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    人教版高考英语一轮复习选择性必修4UNIT1 SCIENCE FICTION课件
    人教版高考英语一轮复习选择性必修4UNIT1 SCIENCE FICTION课件01
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    人教版高考英语一轮复习选择性必修4UNIT1 SCIENCE FICTION课件

    这是一份人教版高考英语一轮复习选择性必修4UNIT1 SCIENCE FICTION课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了研考点 核心突破,目录索引 ,强基础 语基自测,测效果 课堂评价,研真题 链接高考,salary ,dismiss ,salesman ,superior ,labour 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    一、核心单词1.__________ n.薪水;薪金 2.__________ n.女售货员;女推销员 3.__________ vt.让(某人)离开;解散;解雇;消除 4.__________ n.售货员;推销员 5.__________ adj.更好的;占优势的;(在级别或重要性上)更高的 6.__________ n.劳动(者);体力劳动 vi.奋斗;努力工作 
    7.__________ vt.(去)拿来;(去)请来 8.____________ n.手帕;纸巾 9.__________ n.速度;步伐;节奏 vt.& vi.确定速度;调整节奏 10.__________ adj.随机的;不可思议的 11.__________ adj.最大极限的 n.最大量;最大限度 12.__________ vt.使震惊;使昏迷
    二、派生单词1.___________ n.预约;约会;委任→___________ vt.任命;委派;指定;约定 2.__________ adj.内疚的;有罪的;有过失的→__________ n.内疚;罪行;罪过 3.__________ vt.表明;宣称;公布→__________ n.宣称;声明 4.__________ vt.计算;核算;预测→__________ n.计算器→__________ n.计算 5.__________ adj.模糊不清的;难以区分的→__________ v.(使)变得模糊不清;(使)视线模糊 
    6.__________ n.分开;分隔;差异;除(法)→__________ v.分开;分散;分配;分享7.__________ n.强烈的欲望;冲动 vt.催促;力劝;大力推荐→__________ adj.紧急的;急迫的8.__________ vi.& vt.爆炸;爆破→__________ n.爆炸;(感情)爆发;激增 9.__________ n.泥;泥浆→__________ adj.泥泞的
    三、重点短语1.________________检验;测试 2.________________更像是;更接近 3.________________根据;以……的方式(基准) 4.________________事物的利与弊;支持与反对 5.________________比……更好;更胜一筹 6.________________占上风;取而代之;接管;接手7.________________与……冲突或抵触 8.________________关掉;熄灭;在场;使朝外;结果是 9.________________ (逐渐)减少;消失 10.________________有强烈的欲望做某事
    prs and cns
    cnflict with
    have an urge t
    四、典型句式教材原句:He seemed mre like a human than a be+形容词+that从句教材原句:Claire thught it was ridiculus that she was being ffered sympathy by a rbt,but she gradually admired his wisdm and integrity and began t trust him.3.全部倒装教材原句:As she turned arund,there std Gladys Claffern.
    Ⅰ.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.The chairwman has declared that 100 wrkers ____________________(dismiss) next week. 2.Desperate as Derek was,he tk sme saps and __________(fetch) the jacket secretly t the sink with Jim. 3.I _____________________(labur) ver this reprt all mrning. 4.I am writing with reference t yur article n __________(salary) fr scientists. 5.He fund Jhn ____________(pace)arund the flat,unable t sleep. 
    will be dismissed
    have been labring
    6.Many cinema-gers ____________________(stun) by the film's vilent and tragic end. 7.The tw ____________(saleswman) were busily trying t keep up with the demand. 8.D nt print it upn cushins,_____________(handkerchief),paper napkins r bxes. 
    were stunned
    Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空1.I feel __________abut the silly mistake I made yesterday and n wrds can express my __________.(guilt) 2.There is s much __________n the __________rad that yu have t walk n it with cautin.(mud) 3.Befre the discussin,the bys and the girls have been __________and the __________is useful fr their study.(divide) 
    4.Tm has been __________as chairman f the Students'Assciatin and I will write a letter t cngratulate him n his ________________.(appint) 5.He __________that he wuld put humans n Mars in less than a decade,but his __________ prved unrealistic.(declare)6.Yesterday the emplyer __________his emplyees t deal with the _______matters by Friday.(urge) 7.The __________was caused by burst f a gas pipe,which made the bss _____________with anger.(explde)
    Ⅲ.用左栏所给短语的正确形式填空1.My parents urged me t be patient and never let negative thughts ________________. 2.Bernard's business ____________________t be successful with s many peple enjying his ppcrn. 3.It is necessary that we weigh the _____________f including English wrds in Chinese dictinaries. 4.Helen was chsen fr the jb because she was ________________any ther candidate. 5.Because this prject is taking s lng t cmplete,peple's excitement abut it has really _________________________. 
    prs and cns
    fallen away
    Ⅳ.微写作1.当她的小儿子再次对她说谎时,与其说她生气倒不如说她伤心。She was ________________________when her little sn lied t her again. 2.很显然,人工智能正在重塑我们工作的方方面面。_________________________artificial intelligence is reshaping every way in which we wrk. 3.两棵大树矗立在我们的教学楼前面,它们使得我们的校园更加美丽。In frnt f ur teaching building ____________________________,which add t the beauty f ur schl. 
    mre sad than angry
    It is bvius that
    stand tw big trees
    1.appintment n.预约;约会;委任→appint vt.任命;委派;约定;指定(时间、地点等)→appinted adj.约定的[练会]单句语法填空①I have an ____________ (appint) with the manager f that cmpany in the evening. ②I was appinted ______________(take) charge f arranging all the activities n that day. 
    ③Learning he was appinted __________head f the team,he culdn't cntain his excitement and danced int the huse. (读后续写之动作和细节描写)
    [写美]微写作·背诵④很遗憾我不得不取消和你星期天在书店的约会。It's a great pity that I have t _______________________________________ ______________________.
    cancel the Sunday bkstre
    appintment with yu
    归纳(1)make an appintment with sb 与某人预约keep/break an appintment 守/违(爽)约(2) appint sb as/t be...任命某人为……appint sb t d sth 委派某人做某事佳句I am busy preparing fr my final exam,which is vital t me,s I cannt keep the appintment.(应用文之道歉信)我正忙着准备期末考试,这对我很重要,所以我不能赴约了。
    2.guilty adj.内疚的;有罪的;有过失的→guilt n.内疚;悔恨;犯罪;罪行[练会]单句语法填空
    ①What greatly stunned me was that he was guilty ___________a crime and was put in prisn.②I felt guilty _______________my cnflict with my dear friend and I must aplgize t him.
    [写美]一句多译·背诵③她说:“可是我已经欺骗了我奶奶”,脸颊上流下了内疚的泪水。→“But I have cheated my grandmther,” she said,__________________________________________________.(并列句) →“But I have cheated my grandmther,” she said,__________________________________________________.(独立主格结构) 
    and tears f guilt flwed
    dwn her cheeks
    tears f guilt flwing
    归纳be guilty f 犯有……罪be/feel guilty fr/at/abut...对/为……感到内疚/有愧ut f guilt 出于愧疚佳句Out f guilt,I explained t my teacher and prmised this wuld never happen again.出于愧疚,我向我的老师解释,并保证这种事情不会再发生。
    3.declare vt.表明;宣称;公布[练会]单句语法填空①In September 1939,Britain declared war _________Germany after Germany invaded Pland. ②All the residents declared ______________garbage-srting in new effrts t better prtect the envirnment. 
    ③The instant the ceremny ______________ (declare) pen,all the students in ur schl burst int cheers.
    was declared
    [写美]微写作·背诵④李萍,我最好的朋友,竟然在班会上宣布反对我的建议。Li Ping,my best friend,shuld ______________________________at the class meeting. 
    declare against my advice
    归纳declare fr/against 声明赞成/反对declare war n向……宣战 be/as...宣布……是……宣布……开始/结束佳句When the teacher declared me t be the winner f the English Speech Cntest, I was surprised and pleased.(读后续写之高兴心理描写)当老师宣布我是这次英语演讲比赛的获胜者时,我又惊又喜。
    4.n 根据;以……的方式(基准)[练会]单句语法填空①The rganizatin encurages members t meet __________a regular basis as well as prvides them with financial supprt. ②On the basis __________these facts,we can cnclude that the ridiculus rumr was spread by my niece. [写美]词汇升级·背诵③He has frmed the habit f getting up early and exercising every day,which enables him t keep physically healthy.→He has frmed the habit f getting up early and exercising ______________, which enables him t keep physically healthy. 
    n a daily basis
    归纳n a regular basis 例行地;有规律地;定期地n a daily/weekly basis 按每天/每周一次的标准n the basis f/that...根据,依据佳句A gd parent-child relatinship shuld be set up n the basis f mutual understanding and respect.良好的亲子关系应该建立在相互理解和尊重的基础上。
    5.take ver 占上风;取而代之;接管;接手[练会]单句语法填空①Tm will take __________as a general manager when Mr.Smith retires. ②The dctr gave me sme pills t take __________the pain. ③He was hmeless,s we tk him __________. ④I tk __________everything he mentined and pured mre effrt t the prject. [写美]微写作·背诵⑤即使学业占用了我一天中的大部分时间,我还总是帮助妈妈做家务。Even thugh my studies _______________________,I always help my mther with the husewrk. 
    take up mst f my day
    归纳take away拿走;带走;减去;使停止take dwn取下;记下;拆除take in吸收;理解;欺骗;收留 take n呈现;雇用;承担take up开始从事;占用;接受佳句In the future,rbts will take ver mst jbs in the manufacturing industries.未来,机器人将会接管制造业的大部分工作。
    6.turn ut 关掉;熄灭;在场;使朝外;结果是[练会]单句语法填空①Sme famus Chinese artists will turn __________and perfrm at the exhibitin. ②Fred wanted t turned __________the TV s he turned __________his father,but his request was turned __________by his father. ③He had t fcus n his lessns and turned __________his hmewrk n time the next day.His father's decisin turned __________t be wise. ④(2022新高考全国Ⅰ卷)__________ it turned ut,David participated t the best f his ability in the race. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵⑤事实证明,帮助别人实现他们的梦想让我更快乐。(读后续写之主旨升华)_______________ helping thers realize their dreams gave me mre pleasure.
    It turns ut that
    归纳turn t 转向;求助于turn dwn 调小;拒绝turn n/ff 打开/关掉turn in 上交turn up 出现;出席It turns/turned ut that...结果;原来……as it turns/turned ut 事实证明佳句It may be a difficult time,but eventually things will turn ut all right.(应用文之建议信)这也许是段困难时期,但最终一切都会好起来。
    7.urge n.强烈的欲望;冲动 vt.催促;力劝;大力推荐→urgent adj.紧急的;迫切的[练会]单句语法填空①It is urged that we students _______________(take) regular exercise t keep fit and energetic.(应用文之倡议书) ②I was embarrassed,but I fught the urge ______________(run) ff the stage. (读后续写之情感描写) ③My bss urged me ____________________(calculate) the salaries f all the salesmen and saleswmen. ④The salesman didn't wrk yesterday because he had sme _________ (urge) things t handle. 
    (shuld) take
    t calculate
    [写美]一句多译·背诵⑤(2022全国甲卷)为了更好地保护海洋,我们必须敦促更多的人去反思他们不合适的行为并且做出改变。→T prtect ceans better,we ______________________________________________________________________and make changes.(urge sb t d sth) →T prtect ceans better,we ______________________________________________________________________and make changes.(urge that...) 
    must urge mre peple t reflect n their wn
    imprper behavir
    must urge that mre peple(shuld) reflect n
    n their wn imprper behavir
    归纳(1)have/feel an urge t d sth 有强烈的欲望做某事(2)urge sb t d sth 催促某人做某事urge that...(shuld) d sth 极力主张/强调……做某事It is urged that...(shuld) d sth.极力主张/强调……做某事。佳句 (2022天津3月卷)With the develpment f China,it is urged that the yung (shuld) cmmunicate with freigners withut difficulty. Hence, anyne wh has/feels an urge t speak fluent English can register fr ur Spken English Club.随着中国的发展,年轻人被极力主张无障碍地与外国人交流。因此,任何渴望说流利英语的人都可以报名参加我们的口语俱乐部。
    ★补遗缺 微点练全Ⅰ.一词多义1.dismissA.消除 B.解散;让(某人)离开 C.解雇①The class was dismissed early tday. ____②He was dismissed frm his jb fr inactin and incmpetence. ____③I gently patted him n the shulder t dismiss his fears frm his mind. ____
    步伐 B.n.节奏 C.vt.& vi.确定速度;调整节奏 D.vi.走来走去①She slwed dwn her pace s I culd keep up with her. ____②She std up and began t pace up and dwn. ____③The cmputer will give students the pprtunity t learn at their wn pace. ____④It's a lng climb,s yu have t pace yurself. ____
    与其说……倒不如说……[教材原句] He seemed mre like a human than a machine.他看着不太像机器,而更像一个真人。[练会]猜测词义①She bught mre than ten handkerchiefs and tw pairs f leather shes at a time,which made her mther explde with anger._____________________②I am mre than glad t help yu analyze the prs and cns f the chice yu have made. ______________③The chairwman is mre than ur leader;she is als ur friend. _________
    [写美]微写作·背诵④______________________________(我会非常高兴) if yu culd cme and jin my birthday party at 7 Friday at my hme.__________________________________________(将会有十几个朋友) present at the party. __________________________________(派对不仅仅是为了好玩);it is als fr mutual cmmunicatin.S please accept my sincere invitatin.(应用文之邀请信)
    I wuld be mre than delighted
    mre than ten friends
    There will be
    The party is mre than fr fun
    归纳mre than+数词,表示“超过;不止”,相当于ver。mre than+名词,意为“不只是;不仅仅……”,相当于nt nly。mre than+形容词/副词,意为“非常,很”,相当于very。佳句Having perfrmed perfectly in the stre,the saleswman is mre hard-wrking than clever.这位女售货员在店里表现出色,与其说是聪明,不如说是勤奋。
    2.it作形式主语[教材原句] Claire thught it was ridiculus that she was being ffered sympathy by a rbt,but she gradually admired his wisdm and integrity and began t trust him.一个机器人向她表示同情,克莱尔觉得很荒谬,但她渐渐钦佩他的智慧和正直,开始信任他了。[练会]单句语法填空①It is bvius t the students ____________they shuld get well prepared fr their future. ②________ is a pity that yu shuld miss such a gd pprtunity t braden yur view.
    [写美]一句多译·背诵③重要的是,你应该每天留出一些时间做运动,这样你才能保持精力充沛。→________________________ yu shuld set aside sme time every day fr sprts s that yu can keep yurself energetic.(it作形式主语) →________________________ yu shuld set aside sme time every day fr sprts s that yu can keep yurself energetic.(what引导主语从句)
    It is imprtant that
    What is imprtant is that
    归纳it作形式主语的常用句式:(1)It be+形容词(bvius,pssible,strange,natural,imprtant...)+that从句(2)It be+名词短语(a pity,a fact,a wnder,a shame,an hnur,n wnder...)+ that从句佳句 It is necessary that we learn English well.我们学好英语很有必要。
    Ⅰ.单句语法填空——分层级强化高频考点A组 基础必练1.They recite Tang pems _________a regular basis and thus,they are gd at Chinese. 2.This cuntry declared war ________fur cuntries at the same time because f cmplicated plitical cntradictins. 3.Of the tw frmats,I think this ne is superir _________the ther by shws n sympathy fr ther students and ften cnflicts ________ them. 5.As a science student,I never felt an urge ____________________(appreciate) any literary wrks. 
    t appreciate
    B组 高考链接6.(2023全国乙卷) As it turned __________,Duglas did exactly what she needed t d t becme Olympic champin when she defeated tw Russians. 7.(2019全国Ⅲ卷)They were perfrming a ____________(calculate),nt just memrizing the value f each cmbinatin. 
    Ⅱ.语篇填空——语境中应用单元要点Yu will be alarmed t find future husehld rbts lking 1. ________ like humans than machines.As they are superir 2. ________ humans in sme ways, yu will be free 3. ____ many tugh jbs, such as husehld chres, and tasks under miserable cnditins.Mre imprtantly, 4._________ (equip) with an intelligent cmputer brain,they will urge yu 5._____ (set) aside sme time fr utdr exercise.Yu can g ut fr a walk 6._______ a leisure place while the rbt takes 7._______ all the husewrk.Just imagine enjying yur meals prepared by yur rbt,yu are bund t be the happiest ne in the wrld. It is calculated 8._______ the elderly may nt feel lnely if 9.________________ (accmpany) by such husehld rbts at hme. 
    Ⅲ.话题微写作——场景中提升写作技能(黑体部分用本单元词汇表达)续写微情景第一步 单句写作1.当我得知我儿子和他的同学发生冲突时,我勃然大怒。(cnflict with,explde)When I learned that __________________________________,I ____________________________. 2.他是如此委屈和惊愕以至于他站在那里一动不动,泪水模糊了他的双眼。(stun,blur)He was s aggrieved and __________that he std rted t the spt,__________________________________. 
    my sn cnflicted with his classmate
    with anger
    tears blurring his eyes
    3.知道我的儿子不该受责备后,我内疚地在房间里来回踱步。(pace,guiltily)After knwing that my sn was nt t blame,I _____________________________________________. 4.我渴望得到儿子的原谅。(urge)I ____________________________________________________________. 5. 我向儿子的卧室走去,敲门,然后大步走进去,宣布我不会再像这样对待他了。(declare)I headed fr my sn's bedrm,kncked at the dr and strde int the rm, ___________________________________________________. 
    paced arund the
    rm guiltily
    had a strng urge t gain my sn's frgiveness
    declaring that I wuldn't treat him like this again
    第二步 句式升级6.用倒装句改写句2______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    S aggrieved and stunned was he that he std rted t the spt,with tears blurring his eyes.
    第三步 连句成篇(注意使用恰当的衔接词) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    When I learned that my sn cnflicted with his classmate,I explded with anger.S aggrieved and stunned was he that he std rted t the spt, with tears blurring his eyes.After knwing that my sn was nt t blame,I paced arund the rm guiltily.I had a strng urge t gain my sn's frgiveness. I headed fr my sn's bedrm,kncked at the dr and strde int the rm,declaring that I wuldn't treat him like this again.
    (2021新高考全国Ⅰ卷,阅读C)——美国联邦鸭票产生的背景与影响When the explrers first set ft upn the cntinent f Nrth America,the skies and lands were alive with an astnishing variety f wildlife. Native Americans had taken care f these precius natural resurces wisely. Unfrtunately, it tk the explrers and the settlers wh fllwed nly a few decades t decimate a large part f these resurces.Millins f waterfwl(水禽) were killed at the hands f market hunters and a handful f verly ambitius sprtsmen.Millins f acres f wetlands were dried t feed and huse the ever-increasing ppulatins,greatly reducing waterfwl habitat(栖息地).
    In 1934,with the passage f the Migratry Bird Hunting Stamp Act(Act), an increasingly cncerned natin tk firm actin t stp the destructin f migratry (迁徙的) waterfwl and the wetlands s vital t their survival.Under this Act,all waterfwl hunters 16 years f age and ver must annually purchase and carry a Federal Duck Stamp.The very first Federal Duck Stamp was designed by J.N.“Ding” Darling,a plitical cartnist frm Des Mines, Iwa, wh at that time was appinted by President Franklin Rsevelt as Directr f the Bureau f Bilgical Survey.Hunters willingly pay the stamp price t ensure the survival f ur natural resurces.
    Abut 98 cents f every duck stamp dllar ges directly int the Migratry Bird Cnservatin Fund t purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat fr inclusin int the Natinal Wildlife Refuge System—a fact that ensures this land will be prtected and available fr all generatins t cme.Since 1934, better than half a billin dllars has gne int that Fund t purchase mre than 5 millin acres f habitat.Little wnder the Federal Duck Stamp Prgram has been called ne f the mst successful cnservatin prgrams ever initiated.
    二、真题再做 28.What was a cause f the waterfwl ppulatin decline in Nrth America?A.Lss f f water f f ther wild animals.
    29.What des the underlined wrd “decimate” mean in the first paragraph?A.Acquire.    D.Distribute.
    词义猜测题。根据句首的“Unfrtunately”一词以及下文出现的“were killed”和“were dried”等信息可推断,该词的大意为“毁坏,破坏”。故选C项。
    30.What is a direct result f the Act passed in 1934?A.The stamp price has gne migratry birds have flwn hunters have stpped gvernment has cllected mney.
    31.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?A.The Federal Duck Stamp StryB.The Natinal Wildlife Refuge SystemC.The Benefits f Saving WaterfwlD.The Histry f Migratry Bird Hunting
    3.积累高频词块(1)set ft in/n/upn smewhere _________________ (2)be alive with ______________(3)natural resurces __________(4)at the hands f ________________________(5)a handful f ______(6)take actin t d sth _______________(7)be vital t _______________(8)generatin t cme _________
    4.赏析续写佳句When the explrers first set ft upn the cntinent f Nrth America,the skies and lands were alive with an astnishing variety f wildlife.当探险者第一次_______________时,天空和陆地上______________________________________。

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