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    第Ⅰ卷 客观题
    第Ⅱ卷 主观题
    Tina Smith is a 911 peratr (接线员). She takes calls and sends help t thse in need. She gt fur calls this mrning.
    1. Wh is in the river? A . William Wendle. B . Brian Mrtn. C . Brian Mrtn's friend. D . Freddie Wendle.
    2. What's the matter with Brian Mrtn? A . He lst his dg. B . He brke his leg. C . His head is bleeding. D . His car is n fire.
    3. What can we knw frm the text? A . Steven Carter swims well. B . Andrea Shelly fell dwn the stairs. C . William Wendle nce wrked in a hspital. D . Brian Mrtn is in Ferry Rad with his sn.
    One Sunday evening, it was quite dark when ld Stanley went fr a walk. He was walking alng the sidewalk. Suddenly, he saw a white car cming arund the crner at high speed (速度). It was ging t fast and crashed (冲向) int a red car in the street where he was walking. He ran t the cars t see if anyne was hurt and needed help.
    The tw drivers were arguing.
    "Yu came arund the crner t fast," ne man said.
    "N!" said the driver f the white car. "That's nt true! Yur car was parked in a wrng place."
    Stanley listened t their argument and then said the white car driver was wrng t drive t fast. The driver f the red car asked Stanley t shw he was right in curt (法庭). Stanley gave the driver his name and telephne number.
    Next Thursday mrning, Stanley was asked t g t the curt. The lawyer (律师) fr the driver f the white car asked him a lt f questins abut what he had seen. Then he asked Stanley hw ld he was.
    "I'm eighty-tw." answered Stanley.
    "D yu usually wear glasses?" asked the lawyer. "Yes, I d," answered Stanley.
    "Were yu wearing them n the night f the accident?" the lawyer asked. "N," replied Stanley.
    Then the lawyer said, "Why shuld the curt believe yu? Yu are eighty-tw years ld, yu were nt wearing yur glasses, and it was dark. Hw far can yu see in the dark?"
    Stanley thught abut it fr a minute. "Well," he said, "When it's dark, I can see the mn. Hw far is it?"
    4. The cause f the accident is that ____. A . the red car parked in a wrng place B . the white car was ging t fast C . the drivers were sleepy D . Stanley was in their way
    5. What's the crrect rder f the stry?
    ①Tw drivers argued with each ther after an accident.
    ②A red car parked n the street.
    ③Stanley saw a car accident while he was walking n a dark street.
    ④Stanley gave his name and phne number t the red car driver.
    ⑤The lawyer questined Stanley's wrds.
    A . ③①②④⑤ B . ②③①④⑤ C . ③②①⑤④ D . ②①③④⑤
    6. What des the underlined wrd "it" refer t? A . The white car. B . The red car. C . The mn. D . The accident.
    7. We can learn frm the stry that ____. A . Stanley wre glasses when the accident happened B . the lawyer thught that Stanley culd see clearly C . Stanley replied the lawyer's questin cleverly D . Stanley was nt able t see the mn
    ①It's easy t think "that will never happen t me," but natural disasters (灾难) are becming bth mre cmmn and serius. Millins f families face flds, trnads and ther natural disasters every year. In Australia, fr example, its wildfires frm 2021 t 2023 were caused by the high temperature and a drught (干旱), taking away the lives f hundreds f peple and billins f animals.
    ②While yu can't stp disasters frm happening, yu can stay safe during ne if yu knw what t d.
    ③Flds can happen very suddenly. Fld water can be deeper than it lks. It can carry yu away, s stay away! Glass, snakes, and dirty things can be in fld water. They can make yu sick, s dn't drink it even if yu are thirsty.
    ④A trnad happens during sme strms. If there's a trnad warning, g smeplace, such as a small and sturdy (结实的) bathrm, which is safe frm the wind and flying things. Remember t keep away frm windws r anything heavy that might fall n yu. Get dwn lw and cver yur head with yur arms.
    ⑤Yu can stay safe during an earthquake by mving away frm things that might fall. Get dwn under smething that's strng if yu can't rush ut f the building right away. Prtect yur neck and head with yur arm. If yu're utside, g t an pen space. Stay away frm trees r anything that might fall ver and hurt yu.
    ⑥Bushfires, als knwn as wildfires, are cmmn acrss the wrld during the htter mnths. It is imprtant that yu try t stay calm in a bushfire. Sme fires can start s quickly that they threaten (威胁) hmes and lives within minutes, s yur safest chice is always t leave early. Yu'd better prepare an emergency survival kit and have it handy at all times.
    ⑦N ne wants t be caught in a dangerus and extreme situatin. If the unthinkable des take place, having a plan and knwing what t d culd make all the difference fr yu and yur lved nes.
    8. The writer mentins Australian wildfires t shw ____. A . a natural disaster will never happen t us B . the fires can cause the death f peple and animals C . the high temperature and a drught may cause wildfires D . natural disasters are becming mre and mre serius
    9. When disasters happen, what can we d t keep safe? A . We can drink fld water if we are really thirsty when a fld happens. B . We shuld cver ur head and stand still when a trnad cmes. C . We shuld nt wait fr ther peple's help in a bushfire. D . We can stay under the trees after getting ut f buildings in an earthquake.
    10. What's the structure f the passage? A . ①/②/③④⑤⑥/⑦ B . ①②③/④⑤⑥/⑦ C . ①/②③④⑤⑥⑦ D . ①②/③④⑤⑥/⑦
    11. What's the writer's purpse f writing the passage? A . T intrduce different kinds f natural disasters arund the wrld. B . T shw us the imprtance f prtecting urselves in natural disasters. C . T tell us sme ways t keep safe in natural disasters. D . T explain why natural disasters wuld happen.
    D yu always feel lnely? When d yu feel lnely? Is lneliness a gd feeling? Nwadays mre and mre peple are having this kind f feeling in their daily life. When smene feels lnely, he r she will have an experience f being alne because f lw levels f scial cntact and relatinships.
    There are tw kinds f lneliness: emtinal lneliness and scial lneliness. Emtinal lneliness is abut the relatinship between parents and their children. When children leave their parents fr a while they usually shw the pain, such as crying and trying t search fr their parents. Therefre, emtinal lneliness is caused by leaving a persn that smene is clse t, such as a parent. On the ther hand, scial lneliness is the lneliness that ne experiences when he r she leaves a wide scial netwrk. One desn't feel that he r she is a member f a grup, r ne desn't have friends t talk t when he r she is sad.
    Besides, lneliness is different frm being alne. Being alne is abut nt having cntact with peple. But lneliness is a subjective experience: if peple think they are lnely, then they are lnely. Peple can be lnely when they are alne, r in a grup. What makes peple lnely is the fact that they want mre scial interactin. Peple can be in a grup and feel lnely because they dn't get t talk t enugh peple. On the ther hand, ne can be alne and nt feel lnely, thugh there is n ne arund him r her. That persn is nt lnely because maybe he r she desn't want t have scial interactin at that time.
    S, what abut yu? Will yu feel lnely if yu stay alne? Or yu just enjy the time being with yurself.
    12. Why did the writer start the passage with questins? A . T let readers answer these questins. B . T ask fr mre ideas abut lneliness. C . T make readers interested in the passage. D . T check students' understanding f lneliness.
    13. What are they in cmmn, a persn with emtinal lneliness and ne with scial lneliness? A . They have n friends t talk t. B . They have a small scial netwrk. C . They have a feeling f being lnely. D . They dn't get n well with their parents.
    14. What des "a subjective experience" mean? A . A ht subject. B . A persn's wn feeling. C . A pain in the bdy. D . A persn's special plan.
    15. What des the passage mainly talk abut?(N mre than 15 wrds)
    阅读下面的短文,从所给的选项中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项 (有一项是多余选项)。
    Everyne is brn with the ability t learn. But whether yu can d this well depends n yur learning habits. Research shws that successful learners have sme gd habits in cmmn.
    Creating an interest in what they learn.
    Studies shw that if yu are interested in smething, yur brain is mre active and it is als easier fr yu t pay attentin t (注意) it fr a lng time. 16 Fr example, if they need t learn English and they like music r sprts, they can listen t English sngs r watch sprts prgrams in English. This way they will nt get bred.
    "Practice makes perfect." Gd learners will keep practicing what they have learned, and they are nt afraid f making mistakes, Alexander Graham Bell did nt invent the telephne vernight. He succeeded by trying many times and learning frm his mistakes.
    Develping their study skills.
    It is nt enugh t just study hard. 18 Fr example, they may take ntes by writing dwn key wrds r by drawing mind maps. They als lk fr ways t review (预习) what they have learned. They may d this by reading their ntes every day r by explaining the infrmatin t anther student.
    Asking questins.
    19 They even ask each ther and try t find ut the answers. Knwledge cmes frm questining.
    Learning is a lifelng jurney because every day brings smething new. Everything that yu learn becmes a part f yu and changes yu. 20
    通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中选出一个最佳选项。
    In my early childhd, I was ften surprised when I saw my father making a small amunt f mney with difficulty. Being a child, I was 21 t understand him. When I was lder, my father started ding a part-time jb at hme. He used t bring sme 22 back and wrk till late night.
    I can't 23 he played with me when I was 3 r 4 years ld. He taught me hw t read when I was 24 the age f 5. He tk care f me all night when I was sick. Whenever I felt dwn, he wuld 25 me up. He als 26 my lessns and ften helped me get ready fr examinatins. Later he sent me t New Delhi fr the best educatin. 27 I needed mney, he never refused. He 28 managed mney fr my studies.
    Tw years ag, I gt a jb at a hspital in New Delhi. When I gt my 29 salary (薪水) which was abut ten times mre than my pcket mney. I 30 it all n myself. I bught a lt f things which I had dreamed f wning fr many years.
    When I returned hme ne fine mrning I heard my father 31 with ne neighbr. He was telling him my success in the jb very 32 . He als tld him that I had a 33 salary than him at the end f his wrk. A dream, his sn shuld becme better than himself came true.
    I was unable t mve n my feet. Past 23 years flashed int my mind in a mment. I knew my father lved me very much. I culd understand the 34 my father made in the past. His gal is making his child mre successful than 35 .
    A . able B . unable C . happy D . srry
    A . fd B . mney C . chres D . wrk
    A . ntice B . cntrl C . frget D . remember
    A . at B . n C . in D . under
    A . call B . give C . cheer D . pick
    A . cared fr B . thught abut C . cut ut D . cared abut
    A . Whatever B . Whenever C . Whever D . Wherever
    A . always B . usually C . smetimes D . never
    A . first B . secnd C . third D . last
    A . saved B . spent C . dnated D . lst
    A . cmmunicating B . arguing C . fighting D . discussing
    A . clearly B . carefully C . quietly D . prudly
    A . mre B . less C . higher D . lwer
    A . mistake B . chice C . decisin D . mind
    A . myself B . himself C . itself D . yurself
    One day, Bill went t the beach with his friends Jim and Bb. After playing fr a while, Bill fell asleep n the cmfrtable beach. After an hur, he wke up. He fund 36 (he) alne because his friends were all playing vlleyball. Bill walked twards them and began t play with them.
    Bb hit 37 ball t hard and it fell int the sea. Just while Bb 38 (run) t pick up the ball, a strng wind blew it away. Bill wanted t shw ff (炫耀) his swimming skills, 39 he decided t get the ball back fr them.
    After swimming fr abut ten minutes, Bill became tired. He realized it was impssible fr him 40 (get) the ball. But he tried his best t swim t it. At that mment, sme black 41 (clud) appeared in the sky. Oh, 42 strange weather it was! It started t rain really hard. It was the 43 (heavy) s far this year.
    At that time Jim and Bb were quite surprised because they culdn't see Bill. They didn't just stand n the beach in silence anymre. They shuted 44 help.
    45 (luck), a yung man saved Bill.
    46. It makes me upset because my mther always me with the best students.
    47. Shall we sme things we dn't use t the peple in need?
    48. When Bnnie finished talking, we bth sat fr a while.
    49. The wind raised the leaves frm the grund.
    50. Please use the Internet and dn't spend t much time.
    51. Nwadays, children are under great p because f t many after-schl classes.
    52. Can yu e t me why yu were late again this mrning?
    53. They were c shcked at the terrible news.
    54. The students say, "We must stp frm cpying thers' hmewrk."
    55. S yur like meat very much, let's rder sme beef and prk.
    56. When I heard my name, my heart was (跳动) s quickly that I thught I wuld stp breathing.
    57. She culdn't speak ludly because f a sre t (喉咙).
    58. The by gt his left arm (断的) when playing skatebard yesterday.
    59. Yu dn't have t bring yur lunch because the schl (提供) delicius fd fr yu.
    60. T prepare fr the imprtant race, the players will have sme (训练) in the next few weeks.
    61. 假如你是美国来杭州的交换生Le,现在居住在翠苑社区,你收到了来自翠苑社区居委会主任Tim的来信。请根据来信进行回复。
    Dear Le,
    Summer hliday is cming, s students are wanted t d sme vlunteer wrk in Cuiyuan Cmmunity. What d yu think f vlunteer wrk? If yu have a chance t be a vlunteer, what kind f vlunteer wrk d yu want t d? Besides, can yu give sme advice t children in ur cmmunity n hw t spend a meaningful and clrful hliday?
    We sincerely hpe yu can jin us tgether.
    Dear Tim,
    LeName: William Wendle
    Telephne: 780-374-596
    Age: 36
    Place: Next t the River Ouse in Nrflk. I can see the twn f King's Lynn n the ther side f the river. I'm in Ferry Rad with my sn.
    Prblem: My sn Freddie fell in the river and cannt get ut. He is hlding n t a bat. He is very cld and tired. I tried t g in t help but I dn't swim very well.
    Name: Brian Mrtn
    Telephne: 781-293-745
    Age: 48
    Place: Crssing 4 f the M25 near the village f Shreham with my friend.
    Prblem: I drve ff the rad and hit a tree after trying nt t run ver a dg. I brke my leg. My friend's head is bleeding.
    Name: Andrea Shelly
    Telephne: 781-003-578
    Age: 78
    Place: At hme by myself in the hall. 27 Mycrft Street.
    Prblem: I fell dwn the stairs (楼梯) and can't mve my legs.
    Name: Steven Carter
    Telephne: 784-384-924
    Age: 33
    Place: At hme by myself and I'm upstairs.18 Sunderland Avenue.
    Prblem: My huse is n fire. I can't get ut.
    A. It is a gd habit t learn fr a lng time after ding sme exercise.
    B. Practising and learning frm mistakes.
    C. Gd learners knw the best way they can study.
    D. Gd learners ften ask questins during r after class.
    E. Gd learners can always find interesting ways t learn.
    F. S, be a clever learner, and yu will becme a successful learner.
    give away; careful; cmpare; in silence; fall

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