nly kind f seals that can breed (繁殖) in Chinese waters. Like migratry (迁徙的) birds, they appear arund Octber every year in Liadng Bay, and take the lng jurney back t the Nrthwest Pacific in May after breeding. They are ften cnsidered as the “panda f the sea”.
    Thanks t China’s tp-class natinal prtectin in recent years, the ppulatin f sptted seals in Chinese waters has reached arund 2,000, while the glbal ppulatin is between 400,000 and 600,000. Studies have shwn that these 2,000 sptted seals are f great imprtance fr the study and research n sptted seals.
    T prtect this rare animal and its eclgical envirnment, the Lianing Dalian Sptted Seal Wetlands were set up in 1992. In January 2002, they were included in the List f Wetlands f Internatinal Imprtance. Cvering an area f 560,000 hectares with a castline f abut 370 kilmeters, the wetlands are rich in bilgical resurces. They have becme hme t natinally prtected animals such as the sptted seal, finless prpise, killer whales, false killer whales, cmmn dlphins, bttlense dlphins, and East Asian river dlphins.
    Since 1992, researchers in Dalian have successfully saved 388 sptted seals and put 299 f them back int the wild.
    56. Where were the 23 sptted seals put back int the sea?
    57. What is the ther name f the sptted seal?
    58. With China’s prtectin, what has happened t the sptted seals in Chinese waters?
    59. What des the underlined wrd “they” in paragraph 5 refer t (指的是)?
    60. As a student, what can yu d t prtect wildlife?
    六、缺词填空(共 10空;每空1分,计10分)
    Even thugh my grandfather was a farmer, my grandmther wuld irn his wrk clthes every day. Grandmther mixed up her wn starch (淀粉浆) in a glass b____61____ with a metal cap that had several hles. She sprinkled Grandfather’s jeans with the starch, hung them ver a chair fr a few minutes, and then i____62____ them.
    Because I watched her d this thrugh my childhd, I thught every ld wman did it. But as the years passed, I began t questin this p____63____. Why did Grandfather need his wrk clthes irned? Mst days, he never saw anyne b____64____ me and maybe a few ther farmers. The clthes became dirty in just a shrt time. Why did Grandmther s____65____ devte time and effrt t irning Grandfather’s clthes that were rarely seen?
    One day when I was abut 13, I asked Grandmther abut it. She tld me Grandfather was the mst handsme man in the wrld. Later that day, I lked c____66____ at Grandfather. He sure didn’t lk s handsme t me. He was shrt and fat with false teeth (假牙). Later I tld her my thught.
    She gave me a girlish smile and said, “Yu just aren’t lking in the right light, Cathy. I remember when he had r____67____ teeth. He has the mst beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They are e____68____ the same clr as the sky just befre the sun ges dwn. I want the wrld t see my h____69____ as the mst beautiful man. I want him t feel beautiful. I irn his clthes every day because fr all these years, he has made me feel beautiful.”
    The years went n, and I watched Grandmther and Grandfather grw ld tgether. I was prbably 30 when I u____70____ what beauty really was. It was Grandmther irning Grandfather’s jeans with starch frm a glass bttle.
    A.句子翻译(共5 小题;每小题2分,计10分)
    71. 你通常怎样使用零花钱?
    72. 他三年前开始学习拉小提琴。
    73. 那个女孩非常有创造力,总能想出新主意。
    74. 昨天一整天都在下雨,他们只好待在家里。
    75. 让我们看看十年后我们中多少人能实现自己的梦想。
    76. 端午节是中国四大传统节日之一。为加深中华文化理解,激发爱国主义情怀,某英语报“Culture”专栏正面向中学生举行以“Duanwu Festival—A celebratin f patritism”为题的征文比赛。请根据以下问题提示,写一篇英语短文投稿。
    (1) What is Duanwu Festival?
    (imprtance, date, rice dumplings, dragn bat races)
    (2) Why is Duanwu Festival als widely accepted as a celebratin f patritism?
    (spirit behind the stry f Qu Yuan, spirit f dragn bat racing)
    (3) As a teenager, hw can we practise the spirit f patritism?
    (1. …;2. …)
    参考词汇:patritism n.爱国主义; patritic adj.爱国的; pet n.诗人;
    all ethnic grups 全民族; the lunar May fifth 农历五月初五
    Duanwu Festival — A celebratin f patritism
    Duanwu Festival is als called the Dragn Bat Festival. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Take Chinese Peple’s Dream T The Mn Clser
    Mengzhu — The manned spacecraft
    Meaning f the name: Dream bat
    The name carries the Chinese peple’s space explratin dreams t the mn.
    Main tasks:
    •Carry ut China’s manned lunar explratin
    •Operate near-Earth space statin
    Fr lunar tasks, it can carry 3 astrnauts rund trip between the grund and lunar rbit (轨道). Fr near-Earth rbit tasks, it can carry 7 astrnauts rund trip between the grund and space statin.
    Lanyue — The lunar lander
    Meaning f the name: Clasping the mn
    The name symblizes the bravery and cnfidence f the Chinese peple in explring the universe and landing n the mn.
    Main tasks:
    •Transprt between lunar rbit and lunar surface
    •Serve as the center fr astrnaut activities, energy supply, and data transmissin n the mn
    •Supprt lunar explratin and activities
    It can carry 2 astrnauts rund trip, lunar rver, and scientific paylads.
    Explratin Steps
    1 Tw Lng March-10 rckets are launched (发射). One carries Mengzhu and the ther carries Lanyue.
    2. The tw spacecraft meet and jin in lunar rbit and the astrnauts enter the lander.
    3. The Lanyue lander sends the astrnauts t the lunar surface.
    4. The astrnauts carry ut scientific explratin and sample (样本) cllectin n the lunar surface as planned.
    5. After cmpleting the jb n the mn, the Lanyue lander takes the astrnauts t g up t lunar rbit.
    6. The tw spacecraft meet and jin again, and the astrnauts take the lunar samples t the Mengzhu spacecraft.
    7. The Mengzhu spacecraft returns t Earth with the mn samples.

    精品解析:2024年江苏省扬州市中考英语真题(解析版): 这是一份精品解析:2024年江苏省扬州市中考英语真题(解析版),共25页。试卷主要包含了单项选择,完形填空,阅读理解,词汇运用,阅读表达,缺词填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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