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    2024新人教版七年级上册英语 Unit 3知识点梳理及语法讲义(教师版+ 学生版)
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    2024新人教版七年级上册英语 Unit 3知识点梳理及语法讲义(教师版+ 学生版)

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    Unit 3 My school ! 知识点与语法精讲精练词汇梳理完成单词名词:1. 礼堂;大厅 __hall__ 2. 建筑物;房子 __building__ 3. 场地;田地 __field__体育馆;健身房 __gym__ 5. 办公室 __office__ 6. 白板 __whiteboard__寄物柜 __locker__ 8. 抽屉 __drawer__ 9. 角;墙角 __corner__书架;书柜 __bookcase__ 11. 屏幕 __screen__ 12. 旗;旗帜 __flag__座位 __seat__ 14. 办公室 __office__ 15. 图书馆 __library__植物 __plant__ 动词:1. 使升高;提高 __raise__ 代词:1. 你的;您的 __yours__ 形容词:1. 大的;大号的 __large__ 2. 特别的;特殊的 __special__ 智能的;聪明的 __smart__ 4. 重要的 __important__ 5. 现代的 __modern__ 6. 令人惊奇的 __amazing__ 7. 美味的;可口的 __delicious__ 8. 类似的 __similar__兼类词:1. (介词/副词) __across__ (名词) 通知;注意 (动词) 注意到;意识到 __notice__(形容词/代词) 大多数;最多;最大;(副词) 最 __most__(动词/名词) 改变;变化 __change__(动词) 听起来;好像 (名词) 声音;响声 __sound__词语变形Dining (名词) 吃饭;用餐 -- (动词) __dine__ (进餐) -- (名词) __dinner__ (晚餐;正餐)Building (名词) 建筑物 -- (动词) __build__ (建筑)Gym (名词) 健身房 -- (完全形式) __gymnasium__Important (形容词) 重要的 -- (名词) __importance__ (重要性)Locker (名词) 寄物柜 -- (动词)锁住;(名词) 锁 __lock__Amazing (形容词) 令人惊奇的 -- (形容词) __amazed__ (感到惊奇的) -- (动词) _amaze__ (使...惊奇) Most (形容词/副词) 最多;最 -- (比较级) __more__ (更多;更) -- (原级) __many/much__ (许多)Yours (名词性物主代词) 你的 -- (形容词性物主代词) __your__ -- (主格/宾格) __you__ (你;你们)Across (介词/副词) 穿过 -- (动词) __cross__(穿过) -- (名词) __crossing__ (十字路口) Science (名词) 科学 -- (名词) __scientist__ (科学家)短语互译餐厅 __dining hall__ 2. 在...前面 __in front of__3. 在对面 __across from__ 4. 运动场 __sports field__5. 张贴;搭建 __put up__ 6. 在(......)后面 __at the back (of)__7. 在学校 __at school__ 8. 做体操 __do exercises__9. ...怎么样;如何 __how/what about...__ 10. 类似的;相像的 __similar to__11. 再见 __bye for now__ 12. 在...旁边 __next to__13. 在...和...之间 __between... and...__ 14. 艺术楼 __art building__15. 教学楼 __classroom building__ 16. 教师办公楼 __Teachers’ building__17. 音乐礼堂 __Music hall__ 18. 学校礼堂 __School hall__19. 讲桌 __teacher’s desk__ 20. 智能白板 __smart whiteboard__21. 与...不同 __be different from__ 22. 阅读角 __reading corner__23. 名人 __famous people__ 24. 在墙上 __on the wall__25. 在角落 __in the corner__ 26. 因...而感谢 __Thanks/Thank you for ...__27. 回答问题 __answer the question__ 28. 现代建筑 __modern building__29. 每周一 __every Monday__ 30. 升旗 __raise the flag__31. 做某事的特殊方法 __a special way to do sth.__ 32. 大多数的... __most of...__33. 换座位 __change seats__ 34. 最好的朋友 __best friend__35. 许多种的... __many kinds of...__ 36. 中国食物 __Chinese food__37. 相像的;类似的 __similar to...__ 38. 听起来有趣 __sound fun__39. 欢迎来到... __welcome to...__ 40. 梦开始的地方 __a place to start our dreams__知识点梳理Section A What is your school like?Where is the dining hall? 餐厅在哪里?【用法详解】 特殊疑问词where,译为“在哪里”,引导的特殊疑问句用来询问“某人或某物在哪里”。注意:be动词要与主语的人称和数保持一致。 Eg: Where is your English book? 你的英语书在哪?Where are my keys? 我的钥匙在哪?【即学即用】( D )1. -- _____ my shoes? -- They’re under the bed.Where B. Where’s C. Where’re D. Where areIt’s in front of the art building. 在艺术楼前面。【易混辨析】 in front of与in the front of的区别:In front of 译为“在...前面”,强调在物体的外部的前面In the front of 译为“在...前面”,强调在物体内部的前面Eg: There is a tree in front of our classroom. 我们教室前有一棵树。(树在教室外面) There is a blackboard in the front of our classroom. 我们教室前有一块黑板。 (黑板在教室内部)【即学即用】( B )1. Tony is too short, so he sits ______ the classroom.in front of B. in the front of C. at the back of D. at back of( C )2. There is a park _____ our school.In front B. in the front C. in front of D. in the front ofThe teachers’ building is across from the school hall. 教师办公楼在学校礼堂对面。【用法详解】 across from ... 译为“在..对面”,其中across为副词,译为“过;穿过”,across也可作为介词,译为“过;穿过”,此时常常与动词go、walk、swim等连用。注意:across的动词形式为cross;go/walk/swim across = cross Eg: The old man is walking across the street alone. = The old man is crossing the street alone.这位老人正独自过马路。【易混辨析】 across、over与through区别: Across指从物体的表面穿过,强调从一边到另一边。 through指从物体的内部穿过。 Over多指从物体的上方跨越而过。 Eg: The boy is swimming across the river. 这个男孩正游过这条河。The plane is flying over the bridge. 这只鸟正飞过这座桥。He walks through the forest alone. 他独自穿过这座森林。【知识拓展】 Building 为名词,译为“建筑物;大楼”,其动词形式为build,译为“建筑”,其过去式为built。 Eg: The workers built this building last year. 这些工人去年建造这栋大楼。【即学即用】( B )1. Every morning, the sunshine goes _____ the window into my bedroom.across B. through C. over D. cross( A )2. We should be careful when we walk _____ the street.across B. through C. over D. crossThe garden is between the school hall and the science building. 花园在学校礼堂和教学楼之间。【用法详解】“Between... and...”译为“在...和...之间”,用来连接两个并列的成分。注意:between常常用在两者之间或两两之间。 Eg: There is a park between the school and the supermarket. 学校和超市之间有一个公园。 Tony sits between his parents. 托尼坐在父母之间。【知识拓展】among为介词,译为“在...之中”,常常用在三者或三者以上的人或物之间。 Eg: He is the tallest among his classmates. 他在同学之间是最高的。【即学即用】( C )1. We can have a break for ten minutes ______ lessons.of B. among C. between D. in( D )2. —Is the man ________ a white shirt your new teacher? —Yes. His lessons are interesting, so he is popular ________ students.with; between B. in; among C. in; between D. with; among音标知识【用法详解】/ ɔ:/ 发音要领:双唇收得小而圆,并向前突出,舌身向后缩。 字母组合:al -- chalk; ou -- bought; or -- short; oor -- door; ore -- more; oar -- board; our -- four; Aw -- draw; ar -- warm; / ɒ/ 发音要领:口腔打开,嘴张大,舌头向后缩,双唇稍收圆 字母组合:a -- want; o -- along / u: / 发音要领:口腔打开,嘴张大,下巴放低,舌平放,舌尖不抵下齿,轻松发音。 字母组合:u -- ruler; ou -- soup; oo -- food; ui -- fruit; ew -- flew; / ʊ / 发音要领:嘴张大,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角尽量拉向两边,成扁平形。 字母组合:oo -- look【知识拓展】单词重读三音节词的重音一般在第一个音节上,如:favourite/'feɪvərɪt/、interesting/'ɪntrəstɪŋ/、vegetable/'vedʒtəbl/等。少数三音节词的重音在第二个音节上,如:computer/kəm'pju:tə/、tomato/tə'mɑːtəʊ/等。 【即学即用】( D )1. A. for B. short C. order D. actor( D )2. A. warm B. warn C. quarter D. similar( A )3. A. mother B. box C. sock D. doctor( D )4. A. who B. shoe C. whose D. clock( C )5. A. put B. July C. us D. fullAnother blackboard? 另一块黑板?【易混辨析】Other, the other, others, the others与another区别: Other “其他的;另外的”常作限定词使用,后面可以接名词 The other “两者中的另一个”为特指,常用结构为one..., the other... “一个...;另一个” Others 用于已知的一些人或物中,出去某些后余下的人或物中的一部分。译为“其他”为泛指,常用结构为some..., others... “一些...,另一些...”。Others = other + 可数名词复数The others用于指一定范围内出去一个或一部分后,余下的全部人或物。译为“其余的;其余全部”为特指,我们常用the others = the other + 可数名词复数 Another “另一个;再一个”为泛指,三者或三者以上中的另一个Eg: I can’t see you now -- some other time, maybe. 我现在不能见你 -- 也许别的时候吧。I have two brothers, one is a doctor, the other is a teacher.我有两个哥哥,一个是医生,另一个是老师。Some people came by car, others came on foot. 一些人开车来,另一些人走路来。Can you give me another chance? 你能再给我一次机会吗?【即学即用】( D )1. Two apples are not enough. Can I have _____ one?other B. the other C. others D. another( C )2. There are lots of students on the playground, some are playing football. Some are playing basketball, ____ are playing volleyball. A. other B. the other C. others D. anotherWe put up important notices there. 我们在上面张贴重要的通知。【用法详解】知识点1Important为形容词,译为“重要的”,在句中可作表语或定语。常见搭配为:be important to sth. 对某人来说很重要 It is important (for sb.) to do sth. 做某事对某人来说很重要。Eg: English is important to us. 英语对我们很重要。 It is important for us to learn English. 学英语对我们来说很重要。【知识拓展】important的名词形式为importance,其副词形式为importantly.Eg: We all know the importance of learning English well. 我们都知道学好英语的重要性。知识点2Notice 作可数名词时,译为“通知;通告”;作不可数名词时,译为“注意;理会”常见搭配:put up a notice 张贴通知Eg: The notice on the wall said “No smoking.” 墙上的告示写着“禁止吸烟”。 This never came to my notice. 我从来没有注意到这一点。【知识拓展】Notice还可作动词,译为“注意到;意识到”常见搭配:notice sb. do sth. 注意到某人做了某事(全过程) Notice sb. doing sth. 注意到某人正在做某事(部分)Eg: I notice the boy leave the room. 我注意到这个男孩离开了房间。 I noticed the boy painting by the river. 我注意到这个男孩在河边画画。知识点3Put up 译为“张贴;搭建”。注意:若宾语为代词,则必须放在put和up中间。Eg: Please put up the notice on the wall. 请把这个告示贴在墙上。 Put it up on the wall. 把它贴到墙上。【知识拓展】 put常见搭配: Put up your hand 举手Put out 扑灭;发表 Put on 穿上;戴上 Put up with 容忍 Put down 镇压;写下 Put off 推迟 Put away 放好;收拾好【即学即用】( B )1. It is dark (黑暗的). We should ______ the tent (帐篷) at once.put down B. put up C. put on D. put off( B )2. Did you notice the girl ______ when you passed her?cry B. crying C. to cry D. cried( B )3. It’s important for children _____ a lot of vegetables and fruit.eat B. to eat C. eating D. eatsPeter sits at the back of the classroom. 彼得坐在教室的后面。【易混辨析】after, behind与at the back(of)“在……后面”after常常表示时间或顺序上的后面。 Eg: My parents always take a walk after dinner. 我父母晚饭后总是散步。Behind 常常指位置的后面。 Eg: He sits behind Lucy. 他坐在露西的后面。At the back of 侧重在某个范围内的后面 Eg: We could get seats at the back of the room. 我们可以在房间后面找到座位。 【即学即用】( A )1. The boys often plays basketball ____ school.after B. behind C. at the back of D. in front ofThere are some pictures of famous people on the wall. 墙上有一些名人的照片。【用法详解】 Famous为形容词,译为“著名的”,可以用来作定语修饰名词。常见搭配:be famous for ... “因...而出名” Be famous as + 职业 “作为...而出名”Eg: Jay Zhou is a famous singer. 周杰伦是一个著名的歌手。The village is famous for apples. 这个村庄因苹果而出名。 Lu Xun is famous as writer. 鲁迅作为作家而出名。【知识拓展】 On the wall “在墙上” (在墙的表面) In the wall “在墙里” (在墙内部) Eg: There is a map of China on the wall. 墙上有一张中国地图。There is a cupboard in the wall. 墙里有一个壁橱。【即学即用】( D )1. China is famous _____ the Great Wall.as B. in C. on D. forThe teacher’s desk is in the corner. 讲桌在角落里。【用法详解】Corner为名词,译为“角;角落;街角;嘴角;眼角”等意。与不同介词搭配有不同的意思。In the corner “在角落里”(表示在某一范围内的角落里,如墙角、柜角等)On the corner “在拐角处”(强调在角的顶点上,如道路的拐角等)At the corner “在拐角处”(在拐角周围,范围较大,可与on the corner互换)Eg: She put all the books in the corner of the room. 她把所有的书都放在房间的墙角处。 Let’s go to the supermarket on the corner. 让我们去拐角处的超市吧。 There is a shop at the corner. 在拐角周围有一家商店。【即学即用】( B )1. He sat _____ the corner of the classroom. on B. in C. at D. withSection B What fun things do you do at school?How is your new school different from your old one? 你的新学校和旧学校有什么不同?【用法详解】 Different为形容词,译为“不同的”,其名词形式为difference,译为“不同点”常见搭配:be different from... “与...不同”Eg: There are some differences between the books. 这两本书之间有些不同。 This book is different from that one. 这本书和那本书不同。【即学即用】( C )1. Our school is _______ yours.difference B. difference from C. different from D. differentThanks for you email. 谢谢你的邮件。【用法详解】Thanks for... 译为“因...而感谢”,其同义词组为“thank you for...”,其后常常接名词、代词或动词ing形式,其答语常为You’re welcome.(不用谢)。Eg: Thanks for your invitation. 谢谢你的邀请。 Thanks for inviting me. 谢谢你邀请我。【知识拓展】email为名词,译为“电子邮件”。因其元音音素开头,故前面用不定冠词an修饰。Eg: I got an email from her. 我收到了一封来自她的电子邮件。Email为动词时,译为“给...发电子邮件”。常见搭配:email sb. at + 电子邮箱地址 译为“给某人发电子邮件到...”Eg: Please email us at Marina_Woo@sina.cn. 请发电子邮件Marina_Woo@sina.cn.联系我们。【即学即用】( C )1. Thanks for ______ me the truth. tell B. to tell C. telling D. tells( A )2. -- Louis, you can email me ____ Lily 123@sina.cn. -- OK.at B. in C. on D. forThank you for _joining_ (join) our basketball club. All the students go there and do exercises together in the morning. 早上所有学生去那里一起做体操。【用法详解】词组“do exercise”译为“做体操”,此处exercise为可数名词,译为“一套动作”Eg: do morning exercises 做早操 Do eye exercises 做眼保健操【知识拓展】exercise可作不可数名词,译为“锻炼;运动”, do/take exercise 锻炼exercise可作可数名词,译为“练习;习题”, do maths exercises 做数学练习exercise做动词,译为“锻炼” Eg: How often do you exercise? 你多长时间锻炼一次?【即学即用】( D )1. Lily always ______ for an hour every morning, but she never does math ____.exercise; exercises B. exercise; exercise C. exercises; exercise D. exercises; exercises2. My father _exercises_ (exercise) every morning so he is very healthy.It’s amazing! 很壮观!【用法详解】amazing为形容词,译为“令人惊奇的”,通常用来描述事物的性质和特征,(可用来修饰物)amazed为形容词,译为“感到惊奇的”,通常表示人的感受,主语为人,(可用来修饰人)常见搭配:be amazed at... 对...感到惊奇Eg: She is amazed at this amazing scenery. 她对这令人惊奇的景观感到惊奇。【即学即用】( C )1. The ______ movie makes me ______.amazing; amazing B. amazed; amazing C. amazing; amazed D. amazed; amazedEvery Monday we raise the flag there. 每周一我们还在那儿举行升旗仪式。【易混辨析】 rise, arise与raise区别: Rise (动词)“上升”表示由低到高的变化过程,强调主语自身移向较高位置。 Arise (动词)“起身”主语发出的动作,作用到其它事物。 raise (动词)“举起” 表示把具体事物举到高处。 Eg: The sun rises. 太阳升起来了。 He arises to greet her. 他起身向她问候。 He raises his hand to answer questions. 他举手回答问题。【即学即用】( B )1. We are ______ the flag and the sun is ______.raising; arising B. raising; rising C. rising; raising D. arising; raisingIt’s a special way to start the week. 只是开启一周的特殊方式。【用法详解】way为名词,译为“路;方法”等。短语it’s a good way to do sth. 译为“做某事是个好方法”Eg: It’s a good way to learn English by reading English books. 通过阅读英语书来学英语是个好方法。【知识拓展】way的常见搭配: the way to do sth. 做某事的方法 The way to 地点 去...的路 Ask for the way to ... 问去...的路 on one’s way to… 在某人去…的路上 In the way 挡路 By the way 顺便说一下 如果表示地点的词是副词home, there, here等,省略介词to Eg: the way to Beijing 去北京的路 The way to learn English 学英语的方法 It’s a clever way to make the passage more interesting. 使文章更有趣是一个聪明的方法。【即学即用】It’s a clever way _to go_ (go) there by plane. We spend most of the time in our classroom. 我们大部分时间都在教室里度过。【用法详解】Most为代词,译为“大多数”,即可接可数名词复数,也可接不可数名词,常与of连用。注意:most of作主语时,谓语动词由其后名词决定。Eg: Most of my classmates like this book. 我大多数同学喜欢这本书。 Most of water is polluted. 大多数水被污染了。【知识拓展】Most可作形容词,译为“大多数;最多”,即可接可数名词复数,也可接不可数名词。Eg: I spent most time on the first question. 我在第一个问题上花的时间最多。Most可作副词,译为“最”,此时多用于修饰多音节形容词的最高级。Eg: I like jiaozi most. 我最喜欢饺子。 The book is the most interesting in the library. 这本书是图书馆里最有趣的。【即学即用】( A )1. ____ the students ____ to get good grades in their schoolwork.Most of; want B. Most; wants C. Most; want D. Most of; wantsEvery week, we change seats. 每周,我们换位置。【用法详解】 change用法小结:change (动词) 改变 (名词) 零用钱常见搭配:change … into… 把..变成… change … for… 用…换… Eg: She changed the kid into a bird. 她把这个小孩变成一只鸟。【即学即用】( B )1. The magician changed the flower _____ a bird.for B. into C. in D. toIt’s my favourite place because there are many kinds of food. 这是我喜欢的地方,因为里面有很多种食物。【用法详解】 because与because of区别:because为连词,后面需接句子,用来陈述原因,可用来回答why引导的特殊疑问句。Because of为介词短语,后面可接名词、代词或动词ing形式。Eg: He was late because he got up late. 他迟到了因为他起来晚了。 He was late because of the heavy rain. 他迟到了因为大雨。【知识拓展】在英语中,because和so不可同时用在一个句子中。Eg: He was late because he got up late. 他迟到了因为他起来晚了。 He got up late so he was late. 他起来晚了所以他迟到了。【即学即用】( A )1. -- Why do you like English? -- _____ it’s interesting.Because B. So C. But D. And( D )2. ____ I am late for school today, _____ the teacher is very angry.Because; so B. So; because C. /; because D. /; soHow about your school? 你的学校怎么样?【用法详解】句式“How about...?”译为“...怎么样?”,其同义句为“What about...?”,用来询问信息。后面常常接名词、代词或动词ing形式。Eg: How about you? 你呢? How about this book? 这本书怎么样?【知识拓展】How about...?结构也可用于提出建议,其答语为Good idea!/ Sounds great!Eg: -- How about going swimming? 去游泳怎么样? -- Good idea. 好主意。【即学即用】( C )1. How about _______ a kite in the park this evening?fly B. to fly C. flying D. to flyingYour school sounds fun! 你的学校听起来很有趣!【用法详解】sound用法小结sound作感官动词时,译为“听起来;好像”,后面接形容词作表语,还可搭配like构成sound like结构,译为“听起来像”Eg: That idea sounds great. 那个主意听起来不错。 -- Let’s play basketball after dinner. 晚饭后我们一起打篮球吧! -- That sounds like a good idea. 听起来是个好主意。Sound可以作名词,译为“声音”,指大自然中所有的声音。Eg: I like the sound of the rain. 我喜欢雨的声音。【知识拓展】其它感官动词有:look(看起来)、taste(尝起来)、smell(闻起来)、feel(感觉起来)等注意:感官动词后均需接形容词构成系表结构Eg: The bed feels comfortable. 这张床感觉很舒服。 The man looks strong. 这个男士看起来很强壮。【即学即用】( B )1. This kind of apple _____ delicious. Would you like another one?feels B. tastes C. looks D. sounds( C )2. The music ________. I don’t like it.sound noisy B. sound noisily C. sounds noisy D. sounds noisilySend you an email 给你寄邮件【用法详解】 send用法小结Send为动词,译为“发送;邮寄”,其后可接双宾语。常见搭配:send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 给某人寄某物 Send sb. to + 地点名词 把某人送到某地 Send sb. to do sth. 派遣某人做某事Eg: Please send me an email. = Please send an email to me. 请给我寄一封邮件。 Please send it to your boss. 请把它寄给你的老板。 My mum sends me to buy some fruit. 我妈妈打发我去买些水果。【知识拓展】 send的固定搭配:send out 发出(光亮等) Send up 发射;送上来 Send off 派遣;给...送行 Eg: Would you send up two bottles of milk to Room 303, please?请送两瓶牛奶到303房间好吗?【即学即用】( A )1. I’m going to send some pictures ________ my brother. to B. off C. for D. /( B )2. Linda lives in America. I want ________ an email ________ her. send; to B. to send; to C. send; for D. to send; with语法精讲(一)there be句型【用法详解】“There is/ are + 某物/某时”结构表示“某地或某时存在某物或某人”。这种结构中的there没有实际意义,There is 后面加可数名词单数或不可数名词, There are后面加可数名词复数。 注意:1. 切记there be句型有临近原则,即be动词同离其近的主语保持一致。2. 因句中有be动词,故变否定句式在is/are后加not;变一般疑问句时将is/are提前3. Is/Are there 开头的一般疑问句其肯定回答为Yes, there is/are. 否定回答为No, there isn’t/aren’t.4. 就数量提问时常用“how many + 可数名词复数”或“How much + 不可数名词”开头5. 如果句中含有some,在变为否定句和一般疑问句时需将some变成any.6. there be句型过去式形式只需将is变为was;are变为were即可。 Eg: There is a pen on the desk. 桌子上有一支钢笔。 There is some water in the bottle. 瓶子里面有一些水。 There are some books in the bag. 包里面有一些书。 There is a book and some pencils on the desk. 桌子上有一本书和一些铅笔。 There are some pencils and a book on the desk. 桌子上有一些铅笔和一本书。 否定形式:There isn’t a book and any pencils on the desk. 桌子上没有一本书和一些铅笔。一般疑问句形式:Is there a book and any pencils on the desk? 桌子上有一本书和一些铅笔吗?肯否定回答: Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t. How many students are there in your class? 你们班有多少学生? How much water is there in the pool? 池塘里有多少水?【知识拓展】 There be句型与have/has区别:There be句型表示“某地存在某物”,强调存在。Have/has表示“拥有”,强调所属关系。Eg: There is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书。 I have a book. 我有一本书。【即学即用】一、选择( B )1. Look! There ______ a book and two pens on the desk.are B. is C. were D. was( B )2. -- ______ there any people in the room? -- No, there ______.Are; isn’t B. Are; aren’t C. Is; isn’t D. Is; aren’t( D )3. -- Are there any books on the desk? --______.Yes, there is. B. Yes, there isn’t. C. No, there are D. No, there aren’t二、用have, has, there is或there are填空1. Tina _has_ many interesting books.2. _There is_ a bookshop in our town.3. They _have_ many boys in our class.4. _There are_ two apples and a banana on the table.5. _There is_ some milk in the cup.三、句型转换1. There are twenty girls in my class. (就划线提问)_How_ _many_ _girls_ _are_ _there_ in your class?There are some oranges on the tree. (改为否定句) There _aren’t_ _any_ _oranges_ on the tree.There are some books in my bag. (该为一般疑问句) _Are_ _there_ _any_ books in your bag?Is there a ruler in the case? (作否定回答) _No_, _there_ _isn’t_.方位介词(短语)in front of、behind、between、next to、across from等【用法详解】In front of译为“在...前面”,指在外部空间,一个物体在另一个物体的前面。behind译为“在...后面”,多表示空间位置上的后面,是in front of的反义词。between译为“在...中间”,常与and连用,用于两者之间,或多个对象的“两两之间”。Next to译为“在...旁边”,后面跟名词或人称代词作宾格。Across from译为“在...对面”,一个物体在另一个物体对面。Eg: There is a pay phone next to the bank. 银行旁边有一个电话亭。【知识拓展】方位介词短语在句中可做地点状语,也可作表语。Eg: There is a restaurant behind the hotel. 宾馆后面有一个饭店。(作地点状语) The restaurant is behind the hotel. 饭店在宾馆后面。(作表语)介词和介词短语与名词之间一般有定冠词the,但当名词前有your、my或her等形容词性物主代词时,介词和名词之间不加定冠词the。Eg: I sit next to my best friend. 我坐在我最好的朋友旁边。 There is a post office across from the street. 在马路对面有一个邮局。【即学即用】根据上图,在横线上填上合适的方位介词(短语),每空一词。Look at the picture. There's a school in the picture. It's _on_ School Street. The restaurant is _behind_ the school. The bank is _next_ _to__ the school. The pay phone is _between_ the school and the hospital. Can you see the post office? It's _across_ _from_the school. There is a police station. It's _in_ _front_ _of_ the park.写作训练话题一:Introduce your school.* 提示:1. This is my school. 2. There is/are... 3. The big building behind it is ... 4. This is an interesting place because... 5. ... is 方位介词短语... * 写作步骤 定文体(记叙文)、时态(一般现在时)、there be句型* 范文Hello, everyone. Welcome to our school. Today I will show you around it.Our school is big and nice. Look, there are six buildings in our school: a library, a teachers’ building , a class building, a dining hall, a sports field and a science building. In the middle of the school is a big sports field. The library is on the left of it. There are lots of books and computers in it. Behind the library, on the left, are the teachers’ building. Between this building and the dining hall is the classroom building. The science building is in front of the dining hall. I like our school very much.
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