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    (满分:150分 时间:120分钟)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Where is prbably Sue nw?
    A. At the ffice. B. At Bill' s hme. C. At hme.
    2. What des the wman want t d?
    A. Quit smking. B. Change a seat. C. Buy a cake.
    3. What did the man d last weekend?
    A. He tk a trip. B. He watched a game. C. He played basketball.
    4. What des the man need nw?
    A. Ice cream. B. Milk. C. Water.
    5. Where des the wman want t g?
    A. The bus statin. B. The train statin. C. The plice statin.
    6. What des Jack have t d at 10:00 am?
    A. Attend a lecture. B. Catch a bus. C. Repair his bike.
    7. Hw des the by usually g t schl?
    A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By car. 该试卷源自 每日更新,享更低价下载。听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。
    8. Whm is the party fr?
    A. Lisa. B. Jane. C. Ted.
    9. What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A. Play sme games. B. Bring Jane alng. C. Watch a vide.
    10. What des the wman think f the bedrm?
    A. Bright. B. New. C. Small.
    11. What des the wman like best?
    A. The living rm.B. The view. C. The kitchen.
    12. What will the speakers d mst prbably?
    A. Have the shwer repaired.
    B. Buy sme furniture.
    C. Keep searching.
    13. What is the pssible relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Classmates. C. Clleagues.
    14. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the classrm. B. Over the phne. C. At the wman's hme.
    15. Why des Tm feel stressed ut?
    A. He can't speak English well.
    B. He has knwn the exam result.
    C. He didn't d well in the English exam.
    16. What is the wman's suggestin?
    A. Crrecting the mistakes nw.
    B. Paying mre attentin next time.
    C. Cmmunicating with parents.
    17. Hw many freign students are visiting in the speaker's schl nw?
    A. Abut 13. B. Abut 20. C. Over 30.
    18. Why des the schl rganize the music week?
    A. T attract mre freign students.
    B. T exchange ideas abut culture.
    C. T help freign students enjy their time.
    19. When shuld students sign up fr the activities?
    A. Befre September 15th.
    B. In the last week f September.
    C. In the first week f December.
    20. Where will the music week be held?
    A. In the library. B. In the garden. C. On the playgrund.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    It's nt easy t find a jb. Many jbs have age r experience requirements that yu might nt meet. On tp f that, yu need t juggle (应付) schlwrk, extracurriculars,and yur scial life. Frtunately, there are still sme gd jbs fr yu t start gaining wrking experience.
    Straight-A student?Then a jb as a tutr (家庭教师) might be the best ptin fr yu. Helping yunger students with their hmewrk is a great way t put what yu've studied t gd use and make sme extra mney. One f the easiest ways t shw that yu're qualified t teach ther students is by listing yur GPA(Grade Pint Average) n yur tutr resume.
    Dg Walker
    Lve dgs?Then a psitin as a dg walker is the perfect fit fr yu. Dg walking requires n wrk experience and has flexible hurs. Hwever, yu may need t d sme shadwing r an interview befre peple trust yu with their pets.
    Delivery Driver
    If yu're 16+ years ld and have a driver's license,yu culd try wrking as a delivery driver. Driving is a great way t gain relevant experience and shw future emplyers that yu're respnsible and wrk well under pressure.
    Call Center Representative
    If yu dn't mind talking n the phne, then a jb as a call center wrker is a gd chice fr yu. Wrking as a call center representative can even teach yu sme useful custmer service skills that will help yur career later n. T land a jb at a call center, highlight yur custmer service and interpersnal skills n yur resume.
    21.Wh are the passage intended fr?
    A. Students.B. Teachers.C. Parents.D. Emplyers.
    22.What qualifies yu as a tutr?
    A. Relevant experience.B. Timely hmewrk cmpletin.
    C. Flexible time schedule.D. Impressive academic perfrmance.
    23.Which jb requires gd scial skills?
    A. Tutr.B. Dg walker.
    C. Delivery driver.D. Call center representative.
    It was a dream brn in fire.When Andrea Petersn was 5, she and her mther were trapped n the balcny f a burning building. "Thrw the kid dwn!" said ne f the firemen belw, and little Andrea jumped int lifesaving arms and a lifelng gal. She wanted t fight fires as her rescuers did.
    But in the early 1960's, little girls weren't even allwed t fantasize abut such great dreams. She tld that t the men wh had saved her, and they laughed. "Yu'll be a gd mmmy," the firemen tld her. "Yu'll be a gd teacher, maybe yu'll be a nurse, but yu can never be a fireman."
    And then,as it tends t d, life didn't give her a chance t realize the dream. When Petersn was studying fr a degree in aviatin technlgy (航空技术) — the nly female in her class, she met her husband, Dennis, a Vietnam vet wh later develped cancer. Petersn spent 31 years caring fr the man she lved and, in 2007, Dennis left the wrld.
    At 61,She earned her emergency medical technician license (执照) and respnded t fire calls with the ambulance (救护车). It turned t be a life-and-death situatin,and Petersn felt that lng-ag childhd calling. She fund that her years f caring fr Dennis had prepared her fr dealing with different hurts and ills.
    A year later,she tld her bss she wanted t be a firefighter.The fact that everyne else in her training team was between 18 and 21 didn't discurage her. She passed the writing test and she cleared the physical difficulties and finally, that little girl's dream became a reality.
    Petersn knws that the windw n her physical abilities wn't stay pen frever. But when interviewed, she said, "I wrry a little when I get t ld , I did get my dream."
    24.Why did Andrea Petersn want t be a firefighter?
    A. She narrwly escaped frm the fire. B. She was nce rescued by firemen.
    C. She wanted t live an adventurus life. D. She was encuraged by her mther.
    25.What happened t Petersn when she was 61?
    A. She carefully lked after her dying husband.
    B. She jined in the training team t be a firefighter.
    C. She successfully gt a degree in aviatin technlgy.
    D. She helped the injured using her medical knwledge.
    26.What wrds can best describe Andrea Petersn?
    A. Determined and brave. B. Kind and humrus.
    C. Cnfident and friendly. D. Generus and hnest.
    27.What des Petersn's stry tell us?
    A. It's never t late t change a jb. B. Time and tide wait fr n man.
    C. Where there is a will there is a way. D. He wh laughs last laughs best.
    On sme Swedish trains, passengers carry their e-tickets in their hands. Abut 3,000 Swedes have chsen t put micrchips (微芯片) beneath the skin between fingers. The chips, which cst arund $150, can hld persnal facts, credit-card numbers and medical recrds. They depend n Radi Frequency ID (RFID), a technlgy already used in payment cards, tickets and passprts.
    There are 10,000 peple with chip implants (植入) arund the wrld. Sweden, hme t several micrchip cmpanies, has the largest share. Peple can rder d-it-yurself kits. And smetimes they get T-shirts that say “I gt chipped”.
    Jwan Österlund, the funder f BiHax, a Swedish firm, argues that chips are safer than mbile phnes because it is harder t steal infrmatin frm them. But sme peple still have wrries. RFID chips d nt have GPS, but they leave a trail when they are used t pen drs, perate printers, etc. In 2004 a Mexican gvernment fficial and his wrkmates had chips placed in their arms that tracked wh had accessed imprtant infrmatin.
    S why take the risk? Less truble is ne reasn. The equipment fr micrchip implants exists wherever new payments are accepted. Sweden is well suited, as the wrld’s secnd mst cash-less cuntry (after Canada).
    But the chips have little use unless all cmpanies agree t wrk tgether. Few shps recgnize this chip implants yet, even thse rganizatins that d have had sme trubles in the beginning. When Swedish rail fficials began scanning passengers’ micrchips, they saw private infrmatin rather than evidence f ticket buying. Fr nw the chips are used largely as business cards, keys r t stre imprtant infrmatin.
    S the desire t win ntice r admiratin is anther explanatin. Chip enthusiasts want t equip human bdies with technlgy. Eln Musk, an American businessman has spent mney n this technlgy that cnnects machines with human brains, which caused fears frm sme Christians.
    28. What is special abut the micrchips mentined in the passage?
    A. They have already becme part f human bdies.
    B. They have ffered access t persnal infrmatin.
    C. They have becme a symbl f mdern sciety.
    D. They have used the latest technlgy in payment.
    29. Jwan failed t cnsider the fact that __________.
    A. the infrmatin is safer t keep n chips than phnes
    B. RFID chips can als have GPS as mbiles phnes d
    C. infrmatin n chips is likely t be accessed and let ut
    D. sme micrchips have already been equipped with GPS
    30. Why are peple willing t risk putting chips int their bdies?
    A. Because develped cuntries are well prepared fr chip implants.
    B. Because they want t save themselves the truble f cash payment.
    C. Because they encurage mre cmpanies t recgnize chip implants.
    D. Because it is an attentin-catching technlgy that makes things easier.
    31. What can we infer frm Paragraph 5?
    A. Many cmpanies take a wait-and-see attitude twards this technlgy.
    B. There is a lng way t g befre the implanted chips are widely applied.
    C. The chip implants have caused difficulty fr bth users and cmpanies.
    D. Micrchips always successfully ffer infrmatin abut ticket buying.
    By the year 2050, a fifth f the wrld’s cities will experience unprecedented (前所未有的) climate cnditins and envirnments that currently dn’t exist in any majr cities, accrding t new research. A team f scientists at the Crwther Lab in Switzerland prduced the reprt, which described the climate fr 520 majr cities 30 years in the future.
    The results shwed that 77 percent f the wrld’s cities will experience a surprising change in climate cnditins by 2050, and 22 percent f the 520 cities will see cnditins that are nt currently experienced by any existing majr cities.
    In China in 2050, the climate f Xi’an, in Shanxi prvince, will be similar t that f current day Maseru, the capital city f Lesth in suthern Africa, with the maximum temperature f the warmest mnth likely t increase by 4.59℃. Chngqing in suthwest China will resemble (相似) the climate f Swaziland capital Mbabane, as the warmest temperature is predicted t rise by 5.1℃.
    Scientists predict summers in Eurpe will get warmer by an average f 3.5℃ and Eurpean winters will see temperature rises f 4.7℃. Lndn’s climate will be mre similar l Barcelna, and Madrid’s t Marrakech.
    The Crwther Lab hpes the analysis will mtivate decisin-makers t take necessary steps t prevent r address sme f the climate effects due t the threat f climate change. The reprt als fund that cities in trpical regins will experience smaller changes in average temperature but will be cntrlled by shifts in rainfall regimes. This may lead t a nticeable increase in unexpected events, and severe drughts.
    “Acrss all scientific fields, the greatest challenge in climate science is n lnger the precise measurement f climate change impacts, but inspiring peple t picture is actual effects in rder t mtivate actin,” said Tm Crwther, senir scientist and funder f the Crwther Lab.
    32. Accrding t the research, amng the 520 cities by 2050, abut ________ cities will experience the climate cnditins that n majr cities currently have experienced.
    A. 400B. 114C. 260D. 104
    33. Hw did the scientists prve their result?
    A. By ding experiments. B. By making cmparisns.
    C. By listing figures. D. By explaining thery.
    34. What is the Crwther Lab intended fr?
    A. T cmpare the climate change f the majr cities f the wrld.
    B. T inspire peple t picture its actual effects in rder t mtivate actin.
    C. T inspire decisin-makers t take necessary steps t prevent sme climate effects.
    D. T shw mst wrld’s cities will experience a striking change in climate cnditins.
    35. What is the best title f the passage?
    A. Wrld Temperature B. Current Climate Change
    C. Big Titles in the Wrld D. Future Climate Change in Mst Big Cities
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)
    Vlunteers make a significant difference in the lives f thers. Often,they perfrm with the intentin f helping thse in need. 36 Certain activities can have therapeutic (治疗的) effects. Frm lwering stress t increasing self-cnfidence,vlunteering ffers many health benefits.
    37 Vlunteers perfrm imprtant rles in their duties. They serve as greeters prviding patient rm infrmatin and directins and as Critical Care waiting rm attendants. Outside f a healthcare setting,vlunteers imprve ur beaches,parks,and ther public services. Vlunteers' wrk is necessary t everyday prcesses,prviding them with a sense f purpse.
    Vlunteering helps yu meet thers and develp new relatinships. One f the best ways t make new friends and strengthen existing relatinships is t take part in a shared activity. 38 Spending yur time wrking as a vlunteer als helps yu expand yur netwrk and practice scial skills with thers.
    Vlunteering helps yu develp a feeling f gratitude. This scial emtin isn't always the easiest t express due t inherent vulnerability(固有的脆弱性), but it can strengthen relatinships with thse clsest t yu.Vlunteering allws yu t take a step back t lk at the bigger picture, which can help yu realize never take life fr granted and always be appreciative f what yu have. 39
    Vlunteering may reduce stress levels. 40 By enjying time spent in service t thers,yu will feel a sense f meaning and appreciatin, bth given and received, which can have a stress-reducing effect.
    A. What d yu hpe t get ut f vlunteering?
    B. There are many rganizatins that actively seek vlunteers.
    C. It's the little things yu have that give yu a feeling f satisfactin.
    D. Vlunteering teaches valuable skills and gives a sense f purpse.
    E. Vlunteering may strengthen a persn's scial netwrks t relieve stress.
    F. But d yu knw that vlunteering can benefit yur wn health as well?
    G. Vlunteering is a great way t meet new peple wh share cmmn interests with yu.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题 1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    In a small village there lived a lazy Brahmin Ramdas. He wuld d nthing but daydream all day. One sunny afternn, Ramdas was very 41 . He said, “What a beautiful day! Hw I wish I culd g back t sleep. But I have t g ut and get my fd.” After bathing, Ramdas tk ut a bwl and ut t 42 . By begging the whle day he managed t get a pt full f 43 .
    “It is this pt f milk that is ging t make me 44 ,” he thught. “I will use it t make butter. Frm the butter, I will be 45 t make ghee (酥油). I am really clever! I will then g t the 46
    and sell the ghee,” his dream 47 . “With the mney I get, I will buy a pair f gats. They will have
    48 after six mnths. Sn I wuld have an entire herd f gats.”
    “Hw 49 I am,” he thught. “The day I becme a rich businessman I will build a big huse right in the middle f the village. There will be a splendid garden and a swimming pl in frnt f the huse. Early mrning I will 50 in the blue waters f the pl.”
    Deep in his 51 , he struck ut with his ft, breaking the 52 , and drenching (使湿透) himself with the milk. He saw the situatin and cried. He lst whatever he had because f his 53
    and daydreaming.
    Laziness is the biggest 54 f ur life. If yu are lazy, then yu will nt acquire any significant psitin in yur life and will always have nthing. Laziness is a 55 wh slwly steals everything frm us. If yu want t becme successful in yur life and career, please vercme the devil laziness.
    41. A. hungryB. angryC. sickD. curius
    42. A. sellB. beatC. begD. entertain
    43. A. mneyB. supC. waterD. milk
    44. A. wealthyB. happyC. famusD. strange
    45. A. luckyB. capableC. interestedD. particular
    46. A. radB. htelC. marketD. shp
    47. A. changedB. cntinuedC. pausedD. stpped
    48. A. kidsB. hutsC. argumentsD. wunds
    49. A. generusB. handsmeC. braveD. smart
    50. A. batheB. exerciseC. sweepD. surf
    51. A. ideasB. pininsC. thughtsD. expressins
    52. A. heartB. ptC. gheeD. gal
    53. A. sadnessB. lazinessC. carelessnessD. anxiety
    54. A. successB. aimC. partnerD. enemy
    55. A. rbberB. thiefC. murdererD. visitr
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    When Xu Beihng (1895~1953) returned t his hme cuntry in 1927, the painter had lived and studied art in Eurpe fr nearly ten years, primarily in France, 56 has lng been knwn as the “land f art”.
    One f the earliest Chinese 57 (artist) t study fine arts in Eurpe, Xu was well-received in art and educatin cmmunities back hme. It then seemed a natural chice fr him 58 (put) his time and effrt int teaching at art schls 59 hlding exhibitins f mdern Chinese painting.
    60 (tuch) by the bad situatin f his cuntry and 61 (it) peple at that time, Xu spke fr the serius cnditin f the peple thrugh painting. The subjects in his wrks included thse
    62 (live) in muntainus Chngqing wh had t g up and dwn t get water, batmen wrking n the Yangtze River and wmen praying (祈祷) fr the 63 (safe) f husband s wh wrked far away frm hme.
    Fr thse in the art cmmunity, Xu 64 (remember) mstly fr blending (融合) Eastern and Western styles and ding a great jb n the higher educatin f fine arts in China. While fr his peple,
    65 artist is best knwn fr shwing the true life f thse at the grassrts.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是高中生李华,你的英国朋友Peter正在中国留学。在端午节来临之际,请你给他写一封信,邀请他一起过端午节(the Dragn Bat Festival)。内容如下:
    注意: 1. 词数 80 词左右; 2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
    Dear Peter,
    Yurs, Li Hua
    “Is this all I gt?” asked my daughter, Allisn. “I asked fr a new cellphne!”
    “What kind f birthday is this?” asked my sn, Blake.
    Blake and Allisn are twins. Every year, I gave them birthday presents. But they always felt unhappy abut nt receiving smething n their wish list.
    I knew I had smewhat spiled(宠坏)them, but I had n idea it was this bad . I was in shck. Hw self-centered and unappreciative culd my children be?
    I was determined t d smething.
    I fund a family living n a farm that badly needed help. There were fur children in the family aged frm three t eight. I began t visit them every tw mnths.
    Sn, Allisn and Blake’s birthday was drawing near. I decided t intrduce them t the new friends. One day, I wke the kids early and drve them t the farm.
    When we arrived, I tld my children t take tw bags ff the car, f which ne was filled with fd and the ther with many bxes full f presents my children wuld never be satisfied with.
    We were welcmed inside with smiles and appreciatin. Obviusly, Alisn and Blake were shcked by what they saw. I culd guess they had never expected peple wuld live such a difficult life.
    “Lk! Presents fr yu. ”Allisn was trying t make the kids happier.
    With their parents’ permissin(允许), the kids began t pick the bxes up, shake them, and guess what was inside. They were s excited. Allisn and Blake encuraged the kids t pen the bxes. They did. And there were shuts f surprise and jy: a mdel car, chclate …then laughter. Then grateful hugs(拥抱)and sincere “thank-yus” .
    At first Alisn and Blake lked cnfused but sn jined the children. Befre lng, they were laughing, t, prud that they brught happiness there.
    On the way hme, Alisn and Blake were a little quiet. When it was time t g t bed that day, my kids hugged me and said, “Thank yu, Mum. ”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The next year, with their birthday nearing, I asked Alisn and Blake what presents they wanted. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    I agreed and ffered t drive them t the farm. _______________________________________

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