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    这是一份英语:山东省青岛市崂山区2023-2024学年中考一模试题(解析版),共19页。试卷主要包含了 单项选择等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第I卷 (满分40分)
    1. 单项选择 (本题10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
    1. —Will yu g t ________ party fr Amy’s birthday?
    —Certainly. I’ve prepared a lvely present fr her.
    A. aB. anC. theD. /
    【解析】句意:——你会去参加艾米的生日派对吗? ——当然。我已经为她准备了一个可爱的礼物。
    考查冠词。a不定冠词,修饰以辅音音素开头的单词;an不定冠词,修饰元音音素开头的单词;the定冠词,表示特指;/不填。根据“party fr Amy’s birthday”可知,表示特指艾米的生日派对,所以用定冠词the。故选C。
    2. ________ beautiful day! Let’s take a walk by the lake.
    A. WhatB. What aC. HwD. Hw a
    考查感叹句。本句强调的中心词是可数名词单数day,用“What a+adj+可数名词单数!”句型,故选B。
    3. On April 3rd, President Xi ________ a vluntary tree planting activity in Beijing and called fr natinwide effrts in planting mre trees t build a beautiful China.
    A. attendedB. reflectedC. dubtedD. avided
    考查动词辨析。attend参加;reflect反映;dubt怀疑;avid避免。根据“President vluntary tree planting activity”可知,参加了一场志愿植树活动,故选A。
    4. The by ________ be Tm. I saw him reading in the library just nw.
    A. can’tB. needn’t
    C. mustn’tD. shuldn’t
    考查动词辨析。can’t不可能,表示否定推测;needn’t不必,表不需要;mustn’t禁止,带有非常强烈的命令语气;shuldn’t不应该。根据“I saw him reading in the library just nw.”可知,看见汤姆在图书馆看书,所以不可能是他,故选A。
    5. —Life is like a rad. It isn’t always ________.
    —I can’t agree mre. S we shuld learn t deal with all kinds f difficulties.
    A. specialB. silentC. seriusD. smth
    考查形容词辨析。special特殊的;silent沉默的;serius严肃的;smth平坦的。根据“S we shuld learn t deal with all kinds f difficulties.”可知,生活就像一条路,并不总是平坦的,故选D。
    6. On snwy days, I like walking slwly ________ the falling snw.
    A. thrughB. amngC. alngD. beside
    考查介词辨析。thrugh穿过;amng在……之间;alng沿着;beside在……旁边。根据“walking falling snw.”可知,在飘落的雪中慢慢地走,也就是穿过雪行走,故选A。
    7. The writer is cllecting ________ fr her latest nvel.
    A. marketB. addressC. materialD. business
    考查名词辨析。market市场;address地址;material材料;business生意。根据“cllecting fr her latest nvel”可知,为最新的小说收集素材。故选C。
    8. Yu play basketball s well. Why nt g and ________ fr the schl team?
    A. turn dwnB. try ut
    C. call upD. check ut
    考查动词短语辨析。turn dwn拒绝;try ut fr...参加……的选拔;call up打电话;check ut结账。根据“Why nt g the schl team?”可知,参加校队的选拔,故选B。
    9. As we live in a rapidly develping wrld, we will be left behind ________ we keep learning.
    A. ifB. becauseC. whenD. unless
    考查从属连词辨析。if如果;because因为;when当……时;unless除非。根据“we keep learning”是“we will be left behind”的否定条件,用unless引导条件状语从句。故选D。
    10. —Tim, d yu knw ________?
    —Bus N. 3 will take yu there.
    A. what the city tur is likeB. where I can take the N. 3 bus
    C. hw I can get t the parkD. whether the z is wrth visiting
    考查宾语从句。what the city tur is like城市之旅是什么样的;where I can take the N. 3 bus我在哪里可以乘3路公共汽车;hw I can get t the park我怎么去公园;whether the z is wrth visiting动物园是否值得参观。根据“Bus N. 3 will take yu there.”可知,询问怎么去公园,故选C。
    II. 完形填空 (本题10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
    Jack and Paul were neighbrs. Jack was pr while Paul was rich.
    Althugh Jack had t wrk hard every day t make a living, he felt relaxed and happy. He ____11____ had t wrry abut anything beynd himself. Every night he had a sund sleep.
    Paul, n the ther hand, was always anxius (焦虑的). He ___12___ t clse the drs and windws f his huse at night. When in bed, he still culd nt sleep well. He was always wrried that smene might break int his hme and steal his mney. He envied (嫉妒) the peace Jack ___13___.
    One day, Paul went t Jack and gave him a bx that was full f ___14___, saying, “Lk, my dear friend, I have a lt f mney. I can see that yu are ___15___. Take this bx and live a rich life, s yu dn’t have t wrk hard fr fd and clthes.”
    Jack was very ___16___ t take it. Hwever, when night fell, Jack went t bed as usual ___17___ fund himself unable t sleep. He remembered t clse the drs and windws befre bedtime, but nce in bed, he started t dubt whether they were ___18___ clsed. As a result, he gt up t duble-check. Even s, he still culd nt sleep well.
    As sn as the day ___19___, Jack went t Paul. He gave him back the bx, saying, “Dear friend, I may be pr, but yur gld tk away my ___20___. I have fund that I wuld rather sleep at night and enjy my days.”
    A. nce B. always C. never D. smetimes
    A. made sure B. set ut C. lay dwn D. pulled dwn
    A. wn B. enjyed C. stle D. discvered
    A. fd B. clthes C. bks D. gld
    A. in use B. in need C. in public D. in danger
    A. plite B. cruel C. wise D. happy
    A. s B. r C. but D. and
    A. quietly B. truly C. heavily D. easily
    A. brke B. cunted C. drpped D. cntinued
    A. gal B. weight C. curage D. peace
    【答案】11. C 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D
    nce曾经;always总是;never从不;smetimes有时。根据“Every night he had a sund sleep.”可知,他从不担心,故选C。
    made sure确保;set ut出发;lay dwn躺下;pulled dwn拆毁。根据“Paul, n the ther hand, was always anxius (焦虑的).”可知,保罗很焦虑,晚上必须确保门窗是关闭的,故选A。
    wn赢得;enjyed享受;stle偷;discvered发现。根据“He envied (嫉妒) the peace Jack...”可知,保罗羡慕杰克享受的平静,故选B。
    句意:一天,保罗去找杰克,给了他一个装满金子的盒子。fd食物;clthes衣服;bks书;gld金子。根据下文“Dear friend, I may be pr, but yur gld tk”可知,是指金子,故选D。
    in use使用中;in need需要;in public当众;in danger处于危险中。根据“Take this bx and live a rich life”可知,保罗认为杰克的生活需要帮助,故选B。
    quietly安静地;truly真正地;heavily沉重地;easily容易地。根据“he started t dubt whether they ”可知,怀疑门窗是否真的关好了。故选B。
    brke打破;cunted数;drpped掉落;cntinued继续。根据上文介绍可知,杰克一晚上没睡好,所以天一亮,他就去找保罗。day brke表示“天亮了”,故选A。
    gal目标;weight重量;curage勇气;peace平静。根据上文“He envied (嫉妒) the peace Jack...”可知,是指平静,故选D。
    III. 阅读 (本题15小题, 共20分。A、B篇每小题1.5分, C篇每小题1分)
    21. What can we knw abut bees?
    A. Bees all live tgether with their species and queens.
    B. Bees are fund almst everywhere except Antarctica.
    C. Bumblebees cllect nectar and pllen t make hney.
    D. Bees use their stingers t find fd and attack enemies.
    22. Which f the fllwing is prbably a part f Fun Facts?
    A. Bees are very dangerus if we get clse t them.
    B. Drinking water with hney can help us lse weight.
    C. Bees can see clrs but they can’t see the clr red.
    D. Bees are hard-wrking and we shuld learn frm them.
    23. Hw d bees influence nature?
    A. They fly everywhere t plant flwers.
    B. They prduce seeds fr plants t flwer.
    C. They help flwering plants spread pllen.
    D. They mve flwers frm ne place t anther.
    24. What can we get frm Glssary at the bttm f the text?
    A. The details abut the tpic.B. The places where bees live.
    C. The summary abut the text.D. The meaning f new wrds.
    25. Where is the text prbably frm?
    A. Natural Wrld.B. Traveler.
    C. The Scientist.D. Lnely Planet.
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. C 24. D 25. A
    细节理解题。根据“Antarctica is the nly place in the wrld where bees dn’t live.”可知,南极洲是世界上唯一一个没有蜜蜂的地方。故选B。
    推理判断题。Fun Facts部分介绍的是蜜蜂的相关事实,选项C“蜜蜂可以看到颜色,但它们看不到红色。”符合,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“Bees are imprtant pllinatrs as they help flwering plants pllinate and prduce seeds. A pllinatr is an animal that mves pllen frm ne flwering plant t anther. Bees d this as they fly frm flwer t flwer.”可知,蜜蜂是重要的传粉者,因为它们帮助开花植物授粉并产生种子。传粉者是一种把花粉从一种开花植物传到另一种开花植物的动物。蜜蜂从一朵花飞到另一朵花时就是这样做的。故选C。
    Prfessr Shing-Tung Yau is a wrld-famus mathematician and Fields Medal winner. He is the dean (院长) f Qiuzhen Cllege at Tsinghua University and the creatr f sme tp math prgrams. These prgrams are designed t train tp math talents, starting as early as middle schl graduates. Recently, reprters frm middle schls interviewed Yau abut what math can bring us.
    Reprters: Math knwledge may be hundreds f years ld, but subjects that use math liked cmputer science change all the time. What d yu think abut this?
    Yau: Math gives us a truth that lasts frever—a fundamental (基础的) truth. Prime numbers (质数) were discvered 2,000 years ag, but we still use them in cmputer science tday. Math is the nly truth that is always changeless. Peple are still explring its pwer.
    Reprters: At university, many students studying math may later g n t study business r engineering. They may see math as simply a stepping stne. What are yur thughts n this?
    Yau: I think it’s OK. In this situatin, we see different grups f students. One grup fcuses n building a strng fundatin (基础) in math, while anther grup fcuses n applying (应用) this knwledge t real-life situatins. Hwever, fr effective applicatin f math, a gd understanding f its fundatins is necessary. One cmmn yet big mistake is believing that yu can apply math effectively withut knwing its basics.
    Reprters: What des Qiuzhen Cllege care abut in training its students?
    Yau: It cares abut whether students can get thrugh hard times. Research is difficult, and if students can’t bear failures and give up trying, they’ll lse ut. Patience is s imprtant.
    Reprters: In tday’s wrld, math seems mre imprtant than ever. Hw shuld smene nt gd at math deal with this? Are there any gd bks they can read?
    Yau: There are many interesting math bks frm arund the wrld fr all ages. Read bigraphies (传记) f mathematicians and scientists t see hw they struggled (奋斗) and succeeded. This way, they’ll find math is nt actually scary, but fun. Many successful mathematicians were nt gd at it in the beginning.
    26. What’s Yau’s purpse f creating tp math prgrams?
    A. T becme wrld-famus and win Fields Medal.
    B. T supprt Qiuzhen Cllege at Tsinghua University.
    C. T prvide training fr teenagers with great gift fr math.
    D. T tell middle schl students the meaning f studying math.
    27. Why did Yau mentin “prime numbers” in Paragraph Three?
    A. T list numbers.B. T give an example.
    C. T cmpare facts.D. T raise a questin.
    28. What des the underlined phrase “a stepping stne” mean?
    A. Smething that is respnsible fr yur degree.
    B. Smething that prevent yu frm getting bred.
    C. Smething that makes full use f yur advantages.
    D. Smething that helps yu t achieve a further gal.
    29. Which f the fllwing is highly valued in Qiuzhen Cllege?
    A. The talent t stand the pressure.B. The interest in math research.
    C. The spirit t vercme difficulties.D. The ability t wrk with thers.
    30. What des Yau want t tell us in the last paragraph?
    A. Success cmes frm hard wrk.
    B. Math is mre imprtant than ever.
    C. Peple f all ages shuld read math bks.
    D. Yu’d better be gd at math in the beginning.
    【答案】26. C 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. A
    细节理解题。根据“These prgrams are designed t train tp math talents, starting as early as middle schl graduates.”可知,这些项目旨在培养顶尖的数学人才。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据“Prime numbers were discvered 2,000 years ag, but we still use them in cmputer science tday.”可知,数学是唯一永远不变的真理,此处属于举例子。故选B。
    词义猜测题。根据“At university, many students studying math may later g n t study business r engineering.”可知,在大学里,许多学数学的学生以后可能会去学商业或工程,此处表示“垫脚石”,这是为了更远的目标而服务。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“Research is difficult, and if students can’t bear failures and give up trying, they’ll lse ut.”可知,克服困难的精神是非常重要的。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据“Read bigraphies f mathematicians and scientists t see hw they struggled and succeeded.”可知,阅读数学家和科学家的传记,看看他们是如何奋斗和成功的,作者想要告诉我们成功来自努力。故选A。
    When I first arrived in China, sme f the first Chinese vcabulary I learned had t d with fd. ____31____, but still didn’t knw mst f the things I saw n Chinese restaurant menus. Frtunately, there were pictures t help me.
    ____32____. But many restaurants I’ve been t in the US dn’t. What is the reasn fr the difference?
    One thing I’ve nticed abut China is that fd is a bigger part f their culture than it is in the US. ____33____. My Chinese friends pst pictures f their meals nline mre ften than my US friends.
    Fd is just a bigger deal here—and having pictures f fd in menus is part f that. ____34____, with vivid (生动的) and well-framed (构图精美) phts.
    Anther factr is the names f the dishes. Chinese dishes smetimes have fanciful (想象的) names like “palace guard chicken” r “three fresh things frm the sil”. These are interesting names, but they dn’t really tell yu what the dishes are like. ____35____.
    There’s prbably even mre t it than that. All I knw is that I was very grateful t have thse picture menus when I first came here all thse years ag.
    A. I learned the names f a few dishes
    B. Sme menus are almst like wrks f art
    C. Chinese fd is really delicius and ht pt is my favrite
    D. Nearly every restaurant menu in China has pictures f fd in it
    E. A cmmn way t greet smene in China is t ask them if they’ve eaten yet
    F. Therefre, it’s helpful t have pictures s yu can actually see what yu’re ging t eat
    【答案】31. A 32. D 33. E 34. B 35. F
    根据“but still didn’t knw mst f the things I saw n Chinese restaurant menus”可知,知道一些菜名,但仍然不知道中餐馆菜单上的大部分东西,选项A“我学会了一些菜名”符合语境,故选A。
    根据“But many restaurants I’ve been t in the US dn’t. What is the reasn fr the difference?”可知,此处提到中美菜单的区别,选项D“在中国,几乎每家餐馆的菜单上都有食物的图片”符合语境,故选D。
    根据“One thing I’ve nticed abut China is that fd is a bigger part f their culture than it is in the US.”可知,与美国相比,食物在中国文化中所占的比重更大,此处与食物和中国文化相关,选项E“在中国,问候别人的一个常见方式是问他们吃过饭了没有”符合语境,故选E。
    根据“with vivid (生动的) and well-framed (构图精美) phts”可知,菜单上有生动和精美的照片,选项B“有些菜单简直就像艺术品”符合语境,故选B。
    根据“These are interesting names, but they dn’t really tell yu what the dishes are like.”可知,这些都是有趣的名字,但它们并不能真正告诉你这些菜是什么样子的。选项F“因此,有图片是很有帮助的,这样你就能清楚地看到你要吃什么”符合语境,故选F。
    第II卷 (满分50分)
    IV. 词汇运用 (本题10小题, 共15分)
    A. 用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。(每小题2分, 共10分)
    36. When I get smething gd, I ________ it with my friends.
    37. A clever English learner ften ________ the meanings f the new wrds when he reads.
    38. The famus artist ________ three art centers t teach Beijing Opera in the past few years.
    39. The kite ________ in China mre than 2000 years ag.
    40. Srry, sir. І ________ when yu called me. What d yu need?
    【答案】36. will share 37. guesses 38. set up 39. was invented 40. was driving
    句意:当我得到好东西时,我将和我的朋友分享。根据“When I get smething gd”可知要选择share。在含有when引导的时间状语从句的复合句中,如果主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表示将来。故填will share。
    句意:一个智慧的学英语者在阅读时常常猜测生词的含义。根据“the meanings f the new wrds when he reads.”可知要选择guess“猜测”。句子时态为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数形式,谓语动词guess要变为第三人称单数形式。故填guesses。
    句意:在过去的几年里,这个著名的艺术家建立了三个艺术中心去教学京剧。根据“three art centers t teach Beijing Opera in the past few years.”可知要选择set up。由“in the past few years”可知时态为过去时,set变过去式为不规则变化,故填set up。
    句意:两千多年前,风筝在中国被发明。根据“The kite”可知要选择invent。由“mre than 2000 years ag”可知时态为一般过去时;主语kite和谓语invent构成动宾关系,应用被动语态。故填is invented。
    句意:对不起,先生,你给我打电话时我正在开车。你有什么需要?根据“when yu called me.”可知要选择drive。由从句带有when引导的过去时的时间状语从句,可知主句时态为过去进行时,主语是I,be动词用was。故填was driving。
    B. 用所给词的适当形式或汉语提示完成句子。每空一词。(每小题1分, 共5分)
    41. Real and meaningful ________ (赞扬) cme frm the peple yu knw.
    42. The girl sitting ________ (对面) me is my classmate.
    43. Plants make ur indr envirnments cleaner and ________ (healthy).
    44. Yur schl library lks as mdern as ________ (we). Can yu shw me arund?
    【解析】句意:你们学校的图书馆看起来和我们的一样现代化。你能带我四处看看吗?根据“Yur schl library lks as mdern as...”可知,此处表示“我们学校的图书馆”,用urs代替ur schl library。故填urs。
    45. In the flk stry, the amazing white snake is ________ (lucky) saved by a yung man.
    【解析】句意:在民间故事中,这条神奇的白蛇被一个年轻人幸运地救了下来。lucky“幸运的”,是形容词, 此处修饰动词,应用副词,故填luckily。
    V. 阅读表达 (本题9小题, 共20分)
    In 2024, Earth Hur is celebrated at 8:30 pm n Saturday 24th March. It is an event designed t encurage peple and rganizatins t take care f ur planet. During this hur, millins f peple all ver the wrld shw their supprt, usually by turning ff their lights. Lts f famus landmarks, such as the Clsseum in Rme, the Eiffel Twer in Paris and the Skytree building in Tky, g dark fr Earth Hur t.
    The Histry f Earth Hur
    In 2007, peple all ver Sydney turned their lights ff fr an hur as a symbl f being wrried abut climate change. The fllwing year, the WWF (the Wrld Wildlife Fund) spread the event internatinally. Since then, it has grwn t be ne f the largest mvements fr prtecting the envirnment. Peple frm ver 190 cuntries have nw participated in Earth Hur. Even astrnauts n the Internatinal Space Statin have taken part in the event!
    Earth Hur has helped raise awareness (意识) f envirnmental prblems, especially climate change and the lss f nature. Earth Hur has helped t drive changes in the ways f large businesses and gvernments twards the envirnment. These include:
    Creating a 3.4 millin hectare marine-prtected area in Argentina.
    Planting 17 millin trees in Kazakhstan.
    Prtecting 5 millin square miles f cean arund French Plynesia.
    The Supprt fr Earth Hur
    Yu can shw yur supprt during Earth Hur by turning ff all nn-essential (非必需的) lights in yur hme at 8:30 pm n the last Saturday f March. Yu culd als watch the fficial (官方的) Earth Hur vide and encurage yur parents r friends t share this n scial media. There are ften lcal events and celebratins taking place t, where peple gather t celebrate Earth Hur and enjy the darkness tgether.
    46. What’s Earth Hur?
    47. Hw d famus buildings supprt Earth Hur?
    48. What des it refer t in Paragraph Tw?
    49. What’s the best subtitle (小标题) fr Paragraph Three?
    50. What can we d t supprt Earth Hur? (文中提到的除外。)
    【答案】46. It is an event designed t encurage peple and rganizatins t take care f ur planet.
    47. They g dark fr Earth Hur t.
    48. Turning their lights ff fr an hur.
    49. The benefits f Earth Hur
    50. We can buy energy-saving appliances.
    根据“It is an event designed t encurage peple and rganizatins t take care f ur planet.”可知,Earth Hur是一个旨在鼓励人们和组织照顾我们的地球的活动。故填It is an event designed t encurage peple and rganizatins t take care f ur planet.
    根据“Lts f famus landmarks, such as the Clsseum in Rme, the Eiffel Twer in Paris and the Skytree building in Tky, g dark fr Earth Hur t.”可知,许多著名的地标性建筑,如罗马的斗兽场、巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔和东京的天空之树大厦,也会在“地球一小时”活动中熄灯。故填They g dark fr Earth Hur t.
    根据“In 2007, peple all ver Sydney turned their lights ff fr an hur as a symbl f being wrried abut climate change. The fllwing year, the WWF (the Wrld Wildlife Fund) spread the event internatinally. Since then, it has grwn t be ne f the largest mvements fr prtecting the envirnment.”可知,2007年,悉尼各地的人们熄灯一小时,以示对气候变化的担忧。第二年,世界自然基金会(WWF)将这一活动传播到了世界各地。从那时起,它已经发展成为保护环境的最大运动之一。此处it指的是“熄灯一小时”的活动,故填Turning their lights ff fr an hur.
    根据“Earth Hur has helped raise awareness (意识) f envirnmental prblems, especially climate change and the lss f nature. Earth Hur has helped t drive changes in the ways f large businesses and gvernments twards the envirnment.”可知,“地球一小时”活动有助于提高人们对环境问题的认识,尤其是气候变化和自然的丧失。“地球一小时”帮助推动了大型企业和政府对待环境的方式的改变。此处介绍的是“地球一小时”活动的益处,故填The benefits f Earth Hur。
    本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案:We can buy energy-saving appliances.
    Have yu nticed the mrnings and evenings are slwly getting lighter? Being hpeful that spring is arund the crner and warmer, brighter days are ahead is a pwerful feeling. Hpe gives us the strength t be psitive, even when things dn’t g ur way.
    Hpe is a psitive feeling that things will get better. Charles Snyder, a psychlgist (心理学家) studied hpeful thinking and called hpe a “rainbw f the mind,” because it “lifts ur spirits and makes us think f what is pssible.” Being hpeful abut smething, like trying ut a new sprt r hbby, takes curage because yu’re taking a step int the unknwn. This helps yu wrk ut what’s imprtant t yu, as well as making yu mre cnfident and resilient (有韧性的). Studies shw that being hpeful als helps yu learn better at schl, build strng friendships and feel less stressed.
    Hpe is a skill yu can learn. Hpe expert David Feldman suggests starting by setting a gal that’s imprtant t yu, then thinking up different ways t achieve it. Staying fcused n yur gal takes energy, s Feldman recmmends eating healthily and getting plenty f sleep. If yu start t feel hpeless, get inspired by peple wh have already succeeded r tell smene wh supprts yu s they can give yu encuragement. Finally, make gd use f yur imaginatin and picture yurself achieving yur gal. Picturing success in the future is hpe in actin.
    Happiness Habits
    Stay psitive and hpeful by sticking t a happiness habit. This culd be:
    ● Exercising, such as practicing swimming r rganizing a ftball match with friends.
    ● Playing r listening t music.
    ● Vlunteering t help thers—fr example, ①________.
    ● Spending time in nature by ②________.
    51. Which sentence in the passage has the similar meaning t the fllwing ne?
    Keeping a sense f hpe helps us feel psitive, althugh smetimes things dn’t wrk ut the way we want.
    52. What d “being hpeful abut smething” and “trying ut a new sprt r hbby” in Paragraph Tw have in cmmn?
    53. Cmplete the ways f learning t be hpeful. (N mre than 3 wrds fr each blank)
    Firstly, ①________ and find ways t achieve it. Have ②________ and enugh sleep t stay energetic. Secndly, find ③________ frm peple wh have successful experience r wuld like t supprt yu when yu’re hpeless. Finally, ④________ that yu have achieved yur gal.
    54. Fill in the blanks in Happiness Habits.
    【答案】51. Hpe gives us the strength t be psitive, even when things dn’t g ur way.
    52. They bth take curage.
    53. ① set a gal ② a healthy diet ③ inspiratin and encuragement ④ imagine
    54. ① helping ut at the nursing hme ② yurselves
    “Keeping a sense f hpe helps us feel psitive, althugh smetimes things dn’t wrk ut the way we want.”表示“保持希望能让我们感觉积极,尽管有时事情并不像我们想要的那样发展。”,与文中“Hpe gives us the strength t be psitive, even when things dn’t g ur way.希望给了我们积极向上的力量,即使事情并不如我们所愿。”语义相近,故填Hpe gives us the strength t be psitive, even when things dn’t g ur way.
    根据“Being hpeful abut smething, like trying ut a new sprt r hbby, takes curage because yu’re taking a step int the unknwn.”可知,对某事抱有希望,比如尝试一项新的运动或爱好,都需要勇气,因为你正在向未知迈出一步。故填They bth take curage.
    根据“starting by setting a gal that’s imprtant t yu”可知,从设定一个对你来说很重要的目标开始;根据“Staying fcused n yur gal takes energy, s Feldman recmmends eating healthily and getting plenty f sleep.”可知,专注于你的目标需要能量,所以费尔德曼建议健康饮食和充足的睡眠;根据“If yu start t feel hpeless, get inspired by peple wh have already succeeded r tell smene wh supprts yu s they can give yu encuragement.”可知,如果你开始感到绝望,从那些已经成功的人那里得到鼓舞,或者告诉那些支持你的人,这样他们就会给你鼓励;根据“Finally, make gd use f yur imaginatin and picture yurself achieving yur gal.”可知,最后,充分利用你的想象力,想象自己实现目标的情景。故填set a gal;a healthy diet;inspiratin and encuragement;imagine。
    本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案helping ut at the nursing hme;yurselves。
    VI. 书面表达 (共15分)
    55. 生活宛如一幅多彩画卷,充满温暖和阳光。请以“What I Enjy in My Life”为题写一篇英语短文,谈谈你生活中的美好和感悟。
    1. 词数80—100;
    2. 不得出现真实姓名、校名等相关信息。
    What I Enjy in My Life
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    What I Enjy in My Life
    I like my life and enjy it every day.
    I enjy running. Every day I get up early and run in the park. I enjy running in the mrning, because I can breathe in the fresh air, and I always feel relaxed after running.
    I als like reading in my spare time. I always read befre ging t bed. I like t stay alne and read smething interesting. Reading can enrich my knwledge and help me understand the wrld better.
    Running helps me t keep healthy while reading takes me int a wnderful wrld. I enjy my life.invent drive guess share set up

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