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    这是一份2024南充高级中学高二下学期3月月考试题英语含解析,共35页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (时间:120分钟 总分150分)
    第一部分 听力(30分)
    第一节 听下而5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a tailr's. B. In a htel. C. In a clthes shp
    2. What time is it nw?
    A. Abut 8:00. B. Abut 9:00. C. Abut 10:00
    3 What des the wman mean?
    A. The man is lying. B. The man is quite ld. C. The man is nt hard-wrking.
    4. What will tmrrw's talk be abut?
    A. Rivers. B. Rainfrest. C. Flwers.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Sme sngs. B. A vide game. C. A car race.
    第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What happened when the wman went t the restaurant?
    A. The fd wasn't freshly cked.
    B. The waiter aplgized t her.
    C. The micrwave didn't wrk.
    7. What des the man think f the restaurant?
    A. Its service is fast. B. Its waiters are friendly. C. Its price is reasnable.
    8. What will cause a delay?
    A. The change f the battery. B. The replacement f the band. C. The repairs f the watch.
    9. When will the watch finally be ready?
    A. On Thursday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Tuesday.
    10. What des the wman say abut her car?
    A. It is very ld. B. It ften becmes t ht. C. It ften can't start.
    11. What is very bad accrding t the wman?
    A. The bus service. B. The expressway. C. The English class.
    12. Why is the man happy abut the wman's cming ver?
    A. She will help him finish his hmewrk.
    B. They can finish their hmewrk tgether.
    C. She will help him study English.
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Brther and sister. C. Husband and wife.
    14. What kind f apartment des the wman want?
    A. One near public transprtatin.
    B. One equipped with furniture.
    C. One in the center f the city.
    15. Hw will the speakers get the apartment infrmatin?
    A. Frm a friend. B. Frm the newspaper. C. Frm the Internet.
    16. What d we knw abut the speakers?
    A. They like ding exercise.
    B. They can't affrd t buy a huse.
    C. They want t live in a big apartment.
    17. What did Tnya initially plan t d with the bttle?
    A. Send it t a museum. B. Put it n her bkcase. C. Thrw it int the garbage.
    18. Where had the ship been sailing?
    A. Near Australia. B. Clse t Germany. C. In the Indian Ocean.
    19 Why was the bttle thrwn verbard?
    A. T ask fr help. B. T cntact a nearby ship. C. T research n cean currents.
    20. Where will the bttle be kept?
    A. In Perth. B. In Cardiff. C. In Hamburg.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    1. What d NINE SPA, VIP ROOM and INERAL MUD BATH have in cmmn?
    A. They have the same price.B. They dn’t have additinal cst.
    C. They have the same service.D. They dn’t include the service f massage fr children.
    2. If tw cuples with tw kids want t experience HOT MINERAL WITH HERB, hw much d
    they need t pay?
    A. 490,000d.B. 740,000d.
    C. 1,120,000d.D. 1,240,000d.
    3. Where can we find the price infrmatin?
    A. At a grcery.B. At a resrt.
    C. In a shpping mall.D. In a supermarket.
    In Denmark, bicycling is ne f the primary frms f transprtatin. In sunshine, rain and snw, yu will see cyclists n their way t wrk, t the grcery stre, r t scial events. The bike is a Dane’s best friend.
    Danish cycling culture is as ld as the bicycle itself. Bikes were first intrduced t the cuntry in the 1880s, and during the 1920s and 1930s, the bicycle became a widespread symbl f equality and freedm. Peple f all scial classes began biking side by side— in the cities n their way t wrk and in the cuntryside n their days ff.
    The increased prsperity f the late 1950s saw sme Danes replacing bikes with mtrcycles and autmbiles. Just like their clleagues arund the wrld, Danish urban planners believed the future belnged t cars, trucks, and ever-wider highways. In the early 1970s, hwever, the Mideast il crisis terminated that develpment. “Car Free Sundays” were intrduced in Cpenhagen, and prtests demanding Cpenhagen t becme car-free tk place. Over time, cncerns abut air pllutin, climate change, and the need fr peple t get enugh exercise have helped bicycles make a big cmeback. Denmark’s heavy taxes n petrl and autmbiles are a factr, t.
    Tday, cycling is an inseparable part f Danish culture. Newcmers wh d nt knw hw t cycle are encuraged t learn as sn as they arrive. Danish children usually learn t bike befre they begin schl at the age f six—and ften much earlier. In schl, children learn abut traffic rules, rad safety, and the imprtance f wearing a helmet as well as gd cycling habits. Anther alternative fr families with children is the carg bike—a srt f versized tricycle with a large wden bx n the frnt. It’s estimated that a quarter f all Cpenhagen families with tw r mre children wn ne f these carg bikes fr transprting kids, grceries, and ther necessities. Danish carg bikes have als wn design awards and becme a Danish exprt success.
    Cmmuting by bike is the fastest, easiest and mst envirnmentally friendly way t get arund the cities f Denmark. And the numbers speak fr themselves: Residents wh cycle in Cpenhagen request 1.1 millin fewer sick days. Cyclists reduce CO2 emissins by 20, 000 tnnes a year n average.
    4. What led t the ppularity f bicycles in Denmark during the 1920s and 1930s?
    A. The cnvenience f the bike.B. The prsperity f the ecnmy.
    C. The cnstructin f wide highways.D. The idea that the bike represents.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “terminated”mean in para.3?
    A. prmtedB. ended.C. permitted.D. funded.
    6. What d we knw abut carg bikes frm para.4?
    A. They are primarily used by families with ne child.
    B. They are unppular amng lcal residents.
    C. They are designed fr practical use.
    D. They are the natinal symbl f Denmark.
    7. Why des the authr mentin the data in the last paragraph?
    A. T highlight the ppularity f cycling.B. T cmpare cycling with driving.
    C. T shw the benefits f cycling.D. T demnstrate the effectiveness f cycling.
    Children with strng family cnnectins are assciated with a high likelihd f flurishing in life, a study fund. “What is different abut this study is that it shws that family cnnectin is assciated with thriving and nt just surviving r aviding harm,” said lead study authr Dr. Rbert Whitaker.
    Researchers surveyed ver 37,000 children in 26 cuntries. In the study, family cnnectin was determined by a mean scre f five categries: care, supprt, safety, respect, and participatin. Flurishing was determined by a mean scre f six categries: self-acceptance, purpse in life, psitive relatins with thers, persnal grwth, envirnmental mastery and autnmy. The essence f family cnnectin is children feeling that they are accepted and cared fr at hme, which allws them t learn what their strengths and weaknesses are in a safe envirnment as they are building their identity,Whitaker said.
    Children with the greatest level f family cnnectin were ver 49% mre likely t flurish cmpared with thse with the lwest level f family cnnectin, accrding t the study. The highest scres in bth family cnnectin and flurishing came frm children wh said they lived with bth parents, had enugh fd r never had their family wrrying abut finances. Researchers then cntrlled the data fr families’ pverty levels t remve the effect they might have had n the numbers. After cntrlling the data, the strength f family cnnectin still impacted hw much children flurished.
    Accrding t Whitaker, adults have a very pwerful influence n the emtinal climate in the hme, s it’s imprtant t create a space where children feel seen and heard. A great pprtunity t strengthen family bnds is arund the dinner table. Adults shuld create an envirnment where children feel cmfrtable speaking freely. While they are talking,grwn-ups shuld shw that they have a genuine interest in what their children are saying. Silence is als anther pwerful frm f cmmunicatin, Whitaker said. Children and parents spending time tgether in silence r even ding chres can create a cnnectin.
    8. What is the study mainly abut?
    A. The imprtance f family cnnectin t children’s survival.
    B. The relatinship between family cnnectin and children’s success.
    C. The factrs affecting children’ self-acceptance.
    D. The impact f pverty n children’s develpment.
    9. Wh are mre likely t achieve high scres in bth family cnnectin and flurishing?
    A. Children wh live with a single parent.
    B. Children wh have enugh fd and mney.
    C. Children wh knw f their strengths and weaknesses.
    D. Children wh have a whle family and ecnmic security.
    10. Which f the fllwing might be an influencing factr in the result?
    A. Family incme.B. Parents’ educatinal level.
    C. Children’s age and gender.D. The number f peple in the family.
    11. Hw can adults strengthen family bnds during mealtime?
    A. By shwing respect when children are talking.B. By talking abut their wn prblems.
    C By keeping silent when disagreements arise.D. By backing children’s pinins frever.
    Blue-light blcking glasses have gained ppularity ver the past few years with the idea they prtect ur eyes against screen usage— but a new analysis shws they might nt be as beneficial t ur eye health as previusly hped.
    Researchers reviewed data frm 17 randmized cntrlled trials (随机对照试验)—the “current,best available evidence”they culd find n the tpic—and published the results in the Cchrane Database f Systematic Reviews jurnal. The findings? Glasses marketed t filter ut blue light prbably make n difference t eye strain r sleep quality.
    “We fund there may be n shrt-term advantages with using blue-light filtering spectacle lenses (眼镜镜片) t reduce visual tiredness assciated with cmputer use, cmpared t nn-blue-light filtering lenses,"said Laura Dwnie, senir authr f the review, in a news release.
    “It is als currently unclear whether these lenses affect visin quality r sleep-related utcmes, and n cnclusins culd be drawn abut any ptential effects n retinal(视网膜的)health in the lnger term,”she added.“Peple shuld be aware f these findings when deciding whether t purchase these spectacles.”
    The studies they reviewed ranged in size and length, with a span f as few as 5 t as many as 156 participants assessed ver different perids, frm less than ne day t five weeks.The authrs said mre research with lnger fllw-ups in mre diverse ppulatins was needed t better assess any ptential effects.
    Blue light, like that emanating (发出) frm cmputer screens and smartphnes,des stimulate the eyes and cause sleeping prblems.During the pandemic, dctrs reprted seeing the grwth f visin issues related t cmputer use including eye strain, which culd lead t headaches, frntal headaches,pain arund the eyes and pain behind the eyes,as well as dry eyes and related prblems.
    Earlier this year, ptmetrist Dr. Rbert Jhnsn said that while he was cncerned abut the impact f screens n ur visin, blue light blckers weren’t the answer. Instead f shelling ut mney fr special shades, hwever, experts advise taking rests.
    Dr. Christpher Starr, an phthalmlgist at Weill Crnell Medicine, recmmends small breaks away frm screens every 20 minutes. During that break, lk int the distance at an bject at least 20 feet away r farther, fr 20 secnds r mre.Als shut yur eyes fr 20 secnds during the break.
    12. What des the underlined sentence mean in paragraph 4?
    A. Blue-light blcking glasses deserve a higher price.
    B. Peple shuld knw the latest news f the purchase.
    C. Peple shuldn't cmpletely trust the salesman.
    D. Blue-light blcking glasses are cnsumptin traps.
    13. What can we learn abut blue light?
    A. It can't be blcked at all.
    B. It des harm nly t ur eyes.
    C. It is cmmnly fund in electrnic devices.
    D. It caused a great need f blue-light blcking glasses during the pandemic.
    14. Which f the fllwing can better keep us frm blue light?
    A. Imprved blue-light blcking glasses.B. Frequent screen breaks.
    C. Advanced screens.D. Medicine.
    15 Which ne f the fllwing is the best title?
    A. Blue-light blcking glasses may nt actually help
    B. Blue-light blcking glasses have gained ppularity
    C. A new study f blue-blcking glasses
    D. Blue-blcking glasses really help
    What makes yu cry? Being mved by a sad mvie, waving a lved ne ff, r lsing a pet can all cause tears t rll dwn ur faces. ____16____ But is that a gd thing?
    When yu think abut it, shedding(流)tears frm yur eyes is an dd thing t d. But it seems t be an autmatic reactin when we get sad, upset r even when we're very happy. ____17____
    Hwever, the feeling is the same---yur cheeks puff up, yur eyes tighten and befre yu knw it, tears are streaming dwn yur face. Sme f us may cry a little while thers might cry like a baby.
    Writer Adam Rutherfrd says, “Accrding t pretty much every study dne, wmen d cry mre than men, and this result has been cnsistent since we've been lking.”But des this mean men dn't get as upset r emtinal as wmen, r are they just mre embarrassed abut shwing their true feelings? ____18____
    One place where we experience emtinal and tearful utbursts(爆发) is in the wrkplace.
    ____19____ Smene might be stressed, and their wrklad might be t much. As therapist Janna Crss says, "Crying is ften a build-up f frustratin and undealt-with situatins, and it's a bit f a final straw mment."
    ____20____ Maybe it disslves r clears the negative r sad feelings yu've had. Crying shws thers hw yu feel, s perhaps it's a crying shame that mre f us, particularly men,dn't cry mre ften.
    A. The debate cntinues.
    B. What sets ff this reactin differs frm persn t persn.
    C. What might be the negative effects f crying?
    D. This can be smewhere where emtins run high.
    E. We all have the pwer t cry.
    F. Sme peple suggest that it's wmen wh cry mre than men.
    G. But crying in the ffice r elsewhere can actually make yu feel better.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分55分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 共15分)
    It was the first night f a tiring seven-day 250 km race acrss the Gbi Desert a year ag. Mr. Lenard___21___a little dg ging arund his camp trying t___22___herself.
    “Cute, but I’m nt giving yu any,” Lenard thught. Like all___23___, he had packed just enugh fr the whle___24___. He’d been running cmpetitively fr three years, and he had a___25___t win.
    The next day, at the starting line, the dg___26___him again. He waved her away, wrried that she culdn’t cpe with dangerus situatins and might be stepped n by the runners.___27___, the dg fllwed him all the way until the day’s race___28___. That night the dg snuggled (依偎) up t Lenard and even___29___t get a little fd frm him. By then, he was determined t name her Gbi.
    The pair went n t finish the seven-day race, with Gbi____30____a distance f 125 km n her wn, and winning Lenard ver, enugh fr him t make a____31____---he wuld take her hme t Edinburgh. “Seeing Gbi in the race____32____my attitude t things. It made me think mre abut stpping and helping her, rather than just fcusing n winning, ”said Lenard, wh finished secnd. “In the meantime, it als made my running mre enjyable, giving me a lt f pleasure. ”
    As Lenard was preparing t get Gbi hme,she was missing. With a grup f lcal vlunteers cming t his____33____, he finally fund her. After that, Lenard never let Gbi ut f____34____. Nw Gbi’s favrite activity is still running, and she____35____des at least 8 km a day with Lenard up the hills.
    21. A. treatedB. adptedC. spttedD. recgnized
    22. A. entertainB. waterC. feedD. impress
    23. A. hikersB. cmpetitrsC. explrersD. climbers
    24. A. curseB. planC. dayD. camp
    25. A. chanceB. desireC. rightD. md
    26. A. btheredB. stppedC. welcmedD. apprached
    27. A. MeanwhileB. NeverthelessC. TherefreD. Otherwise
    28. A. came utB. carried nC. kicked ffD. wund up
    29. A. managedB. expectedC. affrdedD. begged
    30. A. keepingB. settingC. cveringD. extending
    31. A. remarkB. decisinC. chiceD. difference
    32. A. spnsredB. identifiedC. challengedD. changed
    33. A. assistanceB. mindC. rescueD. defense
    34. A. sightB. wayC. handD. reach
    35. A. graduallyB. eventuallyC. rutinelyD. ccasinally
    Zigng, a city in Suthwest China’s Sichuan Prvince, is knwn ____36____ the City f Lanterns. Chinese peple ____37____ (appreciate) the beauty f lanterns fr years, but the custm f enjying lanterns n festivals began in Zigng as early as the Tang Dynasty. Mst Chinese lanterns are made with wire structures and fabric cverings. ____38____ (add) t their beauty, Zigng craftsmen als use a ____39____ (varius) f materials, such as silk, paper, bamb, straw, ccn and even prcelain.
    Lantern prductin is nw ____40____ driving frce fr the lcal ecnmy, as mst f the large-scale lanterns ____41____ (use) in festive shws are prduced in Zigng. The annual Zigng Lantern Shw is als a majr attractin fr the city’s turism. Visitrs flck t Zigng t enjy lanterns, as well as varius ther ____42____ (delight) entertaining activities.
    The excellent skills f Zigng craftsmen have als taken this natinal intangible heritage abrad ____43____ (cntribute) t spectacles f clr and delight at lantern shws in mre than 70 cuntries and regins wrldwide. Zigng lanterns are nw a name card fr their hmetwn.
    Fr us Chinese, lanterns have nt nly lit up the night, ____44____ illuminated hearts ____45____ are anxius t g hme t celebrate festivals with families.
    第四部分 书面表达(满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你与外教Peter约定于本周日一起游北湖公园,但你因故不能赴约。请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 表示歉意;
    2. 解释原因;
    3. 另约时间。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80词左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Peter,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数为150词左右。
    As the mther f an eleven-year-ld girl, I have read several bks that tell parents hw t bring up a girl t be beautiful, elegant, cnfident, and rich. Hwever, I have always believed that girls need t be brave abve all else, but this is easier said than dne.
    I still remember I culdn’t see the screen directly when my daughter switched t the animal channel, which was bradcasting a shw abut snakes. I std as far away frm the TV as pssible, t scared t pen my eyes. Hwever, my little angel was nt scared f the snakes. In fact, she watched the shw with a keen interest. I was relieved that my daughter didn’t get t many genetic phbias(遗传恐惧症). Even t this day, she is still bsessed with challenging herself with new things.
    This year, I gt a chance t study in Singapre fr six mnths. After the nvelty f the first few days had gne, I fund myself missing my family. With the summer vacatin appraching, my husband agreed t make gd use f the fact that I was staying in Singapre. He brught ur daughter ut t visit me and t enjy the new experience in a new cuntry.
    The reunin day finally came. My husband and my daughter arrived in the secnd week f July. I was s lking frward t seeing them. I had made many preparatins fr their visit. On the first day, I arranged fr us t see Gardens by the Bay. When we walked ut f the MRT statin, we were amazed by the sight f the Super Trees. When my daughter saw lts f peple walking n the Skyway, she culdn’t help shuting excitedly that she wanted t have a try. The Skyway is a 22-meter-high suspensin bridge frm which yu can enjy a birds eye view. Last time I came here with my friends, I firmly rejected their repeated attempts t challenge me t g up there. It was like the day with the snakes all ver again. But culd I really reject my little angel?
    Paragraph 1:
    My daughter was waiting fr my reply. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    Halfway acrss the bridge, I had t stp. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    (时间:120分钟 总分150分)
    第一部分 听力(30分)
    第一节 听下而5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a tailr's. B. In a htel. C. In a clthes shp
    2. What time is it nw?
    A. Abut 8:00. B. Abut 9:00. C. Abut 10:00
    3. What des the wman mean?
    A. The man is lying. B. The man is quite ld. C. The man is nt hard-wrking.
    4. What will tmrrw's talk be abut?
    A. Rivers. B. Rainfrest. C. Flwers.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Sme sngs. B. A vide game. C. A car race.
    第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What happened when the wman went t the restaurant?
    A. The fd wasn't freshly cked.
    B. The waiter aplgized t her.
    C The micrwave didn't wrk.
    7. What des the man think f the restaurant?
    A. Its service is fast. B. Its waiters are friendly. C. Its price is reasnable.
    8. What will cause a delay?
    A. The change f the battery. B. The replacement f the band. C. The repairs f the watch.
    9. When will the watch finally be ready?
    A. On Thursday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Tuesday.
    10. What des the wman say abut her car?
    A. It is very ld. B. It ften becmes t ht. C. It ften can't start.
    11. What is very bad accrding t the wman?
    A. The bus service. B. The expressway. C. The English class.
    12. Why is the man happy abut the wman's cming ver?
    A. She will help him finish his hmewrk.
    B. They can finish their hmewrk tgether.
    C. She will help him study English.
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Brther and sister. C. Husband and wife.
    14. What kind f apartment des the wman want?
    A. One near public transprtatin.
    B. One equipped with furniture.
    C. One in the center f the city.
    15. Hw will the speakers get the apartment infrmatin?
    A. Frm a friend. B. Frm the newspaper. C. Frm the Internet.
    16. What d we knw abut the speakers?
    A. They like ding exercise.
    B. They can't affrd t buy a huse.
    C. They want t live in a big apartment.
    17. What did Tnya initially plan t d with the bttle?
    A. Send it t a museum. B. Put it n her bkcase. C. Thrw it int the garbage.
    18. Where had the ship been sailing?
    A. Near Australia. B. Clse t Germany. C. In the Indian Ocean.
    19. Why was the bttle thrwn verbard?
    A. T ask fr help. B. T cntact a nearby ship. C. T research n cean currents.
    20. Where will the bttle be kept?
    A. In Perth. B. In Cardiff. C. In Hamburg.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    1. What d NINE SPA, VIP ROOM and INERAL MUD BATH have in cmmn?
    A. They have the same price.B. They dn’t have additinal cst.
    C. They have the same service.D. They dn’t include the service f massage fr children.
    2. If tw cuples with tw kids want t experience HOT MINERAL WITH HERB, hw much d
    they need t pay?
    A. 490,000d.B. 740,000d.
    C. 1,120,000d.D. 1,240,000d.
    3. Where can we find the price infrmatin?
    A. At a grcery.B. At a resrt.
    C. In a shpping mall.D. In a supermarket.
    【答案】1. D 2. C 3. B
    细节理解题。根据这三项服务中的“child(nt includes massage)(儿童服务不含按摩)”可知,三项服务的共同之处在于它们不提供儿童按摩服务。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据HOT MINERAL WITHL HERB中的“3-5 Guests/tub:220,000/Adult Frm 6 t ver Guests/tb:00000d/Adult Children:120,000/child”可知,如果两对夫妇带着两个孩子想体验“HOT MINERAL WITHL HERB”应该这样计算:四个成人为220000d×4=880000d,两个孩子为120000d×2 = 240000,则总费用为880000d+ 240000d=1120000d。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据HOT MINERAL-TOURIST JOINT STOCK COMPANY中的“Email:inf@i-resrt.vn ”可知,该公司的电子邮箱和网站地址中均有关键词resrt (度假胜地)一词出现,因此我们可以在度假胜地找到价格信息。故选B。
    In Denmark, bicycling is ne f the primary frms f transprtatin. In sunshine, rain and snw, yu will see cyclists n their way t wrk, t the grcery stre, r t scial events. The bike is a Dane’s best friend.
    Danish cycling culture is as ld as the bicycle itself. Bikes were first intrduced t the cuntry in the 1880s, and during the 1920s and 1930s, the bicycle became a widespread symbl f equality and freedm. Peple f all scial classes began biking side by side— in the cities n their way t wrk and in the cuntryside n their days ff.
    The increased prsperity f the late 1950s saw sme Danes replacing bikes with mtrcycles and autmbiles. Just like their clleagues arund the wrld, Danish urban planners believed the future belnged t cars, trucks, and ever-wider highways. In the early 1970s, hwever, the Mideast il crisis terminated that develpment. “Car Free Sundays” were intrduced in Cpenhagen, and prtests demanding Cpenhagen t becme car-free tk place. Over time, cncerns abut air pllutin, climate change, and the need fr peple t get enugh exercise have helped bicycles make a big cmeback. Denmark’s heavy taxes n petrl and autmbiles are a factr, t.
    Tday, cycling is an inseparable part f Danish culture. Newcmers wh d nt knw hw t cycle are encuraged t learn as sn as they arrive. Danish children usually learn t bike befre they begin schl at the age f six—and ften much earlier. In schl, children learn abut traffic rules, rad safety, and the imprtance f wearing a helmet as well as gd cycling habits. Anther alternative fr families with children is the carg bike—a srt f versized tricycle with a large wden bx n the frnt. It’s estimated that a quarter f all Cpenhagen families with tw r mre children wn ne f these carg bikes fr transprting kids, grceries, and ther necessities. Danish carg bikes have als wn design awards and becme a Danish exprt success.
    Cmmuting by bike is the fastest, easiest and mst envirnmentally friendly way t get arund the cities f Denmark. And the numbers speak fr themselves: Residents wh cycle in Cpenhagen request 1.1 millin fewer sick days. Cyclists reduce CO2 emissins by 20, 000 tnnes a year n average.
    4. What led t the ppularity f bicycles in Denmark during the 1920s and 1930s?
    A. The cnvenience f the bike.B. The prsperity f the ecnmy.
    C. The cnstructin f wide highways.D. The idea that the bike represents.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “terminated”mean in para.3?
    A. prmtedB. ended.C. permitted.D. funded.
    6. What d we knw abut carg bikes frm para.4?
    A. They are primarily used by families with ne child.
    B. They are unppular amng lcal residents.
    C. They are designed fr practical use.
    D. They are the natinal symbl f Denmark.
    7. Why des the authr mentin the data in the last paragraph?
    A. T highlight the ppularity f cycling.B. T cmpare cycling with driving.
    C. T shw the benefits f cycling.D. T demnstrate the effectiveness f cycling.
    【答案】4. D 5. B 6. C 7. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Danish cycling culture is as ld as the bicycle itself. Bikes were first intrduced t the cuntry in the 1880s, and during the 1920s and 1930s, the bicycle became a widespread symbl f equality and freedm.(丹麦的自行车文化就和自行车本身一样古老。自行车在19世纪80年代首次被引入美国,在20世纪20年代和30年代,自行车成为平等和自由的广泛象征。)”可知,自行车所代表的自由和平等的理念促成了20世纪20年代和30年代自行车在丹麦的流行。故选D项。
    词句猜测题。根据文章第三段划线词之前“The increased prsperity f the late 1950s saw sme Danes replacing bikes with mtrcycles and autmbiles. Just like their clleagues arund the wrld, Danish urban planners believed the future belnged t cars, trucks, and ever-wider highways. In the early 1970s, hwever, the Mideast il crisis(20世纪50年代末的日益繁荣,使得一些丹麦人用摩托车和汽车取代了自行车。就像他们在世界各地的同事一样,丹麦的城市规划者认为,未来属于汽车、卡车和越来越广阔的高速公路。然而,在20世纪70年代初,中东地区的石油危机)”以及划线词之后“that develpment. “Car Free Sundays” were intrduced in Cpenhagen, and prtests demanding Cpenhagen t becme car-free tk place. Over time, cncerns abut air pllutin, climate change, and the need fr peple t get enugh exercise have helped bicycles make a big cmeback. Denmark’s heavy taxes n petrl and autmbiles are a factr, t.(发展。哥本哈根推出了“无车星期天”,并举行了要求哥本哈根无车的抗议活动。随着时间的推移,对空气污染、气候变化的担忧,以及人们需要得到足够的锻炼,使自行车重新流行起来。丹麦对汽油和汽车的重税也是一个因素。)”可知,20世纪50年代末经济的发展让丹麦的城市的规划者一度认为丹麦的未来属于汽车、卡车和越来越广阔的高速公路,但是20世纪70年代初的中东地区的石油危机以及人们对于环境的担忧使得哥本哈根推出了“无车星期天”,并举行了要求哥本哈根无车的抗议活动,这让自行车重新流行起来,可以推测汽车行业不再发展了,所以划线词的意思应为停止,终止,与B项end意思相近。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Anther alternative fr families with children is the carg bike—a srt f versized tricycle with a large wden bx n the frnt. It’s estimated that a quarter f all Cpenhagen families with tw r mre children wn ne f these carg bikes fr transprting kids, grceries, and ther necessities. Danish carg bikes have als wn design awards and becme a Danish exprt success.(有孩子的家庭的另一种选择是货运自行车——一种前面有一个大木箱的超大三轮车。据估计,在所有有两个或两个以上孩子的哥本哈根家庭中,有四分之一拥有其中一辆货运自行车,用于运送孩子、食品杂货和其他生活必需品。)”可知,丹麦的货运自行车既可以用来运送孩子,还可以运送食品杂货和其他生活必需品,所以它的设计是非常实用的。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Cmmuting by bike is the fastest, easiest and mst envirnmentally friendly way t get arund the cities f Denmark. And the numbers speak fr themselves: Residents wh cycle in Cpenhagen request 1.1 millin fewer sick days. Cyclists reduce CO2 emissins by 20, 000 tnnes a year n average. (在丹麦的城市里,骑自行车上下班是最快、最简单、最环保的方式。数字不言自明:在哥本哈根骑自行车的居民要求少请110万天病假。骑自行车平均每年减少2万吨二氧化碳排放。)”可知,文章最后一段主要讲的是在丹麦骑自行车的好处,而列举数字是为了进一步说明骑自行车所带来的好处。故选C项。
    Children with strng family cnnectins are assciated with a high likelihd f flurishing in life, a study fund. “What is different abut this study is that it shws that family cnnectin is assciated with thriving and nt just surviving r aviding harm,” said lead study authr Dr. Rbert Whitaker.
    Researchers surveyed ver 37,000 children in 26 cuntries. In the study, family cnnectin was determined by a mean scre f five categries: care, supprt, safety, respect, and participatin. Flurishing was determined by a mean scre f six categries: self-acceptance, purpse in life, psitive relatins with thers, persnal grwth, envirnmental mastery and autnmy. The essence f family cnnectin is children feeling that they are accepted and cared fr at hme, which allws them t learn what their strengths and weaknesses are in a safe envirnment as they are building their identity,Whitaker said.
    Children with the greatest level f family cnnectin were ver 49% mre likely t flurish cmpared with thse with the lwest level f family cnnectin, accrding t the study. The highest scres in bth family cnnectin and flurishing came frm children wh said they lived with bth parents, had enugh fd r never had their family wrrying abut finances. Researchers then cntrlled the data fr families’ pverty levels t remve the effect they might have had n the numbers. After cntrlling the data, the strength f family cnnectin still impacted hw much children flurished.
    Accrding t Whitaker, adults have a very pwerful influence n the emtinal climate in the hme, s it’s imprtant t create a space where children feel seen and heard. A great pprtunity t strengthen family bnds is arund the dinner table. Adults shuld create an envirnment where children feel cmfrtable speaking freely. While they are talking,grwn-ups shuld shw that they have a genuine interest in what their children are saying. Silence is als anther pwerful frm f cmmunicatin, Whitaker said. Children and parents spending time tgether in silence r even ding chres can create a cnnectin.
    8. What is the study mainly abut?
    A. The imprtance f family cnnectin t children’s survival.
    B. The relatinship between family cnnectin and children’s success.
    C. The factrs affecting children’ self-acceptance.
    D. The impact f pverty n children’s develpment.
    9. Wh are mre likely t achieve high scres in bth family cnnectin and flurishing?
    A. Children wh live with a single parent.
    B. Children wh have enugh fd and mney.
    C. Children wh knw f their strengths and weaknesses.
    D. Children wh have a whle family and ecnmic security.
    10. Which f the fllwing might be an influencing factr in the result?
    A. Family incme.B. Parents’ educatinal level.
    C. Children’s age and gender.D. The number f peple in the family.
    11. Hw can adults strengthen family bnds during mealtime?
    A. By shwing respect when children are talking.B. By talking abut their wn prblems.
    C. By keeping silent when disagreements arise.D. By backing children’s pinins frever.
    【答案】8. B 9. D 10. A 11. A
    推理判断题。根据第一段的“Children with strng family cnnectins are assciated with a high likelihd f flurishing in life, a study fund. “What is different abut this study is that it shws that family cnnectin is assciated with thriving and nt just surviving r aviding harm, ” said lead study authr Dr. Rbert Whitaker. (一项研究发现,家庭关系紧密的孩子更有可能在生活中取得成功。该研究的主要作者Rbert Whitaker博士说:“这项研究的不同之处在于,它表明家庭关系与孩子的成长有关,而不仅仅是为了孩子的生存或使其避免伤害。”)”可推知,这项研究的主要内容是家庭关系和孩子的成功之间的关系。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段的“The highest scres in bth family cnnectin and flurishing came frm children wh said they lived with bth parents, had enugh fd r never had their family wrrying abut finances. (在家庭关系和成长两方面得分最高的是那些和父母都住在一起的孩子,他们有足够的食物,或者从来没有让家人担心过经济问题)”可知,有完整的家庭和经济保障的孩子们更有可能在家庭关系和个人发展两方面都获得高分。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段的“Researchers then cntrlled the data fr families’ pverty levels t remve the effect they might have had n the numbers. (然后,研究人员控制了家庭贫困水平的数据,以消除他们可能对研究结果产生的影响)”可知,研究中将家庭收入水平这个因素进行控制,因为这可能是影响研究结果的因素。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段的“A great pprtunity t strengthen family bnds is arund the dinner table. Adults shuld create an envirnment where children feel cmfrtable speaking freely. While they are talking, grwn-ups shuld shw that they have a genuine interest in what their children are saying. (加强家庭关系的好机会就是在餐桌上。成年人应该创造一个让孩子们畅所欲言的环境。当他们说话的时候,成年人应该表现出他们对孩子所说的话有真正的兴趣)”可知,为了加强家庭关系,在用餐期间成年人在孩子们说话时要表现出尊重。故选A项。
    Blue-light blcking glasses have gained ppularity ver the past few years with the idea they prtect ur eyes against screen usage— but a new analysis shws they might nt be as beneficial t ur eye health as previusly hped.
    Researchers reviewed data frm 17 randmized cntrlled trials (随机对照试验)—the “current,best available evidence”they culd find n the tpic—and published the results in the Cchrane Database f Systematic Reviews jurnal. The findings? Glasses marketed t filter ut blue light prbably make n difference t eye strain r sleep quality.
    “We fund there may be n shrt-term advantages with using blue-light filtering spectacle lenses (眼镜镜片) t reduce visual tiredness assciated with cmputer use, cmpared t nn-blue-light filtering lenses,"said Laura Dwnie, senir authr f the review, in a news release.
    “It is als currently unclear whether these lenses affect visin quality r sleep-related utcmes, and n cnclusins culd be drawn abut any ptential effects n retinal(视网膜的)health in the lnger term,”she added.“Peple shuld be aware f these findings when deciding whether t purchase these spectacles.”
    The studies they reviewed ranged in size and length, with a span f as few as 5 t as many as 156 participants assessed ver different perids, frm less than ne day t five weeks.The authrs said mre research with lnger fllw-ups in mre diverse ppulatins was needed t better assess any ptential effects.
    Blue light, like that emanating (发出) frm cmputer screens and smartphnes,des stimulate the eyes and cause sleeping prblems.During the pandemic, dctrs reprted seeing the grwth f visin issues related t cmputer use including eye strain, which culd lead t headaches, frntal headaches,pain arund the eyes and pain behind the eyes,as well as dry eyes and related prblems.
    Earlier this year ptmetrist Dr. Rbert Jhnsn said that while he was cncerned abut the impact f screens n ur visin, blue light blckers weren’t the answer. Instead f shelling ut mney fr special shades, hwever, experts advise taking rests.
    Dr. Christpher Starr, an phthalmlgist at Weill Crnell Medicine, recmmends small breaks away frm screens every 20 minutes. During that break, lk int the distance at an bject at least 20 feet away r farther, fr 20 secnds r mre.Als shut yur eyes fr 20 secnds during the break.
    12. What des the underlined sentence mean in paragraph 4?
    A. Blue-light blcking glasses deserve a higher price.
    B. Peple shuld knw the latest news f the purchase.
    C. Peple shuldn't cmpletely trust the salesman.
    D. Blue-light blcking glasses are cnsumptin traps.
    13. What can we learn abut blue light?
    A. It can't be blcked at all.
    B. It des harm nly t ur eyes.
    C. It is cmmnly fund in electrnic devices.
    D. It caused a great need f blue-light blcking glasses during the pandemic.
    14. Which f the fllwing can better keep us frm blue light?
    A. Imprved blue-light blcking glasses.B. Frequent screen breaks.
    C. Advanced screens.D. Medicine.
    15. Which ne f the fllwing is the best title?
    A. Blue-light blcking glasses may nt actually help
    B. Blue-light blcking glasses have gained ppularity
    C. A new study f blue-blcking glasses
    D. Blue-blcking glasses really help
    【答案】12. C 13. C 14. B 15. A
    句意猜测题。根据第四段的““It is als currently unclear whether these lenses affect visin quality r sleep-related utcmes, and n cnclusins culd be drawn abut any ptential effects n retinalhealth in the lnger term,” she added.(她补充说,“目前还不清楚这些镜片是否会影响视力质量或与睡眠相关的结果,也无法得出长期对视网膜健康有任何潜在影响的结论。”“在决定是否购买这些眼镜时,人们应该了解这些发现。”)”可知,划线句子中的“these findings”指的是前文提到的“目前还不清楚这些镜片是否会影响视力质量或与睡眠相关的结果,也无法得出长期对视网膜健康有任何潜在影响的结论。”,因此鉴于目前的研究结果,人们不应该完全相信推销员。 故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第三段的“Blue light, like that emanating frm cmputer screens and smartphnes,des stimulate the eyes and cause sleeping prblems.(蓝光,比如电脑屏幕和智能手机发出的蓝光,确实会刺激眼睛,导致睡眠问题。)”可知,蓝光通常存在于电子设备中。 故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Dr. Christpher Starr, an phthalmlgist at Weill Crnell Medicine, recmmends small breaks away frm screens every 20 minutes. During that break, lk int the distance at an bject at least 20 feet away r farther, fr 20 secnds r mre.Als shut yur eyes fr 20 secnds during the break.(威尔·康奈尔医学院的眼科医生克里斯托弗·斯塔尔建议每隔20分钟离开屏幕一小会儿。在休息期间,盯着至少20英尺远的物体看20秒或更长时间。休息时闭上眼睛20秒。)”可知,经常离开屏幕休息一会儿可以更好地让我们远离蓝光。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,根据第一段的“Blue-light blcking glasses have gained ppularity ver the past few years with the idea they prtect ur eyes against screen usage— but a new analysis shws they might nt be as beneficial t ur eye health as previusly hped.(在过去的几年里,阻挡蓝光的眼镜越来越受欢迎,人们认为它们可以保护我们的眼睛不受屏幕的影响,但一项新的分析表明,它们对我们的眼睛健康可能没有以前希望的那么有益。)”可知,研究发现蓝光屏蔽眼镜可能无法提供预期的好处,A项(研究发现阻挡蓝光的眼镜实际上可能没有帮助)可以作为标题。故选A项。
    What makes yu cry? Being mved by a sad mvie, waving a lved ne ff, r lsing a pet can all cause tears t rll dwn ur faces. ____16____ But is that a gd thing?
    When yu think abut it, shedding(流)tears frm yur eyes is an dd thing t d. But it seems t be an autmatic reactin when we get sad, upset r even when we're very happy. ____17____
    Hwever, the feeling is the same---yur cheeks puff up, yur eyes tighten and befre yu knw it, tears are streaming dwn yur face. Sme f us may cry a little while thers might cry like a baby.
    Writer Adam Rutherfrd says, “Accrding t pretty much every study dne, wmen d cry mre than men, and this result has been cnsistent since we've been lking.”But des this mean men dn't get as upset r emtinal as wmen, r are they just mre embarrassed abut shwing their true feelings? ____18____
    One place where we experience emtinal and tearful utbursts(爆发) is in the wrkplace.
    ____19____ Smene might be stressed, and their wrklad might be t much. As therapist Janna Crss says, "Crying is ften a build-up f frustratin and undealt-with situatins, and it's a bit f a final straw mment."
    ____20____ Maybe it disslves r clears the negative r sad feelings yu've had. Crying shws thers hw yu feel, s perhaps it's a crying shame that mre f us, particularly men,dn't cry mre ften.
    A The debate cntinues.
    B. What sets ff this reactin differs frm persn t persn.
    C. What might be the negative effects f crying?
    D. This can be smewhere where emtins run high.
    E. We all have the pwer t cry.
    F. Sme peple suggest that it's wmen wh cry mre than men.
    G. But crying in the ffice r elsewhere can actually make yu feel better.
    【答案】16. E 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. G
    根据上文“What makes yu cry? Being mved by a sad mvie, waving a lved ne ff, r lsing a pet can all cause tears t rll dwn ur faces.”(是什么让你哭的?被一部悲伤的电影感动,挥手告别所爱的人,或者失去一只宠物,都能让我们流泪。)可知,每个人都有哭的权利。故E选项“每个人都有哭的权利”切题。故选E项。
    根据上文“But it seems t be an autmatic reactin when we get sad, upset r even when we're very happy.”(但当我们悲伤、沮丧甚至非常高兴时,这似乎是一种自动反应。)可知,选项总结上文说明这种反应的原因各不相同。故B选项“引起这种反应的原因因人而异”切题。故选B项。
    根据上文“But des this mean men dn't get as upset r emtinal as wmen, r are they just mre embarrassed abut shwing their true feelings?”(但这是否意味着男人不会像女人那样心烦意乱或情绪化,或者他们只是更羞于表达自己的真实感受?)可知,选项承接上文说明这个问题没有肯定的答案,还需要讨论下去。故A选项“争论仍在继续”切题。故选A项。
    根据上文“One place where we experience emtinal and tearful utbursts(爆发) is in the wrkplace.”(工作场所是我们经历情感和眼泪爆发的一个地方。)和下文“Smene might be stressed, and their wrklad might be t much.”(有些人可能会有压力,他们的工作量可能会太多。)可知,办公室最有可能是情绪高涨的一个地方。故D选项“这可能是情绪高涨的地方”切题。故选D项。
    根据下文“Maybe it disslves r clears the negative r sad feelings yu've had.”(也许它会溶解或清除你的消极或悲伤的感觉。)可知,哭会让你感觉更好。故G选选项“但在办公室或其他地方哭泣实际上可以让你感觉更好”切题,承接上文。故选G项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分55分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 共15分)
    It was the first night f a tiring seven-day 250 km race acrss the Gbi Desert a year ag. Mr. Lenard___21___a little dg ging arund his camp trying t___22___herself.
    “Cute, but I’m nt giving yu any,” Lenard thught. Like all___23___, he had packed just enugh fr the whle___24___. He’d been running cmpetitively fr three years, and he had a___25___t win.
    The next day, at the starting line, the dg___26___him again. He waved her away, wrried that she culdn’t cpe with dangerus situatins and might be stepped n by the runners.___27___, the dg fllwed him all the way until the day’s race___28___. That night the dg snuggled (依偎) up t Lenard and even___29___t get a little fd frm him. By then, he was determined t name her Gbi.
    The pair went n t finish the seven-day race, with Gbi____30____a distance f 125 km n her wn, and winning Lenard ver, enugh fr him t make a____31____---he wuld take her hme t Edinburgh. “Seeing Gbi in the race____32____my attitude t things. It made me think mre abut stpping and helping her, rather than just fcusing n winning, ”said Lenard, wh finished secnd. “In the meantime, it als made my running mre enjyable, giving me a lt f pleasure. ”
    As Lenard was preparing t get Gbi hme,she was missing. With a grup f lcal vlunteers cming t his____33____, he finally fund her. After that, Lenard never let Gbi ut f____34____. Nw Gbi’s favrite activity is still running, and she____35____des at least 8 km a day with Lenard up the hills.
    21. A. treatedB. adptedC. spttedD. recgnized
    22. A. entertainB. waterC. feedD. impress
    23. A. hikersB. cmpetitrsC. explrersD. climbers
    24. A. curseB. planC. dayD. camp
    25. A. chanceB. desireC. rightD. md
    26. A. btheredB. stppedC. welcmedD. apprached
    27. A. MeanwhileB. NeverthelessC. TherefreD. Otherwise
    28. A. came utB. carried nC. kicked ffD. wund up
    29. A. managedB. expectedC. affrdedD. begged
    30. A. keepingB. settingC. cveringD. extending
    31. A. remarkB. decisinC. chiceD. difference
    32. A. spnsredB. identifiedC. challengedD. changed
    33. A. assistanceB. mindC. rescueD. defense
    34. A. sightB. wayC. handD. reach
    35. A. graduallyB. eventuallyC. rutinelyD. ccasinally
    【答案】21. C 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. C 31. B 32. D 33. A 34. A 35. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Lenard先生发现一只小狗在他的营地周围走动,试图找东西吃。A. treated对待,治疗;B. adpted收养;C. sptted发现;D. recgnized辨认,认出。根据上文“It was the first night f a tiring seven-day 250km race acrss the Gbi Desert a year ag.”及常识可知,Lenard先生在参加横跨戈壁沙漠的马拉松比赛时发现了这只小狗,spt意为“看见,发现”符合句意。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Lenard先生看到一只小狗在他的营地周围走动,试图找东西吃。A. entertain娱乐;B. water浇水;C. feed喂;D. impress使印象深刻。根据后文“That night the dg snuggled (偎依) up t Lenard and even____10____ t get a little fd frm him.”可知,这只狗正在找东西给自己吃,所以feed符合句意。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:和所有的参赛者一样,他带的东西只够整个赛程使用。A. hikers徒步旅行者;B. cmpetitrs参赛者;C. explrers探险家,勘探者;D. climbers登山者。根据上文“It was the first night f a tiring seven-day 250km race acrss the Gbi Desert a year ag.”以及下文“He’d been running cmpetitively fr three years, and he had a __5__ t win.”可知此处指参加马拉松比赛的参赛者,所以cmpetitrs意为“参赛者”符合题意。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:像所有的参赛者一样,他所带的东西刚好够他跑完全程。A. curse过程,课程;B. plan计划;C. day天;D. camp营地。根据“It was the first night f a tiring seven-day 250km race acrss the Gbi Desert a year ag.”以及下文第四段第一句“The pair went n t finish the seven-day race”可知,此处指Lenard参加的马拉松比赛整个赛程,curse符合题意。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他参加跑步比赛已经三年了,他渴望获胜。A. chance机会;B. desire渴望;C. right权利;D. md情绪。根据“He’d been running cmpetitively fr three years,”可知,Lenard参赛很渴望获得胜利,短语have a desire t d意为“渴望做某事”符合句意。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天,在起跑线上,狗再次走近他。A. bthered打扰;B. stpped停止;C. welcmed欢迎;D. apprached接近,着手处理。根据后文“He waved her away”可知,这只狗靠近他。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,这只狗一直跟着他,直到那天的比赛结束。A. Meanwhile同时;B. Nevertheless尽管如此,然而;C. Therefre因此;D. Otherwise否则。根据上文“He waved her away”及下文“the dg fllwed him all the way until the day’s race ____9____.”可知,前后句意存在转折关系,应用表示转折意义的副词,所以nevertheless意为“然而”符合句意。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:然而,这只狗一路跟着他,直到那天的比赛结束。A. came ut出版;B. carried n继续;C. kicked ff踢开;D. wund up结束。根据“the dg fllwed him all the way”可知,这只狗是一直跟着Lenard到比赛结束。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天晚上,这只狗依偎在Lenard身边,甚至还设法从他那里弄到一点食物。A. managed管理;B. expected期待;C. affrded买得起,承担得起(后果),提供;D. begged恳求。根据上文“‘Cute, but I’m nt giving yu any,’ Lenard thught.”以及本句中“That night the dg snuggled (偎依) up t Lenard and even”可知这次狗设法从Lenard那里弄到一点食物,动词短语manage t d sth意为“设法做成某事”符合句意。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:两人继续完成了为期7天的比赛,Gbi独自跑了125公里,这赢得了Lenard的支持,这足以让他做出决定——他将带她回爱丁堡的家。A. keeping保持;B. setting设立;C. cvering覆盖;行走(一段路程);D. extending扩展。根据“The pair went n t finish the seven-day race,”可知Gbi跑完125公里的路程,短语cver a distance f意为“走完(一段路程)”。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:两人继续完成了为期7天的比赛,Gbi独自跑了125公里,这赢得了Lenard的支持,足以让他做出决定——他要带她回爱丁堡的家。A. remark评论;B. decisin决定;C. chice选择;D. difference不同(之处),差异。根据“he wuld take her hme t Edinburgh.”可知Lenard决定将戈壁带回家,短语make a decisin意为“做决定”符合句意。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:看到比赛中的Gbi改变了我对事物的态度。A. spnsred赞助;B. identified识别;C. challenged挑战;D. changed改变。根据“It made me think mre abut stpping and helping her, ____15____ just fcusing n winning,”可知,Lenard改变自己的态度。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在20名当地志愿者的帮助下,他终于找到了她。A. assistance帮助;B. mind头脑,心思,思维;C. rescue拯救;D. defense防御。根据后文“he finally fund her”可知,找到走失的Gbi是在当地志愿者的帮助下找到的,所以assistance意为“帮助”,came t ne’s assistance意为“帮助某人”符合句意。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:从那以后,Lenard再也没有让Gbi离开过他的视线。A. sight视力;B. way方法;C. hand手;D. reach到达。根据语境可知,找到Gbi之后,Lenard从来没有让Gbi离开过他的视线。ut f sight“看不见;在视野之外”符合句意。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:现在Gbi最喜欢的活动仍然是跑步,她每天和Lenard一起爬山,每天至少跑8公里。A. gradually逐渐地;B. eventually最终;C. rutinely日常地;常规地;D. ccasinally偶尔。根据前文“Nw Gbi’s favrite activity is still running,”可知,Lenard每天和Gbi爬山,所以rutinely符合句意。故选C。
    Zigng, a city in Suthwest China’s Sichuan Prvince, is knwn ____36____ the City f Lanterns. Chinese peple ____37____ (appreciate) the beauty f lanterns fr years, but the custm f enjying lanterns n festivals began in Zigng as early as the Tang Dynasty. Mst Chinese lanterns are made with wire structures and fabric cverings. ____38____ (add) t their beauty, Zigng craftsmen als use a ____39____ (varius) f materials, such as silk, paper, bamb, straw, ccn and even prcelain.
    Lantern prductin is nw ____40____ driving frce fr the lcal ecnmy as mst f the large-scale lanterns ____41____ (use) in festive shws are prduced in Zigng. The annual Zigng Lantern Shw is als a majr attractin fr the city’s turism. Visitrs flck t Zigng t enjy lanterns, as well as varius ther ____42____ (delight) entertaining activities.
    The excellent skills f Zigng craftsmen have als taken this natinal intangible heritage abrad, ____43____ (cntribute) t spectacles f clr and delight at lantern shws in mre than 70 cuntries and regins wrldwide. Zigng lanterns are nw a name card fr their hmetwn.
    Fr us Chinese, lanterns have nt nly lit up the night, ____44____ illuminated hearts ____45____ are anxius t g hme t celebrate festivals with families.
    【答案】36. as 37. have appreciated
    38. T add 39. variety
    40. a 41. used
    42. delightful
    43. cntributing
    44. but 45. which##that
    考查介词。句意:自贡,中国西南部四川省的一个城市,被称为灯笼之城。分析句子可知,这里考查be knwn as表“被称为”,为固定搭配。故填as。
    考查时态。句意:多年来,中国人一直欣赏灯笼的美丽,但自贡早在唐代就开始了节日赏灯的习俗。此处在句中作谓语,Chinese peple与appreciate为主动关系,且由fr years可知,这里应用现在完成时。故填have appreciated。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:自贡的工匠们还使用了各种各样的材料,如丝绸、纸张、竹子、稻草、茧甚至瓷器,以增加其美感。此处应用不定式作目的状语,且句首时首字母应大写。故填T add。
    考查名词。句意:自贡的工匠们还使用了各种各样的材料,如丝绸、纸张、竹子、稻草、茧甚至瓷器,以增加其美感。a variety f固定搭配,意为“各种各样的”,故填variety。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:灯笼生产现在是当地经济的驱动力,因为节日表演中使用的大多数大型灯笼都产自自贡。此处在句中作非谓语,the large-scale lanterns与use为被动关系,再由句意可知,这里应用过去分词作定语。故填used。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:自贡工匠的精湛技艺也将这项国家级非物质文化遗产带到了国外,为世界70多个国家和地区的灯展增添了色彩和欢乐。分析句子可知,此处是非谓语,The excellent skills f Zigng craftsmen与cntribute为主动关系,再由句意可知,这里应用现在分词作状语。故填cntributing。
    考查固定搭配。句意:对于我们中国人来说,灯笼不仅照亮了夜晚,也照亮了渴望回家与家人一起过节的心。nt (als)为固定搭配,故填but。
    考查定语从句。句意:对于中国人来说,灯笼不仅照亮了夜晚,也照亮了渴望回家与家人一起过节的心。分析句子可知,空处引导限制性定语从句,先行词为hearts ,关系词在从句中作主语,所以这里应用关系代词which或者that引导。故填which或者that。
    第四部分 书面表达(满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你与外教Peter约定于本周日一起游北湖公园,但你因故不能赴约。请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 表示歉意;
    2. 解释原因;
    3. 另约时间。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80词左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Peter,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Peter,
    I’m srry I can’t g t Beihu Central Park with yu this Saturday. My uncle phned and asked me t pick him up at the airprt n Saturday mrning. I have tried t find smene t replace me, but n ther persn is available.
    Shall we walk in the park n Sunday mrning? Please let me knw if the time is suitable fr yu and I am pen t suggestins as well.
    I hpe yu can reply at yur earliest cnvenience.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    打电话:phne sb → ring sb up
    代替:replace → substitute
    让某人做某事:ask sb t d→ require sb t d
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:I have tried t find smene t replace me, but n ther persn is available.
    拓展句:I have tried t find smene that can replace me, but n ther persn is available.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m srry I can’t g t Beihu Central Park with yu this Saturday. (运用了省略that 的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】Please let me knw if the time is suitable fr yu and I am pen t suggestins as well. (运用了if 引导的条件状语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数为150词左右。
    As the mther f an eleven-year-ld girl, I have read several bks that tell parents hw t bring up a girl t be beautiful, elegant, cnfident, and rich. Hwever, I have always believed that girls need t be brave abve all else, but this is easier said than dne.
    I still remember I culdn’t see the screen directly when my daughter switched t the animal channel, which was bradcasting a shw abut snakes. I std as far away frm the TV as pssible, t scared t pen my eyes. Hwever, my little angel was nt scared f the snakes. In fact, she watched the shw with a keen interest. I was relieved that my daughter didn’t get t many genetic phbias(遗传恐惧症). Even t this day, she is still bsessed with challenging herself with new things.
    This year, I gt a chance t study in Singapre fr six mnths. After the nvelty f the first few days had gne, I fund myself missing my family. With the summer vacatin appraching, my husband agreed t make gd use f the fact that I was staying in Singapre. He brught ur daughter ut t visit me and t enjy the new experience in a new cuntry.
    The reunin day finally came. My husband and my daughter arrived in the secnd week f July. I was s lking frward t seeing them. I had made many preparatins fr their visit. On the first day, I arranged fr us t see Gardens by the Bay. When we walked ut f the MRT statin, we were amazed by the sight f the Super Trees. When my daughter saw lts f peple walking n the Skyway, she culdn’t help shuting excitedly that she wanted t have a try. The Skyway is a 22-meter-high suspensin bridge frm which yu can enjy a birds eye view. Last time I came here with my friends, I firmly rejected their repeated attempts t challenge me t g up there. It was like the day with the snakes all ver again. But culd I really reject my little angel?
    Paragraph 1:
    My daughter was waiting fr my reply. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    Halfway acrss the bridge, I had t stp. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    【答案】Pssible versin ne:
    My daughter was waiting fr my reply. I was secretly very wrried. But my daughter kept begging me and I culd nt bear t reject her. Bravery was the mst significant quality that I wanted her t pssess. Her curisity was s strng that I culdn’t resist. I ndded slightly, and my daughter’s frwning face slwly brke int a smile. My respnse surprised my husband, wh reacted with the wildest excitement as we walked twards the Skyway. When I stepped n it, I fund myself hrrified by the height. I grabbed the railing, almst unable t mve.
    Halfway acrss the bridge, I had t stp. My heart beat wildly, casting scared glances dwn the bridge. My husband and daughter held my hands tightly. I walked as thugh I were drunk. But their firm gaze built up my cnfidence and we kept ging tgether. “Mm, lk, it’s s beautiful.” What I saw there filled my sul with jy. The bay spread ut far belw me. Beynd it std the tall and beautiful skyscrapers. I lked dwn at my little girl wh taught her mther hw t be brave, and breathed a sigh f relief.
    Pssible versin tw:
    My daughter was waiting fr my reply. I lked at her, then at the Skyway. I felt my heart threatening t burst ut frm my chest. My husband, wh was used t this kind f situatin and understd hw scared I was, cnsled me. He said he culd g with ur little girl instead. But my daughter wuldn’t give up easily and shuted ut her wn encuragement. I plucked up my curage and tk my first step nt the suspensin bridge, then anther, I inched frward, all the way hlding n tight t the handrail.
    Halfway acrss the bridge, I had t stp. I std there, and my legs trembled despite my fruitless attempt t stay calm. Belw the bridge, the treetps frmed an cean f green waves that threatened t devur me. Just then, I heard a familiar vice, and tw little hands slipped int my arm. Lking dwn, I saw my little angel’s bright smile, encuraging me t finish the walk. Eventually, we reached the end tgether. My husband was surprised at my nerve, but I knew the reasn I had felt s brave was fr my little girl.
    【点睛】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:culd nt bear t d sth.,burst ut,pluck up等高级词汇;Bravery was the mst significant quality that I wanted her t pssess. 中that引导的定语从句,Her curisity was s strng that I culdn’t resist. 中引导的状语从句,My husband, wh was used t this kind f situatin and understd hw scared I was, cnsled me.中wh引导的非限制性定语从句和hw引导的宾语从句等高级句式。
    Ad:19 Xuan Ngc-Vinh Ngc-Nha Trang-Khanh Ha
    Phne :02583830141 -3838838
    1 Guest: 5, 500, 000d
    2 Guests: 6, 500, 000d
    3 Guests : 8, 500, 000d
    4 Guests: 10, 000, 000d
    (Children: Nt use this service)
    *Gif: I mud cmestic prduct/guest (price: 350, 000vnd)
    900, 000d/Adult
    650, 000d/Child
    04 hurs Full day
    1 Guest /bungalw; 3, 300, 000d 4, 000, 000d
    2 Guests /bungalw: 4, 500, 00 5, 500, 000d
    3 Guests/bungalw; 5, 500, 000d 6, 500, 00d
    4 Guests /bungalw: 6, 500, 000 7, 800, 000d
    additinal cst:150,000/guest
    650,000d/child (nt includes massage)
    1-2 Guests/ub: 5000d/Adult
    3-5 Gusts/tub: 450.000d/Adult
    Frm 6 t ver Guests/ub:400,000d/Adult
    Children: 300.000/child
    Ⅲ. VIP ROOM:
    1 Guest:
    2 Guests: 3,500.000d
    3 Guests:4, 500, 000d
    4 Guests: 5,200,000d
    *Additinal cst: 1, 000, 000d/guest 50,000d/child (nt includes massage)
    1-2 Gusts/ub: 350,000d/Adult
    3-5 Guests/tub: 300,000/Adult
    Frm 6 t ver
    1 Guest: 1, 800, 000d/rm
    2 Guests: 2,5,0000d/rm
    3 Guests : 3000, 000d/rm
    4 Guests: 3, 500, 000d/rm
    *Additinal cst: 700,000d/guest 40,000d/child (nt includes massage)
    1-2 Guests/tub : 250, 000d/Adult
    3-5 Guests/tub : 220, 000/Adult
    Frm 6 t ver Guests/ tub:200,000d/Adult
    Children: 120,000/child
    Adult: 170,000d
    Child: 80, 000d
    Ad:19 Xuan Ngc-Vinh Ngc-Nha Trang-Khanh Ha
    Phne :02583830141 -3838838
    1 Guest: 5, 500, 000d
    2 Guests: 6 500, 000d
    3 Guests : 8, 500, 000d
    4 Guests: 10, 000, 000d
    (Children: Nt use this service)
    *Gif: I mud cmestic prduct/guest (price: 350, 000vnd)
    900, 000d/Adult
    650, 000d/Child
    04 hurs Full day
    1 Guest /bungalw; 3, 300, 000d 4, 000, 000d
    2 Guests /bungalw: 4, 500, 00 5, 500, 000d
    3 Guests/bungalw; 5, 500, 000d 6, 500, 00d
    4 Guests /bungalw: 6, 500, 000 7, 800, 000d
    additinal cst:150,000/guest
    650,000d/child (nt includes massage)
    1-2 Guests/ub: 5000d/Adult
    3-5 Gusts/tub: 450.000d/Adult
    Frm 6 t ver Guests/ub:400,000d/Adult
    Children: 300.000/child
    Ⅲ. VIP ROOM:
    1 Guest:
    2 Guests: 3,500.000d
    3 Guests:4, 500, 000d
    4 Guests: 5,200,000d
    *Additinal cst: 1, 000, 000d/guest 50,000d/child (nt includes massage)
    1-2 Gusts/ub: 350,000d/Adult
    3-5 Guests/tub: 300,000/Adult
    Frm 6 t ver
    1 Guest: 1, 800, 000d/rm
    2 Guests: 2,5,0000d/rm
    3 Guests : 3000, 000d/rm
    4 Guests: 3, 500, 000d/rm
    *Additinal cst: 700,000d/guest 40,000d/child (nt includes massage)
    1-2 Guests/tub : 250, 000d/Adult
    3-5 Guests/tub : 220, 000/Adult
    Frm 6 t ver Guests/ tub:200,000d/Adult
    Children: 120,000/child
    Adult: 170,000d
    Child: 80, 000d

    四川省南充高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省南充高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试卷(Word版附解析),共35页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    2024长治高二下学期3月月考试题英语含解析(含听力): 这是一份2024长治高二下学期3月月考试题英语含解析(含听力),文件包含山西省长治市2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考试题英语含解析docx、2024山西省长治市高二下学期3月月考英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。






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