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    专题3 阅读理解推断与细节——2024届高考英语阅读与写作备考策略
    专题3 阅读理解推断与细节——2024届高考英语阅读与写作备考策略01
    专题3 阅读理解推断与细节——2024届高考英语阅读与写作备考策略02
    专题3 阅读理解推断与细节——2024届高考英语阅读与写作备考策略03
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    专题3 阅读理解推断与细节——2024届高考英语阅读与写作备考策略

    这是一份专题3 阅读理解推断与细节——2024届高考英语阅读与写作备考策略,共12页。试卷主要包含了5; …等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    题干中有 infer 或 accrding t
    当题干中有infer 时,如果某选项与原文几乎一摸一样,这时这个选项通常为错误选项
    注意题干中的有效信息 (人物,时间,地点,否定,代词,数词等)
    注意不要答非所问 (选项内容正确,但不能回答问题)
    原文:sme peple are in favr f the device while thers argue that it is useless.
    选项:all the custmers dn’t like the device. (不是所有顾客都喜欢这个设备) 
    原文:the result is anything but satisfactry. (这个结果绝不令人满意)
    选项:the result is satisfying. (这个结果是令人满意的) 
    原文:my father bught me a black pant.
    选项:my father bught me a pant. 
    原文:my father bught me a ty car.
    选项:my father bught me a car.
    原文:it is less visible.
    选项;it is invisible. 
    原文:wet garbage refers t the garbage that breaks dwn easily.
    题目:which f the fllwing is wet garbage?
    选项:A. a brickB. a plastic bttleC. furnitureD. leftver 
    文章尾段 (尤其尾段的最后一部分) 讨论的内容为答案
    3;1/5; 20%; 2.5; …
    three; ne in five; ne fifth; 20 percent; …
    duble; dzen; quarter; scre; …
    But many animals face hard eclgical prblems. Why dn’t they all have large brains? We fund that eclgical prblems nly lead t human-sized brains when individuals can keep learning hard skills as they grw. S ur results and thse f thers’ suggest that hard eclgy and the accumulatin f cultural knwledge culd act tgether t prduce a human-sized brain.
    题:Why dn’t many animals have large brains?
    A. They dn’t learn frm each ther
    B. They dn’t face hard eclgical prblems
    C. They dn’t need t cperate with each ther
    D. They dn’t keep learning tugh skills as they grw
    【解析】本题截取自说明文。虽然题干问的是为什么动物没有large brains,但原文并未用动物进行回答,而是用人类进行对比。由本段第二行和第三行内容可知,人类进化出large brains 是因为在成长过程中学习很难的技能,因此动物没有large brains 是因为动物在成长的过程中没有学习很难得技能。故选D
    注意:B为干扰选项。由本段首句话可知,很多动物都会面临生态问题,只是人和动物在面临生态问题时反应不同,故B 选项错误。
    The device is wrn much like a regular belt, but n the utside f the clthing, it includes sensrs that mnitr the mvement f hips. If the device detects that the persn is falling, an airbag pens befre the persn hits the grund, cushining the fall. When the wearer hits the grund, the bag reduces the frce t the hip bnes by 90 percent, enugh t avid the majrity f hip injuries.
    题:Hw des the device mainly wrk?
    A. By reducing the effects f falling
    B. By speeding up bne recvery
    C. By predicting rad cnditins
    D. By preventing peple frm falling
    We already knw why birds have clred feathers. Fr many birds, the clr f feathers may make them less visible t the enemy by helping then match their surrundings, r mre appealing t ptential mates by helping them stand ut. These aspects are well knwn. A greater mystery has been hw the pattern are created.
    题:What can birds d with their clred feathers?
    A. Settle n right branches
    B. Fit in with their enemies
    C. Draw attentin t pssible mates
    D. Make birds invisible t their enemies
    【解析】本题截取自说明文。本题为同义词转换题型。选项C 中 draw attentin t 对应原文中 appealing t (吸引),pssible mates 对应原文中ptential mates。故选C
    注意:D选项为干扰选项。原文用 less visible (不易看见的) 而选项为 invisible (不可见的),故不能选
    A newly married wman called Gilleece, saying she lst her wallet at his bar with her wedding ring inside. Gilleece lked thrugh camera vides, watching the wman’s every step in the bar until she went t sit n a bench utside and left when her ride arrived. Then a yung man apprached the bench and put smething in his pcket. Gilleece psted several pictures n the bar’s Facebk page, asking if anybdy knew the guy.
    题:What happened t the newly married wman?
    A. She lst the wallet at the bar
    B. She regretted charging Prather
    C. She left her wallet n a bench
    D. Her wallet was stlen by a yung man
    1)A 为干扰选项。本段第一句提及Gilleece 观看视频直至女士走出酒馆,可知丢钱包的地点不是酒馆内,因此A 选项地点状语错误。
    In additin t health centers, Flranthrpie fcuses n cmmunity grups devted t the elderly. Laetitia Theleme is a vlunteer fr Les Petits Fieres, an rganizatin that aims t help the elderly wh dn’t have a supprt system. The grup receives a dzen r s buquets frm Flranthrpie mnthly, and then redistributes them. “Our mtt is ‘flwers befre bread’,” says Theleme. “We dn’t fcus n primary care, but rather n nurishing(滋养)the spirits. Flranthrpie helps us d that. It’s amazing what a big difference a small buquet can make.”
    题:What can we infer abut Flranthrpie frm Laetitia Theleme’s wrds?
    A. It shuld fcus n primary care
    B. It is benefiting mre than the elderly
    C. It is ding smething f great imprtance
    D. It shuld cperate with mre nn-prfit institutin
    Japanese peple are sme f the lngest living peple n the planet, with wmen up t 87 years ld and men up t 80. The Japanese diet is the reasn fr such lengths f life. The diet has many fds that are lw in calries and high in nutrients. Japanese peple eat a lt f seaweed, tfu, rice, vegetables and fish. The traditin there is t stp eating when yur stmach feels 80 percent full.
    题:What is cnsidered as a harmful eating habit in Japanese traditin?
    A. Ging lw in calries
    B. Eating t the fullest
    C. Having much seafd
    D. Picking many fd
    D all animals dream? Frm lking at the brain waves f sleeping animals, hw ften animals dream seems t be tied t bdy size. Cats dream abut every 15 minutes, mice every 9 minutes, and elephants every 2 hurs. And thugh cws and hrses usually sleep standing up, they nly dream when lying dwn.
    题:Which animal may dream mst frequently?
    A. Rats B. Dgs C. Cws D. Elephants
    Building n these results, fr the secnd experiment they tested whether the hrses’ behavir changed in ther situatins and findings were as fllws: The hrses gave mre signals if the caretaker hadn’t watched the fd being hidden than if the caretaker had, suggesting that hrses can change their behavir in respnse t the knwledge levels f humans
    题:Which f the fllwing affected the hrses’ behavir in the study?
    A. The number f carrts
    B. The clr and size f the cntainer
    C. The physical appearance
    D. The caretaker’s knwledge f the hidden fd
    S, des speed reading wrk? Well, yes and n. it really depends n what yu are reading and why yu need t read it. As yet, there isn’t a trick that enables yu t read a piece f text bth quickly and accurately—there’s always ging t be a trade-ff.
    题:What might the writer cntinue t talk abut?
    A. The advantages f faster r slwer reading
    B. The reasn why t d faster r slwer reading
    C. The cases where t d faster and slwer reading
    D. The methds fr making use f faster r slwer readin
    In mre ways than ne, Trnt is given far less credit than it really deserves. But Trnt has its wn reasns t pull yu in. the city is ever changing and sme new attractins pp up every year.
    题:Hw may average turists feel abut Trnt?
    A. It deserves a visit
    B. It develps very slwly
    C. It has few new attractins
    D. It is a fairly plain place
    Billy was taken t the Christchurch Penguin Rehabilitatin Center after being retrieved frm the beach. Vlunteers believe the bird may actually be a female penguin, and is arund 2 mnths ld. The chick weights a mere 550 grams, less than a standard basketball. A blue penguin shuld weigh arund 900 grams at this age. Mst little penguins grw up t weigh 1 kilgram.
    题:It can be inferred frm the text that Billy ( ).
    A. is a female penguin
    B. has expressed its thanks
    C. weights less fr its age
    D. prefers living n the beach
    Amng the mst ppular apps are Duling and Busuu. Previus research fund psitive results n the use f them. But these apps mainly cncentrated n study with learners wh had signed up fr language curses, and they nly wrked as after-schl supprt, s the results were nt always reliable. A recent study f 4,095 Busuu users has been carried ut aimed t find ut if users can actually learn a language with an app.
    题:The results f the frmer research weren’t always dependable because ( ).
    A. it was nly carried ut befre lass
    B. it didn’t cnsider users in class
    C. it just fcused n psitive results
    D. it used ut-f-date methds
    “At first, I just drew everything,” Sha said. “But I sn fund that sticking t traditinal thughts and skills f Chinese paintings wuld limit my develpment as a prfessinal painter, s I decided t develp my wn style.”
    In the late 1980s, experimentalism became ppular amng ink paintings and inspired Sha. “In 1995, I tried t draw experimental paintings. The initial wrks came ut by chance.” Sha said. “On ne ccasin, I came back t Beijing by train. When the train apprached the statin, I saw the view utside the windw change cmpletely. Rubbish had started piling up alng the tracks f the city. It was a shcking scene fr me.”
    题:What can we infer frm the tw paragraphs?
    A. Sha wasn’t a prfessinal painter
    B. Sha wrked hard t becme ppular
    C. He funded experimentalism
    D. Sha wanted t break with traditinal painting
    Cnditins in the US are nwhere near suitable fr entering a cashless sciety; t many peple wuld be left behind. Yur yung friend may be happy t accept mney via PayPal r anther app, yur café may use an iPad instead f a cash register, but landlrds(房东)in lw-incme areas still prefer mney rders. It’s cnvenient fr cnsumers t charge, say, an uting t the nail saln(美发沙龙)--but when yu add the tip t yur credit card bill, it may never make it t the wrker.
    题:Wh wuld prbably prefer t be paid in cash?
    A. A landlrd in a develped area
    B. A café wner
    C. A yung persn
    D. A wrker in a nail saln
    Dr. Ismael Galvan and his team f expert researchers studied the clr f feathers t see what types f clrs were present in birds’ cmplex feather patterns. It turns ut t be tw types f pigments (色素) mainly: melanin (黑色素), which prduces a range f black, grey, brwn, and range clrs, and cartenids (类胡萝卜素),which are used by specialized feather structures t create brighter clrs.
    Birds cannt prduce cartenids n their wn. Fr feathers with bright clrs, birds must cnsume fd items that cntain these pigments, and the cartenids circulate thrugh the bldstream t the feather. Melanin, n the ther hand, is prduced in special cells in the birds’ bdies.
    题:What can we knw in Dr Ismael Galvan’s study?
    A. Melanin can prduce a variety f bright clrs
    B. Birds can create cartenids in their wn bdies
    C. Birds take fd cntaining cartenids t create bright clrs
    D. Melanin and cartenids ae fund in special cells f birds
    Farmers bring their prducts in bats t the markets and sell them t lcal dealers directly frm their bats, withut setting up shps. That way they can quickly sell their prducts and return t their hme. The lcal dealers buy the prducts and sell them t shps in the neighbring twns r t whlesalers (批发商) frm big twns. Flating markets are als a big turist draw.
    题:Hw des the business wrk in the flating market?
    A. Farmers sell their prducts t the whlesalers
    B. The whlesalers buy prducts frm the bats
    C. Prducts are sld t the lcal dealers frm bats
    D. Lcal dealers buy farmers’ prducts frm the shp
    Overcming language barriers can be ne f the mst difficult parts f a hliday, particularly when in unfamiliar surrundings. S stressful in the fact that 10% f respndents said they didn’t travel because f the prblem. The survey by Hstelwrld shwed that ne in five blamed getting lst n the language barrier, while a similar number had prblems rdering fd and ne in ten gt n the wrng train, plane r ther frm f transprtatin. If languages weren’t an issue then ne in eight (12%) Brits wuld visit Japan. China, Italy and Russia were als ppular chices. Despite the cmmunicatin prblem, Japan has seen a 7.5% increase in the number f British visitrs between January and April, cmpared t this time last year.
    题:Hw many Brits can’t rder fd crrectly because f language barriers?
    A. Abut 10% B. Abut 12% C. Abut 20% D. Abut 21%
    This idea isn’t ppular, especially with thse wh feel they’re already wrking busily. Actually cmplex tasks demand mre f ur wrking memry and attentin, with little mental distractin. We get bred when ur skills g beynd the demands f ur wrk. And we feel anxius when the demands f a task g beynd ur skills. Understanding yur skill level, and matching this with a wrthy task will make yu mre likely t be fully devted t yur wrk. Besides questining the cmplexity f tasks, it’s wrth reflecting n whether yu have enugh wrk t d in general. If nt, yu’re inviting distractin.
    题:When will we feel anxius at wrk?
    A. When we dn’t have enugh tasks t d
    B. When ur ability can’t meet jb requirements
    C. When we are busy with wrk fr a lng while
    D. When we spend t much time n scial media
    In Eurpe and the United States, many peple drink cffee and tea at temperatures arund 60 degrees Celsius. And they ften add milk which lwers the temperature cnsiderably. Hwever, tea drinkers in Suth America ften enjy their beverages at clser t 70 degrees Celsius. In 1991, the Wrld Health Organizatin listed cffee as “pssibly carcingenic”. WHO fficials have since changed their psitin n that listing. They nw suggest that the temperature f yur ht drink is a greater risk factr than the actual drink itself.
    题:Why did the WHO remve cffee frm “pssibly carcingenic list?”
    A. Because peple dn’t like cffee any lnger
    B. Because peple drink cffee at 60 degrees Celsius
    C. Because cffee has nthing t d with cancers
    D. Because temperature is mre dangerus than cffee itself
    C. 本题截取自记叙文。由本段中的It’s amazing what a big difference a small buquet can make 得知,Flranthrpie 给老人们的生活带来了很大的作用和变化,故选C。
    注意:A 选项错误,段落第四行提及 we dn’t fcus n primary care;B选项错误,段落第二行提及 … aims t help elderly …, 选项种 mre than 意为不仅仅,因此修饰词错误。
    B. 本题截取自说明文。由本段最后一句中 The traditin there is t stp eating when yur stmach feels 80 percent full 得知,日本的传统是吃八分饱,因此吃的很饱在日本被认为是不良饮食习惯。
    A. 本题截取自说明文。题干问及那种动物做梦最频繁,即间隙时间最短,由本段中内容得知,老鼠每九分钟一次,猫每15分钟一次,大象每两小时一次,故选A。
    D. 本题截取自说明文。由本段中 … the findings were as fllws: … 可知冒号后即为答案。D选项与原文一致,故选D。
    C. 本题截取自议论文尾段。由本段中 As yet, there isn’t a trick that enables yu t read a piece f text bth quickly and accurately … 得知,尾段在讨论没有一中技巧可以在阅读时既快速又准确,因此接下来文章应该说明在何种情况下选择快速阅读还是慢速阅读,故选C。
    D. 本题截取自应用文。由本段二段首句 Trnt is given far less credit than it really deserves 得知,多伦多是一个值得夸赞的地方,但人们却没有给予它相应的夸赞,因此人们对于多伦多的印象是这是一个普通的地方,故选D。
    C. 本题截取自说明文。根据本段中的 The chick weights a mere 550 grams, … A blue penguin shuld weight arund 900 grams at this age. 可知,Billy 比它同年龄的企鹅要轻,故选C。
    注意:A选项错误,原文中提及 may actually be a female penguin 只说可能是,并未确定,选项中修饰词删减后意义不同。
    B. 本题截取自说明文。由本段第三行中的 … they nly wrked as after-schl supprt, s the results were nt always reliable 得知,前后为因果关系,所以前半句为答案,故选B。
    D. 本题截取自记叙文。由第一段的直接引语得知他认为传统绘画想法和技巧限制了自己作为职业画家的发展,因此决定打破传统绘画的束缚,故选D。
    D. 本题截取自说明文。由本段最后一句可知对于美容美发店员来说,通过信用卡支付是不起作用的,故选D。
    注意:A选项错误,地点状语替换不符合原文:原文中的地点状语是in lw-incme area, 而选项中是 in develped area
    C. 本题截取自说明文。由这两段可知,鸟类羽毛颜色由两种色素组成:黑色素和类胡萝卜素。其中黑色素对应暗色,类胡萝卜素对应亮色,且类胡萝卜素不能在体内产生,需要摄取相应食物。故选C。
    C. 本题截取自说明文。由本段内容得知,当地农民用船把货物运到市场,从穿上直接卖给零售商,零售商再把货物卖给商店或经销商,故选C
    C. 本题截取自说明文。由本段第三行 … ne in five blamed getting lst n the language barrier, while a similar number had prblems rdering fd 得知 有五分之一即20%的人因语言障碍订餐错误,故选 C。
    B. 本题截取自议论文。由本段第三行中的 And we feel anxius when the demands f a task g beynd ur skills 得知当工作眼球超出了我们的能力范围时我们会感到焦虑。故选B。
    D. 本题截取自说明文。由本段最后一句得知世界卫生组织将咖啡从致癌清单中去掉是因为相比咖啡本身,热饮的温度对健康影响更大,故选D。

    专题8 阅读理解七选五——2024届高考英语阅读与写作备考策略: 这是一份专题8 阅读理解七选五——2024届高考英语阅读与写作备考策略,共13页。试卷主要包含了Ask questins等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    专题7 阅读理解原因、目的与作用——2024届高考英语阅读与写作备考策略: 这是一份专题7 阅读理解原因、目的与作用——2024届高考英语阅读与写作备考策略,共11页。

    专题6 阅读理解态度与看法——2024届高考英语阅读与写作备考策略: 这是一份专题6 阅读理解态度与看法——2024届高考英语阅读与写作备考策略,共12页。






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        专题3 阅读理解推断与细节——2024届高考英语阅读与写作备考策略
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