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    必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection-2025年高考英语大一轮复习(课件+讲义+练习)
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    必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection-2025年高考英语大一轮复习(课件+讲义+练习)

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    Unit 2 Wildlife Prtectin
    pster n.海报species n.物种shark n.鲨鱼fin n.(鱼的)鳍prince n.王子;王孙;亲王
    whale n.鲸antelpe n.羚;羚类动物Tibetan antelpe藏羚羊herd n.牧群;兽群fur n.毛(皮);毛皮衣服
    sacred adj.神圣的;受尊敬的deer n.鹿kangar n.袋鼠insect n.昆虫net n.=Internet网adj.净得的;纯的
    binculars n.双筒望远镜bird field guide鸟类图鉴dlphin n.海豚Yangtze River dlphin白鳍豚kala n.树袋熊;考拉
    immediately adv.立刻mass adj.大量的;广泛的n.大量;堆;群habitat n.(动植物的)生活环境;栖息地average n.平均数;平均水平adj.平均的;正常的;普通的
    living adj.居住的;活的;在用的n.生活;生计measure n.措施;方法vt.测量;度量;估量authrity n.官方;当权;权威pressure n.压力;要求
    reserve n.(动植物)保护区;储藏(量)vt.预订;预留;保留plain n.平原adj.简单明了的;直率的;平凡的sht vt.& vi.(sht,sht)射杀;射伤;发射
    prfit n.利润;利益attack n.,vi.& vt.攻击;抨击gds n.商品;货物creature n.生物;动物due adj.由于;因为
    neighburhd n.临近的地方;街区stir vt.激发;搅动skin n.皮;皮肤
    illegal adj.不合法的;非法的→illegally adv.不合法地;非法地→legal adj.合法的;法律的
    hunt vt.& vi.打猎;搜寻;追捕→hunter n.猎人;搜寻者→hunting n.打猎;狩猎
    alarming adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的→alarm vt.使惊恐;使害怕;使担心n.恐慌;警报;警报器→alarmed adj.担心;害怕
    rate n.速度;(比)率 vt.划分等级→rating n.等级;级别extinct adj.已灭绝的→extinctin n.灭绝
    aware adj.知道;发觉;有……意识的→awareness n.意识→unaware adj.未发觉的;不知道的
    endanger vt.使遭受危险;危害→endangered adj.濒危的→danger n.危险→dangerus adj.危险的
    cncern vt.涉及;让……担忧 n.担心,忧虑→cncerned adj.担心的;关切的→cncerning prep.关于;涉及
    adapt vi.适应 vt.使适应;使适合→adaptatin n.适应;改编本→adaptable adj.适应性强的;能适应的bserve vt.观察(到);注视;遵守→bservatin n.观察
    beauty n.美;美人;美好的东西→beautiful adj.美丽的;美好的→beautify vt.美化remind vt.提醒;使想起→reminder n.提醒者;提醒物
    effective adj.有效的;生效的→effect n.效果;影响recver vi.恢复;康复 vt.找回;寻回→recvery n.恢复
    remve vt.去除;移开;脱去→remval n.移走;消除intend vi.& vt.打算;计划;想要→intentin n.用意;目的;意图
    threat n.威胁→threaten vt.威胁;危及exist vi.存在;生存→existence n.存在;生存→existing adj.现存的;现有的
    harmny n.和谐;融洽→harmnius adj.和谐的reduce vt.减少→reductin n.缩减;减少
    emtin n.感情;情感;情绪→emtinal adj.情感的;情绪的unusual adj.特别的;不寻常的→usual adj.常见的,寻常的
    [拔高词汇] 背选修词汇
    prtray /pɔː'treɪ/vt.表现;描绘burst /bɜːst/vi.(burst,burst)突然出现;猛冲;爆满vi.& vt.(使)爆裂n.突发;迸发;爆裂dull /dʌl/ adj.沉闷的;乏味的;迟钝的
    glw /ɡləʊ/ vi.发出暗淡的光;(人体或脸因运动 或情绪影响)发热n.暗淡的光;满面红光tender /'tendə(r)/ adj.温柔的;亲切的;柔软的
    gleam /ɡliːm/ vi.闪烁;显得光洁明亮;流露出blazing /'bleɪzɪŋ/ adj.酷热的;炙热的sigh /saɪ/ vi.& n.叹气;叹息vt.叹息道
    slemnly /'sɒləmli;NAmE 'sɑːləmli/ adv.郑重地;冷峻地;庄严地→slemn /'sɒləm;NAmE sɑːləm/ adj.郑重的;冷峻的;庄严的ech /'ekəʊ/ vt.& vi.重复;回荡;回响
    n earth (放在疑问词之后表示强调)究竟;到底die ut灭亡;逐渐消失aware f意识到;知道n average平均make prgress取得进步
    cncerned abut对……关切的;为……担忧的adapt t适应under pressure在压力下;承受压力make ut看清;听清;分清remind sb f sb/sth 使某人想起(类似的人或物)
    watch ver保护;照管;监督day and night日日夜夜;夜以继日due t由于;因为search fr搜索;查找stir up激起
    This is why we’re here—t bserve Tibetan antelpes.(This is why...这是……的原因)这就是我们来这里的原因——观察藏羚羊。
    Only when we learn t exist in harmny with nature can we stp being a threat t wildlife and t ur planet.(“nly+状语”位于句首的部分倒装)只有学会和大自然和谐共处,我们才不会成为野生生物和地球的威胁。
    When it cmes t wildlife prtectin,all species—the gd,the bad,and the ugly—shuld be treated equally.[when it cmes t (ding) sth 当谈及……]谈到野生动植物保护,所有的物种——好的、坏的、丑的——都应该得到平等的对待。
    Is it right t make animals hmeless s that humans can have mre paper?(s that引导的目的状语从句)为了让人类有更多的纸张,使得动物无家可归,这样做对吗?That is what the animals really need mst.(what引导的表语从句)那才是动物们真正最需要的。
    1.pster n.=Internet___adj._____________
    6.herd n._____
    1. adv.立刻2. n.平均数;平均水平adj.平均的;正常的;普通的3. n.措施;方法vt.测量;度量;估量4. n.官方;当权;权威
    5. n.(动植物)保护区;储藏(量)vt.预订;预留;保留6. vt.& vi.射杀;射伤;发射7. n.利润;利益8. n.,vi.& vt.攻击;抨击9. n.商品;货物10. n.生物;动物
    1. adj.不合法的;非法的→ adv.不合法地;非法地→ adj.合法的;法律的2. adj.知道;发觉;有……意识的→ n.意识→ adj.未发觉的;不知道的
    3. vt.使遭受危险;危害→ adj.濒危的→ n.危险→ adj.危险的4. vt.观察(到);注视;遵守→ n.观察5. adj.有效的;生效的→ n.效果;影响
    6. adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的→ vt.使惊恐;使害怕;使担心 n.恐慌;警报;警报器→ adj.担心;害怕7. vt.去除;移开;脱去→ n.移走;消除8. vt.减少→ n.缩减;减少
    9. adj.特别的;不寻常的→ adj.常见的,寻常的10. n.感情;情感;情绪→ adj.情感的;情绪的
    1. vi.(burst,burst)突然出现;猛冲;爆满vi.& vt.(使)爆裂n.突发;迸发;爆裂2. adj.沉闷的;乏味的;迟钝的3. vi.& n.叹气;叹息vt.叹息道
    4.gleam vt.___________
    1. (放在疑问词之后表示强调)究竟;到底2. 平均3. 对……关切的;为……担忧的4. 在压力下;承受压力5. 保护;照管;监督6. 激起
    cncerned abut
    under pressure
    1.He has frm the disease and we decide t hld a party in celebratin f his .(recver)2.Between 150 and 200 species are becming every year.This mass is caused by hunting.(extinct)3.Mther is always abut me.Hwever,I wasn’t aware f her when I was a kid.(cncern)
    4.In fact,kids are very and they can sn t living in kindergartens.Yu shuld have cnfidence in their .(adapt)5.We all lve the envirnment,and therefre,we shuld it instead f destrying its .(beauty)6.The party was specially fr her,but she didn’t appreciate my gd .(intend)7.There a strange cave n the hill,but n ne knws when it came int .(exist)
    8.Pllutin pses a t human beings and it likely the existence f human beings.(threat)9.Only when we live in with nature can we human beings live a really life.(harmny)10.He places the suvenir in his study as a .It always _______him f the sweet jurney.(remind)
    1.I have great truble why he has dne such a flish t imprper human activities,many species are quickly .3.I have been lking frward t in my mathematics with my great effrts.
    die ut,make prgress,adapt t,make ut,,search fr
    making prgress
    4.In mdern sciety we are accustmed t infrmatin n the gd thing abut children is that they new envirnments easily.6. the imprtant meeting t be held in ten minutes,I hurried t the cnference rm.
    searching fr
    1.这就是我们在日常生活中应该多读经典作品的原因。(This is why...) in ur daily life.2.只有当我离开家时,我才意识到家人对我来说有多么重要。(“nly+状语”位于句首的部分倒装)Only when I left hme .
    This is why we shuld read mre classics
    did I realize hw imprtant my family were t me
    3.当谈到课外学英语时,不同的学生持有不同的观点。[when it cmes t (ding) sth] (2022·全国乙) ,different students have different pinins.4.你必须在早晨七点之前到达学校门口以便我们能够按时出发。(s that引导的目的状语从句)Yu must arrive at the schl gate befre 7:00 am ___________________ .
    When it cmes t learning English beynd the classrm
    s that we can set ff
    5.上课认真听讲是你应该做的事情。(what引导的表语从句)Listening carefully in class is .
    what yu shuld d
    Yesterday I saw a pster abut illegal hunting,1. immediately stirred up strng emtins in me.Many species are dying ut 2. an alarming rate due t human activities.Abut three species becme extinct every hur n average.3. (make) mre prfits,sme peple sht masses f whales,sharks and deer fr their meat,fur r skin.Kangars,kalas and dlphins are reduced t 4. (danger) species because their habitats are threatened.
    Hwever,the authrities are aware f 5. shuld n earth be dne and unusual and effective measures are being taken t preserve wildlife.Vlunteers set up nature reserves n the plain,and watch ver them day and night t keep them frm 6. (attack).Gradually,they make prgress and the antelpe ppulatin 7. (recver).Sme species are remved frm the endangered species list.Only when we learn t exist in 8. (harmnius) with nature can we stp being a threat t wildlife and t ur planet.
    being attacked
    has recvered
    All living creatures including insects in yur neighbrhds have equal rights t live.We shuld search fr 9. (apprach) t prtecting them and bserve their beauty instead f just being cncerned abut the prblem.We human beings shuld always remind 10. (we) that the slutin exists in ur actin.
    adj.有……意识的;知道;发觉(unaware adj.不知道的,未发觉的 awareness n.意识;认识)
    ·be/becme aware f sth/that...知道,明白……;意识到……·aruse/imprve/strengthen ne’s awareness f...唤起/提高/增强某人…… 的意识
    (1)Wrld Oceans Day,falling n June 8th,is aimed at raising (aware) f cean cnservatin.(2022·全国甲,书面表达)
    (2)我呼吁政府发起更多的环保运动以唤起人们过低碳生活的意识。(应用文写作之倡议书)I appeal t the gvernment t launch mre envirnment-friendly campaigns t .(3)是我高中时的班主任让我意识到努力的重要性。It is my head teacher in senir high schl _________________________ .
    aruse peple’s awareness f living a lw-carbn life
    wh/that made me aware f
    the imprtance f wrking hard
    (4)没有意识到潜在的危险,她步入森林深处,掉进了陷阱。 ,she went further int the frest and fell int the trap.(形容词作状语)
    Nt aware/Unaware f the ptential danger
    vt.涉及;让……担忧;与……有关 n.担心;忧虑;关心;(利害)关系(cncerned adj.担心的;关切的;感兴趣的;有关的;参与的 cncerning prep.关于;涉及)
    (1)The authrities are deeply abut the issue educatin refrm.(cncern)
    ·as far cncerned就……而言 be cncerned abut/fr对……担心/关心 be cncerned with与……有关·shw/express cncern fr/abut对……表示关心
    (2)知道你感冒了,我写信表示关心,并祝你早日康复。Knwing that yu have caught a cld,_____________________________ .(3)我写信告诉你我们学校举行的成人礼的相关事宜。在我看来,它使我们意识到了作为成年人我们所承担的责任。(2020·天津7月,书面表达)I am writing t tell yu smething ____________________________________held in ur schl. ,it makes us aware f the respnsibility we are shuldering as adults.
    I am writing t shw my cncern
    and wish yu an early recvery
    cncerning the cming-f-age ceremny
    As far as I am cncerned
    用法点拨 cncerned作“关心的;担心的”解时常作前置定语;作“相关的;有关的”解时常作后置定语。
    (1)It is a TV (adapt) f the Chinese literary classic,Dream f the Red Chamber,which is perfrmed by a grup f children aged 6 t 12.(2)我真的希望你能尽快适应新学校,过上愉快的生活。(应用文写作之表达祝愿)I d hpe that _____________________________________________________and lead a happy life.
    adapt neself t (ding) sth 使自己适应……adapt A frm B 将B改编成A
    vi.适应 vt.使适应;使适合;改编;改写(adaptable adj.适应性强的;能适应的 adaptatin n.改编本;改写本;适应)
    yu can adapt (yurself) t the new schl as sn as pssible
    (3)我写信请求您就我们的英语短剧给予我们帮助,该短剧改编自我们的英语课文。 (2020·全国Ⅲ,书面表达)I am writing t ask yu t help us with ur English shrt play __________ .
    is) adapted frm ur English text
    (1)The rm (measure) five meters acrss is cmfrtable t live in.(2)In the ld days,my mther always made a suit my measure with the Spring Festival appraching.
    ·用……来度量……· sb’s measure给某人量身定做…… take measures/steps/actin t d sth 采取措施做某事
    (3)越来越多的人开始意识到,教育不应该仅仅以考试成绩来衡量。Mre and mre peple begin t be aware that _____________________ .(4)我们必须采取有效措施来保护海洋免受进一步的污染。(2022·全国甲,书面表达)①We frm being further plluted.② frm being further plluted.(被动语态)
    educatin shuld nt be
    measured nly by examinatin results
    must take effective measures t prtect ceans
    Effective measures must be taken t prtect ceans
    用法点拨 ①measure用作“措施”时,常用其复数形式。②measure表示“有……长(宽、高等)”时,是系动词,后跟测量的结果,不用于被动语态及进行时态。
    vt.提醒;使想起(reminder n.提醒者;提醒物)
    (1)This award is a (remind) that I nce made prgress in my academic perfrmance.
    remind sb f sb/sth 使某人想起(类似的人或物)remind sb that...提醒某人……remind sb t d sth 提醒某人做某事
    (2)“Earth Hur”于2007年在悉尼首次举办,旨在提醒人们注意全球变暖的影响,并提高人们对环境保护的认识。First held in Sydney in 2007,Earth Hur aims t ___________________ and t raise peple’s awareness f envirnmental prtectin.
    remind peple f the
    influence f glbal warming
    (3)这张海报提醒我们必须立即采取措施保护濒临灭绝的生物。①The pster t prtect endangered creatures.(remind sb that...)②The pster t prtect endangered creatures.(remind sb t d sth)
    reminds us that we must take immediate measures
    reminds us t take immediate measures
    vi.& vt.打算;计划;想要(intentin n.用意;目的;意图)
    ·intend ding/t d sth 打算做某事,计划做某事 intend sb t d sth 打算让某人做某事 had intended t d sth (=intended t have dne sth)本打算做某事 (但事实上没做) be intended fr专门为……准备/打算;专为……而设计 be intended t d sth 打算做某事·with the intentin f目的是……
    (1)My parents (intend) t buy a new truck but culdn’t affrd it.(2)The GPNP is intended (prvide) strnger prtectin fr all the species that live within the Giant Panda Range and significantly imprve the health f the ecsystem in the area. (2022·新课标Ⅰ)(3)这本为英语初学者准备的语法书非常受欢迎。 is extremely ppular.
    had intended
    The grammar bk (that/which is) intended fr English beginners
    (4)为了促进中英文化交流,我们学校计划举办一个名为Chinese wrkshp的活动。 (2023·天津6月) Our schl plans t rganize a Chinese wrkshp activity,__________ .
    intentin f prmting cultural exchange between China and the UK
    vi.存在;生存(existence n.存在;生存 existing adj.目前的;现存的)
    ·exist in=lie in/cnsist in存在于…… exist n=live n靠……生存/存活 There exist(s)...某地有……;存在……·cme int existence产生;成立;开始存在
    (1)N ne knws fr sure hw the situatin came int ,but the authrity has determined t take measures t slve it nce and fr all.(exist)
    (2)我们的生活有起有落,但无论发生什么,我们都可以依靠爱和希望生活。(读后续写之主旨升华) ,but whatever happens,we can always .(3)这座城市的美就在于它那些宏伟的建筑。The beauty f the city its magnificent buildings.
    There exist ups and dwns in ur life
    exist n lve and hpe
    exists/lies/cnsists in
    ·die away (声音、光等)逐渐减弱;消失 die f/frm因……而死 die dwn逐渐平息;逐渐暗淡 die ff相继死去·be dying fr sth 渴望得到某物 be dying t d sth 渴望去做某事
    (1)This species has nearly died because its habitat is being destryed.(2)Let’s mve nw because imaginative ideas will die if nt taken in time.(3)If the snwstrm desn’t blw ver,the cattle will die .(4)Learning that yu are dying (visit) Beijing,I am willing t act as yur turist guide.(5)Nw I am dying the precius pprtunity t jin the schl basketball club.(6)The rain remained steady thugh the freezing wind had died .(读后续写之环境描写)
    ·search sb/sp搜查某人/某地 为了找到……而搜查……·in search f=in ne’s search fr寻找
    (1)Jane searched the whle rm upside dwn her wedding ring,but in vain.(2)当我在网上搜索一些信息时,一张关于濒危物种的海报吸引了我的眼球。I _______________________________________________________________ a pster abut endangered species attracted my eyes.
    was searching fr/in my search fr/in search f sme infrmatin n the
    Internet when
    This/That is why...这/那就是……的原因(why引导的从句表示结果)This/That is because...这/那是因为……(because引导的从句表示原因)The reasn that...……的原因是……(why引导定语从句)
    This is why we’re here—t bserve Tibetan antelpes.这就是我们来这里的原因——观察藏羚羊。
    This is why...
    (1)My father was absent frm my cming-f-age ceremny;it was he had a special task t cnduct.(2)The reasn I have chsen this camera as my exhibitin item is it reminds me f my happy childhd memries. (2023·上海6月)
    (3)读经典作品能够丰富我们的日常生活,减轻我们的压力。这就是我们应该多读经典作品的原因。①Reading classics can enrich ur everyday life and relieve ur pressure. .(This is why...)②We shuld read mre classics.___________________________________ .(This is because...)③ reading classics can enrich ur everyday life and relieve ur pressure.(The reasn that...)
    This is because reading classics can
    enrich ur everyday life and relieve ur pressure
    The reasn why we shuld read mre classics is that
    Only when we learn t exist in harmny with nature can we stp being a threat t wildlife and t ur planet.只有学会和大自然和谐共处,我们才不会成为野生生物和地球的威胁。
    (1)Only then (be) I aware f the urgency f wildlife prtectin and that each f us can make a cntributin t it.(2)只有你来到中国,你才能真正体验中国的饮食文化。 truly experience Chinese fd culture.(3)直到最后,我才发现,正是凭借勇敢和决心我们才能克服一切困难。(读后续写主旨升华)Only in the end it was with bravery and determinatin that we can cnquer all the difficulties.
    Only when/if yu cme t China can yu
    did I find that
    (4)让老师失望的是,只有一半的学生成绩高于平均水平。What made the teacher disappinted was that ______________________ .
    nly half f the students’
    scres were abve the average
    (1)The traffic rules must be bserved in ur cuntry.(2)Hwever far it is,Chinese peple will return t their hme t bserve the Spring Festival.(3)Yu put rganisms in new relatinships and bserve what’s happening. (2023·新课标Ⅰ)
    (1)The bat is due t arrive at 12:00,s remember t pick me up n time.(2)Thank yu fr delivering my gds here.Ten dllars is due t yu.(3)An essay nt submitted in class n the due date will lse a letter grade fr each class perid it is late. (2022·新课标Ⅰ)(4)T his annyance,his request wasn’t given due cnsideratin.
    (1)T make sme f my landscape shts,I have traveled up t fur hurs away t sht within a 10-minute time frame. (2023·全国乙)(2)Summers in the mid-70s were spent at hme shting baskets,hitting a baseball,r thrwing a ftball,preparing fr my future as a quarterback n a ftball team. (2021·浙江6月,读后续写)
    (3)Then Jeff nticed steam shting ut f the pt and the lid starting t shake. (2021·新课标 Ⅰ,读后续写) (4)The American sldiers set up a machine gun and began t sht the villagers.
    4.快速阅读下列句子并猜测句中加颜色词汇的汉语意思(1)I will reserve my judgement until I find all the evidence.(2)Her face is plain,but she has a nice smile.(3)I prmise all f yu will prfit much frm this special experience.(4)Take care t lk at the grss and net prfit figures fr at least the last three years.
    (5)That mvie led him int the secnd half f his career where his cmedic presence alne culd make a mvie a financial success even when mvie reviewers wuld nt rate it highly. (2021·浙江)(6)Curtin is CEO f DC Central Kitchen in Washingtn,D.C.,which recvers fd and turns it int healthy meals. (2022·新课标Ⅰ)(7)And when he saw the mists rising frm the river and the sft cluds surrunding the muntain tps,he was reduced t tears.(2020·全国Ⅲ)
    1.Many creative steps have been taken t preserve histric relics frm dying .2. average,peple wh dn’t smke are likely t be healthier than my pinin,the mre yu take part in after-class activities,the sner yu will adapt the new measures shuld be taken (accelerate) the prcess f establishing the cmmittee.
    t accelerate
    5.The frmer manager f the department had attempted t remind him the imprtant appintment,but he gave up and fremst,a (harmny) but cmpetitive interactin in a grup will help everyne’s traffic issue is a hard nut t crack,which nt nly affects ur everyday life,but may als (threat) peple’s the parade,he was nt aware the sheet f paper glued t his back.
    9.I had intended (aplgize) t him,but failed.S it is n wnder that he desn’t frgive her day f discharge,we shared in her delight at her (recver). (2021·全国乙)
    1.为了提高我们对野生动物保护的认识,现向大家发出呼吁。(intentin;awareness)_____________________________________________________________2.许多野生动物正面临灭绝的危险,以惊人的速度灭绝。(extinctin;die ut;at an alarming rate)_____________________________________________________________3.这是因为它们的栖息地受到了人类活动的威胁;此外,人类为了获取它们的毛、皮、角、牙齿和肉而捕杀它们。(That is because...)_____________________________________________________________
    4.因此,应采取以下措施,例如禁止捕杀珍稀的物种、建立更多的自然保护区等等。(take measures)_____________________________________________________________5.只有我们人类立刻采取一些措施,野生动物才能得到保护。(“nly+状语”位于句首的倒装句)_____________________________________________________________
    Dear fellw students,We are making an appeal t everyne with the intentin f raising ur awareness f wildlife prtectin.As we knw,many wild animals are facing the danger f extinctin,dying ut at an alarming rate.That is because their habitats are threatened by human activities.Fr example,with the develpment f cities,the using f insecticide and the spread f pllutin,their living areas have becme narrwer and narrwer.Many f the wild animals nw are cnfrnted with fd crisis.Besides,we humans are killing ff species just fr their fur,skin,hrns,teeth and meat.
    Wildlife plays an imprtant rle in keeping the balance f nature,whse lss will finally influence and harm us humans.Therefre,the fllwing measures shuld be taken,such as prhibiting killing rare species,setting up mre nature reserves and s n.Only if we human beings take sme measures immediately can wild animals be preserved.Student Cuncil
    森林寻兔The frest was dense and alive ①______________________________ .I ②_________________________________________ .Suddenly a little rabbit jumped ut in frnt f my hrse,③ (定语从句).“What a lvely rabbit!”I shuted.Dad was als stunned by this special creature,gawking at it mtinlessly.“Daddy,let’s catch it as ur pet!”I suggested,unexpectedly receiving his apprval.
    with the sunds f rustling leaves
    and chirping birds
    was cmpletely attracted by the beauty f the
    which reminded me f the stry f Alice in Wnderland
    Entirely frgetting what Uncle Paul had tld us,we chased after that pretty rabbit alng ④ .Unfrtunately,s clever and swift was it that it disappeared in the frest befre lng.We ⑤ until we realized that the last ray f twilight was quickly disappearing amng the numerus trees and we culdn’t find ur track at all!We did get lst!
    a winding path leading t the deep frest
    searched the frest carefully fr the rabbit

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