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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    答案是 C。
    1. What are the speakers ding nw?
    A. Discussing a painting. B. Admiring a view.
    C. Ding a breath exercise.
    2. Where are the speakers mst prbably?
    A. In a restaurant. B. On the plane. C. In the classrm.
    3. What des the man think f the wman?
    A. She lks s pretty. B. She is a little lazy. C. She is t nervus.
    4. What des the man intend t d?
    A. Start a new jb. B. Build up his vcabulary.
    C. Finish a practice bk.
    5. In which cuntry is it OK t shw up late?
    A. Italy. B. Switzerland. C. Germany.
    6. What is the fictin Anther Reality abut?
    A. Kids’ discvery. B. A respectful scientist.
    C. Space travel.
    7. What is the authr famus fr?
    A. Humrus language. B. Cmplex ideas.
    C. Mving stries.
    8. What is the matter with the car?
    A. It is making a nise. B. It is running ut f gas.
    C. Its radi desn’t wrk.
    9. Why did the man suggest stpping at the gas statin?
    A. T refuel the car. B. T ask fr directins.
    C. T check his car.
    听第8段材料,回答第10 至 12题。
    10. What interests the man mst?
    A. Chinese histry. B. Chinese pera. C. Chinese music.
    11. Why des the man learn Chinese petry and nvels?
    A. T develp a new interest.
    B. T take part in a cmpetitin.
    C. T get a better understanding.
    12. What impresses the man abut Chinese literature?
    A. Imaginatin. B. Language. C. Develpment.
    听第9段材料,回答第13 至 16题。
    13. Hw des the man feel abut playing a game?
    A. Stressed. B. Curius. C. Relaxed.
    14. What sprt des the wman mst like t watch?
    A. Ftball. B. Basketball. C. Ice hckey.
    15. What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A. D sme sprts. B. Watch mre matches.
    C. Make new friends.
    16. Why des the man suggest jining a gym?
    A. It is easier t start. B. It needs mre skills. C. It is cmpetitive.
    17. What is the speaker mst prbably?
    A. A dctr. B. An engineer. C. A guide.
    18. What feels pain if ne has a headache?
    A. The muscle. B. The bld. C. The brain.
    19. Hw much f the energy des the brain ften need t supprt a kid’s grwth?
    A. Abut 3%. B. Less than 30%. C. Nearly 50%.
    20. Why can sme blind peple “see” thrugh their ears?
    A. Their brain can change eyes int ears.
    B. Their brain can rewire itself fr sunds.
    C. Their brain can help ears t get simple images.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Spain is a cuntry that cntinues t surprise and let us tell yu it’s nt all sunbathing and shpping! We’re utlining ur tp 3 reasns t discver Spain alng with ur hliday suggestins t help yu make up yur mind.
    Stunning scenery
    Frm the dramatic, impsing muntains t the cuntless glistening beaches that dt its castlines, Spain is a cuntry full f natural beauty and inspiring landscapes. If breath-taking views and unique scenery captures yur attentin then ur tp suggestin is t experience a hliday t Tenerife where yu can enjy the inspiring its vlcanic views and panramic scenery. The largest f the Canary Islands, just suth f Spain, Tenerife has a rugged, vlcanic landscape as well as ver 200 miles f castline basting a huge variety f flra and fauna.
    Beautiful beaches
    Did yu knw that Spain has ver 5,000 miles f castline and thusands f beaches? Wherever yu g, yu are never far frm a beach. Frm undiscvered, hidden alcves t ppular turist resrts, there’s a beach fr everyne and with ver 300 days f sunshine each year yu’re guaranteed the weather t enjy them! This beautiful cuntry als has the mst blue flag beaches in the wrld s nw yu’ve n excuse! With thusands f beaches t chse frm, where will yu g?
    Fabulus fd
    Fr many peple, ne f the highlights f Spain is, f curse, the amazing fd n ffer. The cuntry’s vibrant cities ffer up Michelin-starred restaurants and lively tapas bars, while small-twn cafés and restaurants ffer up traditinal dishes such as paella, seafd stew, and chriz, made with lve frm family recipes.
    Spanish cuisine is knwn fr being delicius, healthy, and full f flavur, s there are many unique dishes available that will tempt yur taste buds. If we’ve made yu hungry, then yu shuld take a hliday t Csta Brava, a Spanish fdie destinatin that shuld nt be missed!
    21. What is the tp suggestin fr experiencing stunning scenery in Spain?
    A. The beaches f Csta Brava.
    B. The muntains in the nrthern regin.
    C. A hliday t Tenerife.
    D. The hidden alcves alng the castline.
    22. Which f the fllwing is NOT the specialty in Spain?
    A. Cnventinal cuisines and trendy bars.
    B. Vlcanic views and cuntless castlines.
    C. Sufficient sunshine and striking beaches.
    D. Marine creatures and muthwatering seafd.
    23. What purpse des the authr write the passage fr?
    A. T infrm. B. T reprt. C. T review. D. T entertain.
    Cllege prfessrs these days face an ever-higher bar t grab the attentin f their students, frced t cmpete with the stimuli f smartphnes and laptps in large lecture halls. But when yur prfessr is a scial media star, it’s a little bit easier.
    Tatiana Erukhimva, wh teaches physics at Texas A&M University, has managed t get her students, as well as future generatins, excited abut the science. Knwn as “Dr. Tatiana” t her students and nline fan base, the prfessr perfrms physics tricks with bundless energy and enthusiasm. Vides f her theatrical demnstratins have racked up hundreds f millins f views acrss TikTk and ther scial media platfrms.
    In the kid-friendly vides, Erukhimva uses a range f everyday bjects in her experiments, frm pingpng balls and tilet paper t marshmallws, bicycle wheels and hair dryers. She credits the university marketing team’s vides f her lessns fr her scial media success. “This is just ne f ur ways t cnnect with peple t make physics accessible t peple,” she tells NPR. As part f the physics department’s extensive utreach prgram, she als puts n shws almst every week teaching physics t K-12 students. “The sner kids are taught physics and taught it well, the better,” she says.
    It’s clear she knws what it takes t get yung peple excited abut a hard science. But it wasn’t always that way. When she first started teaching cllege freshman classes almst tw decades ag, she says she struggled t grab the attentin f her yunger students. She was used t teaching junirs, as she had fr a few years prir t that. But when it cmes t teaching a large lecture hall f 100-plus first-year students, first impressins are make r break.
    “I did nt grab their attentin n the first day — that was my mistake,” she says. “I missed this pprtunity t bnd with them frm the very beginning, and then it tk me a while t find my vice.”
    By the secnd semester, she fund her fting, tweaking her apprach t make her lecture halls feel smaller, and get her students engaged. The key, she says, has been t make herself apprachable and her instructin persnal.
    24. What is the main challenge aced by cllege prfessrs in large lecture halls?
    A. Cmpetitin with smartphnes and laptps.
    B. Limited resurces fr·teaching materials.
    C. Inadequate supprt frm the university.
    D. Lack f interest frm students.
    25. What rle des the university marketing team play in Tatiana Erukhimva’s scial media success?
    A. Encuraging students t use scial media.
    B. Creating TikTk accunts fr prfessrs.
    C. Prducing vides f her physics lessns.
    D. Prmting weekly teaching prgram.
    26. What is the authr’s purpse in mentining Erukhimva’s junir students in Paragraph 4?
    A. T review her teaching plans.
    B. T shw an applicatin f her idea.
    C. T highlight the differences f teaching.
    D. T erase dubts abut her appraches.
    27. What lessn did Tatiana Erukhimva learn when she initially started teaching cllege freshman?
    A. The imprtance f establishing a persnal cnnectin with students.
    B. The significance f fcusing n junir-level students.
    C. The effectiveness f traditinal teaching methds.
    D. The need fr advanced teaching materials.
    The il and gas industry may be emitting abut three-times the amunt f climate-warming methane than gvernment estimates shw, accrding t a new study frm Stanfrd University, Lawrence Berkeley Natinal Labratry and ther rganizatins in Nature. Methane (甲烷) is the main cmpnent f natural gas and amng the greenhuse gases heating the planet, which is prduced when extracting crude il.
    Specific measurements varied frm a lw f less than 1%, r abut what the Envirnmental Prtectin Agency estimates, at a site in Pennsylvania t a high f nearly 10% in New Mexic. Researchers fund the higher percentages f methane released generally had smething in cmmn. “These are places where prductin is mstly fcusing n il,” says Evan Sherwin, a research scientist at Lawrence Berkeley Natinal Labratry wh cnducted the research as a pstdctral researcher at Stanfrd University. But il and gas ften cme ut f the grund tgether, and if there wasn’t a. way t transprt the less-valuable gas t where it culd be sld, leaks were higher.
    In Pennsylvania, by cntrast, drillers are fcused n prducing natural gas, and there, very little f the methane was wasted. That cmplicates an argument many in the industry have made, generally in ppsitin t tighter gvernment regulatins n methane. They say drillers have the incentive t capture gas leaks s they can sell the fssil fuel. But that’s nt always pssible, if industry hasn’t built the pipelines and ther infrastructure t get the gas t cnsumers. In this study, researchers estimate the industry releases abut 6.2 millin tns f methane a year, valued at $1.08 billin.
    “Emissins f methane frm fssil fuel peratins remain unacceptably high,” said Tim Guld, chief ecnmist at the Internatinal Energy Agency, during a Tuesday call with reprters. The rganizatin’s Glbal Methane Tracker shws methane frm the energy sectr was near the recrd high level in 2023.
    Despite that, the IEA cncludes that if cuntries fully implement existing pledges n methane reductins, that wuld make significant prgress tward achieving glbal climate gals. “2024 culd mark a turning pint and plicies are starting t be put int place. Greater transparency is cming. Awareness is spreading and we have enhanced ability t track large leaks and act quickly t shut them dwn,” Guld said. Guld said he hpes t have gd news t share, abut a reductin in methane emissins, next year.
    28. What can we infer frm paragraph 2?
    A. Varius measures are taken t restrict the release f methane.
    B. The lw value f the gas in part leads t the high leak f the methane.
    C. The mre fcused n the prductin f the gas, the higher the methane release
    D. The percentage f methane in develping cuntries is higher than in develped cuntries
    29. What des the underlined wrd “incentive” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Equipment. B. Prductivity. C. Drive. D. Assessment.
    30. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Cautin: Methane emissin gives rise t serius glbal warming.
    B. Methane emissins: Oil and gas industry’s hidden impact.
    C. Measures taken t cut back n methane emissins.
    D. Methane is t blame fr the climate change.
    31. What is Tim Guld’s attitude tward emissins f methane at present?
    A. Critical. B. Dismissive. C. Dubtful. D. Optimistic.
    Crssing paths with a wild bar (野猪) can pse fear and jy in equal measure. Despite 700years f extinctin in Britain, the species’ wn tenacity and illegal releases frm the 1980s have nw led t several ppulatins emerging. Hwever, with impacts n bth peple and the cuntryside, their right t exist in Britain is heavily debated.
    Hwever, the bar’s habitat-regenerating actins that benefit ther wildlife, even if they are unlved by many. The few bar in England are threatened again by paching and culling. Why is mre nt being dne t prevent their re-extinctin?
    Naturalist, writer and science cmmunicatr Chantal Lyns addresses all these cmplex issues and explains what it might take fr us t cexist with wild bar in her new bk, Grundbreakers: The Return f Britain’s Wild Bar. In this extract, she explains the histry f the wild bar in Britain.
    Mst f the last millennium was nt kind t the wild bar f Eurpe. But they endured when s many ther large animals did nt, and their star is ascendant nce mre. Their ppulatin status is rated as “Least Cncern” by the Internatinal Unin fr Cnservatin f Nature (IUCN), which reprts that the species nw has ne f the vastest gegraphical distributins f all land animals, partly thanks t humans.
    And s, with hindsight, the return f wild bar t Britain was inevitable. If nt intentinal. There’d been mutterings amng envirnmentalists fr decades that the species shuld be reintrduced. The market gt a taste fr them.
    Mre farms sprung up, buying in animals frm the Cntinent, where they had never been extinct and the farming f them was already lng established. By the early 1990s there were 40 registered breeders in the UK.
    Despite thusands f years f trying, ne f the qualities that has prven mst challenging t breed ut f the farmed pig is escaplgy. Life, as a certain fictinal mathematician nce said, finds a way. Our wdlands had been waiting fr nearly 700 years. Answering whatever call was sunding in their brains, wild bar began t escape frm the farms. Or, in sme cases, seem t have been variusly helped ut by strm damage, animal rights activists, hard-up wners and shters. Each freed individual was a spark. Smething new, smething ht and bright with ptential. Nt all thse sparks tk. But enugh did.
    32. What were the circumstances that led t the return f wild bars t Britain?
    A. The rle f the farmed pigs in the ecsystem.
    B. Intrductin al reintrductin effrts by envirnmentalists.
    C. Capitalistic influence and the market demand fr bar meat.
    D. Strict enfrcement f the Dangerus Wild Animals Act f 1976.
    33. Hw did varius factrs cntribute it the release f bars int the wdlands?
    A. Escaplgy challenge in farmed pigs and the impact n the market.
    B. Animal rights activists effrts in facilitating bar release.
    C. The influence f the farmed pigs n the behavir f wild bars.
    D. Strm damage and its rle in releasing bars.
    34. Hw did Chantal Lyns explain the histrical cntext f wild bars in Britain?
    A. The negative impact f capitalism n wild bar habitats.
    B. The rle f the farmed pigs in the resurgence f wild bars.
    C. The need fr stricter enfrcement f wildlife prtectin laws.
    D. The inevitability f wild bar reintrductin thrugh human influence.
    35. What des the authr imply abut the freed individuals amng the wild bars?
    A. They were all successful in establishing new habitats.
    B. Each f them cntributed t the decline f the wild bar ppulatin.
    C. The sparks symblize the challenges faced by the wild bars in the wdlands.
    D. Sme f them adapted t their new envirnment, causing the resurgence f the bars.
    Hw t manage sleep anxiety
    Aside frm the main symptm f nt being able t fall asleep, r cnstantly waking up thrughut the night, sleep anxiety has very similar symptms t general anxiety disrders. 36. ______Sleep deprivatin can have a huge impact n yur health and wellbeing, and sleep anxiety can make it difficult, even impssible, t have get a gd night’s sleep. Studies have shwn that singular stressful events, like taking an exam, have little impact n yur crtisl levels and they sn return t nrmal.37. ______ This suggests that a night f tssing and turning the day befre a jb interview might be a ne ff, but facing stress every day — like being stressed abut lack f sleep — has a significant impact n yur sleep cycle.
    The first step is t identify what’s causing yur lack f sleep. Is it stress at wrk, r in yur relatinship? Is it past injury? Is it bad dreams making yu want t put ff sleeping s they dn’t keep recurring? Try t understand why yu find it a struggle t sleep.38. ______
    If nightmares and sleep paralysis are stpping yu frm sleeping, yu might think there’s nthing yu can d t calm yur subcnscius — but there are things yu can try that can make yur dreams mre psitive.39. ______. Studies have shwn that peple with a better “peace f mind” have mre psitive dreams, whereas symptms f anxiety related t negative dreams. Cgnitive behaviural therapy, CBT, teaches yu t change the way yu think in rder t change yur behaviur. It culd help yu understand hw sleep anxiety is affecting yur bdy and brain, avid things that trigger yur anxiety and make sleep impssible, and help change the negative way yu view sleep.
    Smetimes, less is mre, and perhaps trying t hard t frce yurself t sleep with a 20-step bedtime rutine culd be adding t the pressure and anxiety yu’re feeling, and have the ppsite affect that yu want.40. ______ If yu usually try t sleep in a warm rm with a ht water bttle, try lwering the temperature. Sleeping in a clder rm prevents crtisl levels rising, and helps yur bdy release melatnin instead, which helps yu sleep — this is why it’s ften s difficult t sleep during a heatwave.
    A. These can be listed as fllws.
    B. If It’s nt wrking, it’s time t try smething new.
    C. Take a cmfrtable sleeping psitin, ideally n yur back.
    D. This can help yu deal with the anxiety surrunding it and then end the hatred cycle.
    E. Hwever, chrnic stress and anxiety can make the increase in the hrmne last a lng time.
    F. Try sme mindful techniques as part f yur bedtime rutine as well as thrughut the day.
    G. These include a cntinual feeling f unease, increased heart rate, sweating, and tensed muscles
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Recently, vide clips f Zhang Jianna, a sanitatin (环卫) wrker, directing freigners have gne viral nline. Her 41 English and cnfident 42 in the clips have deeply impressed the viewers, 43 curisity abut hw an rdinary-lking sanitatin wrker 44 such impressive English skills.
    Behind the sensatin 45 a decade-lng jurney f persistence. In 2012, Zhang Jianna tk n the rle f a sanitatin wrker in the embassy area f Sanlitun in Beijing’s Chayang district. A special 46 while wrking has mtivated Zhang t learn English by herself, a pursuit she cntinues with determinatin t this day.
    “My gal is quite simple. I just want t help whenever smene is in need, whether asking fr directins, inquiring abut visa 47 , r telling them abut the embassy area I am respnsible fr,” said Zhang.
    Thus, at the age f 40, Zhang has embarked n a persnal 48 . Withut a tutr, she began learning English frm her children’s textbks, starting with basic wrds and phrases cmmnly used fr giving 49 .
    With n fixed study hurs, she utilized every 50 mment. While thers rested, she memrized vcabulary and practiced speaking. Upn arriving hme after wrk, she wuld write dwn new knwledge pints and 51 them until she thrughly understd them. Over the years, she filled ver a dzen ntebks with her ntes. Her 52 psed her biggest challenge. “ 53 is key t learning English. Learn step by step, learn every day,” Zhang said.
    When asked abut the greatest 54 f learning English, Zhang emphasizes self-cnfidence. “Grwing up in a rural area withut a cllege educatin, I smetimes feared being lked dwn upn. But every time I help a 55 in English, I feel incredibly accmplished.”
    41. A. self-taught B. fluent C. acceptable D. brken
    42. A. prtrayal B. figure C. feature D. accent
    43. A fueling B. arising C. enriched D. fulfilled
    44. A. applied B. defeated C. recgnized D. acquired
    45. A. set B. lies C. finds D. psed
    46. A. treat B. experiment C. encunter D. substance
    47. A. cards B. prcedures C. adaptatin D. exchange
    48. A. track B. schedule C. jurney D. challenge
    49. A. directins B. permissin C. perfrmance D. interpretatin
    50. A. dieting B. exercising C. spare D. verwrk
    51. A. distinguish B. calculate C. cnsult D. review
    52. A. memry B. strategies C. health D. lneliness
    53. A. Ambitin B. Perseverance C. Recitatin D. Encuragement
    54. A. struggle B. mtivatin C. attractin D. reward
    55. A. baster B. hmelessness C. passer-by D. sick
    Chinese Lng Year, als knwn as the Spring Festival r Lunar New Year, is a vibrant and festive celebratin 56. ______ (mark) the beginning f the lunar calendar. This annual event is deeply 57. ______ (rt) in Chinese culture, symblizing renewal, family reunins, and guiding in f gd frtune.
    The festivities typically span 15 days, 58.______ clrful parades, dragn and lin dances, and dazzling firewrks shining the streets. Families cme tgether fr plentiful feasts, exchanging gifts, and paying 59. ______ (respect) t ancestrs. The air is filled with the sunds f jyus laughter and traditinal music.
    One f the 60. ______ (much) icnic features f Chinese New Year is the red decratins brightening hmes and streets. Red symblizes gd luck and 61. ______ (prsper) in Chinese culture. Peple als participate in the traditin f giving and receiving red envelpes cntaining lucky mney, knwn as “hngba,” as 62.______ gesture f gd wish and well-being.
    As the Year f the Dragn, Lng Year is particularly auspicius, believed t bring strength, vitality, and success. Peple acrss the glbe jin in the festivities, creating a sense f unity and 63.______ (share) celebratin.
    Chinese Lng Year is a time-hnred traditin that 64. ______ (exceed) brders emphasizing the imprtance f family, cultural heritage, 65.______ the hpeful anticipatin f a prsperus year ahead.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是学生会主席李华,你校计划定于6月 10 日在体育馆举办高三毕业典礼,请写封邮件邀请你校外教 David 参加,内容包括:
    注意:1.词数80 左右;
    第二节(满分25 分)
    Rudi Gnsalves culd barely cntain his excitement as he sped dwnhill. It was the first day f his hliday in the Rmanian ski resrt f Piana Brasv and he was 6,000 feet up ne f its highest muntains, breathing in the cleanest air.
    Weather and snw cnditins were perfect. An experienced skier, he tackled the difficult “black” run with ease, knees gently bent t meet the uneven surface f the snw.
    Rudi, a part-time yuth wrker frm Epsm Dwns, Surrey, regularly bked a winter hliday with his wife Sue. But Sue was scared f heights and culd nt vercme her sense f frebding as the skiing seasn apprached.
    S this time Rudi, a keen sprtsman and fit fr his 57 years, had cme alne.
    As he snaked his way dwn the muntain n that March afternn last year, snwflakes began t fall—lightly at first, then mre heavily until the cluds bltted ut the sun entirely, transfrming everything int a ghstly whiteness.
    He culd just make ut ther skiers descending the slpes as fast as they culd. I’d better stay clse t them fr safety, he decided. This culd be tricky.
    Straining t see ahead, Rudi was nly vaguely aware f a lming utline lumbering up the muntain.
    “Did anyne see me fall? Where am I?”
    He lked arund him, trying t get his bearings, but in every directin there was nly the same vast whiteness.
    Then he tk ut his gld watch, a treasured present frm his wife. It nt nly tld him the time, 1.54pm, it als seemed t give him strength.
    It was getting dark when Rudi finally gave up his attempt t scale the muntain and decided t head dwnhill instead. He knew it wuld mean mving away frm the best rute back t his htel, but there seemed t be n alternative.
    Despair began t dg Rudi as he faced up t the reality f spending a night in the pen. It was 5.30 pm and the temperature was drpping fast. He began t shiver, his teeth chattering uncntrllably. He felt very alne.
    1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    After three hurs he was very tired, clder than he had ever felt. ____________________________________
    He was barely aware f tw hrses drawing a wagn alng the lane twards him. ______________________
    1—5 BACBA 6—10 CBACB 11—15 CBCBA 16—20 ACACB
    21. C 细节理解题。根据第二段第三、四行,故选 C。
    22. D 推理判断题。综合全文,虽然提到了海滩和米其林餐厅等,没有提到海洋生物,故选 D。
    23. A 推理判断题。根据全文,这是一篇介绍旅游景点的应用文,作者的目的是告知infrm,故选 A。
    【B】本文为一篇记叙文,介绍了大学物理教授 Tatiana Erukhimva 通过社交媒体激发学生对科学的热情,强调教学的亲和力与个性化。
    24. A 细节理解题。从第一段第二行,可知答案为A。
    25. C 推理判断题。从第三段第二行“She credits the university marketing team’s vides f her lessns fr her scial media success.”她把她社交媒体的成功归功于大学营销团队对于她课程视频的录制,故选 C。
    26. C 推理判断题。从第四段可知,通过对比大学和初中教学,凸显对象差异,教学方法面临重大挑战, make r break“成败在此一举”,可以得知答案为 C。
    27. A 推理判断题。倒数第二段 I missed this pprtunity t bnd with them frm the very beginning, and then it tk me a while t find my vice.“我错过了从一开始就与他们建立联系的机会,然后花了一些时间才能为自己发声。”只有 A 选项符合。
    28. B 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句,甲烷的高排放,部分是因为天然气价值比较低,没有人愿意投资输送给需要的地方,可知答案为B。
    29. C 词义猜测题。根据下文,可知这里指的是钻井工人有动力,想法去捕捉天然气,但是没有管道等基础设施,可知答案为 C。
    30. B 主旨大意题。根据上下文,文章主要讲述的是石油和天然气的开采带来的甲烷释放问题,可知答案为B。
    31. D 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Awareness is spreading and we have enhanced ability”, 可知 Tim Guld对甲烷排放问题是持乐观态度的,故此答案为 D。
    32. C 推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句和第五段,可以得知答案为C。
    33. A 推理判断题。根据最后一段 escaplgy“逃脱术”,可以得知答案为 A。
    34. D 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“partly thanks t humans.”故选 D。
    35. D 推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第一二行,故选 D。
    36. G 根据上文,句子的宾语是 similar symptms,接下来解释说明。故此答案为 G。
    37. E 根据上下文,这里表示对比关系,单一的压力与长期的压力对照,故此答案为 E。
    38. D 根据上文,指代前面整句的内容,故用指示代词 this承接。
    39. F 根据上文there’s nthing yu can d,接下来列举方法,故此选 F,尝试一些正念。
    40. B 根据下文 usually,此处表示所有方法都不管用,接下来介绍新的尝试。
    41. B 根据后文,此处强调流利的英语,而不是自学。
    42. C 自信的面容,此处 feature 熟词生意,类似于 gestures。
    43. A fuel curisity“激起好奇心”, arise 为不及物动词。
    44. D acquire skills“获得某项技能”。
    45. B 此处为倒装句,A jurney lies behind the sensatin.
    46. C 工作的时候一次特殊的邂逅 encunter,根据后文,可能是路人用英语问她是什么问题的事情。
    47. B 此处 visa prcedures 是指“签证相关的程序问题”。
    48. D 后文中没有 tutr老师等,都是她面临的挑战。
    49. A 根据上下文可知,环卫工人碰到最大可能求助的是问路。
    50. C 此处表示充分利用工作的业余时间 spare time。
    51. D 根据上下文, review这里表示“反复复习”。
    52. A 根据上下文,40 多岁开始学英语,最大的挑战是记忆力下降,所以才 step by step。
    53. B 从上文第二段第一句 persistence 可知,她成功的秘诀是“持之以恒”。
    54. D 此处表示“最大的回馈 reward”。
    55. C 根据上下文,是用英语帮助解决路人的问题。
    56. marking 考查非谓语动词,做伴随状语。
    57. rted考查非谓语动词, be rted in“植根于⋯⋯”。
    58. with 考查介词, with表示“具备或者带有……特征”。
    59. respects 考查名词单复数, pay respects t“表达对……的问候”。
    60. mst 考查形容词最高级, much的最高级是 mst。
    61. prsperity 考查词性转换, prper的名词是 prsperity,形容词是 prsperus。
    62. a 考查不定冠词a,“一种美好的祝愿”。
    63. shared 考查非谓语动词, shared celebratin“共同的庆祝”。
    64. exceeds 考查动词的时态语态,一般现在时,主语为单数,谓语加s。
    65. and 考查并列连词, the imprtance…and the anticipatin…。
    Dear David,
    Hw is everything ging? With great excitement and delight, I am writing t invite yu t attend ur graduatin ceremny, which is scheduled t be held at 9:00 am n June 10, 2024 in the schl gym.
    There are many significant activities, which will never fail t impress yu. At the beginning, the headmaster will deliver a speech t express his sincere cngratulatins n ur graduatin. After that, t recall ur unfrgettable experiences in high schl, sme elabrate shws will be perfrmed. Besides, dn’t miss the glden mment when we will gather tgether t take phts.
    We wuld be particularly hnred by yur distinguished presence at the ceremny and we are lking frward t yur cming. Please reply t me at yur cnvenience.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    After three hurs he was very tired, clder than he had ever felt. Hunger and thirst wre away his stmach. Using a ski as a spade, he spent half an hur scraping away the snw beneath the branch until he reached the drier sil belw. T prtect himself further, he used the disldged snw t build walls fr his new hme. Then he stabbed arund with his ski ple, cllecting fallen branches fr a fire and burning his tw spare hats and all his Rmanian paper mney t kindle the flames. He didn’t dare fall asleep fr fear that he might never wake up. Fr six hurs he sat listening, hping t hear smene calling him r t see sme lights, until, dizzy and exhausted, he cllapsed n t a well-used cuntry lane.
    He was barely aware f tw hrses drawing a wagn alng the lane twards him. A weather-beaten driver laded him int the cart and tk him t his farmhuse. There Rudi, drifting in and ut f cnsciusness, felt himself being lifted ut by farm wrkers. But even when smene cut away his ski bts and scks, he culd nt feel his hands r feet. The Rmanians culd see that his tes and fingers were black frm frst-bite. His rescuers revived him with three bwls f milk. “Yu saved my life,” he managed t say, his speech slw and painful. The farmer, wh understd mre English than he culd speak, ndded and grinned, befre driving him t his htel, which was abut 45 miles away. Rudi knew it was mre than luck and a stranger’s kindness that kept him alive thrugh the dilemma.
    Text 1
    W: Hey, lk at the sunset ver the hrizn. It is fantastic!
    M: Yes, it’s always been ne f my favrite things.
    W: Abslutely breathtaking. Like a painting, but this is real life.
    Text 2
    W: I can’t believe we’re finally here! This place is always s busy.
    M: I knw. I was expecting it t be quiet since it’s the ff-seasn.
    W: I thught we’d get a better table if we came early. But lk at all the peple!
    Text 3
    M: What seems t be the prblem?
    W: My energy is lw and I am always missing the targets.
    M: OK, let’s start with sme stretches t get yu relaxed. Then we’ll fcus n yur technique.
    Text 4
    W: Hell, can I help yu? We have a variety f bks.
    M: Yes, I’m lking fr a bk abut vcabulary. D yu have any recmmendatins?
    W: D yu want a textbk r a practical guide?
    M: I think a textbk is better fr a beginner like me.
    Text 5
    M: It was amazing all peple arrived n time.
    W: And it’s nt just in Germany. I’ve nticed this in Switzerland.
    M: It’s like they have a sense f urgency that we dn’t have in Italy.
    Text 6
    W: Hey, have yu read the bk Anther Reality?
    M: What’s it abut?
    W: It’s a science fictin nvel written by Sergery, a highly respected authr in the genre. The stry is abut a grup f scientists wh discver a way t travel thrugh different universes.
    M: Hmm, that sunds appealing. Is it fr adults r kids?
    W: It’s definitely fr adults. The authr has a reputatin fr writing science fictin that explrers cmplicated themes.
    M: I think I might give it a try.
    Text 7
    M: Hey, the car is making a strange nise.
    W: I didn’t ntice that. Maybe it is ur cases n the backseat.
    M: N. Smething might be wrng. We shuld pull ver t find a safe place t park.
    W: OK, there’s a gas statin up ahead. We can stp there.
    M: Gd idea. And maybe they can help us figure ut what is wrng.
    W: Here we are. Let’s see if they can help us.
    Text 8
    M: Hey, Bella, I’ve been learning mre abut Chinese traditinal pera lately and it’s always been really interesting tne.
    W: Yeah, it is really unique and has a lng histry. What aspects f it have yu been explring?
    M: Well, I’ve been watching sme Peking peras.
    W: Can yu understand it?
    M: Nt really. S I have t learn mre abut Chinese literature, especially petry and nvels.
    W: Definitely check them ut! S what have yu learned frm that?
    M: I’ve learned that the language is ften petic and uses an interesting way t express ideas.
    Text 9
    W: Hell, Drn. What sprts d yu like t watch?
    M: Nah, I prefer playing sprts. I play nearly anything but I smetimes watch ftball. Only playing a game can make me frget stress. What abut yu, d yu like watching sprts?
    W: I lve t watch sprts. I’m t lazy t play any f them, but I really lve t watch.
    M: Yu have a favrite?
    W: I really enjy watching basketball. There’s smething abut the fast-paced actin and teamwrk that I find really exciting. My secnd favrite is ice-hckey game which tests the skill and strength f players.
    M: Anyway, I think yu need t wrkut and yu will meet sme nice peple.
    W: But I never played ftball r basketball.
    M: Thse seem a little difficult, but yu can start with sme simple things, hitting the gym r just running.
    W: Yu said it. I will try.
    Text 10
    Hi, bys and girls. Welcme t this feature exhibitin f ur science museum. As yu knw, the brain is ne f the mst astnishing parts f the human bdy. But here’s s much the average persn desn’t knw abut it.
    Firstly, the brain itself can’t feel pain. When a persn has a headache, it’s ften thught f as pain cming frm the brain, but this is actually nt the case. The muscles and skin surrunding the brain can feel pain. Secndly, the brain is greedy. It might accunt fr nly abut 3 percent f yur bdy weight, but it receives abut 30 percent f the bld being pumped by yur heart. And this is even mre true fr yung children. In rder fr a kid’s brain t stay running, it requires significant amunts f energy. Almst half f a child’s energy ges t fuel their brain. Finally, the brain’s ability t change itself thrughut a persn’s lifetime is a truly remarkable thing. Fr example, the part f a blind’s brain can rewire itself t prcess sund infrmatin instead f visual infrmatin, which is nrmally wired t wrk with eyes. That means thse wh are brn blind can “see” thrugh ears. Pretty cl, right?

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