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    外研版英语八年级上册 M8 Unit 3 Language in use PPT课件+教案01
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    外研版英语八年级上册 M8 Unit 3 Language in use PPT课件+教案08
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    外研版 (新标准)八年级上册Module 8 AccidentsUnit 3 Language in use .评课课件ppt

    这是一份外研版 (新标准)八年级上册Module 8 AccidentsUnit 3 Language in use .评课课件ppt,文件包含M8Unit3ppt、Unit3教案doc、M8Unit2词汇听写wav、M8Unit3activity6wav、M8Unit3activity7wav等5份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共60页, 欢迎下载使用。

    同学们, 上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗? 现在大家来检验一下, 点击下面的音频开始听写吧!
    根据汉语, 完成句子。1.当交通灯正要变红的时候, 一辆小汽车突然从拐角出现了。 ______ the lights______ ______t red, a car suddenly appeared rund the crner.2.当亨利试图找到蛇时, 他的手开始剧烈疼痛。 _______Henry_____ _____ t find the snake, his hands began t hurt badly. 3.我试图把它拾起来, 这时它又咬了我。 I_______ _______t pick it up ______ it bit me again.
    Language practice
    While the lights were changing t red, a car suddenly appeared rund the crner. When Henry was trying t find the snake, his hand began t hurt badly. I was trying t pick it up when it bit me again.
    1. Cmplete the sentences with when r while.
    1 He was listening t music ________ he was riding his bike.2 I was waiting at the lights ________ I saw the by fall ff his bike.3 I was walking in the street ________ an accident happened.4 The driver was talking n his mbile phne ________ he was driving.
    2. Lk at what Tny did last Saturday. Cmplete the Yu clumn.
    Nw write sentences. Fllw the example belw. Last Saturday while Tny was playing in the park, I was visiting my grandparents.
    3. Cmplete the cnversatin with the crrect frm f the wrds in the bx.
    appear bite shw thrw
    Dctr: When did the snake (1)________yu?Henry: Earlier this mrning. It suddenly (2)__________ in frnt f me and bit my hand.
    Dctr: Can yu (3)________me a pht f it?Henry: Yes. Here it is.Dctr: Oh, the snake was n a table.Henry: Yes. I (4)________it n the table after it bit me.
    4. Cmplete the passage with the crrect frm f the expressins in the bx.
    fall ff just in time pay attentin side by side
    When the girl was riding her bike (1) ___________ with a friend, she had an accident. They were talking and they were nt (2)_______________.A car came rund the crner but stpped (3)_____________.The car did nt hit her, but she (4)________her bike.
    side by side
    paying attentin
    just in time
    5. Cmplete the news reprt with the crrect frm f the wrds in brackets.
    Tw planes (1)____________ (fly) arund the airprt fr a lng time this mrning because an airprt wrker was asleep! The planes (2) __________ (call) the airprt fr half an hur. “We were calling and (3)________ (ask) what t d, but n ne answered.” In the end, they fund that the airprt wrker was asleep.
    were flying
    have called
    One plane (4)____________ (cme) frm Paris and the ther was cming frm New Yrk. ① “We culdn’t land withut reprting t the airprt, because we didn’t knw what the ther planes(5)___________ (d).”
    6. Listen and cmplete the accident reprt.
    Accident reprt The accident happened t a (1)________at abut fur ’clck yesterday afternn. When the accident happened, Alice was (2)________________ in the sitting rm. She heard a strange (3)________frm the next rm. He was lking int the fish bwl and trying t get a (4) ________ frm the bwl. The bwl fell n Pete. Alice picked him up and tk him t the (5)__________and dried him.
    reading a bk 
    听力材料Cnversatin News reader:  And finally,  a stry abut a lucky cat. Here’s Alice t  tell us what happened. Alice:  Yes,  at abut fur ’clck yesterday afternn,  I was reading  a bk in the sitting rm. I heard a strange sund frm the next rm. I went in t lk and saw my cat,  Pete. He was lking int the fish bwl and trying t get a fish frm it!
    News reader:  And then what happened? Alice:  The fish bwl fell n Pete!  I went t pick him up because he desn’t like water. I tk him t the bathrm and dried him!  
    7. Read the passage and check (√)the true sentences.
    Careless Jack
    My friend Jack was always having accidents. He did nt pay attentin t where he was ging r what he was ding. A few mnths ag, a car hit him while he was n his way hme frm schl. The driver was a bit tired, s he did nt see Jack. And Jack was talking n his mbile phne and was riding in the middle f the rad.
    The car hit him. He brke his leg and was in hspital fr ver a mnth. ② Last week, he fell dwn a hle in the park. As usual, he was nt lking where he was ging. Sme kind­hearted peple in the park helped him climb ut f the hle and then tk him t hspital because he was in a lt f pain. Luckily, he did nt break an arm r a leg. At the hspital, the dctrs gave him sme medicine and then he went hme.
    I always tld him t be careful, but he did nt listen t me. After the tw accidents, he prmised t take my advice. ③ Nw he is very careful.1 A car almst hit Jack last week. 2 Jack was talking n his mbile phne when the car hit him.3 Jack fell dwn a hle n his way t the park.4 A friend tk Jack t hspital.5 Jack did nt break his arm.6 The writer wants Jack t be careful.
    Nw chse the crrect answer.1 What is the best wrd t describe Jack in the past? a) Careful.  b) Caring.  c) Careless.2 Hw many accidents did Jack have in the passage? a) One.  b) Tw.  c) Three. Hw careful is Jack nw? a) He is always careful. b) He is careful smetimes. c) He is still careless.
    Arund the wrldAn emergency landing
    US Airways Flight 1549 tk ff as usual frm an airprt in New Yrk. ④ But after nly three minutes, the plane was hit by a large number f birds. ⑤ The pilt, Chesley Sullenberger, had t make a quick decisin t avid a terrible disaster. ⑥
    He and the crew kept calm and he carefully made an emergency landing n the Hudsn River. All the passengers left the plane safely. When reprters interviewed him, he said, “I was just ding my jb.”
    8. Mdule task: Writing a news reprt abut an accident
    Think abut a recent accident yu knw. Write ntes.
    1 When and where did it happen?
    At seven ’clck in the mrning n the rad.
    2 Why did it happen?3 Hw did it happen?4 What happened after the accident?
    Drve very fast.
    The driver culdn’t stp his car in time.
    He called the plice, lked ver the by and senthim t the hspital.
    9. Use yur ntes and write sentences fr yur news reprt abut the accident.
    1 A terrible accident happened (Name) He/She was nt...
    seven ’clck in the mrning n the rad.
    riding his bike.
    careful enugh.
    4 The accident happened because... 5 After the accident...
    the driver drve very fast.
    the driver called the plice. Then the dctr lked ver the by and sent him t the hspital.
    10. Jin the sentences yu wrte in Activity 9 and write yur reprt. Use when, while, s, because and then.
    范例: When yu ride a bike, yu shuld be careful. A terrible bike accident happened at seven 'clck this mrning n the rad. While a by was riding his bike t schl, suddenly a car appeared frm the crner. But he wasn’t careful enugh.
    The driver drve his car very fast and he culdn’t stp his car in time, s the car hit the by. The by fell ff his bike. The driver called the pliceman at nce. Sn the pliceman came and asked sme questins. And then the dctr lked ver the by and sent him t the hspital because he was hurt badly.
    11. Read ut yur reprt t the class.
    ne... and the ther... 意为“一个……另一个……”
    辨析:ther, the ther, anther, thers与the thers
    One plane was cming frm Paris and the ther was cming frm New Yrk.
    考题1:[ 龙东] We have tw mre classes. ______ is physics, and ______ is plitics.A. One; anther B. One; the ther C. One; thers
    in hspital(生病)住院e.g. His grandfather was badly ill in hspital.他的爷爷生重病住院了。He stands in frnt f a hspital and says he wrks in the hspital. 他站在一所医院前面说他就在这所医院上班。
    He brke his leg and was in hspital fr ver a mnth.
    辨析:in hspital 与in the/a hspital
    考题2:He was ill _____ last week. And he happened t meet his friend. She is a dctr _____.A. in hspital; in hspital B. in a hspital; in a hspitalC. in hspital; in the hspital D. in the hspital; in hspital
    ver/əʊvə(r)/ prep. 意为“多于,超过”,相当于mre thane.g. My grandfather is ver ninety, but he is in gd health.我的爷爷九十多岁了,但是他很健康。
    考题3:[深圳]—Mre than 400 street gardens will be built in Shenzhen.—Gd news! Our city becmes mre and mre beautiful.A. Over B. Arund C. Nearly _____
    prmise /prɒmɪs/ v. 承诺
    prmise t d sth. 承诺做某事 prmise sb. sth. =prmise sth. t sb. 向某人承诺某物 prmise sb. the mn/the earth 向某人夸下海口
    After the tw accidents, he prmised t take my advice.
    e.g. She has prmised t d all she can t help. 她答应尽力帮忙。
    拓展:prmise 作名词,常见短语:make a prmise 许下诺言;keep the prmise 信守诺言;break the prmise 不遵守诺言
    考题4:[ 抚顺、本溪、辽阳] Our natinal her Yue Fei ______ t devte(贡献)himself t the cuntry at a yung age.A. failed B. frgt C. prmised D. refused
    【分析】根据句意“ 我们的民族英雄岳飞在年轻时就 ____献身于祖国。”可知,空格表示“承诺”符合语境。
    take ff 起飞;脱下
    US Airways Flight 1549 tk ff as usual frm an airprt in New Yrk.
    e.g. He tk ff his scarf as sn as he came int the rm.他一进房间就摘下了围巾。Yu shuld take ff yur shes befre yu enter the dancing rm. 在你进入舞蹈室前,你应该脱下鞋子。
    考题5:[绥化] Please hurry up! The plane will _____ in half an hur.A. take up B. take after C. take ff
    占据 像 脱下;起飞
    a number f 许多,大量e.g. Only a small number f men want t be language teachers. 仅有一小部分男士想当语言老师。The number f the students in ur schl is abut 3,500. 我们学校的学生人数大约是三千五百。
    But after nly three minutes, the plane was hit by a large number f birds.
    辨析:a number f 与the number f
    考题6:[安顺] Nwadays, ______ peple like HUAWEI phnes better, and abut ______ f them are adults.A. the number f; fur-fifths B. a number f; fur-fifthC. a number f; fur-fifths D. the number f; fur-five
    【分析】用语法分析法解题。the number f 表示“……的数量”,谓语动词要用单数;a number f 表示“许多”谓语动词用复数。英语中表达分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于一时,分母用序数词的复数形式。
    make a quick decisin 迅速做出决定
    make a decisin 相当于decide。make a decisin t d sth., 名词decisin前可以用形容词 big, imprtant, great, difficult 等来修饰。
    The pilt, Chesley Sullenberger, had t make a quick decisin t avid a terrible disaster.
    考题7:[烟台] 应当允许青少年做出自己的决定。Teenagers shuld be allwed t _________ their wn ____________.
    make decisins
    avid /əvɔɪd/ v. 避免e.g. Peple arund the wrld can hardly avid buying prducts made in China. 世界各地的人们很难避免购买中国制造的产品。
    avid 后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语
    考题8:[苏州] During ur hlidays, we shuld avid _____ up at night and versleeping in the mrning.A. stay B. t stay C. stayed D. staying
    【分析】固定搭配法。avid ding sth. 意为“避免做某事”。
    过去进行时可以和when,while,as 引导的过去时间状语从句连用,形成复合句。由when, while 及as 构成的复合句中主从句时态和谓语动词性质
    when,while 和as 引导的时间状语从句都可以使用延续性动词,when,as 也可以与终止性动词连用,而while则不能。e.g. When she was cleaning the rm, her husband arrived hme. 当她在打扫房间的时候,她的丈夫回家了。
    考题1:[遂宁] — I ______ when yu called me at 8:00 last night.—N wnder yu didn’t pick it up.A. was taking a shwer B. am taking a shwerC. tk a shwer D. take a shwer
    【分析】固定短语take a shwer,意为“洗澡”。上句含有when 引导的时间状语从句,从句的动作发生在过去具体的某一个时刻,所以主句时态应用过去进行时,其结构是“was/were+ 动词的现在分词”。
    含when 引导的时间状语从句的复合句,如果主句用过去进行时,从句用一般过去时,则表示一个动作正在进行时另一个动作(突然)发生了,且when 有“这时突然”的含义。e.g. I was watching TV when smene kncked at the dr. 我正在看电视时突然有人敲门。
    考题2:The manager f the htel was waiting at the gate ______ the guests arrived.A. while B. when C. unless D. after
    【分析】when 的用法之一:含when 引导的时间状语从句的复合句,主句用过去进行时,从句用一般过去时。表示某个动作正在发生时,而另一个动作(突然)发生了。
    当主句和从句的动作都是延续的或是同时发生的,两句都用过去进行时的时候,多用while 引导从句。e.g. My mther was cking while my father was watching TV. 我妈妈正在做饭,我爸爸正在看电视。
    考题3:[2021· 安顺] While Linda was still sleeping, her mther ________ breakfast in the kitchen.A. was making B. is making C. has made
    【分析】语法分析法。while 引导的从句用了过去进行时,主句和从句的动作是同时发生的,故主句也用过去进行时。
    昨天下午,当你正走在马路上时,看见一位老人被一辆从拐角处驶出的汽车撞到。原因是汽车司机开车速度太快而来不及刹车。有人打电话报警并叫了救护车,最后警察和汽车司机一起把老人送到了医院。请据此写一篇80 词左右的英语短文描述这起事故。
    五步推进法:第1 步:事故背景第2 步:事故起因第3 步:事故过程第4 步:事故结局第5 步:个人感想
    Yesterday afternn when I was walking alng the rad, I saw an accident. While the ld man n the ther side was crssing the rad, a car suddenly appeared rund the crner. The car was s fast that it culdn’t stp in time. Unluckily, the car hit the ld man. Smene called 110 and 120. Sn, the plice and the ambulance arrived. e plice and the driver tk the ld man t hspital at last. I hpe the ld man will be better sn. And I als hpe all drivers can drive carefully.
    本文运用“五步推进法”详细描述了一次交通事故,按照“背景、起因、过程、结局、感想”的顺序把事故的过程描述得很清楚。添彩点:①准确使用了一般过去时和过去进行时;②恰当运用含有 when, while 引导的时间状语从句的复合句;“” 及“I hpe...”等句式,体现了句式结构的多样化。③ Unluckily, Sn, at last 等词(语)的运用使文章衔接紧密、自然。

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    初中英语外研版 (新标准)八年级上册Unit 3 Language in use .课堂教学课件ppt: 这是一份初中英语外研版 (新标准)八年级上册<a href="/yy/tb_c91854_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 3 Language in use .课堂教学课件ppt</a>,文件包含M6Unit3ppt、Unit2教案doc、M6Unit2词汇听写wav、M6Unit3activity8wav、M6Unit3activity9wav等5份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共59页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英语八年级上册Unit 3 Language in use .说课课件ppt: 这是一份英语八年级上册<a href="/yy/tb_c91850_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 3 Language in use .说课课件ppt</a>,文件包含M5Unit3ppt、Unit3教案doc、M5Unit2词汇听写wav、M5Unit3activity5wav、M5Unit3activity6wav、M5Unit3activity8wav等6份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共57页, 欢迎下载使用。

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