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    英语人教版 (2019)Unit 2 Travelling around精品课后练习题

    这是一份英语人教版 (2019)Unit 2 Travelling around精品课后练习题,共7页。

    Unless yur parent is a head chef r bent bx(便当盒) master,schl lunch is usually nthing t write hme abut.Fr artist and father Dminick Cabal,hwever,his sn Nichlas’ lunches are an il painting clth fr creativity.Cabal makes carefully designed drawings n each f 12-year-ld Nichlas’ paper lunch bags,usually representing ppular lively characters and clrful superheres.
    Cabal began drawing n the bags abut three years ag t help Nichlas make new friends in elementary schl.“I nticed he was a bit shy when it came t talking t thers,” he said.“S by creating a piece f artwrk t ‘break the ice’,kids wuld cme up t him and start talking and hpefully a cnversatin,r better yet,a new friendship,wuld start.”
    Thugh Nichlas is in middle schl nw,he still asks his dad t draw n the lunch bags,and will make requests fr characters r drawings that he’d like t see n the next bag.Cabal has drawn abut 400 lunch bags in the past three years.He explained that the bags had really helped his sn becme mre cnfident at schl.“He’s brken ut f his shell because f this,and I like t think that I had a hand in helping him d this with these bags,” he wrte.
    Nichlas keeps mst f the bags.“Sme cme back in better cnditin than thers,” Cabal said.“We may lse ne due t the ccasinal wet sandwich r leaky drink,but that’s t be expected.” As fr the bags that make it hme undamaged,Cabal psts their phts t scial media.His favrites are the mre time-cnsuming series f bags that can be jined up t create a larger image,such as the “Finding Nem” triptych(三联画).
    1.What special feature makes Nichlas’ lunch bags distinguished?
    A.Delicius fd cked by a head chef.
    B.Beautiful il paintings prduced by artists.
    C.Clrful superheres drawn by Nichlas.
    D.Lively characters drawn by the kid’s lving father.
    答案 D
    解析 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,父亲精心画的栩栩如生的人物使Nichlas的午餐袋与众不同。故选D。
    2.Why did Cabal draw n the lunch bags in the very beginning?
    A.T help his sn t make new friends.
    B.T make his sn’s lunch bags attractive.
    C.T encurage his sn t be mre cnfident.
    D.T imprve his sn’s academic perfrmance.
    答案 A
    解析 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,Cabal在午餐袋上画画是为了帮助儿子结交新朋友。故选A。
    3.Which f the fllwing best describes Cabal?
    A.Friendly. B.Nble.
    C.Caring. D.Gifted.
    答案 C
    解析 推理判断题。根据第二段的第一句话可知,Cabal是一位非常有爱的父亲,他通过在儿子的午餐袋上绘画来帮助儿子结交新朋友,父亲这一行为很贴心。故选C。
    4.What is this text mainly abut?
    A.Cabal draws ppular lively characters and clrful superheres fr his sn.
    B.Dad’s special lunch bag drawings help his shy sn cme ut f his shell.
    C.Nichlas’ new friends in elementary schl make him mre cnfident.
    D.Nichlas keeps the mre time-cnsuming series f bags designed by his father.
    答案 B
    解析 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了一位父亲为了使儿子不再羞怯,在儿子的午餐袋上画上多彩的图案,吸引同学们与他交谈,使他变得自信、阳光的故事。B项全面地概括了文章内容。故选B。
    Cmmercial fishing is taking away life frm ur ceans.Mre than a third f glbal fish stcks were classified as verfished in 2020,and the Eurpean Unin(EU) is hping that investing in technlgy can help fix the prblem in its waters.It is funding a prject called Smart Fish H2021,led by Nrwegian cmpany SINTEF Ocean,t design equipment t reduce the industry’s impact n sea life.
    Amng the innvatins it is testing is a new kind f fishing net called Smart Gear.It makes sunds and uses LED lights f different clrs and intensities t attract nly target species t the net,encuraging ther fish t swim away.“We want t make life easier fr the fishers,” Rachel Tiller,a senir research scientist at SINTEF Ocean,says.“The prblem is that we dn’t have data.We dn’t knw hw many fish are in the cean and we need t find this infrmatin.”
    Anther technlgy being trialled is Catch Scanner.It prduces a 3D clr image f the fish,which is analyzed using AI t estimate the weight and identify the species.Catch Scanner can als help tackle rule-breaking;sme fishing bats catch mre fish than EU qutas(限额) allw,as well as fish f the wrng size and species.Catch Scanner can prevent this by autmatically cllecting catch infrmatin in a database and making it available t authrities such as natinal cast-guard agencies.
    The EU cannt frce member states t adpt the Smart Fish innvatins,and their success will depend n market demand.Hwever,Tiller says that many fishing cmpanies acrss Eurpe have shwn interest.“Sme f these technlgies can be very expensive,” she says.“S in rder fr the fishers t want t have them n bard,they need t see the benefits.”
    Fisherman Aitr Larranaga will sn test Smart Gear ff the cast f Spain.He’s enthusiastic abut smart tech and believes the fishing industry needs t innvate t becme mre sustainable.“The wrld mves n,” he says.“We can’t wrk like we did 200 years ag.”
    5.What functin can Catch Scanner serve?
    A.It can direct fishers t waters full f fish.
    B.It can identify wrng sized fishing bats.
    C.It can reprt fishers’ unruly behavir.
    D.It can catch nly target fish species.
    答案 C
    解析 细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,Catch Scanner可以帮忙解决渔夫违规捕鱼的问题。故选C。
    6.What may make fishers use the Smart Fish innvatins?
    A.The innvatins are affrdable fr them.
    B.The EU frces them t adpt the innvatins.
    C.Fishing cmpanies ask them t g green.
    D.The innvatins help them make mney.
    答案 D
    解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段内容可知,这项创新能帮他们赚钱。故选D。
    7.What is Aitr Larranaga’s attitude twards the Smart Fish innvatins?
    A.Uncertain. B.Supprtive.
    C.Dubtful. D.Uncaring.
    答案 B
    解析 观点态度题。根据最后一段内容可知,Aitr Larranaga对于Smart Fish的创新是支持的。故选B。
    8.Which sectin f a magazine is this text prbably taken frm?
    A.Science and nature.
    B.Diet and health.
    C.Fashin and entertainment.
    D.Educatin and culture.
    答案 A
    解析 文章出处题。根据第一段的“Cmmercial fishing is taking away life frm ur ceans.”以及下文的描述可知,本文主要讲述为了减少工业对海洋生物的影响,利用科技发明了各种设备。由此可知,这篇文章很有可能来自杂志中的科技和自然版块。故选A。
    Japan’s biggest airline is betting that the future f travel isn’t traveling at all.Fr the last mnth,a married cuple has been interacting with a rbt—called an Avatar—that’s cntrlled by their daughter hundreds f miles away.Made by ANA Hldings Inc.it lks like a cleaner with an iPad attached.But the screen displays the daughter’s face as they chat,and its wheels let her mve slwly abut the huse as thugh she’s really there.
    “Virtual travel” is nthing new,f curse.Strytellers,travel writers and artists have stimulating(刺激) the sense f armchair turists fr centuries.It’s nly in recent decades that frequent,safe travel has becme available t the nn-wealthy.
    Yet even as the wrld’s middle classes climb ut f the armchair and int ecnmy-class seats,there are signs f a pst-travel sciety cming int being.Cncerns abut sustainability(可持续发展) are having a negative influence n carbn-intensive airlines.And the aging f wealthy scieties is bth slwing dwn physical travel and creating demand fr varius ways t experience the wrld.Fr the travel industry,virtual(虚拟的) reality ffers an attractive respnse t these trend.
    Of curse,far-ut technlgies encurage far-ut claims.ANA desn’t plan t start selling Avatars until next year.Prfits,t,will prbably be difficult t achieve:accrding t ne investigatin,the glbal market fr this kind f technlgy will be wrth nly abut $300 millin by 2023.By cntrast,ANA’s traditinal travel business brught in mre than $19 billin last year.
    But if the business case fr virtual vacatins is still weak,the market fr technlgies that bridge physical distances between families and cwrkers seems likely t nly expand.ANA’s rbts may nt replace its airplanes any time sn,but they’ll almst certainly be a part f travel’s high-tech future.
    9.Why des the authr use the example f a cuple interacting with a rbt?
    A.T shw the Japanese are crazy abut traveling.
    B.T indicate virtual travel begins t enter peple’s real life.
    C.T shw the cuple are very enthusiastic abut rbts.
    D.T express the clse relatinship between the cuple and their daughter.
    答案 B
    解析 推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知,一对夫妇同一个名为Avatar的机器人互动交流,这个机器人由远在几百英里之外的女儿操控,而且他们在聊天时,机器人的屏幕上会显示女儿的脸。机器人在屋里来回走动,好像女儿真的在那里一样,而下文均围绕“Virtual travel”展开陈述。由此可知,作者使用一对夫妇同机器人交流这个例子是为了说明虚拟旅游开始进入人们的真实生活了,故选B项。
    10.Which f the fllwing is the pssible reasn fr virtual travel’s appearance?
    A.Strytellers,travel writers and artists have been using it fr centuries.
    B.Frequent and safe travel has becme available t the rdinary peple.
    C.Peple are wrried abut the air pllutin caused by airlines.
    D.Mre and mre peple lse interest in traveling.
    答案 C
    解析 细节理解题。文章第三段主要介绍了虚拟旅游业兴起的原因。根据第三段中的“Cncerns abut sustainability(可持续发展) are having a negative influence n carbn-intensive airlines.”可知,人们对飞机排放的废气造成的空气污染感到担忧可能是虚拟旅游业出现的原因之一,故选C项。
    11.What can we learn abut Avatars frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A.They will be put n the market sn.
    B.They will bring ANA a lt f mney.
    C.They will replace ANA’s airplanes sn.
    D.They are almst unavidable in travel’s future.
    答案 D
    解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“ANA’s rbts may nt replace its airplanes any time sn,but they’ll almst certainly be a part f travel’s high-tech future.”可知,ANA的机器人可能不会在短期内取代该公司的飞机,但几乎可以肯定的是,它们将成为未来高科技旅游业的一部分,即未来旅游业中出现Avatars几乎是不可避免的,故选D项。
    12.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Yur Next Travel May Be Virtual
    B.Easy Travel Benefits
    C.Virtual Travel Benefits
    D.Air Travel Is Disappearing
    答案 A
    解析 标题归纳题。纵观全文可知,本文主要介绍了虚拟旅游业兴起的原因、影响及其发展前景,故A项作本文标题最佳。
    Experts praise the virtues f scial cnnectivity.It’s linked t better resistance t stress and even lnger life. 1 Research suggests that lneliness increases the risk f heart disease,anxiety,depressin,high bld pressure and even early death. 2 Ding things by yurself allws yu t enjy activities yu lve at yur wn pace and in yur wn way.Thrugh slitary(独处) pursuits,yu learn mre abut yurself and reflect n yur experiences.
    3 It is an imprtant part f self-develpment.It allws yu t get t knw yurself.When yu are surrunded by thers,yu might set yur wn ideas and passins aside in rder t meet the wants and needs f yur friends and family.Taking time n yur wn gives yu a critical pprtunity t make creative chices and fcus yur attentin withut wrrying abut what ther peple are thinking.
    4 But research has fund that peple are ften better at slving difficult prblems when they wrk n their wn.Where grup effrts are ften abut achieving cnsensus(一致的意见) and fitting in with the crwd,sl wrk encurages creativity withut added scial pressure.
    Relatinships are ften strngest when each persn takes time t take care f themselves.Even when it cmes t friendships,the ld saying may be true.A little absence might really make the heart grw fnder.Having friendships and a strng scial supprt system is imprtant fr yur mental health and well-being. 5
    A.Being alne is harmful if it feels like a punishment.
    B.Being alne gives yu time t fcus n yur interests.
    C.Being alne,n the ther hand,is ften assciated with lneliness.
    D.Research has shwn that many peple actually prefer being n their wn.
    E.Hwever,research is increasingly shwing that ding things alne des pay ff.
    F.Brainstrming tgether is ften seen as ne f the best ways t generate new ideas.
    G.But being alne ccasinally may make yu appreciate thse cnnectins even mre.
    1.答案 C
    解析 根据空格后文可知是针对孤独的研究,根据空格前文可知空前没有提到孤独,所以空处需引出孤独这个话题,结合选项,只有C项与下文一致,故选C项。
    2.答案 E
    解析 空前是讲社交联系的好处,独处的坏处,而空后是在讲述独自做事情的好处,空前后句意相反,所以空处需要表转折的句子,结合选项,E项中“Hwever”表转折,且“research is increasingly shwing that ding things alne des pay ff”与下文一致,故选E项。
    3.答案 B
    解析 空处位于句首,是段落主题句,根据空后句以及最后一句可知本段主要讲述自己独自做事情的好处,结合选项可知,B项与本段文意相符,故选B项。
    4.答案 F
    解析 根据空后But可知,空处语意需与空后意思相反,F项中的“Brainstrming tgether”与空后“wrk n their wn”相反,且“generate new ideas”与下文中的“creativity”一致,故选F项。
    5.答案 G
    解析 综合全文看,文章主要讨论scial cnnectivity和being alne这两个话题,且空前是在讲scial cnnectivity的重要性,而作为本文最后一段作总结时,也应讲到being alne这个话题,并指出二者的关系,只有G项符合语境,故选G项。语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了尼古拉斯的爸爸每天为儿子精心绘制午餐袋上的图案,以此帮助儿子结交新朋友,使他变得自信、阳光的故事。
    语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述商业捕鱼正在夺走我们海洋中的生命。欧盟希望在技术上的投资可以帮助解决这个问题,正在资助一个叫“Smart Fish H2021”的项目来发明设备以减少工业对海洋生物的影响。
    语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了虚拟旅游业兴起的原因、影响及其发展前景。
    语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了社交联系和独处两种社会现象以及它们各自的优点和缺点。

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