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    Chang An is a ppular cartn mvie. The mvie hit cinemas n July 8, 2023. It has becme a favrite fr many children.
    Using Ga Shi, a 1 pet during the Tang Dynasty (朝代) as a main character, the mvie tells stries abut sme pets such as Li Bai, Du Fu and Wang Wei. Unlike any mvie n Chinese screens 2 , the 168-minute mvie is well knwn fr the excerpts (摘录) frm 48 famus pems.
    In the cinema, many children wh went alng 3 their parents excitingly recite (背诵) the pems whenever they appear, as many peple said in their reviews. While sme find it interesting, 4 cnsider it bring.
    "Mre than half f the audience (观众) were primary schl students in the cinema, and the girl behind me was reciting really 5 whenever she knws smething," ne review said, adding "Parents shuld teach their children manners, especially when they are trying t let their children 6 smething".
    "There are even parents wh recrd 7 children reciting in the cinema," anther review said. They suggest cinemas rganize family-nly shwings, and keep them separate frm thse wh want 8 during the shw.
    As the mvie is 168 minutes in ttal (总计), sme peple said it suits 9 audience mre. Hwever, many peple said, "It's a wnderful mvie fr children t learn traditinal Chinese culture."
    The mvie has cllected mre than 600 millin yuan at the bx ffice as f Sunday. On a ppular review platfrm (平台), the mvie 10 8.2 ut f 10 pints with nearly 150,000 reviews.
    A . mdern B . famus C . cmmn D . brave
    A . already B . never C . befre D . always
    A . with B . and C . n D . in
    A . ther B . thers C . anther D . the ther
    A . quietly B . slwly C . exactly D . ludly
    A . learn B . frget C . refuse D . drink
    A . her B . their C . ur D . his
    A . curage B . beauty C . silence D . patience
    A . heavier B . fewer C . yunger D . lder
    A . scred B . drew C . ended D . called
    Duble Ninth Festival 2024
    Cme and have fun with us!
    Time: 11th Octber, 1:00 pm—8:00 pm
    Place: The Yuth Park
    Things fr sale: Chngyang cakes, fruit and drinks
    Class: Free cake-making class (call Miss Miller at 4830729 t bk a place)
    Activities (活动):
    1:00 pm—4:00 pmMuntain Climbing
    5:00 pm—6:00 pmTalk Shw
    6:00 pm—7:00 pmGames between the yung and ld
    7:00 pm—8:00 pmFire Dragn Dance
    Ticket Prices:
    $10 fr adults (成年人)
    Half price fr children under 12
    Free fr peple ver 65
    Fr mre infrmatin, please visit
    11. What can yu buy in the Yuth Park n 11th Octber?
    ①fruit ②bks ③drinks ④cakes
    A . ①②③ B . ②③④ C . ①②④ D . ①③④
    12. 8-year-ld Jane wants t jin in the activities. Hw much will she pay fr her ticket?
    A$0. B. $5. C. $10. D. $12.
    13. Where may yu read the material? A . In a stry bk. B . On a map. C . In a dictinary. D . In a newspaper.
    Ava went t her uncle's city n vacatin last mnth. Her uncle Jey prvides helicpter (直升机) rides fr a living. Ava had never tried a helicpter ride. S she said yes when asked if she wanted a ride, even thugh she was scared.
    Uncle Jey tld Ava that helicpter rides are similar t riding in airplanes. He als prvided her with several suggestins t make the ride mre cmfrtable. Ava began by drinking three large glasses f water befre ging up in the air. Just like n an airplane, dehydratin (脱水) happens quickly since the air is dry. She als tk three deep breaths (呼吸) t calm herself dwn. Even with her deep breaths, her hands were shaking with fear.
    Ava tk her time climbing int the helicpter. Buckling the seatbelt (扣上安全带) was the mst challenging thing since her hands were shaky. As she lked ut f the windw, waiting t take ff, Ava had secnd thughts abut her decisin. Thankfully, Uncle Jey was there t encurage her. "Cme n, Ava," he said. "It'll be fun."
    As they climbed int the air, Ava lked ut f the windw again. Suddenly, her fear disappeared. It was amazing t see everything frm the helicpter. Pretty sn, she had her face glued t the windw.
    The ride went n fr abut fifteen minutes, and Ava enjyed the view (景色). She was happy she had been brave enugh t take the ride, and she even asked Uncle Jey if they culd g fr anther ne the next day.
    14. Why did Ava decide t take a helicpter ride? A . Because it was cheap. B . Because she liked flying. C . Because it wuld mean a lt t her uncle. D . Because she wanted t try smething new.
    15. Hw did Ava prbably feel when she put the seatbelt n? A . Excited. B . Nervus. C . Thankful. D . Lnely.
    16. What des the underlined sentence in Para 4 shw? A . Ava wanted t get sme air. B . Ava really enjyed the view. C . The windw was nt clear enugh. D . The helicpter ride was safe.
    17. What is the best title fr the passage? A . A brave girl B . A great uncle C . An interesting ride D . An amazing view
    Des the Dead Sea (死海) sund like a place t g swimming? What d yu expect t see in it? D yu believe there are dead things in the Dead Sea?
    Lying in suthwest Asia, the Dead Sea stretches (绵延) fr abut 80 kilmeters. At its deepest pint, it is abut 400 meters deep. And if yu happen t be in the area, yu might hear peple call it by anther name, such as the Salt Sea, the East Sea, r the Sea f the Plain.
    Even thugh it's called the Dead Sea, it isn't a sea at all! It's a lake. Different frm ther lakes yu have seen, the Dead Sea is a very salty lake. In fact, the Dead Sea is ne f the saltiest water in the wrld. Nthing can live in it. That's why it's called the Dead Sea. And the Dead Sea stays very salty because it gets nly a little rain, and very little fresh water gets int the Dead Sea each year.
    ▲ The Dead Sea is an amazing place t visit, and many peple g t the Dead Sea each year n hliday. Because f its high salinity (盐度), the Dead Sea's waters are denser (密度大的) than cean water r the water in a swimming pl. That means that anyne can flat (漂浮) in the Dead Sea. S if yu walk n the beach f the Dead Sea n a warm day, perhaps yu can see many peple flating in its waters. Yu might even see many f them reading bks r magazines!
    18. Hw des the writer start the passage? A . By telling a stry. B . By listing numbers. C . By giving examples. D . By asking questins.
    19. What is the main idea f Paragraph 3? A . The Dead Sea is a salty lake. B . The Dead Sea has a strange name. C . Almst n rain enters the Dead Sea. D . Nthing can live in the Dead Sea!
    20. What is the best sentence fr " ▲ " in the last paragraph? A . Dn't be afraid f the name f the Dead Sea. B . The water f the Dead Sea is a deep blue clr, anyway. C . The Dead Sea is getting smaller because f water pllutin. D . Always keep yur eyes pen while yu are in the Dead Sea.
    21. What is the writer's purpse in writing the passage? A . T ask fr pinin n swimming in the Dead Sea. B . T share travelling experiences arund the Dead Sea. C . T encurage mre peple t take a hliday arund the Dead Sea. D . T intrduce ne f the mst amazing natural wnders f the wrld.
    If yu have been a bk lver since yur childhd, yu may have heard f the Newbery Medal (纽伯瑞奖). It ges t the best children's bks each year. But yu may nt knw the persn behind the prize. His name is Jhn Newbery.
    Jhn Newbery was brn in England in 1713. Back then, there weren't many bks fr children. Peple didn't think stries were imprtant. 22 He thught yung peple shuld learn abut the wrld frm bks and enjy reading, t.
    As a child, Newbery was a huge bk lver. He became a publisher (出版人) when he grew up. He began his wrk in the twn f Reading in England. Then he mved t Lndn in 1743. Newbery published his first children's bk A Little Pretty Pcket-Bk in 1744 and it became a huge success.
    23 Sme were abut science and thers were nursery rhymes (童谣). In 1765, Newbery published The Histry f Little Gdy Tw-Shes, a nvel fr kids. It made the saying "gdy tw-shes" ppular, which is used t describe a persn wh is verly well-behaved in a way that is frced and artificial (虚假的).
    As a publisher, Newbery helped publish abut 500 bks fr readers f all ages. That included mre than 100 bks fr kids. 24 And fr mre than 100 years, children's bk writers have been hnred with the Newbery Medal fr their great wrk.
    Kids nw can learn a valuable lessn frm Newbery's life. "25 He just lved bks, and he thught everybdy shuld have the chance t read them," said Michelle Markel, a children's bk writer.
    A. He fllwed his passin (热情).
    B. Michelle Markel greatly admires Newbery.
    C. Sn, Newbery began publishing mre children's bks.
    D. Hwever, Newbery believed kids shuld have bks f their wn.
    E. This is why peple call him "The Father f Children's Literature".
    What shuld yu d if yu have a headache? In mdern times, peple ften take aspirin (阿司匹林). But is it 31a mdern medicine?
    Mre than 4,000 years ag, ancient Egyptians used dried leaves t treat pain. And in the furth century B.C. a medicine made frm tree bark (树皮) was used t treat fevers. In the nineteenth century, Eurpean scientists discvered that 32 medicines have the same chemical (化学物质). They used the chemical t 33mdern medicine—aspirin. Tday, it's ne f the wrld's 34 and mst helpful medicines.
    Sme f the medicines tday cme frm traditinal Chinese medicine. In the 35century B.C. sme peple began studying the human bdy. They tried many different ways t treat the patients and recrded 36 results. Fr mre than 2,000 years, dctrs recrded what they fund in bks. These ancient bks are still 37tday. Tu Yuyu, a Chinese medical 38 fund that in the past, peple used a herb with yellw flwers t treat fevers. After studying it, she develped a medicine. The medicine saved millins f peple frm 39.
    Western medicine paid little attentin t traditinal Chinese medicine fr 40. But tday, scientists are studying traditinal treatments t develp new medicines.
    Everybdy likes t celebrate a birthday. Sme peple live lng enugh t have 120 f them. The wrld's 41 (ld) land animal has just celebrated his 190th birthday. The animal is a giant turtle called Jnathan. Scientists believe he was brn 42 1832, but there are n fficial recrds f his birth.
    Sme scientists think Jnathan might actually be ten years lder. He culd be as ld as 200. Jnathan was brn in the Seychelles. He 43 (take) t the British in 1882 as a gift. Jnathan was brn befre Britain's Queen Victria became the queen, and befre the 44 (invent) f the stamp and fridge.
    Jnathan's vets say he had a gd birthday. There was 45 three-day party fr him. Cks made 46 (he) a special birthday cake, and it was full f his favrite vegetables. St Helena als published a set f special stamps 47 (celebrate) his birthday. Unluckily, Jnathan culdn't see any f the celebratins 48 he is blind. He als has n sense f smell. Hwever, he has an excellent sense f 49 (hear), s he culd hear Happy birthday being sung. Jnathan's vet, Je Hllins, said the giant turtle still has plenty f energy. He als likes t relax in the sun. Mr Hllins said, "On warm days, his lng neck and legs stretched (伸出) 50 (full) ut f his shell (壳) t absrb (吸收) heat and pass it n t his whle bdy."
    Think f all the things that make ur wrld mdern. Airplanes, highways, cmputers… We have many chices fr almst everything, including fd, phnes, paper, and s n. All f these chices are created by engineering. Engineering is a subject f science. It is abut using resurces (资源) t design (设计), build and create things. These things make peple's lives safer and mre cnvenient.
    Engineers fllw a basic prcess (过程). The creatin begins as an idea. Engineers research the idea t decide if it can wrk. They use scientific knwledge t think abut pssible results f their creatin. After researching, they use math t create a design. The design stage (阶段) is very imprtant because it shws thers what the final result will lk like. After the design is accepted, the building begins. A lt f builders wrk n it. Then engineers test it t make sure it's safe and is successfully used. This stage helps engineers make changes t the design. After several changes, a safe prduct can be finally made.
    51. What is engineering abut in the passage?
    52. Hw many types f engineers are mentined (提及)?
    53. Which type f engineer may help create the safest lunch bx?
    54. Please cmplete the stages in the engineering prcess.
    ① ②
    55. If a prduct desn't pass the test, what will the engineers d?
    56. If yu have a chance t becme an engineer, which type f engineer d yu want t be? Why?
    57. 某校刊的英语论坛发起主题为"Hw t get n well with classmates"的讨论,呼吁大家关注同学之间的和谐关系,友好相处,建设和谐校园。假如你是李华,请就这一主题发表自己的看法。
    1. 你与同学们相处得如何?
    2. 同学之间为什么要友好相处?
    3. 请给出与同学们友好相处的建议。
    Hw t get n well with classmates26 Helen is an exchange student frm England. She has lived in China fr three years. She misses her family and her friends a lt.
    27Anne is having prblem in learning chemistry. Smetimes, she even wants t give up. What she needs is smething full f curage and strength t cheer herself up.
    28Jhn wants t jin a music club and play with thers. He really likes listening t exciting music and dance t it.
    29Nancy ften wrries abut her grades and has n idea abut what she shuld d. She is under great pressure. She expects t have smene t talk t.
    30Ben plans t sing a sng at the schl leavers' party t shw his best wishes t all his classmates. He expects all his friends t have a bright and wnderful future.
    A Sund f Silence is a 1960s flk sng sung by Simn & Garfunkel. The meldy (旋律) is slw. The sng may cmfrt yu when yu're helpless, just like the singer chatting with yu.
    B Take Me Hme, Cuntry Rad, whenever it is sung, brings peple back t the beauty f their hmetwn, family, friends as well as the happy ld times.
    C Auld Lang Syne is a pem at first, and later changed int a sng. Students like t sing it at the gdbye party t recall the ld gd times and shw their best wishes fr the future.
    D Dn't Cry is a great sng sung by Gun n'Rses. It's a well-knwn rck music fr peple t dance t. The mst special part is its exciting meldy, it can greatly cheer peple up.
    E When Yu Believe by the tw super female singers tells yu that when yu meet difficulties in life, yu can make it as lng as yu believe it. It prvides yu with strength and encuragement.
    cheapesttheir really researcher make n centuries stpthird bth dyinguseful
    Sme types f engineers
    ● Envirnmental engineers deal with air, water and land pllutin. They wrk t help peple live a safer life.
    ● Cmputer engineers wrk with cmputer sftware and hardware (软件和硬件). They design and develp new cmputer-based prducts and slutins t keep up with the changing mdern technlgy.
    ● Material engineers d research n materials t find new uses fr them r tell the best material fr prducts.

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