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    Gd tl design is imprtant in the preventin f veruse injuries. Well-designed tls and equipment will require less frce t perate them and prevent awkward (别扭的) hand psitins. They will allw the wrker t keep the elbws (肘) next t the bdy t prevent damage t the shulder and arm.
    Overuse injuries can therefre be prevented r reduced if the emplyer prvides, and wrkers use:
    ●pwer tls rather than having t use muscle pwer.
    ●tls with specially designed handles that allw the wrist t keep straight (See figure 1). This means that hands and wrists are kept in the same psitin as they wuld be if they were hanging relaxed at a persn’s side.
    ●tls with handles that can be held cmfrtably by the whle hand. This means having a select in f sizes—remember that tls that prvide a cmfrtable firm hld fr a persn with a very large hand may be awkward fr smene with a very small hand. This is a particularly imprtant cnsideratin fr wmen wh may use tls riginally designed fr men.
    ●tls that d nt press fingers (r flesh) between the handles, and whse handles d nt have sharp edges r a small surface area.
    1.Which f the fllwing describes a well-designed tl?
    A. It’s kept clse t the bdy.B. It fully uses muscle pwer.
    C. It makes users feel relaxed.D. It’s perated with less frce.
    2.What is Figure I used t shw?
    A. The effective use f the tl.B. The way f perating the tl.
    C. The prper design f the handle.D. The purpse f bending the wrist.
    3.In chsing tls fr wmen, ______ f the handle is the mst imprtant.
    A. the sizeB. the edgeC. the shapeD. the psitin
    When Lew Alcindr was 13, and bviusly still grwing, a grup f schls began ffering him schlarships. The Alcindr decided t send their nly child t Pwer Memrial Academy, a small schl n Manhattan’s West Side.
    At Pwer, Alcindr came under the cntrl f Cach Jack Dnhue, a strict yung man wh already gained his fames as ne f the best caches in the city. Dnhue brught Alcindr alng slwly. As a first-year student, the by was nt able t d much but wave his lng skinny arms and sht a basket nw and then. But by the secnd year, when he was 15 years ld and nearly 7 feet tall, Alcindr was quick and skilful enugh t make the high schl All-American team and t lead Pwer t an undefeated seasn.
    Frm then n he simply gt better. Sme rival caches (对方教练) used t take their teams quickly away frm the flr befre Pwer warmed up s that their players wuld nt see him any sner than they had t. Wearing size 16D shes and sucking a chewing gum, Alcindr wuld lsen up by starting his leaping lay-ups (擦板球). Then he wuld casually sht the ball with either hand, t the delight f the fans.
    When reprters and phtgraphers began t fllw Alcindr clsely, Dnhue prtected his by firmly. He simply rdered Lew t talk t n member f the press, and this suited Lew fine. He was nt cmfrtable talking t grwn-ups, perhaps because he twered ver them. Discuraged phtgraphers began fllwing him in secret as thugh he were an easily-frightened giraffe. Once after ducking int a subway t escape, Alcindr tld a friend that it was all becming like plicemen and rbbers. “Peple want yu nt fr yurself,” Dnhue warned him, “But because yu’re a basketball player. Dn’t frget that.”
    4.Many schls ffered Alcindr schlarships because ______.
    A. he was yungB. he was hardwrking
    C. he was tall fr his ageD. he was skillful at playing basketball
    5.Which f the fllwing best describes Dnhue as a yung cach?
    A. Serius, ppular and slwB. Tall, skillful and successful
    C. Kind, pwerful and undefeatedD. Well-knwn, strict and experienced
    6.Why did sme rival caches take their teams away frm the flr befre Pwer warmed up?
    A. Their teams refused t play against Pwer
    B. Their teams feared t see Alcindr
    C. Their teams wuld lse curage
    D. Their teams wuld lse interest
    7.What des the last paragraph mainly discuss?
    A. Hw Dnhue prtect Alcindr frm the press
    B. Hw Alcindr disliked meeting reprter
    C. Why the press fllwed Alcindr clsely
    D. Why the public wanted Alcindr badly
    Peple frm East Asia tend t have mre difficulty than thse frm Eurpe in distinguishing facial expressins and a new reprt published nline in Current Bilgy explains why
    Rachael Jack, University f Glasgw researcher, said that rather than scanning evenly (均匀的) acrss a face as Westerners d, Easterners fix their attentin n the eyes.
    “We shw that Easterners and Westerners lk at different face features t read facial expressins,” Jack said. “Westerners lk at the eyes and the muth in equal measure, whereas Easterners favr the eyes and neglect (忽略) the muth.”
    Accrding t Jack and her clleagues, the discvery shws that human cmmunicatin f emtin is mre cmplex than previusly believed. As a result, facial expressins that had been cnsidered universally recgnizable cannt be used t reliably cnvey emtin in crss-cultural situatins.
    The researchers studied cultural differences in the recgnitin f facial expressins by recrding the eye mvements f 13 Western Caucasian and 13 East Asian peple while they bserved pictures f expressive faces and put them int categries: happy, sad, surprised, fearful, disgusted, angry, r neutral. They cmpared hw accurately participants read thse facial expressins using their particular eye mvement strategies.
    It turned ut that Easterners fcused much greater attentin n the eyes and made significantly mre errrs than did Westerners. “The cultural difference in eye mvements that they shw is prbably a reflectin f cultural difference in facial expressins,” Jack said. “Our data suggest that whereas Westerners use the whle face t cnvey emtin, Easterners use the eyes mre and muth less.”
    In shrt, the data shw that facial expressins are nt universal signals f human emtin. Frm here n, examining hw cultural factrs have diversified these basic scial skills will help ur understanding f human emtin. Otherwise, when it cmes t cmmunicating emtins acrss cultures, Easterners and Westerners will find themselves lst in translatin.
    8.What were the peple asked t d in the study?
    A. T make a face at each ther.B. T get their faces impressive.
    C. T classify sme face pictures.D. T bserve the researchers’ faces.
    9.What des the underlined wrd “they” in Paragraph 6 refer t?
    A. The participants in the study.B. The researchers f the study.
    C. The errrs made during the study.D. The data cllected frm the study.
    10.In cmparisn with Westerners, Easterners are likely t ______.
    A. d translatin mre successfullyB. study the muth mre frequently
    C. examine the eyes mre attentivelyD. read facial expressins mre crrectly
    11.What can be the best title fr the passage?
    A. The Eye as the Windw t the Sul
    B. Cultural Differences in Reading Emtins
    C. Effective Methds t Develp Scial Skills
    D. Hw t Increase Crss-cultural Understanding
    Early fifth-century philspher St. Augustine famusly wrte that he knew what time was unless smene asked him. Albert Einstein added anther wrinkle when he therized that time varies depending n where yu measure it. Tday's state-f-the-art atmic(原子的) clcks have prven Einstein right. Even advanced physics can't decisively tell us what time is, because the answer depends n the questin yu're asking.
    Frget abut time as an abslute. What if, instead f cnsidering time in terms f astrnmy, we related time t eclgy?What if we allwed envirnmental cnditins t set the temp(节奏) f human life?We're increasingly aware f the fact that we can't cntrl Earth systems with engineering alne, and realizing that we need t mderate(调节)ur actins if we hpe t live in balance. What if ur definitin f time reflected that?
    Recently, I cnceptualized a new apprach t timekeeping that's cnnected t circumstances n ur planet, cnditins that might change as a result f glbal warming. We're nw building a clck at the Anchrage Museum that reflects the ttal flw f several majr Alaskan rivers, which are sensitive t lcal and glbal envirnmental changes. We've prgrammed it t match an atmic clck if the waterways cntinue t flw at their present rate. If the rivers run faster in the future n average, the clck will get ahead f standard time. If they run slwer, yu'll see the ppsite effect.
    The clck registers bth shrt-term irregularities and lng-term trends in river dynamics. It's a srt f bservatry that reveals hw the rivers are behaving frm their wn tempral frame(时间框架),and allws us t witness thse changes n ur smartwatches r phnes. Anyne wh pts t g n Alaska Mean River Time will live in harmny with the planet. Anyne wh cnsiders river time in relatin t atmic time will encunter a majr imbalance and may be mtivated t cunteract it by cnsuming less fuel r supprting greener plicies.
    Even if this methd f timekeeping is nvel in its particulars, early agricultural scieties als cnnected time t natural phenmena. In pre-Classical Greece, fr instance, peple “crrected” fficial calendars by shifting dates frward r backward t reflect the change f seasn. Tempral cnnectin t the envirnment was vital t their survival. Likewise, river time and ther timekeeping systems we're develping may encurage envirnmental awareness.
    When St. Augustine admitted his inability t define time, he highlighted ne f time's mst nticeable qualities:Time becmes meaningful nly in a defined cntext. Any timekeeping system is valid, and each is as praisewrthy as its purpse.
    12.What is the main idea f Paragraph 1?
    A. Timekeeping is increasingly related t nature.
    B. Everyne can define time n their wn terms.
    C. The qualities f time vary with hw yu measure it.
    D. Time is a majr cncern f philsphers and scientists.
    13.The authr raises three questins in Paragraph 2 mainly t________.
    A. present an assumptinB. evaluate an argument
    C. highlight an experimentD. intrduce an apprach
    14.What can we learn frm this passage?
    A. Thse wh d nt g n river time will live an imbalanced life.
    B. New ways f measuring time can help t cntrl Earth systems.
    C. Atmic time will get ahead f river time if the rivers run slwer.
    D. Mdern technlgy may help t shape the rivers’ tempral frame.
    15.What can we infer frm this passage?
    A. It is crucial t imprve the definitin f time.
    B. A fixed frame will make time meaningless.
    C. We shuld live in harmny with nature.
    D. Histry is a mirrr reflecting reality.
    16.Yur Health and 5G
    The fifth generatin technlgy f cellular data r 5G, prmises t bring lightning-fast data cnnectin speeds. Much faster than Internet cnnectins currently ffered in many hmes. ①_____ Hwever, nt everyne is excited abut 5G service.
    ②_____ There are even prtests aimed at slwing dwn r even stpping cmpanies frm installing the equipment necessary fr 5G service. Why are peple s wrried?
    T understand the pssible health risks f 5G, it is imprtant t understand hw the new service sets apart frm existing 3G and 4G. ③_____ 5G uses a different part f the electrmagnetic spectrum. The signals have shrt wavelengths measured in millimeters called millimeter waves. Millimeter waves are perfect fr high-speed data but small transmitters and antennas must put up everywhere t ensure gd cnnectins. This presents a cause fr cncern.
    5G service means new transmitters and antennas everywhere. Certainly, it will mean that the amunt f electrmagnetic radiatin that peple are expsed t will increase. Radiatin expsure sunds dangerus, but it all depends n the type f radiatin, the strength and the amunt f time that peple are expsed t. Sunlight is a type f radiatin, and expsure fr t lng can cause a sunburn. ④_____
    Many studies have been dne t explre whether lw-level expsure t radi waves, micrwaves, r millimeter waves has negative health effects. S far, there is n cnclusive evidence. ⑤_____ Hwever, scientists will cntinue t study the lng-term effects f expsure t electrmagnetic radiatin.
    A. It’s imprtant t cnsider risks when using 5G.
    B. Will this new technlgy bring new health risks?
    C. The main difference is the new frequency f the signals t transmit data.
    D. High-speed service has the ptential t revlutinize many technlgies.
    E. Repeated expsure ver time can als lead t the likeliness f skin cancer.
    F. As lng as prducers fllw safety regulatins, 5G shuld nt cause a health risk.
    G. Sme peple wrry that the technlgy behind 5G might present serius health risks.
    White dressed up as Captain America fr the annual Anti-Bullying (反霸凌) Superher Day. But when sptting 1 ne afternn, he culdn’t 2 any superpwers.
    It was rush hur. White was 3 hme when he nticed a pickup n the ppsite side f the tw-way street. It was hard t 4 , fr it was crashing int the curb (马路牙子) befre curse-crrecting, nly t hit it again. As the car drew clser, White gt a gd lk at the 5 : The driver appeared t be asleep. He had t 6 that vehicle.
    7 , White made a U-turn, facing in the same directin as the pickup, but there were fur cars 8 them. White pressed his hrn, hping the cars in frnt wuld mve aside. They didn’t. Trapped, White pulled his car ver. He 9 up the sidewalk, cut int the rad and ran arund t the driver’s side. White 10 the frame (框) f the pen windw, his legs mving in step with the pickup, and with a mighty 11 , jumped in.
    DeAngelis, the man behind the 12 , had unexpectedly faced dangerusly lw bld sugar, and just cme t. He was 13 by the dd sight f a stranger lying acrss his stmach. White immediately brught the pickup t a stp. DeAngelis was rushed t a hspital, where it was determined that had his bld sugar gne lwer, his life culd have been endangered.
    White 14 a superher, but his quick thinking and daring 15 made him a real-life her.
    17.A. barrierB. unfairnessC. vilenceD. truble
    18.A. give way tB. fall back nC. get arundD. frget abut
    19.A. cyclingB. runningC. drivingD. walking
    20.A. lcateB. missC. searchD. cntact
    21.A. utcmeB. tendencyC. prcessD. prblem
    22.A. stpB. mveC. reprtD. disable
    23.A. MistakenlyB. SincerelyC. DecidedlyD. Hesitantly
    24.A. fllwingB. separatingC. threateningD. appraching
    25.A. wavedB. escapedC. wanderedD. raced
    26.A. struckB. measuredC. grabbedD. brke
    27.A. bugB. liftC. blwD. kick
    28.A. sceneB. pickupC. wheelD. seat
    29.A. shckedB. ashamedC. discuragedD. amused
    30.A. prtectedB. encunteredC. createdD. played
    31.A. rescueB. visitC. guidanceD. cmment
    32.It was fficially annunced that millins f trees _____ by the end f last year in this regin fr the prtectin f the envirnment.
    A. have been plantedB. had plantedC. had been plantedD. have planted
    33.______ difficult life may seem, there is always smething yu can d, and succeed at.
    A. WhateverB. HweverC. ThughD. Despite
    34.______ t a tp university, as in China, is als what many American students have been dreaming f.
    A. AdmittedB. Being admittedC. Having been admittedD. T have been admitted
    35.________ the 24 Slar Terms n Chinese lunar calendar, the farmers in ancient China accmplished the great astrnmical and meterlgical achievement with their intelligence and experience.
    A. BasingB. BasedC. T base.D. Having been based
    36._____ is knwn t us all is that the 2024 Olympic Games will take place in Paris.
    A. WhatB. ItC. AsD. Which
    37.The large bard in the crner had been replaced by a big screen, ________ custmers’ cmments n the mnth’s best-seller were being displayed.
    A. whereB. whseC. whichD. thrugh which
    38.Winning ______ in the internatinal market, China’s high-quality prducts have brught us a gd prfit.
    A. regulatinB. cmmitmentC. recgnitinD. insurance
    39.I wuld like t thank all f yu wh made the effrt. It is a relief that emplyees shw their _________ t their jb.
    A. devtinB. applicatinC. cnnectinD. invitatin
    40.If it is pssible, keep a spare pair f glasses ______ in case yur main pair is brken r lst.
    A. exceptinalB. essentialC. accessibleD. primitive
    41.He desn’t talk t much and what he has t say is ______ and t the pint.
    A. previusB. preciseC. delicateD. jint
    42.We need smene wh can ______ and respnd t the changes in the fashin industry.
    A. guaranteeB. deserveC. criticizeD. anticipate
    43.Renewable energy surces like slar pwer can _______ clean electricity withut harmful pllutants.
    A. recycleB. cnductC. saveD. generate
    44.Practice shws that the system vercmes the riginal prblems, and is __________.
    A. wrth t be ppularizedB. wrthy f being ppularized
    C. wrth being ppularizedD. wrthy being ppularized
    45.Yu Hua, a majr new talent, ______ the literary scene in the 1980s.
    A. burst intB. burst utC. burst withD. burst nt
    46.Wife: Hw’s yur Shenzhen Marathn training ging?
    Husband: It’s been tugh, but I’m nt ging t ______ yet.
    A. thrw in the twelB. pave the wayC. devte myself t itD. crack a smile
    47.Natural Therapy (疗法)
    Many bks and articles have been published abut hw t bst happiness. One prved way is by spending mre time in nature. In ①_____ study in Science Advances, there is evidence ②_____ cntacting with nature is assciated with many benefits including increases ③_____ happiness, a sense f well-being, psitive scial interactins, and a feeling f meaningfulness in life.
    Nature therapy, als called ectherapy (生态疗法), is the practice f being in nature t bst grwth and healing, especially mental health. Yu can d nature therapy anywhere, ④_____ yu live in rural, suburban, r urban areas. As an example, in the fthills f the Snwdnia Natinal Park in the UK, utdr art-related activities are nw held t help thse wh ⑤_____ (suffer) frm depressin, anxiety and stress ver the past few years.
    It’s true that fr mst f us ⑥_____ (expse) t the natural wrld definitely lifts ur spirits. But ectherapy can als include activities r therapies ⑦_____ yu are frmally guided by therapists and trained leaders. It’s ⑧_____ Dr Rachel Bragg frm the University f Essex calls “psychlgical restratin”. “Ectherapy is ne tl that yu have t use ⑨_____ (strengthen) and deepen the wrk that yu’re ding with yur clients r yur patients.”
    Of curse, ec-therapy wn’t cure everything, ⑩_____ it is still an ptin fr therapists t use. And as we becme mre aware f the causes and effects f mental health, it’s gd t knw that help may lie utside ur twns and cities, and that nature can give us a helping hand.
    If yu lgged n t weib ver the weekend, chances are that yur web page was ①_____ with vides f US celebrities dumping ice water n their heads. It seems that everyne is getting in fr fun, frm ppular singers like Taylr Swift and Justin Timberlake, t high-ranking f tech executives including Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.
    Is it sme kind f new, cl way t cpe with the summer heat? Of curse nt. It’s a fundraising game called the Ice Bucket Challenge, and it aims t raise ②_____ fr Amytrphic Lateral Sclersis(ALS肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症,亦称“渐冻人症”).
    The challenge’s ③_____ is straightfrward. It invlves daring a persn t dump a bucket f ice water ver his head within 24 hurs, r dnate mney fr fighting against ALS. Even if a persn cmpletes the challenge, they’re mre than welcme t dnate mney anyhw.
    Once a persn cmpletes the challenge, they’re suppsed t issue the same challenge t several ther peple, usually three, which is why the challenge has been grwing and grwing.
    Since the beginning f June, the game has spread acrss scial media timelines and late-night talk shws in the US. Accrding t Facebk, mre than 15 millin peple s far have psted, ④_____, r liked a pst abut the challenge. It has raised mre than $2.3 millin (14 millin yuan) t supprt research fr the illness.
    As fr the rigins f the craze, new data frm the Facebk data science team heavily supprts ne thery: that the ice bucket challenge ⑤_____ with Pete Frates, a frmer captain f the Bstn Cllege baseball team. Frates, 29, wh was diagnsed with ALS in 2012, can n lnger speak and uses a wheelchair. After Frates psted his wn ice bucket challenge vide n July 31, the game tk ff and has nw becme ne f the biggest activities in the nline cmmunity.
    The challenge went ppular n scial media, particularly in the United States, with peple, celebrities, pliticians and athletes psting vides f themselves nline and n TV ⑥_____ in the event. But befre the challenge, public awareness f the disease was relatively ⑦_____.
    Of curse, ice bucket challenges need t be undertaken with at least basic ⑧_____ and cmmn sense. Thse wh tip the water need t be ⑨_____ enugh—and strng enugh—t ensure that they can safely cntrl the bucket. A giant water-filled tub is certainly heavy enugh t ⑩_____ injure r even kill a persn it drps n.
    49. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    When I was in middle schl, my family mved t Seattle, where my parents started their new business—a small grcery stre dwnstairs my huse. As a girl f shy and reserved nature, I had t take a fresh start t fit int the sphisticated city life.
    One sunny day, my schl annunced an exciting event, a talent shw fr the lcal fd bank. Students were encuraged t shwcase their unique talents in frnt f the public in the city hall n Natinal Day. A buzz f excitement fed the schl as everyne began preparing fr the big day. Deep dwn, I felt a spark f curisity and a desire t participate. Hwever, my self-dubt held me back, “I dn’t have any special skills t share.”
    Days turned int weeks, and the talent shw drew clser. I culdn’t shake the upsetting feeling until ne day, Emma, ne f the mst ppular girls in my class, came t me while I was helping in the grcery stre after class. “Hw abut singing tgether in the talent shw?” She grinned, “I heard yu singing a tune, alng the way back hme. I can’t help fllwing yu here.” Gsh, I culdn’t believe my ears. Emma, with persnality and ppularity, acknwledged my little talent. Since Emma had the wrld’s prettiest vice, I felt like being favured by frtune.
    “Yu tw? The talent shw fr the fd bank?” My mum bent twards us and her face lit up. “A big ccasin.” Then a light bulb seemed t g in her head. “Why nt practise right nw upstairs? I bet yu’ll be a perfect match.” Winking at us, she seemed t knw we were thinking alike.
    Emma and I embarked n rehearsing almst every single day after schl. We brainstrmed, exchanged ideas and rehearsed the scene. As the days rlled by, I was feeling pretty gd abut ur act. But the day befre the perfrmance, Emma called that she had an acute stmachache and was nt in any shape t perfrm.
    Paragraph 1:
    I was cmpletely kncked ut by the news.
    Paragraph 2:
    Finally came the big mment.
    1.答案: D
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“Well-designed tls and equipment will require less frce t perate them and prevent awkward (别扭的) hand psitins.(精心设计的工具和设备只需要更少的力量来操作它们,并防止手的位置别扭)”可知,设计良好的工具可以让使用者更省力。故选D。
    2.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“●tls with specially designed handles that allw the wrist t keep straight (See figure 1). This means that hands and wrists are kept in the same psitin as they wuld be if they were hanging relaxed at a persn’s side.(具有特殊设计手柄的工具,可以使手腕保持伸直(见图1)。这意味着手和手腕保持在同一位置,就像它们放松地挂在人的一侧一样)”可知,图1用来显示手柄的正确设计。故选C。
    3.答案: A
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“This means having a selectin f sizes — remember that tls that prvide a cmfrtable firm hld fr a persn with a very large hand may be f n use fr smene with a very small hand. This is a particularly imprtant cnsideratin fr wmen wh may use tls riginally designed fr men.(这意味着要有不同的尺寸选择—记住,对于手大的人来说,能够舒适牢固地握住的工具,对于手小的人来说可能没有用处。这对于使用原本为男性设计的工具的女性来说,是一个特别重要的考虑因素)”可知,女性在选择工具时,把手的大小是最重要的。故选A。
    4.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“When Lew Alcindr was 13, and bviusly still grwing, a grup f schls began ffering him schlarships.( Lew Alcindr13岁时,显然还在成长,一些学校开始为他提供奖学金。)”和第二段中“As a first-year student, the by was nt able t d much but wave his lng skinny arms and sht a basket nw and then. But by the secnd year, when he was 15 years ld and nearly 7 feet tall, Alcindr was quick and skilful enugh t make the high schl All-American team and t lead Pwer t an undefeated seasn.(作为一名一年级的学生,这个男孩不能做太多的事情,只是挥舞着他细长的手臂,偶尔投篮。但到了第二年,当他15岁,身高接近7英尺时,Alcindr的速度和技术足以进入高中全美代表队,并带领Pwer取得了一个不败的赛季)”可知,许多学校都给Alcindr提供奖学金,因为他在同龄人中个子很高。故选C。
    5.答案: D
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“At Pwer, Alcindr came under the cntrl f Cach Jack Dnhue, a strict yung man wh already gained his fames as ne f the best caches in the city.(在Pwer, Alcindr受到教练Jack Dnhue的控制,他是一个严格的年轻人,已经成为该市最好的教练之一)”可知,年轻教练Dnhue出名、严格、经验丰富。故选D。
    6.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据三段“Frm then n he simply gt better. Sme rival caches (对方教练) used t take their teams quickly away frm the flr befre Pwer warmed up s that their players wuld nt see him any sner than they had t.(从那以后,他变得越来越好。一些对手的教练过去常常在鲍尔热身之前就把他们的球队迅速带离场地,这样他们的球员就不会在必要的时候看到他)”可知,教练让队员赶快走以免碰到Lew Alcindr后产生不良的心理,失去勇气。故选C。
    7.答案: A
    解析:主旨大意题。根据最后一段“When reprters and phtgraphers began t fllw Alcindr clsely, Dnhue prtected his by firmly. He simply rdered Lew t talk t n member f the press, and this suited Lew fine. He was nt cmfrtable talking t grwn-ups, perhaps because he twered ver them. Discuraged phtgraphers began fllwing him in secret as thugh he were an easily-frightened giraffe. Once after ducking int a subway t escape, Alcindr tld a friend that it was all becming like plicemen and rbbers. “Peple want yu nt fr yurself,” Dnhue warned him, “But because yu’re a basketball player. Dn’t frget that.”(当记者和摄影师开始密切跟踪Alcindr时,Dnhue坚定地保护着他的孩子。他只是命令Lew 不与任何媒体人员交谈,这对Lew 很合适。他不喜欢和大人说话,也许是因为他比大人高。气馁的摄影师们开始秘密地跟踪他,好像他是一只容易受惊的长颈鹿。有一次躲进地铁逃跑后,Alcindr告诉一个朋友,一切都变得像警察和强盗一样。“人们想要你不是为了你自己,”Dnhue警告他,“而是因为你是一名篮球运动员。别忘了这一点。”)”可知,最后一段主要说明了Dnhue如何保护Alcindr免受媒体的采访。故选A。
    8.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“We shw that Easterners and Westerners lk at different face features t read facial expressins. (我们展示了东亚人和西方人在阅读面部表情时会关注不同的面部特征)”可知,研究发现两种文化在解读面部表情时关注的焦点不同,这表明了研究中人们被要求做的是识别和分类面部表情。故选C项。
    9.答案: A
    解析:词句猜测题。根据第六段第一句“The cultural difference in eye mvements that they shw is prbably a reflectin f cultural difference in facial expressins. (他们展示的眼动中所表现出的文化差异,很可能是面部表情文化差异的反映)”可知,这里的“they”指的是上文提到的参与者在眼动上展示的文化差异,因此指的是参与研究的人。故选A项。
    10.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Easterners fcus much greater attentin n the eyes and made significantly mre errrs than did Westerners. (东方人更加集中注意力在眼睛上,并且比西方人犯了更多的错误)”可知,这句话直接比较了东方人和西方人在面部表情识别上的表现,指出东方人更专注于眼睛,但错误率也更高,这表明东方人在面部表情的解读上可能更加专注于眼睛。故选C项。
    11.答案: B
    解析:主旨大意题。根据最后一段第一句“In shrt, the data shw that facial expressins are nt universal signals f human emtin. (简而言之,数据显示面部表情并不是人类情感的普遍信号)”可知,文章最后一段的开头总结了研究的主要发现,即面部表情并不是放之四海而皆准的情感表达方式,这强调了文化差异在解读情感时的重要性,因此“Cultural Differences in Reading Emtins”(文化差异在解读情感)是最适合的标题。故选B项。
    12.答案: B
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句“Even advanced physics can't decisively tell us what time is, because the answer depends n the questin yu're asking.(即使是先进的物理学也不能决定性地告诉我们时间是什么,因为答案取决于你要问的问题)”以及上文列举的哲学家St. Augustine和爱因斯坦对于时间的定义可推断,第一段主要讲述每个人都可以用自己的话来定义时间。故选B项。
    13.答案: D
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的“We're increasingly aware f the fact that we can't cntrl Earth systems with engineering alne, and realizing that we need t mderate(调节)ur actins if we hpe t live in balance.(我们越来越意识到,我们不能只是用工程学来控制地球系统,意识到,如果我们希望保持平衡,我们就需要调节我们的行动。)”进而提出问题“What if ur definitin f time reflected that?(如果时间的定义反映那些会怎么样呢)”,结合前两个问题“What if,instead f cnsidering time in terms f astrnmy, we related time t eclgy?What if we allwed envirnmental cnditins t set the temp(节奏) f human life?(如果我们不考虑天文学方面的时间,而是将时间与生态学联系起来呢?如果我们允许环境条件来设定人类生活的节奏呢)”可推断,第二段提出的三个问题是为了介绍方法。故选D项。
    14.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的“We've prgrammed it t match an atmic clck if the waterways cntinue t flw at their present rate.If the rivers run faster in the future n average,the clck will get ahead f standard time.If they run slwer,yu'll see the ppsite effect.(如果水道继续以目前的速度流动,我们对它进行了编程,匹配了一个原子时间。如果河流在未来的平均运行速度更快,时间就会超过标准时间。如果它们的运行速度较慢,你就会看到相反的效果。)”可知,如果河流运行速度较慢,原子时间将超过河流时间。故选C项。
    15.答案: C
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的“We're increasingly aware f the fact that we can't cntrl Earth systems with engineering alne,and realizing that we need t mderate(调节)ur actins if we hpe t live in balance.(我们越来越意识到,我们不能只是用工程学来控制地球系统,意识到,如果我们希望保持平衡,我们就需要调节我们的行动。)”和倒数第二段的“Tempral cnnectin t the envirnment was vital t their survival.Likewise,river time and ther timekeeping systems we're develping may encurage envirnmental awareness(时间与环境的暂时联系对它们的生存至关重要。同样,河流时间和我们正在开发的其他时间保护系统也可能会鼓励人们提高环境意识)”可推断,从这篇文章中我们知道我们应该与自然和谐共处,保护环境。故选C。
    解析:①根据上文“The fifth generatin technlgy f cellular data r 5G, prmises t bring lightning-fast data cnnectin speeds. Much faster than Internet cnnectins currently ffered in many hmes.(第五代蜂窝数据技术有望带来闪电般的数据连接速度。比目前许多家庭提供的互联网连接快得多)”以及后文“Hwever, nt everyne is excited abut 5G service.(然而,并不是所有人都对5G服务感到兴奋)”可知,本句与上文并列,旨在说明5G的好处:使许多技术发生革命。故D选项“高速服务有可能使许多技术发生革命”符合语境。故选D。
    ②根据后文“There are even prtests aimed at slwing dwn r even stpping cmpanies frm installing the equipment necessary fr 5G service. Why are peple s wrried?(甚至出现了旨在减缓甚至阻止企业安装5G服务所需设备的抗议。为什么人们如此担心?)”可知,后文提到了人们因为担心而阻止企业安装5G服务所需设备,G选项中wrry对应后文中wrried。故G选项“一些人担心5G背后的技术可能会带来严重的健康风险”符合语境。故选G。
    ③根据上文“T understand the pssible health risks f 5G, it is imprtant t understand hw the new service sets apart frm existing 3G and 4G.(要了解5G可能带来的健康风险,重要的是要了解新服务与现有3G和4G的区别)”以及后文“5G uses a different part f the electrmagnetic spectrum. The signals have shrt wavelengths measured in millimeters called millimeter waves. Millimeter waves are perfect fr high-speed data but small transmitters and antennas must put up everywhere t ensure gd cnnectins. This presents a cause fr cncern.( 5G使用的是不同的电磁频谱。这些信号的波长很短,以毫米为单位,称为毫米波。毫米波非常适合高速数据传输,但必须在所有地方安装小型发射机和天线,以确保良好的连接。这引起了人们的关注)”可知,本句旨在说明5G与现有3G和4G的区别在于信号的频率,故C选项“主要的区别是传输数据的信号的新频率”符合语境。故选C。
    ④根据上文“5G service means new transmitters and antennas everywhere. Certainly, it will mean that the amunt f electrmagnetic radiatin that peple are expsed t will increase. Radiatin expsure sunds dangerus, but it all depends n the type f radiatin, the strength and the amunt f time that peple are expsed t. Sunlight is a type f radiatin, and expsure fr t lng can cause a sunburn.( 5G服务意味着新的发射机和天线无处不在。当然,这将意味着人们暴露在电磁辐射中的数量将增加。辐射听起来很危险,但这完全取决于辐射的类型、强度和人们暴露在辐射中的时间。阳光是一种辐射,长时间暴露在阳光下会导致晒伤)”可知,上文提到了长时间接触阳光也导致晒伤,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文继续说明其后果。故E选项“长时间反复接触也会导致患皮肤癌的可能性”符合语境。故选E。
    ⑤根据上文“Many studies have been dne t explre whether lw-level expsure t radi waves, micrwaves, r millimeter waves has negative health effects. S far, there is n cnclusive evidence.(已经做了许多研究来探索低水平暴露在无线电波、微波或毫米波下是否会对健康产生负面影响。到目前为止,还没有确凿的证据)”可知,上文提到没有确凿证据证明会对健康产生负面,即论述5G对人体会不会造成健康风险的问题。故F选项“只要生产商遵守安全法规,5G应该不会造成健康风险”符合语境。故选F。
    17.答案: D
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:但有一天下午,当他发现有麻烦时,他不能求助于任何超能力。A. barrier屏障;B. unfairness不公平;C. vilence暴力;D. truble麻烦。根据后文的“The driver appeared t be asleep. He had t 6 that vehicle.”可知,那位司机情况危险,有麻烦,怀特想去帮助他。故选D项。
    18.答案: B
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:但有一天下午,当他发现有麻烦时,他不能求助于任何超能力。A. give way t让位于;B. fall back n求助于;C. get arund绕过;D. frget abut忘掉。根据后文的“any superpwers”可知,怀特在现实生活不能求助于超能力。故选B项。
    19.答案: C
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:怀特正开车回家,这时候注意到在双行道的对面有一辆小货车。A. cycling骑自行车;B. running运行;C. driving驱动;D. walking行走。根据后文的“Trapped, White pulled his car ver. ”可知,怀特停下自己的车,故他是开车回家的。故选C项。
    20.答案: B
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:这很难看不见,因为它在调整路线之前撞到了路边,结果再次撞上了它。A. lcate定位;B. miss未看见;C. search搜索;D. cntact联系。根据前文的“when he nticed a pickup n the ppsite side f the tw-way street.”和后文“fr it was crashing int the curb (马路牙子) befre curse-crrecting, nly t hit it again.”可知,这辆车两次撞到路边,很难不去注意它。故选B项。
    21.答案: D
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:当汽车越来越近时,怀特很清楚地看到了问题:司机似乎睡着了。A. utcme结果;B. tendency倾向;C. prcess过程;D. prblem问题。根据下文的“The driver appeared t be asleep.”可知,那辆车出现了问题,司机似乎睡着了。故选D项。
    22.答案: A
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他不得不拦停那辆车。A. stp停止;B. mve移动;C. reprt报告;D. disable使残废。根据前文的“The driver appeared t be asleep.”可知,司机似乎睡着了,所以他必须去拦停那辆车。故选A项。
    23.答案: C
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:怀特果断地掉头,面对皮卡车的同一个方向,但有四辆车把他们隔开了。A. Mistakenly错误;B. Sincerely真诚的;C. Decidedly果断地;D. Hesitantly犹豫不决。根据前文的“The driver appeared t be asleep. He had t 6 that vehicle.”可知,那位司机情况危险,怀特果断决定去帮助他。故选C项。
    24.答案: B
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:怀特果断地掉头,面向皮卡车的同一个方向,但有四辆车把他们隔开了。A. fllwing跟随;B. separating分离;C. threatening威胁;D. appraching接近。根据下文的“hping the cars in frnt wuld mve aside”可知,怀特按了按喇叭,希望前面的汽车能靠边站,故可推测怀特的车和那辆车之间有车把他们分开了。故选B项。
    25.答案: D
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他快速跑上人行道,冲进马路,绕到驾驶座旁边。A. waved挥手;B. escaped逃逸;C. wandered偏离(正道);D. raced疾走;全速行进。根据前文“White pulled his car ver”和后文的“ cut int the rad and ran arund t the driver’s side”可知,怀特停下车,下车跑上人行道,跑向事故车辆的驾驶座旁边。故选D项。
    26.答案: C
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:怀特抓住开着的窗框,他的腿与他的抓取步调一致,有力地抬起,跳了进去。A. struck击中;B. measured测量;C. grabbed 抓住;D. brke打破。根据后文的“the frame (框) f the pen windw”和“jumped in”可知,怀特抓住了开着的窗框,抬腿跳进车里。故选C项。
    27.答案: B
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:怀特抓住开着的窗框,他的腿与他的抓取步调一致,有力地抬起,跳了进去。A. bug错误;B. lift升力;C. blw吹;D. kick踢。根据后文的“jumped in”可知,有力地抬起腿。故选B项。
    28.答案: C
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:迪安吉利斯,开车的男人,出乎意料地面临着危险的低血糖,才醒过来。A. scene场景;B. pickup 皮卡货车;C. wheel车轮;D. seat座位。根据前文内容和下文的“He was 13 by the dd sight f a stranger lying acrss his stmach.”可知,这个人是开车的司机,behind the wheel“在驾驶中”。故选C项。
    29.答案: A
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:看到一个陌生人横跨在他的肚子上,他吓了一跳。A. shcked震惊;B. ashamed羞愧的;C. discuraged气馁的;D. amused好笑的。根据后文的“by the dd sight f a stranger lying acrss his stmach”可知,看到这个场景,他吓了一跳。故选A项。
    30.答案: D
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:怀特扮演的是超级英雄,但他敏捷的思维和大胆的救援使他成为了现实生活中的英雄。A. prtected保护;B. encuntered遇到;C. created创造;D. played扮演。根据前文的“White dressed up as Captain America fr the annual Anti-Bullying (反霸凌) Superher Day. ”可知,怀特扮演的是超级英雄。故选D项。
    31.答案: A
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:怀特扮演的是超级英雄,但他敏捷的思维和大胆的救援使他成为了现实生活中的英雄。A. rescue抢救;B. visit访问;C. guidance指导;D. cmment议论。根据前文的“White 10 the frame (框) f the pen windw, his legs mving in step with the pickup, and with a mighty 11 , jumped in.”可知,此处说的是他对于这位司机的救助。故选A项。
    解析:考查时态和语态。句意:据官方宣布,到去年年底,为了保护环境,这个地区已经种了数百万棵树。根据句中时间状语by the end f last year可知,用过去完成时。从句主语millins f trees与plant之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。故选C。
    解析:考查连词。句意:无论生活看起来多么艰难,总有一些事你可以做,并且可以成功。A. Whatever无论什么;B. Hwever无论多么;C. Thugh虽然;D. Despite尽管。根据句意,空处表示“无论多么”引导让步状语从句,故选B项。
    解析:考查动名词。句意:和在中国一样,被名校录取,也是许多美国学生一直梦寐以求的事情。根据句子结构可知,此处使用动名词的被动形式作主语,be admitted t/int意为“被……录取或接收”,故选B。
    解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:中国古代农民以中国农历二十四节气为基础,以他们的智慧和经验实现了天文和气象的伟大成就。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作状语,base与逻辑主语the farmers之间为主动关系,所以此处应为现在分词形式basing,位于句首,首字母需大写。故选A项。
    解析:考查主语从句。句意:众所周知,2024年奥运会将在巴黎举行。分析句子结构和意思可知,_____ is knwn t us all是主语从句,从句中缺少主语,指“……的事情”,用链接代词what。故选A。
    解析:考查定语从句。句意:角落里的大木板已经被一个大屏幕所取代,上面显示着顾客对当月畅销书的评论。分析句子可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,从句主干成分完整,从句是对先行词a big screen作补充说明,先行词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where作引导词。故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:中国的高质量产品赢得了国际市场的认可,给我们带来了良好的利润。A. regulatin法规;B. cmmitment承诺;C. recgnitin认可;D. insurance保险。根据后文“China’s high-quality prducts have brught us a gd prfit.”可知,中国的高质量产品给我们带来了良好的利润,所以应是赢得了国际市场的认可。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我要感谢所有付出努力的人。员工们如此热爱自己的工作让人感到欣慰。A. devtin奉献,专心;B. applicatin申请;C. cnnectin联系;D. invitatin邀请。短语devtin t 意为“献身于,热爱”,符合句意,故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。 句意:如果可能的话,保持一副备用眼镜在可获取的地方以防你的主眼镜破损或丢失。A. exceptinal杰出的,非凡的;B. essential必要的,本质的;C. accessible容易取得的,可接近的;D. primitive原始的,早期的。根据题意可知,要放一副备用眼镜在手边使用,符合语境的词汇是accessible,其它选项不符合题意,故选C项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他不会说太多,他说的话都是准确而中肯的。A. previus以前的;B. precise精确的;C. delicate脆弱的;D. jint联合的。根据后文“and t the pint”可知,空处和t the pint意为“中肯的”并列,结合选项,应是“precise精确的”符合语境。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们需要一个能预见时装业变化并做出相应安排的人。A. guarantee保证;B. deserve值得;C. criticize批评;D. anticipate预见。根据句意可知,空处表示“预见”,故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:像太阳能这样的可再生能源可以产生没有有害污染物的清洁电力。A. recycle回收利用;B. cnduct传导(热或电);C. save节约;D. generate产生。根据“clean electricity withut harmful pllutants”可推知,此处是描述可再生能源的好处,应该是“产生”清洁电力,同时没有有害污染物。故选D。
    解析:考查固定短语。句意:实践表明,该系统克服了原有的问题,值得推广。be wrth/wrthwhile ding sth.=be wrthy f being dne=be wrthy t be dne表示“某事值得被做”。故选B。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:余华是20世纪80年代初文坛忽然冒出的一名重要的新秀。A. burst int突然……起来,突然变成;B. burst ut突然……起来;C. burst with突发,充满;D. burst nt突然出现。分析句子可知,空格处为句子谓语部分,根据in the 1980s应使用一般过去时,表示的意思是“突然出现”,结合选项可知D项burst nt“突然出现”符合句意。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:妻子:你的深圳马拉松训练怎么样了?丈夫:很艰难。但我还不会就此放弃。A. thrw in the twel放弃;B. pave the way为……作准备;C. devte myself t it全身心投入;D. crack a smile露出笑容。根据“It’s been tugh, but...”可推知,虽然很艰难,但丈夫不会放弃,用动词短语thrw in the twel,符合句意。故选A项。
    47.答案:a;that;in;whether;suffer;being expsed;where;what;t strengthen;but
    ⑥考查动名词。句意:的确,对于我们大多数人来说,接触自然世界绝对能振奋我们的精神。分析句式结构可知,本句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是that从句,且空格处在从句中是主语的位置,所以用动名词作主语,又因为expse与其逻辑主语us之间是被动关系,所以空格处应该用动名词的被动形式。故填being expsed。
    ⑦考查定语从句。句意:但生态疗法也可以包括由治疗师和训练有素的领导者正式指导的活动或疗法。分析句式结构可知,此处是定语从句,先行词是activities r therapies,可理解为抽象地点,且先行词在从句中作状语,所以用关系副词where来引导。故填where。
    ⑨考查动词不定式。句意:同上。分析句式结构可知,此处用动词不定式作宾补,构成固定搭配use sth. t d sth.表示“用某物来做某事”。故填t strengthen。
    解析:①考查动词。句意:如果你周末登录微博,你的网页上很可能充斥着美国明星往自己头上泼冰水的视频。根据前文“If yu lgged n t weib ver the weekend”可知,提到登录微博,所以此处是指网页上充斥着美国名人往自己头上倒冰水的视频,flded意为“充斥”符合语境。故选G项。
    ②考查名词。句意:这是一个名为“冰桶挑战”的筹款游戏,旨在提高人们对肌萎缩侧索硬化症的认识。根据后文“But befre the challenge, public awareness f the disease was relatively ⑦_____.”可知,在挑战开始之前,公众对这种疾病的意识相对较低,所以这个挑战旨在提高人们对肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(ALS)的认识,awareness意为“认识”符合语境。故选D项。
    ③考查名词。句意:挑战的要求很简单。根据后文“It invlves daring a persn t dump a bucket f ice water ver his head within 24 hurs, r dnate mney fr fighting against ALS.”可知,此处在讲述挑战的要求,所以requirement意为“要求”符合语境。故选K项。
    ④考查动词。句意:根据Facebk的数据,到目前为止,已有超过1500万人发布、评论或点赞了有关这项挑战的帖子。根据前文“mre than 15 millin peple s far have psted”以及后文“r liked a pst abut the challenge”可知,空处和psted以及liked并列,根据常识,应是上传,评论或点赞,cmmented意为“评论”符合语境。故选I项。
    ⑤考查动词。句意:至于这一热潮的起源,Facebk数据科学团队的新数据有力地支持了一种理论:冰桶挑战起源于波士顿大学棒球队前队长皮特·弗雷茨(Pete Frates)。根据前文“As fr the rigins f the craze”可知,此处在讲述挑战的起源,所以应是冰桶挑战起源于波士顿大学棒球队前队长皮特·弗雷茨,riginated意为“起源”符合语境。故选A项。
    ⑥考查副词。句意:这项挑战在社交媒体上很受欢迎,尤其是在美国,人们、名人、政治家和运动员在网上和电视上发布自己认真参加比赛的视频。根据前文“particularly in the United States, with peple, celebrities, pliticians and athletes psting vides f themselves nline and n TV”可知,此处指人们在网上和电视上发布自己参与挑战的视频,应该是“认真地”参与这项活动,seriusly意为“认真地”符合语境。故选H项。
    ⑦考查形容词。句意:但在挑战之前,公众对这种疾病的认识相对有限。根据前文“But befre the challenge, public awareness f the disease”中的转折可知,此处应是表达在挑战之前,公众对这种疾病的意识相对有限,limited意为“有限的”符合语境。故选B项。
    ⑧考查名词。句意:当然,接受冰桶挑战至少需要基本的谨慎和常识。根据后文“and cmmn sense”可知,空处和cmmn sense并列,应是基本的谨慎和常识之意,cautin意为“谨慎”符合语境。故选E项。
    ⑨考查形容词。句意:那些倒水的人需要足够负责,足够强壮,以确保他们可以安全地控制水桶。根据后文“and strng enugh—t ensure that they can safely cntrl the bucket.”可知,空处应和strng并列,填形容词,应是足够负责,足够强壮之意,respnsible意为“负责的”符合语境。故选F项。
    ⑩考查副词。句意:一个巨大的装满水的浴缸肯定很重,足以严重伤害甚至杀死一个被它砸到的人。根据后文“injure r even kill a persn it drps n”可知,空处修饰空后动词,应填副词,表达严重伤害之意,significantly意为“显著地”符合语境。故选J项。
    49.答案: I was cmpletely kncked ut by the news. What shuld I d? Having prepared fr such a lng time, I didn’t think f that cming up. Feeling at a lss, I was brainstrming as hard as I culd t think f a slutin, when a gentle tuch n my back brught me back t reality. It was my mum, wh lked at me with care and cncern. “Yu have prepared fr it enugh. Yu can d it by yurself.” She said after my stumbled explanatin. I lked back at her eyes, and a sense f cnfidence and warmness swelled up in my heart. Yes, I culd d it myself.
    Finally came the big mment. Lking arund the audience, I stepped nt the stage, with butterflies in my stmach. My vice trembled at first, but with the meldies flew arund, the nervusness was gne with the wind. Emtins filled in my sng, I perfrmed as naturally as I spke every day. I saw my mum, wh was lking at me with reassurance and care. It turned ut t be a gd perfrmance, which helped me cnquer my fears and turned me int a new persn.
    1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:手足无措—妈妈安慰并打气—决定独立上台—克服紧张,表演完成—升华
    3. 词汇激活
    ①表演:perfrm/make a perfrmance/shw ne’s talents
    ②做准备:prepare fr/make preparatins fr
    ③参加:participate in/jin in/take part in/be invlved in
    ②好奇的:curius/be full f curisity
    ④担忧的:cncerned/wrried/butterflies in ne’s stmach
    [高分句型1] Having prepared fr such a lng time, I didn’t think f that cming up.(运用了现在分词作时间状语)
    [高分句型2] Emtins filled in my sng, I perfrmed as naturally as I spke every day.(运用了独立主格结构)
    [高分句型3] I saw my mum, wh was lking at me with reassurance and care.(运用了wh引导的定语从句)
    48.A. riginated;B. limited;C. participating;D. awareness;E. cautin;F. respnsible;G. flded;H. seriusly;I. cmmented;J. significantly;K. requirement

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