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    1.本试卷共8页。全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答 题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。
    3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他 位置答题一律无效。
    请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选
    1.Lk at the picture.The lady is playing the
    A.drum B.vilin C.guitar D.pian
    2. May 30,2023,China's manned spaceship Shenzhu XV blasted ff frm the Jiuquan
    Satellite Launch Center.
    A.At B.In C.On D.T
    3.—Tday is Father's Day.What are yu ging t d fr yur dad?
    —Ive made a card fr Mum.
    A.her B.him C.his D himself
    4.Hw Ricky is!He always cmes up with new ideas.
    A.mdest B.patient C.generus D.creative
    5.Lucy is very gd at painting.That's why is her favurite subject.
    A.Art B.Music C.Histry D.Maths
    6.Suth Hill is attractive in spring because f its beautiful natural landscapes.
    A.ludly B.really C.hardly D.slwly
    7.It's imprtant t keep learning abut new ideas and technlgy the wrld changes s fast.
    A.SC B.f C.since D.unless
    8.Befre visiting a freign cuntry ,yu'd better what the lcal peple usually d,s yu
    wn't make mistakes.
    A.check B.dubt C.plan D.shw
    9.The citizens f Naniing like t tents in parks t enjy the pleasant weather and feel the
    spring breath
    A.clean up B.put up C.lk up D.give up
    mu f wheat smthly in Gachun District last mnth,frming a busy harvest scene.
    A.harvests B.harvested C.is harvested D.was harvested
    11.It's s nisy that I hear a wrd f what yu are saying
    A.can't B.shuldn't C.mustn't D.needn't
    12.When I passed by the music rm,Tina the sng Auld Lang Srne fr the cming
    A.has practised B.will practise C.was practising D.is practising
    13.During the hliday f the Dragn Bat Festival,many peple gather in Mchu Lake Park the
    dragn bat race.
    A.watch B.t watch C.watches D.watched
    14.—I'm very hungry,Amy.D yu knw ?
    --Of curse!I suggest Sunshine Fast Fd ver there.
    A.where we can get sme fd quickly B.where can we get sme fd quickly C.when we can get sme fd quickly D.when can we get sme fd quickly
    15.—Jack,Im stressed because my parents are always cmparing me with thers.
    — ,Millie.Talk t them and let them knw hw yu feel.
    A.Cheer up B.N way C.My pleasure D.Well dne
    请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最
    Imagine yu are in a bat far ut at sea.Suddenly,yu hear a lud,deep,and
    beautiful sng Just as yu are starting t enjy it,the sng ends,Then,it 16
    again Wh is ut there making such music?
    It sunds like the music that peple make.17 this music is actually(实际上)made by sme
    species f whale.Accrding t scientist,sme whales 18 their feelings f lneliness thrugh these
    sngs.They may even sing the sngs t shw their 19 ver the lss f a lve dne.
    Each f these whale sngs can last frm a few minutes t half an hur,and it is then 20 .The singing can g n fr hurs,r even days.It is very lud,and can be heard ver great distances.What is mre 21 is that whales frm the same scial grup sing the same sng at the same time even when they are very far apart(相隔).On the ther hand,whales that belng t different scial grups sing different sng seven when they are 22.The music may change vertime,but whales belnging t the same grup.23 sing the same sngs.Research shws that this helps the whales t
    cmmunicate imprtant infrmatin t ne anther within the grup.
    Althugh scientists have been studying whale sngs fr a lng time,they cntinue t 24 why whales sing.They havent fund ut the cmplex meanings f these sngs.But maybe this is nt a
    bad thing,frt he 25 f nature ften lies in its mystery And the mystery culd be part f the reasn
    why the sng sunds s beautiful t the human ear.
    B.starts C.dies D.leaves
    B.S C.But D.Till
    B.frge C.express D.cmpare
    B.envy C.interest D.sadness
    B.tgether C.ut D.away
    B.seldm C.smetimes D.always
    B.supprt C,wnder D.cmplain
    25.A hrrr B.beauty C.change D.energy
    请认真阅读下列材料,从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在
    26.What is SKATINGLAND?
    A.It's a sprts club. B.It's a sprts shp
    C.It's a sprts website. D.Its a sprts game
    27.Which part helps yu cmmunicate with skaters?
    A.Training Centre B.Summer Camp
    C.Skating Rund-up D.Message Bards
    28.What's the purpse f using"ONECLICK"instead f ne click"?
    A.T prvide nline training fr readers.
    B.T invite readers t jin the Summer Camp.
    C.T prve SKATING LAND has mre features.
    D.T encurage readers t use SKATING LAND.
    Cast f Characters:Narratr;Villager;Shemaker;Cyte,Beekeeper
    Narratr: Cyte is a trickster He lves t disbey the rules and play tricks n peple.
    Villager:C yte,yu are always scaring ur farm animals.It's time fr yu t stp!Cyte
    Narratr: The villagers decide t catch Cyte and lck him up But Cyte has cnfidence in
    himself.He knws that if he des a gd deed,the villagers will nt want t catch him.
    Cyte:S hemaker,I can help yu
    Welcme t
    Are yu lking fr the latest news f ice skating?
    D yu want t knw mre abut yur favurite skaters? Wuld yu like t imprve yur skills?
    Yu've cme t the right place!SKATING LAND is the nly website yu'll ever need.
    SKATING LAND has mre features than any ther
    site ut there,including:
    图 Yu are just ONE CLICK away! Best f all,yu can use SKATING LAND cmpletely FREE.*
    *New users get free access fr the first 90 days f their membership.
    Skating Ruad-up
    Yu can get a weckly rund-up f what is happening in skating. with up-t-date infrmatin.
    Training Centre
    Yu can get strategy hints and scring tips that can help yu imprve yur skills.
    Message Bards
    Yu can exchange infrmatin with skaters and ther fans.
    Yu can tack yur favurite teams and skaters.
    Summer Camp
    Where:Starlight Sprts Centre
    Dates:July 14—23
    Time:9 a.m.—12 a.m.
    Cyte:I see yu have made sme special shes fr Beekeeper's daughter.
    Shemaker:That's right.She will wear them fr a ceremny at schl.She is ging t graduate this
    Cyte:I will deliver the shes t Beekeeper fr yu.
    Narratr:S Cyte takes the shes and heads t Beekeeper's huse.He hpes the villagers will want t reward him fr his kindness.Suddenly,Cyte sees Beekeeper cming dwn the path
    carrying a big pt.On the fnt is a picture f a bee.
    Cyte:That bee is a symbl.There must be hney(蜂蜜)in that pt.Yum
    Narratr:Cyte waits patiently fr Beekeeper.Then Cyte drps the shes t distract Beekeeper
    Beekeeper:Why are these shes n the grund?
    Narratr:When Beekeeper puts dwn her pt f hney,Cyte quickly grabs it and eats sme hney
    Cyte:Mmm.Sticky and delicius.Wait,what's this?A fly(苍蝇)is stuck n my snut!
    Narratr:Cyte rlls n the grund t get the fly ff but his sticky fur gets cvered with twigs and
    leaves.Sme villagers see Cyte and think he is a mnster.They run away.
    Villager:There was a mnster cvered in leaves and sticks.Where did it g?
    Cyte:That was n mnster It was I,Sticky Cyte.I was cvered with hney and dried leaves.
    Narratr: When Cyte tells them what he has dne,the villagers laugh.
    Villager: What wuld we d withut yu,Cyte?Yu make us laugh Of curse yu can stay in ur
    Cyte:Thankyu,friends.I am happy t stay.Iwill try nt t cause s much truble.
    Narratr:Since then,Cyte ften helps the villagers.He even prtects them smetimes.Every nw
    and then,hwever he still lves t play a gd trick
    29.What is Narratr's task in the play?
    A.Explaining the stry. B.Writing the script
    C.Directing the characters. D.Making the vide.
    30.What des the underlined wrd "deliver"in the play mean?
    A.Return B.Pst. C.Lend D.Take
    31.Why can Cyte stay in the village at last?
    A.He brings fun t the villagers. B.He plays tricks n the villagers.
    C.The villagers catch him and lck him up. D.The villagerspeed his help and prtectin.
    Ryan and Ahmed sat n their bicycles at the start f the cyclcrss curse.Ahmed had been cmpeting in cyclcrss fr three years,but this was
    Ryan's first race.He wished he culd remember everything Ahmed had taught him.
    Ryan reviewed the last six mnths in his mind.Frm the mment Ahmed had
    first asked whether he wuld like t try the sprt,Ryan had been excited.Ahmed
    helped Ryan find safety gear He als explained the imprtance f practising and set up a plan fr the
    tw friends t practise tgether.
    Practising was hard.Ryan sn grew bred with wrking n the same skills
    ver and ver He was ready t race!Ryan ended up skipping(不参加)many f the practices.When Ryan did g t practices,he spent mre time ding tricks with his bike than be did listening t
    Ahmed's tips.
    “Nw the real fun begins,”Ryan thught as he sat at the starting line.
    “Yu need t get serius,”Ahmed warned.“Cyclcrss can be dangerus.”
    Bang!The starting gun went ff The bys rushed ff the starting line.Ryan saw the first
    bstacle(障碍)ahead.It was a series f small hurdles.
    “HereI g!”Ryan shuted when he reached the hurdles.He jumped ff his bike and landed hard n his ftNext,he had t get his bike nt his shulder.Ryan culd nt remember what Ahmed said abut shuldering the bike.He tried t pick it up by the wheels but drpped.Finally,he gt his bike ff the grund As he ran,he tied t balance the bike n his shulder.The bike was heavy,and his
    ankle hurt.Befre he knew it,he was lying face-dwn in the mud.
    “Are yu kay?”Ryan heard his friend ask.Ahmed reached dwn t help Ryan.Ryan was
    thankful that Ahmed cared mre abut him than abut the race.He caught Ahmed's hand and std.
    “Ouch!”Ryan cried.It hurt t put weight n his ankle."Yu were is abut mre than strength and speed.Can we spend a few mre mnths training tgether?I want t
    finish my next cyclcrss race!”
    32.What's the main purpse f Paragraph 3?
    A.T prvide mre infrmatin abut cyclcrss.
    B.T shw Ryan's effrts in practising cyclcrss.
    C.T intrduce the safety rules f the cyclcrss race.
    D.T leave clues abut why Ryan failed in the cyclcrss race.
    33.Which f the fllwing best describes Ahmed?
    A.Curius but lazy B.Friendly but impatient.
    C.Organized and helpful. D.Cnfident and humrus.
    34.What may happen next accrding t the passage?
    A.Ryan will end his friendship with Ahmed.
    B.Ryan will becme serius and train harder
    C.Ryan will skip mre f the cyclcrss practices.
    D.Ryan will certainly win the next cyclcrss race.
    35.What can be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Safety First,Friendship Secnd B.Cyclcrss—Strength and Speed
    C.A Lessn Learned the Hard Way D.Six Mnths Spent n the Practice
    Yu can vlunteer with three r fur friends t d a team experiment(实验).First,yu need t knw a little abut the water cycle.The water cycle starts when the sun heats cean water.The sun cnverts,r changes,the water int water vapr(蒸气).The sun and wind cause the water vapr t rise int the air Water vapr cls ff in the atmsphere(大气层),r the air that surrunds Earth.Then it
    changes t drps f water.The drps then cluster,r hld tgether frming a clud.
    The water in the clud falls as rain r snw.It may fall back int the cean,r it may fall n land.If it falls n land,it finally wrks its way back t the cean as a water verflw called runff.As yu begin yur experiment,remember this amazing fact.The amunt f water n Earth nw is the same as it was in the past and will be in the future Abut 71%f Earth's surface is water.This includes nt nly the water in ceans,rivers,and lakes.It als includes the water in cluds,rain,
    snw,and grundwater and in the icy areas at the Nrth and Suth Ples.
    Nw make a mdel f the water cycle with a partner r small grup.Use the instructins belw:
    ●Fill cup abut halfway with water.
    ●Add red fd clr t the water and stir.
    ●Use the marker t shw water level.
    ●Put the cup in the bag and sea lit.
    ●Put the bag in a sunny windw.
    After yu finish making the water cycle mdel,watch carefully what happens t the water in the cup.Check the mark shwing the water level.Yu shuld see that the water level becmes gradually lwer.Yu shuld als begin t see small drps f water n the sides and bttm f the bag.The water is evaprating(蒸发)frm the heat and then changing frm the gas created by evaprating t water drps n the sides f the bag.The drps rundwn the sides and will begin t cllect at the
    bttm.This is what happens when the sun heats the cean.Water vapr rises and frms cluds.The
    drps running dwn the sides f the bag are like rain filling n Earth.
    36.In which part des "runff "appear in the picture?
    The Water Cycle
    37.What des the underlined wrd "This"in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A.Earth's surface. B.The water n Earth.
    C.Yur experiment. D.This amazing fact
    38.Hw des the writer intrduce the way f making the water cycle mdel?
    A.By shwing the steps in rder. B.By explaining cause and effect.
    C.By cmparing and cntrasting. D.By prviding the examples in detail.
    39.What can we learn frm the experiment?
    A.Successful experiments need a lt f time and hard wrk.
    B.Simple experiments can als help understand science well
    C.Students d the experiment in rder t shw their team spirit.
    D.Students knw the amunt f water n Earth frm the experiment
    40.Frm which is the passage mst prbably taken?
    A.A strybk. B.A bk review. C.A science magazine D.A turist guide.
    41-45 的相应横线上
    44.The rapid develpment f public transprt helps peple t ▲ (节省)much time n the trip.
    45.Nanjing,the ancient capital f six dynasties,is the ▲ (骄做)f the peple living here.
    46.Reading is always a ▲ (meaning)time and I really enjy it
    47.I prefer reading e-bks because they are much ▲ (light)than paper nes.
    48.My teachers prvide many. ▲ (suggestin)fr interesting reading materials.
    49.A bk review can ften tell me whether a bk is wrth ▲ (read)r nt.
    50.Last weekend, ▲ (hundred)f students jined in the reading activity at the ft f the
    ancient Ming City Wall.
    Tny:Happy Spring Festival,Wei Hu.Her's yur gift.
    Wei Hua:Oh,what a 51 !Thankyu,Tny.
    Tny:Yu can pen it.
    Wei Hua:I dn't think.I shuld pen it nw.In Chin,we pen a gift 52
    Tny:That's interesting.Tell me mre abut Chinese s traditins.
    Wei Hua·There are a lt 53 ,n the first day f the Spring Festival,we mustnt break
    anything.It's bad luck.
    Tny:I'm really interested!
    Wei Hua:The celebratin lasts fifteen days,and n the final day.peple usually g ut t 54
    Tny:S,anywhere in Nanjing t d that?
    Wei Hua:In Cnfucius Temple.Yu can als 55 lts f lcal snacks there
    41.In Nanjing,sme "pcket parks"have becme gd places fr peple t take a ▲
    42.Citizens like climbing Zjin Muntain t enjy the ▲ (新鲜的)air.
    43.The lcal peple behave ▲ (礼貌地)and impress the turists a lt.
    surprise enjy
    lanterns Fr example
    Prject-based leaning,r PBL,is a teaching methd in which students
    wrk n a prject with the gal(目标)f answering areal-wrld questin r
    slving a practical prblem.PBL requires students t use skills such as critical
    thinking,prblem slving,creativity,and cllabratin.Mrever,students
    are prud f their wrk because they will need t present their ideas t an audience(观众).PBL leads
    t the creatin f a prduct.An imprtant part f PBL is audience feedback and cmments(评论).
    PBL can fit int any subject area In scial studies,fr example,students can research the histry and culture f their cmmunity,explring a festival fr the cmmunity,which includes traditinal
    cstumes,fd,art,and music.
    In maths,students can make a quilt( 被 子 )with symbls f their cmmunity's heritage.This prject jins knwledge f gemetry,art,and histry tgether.It wuld require maths skills t measure the material used t make the quilt.The quilt culd be displayed at a cuntry fair r a schl meeting. In language arts,students culd team up with a schl frm a different culture First f all,they culd exchange infrmatin thrugh a class website.Then they culd pack items that represent their schl r culture.Students wuld give a descriptin f each item and why it is relevant.Finally,the students culd exchange the packages thrugh the mainland ask fllw-up questins abut the items they
    In science,students culd research plants,and they culd use their findings t build a habitat(栖 息地)in the schl garden.This may include remving weeds,adding plants t attract butterflies,and
    building bird feders.
    An imprtant part f PBL is that failure is understd t be a basic part f the learning prcess.One f the gals f PBL is t make effrts prductively and wrk thrugh prblems.All
    schls and educatrs shuld accept PBL!
    Prject-based Learning
    PBL requires students t wrk n a 56 by slving a practical prblem
    An excerpt(节选)frm the famus classic nvel Alice in Wnderland reads as fllws:“Wuld
    yu tell me,please,which way I ught t g frm here?"asked Alice.
    “That d 66 a great deal n where yu want t get t,"said the Cheshire Cat.
    “I dnt much care where!”said Alice.
    “Then it desn't matter which way yu g,”replied the cat.
    Mst f us areI 67 .Alice in the abve dialgue.We dnt have a specific(明确的)idea f where we want t r 68 and what we want t becme in life.It is said that“Gd luck is the r 69 f gd planning"and"Well planned is half dne".T plan means t lk ahead and design f70 curses f actin t be fllwed Decide what eil yu want t achieve and plan in detail when and hw yu are ging t d a specific activity.Accrding t Kntz &O Dnell,"Planning is d 72 what t d,hw t d and wh is t d it in advance(事先).Planning wrks as a b 73 between where we are and where we want t g.It makes pssible things happen,which wuldnt therwise
    S start p 74 .yurselves fr yur future plans right away.Plan yur present well s yu
    wuld have nthing t r 75 in future.Nw it's time fr yu t take imprtant decisins!
    The audience feedback and cmments make a 57 t it.
    58 f
    practical use in sme
    Students can research the histry and culture f their cmmunity thrugh a
    traditinal 59 fr it
    Maths skills and knwledge f sme 60 subjects can be jined tgether by
    making a quilt and displaying it in 61 can bring mre advantages.
    T imprve language skills,students frm different cultures can pack and 62
    items,and then exchange them fr further cmmunicatin
    Building a habitat can help students put their findings frm the research int 63
    PBL encurages students t learn thrugh prblems.It's acceptable that ne might be
    64 t cmplete sme task in the learning prcess.S it's hped that PBL
    will be 65 with all schls and educatrs.
    请根据英文校刊English Garden中 Teens Talk栏目的征稿内容,用英语写一篇短文。
    I nce met with a difficulty in my life.
    In yur life,yu might meet with sme difficulties.Chse ne difficulty and write an article abut hw yu dealt with it and what yu have learnt frm this experience.Please share yur article with us
    and we will publish the best nes in ur magazine.
    1-5 DCBDA 6-10 BCABD 11-15 ACBAA
    16-20 BCCDA 21-25ABDCD
    三 、阅读理解
    26-28 CDD 29-31 ADA 32-35 DCBC 36-40 DBABC
    A)41-45 walk;fresh; plitely; save; pride
    B)46-50 meaningful; lighter; suggestins; reading; hundreds
    C)51-55 surprise;later; Frexample; enjy lanterns; try
    A)56-60 prject;difference; Examples;festival;ther/relevant
    61-65 public/activities; describe; practice; unable; ppular
    B)66-70 depends; like;reach;result; future
    71-75 exactly; deciding;bridge; preparing;regret
    I nce met with a difficulty in my life It is s special that I will never frget the experience that
    I vercame my shyness and becme cnfident.
    I still remember when I came t the new schl,things didn't g n as smthly as I expected.I was afraid t speak English in public.In rder t slve this dilemma,I tk part in English-speaking clubs which is meaningful.As time went byI became utging than befre and made many friends
    wh have the same interest as me.
    As the saying ges,"Where there is a will,there is a way."When yu are in truble,dn't give

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    2020江苏省南京市中考英语真题及答案: 这是一份2020江苏省南京市中考英语真题及答案,共16页。试卷主要包含了单项填空,完形填空,阅读理解,填空,阅读填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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