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    The Lake District Attractins Guide
    Dalemain Mansin & Histric Gardens
    Histry, Culture & Landscape(景观). Discver and enjy 4 centuries f histry, 5 acres f celebrated and award-winning gardens with parkland walk. Owned by the Hasell family since 1679, hme t the Internatinal Marmalade Festival. Gifts and antiques, plant sales, museums & Mediaeval Hall Tearm.
    Open: 29 Mar-29 Oct,Sun t Thurs.
    Tearm, Gardens & Gift Shp: 10.30-17.00(16.00 in Oct).
    Huse: 11.15-16.00(15.00 in Oct)
    Twn: Pley Bridge & Penrith
    Abbt Hall art Gallery & Museum
    Thse viewing the quality f Abbt Hall's temprary exhibitins may be frgiven fr thinking they are in a city gallery. The impressive permanent cllectin includes Turners and Rmneys and the temprary exhibitin prgramme has Canalett and the artists frm St Ives.
    Open: Mn t Sat and Summer Sundays. 10.30 -17.00 -16.00 Winter.
    Twn: Kendal
    Tullie Huse Museum & Art Gallery
    Discver, explre and enjy award-winning Tullie Huse, where histric cllectins, cntemprary art and family fun are brught tgether in ne impressive museum and art gallery. There are fur fantastic galleries t visit frm fine art t interactive fun, s there's smething fr everyne!
    Open: High Seasn 1 Apr – 31 Oct: Mn t Sat 10.00 – 17.00, Sun 11.00 – 17.00.
    Lw Seasn 1 Nv – 31 Mar: Mn t Sat 10.00 – 16.30, Sun 12.00 – 16.30.
    Twn: Carlisle
    Dve Cttage & The wrds wrth Museum
    Discver William Wrdswrth's inspiratinal hme. Take a tur f his Lakeland cttage, walk thrugh his hillside garden and explre the riches f the cllectin in the Museum. Visit the shp and relax in the café. Exhibitins, events and family activities thrughut the year.
    Open: Daily, 09.30 – 17.30 (last admissin 17.00).
    Twn: Grasmere
    (1)When is the Huse at Dalemain Mansin & Histric Gardens pen n Sundays in July?
    (2)What can visitrs d at Abbt Hall Art Gallery & Museum?
    A.Enjy Rnney's wrks.
    B.Have sme interactive fun.
    C.Attend a famus festival.
    D.Learn the histry f a family
    (3)Where shuld visitrs g if they want t explre Wrdswrth's life?
    【答案】 (1)C
    (1)考查细节理解。根据Dalemain Mansin & Histric Gardens部分中的“Huse:11:15-16:00”可知,在7月周日的参观时间是11:15-16:00。故选C。
    (2)考查细节理解。根据Abbt Hall art Gallery & Museum部分中的“The impressive permanent cllectin includes Turners and Rmneys and the temprary exhibitin prgramme has Canalett and the artists frm St Ives.”令人印象深刻的永久性收藏包括特纳和罗姆尼,临时展览计划有卡纳莱托和来自圣艾夫斯的艺术家)可知,在这个博物馆可以欣赏到Rmneys的作品。故选A。
    (3)考查细节理解。根据Dve Cttage & The wrds wrth Museum部分中的“ Discver William Wrdswrth's inspiratinal hme. ”发现William Wrdswrth的灵感之家;以及“Twn: Grasmere”可知,如果想了解Wrdswrth's的生活,可以去Grasmere。故选D。
    Sme parents will buy any high-tech ty if they think it will help their child, but researchers said puzzles help children with math-related skills.
    Psychlgist Susan Levine, an expert n mathematics develpment in yung children the University f Chicag, fund children wh play with puzzles between ages 2 and 4 later develp better spatial skills. Puzzle play was fund t be a significant predictr f cgnitin(认知) after cntrlling fr differences in parents' incme, educatin and the amunt f parent talk, Levine said.
    The researchers analyzed vide recrdings f 53 child-parent pairs during everyday activities at hme and fund children wh play with puzzles between 26 and 46 mnths f age have better spatial skills when assessed at 54 mnths f age.
    "The children wh played with puzzles perfrmed better than thse wh did nt, n tasks that assessed their ability t rtate(旋转)and translate shapes," Levine said in a statement.
    The parents were asked t interact with their children as they nrmally wuld, and abut half f children in the study played with puzzles at ne time. Higher-incme parents tended t have children play with puzzles mre frequently, and bth bys and girls wh played with puzzles had better spatial skills. Hwever, bys tended t play with mre cmplex puzzles than girls, and the parents f bys prvided mre spatial language and were mre active during puzzle play than parents f girls.
    The findings were published in the jurnal Develpmental Science.
    (1)In which aspect d children benefit frm puzzle play?
    A.Building cnfidence.
    B.Develping spatial skills.
    C.Learning self-cntrl.
    D.Gaining high-tech knwledge.
    (2)What did Levine take int cnsideratin when designing her experiment?
    A.Parents' age.
    B.Children's imaginatin.
    C.Parents' educatin.
    D.Child-parent relatinship.
    (3)Hw d by differ frm girls in puzzle play?
    A.They play with puzzles mre ften.
    B.They tend t talk less during the game.
    C.They prefer t use mre spatial language.
    D.They are likely t play with tugher puzzles.
    (4)What is the text mainly abut?
    A.A mathematical methd.
    B.A scientific study.
    C.A wman psychlgist
    D.A teaching prgram.
    【答案】 (1)B
    (1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“…fund children wh play with puzzles between ages 2 and 4 develp better spatial skill”在2岁到4岁之间玩智力游戏的儿童在空间能力方面更好,可知,孩子们可以从智力游戏中发展更好的空间技能。故选B。
    (2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Puzzle play was fund t be a significant predictr f cgnitin after cntrlling fr difference in parents' incme, educatin and the amunt f parent talk, Levine said.” Levine说,在父母的收入、教育和父母谈话次数方面控制差异性之后,拼图游戏被发现是一个重要的认知预测,可知Levine在设计这个试验时考虑了父母的收入、教育程度和父母谈话的次数。故选C。
    (3)考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的“Hwever, bys tended t play with mre cmplex puzzles than girls,”可知男孩比女孩更喜欢玩复杂的谜题,即他们可能会玩难度更大的谜题。故选D。
    When yu were trying t figure ut what t buy fr the envirnmentalist n yur hliday list, fur prbably didn't crss yur mind. But sme eclgists and fashin (时装) enthusiasts are trying t bring back the market fr fur made frm nutria(海狸鼠).
    Unusual fashin shws in New Orleans and Brklyn have(shwcased)nutria fur made int clthes in different styles. "It sunds crazy t talk abut guilt-free fur-unless yu understand that the nutria are destrying vast wetlands every year", says Cree McCree, prject directr f Righteus Fur.
    Scientists in Luisiana were s cncerned that they decided t pay hunters $5 a tail. Sme f the fur ends up in the fashin shws like the ne in Brklyn last mnth.
    Nutria were brught there frm Argentina by fur farmers and let g int the wild. "The ecsystem dwn there can't handle this nn-native species (物种) .It's destrying the envirnment. It's them r us." says Michael Massimi, an expert in this field.
    The fur trade kept nutria check fr decades, but when the market fr nutria cllapsed in the late 1980s, the cat-sized animals multiplied like crazy.
    Bilgist Edmnd Mutn runs the nutria cntrl prgram fr Luisiana. He says it's nt easy t cnvince peple that nutria fur is green, but he has n dubt abut it. Hunters bring in mre than 300,000 nutria tails a year, s part f Mutn's jb these days is trying t prmte fur.
    Then there's Righteus Fur and its unusual fashin. Mrgan says," T give peple a guilt-free ptin that they can wear withut smene thrwing paint n them—1 think that's ging t be a massive thing, at least here in New Yrk." Designer Jennifer Andersn admits it tk her a while t cme arund t the pinin that using nutria fur fr her creatins is mrally acceptable. She trying t cme up with a lable t attach t nutria fashins t shw it is ec-friendly.
    (1)What is the purpse f the fashin shws in New Orleans and Brklyn?
    A.T prmte guilt-free fur.
    B.T expand the fashin market.
    C.T intrduce a new brand.
    D.T celebrate a winter hliday.
    (2)Why are scientists cncerned abut nutria?
    A.Nutria damage the ecsystem seriusly.
    B.Nutria are an endangered species.
    C.Nutria hurt lcal cat-sized animals.
    D.Nutria are illegally hunted.
    (3)What des the underlined wrd "cllapsed" in paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    B.Became mature.
    C.Remained stable.
    (4)What can we infer abut wearing fur in New Yrk accrding t Mrgan?
    A.It's frmal.
    B.It's risky.
    C.It's harmful.
    D.It's traditinal.
    【答案】 (1)A
    (1)考查推理判断。根据第二段“Unusual fashin shws in New Orleans and Brklyn have shwcased nutria fur made int clthes in different styles. “It sunds crazy t talk abut guilt-free fur-unless yu understand that the nutria are destrying vast wetlands every year,”says Cree McCree, prject directr f Righteus Fur.”美国新奥尔良和布鲁克林举办了不同寻常的时装秀,时装秀上展出海狸鼠皮制成的不同风格的衣服,项目总监Cree McCree说:“除非了解海狸鼠正每年破坏大片湿地,否则谈论无罪感皮衣是很疯狂的事情”,可以判断出由于海狸鼠对生态造成了巨大的破坏,这场海狸鼠皮衣时装秀销售的是无罪恶感皮衣。故选A。
    (2)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“Scientists in Luisiana were s cncerned that they decided t pay hunters $5 a tail.”科学家们如此担心以至于他们决定按照一条海狸鼠尾巴付给猎人们5美元,可以推断出科学家们担忧海狸鼠们严重破坏生态平衡。故选A。
    (3)考查词义猜测。根据第五段”The fur trade kept nutria in check fr decades, but when the market fr nutria cllapsed in the late 1980s,the cat-sized animals multiplied like crazy. ”毛皮贸易使海狸鼠受到了几十年的控制,但是当海狸鼠市场在20世纪80年代末崩溃时,这种猫大小的动物数量疯长,根据but判断,这是转折关系,以前由于皮毛交易,海狸鼠处于控制,现在这种海狸鼠之所以能够数量激增,是由于市场不再销售海狸鼠皮毛导致的,可以推断出划线词cllapsed 是和D.crashed倒闭的意思最相近。故选D。
    (4)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“Mdel Paige Mrgan says, ‘T give peple a guilt –free ptin that they can wear withut smene thrwing paint n them-I think that’s ging t be a massive thing, at least in New Yrk. ’” 为了给人们一种无罪的选择,人们可以穿皮衣而不被人们泼油漆,我认为在纽约将是一件巨大的事情,根据模特摩根所说,在纽约穿皮质衣服是有风险的。故选B。
    I have a special place in my heart fr libraries. I have fr as lng as I can remember. I was always an enthusiastic reader, smetimes reading up t three bks a day as a child. Stries were like air t me and while ther kids played ball r went t parties, I lived ut adventures thrugh the bks I checked ut frm the library.
    My first jb was wrking at the Ukiah Library when I was 16 years ld .It was a dream jb and I did everything frm shelving bks t reading t the children fr stry time.
    As I grew lder and became a mther, the library tk n a new place and an added meaning in my life. I had several children and bks were ur main surce(来源) f entertainment. It was a big deal fr us t lad up and g t the lcal library, where my kids culd pick ut bks t read r bks they wanted me t read t them.
    I always read ,using different vices ,as thugh I were acting ut the stries with my vice and they lved it !It was a special time t bnd with my children and it filled them with the wnderment f bks .
    Nw, I see my children taking their children t the library and I lve that the excitement f ging t the library lives n frm generatin t generatin.
    As a nvelist, I've fund a new relatinship with libraries. I encurage readers t g t their lcal library when they can't affrd t purchase a bk. I see libraries as a safe haven(避风港) fr readers and writers, a bridge that helps put tgether a reader with a bk. Libraries, in their wn way, help fight bk piracy(盗版行为) and 1 think all writers shuld supprt libraries in a significant way when they can. Encurage readers t use the library. Share library annuncements n yur scial media. Frequent them and talk abut them when yu can.
    (1)Which wrd best describes the authr's relatinship with bks as a child?
    (2)What des the underlined phrase "an added meaning" in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A.Pleasure frm wrking in the library.
    B.Jy f reading passed n in the family.
    C.Wnderment frm acting ut the stries.
    D.A clser bnd develped with the readers.
    (3)What des the authr call n ther writers t d?
    A.Spnsr bk fairs.
    B.Write fr scial media.
    C.Supprt libraries.
    D.Purchase her nvels.
    (4)Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Reading: A Surce f Knwledge
    B.My Idea abut writing
    C.Library: A Haven fr the Yung
    D.My Lve f the Library
    【答案】 (1)C
    (1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“ I was always an enthusiastic reader,smetimes reading up t three bks a day as a child. Stries were like air t me and while ther kids played ball r went t parties. I lived ut adventures thrugh the bks I checked ut frm the library.”我一直是一个热情的读者,孩提时,有时候每天读多达三本书。故事对我来说就像空气,而其他孩子则打球或参加聚会。我通过从图书馆借阅来的书籍经历冒险,可推断,作者小时候与书是密不可分的。故选C。
    (2)考查词义猜测。根据第三段中的“As I grew lder and became a mther”我长大了成了一位母亲;以及“I had several children and bks were ur main surce (来源) f entertainment. It was a big deal fr us t lad up and g t the lcal library, where my kids culd pick ut bks t read r bks they wanted me t read t them”我有几个孩子,书是我们娱乐的主要来源。对于我们来说,坐上车去当地的图书馆是件大事,在那里我的孩子们可以挑选要阅读的书或者想让我给他们读的书。可推断,作者成了母亲以后,带着孩子去图书馆,孩子挑选书籍来阅读,或者作者读给他们听,因此可知图书馆在作者的生活中又增添了新的意义,阅读的乐趣在家庭中代代相传”。故选B。
    (3)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“I think all writers shuld supprt libraries in a significant way when they can. Encurage readers t use the library. Share library annuncements n yur scial media. Frequent them and talk abut them when yu can.”我认为所有的作家都应该在他们可以的时候以有意义的方式支持图书馆。鼓励读者使用图书馆。在社交媒体上分享图书馆公告。可以的时候常去图书馆,谈论图书馆。可知,作者呼吁其他的作家们支持图书馆。故选C。
    Emji (表情符号) and Wrkplace Cmmunicatin
    In Asia, messaging platfrms are grwing rapidly, with users in the hundreds f millins, bth at wrk and play. ________. It's been reprted that 76 percent f emplyees in sme western cuntries are using emjis at wrk.
    Written cmmunicatins can ften read as cld and dull. Using emjis can add humr and feeling, keeping intentin clear. ________, encuraging better and mre frequent cmmunicatin.
    In any given ffice, emplyees can range frm age 22 t 70 and beynd, and finding cmmn grund in cmmunicatin style can be a challenge. ________. While the yunger generatins prefer t cmmunicate visually, fr thse used t wrking with traditinal tls like email, it may feel like a learning curve (曲线). The gd news is that it's simple t learn and can be wrth the effrt.
    There is als the matter f tne (语气). Wh hasn't received an email s annying that it ruined an entire day? ________. Emji can help cmmunicatin feel friendlier, and even a serius nte can be sftened with an encuraging smile.
    ________, and emji can cntribute directly t that psitive utcme. And when yur emplyees begin adding smiling emjis t their business cmmunicatin, yu'll knw yu have succeeded in imprving yur wrk culture.
    A. Message with emjis feel mre cnversatinal
    B. Even a frmal email can seem cld and unfriendly
    C. Sending smiling faces t clleagues may seem strange
    D. The ppularity f these platfrms is spreading glbally
    E. Giving emplyees the tls enables them t cmmunicate hnestly
    F. Studies shw that friendlier cmmunicatin leads t a happier wrkplace
    G. An easy way t bring all wrk generatins tgether is with a chat platfrm
    【答案】 D;A;G;B;F
    (1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“In Asia, messaging platfrms are grwing rapidly, with users in the hundreds f millins, bth at wrk and play.”在亚洲,即时通讯平台正在迅速发展,无论是工作还是娱乐,都有数亿用户;以及空后“It's been reprted that 76 percent f emplyees in sme western cuntries are using emjis at wrk.”据报道,在一些西方国家,76%的员工在工作中使用表情符号。可知,前后句都说明了即时通讯平台受欢迎程度。所以D. The ppularity f these platfrms is spreading glbally.“这些平台的受欢迎程度正在全球蔓延”符合语境。故选D。
    (2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Using emjis can add humr and feeling, keeping intentin clear.”使用表情符号可以增加幽默和感情,保持明确的意图;以及空后“encuraging better and mre frequent cmmunicatin.”鼓励更好更频繁的交流,可知,这里陈述使用表情符号的优点。A. Messages with Emjis feel mre cnversatinal.“使用表情符号的信息让人感觉更健谈”符合语境。故选A。
    (3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“In any given ffice, emplyees can range frm age 22 t 70 and beynd, and finding cmmn grund in cmmunicatin can be a challenge. ”在任何一间办公室,员工的年龄从22岁到70岁甚至更大,在交流中找到共同点可能是一项挑战。G. An easy way t bring all wrk generatins tgether is with a chat platfrm与“emplyees can range frm age 22 t 70 and beynd,”一致,故选G。
    (4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ Wh hasn’t received an email s annying that it ruined an entire day?”谁没有收到过毁掉了一整天的邮件呢?;以及空后介绍表情的优点,可知,这里陈述电子邮件的缺点。B. Even a frmal email can seem cld and unfriendly. “即使是一封正式的电子邮件也会显得冷淡和不友好”符合语境,故选B。
    (5)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“and Emji can cntribute directly t that psitive utcme.”并且表情符号可以直接促成这种积极的结果,可知,这里陈述表情符号能给工作场所带来的好处。F. Studies shw that friendlier cmmunicatin leads t a happier wrkplace. “研究表明,更友好的沟通会带来更快乐的工作场所”符合语境,故选F。
    It was just after sunrise n a June mrning. "Nicl," whse real name cannt be 1 t the public because f Italy's privacy laws, 2 wrking the whle night at a factry in Turin. As he ften did, he stpped by the "after wrk auctin(拍卖)" 3 by the Italian plice where things 4 n the trains were sld t the highest bidder. There, amng many ther things, Nicl sptted tw paintings he thught wuld lk 5 abve his dining rm table. Nicl and anther bidder 6 until Nicl finally wn the paintings fr $32.
    When Nicl retired and went t live in Sicily, he 7 the paintings with him. He hung them abve the same table he had 8 frm Turin. His sn, age 15, wh had 9 an art appreciatin class, thught that there was smething 10 abut the ne with a yung girl sitting n a garden chair. It was signed(签名) "Bnnat" r s he thught, but when he 11 it, he nly fund "Bnnard," a French 12 he had never heard f. He bught a bk and was 13 t find a picture f the artist Pierre Bnnard sitting n the same chair in the same 14 as his father's painting.
    "That's the garden in ur picture,"Nicl's sn tld his father. They 15 learned that the painting they 16 was called "The Girl with Tw Chairs." They 17 the ther painting and learned that it was 18 Paul Gauguin's "Still Life f Fruit n a Table with a Small Dg." The 19 called the Italian Culture Ministry; the fficial cnfirmed that the paintings were 20 and wrth as much as $50 millin.
    【答案】 (1)C;(2)A;(3)D;(4)B;(5)A;(6)A;(7)D;(8)D;(9)C;(10)B;(11)C;(12)A;(13)B;(14)D;(15)C;(16)A;(17)D;(18)B;(19)C;(20)B;
    (1)考查动词。句意:Nicl完成了一整夜在Turin一家工厂的工作,他的真实名字因意大利的隐私法不能暴露给公众。A. attached“参加”;B. allcated“分配”;C. expsed“暴露”;D. submitted“上交”。be expsed t固定短语,“暴露”,故选C。
    (2)考查动词。句意:Nicl完成了一整夜在Turin一家工厂的工作,他的真实名字因为意大利的隐私法不能暴露给警方。A. finished“完成”;B. delayed“推迟”;C. cnsidered“考虑”;D. tried“尝试”。根据上文可知,Nicl刚在工厂里上完了夜班,即完成了一整夜的工作,故选A。
    (3)考查动词。句意:像往常一样,他顺便去了“下班后拍卖”,这个拍卖会是由意大利警方进行的,在火车上发现的东西卖给出价最高的竞标人。A. attended“参加”;B. reserved“保护”;C. cancelled“取消”;D. run“进行”。拍卖会上需要有警察来维持秩序,进行拍卖,故选D。
    (4)考查动词。句意:像往常一样,他顺便去了“下班后拍卖”,这个拍卖会是由意大利警察管理的,在火车上发现的东西卖给出价最高的竞标人。A. shwn“展示”;B. fund“发现”;C. kept“保存”;D. hidden“隐藏”。此处是指拍卖的东西都是从一列火车上发现的,故选B。
    (5)考查形容词。句意:在那里,很多其它东西中,Nicl看到了两幅画,他觉得它们看起来挂在自己的餐桌上方会很漂亮。A. nice“好的”;B. familiar“熟悉的”;C. useful“有用的”; D. real“真的”。根据下文的Nicl and anther bidder 6 until Nicl finally wn the paintings fr 32$”可推测Nicl认为这两幅画挂在自己的餐桌前会很漂亮,所以才会出高价买,故选A。
    (6)考查动词。句意:Nicl和另外一个竞标人竞争,直到Nicl最终以32美元的价格赢得了这两幅画。A. battled“竞争”;B. debated“辩论”;C. discussed“ 讨论”;D. bargained“讨价还价”。故选A。
    (7)考查动词。句意:当Nicl退休去Sicily居住时,他带上了这两幅画。A. held“拿,容纳”;B. left“离开,留下”;C. registered“注册”;D. brught“带来”。根据下文的“he hung them abve the same table”可知,Nicl搬家时带上了这两幅画,故选D。
    (8)考查动词。句意:他把它们挂在同一张桌子的上面,这张桌子是他从Turin搬来的。A. chsen“选择”;B. received“收到”;C. rdered“ 命令”;D. mved“移动”。根据上文的“the same table”可知,Nicl搬家时也把桌子搬来了,故选D。
    (9)考查动词。句意:他15岁的儿子在上一门艺术欣赏课,他认为那幅有一个年轻女孩坐在花园椅子上的画是不寻常的。A. missed“错过,想念”;B. failed“失败”;C. taken“拿”;D. led“导致”。take classes固定短语,“上课”,故选C。
    (10)考查形容词,A. cncrete“具体的”;B. unusual“不寻常的”;C. unappealing“不吸引人的”;D. natural“自然的”。根据下文的“it was signed ''Bnnat'' r he thught”可知,儿子认为这幅画可能是一个著名画家的画,故觉得它有些不同寻常,选B。
    (11)考查动词。句意:画上署名Bnnat或者他认为是这样,但当他仔细研究它时,他只发现了“Bnnard”,一个他从未听说过的法国画家。A. appreciated“欣赏”;B. tuched“触摸”;C. researched“研究”;D. witnessed“目睹”。根据下文可推测儿子仔细研究了画,故选C。
    (12)考查名词。句意:画上署名Bnnat或者他认为是这样,但当他仔细研究它时,他只发现了Bnnard,一个他从未听说过的法国画家。A. painter“画家”;B. designer“设计师”;C. authr “作家”;D. actr“演员”。根据下文的“a picture f the artist Pierre Bnnard”可知选A。
    (13)考查形容词。句意:他买了一本书,非常吃惊的发现里面有一幅艺术家Pierre Bnnard的画,他坐在和父亲画里面一样的花园里,一样的椅子上。A. expected“意料的”;B. surprised“惊讶的”;C. anxius“焦虑的”;D. ready“准备好的”。故选B。
    (14)考查名词。句意:他买了一本书,非常吃惊的发现里面有一幅艺术家Pierre Bnnard的画,他坐在和父亲画里面一样的花园里,一样的椅子上。A. rm“房间”;B. kitchen“餐厅”; C. hall“ 大厅”;D. garden“花园”。根据上文的“with a yung girl sitting n a garden chair”可知选D。
    (15)考查副词。句意:他们最终知道他们拥有的这幅画叫做“有两把椅子的女孩”。A. apparently“明显地”;B. cnfidently“自信地”;C. eventually “最后”;D. temprary“暂时的”。根据上文的“he bught a bk and was 13 t find a picture f the artist Pierre Bnnard sitting n the same chair in the same as his father's painting”可知,此处是指经过一系列的对比和研究,他们终于从一本书上得知了其中一副画的名字,故选C。
    (16)考查动词。句意:他们最终知道他们拥有的这幅画叫做“有两把椅子的女孩”。A. wned“拥有”;B. brrwed“借”;C. sld“卖”;D. stle“偷”。根据上文的“Nicl finally wn the paintings fr 32$”可知,这幅画的所有权是Nicl的,即他们拥有它,故选A。
    (17)考查动词。句意:他们研究了另一幅画,发现它事实上是Paul Gauguin的《Still Life f Fruit n a Table with a Small Dg》。A. cllected“收集”;B. cleaned“打扫”;C. framed“给装框,框住”;D. studied“研究”。故选D。
    (18)考查副词。A. suitably“适合地”;B. actually“事实上”;C. rightly“正确地”;D. specifically“具体地”。此处是指他们研究了另外一副画,事实证明也是一副著名画家的画,故选B。
    (19)考查名词。句意:这家人给意大利文化部打电话,官员肯定这些画是原版,价值高达5000万美元。A. girl“女孩”;B. artist“艺术家”;C. family“家庭”;D. plice“警察”。根据语境可知,此处是指Nicl一家为了鉴别画的真伪给意大利文化部打电话,故选C。
    (20)考查名词。句意:这家人给意大利文化部打电话,官员肯定这些画是原版,价值高达5000万美元。A. cpies“复制品”;B. riginals“原版,原作”;C. mdels “模型”;D. presents“礼物”。根据下文的“as much as $50 millin”可推测,这两幅画都是画家的原版,故选B。
    Derating with Plants, Fruits and Flwers fr Chinese New Year
    Chinese New Year is a ________ (celebrate) marking the end f the winter seasn and the beginning f spring. This is why decrating with plants, fruits and flwers ________ (carry) special significance. They represent the earth ________ (cme) back t life and best wishes fr new beginnings.
    These are sme f the mst ppular in many parts f the cuntry:
    Oranges: Orange trees are mre ________ decratin; they are a symbl f gd frtune and wealth. They make great gifs and yu see them many times ________ (decrate) with red envelpes and messages f gd frtune.
    Bamb: Chinese lve their "Lucky Bamb" plants and yu will see them ften in their hmes and ffice. ________ (certain) during the hliday perid, this plant is a must. Bamb plants are assciated ________ health, abundance and a happy hme. They are easy ________ (care) fr and make great presents.
    Branches f Plum Blssms (梅花): The ________ (beauty) lng branches cvered with pink-clred buds (蓓蕾) make fantastic decratins. The plum trees are ________ first t flwer even as the snw is melting(融化). They represent the prmise f spring and a renewal f life.
    【答案】 celebratin;carries;cming;than;decrated;Certainly;with;t care;beautiful;the
    (2)考查主谓一致。句意:这就是为什么用植物、水果和鲜花装饰具有特殊意义的原因。这是一个表语从句,从句的主语是动名词短语decrating with plants, fruits and flwers,所以谓语动词用单数形式。故填carries。
    (3)考查非谓语动词。句意:它们代表着大地的复苏和对新开端的美好祝愿。earth与cme back t之间为主谓关系,现在分词表主动。此处作后置定语。故填cming。
    (4)考查固定短语。句意:桔子树不仅仅是装饰品;mre than固定短语,“不仅仅,不只是”,故填than。
    (5)考查非谓语动词。句意:它们是很好的礼物,你会经常看到它们装饰着红包和好运的信息。句中them指代前句中的range trees,与decrate之间为动宾关系,过去分词表被动,此处作宾语补足语。故填decrated。
    (7)考查介词。句意:竹类植物与健康、富足和幸福的家庭联系在一起。be assciated with固定短语,“与……相联系”,故填with。
    (8)考查非谓语动词。句意:它们很容易照顾,也很适合作为礼物。此处是“be +形容词 + t d”句式,故填t care。
    Thank yu fr yur letter, what really made me happy. I'm glad t knw that yu've cme China t learn kung fu in a schl in my hmetwn. I'm surely yu'll have a gd time. Actually, I start t learn kung fu when I was seven years ld, fr I have lng been ut f practice. Luckily, I will g hme in tw weeks fr summer vacatins. Then I can spare sme time t learn it again, such that we can practice tgether n every day. Best f luck with yurs learning kung fu in China. See yu sner.
    【答案】 ①what →which ②cme后面加t ③Surely →sure ④start
    →started ⑤fr →but/yet ⑥vacatins →vacatin ⑦such →s ⑧删掉n ⑨yurs →yur/yu ⑩sner →sn
    (1)考查定语从句。句意:谢谢你的来信,你的信真正让我开心。逗号后的从句是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词yur letter,关系词在从句中作主语,指物,应用which引导,故what改为which.
    (2)考查介词。句意:我很高兴知道你来中国在我家乡的一所学校学习功夫。cme是不及物动词,后接宾语是需加相应介词。cme t 固定短语“来到”,故在cme 和China之间加t。
    (5)考查连词。句意:但我早就不练习了。分析句子,此处前句提到“我7岁开始学功夫”,后句提到“很久没有练习了”。此处前后应是转折关系。故fr改为but / yet。
    (7)考查副词。句意:然后我就可以抽出时间重新学习它,这样我们就可以每天一起练习。s that固定短语,“以便,所以”。故such改为s。
    (8)考查介词。句意:我们就可以每天一起练习。every day “每一天”,前不能用任何介词修饰。故去掉every前的n。
    (9)考查代词。句意:祝你在中国学习功夫好运。best luck f yu 固定短语,“祝你好运”,故将yur改为yu;yurs为名词性物主代词,不可修饰后面的动名词。故yurs改为yur。因此答案为yurs 改为yur/yu。
    (10)考查固定短语。句意:希望尽快见到你。see yu sn 固定短语“希望尽快见到你”,故sner改为sn。
    题目:My Weekend
    【答案】 略
    1. A. attached
    B. allcated
    C. expsed
    D. submitted
    2. A. finished
    B. delayed
    C. cnsidered
    D. tried
    3. A. attended
    B. reserved
    C. cancelled
    D. run
    4. A. shwn
    B. fund
    C. kept
    D. hidden
    5. A. nice
    B. familiar
    C. useful
    D. real
    6. A. battled
    B. debated
    C. discussed
    D. bargain
    7. A. held
    B. left
    C. registered
    D. brught
    8. A. chsen
    B. received
    C. rdered
    D. mved
    9. A. missed
    B. failed
    C. taken
    D. led
    10. A. cncrete
    B. unusual
    C. unappealing
    D. natual
    11. A. appreciated
    B. tuched
    C. researched
    D. witnessed
    12. A. painter
    B. designer
    C. authr
    D. actr
    13. A. expected
    B. surprised
    C. anxius
    D. ready
    14. A. rm
    B. kitchen
    C. hall
    D. garden
    15. A. apparently
    B. cnfidently
    C. eventually
    D. temprarily
    16. A. wned
    B. brrwed
    C. sld
    D. stle
    17. A. cllected
    B. cleaned
    C. framed
    D. studied
    18. A. suitably
    B. actually
    C. rightly
    D. specifically
    19. A. girl
    B. artist
    C. family
    D. plice
    20. A. cpies
    B. riginals
    C. mdels
    D. presents

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