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    Cpenhagen is an ideal destinatin fr fd-lving travellers, but there are many gastrnmic (美食的) adventures that await visitrs utside this capital city f Denmark. Here are sme experiences in the capital and beynd.
    Enjy a Baltic beach relaxatin in Brnhlm
    Belved by Danes fr its sandy beaches and fishing harburs, the island f Brnhlm is distinguished by mre sunshine time than anywhere else in the cuntry. It’s an attractive dining destinatin, with traditinal smkehuses ffering lcal delicacies (美食). But it’s Kadeau, a restaurant, that really puts Brnhlm n the fd map.
    Have sme street fd in Cpenhagen
    Enjy flavurs frm all crners f the glbe at Reffen. Fund in the frmer industrial site f Refshaleøen, this street fd market is an exciting hangut with a rainbw f cuisines frm Thai t Kurdish. Just acrss a river, Trvehallerne is the place fr a bite. Further suth, BaneGaarden is hidden in leafy railway sidings at Vesterbr, and ffers sul fd frm the Deep Suth f the US.
    Take a getaway at a castle in Zealand
    On the island, ne f Denmark’s ldest castles verlks the scenic nrthwest cast. The beautiful 13th-century Dragshlm Slt is nw a luxury htel with ne f the mst well-knwn restaurants in Zealand — Dragshlm Slt Gurmet. It hlds a Michelin star, led by chef Jeppe Fldager wh serves seasnal cuisine with materials farmed and hunted frm the surrunding fields, frests and sea. Fr a less pricey meal, the castle has the farm-t-table Bistr and casual Madhus, where visitrs can enjy drinks, snacks and light meals.
    1.What makes Brnhlm unique in Denmark?
    A. The lnger sunshine hurs. B. The traditinal Dane fds.
    C. The attractive smkehuses. D. The beautiful seaside scenery.
    2.Which place ffers wrldwide fd ptins?
    A. Kadeau.B. Trvehallerne.
    C. Reffen.D. BaneGaarden.
    3.What d we knw abut Dragshlm Slt Gurmet?
    A. It was nce a castle.B. It is famus in Denmark.
    C. It features light meals.D. It ffers lcally grwn fd.
    One Saturday in December, Annacarin Elf, the head f peratins at Gthenburg City Library, just happened t walk by her wrkplace. Nticing that the dr was pen, she entered the library, and was astnished t see the heartwarming scene that peple were using it like n a regular day.
    It was scheduled t be clsed fr the New Year hliday. The peple in the library behaved as usual. Many were reading newspapers, sme families were in the children’s sectin and thers were searching fr bks n the cmputer.
    It seemed that Elf’s clleagues had simply frgtten t lck the dr, and because this ppular library is usually pen n Saturdays, visitrs just assumed they culd walk in. After checking with her staff team, Elf annunced t the peple present that the library was abut t clse. Then she expressed her regret fr what had been dne wrng and caused them a prblem. It later turns ut that 446 lcals visited the city library, brrwing a ttal f 246 bks during the day. What’s remarkable is that peple checked ut their bks thrugh the library’s electrnic self-service system, and that t date, all the bks have been returned!
    Many Swedes have reacted psitively t this uplifting demnstratin f lcal respect fr the library, a center that can be seen as a sign f the cmmunity, and what the lcals did has strengthened their sense f belnging in their cmmunity.
    Elf says, “Nthing was destryed. It’s amazing that Gthenburgers entered an empty library and treated it s lvingly.” The city leader has even suggested that this unusual Saturday serve as an accidental experiment t analyse the pssibility f perating a ttally autmated library withut staff.
    4.Why did Elf feel surprised after entering the library?
    A. The library staff were in it.
    B. Peple kept reading n hlidays.
    C. Peple came in withut permissin.
    D. It was in use thugh suppsed t be clsed.
    5.What did Elf d that Saturday?
    A. She left the library pen. B. She asked the staff back.
    C. She aplgized t the visitrs. D. She read bks in the library.
    6.What d many Swedes think f the behavir f Gthenburg lcals?
    A. It displays cmmunity spirit. B. It gives the library much uplift.
    C. It is a psitive reactin t sciety. D. It strengthens trust between peple.
    7.What des the authr want t cnvey thrugh the stry?
    A. Peple tend t shw care fr thers.
    B. Life is always full f the unexpected.
    C. Libraries must be autmated in the future.
    D. A library can bring ut the best in peple.
    In spite f the title, Hw t Grw Old, this article will really be n hw nt t grw ld, which, at my time f life, is a much mre imprtant subject. My first advice wuld be t chse yur ancestrs carefully. Althugh bth my parents died yung, I have dne well in this respect as regards my ther ancestrs. My maternal (母亲方面的) grandfather, it is true, died in the flwer f his yuth at the age f sixty-seven, but my ther three grandparents all lived t be ver eighty. Of remte ancestrs I can nly discver ne wh did nt live t a great age, and he died f a disease which is nw rare, namely, having his head cut ff.
    My maternal grandmther, after having nine children wh survived, as sn as she became a widw, devted herself t wmen’s higher educatin. She was the c-funders f Girtn Cllege. She used t relate hw she met in Italy an elderly gentleman wh was lking very sad. She inquired the cause f his srrw and he said that he had just parted frm his tw grandchildren. “Gd gracius,” she exclaimed, “I have seventy-tw grandchildren, and if I were sad each time I parted frm ne f them, I shuld have a miserable existence!” “Madre snaturale (奇怪的母亲),” he replied.
    But as ne f the seventy-tw, I prefer her recipe. After the age f eighty she fund she had sme difficulty in getting t sleep, s she habitually spent the hurs frm midnight t 3 a.m. in reading ppular science. I d nt believe that she ever had time t ntice that she was grwing ld. This, I think, is the prper recipe fr remaining yung. If yu have wide and keen interests and activities in which yu can still be effective, yu will have n reasn t think abut the merely statistical (统计学的) fact f the number f years yu have already lived, still less f the prbable shrtness f yur future.
    8.What d we knw abut authr’s maternal grandmther?
    A. She was a strange and cruel mther.
    B. She set up Girtn Cllege with thers.
    C. Her husband died when he was yung.
    D. She had 72 children and grandchildren.
    9.Why did the grandmther asked the gentleman?
    A. Because she wanted t teach him a lessn.
    B. Because she preferred cking and talking.
    C. Because she wanted shw ff her freedm.
    D. Because she wndered why he was s sad.
    10.What is the prper way t remain yung accrding t the authr?
    A. T maintain wide interests and active participatin.
    B. T remember hw many years yu have lived s far.
    C. T stay up reading frm midnight t 3 a. m. every day.
    D. T raise as many children as yu can and cherish them.
    11.What is the writing style f the passage?
    A. Rmantic.B. Imaginative.C. Humrus.D. Irnic.
    Birds in Nrth America will n lnger be named after peple, the American Ornithlgical Sciety (美国鸟类学会) annunced Wednesday. Next year, the rganizatin will begin t rename arund 80 species fund in the U.S. and Canada.
    “There is pwer in a name, and sme English bird names have assciatins with the past that cntinue t be exclusinary (排他的) and harmful tday,” the rganizatin’s president, Clleen Handel, said in a statement. “Everyne wh lves and cares abut birds shuld be able t enjy and study them freely.”
    Rather than review each bird named after a persn individually, all such birds will be renamed, the rganizatin annunced. Birds that will be renamed include thse currently called Wilsn’s warbler and Wilsn’s snipe, bth named after the 19th-century naturalist Alexander Wilsn. Audubn’s shearwater, a seabird named fr Jhn James Audubn, als will get a new name. In 2020, the rganizatin renamed a bird nce referring t a Cnfederate Army general, Jhn P. McCwn, as the thick-billed lngspur.
    “I’m really happy and excited abut the annuncement,” said Emily Williams, an rnithlgist at Gergetwn University wh was nt invlved in the decisin. She said heated discussins ver bird names have been happening within birdwatching cmmunities fr the past several years. “Naming birds based n habitat r appearance is ne f the least prblematic appraches,” she said.
    Earlier this year, the Natinal Audubn Sciety (NAS) annunced that it wuld keep its name, even as critics and sme vices within the rganizatin have argued that it shuld dump (抛弃) the assciatin with a man, Jhn James Audubn, whse family treated their emplyees cruelly.
    “The name has cme t represent s much mre than the wrk f ne persn,” Susan Bell, chair f the Natinal Audubn Sciety’s Bard f Directrs, tld Audubn magazine in March, adding, “We shuldn’t ignre what Jhn James Audubn did t his emplyees in the past.”
    12.Why are sme examples given in paragraph 3?
    A. T state naming birds after peple is cmmn practice.
    B. T shw birds are clsely related t peple’s daily life.
    C. T intrduce sme famus naturalists t the readers.
    D. T stress the influence celebrities have n sciety.
    13.Hw shuld birds be named accrding t Emily Williams?
    A. After their places f birth.
    B. Based n their cmmunities.
    C. Accrding t their habits.
    D. In terms f their living places.
    14.What is Susan Bell’s attitude twards the decisin f NAS?
    A. Supprtive. B. Carefree.
    C. Disapprving. D. Sympathetic.
    15.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Rare Species Fund in Nrth America
    B. Bird Names Linking t Human Histry
    C. Discussins Caused by Bird Names
    D. Bird Species t Be Renamed Next Year
    16.If yur reslutin is t learn a new language, yu may be wndering: What’s the best way t g abut this? ① There are many different ways t apprach it. If yu want t start learning a language fast, thugh, there is plenty f advice we can ffer.
    Is grammar imprtant?
    Yes, grammar is imprtant. But after all, when yu’re learning yur first language as a baby, yur parents dn’t have t teach yu the clear rules f the language. ②
    Shuld I fcus n speaking r writing?
    ③ If yu want t travel and cmmunicate with native speakers, then writing might be slightly less helpful. But if yu’re learning Latin because yu want t read texts in the riginal language, then yu can prbably skip the speaking part entirely.
    Shuld I watch shws and listen t music in the language I’m learning?
    Abslutely yes. Being expsed t a language will always help yu with yur learning.
    ④ Watching mvies t learn a language may have helped smewhat. But it’s imprtant nt t trap yurself with a cmplex language.
    Hw Can I make language learning mre fun?
    One f the best ways t make learning mre fun is t wrk it in t yur ther hbbies. ⑤
    Yu can’t learn t play the guitar and g jgging at the same time, fr example. Hwever, language is always arund yu and yu can practice it while ding smething else. While jgging, yu culd listen t a pdcast in anther language. While playing the guitar, yu culd pick sngs that are in yur target language. Anyway, cnnecting yur interests really matters.
    A. Yu just pick it up by nature.
    B. A new language isn’t like mst ther hbbies.
    C. Yet the real questin is what yu shuld watch r listen t.
    D. Unfrtunately, there’s n “best way” t learn a new language.
    E. S it’s mre imprtant t get cmfrtable with speaking the language.
    F. The answer t this questin really depends n what yu hpe t achieve.
    G. An imprtant thing t remember is switching up hw yu’re expsed t the language.
    That late afternn I was assigned t accmpany an imprtant Chinese businessman t turist sites in nrthern Thailand. Silently 1 , I stared at my desk. The piles f paper 2 hw much wrk waiting t be dne.
    We spent the next whle day visiting 3 . That evening we went t dinner and a shw, ne I had attended many times befre. While my 4 chatted with ther turists, I exchanged plite 5 in the dark with a man seated in frnt f me. He was hlding his head mtinless at an dd angle, as thugh in prayer. The truth 6 me. He was blind.
    “Culd I please sit beside yu?” he asked. “And I’d lve it if yu’d 7 a little f what yu see.”
    “I’d be happy t,” I 8
    As we waited fr ur drinks, the blind man said, “The music seems ut f 9 t ur Western ears, but it has charm. Please tell me abut the musicians.”
    I hadn’t ever nticed the five men 10 at the side f the stage. “They’re seated crss-legged n a rug, 11 in lse white cttn shirts and large black trusers, with fabric arund their waists that has been dyed bright red.”
    “Yes, yes, I see them!” the blind man said quietly, 12 . He patted my shulder, then pulled me tward him and embraced me 13 “Hw nice f yu t see everything fr me,” he whispered. “I can never thank yu enugh.”
    Later I realized that I shuld have 14 him. I was the ne wh had been 15 my eyes merely skimming the surface f things.
    17.A. annyedB. hrrifiedC. delightedD. excited
    18.A. caught sight fB. tk advantage f C. bre witness tD. gt familiar with
    19.A. museums B. attractinsC. restaurantsD. cnferences
    20.A. friendB. cmpaninC. bssD. clleague
    21.A. ideasB. infrmatinC. glancesD. cnversatins
    22.A. disappintedB. pleasedC. struckD. mved
    23.A. expressB. describeC. plishD. recall
    24.A. repliedB. sighedC. thughtD. smiled
    25.A. reachB. sightC. tuneD. place
    26.A. talkingB. restingC. waitingD. perfrming
    27.A. absrbedB. interestedC. hiddenD. dressed
    28.A. smilingB. shutingC. wavingD. signaling
    29.A. awkwardlyB. clselyC. casuallyD. tightly
    30.A. admiredB. thankedC. respectedD. praised
    31.A. blindB. stupidC. impatientD. immature
    32.China drilled a tunnel thrugh fr expressway transprt in Beijing n Mnday. It is the① (lng) expressway tunnel in the cuntry created using the shield-tunneling methd (盾构隧道法).
    With a ttal length f 7.4 km, the tunnel prject ② (design) t have a tw-way six-lane expressway n the middle level, smke vent (排烟孔) n the upper level ③ evacuatin (疏散) and rescue rutes n the lwer level, accrding t the Beijing Capital Highway Develpment Grup C., Ltd., which is carrying ut the prject.
    The tunnel is part f Beijing’s east ④ (six) ring rad prject. The deepest sectin f the tunnel, ⑤ is 75 meters undergrund, is the deepest undergrund tunnel in Beijing. In June, the west tunnel f the prject was the first ⑥ (drill) thrugh. The east tunnel was just drilled thrugh n Mnday.
    With ⑦ excavatin diameter f 16.07 meters and a length f abut 145 meters, the shield-tunneling machine adpted in the prject is ⑧ (independent) designed and made by Chinese cmpanies. It weighs 4,500 tnnes.
    The tunnel prject has helped make way fr mre space n the grund fr ⑨ (prmte) industrial develpment and planning large parks, cntributing ⑩ the high-quality develpment f Beijing’s sub-center Tngzhu District and crdinated transprt develpment in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regin.
    33.你校上周发起了“我与父母换角色(Exchange Rles with Parents)”的活动,请你以此为主题给校英文报写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:
    1. 活动目的;2. 你的行动;3. 你的感受。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    34.Fr mnths, Grace’s ld mther Julia had been sitting in her hme, making twels day and night t sell at the annual lcal fair. With the $200 she had earned, she wanted t buy sme gifts fr the pr families n the fifth flr fr the cming New Year.
    Then, n a happy snwy evening, Julia went t the grcery stre t buy sme fd. Later, she safely drve back hme. At 9:30 that night, she called Grace and cried, “I lst my wallet and all $200 I had earned. My New Year’s Day is ruined.” “Dn’t wrry, Mm,” Grace said, cmpletely unaware that Julia had gne ut in the snw.
    “I will drive t yur place in the mrning and we will find it,” Grace tld her mther. “N. It’s gne. It was in my pcket when I went t the stre. But when I checked it just nw, it wasn’t there,” Julia said. “I searched my car and hme. Then, I drve back t the stre t see if I left it there. But it wasn’t there either. Then, I walked thrugh the parking lt, lking fr it, but it wasn’t anywhere.”
    Thinking f her ld mther’s ging ut n the snwy, windy night, Grace was heartbrken. “It’ll be kay, Mm,” she cmfrted her mther. “We’ll cancel the credit card, and we can replace all the rest f the things in yur wallet.” Hwever, getting her mther a new license as well as bank, medical, and identity cards was discuraging even fr Grace.
    It tk Grace several hurs t drive t Julia’s huse the fllwing mrning. But befre she gt there, Julia had already gne back t the stre again. With tears in her eyes, she shared her stry abut the mney she had earned with the stre manager and asked if he culd check his stre fr her wallet. The manager felt a great pity fr her and thught t himself that if the wallet culdn’t be fund, he’d give her sme f his wn mney.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    解析:细节理解题。根据 Enjy a Baltic beach relaxatin in Brnhlm 部分中的“the island f Brnhlm is distinguished by mre sunshine time than anywhere else in the cuntry”可知,Brnhlm的日照时间比丹麦其他任何地方都长,这使得它与众不同。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据 Have sme street fd in Cpenhagen 部分中的“Enjy flavurs frm all crners f the glbe at Reffen. Fund in the frmer industrial site f Refshaleøen, this street fd market is an exciting hangut with a rainbw f cuisines frm Thai t Kurdish.”可知,Reffen 提供来自全球各个角落的美食。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据 Take a getaway at a castle in Zealand 部分中的“serves seasnal cuisine with materials farmed and hunted frm the surrunding fields, frests and sea.” 可知,Dragshlm Slt Gunmet 供应用来自周围的田地、森林和海洋的食材做成的时令美食。故选 D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Nticing that the dr was pen ... was astnished t see the heartwarming scene that peple were using it like n a regular day.”和第二段中的“It was scheduled t be clsed fr the New Year hliday.”可知,Elf感到惊讶是因为图书馆这个周六本该是因新年节假日而闭馆的,但是图书馆的大门开着,里面像往常一样,有人阅览借书。故选 D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Elf annunced t the peple present that the library was abut t clse. Then she expressed her regret fr what had been dne wrng and caused them a prblem.”可知,Elf和工作团队确认后,向在场人员宣布图书馆即将关闭,并为此前的错误和给他们带来的麻烦表示歉意,即她向图书馆的访客道歉了。故选 C。
    解析:细节理解题。由第二段中“My maternal grandmther, after having nine children wh survived, as sn as she became a widw, devted herself t wmen’s higher educatin. She was the c-funders f Girtn Cllege.动中你仍然可以母在有了九就没有孩子后,一成为寡妇就投身于女子高等教育。她是格顿学院的联合创始人)”可知,作者的外祖母和其他人一起建立了格顿学院。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。由第二段中“She used t relate hw she met in Italy an elderly gentleman wh was lking very sad. She inquired the cause f his srrw and he said that he had just parted frm his tw grandchildren.(她曾经讲述过她是如何在意大利遇到一位看起来很悲伤的老先生的。她问他悲伤的原因,他说他刚和两个孙子分手)”可知,外祖母问这位先生,是因为她想知道他为什么那么伤心。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。由最后一段中“This, I think is the prper recipe fr remaining yung. If yu have wide and keen interests and activities in which yu can still be effective, yu will have n reasn t think abut the merely statistical (统计学的) fact f the number f years yu have already lived, still less f the prbable shrtness f yur future.(我认为,这是保持年轻的正确方法。如果你有广泛而敏锐的兴趣活动中你仍然可以发挥作用,你就没有理由仅仅考虑你已经活了多少年的统计事实,更不用说你未来可能会很短暂了)”可知,作者认为保持年轻的正确方法是保持广泛兴趣并积极参与。故选A项。
    解析:推理判断题。由第一段中“My first advice wuld be t chse yur ancestrs carefully. Althugh bth my parents died yung, I have dne well in this respect as regards my ther ancestrs.(我的第一个建议是仔细选择你的祖先。尽管我的父母都英年早逝,但在这方面,我的其他祖先做得很好)”和“Of remte ancestrs I can nly discver ne wh did n live t a great age, and he died f a disease which is nw rare, namely, having his head cut f.(在遥远的祖先中,我只发现一个活得不长的人,他死于一种现在很罕见的疾病,那就是被砍头)”及全文可推断,作者这篇文章的写作风格是幽默的(Humrus)故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“Rather than review each bird named after a persn individually, all such birds will be renamed, the rganizatin annunced. Birds that will be renamed include thse currently called Wilsn’s warbler and Wilsn’s snipe, bth named after the 19th-century naturalist Alexander Wilsn. Audubn’s shearwater, a seabird named fr Jhn James Audubn, als will get a new name. In 2020, the rganizatin renamed a bird nce referring t a Cnfederate Army general, Jhn P. McCwn, as the thick-billed lngspur. (该组织宣布,所有鸟类都将重新命名,而不是单独审查每只以某个人命名的鸟类。将被重新命名的鸟类包括目前被称为威尔逊营和威尔逊鹬的鸟类,它们都是以19世纪博物学家亚历山大威尔逊的名字命名的。奥杜邦的海鸥,一种以约翰·詹姆斯·奥杜邦命名的海鸟,也将得到一个新名字。2020年,该组织将一种曾经指联邦军队将军约翰·皮·麦考恩的鸟改名为厚嘴长刺鸟。)”可知,本段介绍了一些以人名命名的鸟类,目的是说明以名给鸟类命名在过去是一种常见的做法。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段最后一白…Naming birds based n habitat r appearance is ne f the least prblematic appraches,” she said. (她说:“根据栖息地或外表给鸟类命名是问题最少的方法之一。”)”可知,Emily Williams建议根据栖息地或外表给鸟类命名。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Earlier this year, the Natinal Audubn Sciety (NAS) annunce that it wuld keep its name, even as critics and sme vices within the rganizatin have argued that it shuld dump (抛奔) the assciatin with a man, Jhn James Audubn, whse family treated their emplyees cruelly(今年早些时候,美国国家奥杜邦协会(NAS)宣布将保留其名称,尽管批评人士和该组织内部的一些声音认为,它应该与约翰·詹姆斯·奥杜邦断绝关系
    因为他的家人残忍地对待他们的员工。)”和最后段中Susan Bell的话“We shuldn't ignre what Jhn James Audubn did t his emplyees in the past. (我们不应该忽视约翰·詹姆斯·奥杜邦过去对员工所做的一切。)”可知,Susan Bell对美国国家奥杜邦协会决定保留以翰·詹姆斯·奥杜邦命名的海鸟的名字这一做法持反对意见。故选C。
    解析:主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第段“Birds in Nrth America will n lnger be named after peple, the American Ornithlgical Sciety (美国鸟类学会) annunced Wednesday. Next year, the rganizatin will begin t rename arund 80 species fund in the U.S. and Canada. (美国鸟类学会周三宣布,北美的鸟类将不再以人的名字命名。明年,该组织将开始重新命名在美国和加拿大发现的大约80个物种。)”可知,文章主要报道了美国鸟类学会宣布将不再以人名命名北美洲的鸟类,并计划在未来一年内重新命名美国和加拿大发现的约80个物种。文章详细描述了这一决定的背景、原因以及相关的讨论和争议。D选项“Bird Species t Be Renamed Next Year (明年鸟类将被重新命名)”最适合作文章标题。故选D。
    解析:①D根据空前一句“What's the best way t g abut this?(什么是最好的方法?)”可知,空前是在提问什么是最好的方法,空处应回答该问题。D Unfrtunately, there’s n “best way” t learn a new language. (遗憾的是,学习一门新语言没有最好的方法。)”可以作为该问题的回答,且D项与空后一句“There are many different ways t apprach it.(有许多不同的方法来处理它。)”是顺承关系。故选D。
    ②A根据本段的主旨句“Is grammar imprtant语法重要吗?”可知,本段与学习语法是否重要有关。由空前“Yes, grammar is imprtant. But after all, when yu’re learning yur first language as a baby, yur parents dn’t have t teach yu the clear rules f the language. (是的,语法很重要。但毕竟,当你在婴时期学习第一语言时,你的父母不需要教你语言的明确规则。)”可知,学习语言不用刻意地学习语法而是自然而然地学习。A项“Yu just pick it up by nature.(你只是自然而然地学会了。)”是对前一句的进一步解释,能承接上文,符合题意。故选A。
    ③F根据本段主旨句提出的问题“Shuld I fcus n speaking r writing (我应该专注于说还是
    写?)"和下文“If yu want t travel and cmmunicate with native speakers, then writing might be slightly less helpful. But if yu’re learning Latin because yu want t read texts in the riginal language, then yu can prbably skip the speaking part entirely. (如果你想去于行并与母语人士交流,那么写作可能就没那么有用了。但如果你学习拉丁语是因为你想阅读原文,那么你可以完全跳过口语部分。)”可知,,应该专注于说还是写这个问题的答案取决于你希望达成什么。顶“The answer t this questin really depends n what yu hpe t achieve.(这个问题的答案实际上取决于你希望达到什么目标。)”能承上启下,符合此处的语境。故选F。
    ④C根据空前的“Being expsed t a language will always help yu with yur learning. (接触一门语言对你的学习总是有帮助的。)”可知,接触一门语对学习有帮助。根据空后的“Watching mvies t learn a language may have helped smewhat. But it’s imprtant nt t trap yurself with a cmplex language.通过看电影来学习一门语言可能会有所帮助。但重要的是不要让自己陷入复杂的语言中。)”可知,看电影来学习语言可能有一定的帮助,要有技巧。c顶“Yet the real questin is what yu shuld watch r listen t.(然而,真正的问题是你应该看什么或听什么。)”与前文形成转折,指出真正的问题是你应该看什么或听什么,且能引起下文,符合此处的语
    ⑤B空前一句“One f the best ways t make learning mre fun is t wrk it in t yur ther hbbies.让学习变得更有趣的最好方法之一就是把它和你的其他爱好结合起来。)”点明主题。根据下文“Yu can’t learn t play the guitar and g jgging at the same time, fr example. Hwever, language is always arund yu and yu can practice it while ding smething else. While jgging, yu culd listen t a pdcast in anther language. While playing the guitar, yu culd pick sngs that are in yur target language. Anyway, cnnecting yur interests really matters. (例如,你不可能一边学弹吉他一边去慢跑。然而,语言总是在你身边,你可以在做其他事情的时候练习它。慢跑在弹吉他的时,你可以听另一种语言的播客,你可以选择目标语言的歌曲无论如何,把依候兴趣联系起来真的很重要。”所举的例子和所代解释可知,学习一门新语言不像大多数其他孩子,因为每时每刻语言都在我们身边。所以B项“hew language isn't like mst ther hbbies.(一门新语言不像大多数其他爱好。)”能承上启下,符合此处的语境。故选B
    hrrified惊恐的;C.delighted高兴的;D.excited兴奋的。根据下文“The piles f paper 2 hw much wrk waiting t be dne.”可知,此处指作者可能因为有许多工作要做而对这一安排感到烦恼。故选A。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:堆满的文件证明了还有多少工作等待完成。A.caught sight f看见;B.tk advantage f利用;C. bre witness t证明;D.gt familiar with熟悉。根据上文中的“The piles f paper”和下文中的“hw much wrk waiting t be dne”可知,作者桌上成堆的文件见证了有多少作待完成。bear witness t意为“见证,证明”,符合语境。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:接下来一整天我们参观了景点。A.museums博物馆;B.attractins景点;C.restaurants餐厅;D.cnferences会议。根据“That late afternn I was assigned t accmpany an imprtant Chinese businessman t turist sites in nrthern Thailand.”可知,作者要陪客户游览泰国北部,因此第二天一整天都在游览景点。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我的同伴与其他游客聊天时,我在黑暗中与坐在我前面的一个男人礼貌地交谈。A.friend朋友:B.cmpanin同伴;C.bss老板;D.clleague同事。根据上文的“my”和下文的“chatted with ther turists”可知,此处指作者的同伴与其他游客聊天时。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我的同伴与其他游客聊天时,我在黑暗中与坐在我前面的一个男人礼貌地交谈。A.ideas想法;B.infrmatin信息;C.glances瞥视;D.cnversatins对话。根据上文的“ exchanged plite”和下文的“with a man seated in frnt f me”可知,作者在黑暗中与邻座的人说了些话。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:真相震撼了我。A.disappinted失望;B.pleased高兴;C.struck打动、震撼;D.mved感动。根据上文“He was hlding his head mtinless at an dd angle, as thugh in prayer.”和下文“He was blind.”可知,这个男人的头动不动地保持着一个奇怪的角度,好像在祷告一样。作者突然意识到真相。他是个盲人。发现对方是盲人,让主人公感到震撼。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他问:“我能坐在你旁边吗?如果你能描述一下你所看到的,我会很高兴。”A.express表达;B.describe描述;Cplish磨光;D.recal1回忆。根据下文的“a little f what yu see”可知,盲人希望作者能描述景象给他听。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我很乐意。”我回答说。A.replied回答;B.sighed叹气;Cthught想;D.smiled微笑。根据上文中的“I'd be happy t”可知,此处指作者回答了盲人的请求。故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:音乐对于我们的西方耳朵来说似乎不合拍,但它有魅力。A.reach范围;B.sight视力;C.tune曲调;D.place地点。根据下文中的“but it has charm”可知,盲人认为播放的音乐在西方人听来有些走调,但是仍然有它的魅力。ut f tune意为“走调”,这里形容音乐对西方人来说不协调。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我以前从来没有注意到舞台边上的那五个正在表演的男人。Atalking谈话;B.resting休息;C.waiting等待;D.perfrming表演。根据下文的“at the side f the
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们盘腿坐在地毯上,穿着宽松的白色棉衬衫和宽大的黑色裤子,腰间缠着染成鲜红色的布料。A.absrbed吸收;B.interested感兴趣;C.hidden隐藏;D.dressed穿着。根据下文中的“in lse white cttn shirts and large black trusers”可知,他们穿着宽松的白色棉衬衫。这里描述的是他们的着装。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:“是的,是的,我看到他们了!”盲人轻声说,微笑着。Asmiling微笑;B.shuting喊叫;C.waving挥手;Dsignaling发信号。根据上文“Yes,yes,I see them!”和下文中的“Hw nice f yu t see everything fr me”曰知,盲人在作者的描述中仿佛真的看见了这个画面。由此可推知,此处指他面带微笑。盲人虽然看不见,但在听到描述后,心中想象画面,因此微笑。故选A。
    awkwardly尴尬地;B.clsely紧密地;C.casually随意地;D.tightly紧紧地。根据上文的“He patted my shulder, then pulled me tward him and embraced
    me’和下文的“Hw nice f yu t see everything fr
    谢;C.respected尊敬;D.praised表扬。根据下文的“ was the ne wh had been 15 , my eyes merely skimming the surface f things.”可知,作者意识到官人让他有了新的视角,因此觉得应感谢盲人。故选B.
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:是我直“瞎”了,我的眼睛只是在事物的表面掠过。Ablind盲的,瞎的;B.stupid愚蠢的;C.impatient不耐烦的;D.immature不成熟的。根据下文的“my eyes merely skimming the surface f things.”曰知,这里是比喻意义上的“瞎”,指作者之前没有深入观察生故选A。
    32.答案:①lngest②is designed③and④sixth⑤which⑥t be drilled⑦an⑧independently⑨prmting⑩t
    解析:①lngest考查形容词最高级。句意:这条隧道是中国使用盾构隧道法建造的最长的高速公路隧道。根据句意和空白前的定冠词the可知,此处应用形容词lng的最高级形式lngest“最长的”,作前置定语,修饰名词expressway tunnel。故填lngest。
    ②is designed考查动词语态。句意:据承担该项目的北京首都公路发展集团有限公司介绍,该隧道工程全长7.4公里,设计为中层为双向六车道高速公路,上层为排烟孔,下层为疏散和救援通道。此处描述项目的设计特点,时态应用一般现在时,且design“设计”与the tunnel prject为被动关系,应用一般现在时的被动语态,be designed t d sth.表示“被设计来做某事”,主语the tunnel prject为第三人称单数,be动词用is。故填is designed。
    ③and考查连词。句意:据承担该项目的北京首都公路发展集团有限公司介绍,该隧道工程全长7.公里,设计为中层为双向六车道高速公路,上层为排烟孔,下层为疏散和救援通道。“atw-way six-lane expressway n the middle leve!”、“smke vent (#烟孔) n the upper level”与“evacuatin (疏散) and rescue rutes n the lwer leve!”是并列关系,应用连
    ⑤which考查定语从句。句意:隧道最深部分位于地下75米,是北京目前最深的地下隧道。本空引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为The deepest sectin f the tunnel,指物,关系词代替先行词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which引导。故填which。
    ⑥t be drilled考查非谓语动词。句意:今年6月,该项目的西隧道率先打通。本空作序数词the first的定语,用不定式,且the first指代the prject,与drill thrugh“打通”为被动关系,用不定式的被动形式,故填t be drilled。
    ⑦an考查冠词。注意:本工程采用的盾构掘进机由中国企业自主设计制造,掘进直径16.07米,长度约145米。excavatin diameter为首次提及,且表示泛指“一个”开挖直径,应用不定冠词,excavatin以元音音素开头,应用an。故填an。
    ⑩t考查固定搭配。句意:隧道工程为促进产业发展和规划大型园区腾出了更多地面空间,为北京副中心通州区高质量发展和京津冀地区交通协调发展作出了贡献。cntribute t为固定搭配,意为“为….作出贡献”。故填t。
    Last Friday, a campaign n the theme f “Exchange Rles with Parents” was launched in ur schl, with the purpse f building a harmnius relatinship amng family members.
    T respnd t it, I decided t have first-hand experience f my parents’ daily rutine. Firstly, I prepared meals, washed clthes, and mpped the flr at hme, which interested me at first but gradually bred and bthered me. Furthermre, I went t my parents’ wrkplace and witnessed their hard wrk.
    Frm this activity, I gained a better understanding f hw my parents are devting themselves t supprting the whle family. S wherever we g and whatever we d, we shuld express ur respect and lve fr them with gratitude.
    感激的:grateful ->thankful
    照顾:take care f -lk after
    筋疲力尽的:exhausted →wrn ut
    珍惜:cherish -treasure
    原:In a bid t aruse the awareness f being grateful t ur parents, an activity named Exchange Rles with Parents was launched by ur schl last week.
    拓展:In a bid t aruse the awareness f being grateful t ur parents, an activity which is named\ Exchange Rles with Parents was launched by ur schl last week.
    【高分句型1】Getting up much earlier than usual, I struggled t prepare breakfast fr the whle family and then did a thrugh cleaning in the huse, which left me exhausted.(运用了现在分词短语作状语和which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】It was this activity that prvided me with an insight int hw much my parents had dne fr me and taught me t cherish their uncnditinal lve frm the bttm f my heart.(运用了强调句型强调句子主语以及hw much引导的宾语从句)
    Paragraph 1:
    With that thught, the manager began searching fr the wallet. He retraced every aisle Julia culd have walked dwn. Despite his diligent search, the wallet was nwhere t be seen. Knwing hw much the $200 meant t Julia, he handed Julia a bx with $200 in it, saying, “My gift. Please take this and fulfill yur New Year’s wish!” Julia went hme with her eyes filled with tears. Julia was greeted with gd news the minute she arrived hme. Grace, wh had cme, discvered the misplaced wallet trapped in the flds f the cuch.
    Paragraph 2:
    After Grace fund the wallet, Julia went t return the mney and buy New Year gifts. She prceeded t the stre, telling the manager what had happened, but he simply wuldn’t take it. “Make it a bigger New Year fr mre,” he said with a smile. Julia, mved by his genersity, decided t use bth the mney she had earned and the mney frm the manager t buy presents nt just fr her fifth-flr neighbrs, but fr many thers in need. The gifts spread far and wide, bringing unexpected happiness and creating a ripple f gdwill.
    ②发现: cver/find
    [高分句型1]Grace, wh had cme, discvered the misplaced wallet trapped in the flds f the cuch.(wh引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]She prceeded t the stre, telling the manager what had happened, but he simply wuldn't take it.(what引|导的宾语从句)

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