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    Participating in art cmpetitins is essential fr students t gain frmal recgnitin and impress cllege admissin fficers. Tday, we have a list f art cmpetitins n reginal, natinal, and internatinal scales.
    EarthX Ec-Art Cmpetitin
    It invites yung artists aged 5-22 t create 2-D r 3-D art that illustrates the theme: Prtectrs fr the Planet. The theme can be interpreted in varius ways, including individuals taking actin twards a mre sustainable planet, r highlighting the effrts f envirnmental leaders wrking t sustain ecsystems.
    Deadline: March 8, 2024
    The Children’s Drawing Cntest
    Spnsred by Internatinal Certificatin Organizatin Netwrk, the cntest, whse theme this year is “Passing n Our Precius Earth t The Future”, invites children aged 7-15 wrldwide t draw the kind f natural envirnment they wuld like t live in. 48 winners will receive special memrabilia. All entrants will receive a participatin prize. Medium: Drawings with any type f paint, pastel, etc.
    Deadline: May 31, 2024
    Science withut Brders Challenge
    The cmpetitin is pen t children and yung peple under the age f 16. We welcme entries frm bth grups and individuals t create art t prmte public awareness f the need t preserve, prtect, and restre nature. The theme is “The Sixth Extinctin” and yu can fcus n the prtectin f endangered species. Acceptable media include paint, pencil, marker, crayn, ink, felt, and il pastel.
    Deadline: March 4, 2024
    The Schlastic Art and Writing Awards
    The Schlastic Art and Writing Awards, the lngest-running literary and art cmpetitin in the US, prvides pprtunities and academic awards fr creative yung peple t express their talent. The theme this year is “Tell Yur Climate Stry”. Students in the 9th t 12th grades can submit petry, fictin and nnfictin t shw their understanding f envirnmental issues.
    Deadline: June 10, 2024
    1.On which date can participants send their entries t EarthX Ec-Art Cmpetitin?
    A.May 6, 2024.B.March 15, 2024.C.April 28, 2024.D.February 9, 2024.
    2.Which cmpetitin best suits teenagers gd at writing pems?
    A.EarthX Ec-Art Cmpetitin.B.The Children’s Drawing Cntest.
    C.Science withut Brders Challenge.D.The Schlastic Art and Writing Awards.
    3.What d the fur cmpetitins have in cmmn?
    A.They target students under the age f 20.
    B.They are abut envirnmental prtectin.
    C.They require participants t write a stry.
    D.They nly accept entries frm individuals.
    I was surprised t find the cngestin (拥塞) utside Layla’s primary schl was unusually absent—I’d driven right int a parking space, and I was n time, fr nce. The schl bell rang, and in a mment a stream f children made their way thrugh the gate. But smething was different—the kids were piling int vehicles in threes and furs.
    Befre I culd enquire my daughter Layla, Mr Trent, the deputy head, apprached. “Mrs Pavis, did yu nt read ur letter?” Letter? What letter? I had a histry f nt lking ut fr them, and nt reading them in mst cases. “The letter? Of curse. It must have just slipped my mind—I’ve been away with wrk.”
    Nw I was digging arund in Layla’s messy schlbag at hme. Eventually, I fund several letters, all addressing the same tpic—parking utside the schl gates. Apparently with sme parents parking illegally, the plice were abut t get invlved. “Why didn’t yu give me these letters?” I demanded. Layla shrugged. “I frgt.” I was abut t launch int a severe lecture when it ccurred t me that I had always frgtten—I had frgtten t give Layla her mney fr ckery that mrning and frgtten t hang ut the kids’ washed clthes.
    I cntained myself and figured ut that they wanted the parents t car-pl (拼车). I spent the next half hur ringing rund Layla’s friends’ parents, enquiring if they wuld like t car-pl with us. Unfrtunately, they were all srted. It was my wn fault—I shuld have read thse letters ages ag. “Er... I verheard thers talking abut it,” Layla said, “They said they didn’t knw wh wuld car-pl with us, because we’re always late.” I flushed instantly. We were a disrganised family, and I was the ne t blame.
    I reslved t change. With respnsibility fr my kids, I find I am never, ever late. It’s gd fr Layla and fr her lder brthers, and it’s gd fr me, because nw I never leave the huse unprepared. I’ve even started checking the kids’ schlbags fr ntes frm schl.
    4.What did the authr ntice when the schl was ver?
    A.It was hard t find a parking space.B.Children were picked up in grups.
    C.Her daughter was absent frm class.D.She arrived much earlier than thers.
    5.What stpped the authr criticizing her daughter?
    A.The reflectin f her daily rutine.B.The realizatin f her carelessness.
    C.The knwledge f her kid’s character.D.The awareness f her kid’s depressin.
    6.Why did thers refuse t car-pl with them accrding t Layla?
    A.Because they cntacted them late.B.Because they failed t keep the huse tidy.
    C.Because they culdn’t be n time.D.Because they ignred the schl’s request.
    7.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.Actin creates mtivatin.B.Mther’s lve never changes.
    C.It’s never t late t mend.D.Patience is the key t success.
    Cuntless stries have prtrayed the deep cnnectin between humans and hrses, such as classic literary wrks Black Beauty and The Chrnicles f Narnia. Hwever, the extent t which hrses cmprehend their human cmpanins remains a mystery. Recent research has shwn that hrses can distinguish between human expressins f happiness and sadness cnveyed thrugh facial mvements r vcal tnes.
    The researchers brught 28 hrses int a rm ne by ne, each wearing heart rate mnitrs as their actins were recrded. The hrse faced tw screens playing tw different vides: ne shwed a happy persn and the ther a sad persn. A vice was played at the same time, sunding happy r sad.
    When the picture and vice didn’t match—fr example, if the vice was sad but the picture shwed a happy persn—the hrse seemed puzzled and lked fr a lnger time, cmpared t the ne that did match, as if it knew smething didn’t make sense. “Yu culd imagine that they have a particular bx in their mind labeled ‘human sadness’ cntaining the characteristics f bth a sad face and a sad vice, and that when we are sad, they expect what we say t match hw we lk,” said Dctral Researcher Océane Liehrmann f the University f Turku, in Finland.
    The researchers als saw that hrses were mre attentive t the screen displaying the happy face. They lked at it mre ften and fr a lnger time and their heart rates increased when they heard a happy vice and decreased when they heard a sad vice as well.
    It is pssible that the hrses might have assciated happy human expressins with psitive memries frm their past. Anther thery is that seeing a happy persn culd actually make a hrse feel happier—a prcess knwn as emtinal cntagin. “We dn’t knw whether hrses themselves understand what it is t be sad. It is pssible that they learn it means smething fr a human,” said Liehrmann.
    8.Hw did the researchers carry ut the experiment?
    A.By cmparing different hrses’ expressins.
    B.By mnitring hrses’ dd behavir in the lab.
    C.By summarizing the characteristics f the hrses.
    D.By bserving hrses’ reactin t human emtins.
    9.What can we learn frm the result f the research?
    A.Hrses had a preference fr happy peple.B.Hrses were t nervus abut the vides.
    C.Hrses recgnized peple’s identity quickly.D.Hrses lked excited at a vice f sadness.
    10.What des the underlined wrd “cntagin” prbably mean in the last paragraph?
    11.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Humans Impact Hrses HugelyB.Hrses Dislike Srrwful Peple
    C.Humans and Hrses Interact ClselyD.Hrses Knw When Yu are Happy
    Reunins ffer a chance t reflect n hw much has changed. One happened in Hllywd when Here premiered (首映), bringing tgether the actrs, directr and writer behind Frrest Gump 40 years later fr a new film. The stars were “de-aged” using new AI tls, making them mre yuthful in sme scenes and enabling the filmmakers t see the transfrmatin in real time while shting.
    With the use f generative AI in film making cme things wrth watching. The first is hw AI will be used t tell new types f stries, as strytelling becmes mre persnalised and interactive. N ne is quite sure hw the nature f strytelling will change, but it is sure t. David Thmsn, a film histrian, cmpares generative AI t the advent f sund. When mvies were n lnger silent, it changed the way plt pints were made and hw deeply viewers culd cnnect with characters. Cristóbal Valenzuela, wh runs a cmpany prviding AI-enhanced sftware, says AI is like a “new kind f camera”, ffering a fresh “pprtunity t reimagine what stries are like”. Bth are right.
    Anther big develpment t watch is hw AI will be used as a time-saving tl. Generative AI will autmate and simplify cmplex tasks like film-editing and special effects. Fr a glimpse f the future, watch Everything Everywhere All at Once, which wn the Academy Award fr Best Picture in 2023. It featured a scene that used a “rtscping” tl t edit ut the green-screen backgrund and make a talking rck mre believable. It shrtened int hurs what might have therwise taken days f vide-editing.
    What is als nticeable is mre dramatic cnflicts between creatrs and thse running AI platfrms. This year is likely t bring flds f lawsuits (诉讼) frm authrs, musicians and actrs abut hw their wrks have been used t train AI systems withut permissin r payment. Perhaps they can agree n sme srt f licensing arrangement, in which AI cmpanies start paying -hlders.
    It will prbably be a few years befre a full-length film is prduced entirely by AI, but it is just a matter f time.
    12.What can we learn abut the film Here?
    A.It relates a stry abut yuth.B.The theme f the film is reunin.
    C.AI tls are emplyed in the film.D.It is adapted frm Frrest Gump.
    13.What des David think f AI’s applicatin in film making?
    14.Why des the authr mentin the film Everything Everywhere All at Once?
    A.T shw the high efficiency f AI tls.B.T demnstrate the influence f the film.
    C.T analyse a nvel way f vide-editing.D.T praise the hard wrk behind the scenes.
    15.What is the article mainly abut?
    A.Cnflicts between man and machine.B.AI’s huge effects n film prductin.
    C.Drawbacks f dependence n AI tls.D.Ht debate n the use f technlgy.
    16.Once upn a time, sewing and mending clthes was cmmn. ①______ Why have peple stpped mending their clthing? Schls stpped ffering hme ecnmics classes, technlgy bmed and fast fashin became increasingly ppular. All f a sudden, it’s mre incnvenient t fix smething than it is t buy smething new.
    ②______ In the past few years, it seems there’s been grwing interest in slw fashin—nt nly saving, but als sewing and mending. On ne f the mst pleasant crners f the internet, yu’ll find lts f vides shwcasing everything frm visible mending t beginner sewing jurneys.
    Why shuld yu learn t mend? ③______ As any ec expert will tell yu, the best thing yu can d is buy less t begin with. That means shpping fr quality items that will stand the test f time, but als learning a few key skills s yu can repair thse items as needed rather than sentencing them t life in an already-verflwing landfill. It’s als helpful t custmize (改制) secndhand items which might nt be exactly the right size r a little ut f date. ④______
    Beynd the functinal benefits, mending is abut using what yu have, embracing imperfectins, fixing what’s brken, and rejecting the idea that new er is better. The ther aspect f mending is mindfulness. ⑤______ It’s meditative (冥想的), slw wrk. It’s prductive, and deeply satisfying. And an added bnus: It’s sustainable.
    If yu are interested in sewing and mending, it is the perfect time t learn the new skill. which can especially have a psitive impact n the wrld.
    A.But all hpe is nt lst.
    B.Because it is a means f making a living.
    C.Mending is a great way t reject cnsumerism.
    D.Buying secndhand gds makes it pssible t be sustainable.
    E.This way, yu may find yurself upcycling pieces int nes that suit yu.
    F.At sme pint in the last few decades, thugh, it became smething f a lst art.
    G.Yu fcus n the task at hand and use yur creativity t make yur clthes unique.
    I grew up in a lw-incme husehld where music became my refuge (避难所) frm my teenage anxiety. Despite knwing deep within my heart that music was my 1 , I chse t 2 the jurney t medical schl. Being a dctr meant a lt t me: a life f security, 3 stability and scial status. Hwever, the stress and the lack f “me” time saw me deeply 4 in a sng-less decade.
    5 , with the assistance f a yung prducer, I wrte and recrded a six-sng demCD.This was my first experience in a prfessinal recrding studi, and it was 6 ! Finally, after all thse years f 7 my passin, I wanted t be a sngwriter.
    I 8 t a prfessinal musician and asked if he wuld listen t sme f my sngs 9 the events f my life, f grief and pain, new relatinships, and lve lst and fund. Thirty minutes later, he lked at me with a bright smile and said, “Yu’re ready t 10 an album (唱片).” His wrds gave me the 11 I needed.
    One year later, Perfect Lve, my first full-length CD, was fficially 12 , and is nw 13 t users n iTunes, Amazn, and CD Baby.
    My life feels 14 and I knw I have dne what I was meant t d. S yu t can 15 it is indeed pssible, whatever yur life circumstances, t make yur dream cme true.
    24.A.lked upB.reached utC.std upD.hung n
    32.Exhibitin f Chinese Zdiac (生肖) Culture, which is an annual Chinese New Year cultural series exhibitin at the Chngqing Three Grges Museum, ①______ (launch) n January 9,2024. This year’s theme is “Dragn Dance in China,” aiming ②______ (shw) the rich cultural legacy f the dragn.
    Open t the public until March 10, the exhibitin ③______ (cnsist) f three sectins, namely, the King f Insects, the Wisest f All Creatures, and the Purple Air Cmes frm the East, explaining hw the dragn has becme a cultural symbl representing imperial pwer, gd frtune, pwer ver weather and water, ④______ a pineering spirit.
    The dragn, as ⑤______ spiritual being, has evlved thrughut Chinese histry, reaching its peak during the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. The successin f dynasties sees the dragn’s ⑥______ (expand) int varius bjects, including brnze, jade, cpper mirrrs, silk fabrics, and mre.
    ⑦______ (feature) 169 pieces f exhibits related t the symbl f the dragn, the exhibitin ffers a wide range f artwrks, such as jade bjects, brnze ware, pttery, clthing, stne carvings, New Year paintings and paper cuttings, amng ⑧______ 67 pieces are graded cultural relics frm different dynasties.
    In additin t the exhibitin, the Chngqing Three Grges Museum will cntinue t hst a series f ⑨______ (activity), including intangible cultural heritage experiences and cultural creative markets, making it a great chice ⑩______ winter vacatin travel.
    33.上周你校开展了为期两天的运动会。请你以“A Memrable Sprts Meeting”为题,给校英文报写一篇新闻报道,内容包括:
    A Memrable Sprts Meeting
    34.“Nt again!” Aliya shuted angrily, lking at the marks she had attained in her maths test.
    It seemed as if failing in the math test had becme a part and parcel f her life. Despite her effrts, she had been unable t perfrm well. Tears in her eyes, she quickly shved (乱塞) the paper int her bag befre any classmate culd make a rude cmment n her.
    Effrtlessly, using the back f her palm, she was wiping the tears when her teacher Mrs Leena nticed her. She came t Aliya’s desk and, in a sft vice, asked her t see her during the break time.
    Wndering what it culd be, Aliya waited impatiently fr lunchtime. Finally, when the bell rang, she made her way t Mrs Leena. As sn as she saw Aliya, she gestured fr her t sit n the empty chair beside her.
    She carefully studied her face, cleared her thrat with a bright smile and said, “Yu seem t be anxius. I think I knw what’s bthering yu. If yu allw me I think tgether we may cme up with a gd slutin.”
    With a puzzled lk, she said, “Well ma’am, yu knw I have been struggling in maths since the beginning f the term. It seems as if n matter hw hard I wrk, I am unable t get the desired result. I feel s upset,” she said sadly.
    “Yu need nt be s glmy,” encuraged Mrs Leena. “With these three key ingredients: hard wrk, determinatin and resilience (韧性), yu will mve ahead and succeed. It’s always the first step that’s difficult, but nce yu decide nt t lk back and nt give up, yu will be successful, my dear. Cme n, gather yurself and let’s wrk n it tgether.”
    Frm that day nwards, Aliya wrked hard, religiusly fllwing her teacher’s advice. By the time the final exams drew clse, she had thrughly revised her math bk and well-prepared.
    On the exam day, a fear f failure upset her stmach.
    She passed her math exam with an unbelievable A grade n her reprt card.
    解析:根据EarthX Ec-Art Cmpetitin部分中“Deadline: March 8.2024(截止期:2024年3月8日)”并结合选项可知,参赛者可于2024年2月9日递交参赛作品予Earthx生态艺术比赛。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据The Schlastic Art and Writing Awards部分中“Students in the 9th t 12th grades can submit petry, fictin and nnfictin t shw their understanding f envirnmental issues.(9至12年级的学生可以提交诗歌、小说和非小说类作品,以展示他们对环境问题的理解)”可知,The Schlastic A rand Writing Awards最适合擅长写诗的青少年。故选D.
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段部分“The theme can be interpreted in varius ways, including individuals taking actin twards a mre sustainable planet,r highlighting the effrts f envirnment a leaders wrking t sustain ecsystems.(这一主题可以有多种解释,包括个人为实现更可持续的地球而采取的行动,或强调致力于维持生态系统的环境领导者的努力)”;第二部分“Spnsred by Internatinal Certificatin Organizatin Netwrk, the cntest, whse theme this year is “Passing n Our Precius Earth t The Future”, invites children aged 7-15 wrldwide t draw the kind f natural envirnment they wuld like t live in.(该比赛由国际认证组织网络主办,今年的主题是“把我们珍贵的地球留给未来”,邀请世界各地7-15岁的儿童画出他们想要生活的自然环境)”:第三部分“We welcme entries frm bth grups and individuals t create art t prmte public awareness fthe need t preserve, prtect, and restre nature.(我们欢迎团体或个人参赛,创作艺术作品,以提高公众对保存、保护和恢复自然的意识)”以及第四部分Students in the 9th t 12th grades can submit petry fictin and nnfictin t shw their understanding envirnment issues.(9至12年级的学生可以提交诗歌、小说和非小说类作品,以展示他们对环境问题的理解)”可知,这四项比赛的共同之处在于都是关于环境保护的。故选B。
    解析:根据第一段The schl bell rang, and in a mment a stream f children made their way thrugh the qate ,But smething was different-the kids were piling int vehicles in threes and furs.(学校的铃响了,不一会儿,一群孩子从大门进来了。但有些不同-一孩子们三三两两地挤进了车里。)可知,放学后作者注意到了孩子们被成群地接走。故选B。
    解析:根据第三段I was abut t launch int a severe lecture when it ccurred t me that I had always frgtten-I had frgtten t give Layla her mney fr ckery that mrning and frgtten t hang ut the kids' washed clthes.(我正准备严厉地训斥一顿,突然想到我总是忘记--那天早上我忘了给莱拉做饭的钱,也忘了把孩子们洗好的衣服晾在外面。)可知,意识到自己的粗心大意阻止了作者批评她的女儿,故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段"Er..I ver heard thers talking abut it, "Layla said, "They said they didn't knw wh wuld car-pl with us,b ecause we're always late"("呃."我无意中听到别人在谈论这件事,"莱拉说,"他们说他们不知道谁会和我们拼车,因为我们总是迟到。")可知,根据ayla的说法,其他人拒绝与他们拼车是因为他们不能准时,故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段reslved t change. With respnsibility fr my kids, I find am never, ever late .It's gd fr Layla and fr her lder brthers ,and it's gd fr me because nw I never leave the huse unprepared.(我决心改变。有了对孩子的责任,我发现我从来没有迟到过。这对莱拉和她的哥哥们都有好处,对我也有好处,因为现在我再也不会毫无准备地出门了。)可知,文章主要讲述了作者在参与孩子的学校生活中,发现自己粗心大意,并且因为迟到导致其他家长拒绝和自己拼车,于是作者决心改变,承担起对孩子的责任,再也没有迟到过。因此,文章告诉我们"亡羊补牢,犹未晚也"的道理。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“The researchers brught 28 hrses int a rm ne by ne. each wearing heart rate mnitrs as their actins were recrded. The hrse faced tw screens playing tw different vides ne shwed a happy persn and the ther a sad persn A vice was played at the same time, sunding happy r sad.(研究人员将28匹马逐一带入一个房间,每匹马都戴着心率监测器,记录下它们的动作。面对着两块屏幕,屏幕上播放着两段不同的视频:一个是快乐的人,另一个是悲伤的人。同时响起了一个声音,听起来或高兴或悲伤)”和第三段的“ When the picture and vice didn't match-fr example, if the vice was sad but the picture shwed a happy persn-the hrse seemed puzzled and lked fr a lnger time cmpared t the ne that did match. as if it knew smething didn ’t make sense.(当图片和声音不匹配时例如,如果声音是悲伤的,而图片上是一个快乐的人一马看起来很困惑,并且比匹配的那张看了更长的时间,好像它知道有些事情是不合理的。)”可知,研究人员通过观察马对人类情绪的反应进行实验。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“The researchers als saw that hrses were mre attentive t the screen displaying the happy face. They lked at it mre ften and fr a lnger time and their heart rates increased when they heard a happy vice and decrease when they heard a sad vice as well.(研究人员还发现,马对显示笑脸的屏幕更关注。当他们听到快乐的声音时,他们的心率会增加,而当他们听到悲伤的声音时,他们的心率会降低)”可知,研究结果表明马更喜欢快乐的人。故选A。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“seeing a happy persn culd actually make a hrse feel happier可知,看到一个快乐的人实际上会让马感到更快乐,说明情绪有传染作用,有一定的影响。故划线词意思是“影响”。故选B。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“Recent research has shwn that hrses can distinguish between human expressins f happiness and sadness cnveyed thrugh facial mvements r vcal tnes.(最近的研究表明,二可以区分人类通过面部动作或声调表达的快乐和悲伤)”结合文章主要说明了研究开展的经过以及研究发现马更喜欢快乐的人。可知,D选项“马知道你什么时候高兴”最符合文章标题。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段The stars were "de-aged" using new AI tls, making them mre yuthful in sme scenes and enabling the filmmakers t see the transfrmatin in real time while shting.(这些明星使用新的人工智能工具"减龄",使他们在某些场景中更年轻,并使制片人能够在拍摄时实时看到他们的变化)可知,Here影片中使用了人工智能工具。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段David Thmsn, a film histrian, cmpares generative AI t the advent f sund When mvies were n lnger silent, it changed the way plt pints were made and hw deeply viewers culd cnnect with characters.(电影历史学家大卫·汤姆森将生成式人工智能比作声音的出现。当电影不再是无声的时候,它改变了情节的制作方式,也改变了观众与角色之间的联系)可知,大卫认为人工智能在电影制作中的应用是变革性的。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段It featured a scene that used a "rtscping" tl t edit ut the green-screen backgrund and make a talking rck mre believable. It shrtened int hurs what might have therwise taken days f vide-editing.(影片中有一个场景使用了"移动显微镜"工具来编辑绿幕背景,使会说话的石头更可信。它将原本可能需要几天时间的视频剪辑缩短到了几个小时)可知,作者提到电影《Everything Everywhere All at Once》是为了展示人工智能工具的高效率。故选A。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第二段With the use f generative AI in film making cme things wrth watching.(随着在电影制作中使用生成式人工智能,出现了一些值得观看的东西)结合文章主要说明了人工智能工具开始应用于电影制作,并列举了两个值得关注的重大发展。可知,这篇文章的主要内容是人工智能对电影制作的巨大影响。因此B.AIs huge effects n film prductin.(人工智能对电影制作的巨大影响。)是本文的主旨大意。故选B。
    解析:①F根据上文“Once upn a time, sewing and mending clthes was cmmn.(曾几何时,缝纫和缝补衣服是很常见的)”以及后文“Why have peple stpped mending their clthing?(为什么人们不再缝补衣服了?)”可知,本句与上文构成转折,指出人们不再缝补衣服了。故F选项“然而,在过去几十年的某个时候,它成了一门失传的艺术”符合语境,故选F.
    ②A根据上文“All f a sudden, it's mre incnvenient t fix smething than it is t buy smething new.(突然之间,修理东西比买新东西更不方便)”以及后文“In the past few years, it seems there's been grwing interest in slw fashin-nt nly saving but als sewing and mending. On ne f the mst pleasant crers f the internet, yu’I find lts f vides shwcasing everything frm visible mending t beginner sewing jurneys.(在过去的几年里,人们对慢时尚的兴趣似乎越来越大--不仅是省钱,还有缝纫和修补。在互联网最令人愉快的角落之一,你会发现很多视频,展示从可见的修补到初学者的缝纫之旅)”可知,本句与上一段最后一句构成转折指出在过去几年,人们又开始进行缝纫了,故A选项“但并不是所有的希望都破灭了”符合语境,故选A
    ③C根据上文“Why shuld yu learn t mend?(你为什么要学会缝补?)”以及后文“As any ec expert will tell yu, the best thing yu can d is buy less t begin with.(正如任何一位生态专家都会告诉你的那样,你能做的最好的事情就是开始时少买)”可知,本句回答上文为什么要学会缝补的问题,结合后文提到少买,可知缝补可以避免太多消费。故C选项“缝补是拒绝消费主义的好方法”符合语境,故选C。
    ④E根据上文“It’s als helpful t custmize(改)secndhand items which might nt be exactly the right size r a little ut f date.(定制尺寸不合适或有点过时的二手物品也很有帮助”可知,上文提到了修改尺寸或二手物品,本句为本段最后一句,故承接上文,说明这么做的好处。故E选项““这样,你可能会发现自己把旧衣服升级成适合自己的衣服”符合语境,故选E。
    ⑤G根据上文“The ther aspect f mending is mindfulness.(修补的另一个方面是正念)”以及后文It's meditative (冥想的), slw wrk. It's prductive and deeply satisfying.(这是一项沉思的、缓慢的工作。这是富有成效的,而且非常令人满意)”可知本句承接上文,具体说明修补可以产生正念的具体内涵,故G选项“你专注于手头的工作,用你的创造力让你的衣服与众不同”符合语境,故选G。
    28.答案: A
    29.答案: B
    30.答案: C
    31.答案: A
    32.答案:① was launched② t shw③ cnsists④ and⑤ a⑥ expansin⑦ Featuring⑧ which⑨ activities⑩ fr
    A Memrable Sprts Meeting
    T build up ur bdy and increase ur enthusiasm fr sprts, ur schl sprts meeting was held in ur playgrund last week.
    Mre than 200 participants were invlved in the sprts meeting. They tk an active part in every event. Zhang Qiang, a by in Grade One, jumped highest f all. A team f Grade Three wh were very strng ran very fast and wn the by’s 400-metre relay race. Besides, all the ther students cheered fr the athletes in their class.
    In turned ut t be a great success. Nt nly is this schl sprts meeting f great benefit t ur health but it als enriches ur schl life.
    参与:be invlved in→be engaged in
    比外:besides-in additin
    对非常有益:be f great benefit t->be beneficial t
    原:Mre than 200 participants were invlved in the sprts meeting. They tk an active part in every event拓展句:Mre than 200 participants were invlved in
    the sprts meeting, wh tk an active part in every event.
    高分句型1:A team f Grade Three wh were very strng ran very fast and wn the bys’400-metre relay race.(运用了wh引导定语从句)
    高分句型2:Nt nly is this schl sprts meeting f great benefit t ur health but it als enriches ur schl life.(运用了nt nly... but als...结构连接并列句,且使用了部分倒装结构)
    On the exam day, a fear f failure upset her stmach. Aliya's heart raced as she sat dwn in frnt f the desk. She tk a deep breath, trying t recall the encuragement frm Mrs. Leena. As she began the test, the questins seemed difficult at first, but she pushed thrugh, step by step, using the strategies she had learned. With each questin she cmpleted, her cnfidence grew. By the end f the exam, Aliya felt a sense f accmplishment, nt because she was sure she had aced it, but because she had faced her fears and given it her all.
    She passed her math exam with an unbelievable A grade n her reprt card. The mment she saw the grade, tears f jy welled up in her eyes. It wasn't just a grade. It was a testament t her hard wrk, her teacher's unwavering supprt, and the resilience she had fund within herself. Aliya left the rm with her head held high, n lnger the student wh dreaded math, but a yung wman wh had cnquered her fears and believed in her abilities.

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