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    第一节 (共5小题; 每小题 1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中给出的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What happened t the man?
    A. He was rescued n the 16th flr.
    B. He pressed the wrng buttn.
    C. He gt stuck in the lift.
    2. Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. At a bank. B. In a small shp. C. At a plice statin.
    3. What is the man ding?
    A. Making an aplgy.
    B. Cmplaining abut smething.
    C. Asking fr sme infrmatin.
    4. What can be cncluded frm this cnversatin?
    A. Smking is strictly frbidden in this waiting rm.
    B. The wman is bthered by thers' heavy smking.
    C. The waiting rm is n fire and full f smke.
    5. What is the man's purpse in meeting the wman?
    A. T apply fr a jb.
    B. T find ut the wman's psitin.
    C. T shw his hbbies t the wman.
    第二节 (共 15小题; 每小题 1.5分, 满分 22.5 分)
    听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第6段材料, 回答第6至7 题。
    6. What happened t the wman?
    A. Her gldfish died. B. Her pets ran away. C. Her brther passed away.
    7. What is the man's attitude?
    A. He is angry.
    B. He is understanding.
    C. He thinks the wman is t emtinal.
    听第7段材料, 回答第8至9题。
    8. What des the man plan t d?
    A. Graduate early. B. G n t cllege. C. Get a jb right after schl.
    9. Hw des the wman feel abut the man's news?
    A. She is pleased. B. She is surprised. C. She is indifferent.
    听第8段材料, 回答第10至 12题。
    10. Hw did the man knw abut the wman's perfrmance?
    A. By watching TV. B. By surfing the Internet. C. By reading the newspaper.
    11. What can we learn abut the wman?
    A. She is ill. B. She has traveled a lt. C. She has a lt f mney.
    12. What is the wman planning t d?
    A. Play with disabled children.
    B. Imprve her playing skill.
    C. Run a special schl.
    听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。
    13. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She seldm wrks hard at schl.
    B. Her parents are well-ff.
    C. She is t stressed.
    l4. What is the man's prblem?
    A. He desn't knw what t majr in at cllege.
    B. He is very pr in English grammar.
    C. He is much t ideal.
    15. What is the wman's first suggestin fr the man imprving English?
    A. T listen t the teacher attentively in class.
    B. T take an additinal curse.
    C. T face the reality.
    16. What is Jy Chain?
    A. A set f pleasant chains.
    B. The wman's ideal cllege.
    C. A training center during hlidays.
    听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。
    17. Wh is the talk intended fr?
    A. Men. B. Husewives. C. Students.
    18. Why did Mrs. Edwards g back t the market after her shpping?
    A. She wanted t be the lucky custmer.
    B. She had t pay fr her shpping.
    C. She frgt t buy tea.
    19. What did Mrs. Edwards get free f charge?
    A. Everything she had bught.
    B. A shpping basket.
    C. A bag f tea.
    20. What can we in fer frm the stry?
    A. Ntice fr free gds is ften just a trick.
    B. Gds in the supermarkets are cheaper.
    C. Our lucky dream can cme true.
    第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)
    第一节(共15 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    Great Smky Muntains Natinal Park
    Range upn range f frest lies n the brder between Nrth Carlina and Tennessee in Great Smky Muntains Natinal Park. Wrld famus fr its diversity f plant and animal life and the beauty f its ancient muntains, this is America’s mst visited natinal park. Plan yur visit tday!
    Bears in the Smkies
    The Smkies is ne f the largest prtected areas where black bears can live in wild, natural surrundings. They are mst energetic during early mrning and late evening hurs in spring and summer. What deserves a special mentin is that mre than 1,500 bears live in the park, which equals a ppulatin density(密度) f nearly tw bears per square mile. If yu see a bear, remain watchful.
    Abrams Falls
    Althugh Abrams Falls is nly 20 feet high, the large vlume f water rushing ver falls mre than makes up fr its lack f height. The lng, deep pl at its base is very breathtaking. Due t strng water currents, swimming in it is extremely dangerus. Dn't be the next victim!
    Histric Buildings
    The Smkies hlds ne f the best cllectins f lg (圆木) buildings. Over 90 histric structures—huses, churches and schls have been well preserved in the park. Self-guiding tur brchures(小册子) are available at each place t better yur visit.
    Frequently A sked Questins
    1. Where can I camp in the park?
    The park ffers 10 develped campgrunds fr tent campers. Campsites fr large grups are als available in many campgrunds. Advance reservatins are required.
    2. Can I hld my wedding r ther special events in the park?
    Weddings and ther special events require a permit.
    21. What is special abut the bears in the Smkies?
    A. They are gentle by nature. B. They are kept in the cage.
    C. They are huge in number. D. They are active in the fall.
    22. Which f the fllwing des the park prvide?
    A. Meals. B. Cameras. C. Camping tents. D. Travel bklets.
    23. What is required if peple want t camp in the park?
    A. Get a bklet. B. Cme in grups. C. Ask fr a permit. D. Bk in advance.
    Bb Stcktn, my father-in-law, bserved his 80th birthday in Nvember 2019. Bb lved sprts and was an enthusiastic Yankees (an American prfessinal baseball team based in the New Yrk City) fan, s it was n wnder that ver the years, he was an avid(热切的) listener t WEAN radi and, in particular, the afternn shw hsted by Mike Francesa.
    Bb had health issues in his later years that limited his mbility, and when he lst his eyesight three years ag, his attachment t his radi and Francesa became mre prnunced. He just lved listening t Mike talk abut sprts and his Yankees each afternn. Thse hurs brught him s much pleasure.
    Of curse, Mike will be leaving n Dec. 15,2020 after 30 years at the statin. Mike lives in the same cmmunity where I wrk n Lng Island, and I have gtten t knw him ver the past20 years. S when my father-in-law was appraching his special birthday last year, I asked Mike fr a favr: t call Bb and wish him a happy birthday.
    Mike agreed withut hesitatin. Tw days befre the special day, Mike stpped at my wrkplace. I called Bb at his nursing hme and put Mike n the phne. It was a cmplete surprise t Bb. Mike spent mre than 10 minutes wishing Bb a happy birthday and, f curse, talking abut the Yankees.
    When my family celebrated Bb's birthday tw days later, he culdn't stp talking abut the phne call. Over his lifetime. he said it was ne f the nicest things anyne had ever dne fr him. Unfrtunately, Bb's health declined(衰退) and he passed away n July 13,2020. But even in his final mnths in the hspital and nursing hme, he always had a radi set t WEAN t listeneach afternn t Mike Francesa. And he als had the memry f that special phne call fr his80th birthday.
    24. What habit did Bb keep fr years?
    A. Playing baseball. B. Listening t a sprts prgram.
    C. Checking his eyesight regularly. D. Leading rganized cheering fr the Yankees.
    25. What des the underlined wrd “prnunced” in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Obvius. B. Cnfused. C. Imprtant. D. Ordinary.
    26. What wrd can describe the authr?
    A. Hnest. B. Caring. C. Patient. D. Independent.
    27. What's the best title fr the text?
    A. A Special Gift B. The Call Finally Arrived
    C. The Big Dream Came True D. An Unfrgettable Birthday Party
    It is generally assumed that ne can't have t many friends. But it seems that there is a natural limit t the number f peple we stay in tuch with. A study fund that when we make new friends, by starting a new jb r ging t university, we dwngrade r even drp ld nes. And while the friends may change, the number stays almst the same.
    Oxfrd University researcher Felix Reed-Tschas asked 24 students in the final mnths f schl t list all their friends and relatives and say hw clse t them they were. The pupils filled in the questinnaire(问卷) twice mre after starting wrk r ging t university. They were als given free mbile phnes and agreed that researchers culd use their bills t wrk ut wh they called, when and fr hw lng.
    Putting the tw pieces f infrmatin tgether shwed, unsurprisingly, that mst peple have a small circle f clse friends, wh they spend mst f their time talking t. This inner circle is surrunded by grup after grup f ever mre distant friends. As the vlunteers' lives changed, this verall pattern, including the number f best friends, remained almst the same, meaning that sme clse friends frm childhd were drpped r dwngraded as new friendships were built.
    Dr Reed-Tschas said, “Maybe my best friend is n lnger the same persn but the amunt f time I allcate(分配) t my best friend is still the same.” He added that this finding suggests that even with the cming f mdern technlgy we are nly capable f frming a limited number f true friendships.
    Chester University research er Dr Sam Rbert s said, “Our results are likely t reflect limitatins in the ability f humans t keep emtinally clse relatinships bth because f limited time and because the emtinal capital(情绪资本) that individuals can allcate between family members and friends is limited.”
    28. Accrding t Paragraph 1, what is a ppular belief abut making friends?
    A. A friend in need is a friend indeed. B. We shuld treat friends as ur family.
    C. The mre friends we make, the better. D. A friend t everybdy is a friend t nbdy.
    29. Which is a methd Dr Reed-Tschas used in his study?
    A. Checking the vlunteers' call recrds. B. Learning abut the vlunteers' hbbies.
    C. Tracking the vlunteers' jb perfrmance. D. Interviewing the vlunteers' schlmates.
    30. What did the researchers find frm the study?
    A. One's attitude t friendship remains the same.
    B. Peple attach great imprtance t friendships.
    C. Peple rarely drp their ld friends t make new nes.
    D. The number f ne's best friends desn't change much.
    31. What is the functin f the last paragraph?
    A. T add backgrund infrmatin. B. T give a pssible explanatin.
    C. T ffer sme suggestins. D. T intrduce a new tpic.
    Students used t be taught shp classes, in which they learned skills like wdwrking. Nwadays, mst schls have given up shp class in favr f academic subjects. Hwever, the Natinal Science Fundatin STEM Guitar Prject thinks that academic subjects and carpentry(木匠活) can be cmbined. This rganizatin aims t get students excited abut science, math, and arts all at nce, by teaching students hw t make a guitar.
    Experts frecast that technical skills like this ne culd be in great demand in the future. Unfrtunately, many high schls dn't ffer students access t mechanical design skills, due t the fact that they are nt n the list f standardized subjects and the schls can't scientifically assess students' perfrmance. But, is STEM really needed in rder t build a guitar? Actually, it’s impssible t make a guitar withut knwing science and math.
    Jshua Cruz, a design teacher, said that building a guitar als teaches trubleshting and prblem-slving skills. He thinks the STEM Guitar Prject prvides pprtunities t challenge students t apply their wn creativity t STEM prblems. “I'm still figuring ut hw we can apply it,” Cruz explained. “I think we're ging t use a lt f the same theries behind hw strings and stringed instruments wrk and try and get them t make stringed instruments f their wn, and thus imprve their academic perfrmance.”
    Because f its effectiveness and creativity, the guitar initiative(倡议) was ffered the Gerhard Salinger award, which recgnizes utstanding STEM schl prgrams. “Thrugh this prject, we have becme part f this cmmunity f businessmen, engineers and artisans,” said Mark French, ne f the six peple wh received the award fr his wrk with STEM guitar. “It's a great grup and I'm pleased t be part f it. I get t cmbine smething I lve ding with an activity that really makes the wrld a little bit better place. It really des help peple.”
    Thanks t peple like Mark French, and t the STEM Guitar Prject, the wrld is a little bit f a better, mre educated, and mre musical place.
    32. Why are mechanical design skills unavailable t high schl students?
    A. Students are nt excited abut these skills.
    B. Students' perfrmance can't be prperly evaluated.
    C. They are nt necessary fr the students' grwth.
    D. They are f n help t students' academic perfrmance.
    33. What benefit can students get frm building a guitar?
    A. The ability t find faults with thers.
    B. The skills f making a guitar independently.
    C. The pprtunity t challenge scientific theries.
    D. The imprvement f creativity and learning ability.
    34. What is Mark French’s attitude twards the STEM Guitar Prject?
    A. Critical B. Indifferent C. Psitive D. Dubtful
    35. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The cmbinatin f skills in a prject
    B. The award fr the STEM Guitar Prject
    C. The STEM Guitar Prject prmtes Music
    D. The STEM Guitar Prject benefits students
    第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分 12.5分)
    Chices Cntribute t Success
    The directin f ur lives is determined by the chices we make every day. The fllwing chices will cntribute t persnal success alng with the ability t achieve financial freedm.
    Chse t be psitive
    A psitive mental attitude will put yu miles ahead f yur peers. 36. It is mre valuable than skills. Chse a psitive attitude and things will start t wrk fr yu.
    If yu dn't knw what yur bad habits are, yur friends and family can always tell yu. Take the big nes first, then make every effrt t break them and always replace them with new psitive nes.
    Chse t wrk smarter
    Many peple think their lives are ut f balance and that they dn't have enugh time t d everything they want t. 38. Therefre, learning sme gd time management techniques, such as setting up a schedule and sticking t it, will make yur life flw better.
    Chse t give yur wrk a sense f purpse
    Helping and encuraging ther peple will nt nly make yur life be mre meaningful, but it will als make yu mre mney. If yu put yur effrts int helping thers, then the financial part f life takes care f itself. 39.
    Chse t s w mre than yu harvest
    40, but ur lives will be better as we becme givers and serve the wrld as givers. Yu want t learn t becme unselfish with yurself and learn t give yur time, yur mney, and, f curse, yur lve.
    A. Chse t treat friends right
    B. Chse t break a bad habit
    C. There are many takers in this wrld
    D. Yur attitude determines yur altitude
    E. Nt all the peple in the wrld are selfish by nature
    F. Spend yur time helping thers grw and yur finances will grw with it
    G. Abve all, yu need t be aware f the time that yu might be wasting by ding fruitless activities
    第三部分:完形填空(共15个小题,每小题1分, 满分15分)
    It was last year in Nvember that my family and I tk ur first camping trip. My whle family 41, which was the mst imprtant part f the trip fr me. My siblings(兄弟姐妹)are grwn-ups with different 42 , which makes it difficult fr us t 43 an activity like this.
    We had just set up the tent when it suddenly started raining. 44, we had psitined the tent n a high flat surface where 45 culd nt cme int ur tent. Even with the rain, I had never been happier.
    While we were all 46 the sund f the rain, my mm cked a warm meal fr the family. Over the dinner, my father tld us 47 stries abut his childhd, which made us burst int laughter. At night, it was a bit cld. My sisters and I grabbed a 48 and chatted abut ur daily life. Sn, a ht meal and a gd 49 warmed us up.
    I realized hw 50 it was camping under the sund f the rain. I came t understand why my parents were s 51 abut camping.
    The next day, we 52 ur belngings and headed hme. I'm very 53 fr this camping trip. Nt nly did I experience the beauty f the frest, but I als learned that even if the 54 is nt the best fr camping, we can get used t Mther Nature as a family t make unfrgettable 55.
    41. A. cheered up B. ran away C. gt tgether D. turn in
    42. A. lives B. principles C. prblems D. abilities
    43. A. reprt B. pstpne C. plan D. recgnize
    44. A. Strangely B. Similarly C. Obviusly D. Frtunately
    45. A. wind B. water C. animals D. hikers
    46. A. expecting B. describing C. enjying D. imagining
    47. A. tuching B. awful C. shcking D. funny
    48. A. blanket B. basket C. phne D. tent
    49. A. track B. game C. cnversatin D. dream
    50. A. infrmal B. unique C. expensive D. ppular
    51. A. particular B. disappinted C. bitter D. enthusiastic
    52. A. packed up B. picked ut C. left behind D. set aside
    53. A. eager B. thankful C. srry D. suitable
    54. A. schedule B. seasn C. facility D. weather
    55. A. summaries B. memries C. lessns D. reactins
    56. Jane wanted t buy a new huse, but she had t the fact that she culdn't affrd it.
    A. settle in B. settle dwn C. settle fr D. settle n
    57. The educatin refrm carried n by the Chinese gvernment is n an scale(规模)and will have a great influence upn millins f students.
    A. individual B. typical C. enrmus D. bvius
    58. It is unbelievable that Mr. Smith still leads a simple life his great wealth.
    A. except B. thugh C. as D. despite
    59. At the meeting they discussed three different t the study f mathematics.
    A. methds B. appraches C. ways D. means
    60. The clr f the shirt me well, but the size desn'tme.
    A. fits; suit B. fits; match C. suits; fit D. matches; suit
    61. Hethe invitatin t stay fr lunch because he had t hurry back fr a class.
    A. turned up B. turned ut C. turned in D. turned dwn
    62. Bb mved t anther city last year, but still a gd relatinship with his ld neighbrs currently.
    A. delivers B. enables C. maintains D. acquires
    63. Yu can't clse the airprt because ne airline has prblems. That's just .
    A. thrwing the baby ut with the bathwater B. having a frg in my thrat
    C. jumping in with bth feet D. having butterflies in my stmach
    64. Studies suggest that regular intake f the vitamin canimprve intelligence.
    A. respectively B. bitterly C. significantly D. currently
    65. If yu want t make an with Dr. Blake, yu shuld call his secretary first.
    A. assumptin B. atmsphere C. admiratin D. appintment
    66. A range f lectures were arrangedthe aim f discussing the impact f scial media sprts event.
    A. with; n B. by; n C. with; t D. by; t
    67. The president f the Wrld Bank says he has a fr China, which he remembers starting as early as his childhd.
    A. panic B. pine C. passin D. patience
    68. Peple tend very angry when asked t pstpne n a hliday trip t d extra wrk.
    A. t get; ging B. t get; t g
    C. t getting; ging D. t getting; t g
    69. Mr. Smith fr Shanghai in a few days. D yu knw when the earliest planen Mnday?
    A. is leaving; is taking ff B. leaves; takes ff
    C. is leaving; takes ff D. leaves; is taking ff
    70. I'd like t thank Prfessr Smith, withut help I wuld never gt this far.
    A. his B. whse C. which D. whm
    71. (judge) frm the happy smiles n the faces f students, they enjyed the lecture given by the teacher.
    72. It has been pinted ut that what plays a vital rle in driving away ne's (anxius) is ne's sweet childhd memries.
    73. I have t g t wrk by taxi tday because my car (repair) at the garage.
    74. The girl (strike) a match and the warm light filled the rm immediately.
    75. He drew much (inspire) frm art prduced by children and by primitive cultures.
    76. He's well aware f his (strng) and weaknesses as an artist.
    77. If yu want t be a successful businessman, yu need t be familiar the market trends and cnsumer behavir.
    78. The reprt cncluded that they had n ptin but (clse) the labratry.
    79. This is the first time that we (exchange) ur views n these prblems and I hpe this is nt the last.
    80. I'm terribly srry, but this is the best reasn I culd give fr causing such incnvenience t yu all.
    21 世纪英文报正在组织以“A Surprise fr Mum”为题的作文比赛,请你写一篇短文参赛, 内容包括:
    1. 给妈妈准备惊喜的缘由;
    2. 简述准备惊喜的过程;
    3. 描述妈妈见到惊喜后的感受。
    1.词数 100 左右;
    3. 短文题目已为你写好。
    A Surprise fr Mum
    哈三中 2023-2024学年度上学期
    第一部分: 听力
    1-5 CABBA 6-10 ACCBC 11-15 BCCBA 16-20 CBCCC
    21-23 CDD 24-27 BABA 28-31 CADB 32-35BDCD
    36-40 DBGFC
    41-45 CACDB 46-50 CDACB 51-55 DABDB
    56-60 CCDBC 61-65 DCACD 66-70 ACACB
    71. Judging 72. anxiety 73. is being repaired 74. struck 75. inspiratin
    76. strengths 77. with 78. t clse 79 . have exchanged 80. that
    My mther is a busy wman, wh wrks hard t supprt the family and take care f us. The ther day, I suddenly nticed that wrinkles were creeping arund her eye crners and her hair was als turning gray. It ccurred t me that it's time that I did smething t repay her lve and sacrifice. I knew that she was always ccupied with husehld chres n weekends, s I cleaned up the rm and did the laundry. Then, I even cked a special dinner fr her. It was a recipe she had always lved, but rarely had time t make.
    Seeing what I did fr her, my mm was tuched and hugged me tightly with tears in her eyes. I hpe the mment will stick in her mind frever, making her the happiest mther in the wrld.
    Text l
    M: ①I was stuck between the 15th and 16th flrs.
    W: Oh, really? What did yu d then?
    M: I pressed the emergency buttn! And then I stayed in the lift waiting until the rescues came.
    Text 2
    W: What can I d fr yu?
    M: ②Can yu cash this check fr me? I want t make a purchase, and it has t be paid in cash.
    Text 3
    M: ③I'm very unhappy with the service here. I was treated very badly by a rude waiter.
    W: I'm srry t hear that. I'll lk int this matter at nce.
    Text 4
    W: ④The waiting rm is filled with smke. I can hardly breathe.
    M: I agree. Smking shuldn't be allwed in this rm.
    Text 5
    W: Take a seat. Mr. Brwn.⑤Culd yu tell me which psitin mst interests yu?
    M: As fr me, I'm interested in the pst f sales manager, if yu think I'm fit.
    Text 6
    W: This is the wrst day f my life! I can't believe hw unfair the wrld is!
    M: OK,OK...⑥I knw yu really liked thse gldfish, but death is a part f life, yu knw?
    W: Easy fr yu t say! Yu didn't just lse yur best friends!
    M: Cme n, ⑦we're talking abut fish here, nt peple! It's nt that big a deal.
    W: Oh, yu dn't understand. Nbdy des! I guess I'll just have t plan the funeral by myself.
    M: ⑦Funeral?
    Text 7
    W: D yu knw which clleges yu are applying t next year?
    M: Actually, I'm nt ging t cllege. Instead, ④I'm ging t get a gd jb, which pay s a lt f mney.
    W: ③What? Yu are s crazy. Will yur parents allw that? Yu've attended this expensive private schl fr fur years. Everyne wh graduates frm here ges n t cllege.
    M: Yeah, my parents wn't be happy abut it. But I think they will understand me later.
    Text 8
    M: I'd like t cngratulate yu n yur wnderful perfrmance.
    W: Thank yu very much.
    M: ⑯I read abut yu in the newspaper and decide t cme. Yu played s beautifully. Whatare yur next plans?
    W: ⑪At present I'm giving a lt f cncerts. Frtunately peple want t cme and hear me play, but I'm getting very tired f traveling.
    M: Why d yu have t wrk s hard?
    W: ⑫I'm planning t start a schl, s I'm trying t earn as much mney as pssible.
    M: What kind f schl?
    W: ⑫A music schl fr disabled children. I think they have the right t receive educatin like nrmal children. At the mment there are very few such schls in my cuntry. Unfrtunately it will cst a lt f mney.
    M: But I think a lt f peple will supprt yu, and I'm sure yur dream will cme true.
    Text 9
    W: ⑬I've been s stressed these days.
    M: What's the matter? Are yu OK?
    W: I dn't knw where t g fr cllege, and what t majr in.
    M: Yu always wrry t much abut everything. Yu are gd enugh. Yu can g t the ideal cllege.
    W: OK, I knw.
    M: Oh, I have t imprve my English, ⑭I still get cnfused abut sme simple grammar. Since yu are quite gd at it, d yu have any suggestins?
    W: En, ⑮first yu shuld be cncentrated n what the teacher said in class. Secnd, I suggest yu taking an additinal curse in sme training center.
    M: Is the training center helpful?
    W:I think s. ⑯ Because I've taken ne t imprve my ral English during summer vacatin.
    M: ⑯S what's the name f that training center?
    W: ⑯It is called Jy Chain.
    Text 10
    ⑰All the husewives wh g t the new supermarket have ne great hpe: t be the lucky custmer wh des nt have t pay fr shpping, fr this is what the ntice just inside says.
    ⑳Fr several weeks, Mrs. Edwards hped, like many f her friends, t be the lucky custmer. She dreamed f the day when the manager f the supermarket wuld cme t her and say, “Madam, this is yur lucky day. Everything in yur basket is free.”

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