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    这是一份陕西省咸阳市2024届高三下学期高考模拟检测(二)英语试卷(Word版附答案),文件包含2024届陕西省咸阳市高三下学期模拟检测二英语试题docx、英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本试卷共10页,全卷满分150分,答题时间为120分钟;
    2. 答卷前,务必将答题卡上密封线内的各项目填写清楚;
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    第一节(共5小题,每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19. 15. B. £ 9. 18. C. £ 9. 15.
    1. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a bkstre. B. In a dining hall. C. In a shpping mall.
    2. What will the wman d n the weekend?
    A. G hiking. B. Have a picnic. C. Make mvies.
    3. What is the wman’s attitude twards keeping pets?
    A. Supprtive. B. Uncncerned. C. Oppsed.
    4. What is prbably the main cause f the traffic jams?
    A. The ecnmy develps t fast.
    B. The number f cars is increasing.
    C. The skills f drivers are t bad.
    5. What will the man prbably d next?
    A. G t the restaurant. B. Bring dishes t the ffice. C. Have dinner at hme.
    第二节(共15小题,每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What des the wman think f the first aid curse?
    A. Interesting. B. Scary. C. Essential.
    7. What is prbably the wman?
    A. A student. B. A teacher. C. A dctr.
    8. When is the man leaving fr New Yrk?
    A. Mnday. B. Wednesday. C. Friday.
    9. What will the man be ding during his free time in New Yrk?
    A. Attending meetings. B. Visiting clients. C. Explring the city.
    10. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A travel plan. B. A business trip. C. A news reprt.
    11. Which city is recmmended fr a cultural heritage?
    A. Chiang Mai. B. Phuket. C. Bangkk.
    12. What is the best time t visit Thailand?
    A. January. B. March. C. Octber.
    13. Why des the wman make the phne call?
    A. T ask fr a travel brchure.
    B. T make a travel reservatin.
    C. T knw mre abut Thailand.
    14. Hw des pllutin affect the cean?
    A. It harms sea life and damages ecsystems.
    B. It leads t the reductin f fish ppulatins.
    C. It threatens the livelihds f many peple.
    15. Hw many majr threats des the man mentin?
    A. Three. B. Fur. C. Five.
    16. What can individuals d t prevent sea pllutin?
    A. Keeping sustainable fishing practices.
    B. Reducing plastic waste in daily life.
    C. Finding appraches, t water saving.
    17. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Dctr and patient. B. Expert and student. C. Jurnalist and interviewee.
    18. What is the average height f peple in the Qin dynasty?
    A. 1. 78 meters. B. 1. 70 meters. C. 1. 90 meters.
    19. Why were the terractta sldiers made much taller?
    A. T ensure that they can fight clsely with each ther.
    B. T shw the strng pwer f warrirs impressively.
    C. T make every statue as lifelike as. human beings.
    20. What is the man mainly talking abut?
    A. The facial features f Terractta Warrirs.
    B. The height f the Terractta Warrirs.
    C. The intrductin f Terractta Warrirs.
    Despite the freezing weather utside, ice cream never lses its charm. D yu want ne? Here are sme famus ice cream brands, there must be ne that suits yur taste.
    Baskin Rbbins
    Baskin Rbbins has been arund fr ver 70 years. And with their many lcatins f ice-cream shps and the ability t purchase pints in grcery stres, these ice cream prducts are highly accessible. Baskin Rbbins is knwn fr their' wide array f ice cream flavrs, ranging frm classics like Pralines n' Cream t unique fferings such as Secret Admirer, Cherries Jubilee, and Skillet Ckie Crumble. They even make delightful ice cream cakes that are perfect fr yur junir's birthday parties.
    S Delicius
    S Delicius is unique in that it is a dairy-free brand. They make nn-dairy cffee creamers, cheese, and ice cream prducts. If yu are n a dairy-free diet, this brand is fr yu. They make s many types f nn-dairy ice cream with bases including almnd milk, cashew milk, ccnut milk, sy milk, at milk, and their new cncctin "wnder milk. "Their flavrs range frm buttery pecan, t at milk cffee chip, and dark chclate truffle.
    Magnum ice cream carries many frzen ice cream prducts sld in grcery stres as well as a nn-dairy line f ice creams. They are mst knwn fr their signature hard chclate shell that appears in ice cream pints as well as n many f their ice cream frzen bars. They als carry a variety f ice cream pints in flavrs such as Duble Ckie Crumble, Milk Chclate Vanilla, and Duble Red Velvet.
    Adirndack Creamery
    Adirndack Creamery was launched in New Yrk and surces lcal cream fr their wide line f ice cream flavrs. Sme f these flavrs include Kulfi Pistachi Cardamm, Syrian Date and Walnut, and Black Raspberry. They pride themselves n aviding the use f additives and sell their prducts in sme grcery stres- althugh they als have vernight natinwide delivery if yu are nt a lcal resident.
    21. What is Baskin Rbbins famus fr?
    A. A limited selectin f flavrs. B. Being highly accessible t peple.
    C. A variety f ice cream flavrs. D. Being perfect fr birthday parties.
    22. What is special abut S Delicius?
    A. It is a brand prviding free dairy. B. It is a brand making varius milk.
    C. It is a brand favred by milkman. D. It is a brand free f dairy prducts.
    23. Where is Adirndack Creamery ice cream mainly surced?
    A. In New Yrk. B. Frm Syria. C. All ver the US. D. Internatinally.
    Grwing up n the shres f Lake Hurn in the Canadian prvince f Ontari, Rbert Berdan was never far frm water. When he was in sixth grade, he received a ty micrscpe fr Christmas. Sme f the first things he saw thrugh its lens were tiny creatures inside drplets he'd gathered frm a lcal pnd. He was fascinated with the micrrganisms.
    After eighth grade, Berdan upgraded t a mre sphisticated mdel and realized it was a prtal t anther wrld. "The new micrscpe changed my life, "he says. "I culd see s much mre. "He begar studying phtgraphy and buying cameras t fit n his micrscpe. He captured images f ferns, mushrms, and trees, and learned hw t develp film. He als develped his micrscpy skills s much s that he earned a dctral degree in cellular bilgy and spent five years running a lab at the University f Alberta in Edmntn.
    But Berdan never frgt his tw early passins - being immersed in nature and phtgraphing its tiny details - and he decided t return t them. His subjects range frm snwflakes t spruce () trees. T see the latter under a micrscpe, Berdan cllects, a small branch and wields specialized tls t shave ff paper-thin slices, which he dyes red r blue. Fr the final images, he ften uses a prcess: called fcus stacking, in which similar phts with different fcal planes are mixed tgether t achieve a mre prfund depth f field, and he smetimes sews phts tgether t create views.
    "I investigate anything that might have pssibilities, he says. And he encurages thers t d the same with a micrscpe. "Any tl that amplifies ur ability t see will enhance ur creativity, "h. ntes. "Our bservatins can ptentially lead t new discveries and slutins. "
    24. What inspired Berdan t pursue his passin fr micrscpic phtgraphy?
    A. Wrking in a cellular bilgy lab.
    B. Earning a dctral degree in cellular bilgy.
    C. Tiny micrscpes frm a lcal pnd.
    D. Childhd experiences near Lake Hurn.
    25. What is the main idea f the secnd paragraph?
    A. Berdan's childhd experience with micrscpes.
    B. Berdan's reasn fr studying fr a dctral degree.
    C. Berdan's transitin frm amateur t prfessinal.
    D. Berdan's hard wrk f running a lab in Edmntn.
    26. What des the underlined wrd "amplifies" mean in the last paragraph?
    A. Expands. B. Decreases. C. Mixes. D. Changes.
    27. What can be inferred abut Berdan's skill in micrscpic. phtgraphy?
    A. He has received frmal training in phtgraphy and micrscpy.
    B. He mainly fcuses n capturing images f varius micrscpes. .
    C. He experiments with different ways t enhance the depth f field.
    D. He is the mst skilled bilgist in capturing mushrms and trees.
    Mutual cperatin in which humans cperate with wild animals is extremely rare. One such system invlves the greater hneyguide, a small African bird that leads humans t surces f hney. Once a nest is fund, the human hney hunters break int it t btain hney and bee wrms, and the birds benefit frm cnsuming beeswax in the nw-expsed hney cmb. Bth the birds and the humans use specialized sunds t cmmunicate their availability t participate in this cperative interactin.
    The tw areas studied by Spttiswde and Wd are nrthern Mzambique, where the hney hunters are frm the Ya cultural grup, and nrthern Tanzania, where the hney hunters are frm the Hadza culture. The Ya cmmunicate with hneyguides using a shrt and high-pitched sund fllwed by a lw sund "brrrrhm", whereas the Hadza use a meldic whistle. Thus, signal and respnse bth vary gegraphically.
    Sptiswde and Wd prpse that the gegraphic variatin they have identified in this mutualism is the prduct f cultural cdevelpment. T qualify as cultural, the cperative behavirs wuld have t be acquired thrugh scial learning frm individuals f the same species. Scial learning, hwever, is less f a given n the hneyguide side. Instead, what is required f hneyguides is anther frm f vcal learning - cmprehensin learning — in which the meaning f a signal is learned. Cmprehensin learning is cmmn in birds. Whether scial learning is invlved, hwever, is nt s, bvius.
    Hneyguides put in cnsiderable effrt helping their human partners find fd and are faithfully rewarded by being given fd in return. In sme human cultures, hney hunters purpsefully leave ut hneycmb t reward hneyeaters, but in thers the hunters. g, t great length t deny the birds any reward, by cllecting, burying, r burning any hneycmb expsed when they destry a nest. The reasn given fr these acts is that keeping the birds hungry causes them t cntinue guiding.
    A prmising questin fr future research is whether gegraphic differences in human cultural preferences fr rewarding r nt rewarding hneyguides affect the preferences f individual birds fr guiding versus taking advantage f the guiding f thers.
    28. What is the purpse f mentining the tw areas in Paragraph 2?
    A. T shw that hney hunting is very ppular in their culture.
    B. T explain that cmmunicatin methds differ in gegraphy.
    C. T illustrate the differences between the Ya and the Hadza.
    D. T shw that birds can understand varius human cultures.
    29. Why d sme hunters refuse t give hneyguides any prizes?
    A. T let them realize human's pwer. B. T make them keep prviding help.
    C. T cause them t burn hneycmb. D. T use the hneycmb themselves.
    30. What can be inferred abut the relatinship between humans and hneyguides?
    A. Hneyguides have already had strng skills t learn frm sciety.
    B. Hneyguides have a genetic tendency t guide humans fr hney.
    C. Humans and hneyguides have a mutually beneficial relatinship.
    D. Human hney hunters will lse their jbs withut hneyguides.
    31. What is likely t be discussed in the fllwing paragraph?
    A. The impact f human cultural preferences n hneyguide behavir.
    B. The further study n the cultural differences in human preferences.
    C. The eclgically rewarding cnsequences f hneyguide behavir.
    D. The influence f hneyguide behavir n human cultural practices.
    The winning artwrks frm the first Yung Btanical Artist Cmpetitin are appearing in an exhibitin at the Ryal Btanic Gardens in Kew, Lndn. The cmpetitin was pen t yung peple aged 16 t 25 and received mre than 1, 000 entries frm peple in 77 cuntries.
    Btanical art is a special type f drawing r painting that helps btanists describe plants and fungi. It brings t life the tiniest details f grasses, flwers and trees, including their clur and shape, and has been an imprtant scientific traditin fr hundreds f years. In fact, Kew Gardens, which is 264 years ld and hme t 50, 000 plants, has always had a btanical artist in its team.
    The theme f the cmpetitin was trees, and the winner f the 16 t 18 age grup was Marianna Zych (aged 17) frm Pland. Her entry, Prunus Serrula, shws the delicately peeling bark f the Tibetan cherry tree, which Zych created with waterclurs after just ne mnth f painting classes. The winner f the 19 t 25 categry was Khanh Ly Nguyen frm Vietnam, whse waterclur, Bauhinia Variegata Leaf, reveals the clear details f an rchid tree leaf.
    Bth will appear in an exhibitin f 50 artwrks at the Shirley Sherwd Gallery at Kew Gardens. All f the featured artwrks were picked fr their creativity and accuracy by a panel f judges that included btanical artists frm arund the wrld. The exhibitin runs until April 2024 and visitrs are als being asked t vte fr the Peple's Chice award, which will be annunced in April.
    Maria Devaney, wh manages galleries and exhibitins at Kew Gardens, said btanical art is abut inspiring curisity and discvering the natural wrld. "It's been wnderful t see such an enthusiastic respnse t the cmpetitin as a whle, "she said. Dr Shirley Sherwd, a writer and btanist wh cllects plant pictures, said she was delighted t see first-hand the next generatin f talented btanical artists.
    32. What can be inferred abut Marianna frm the third paragraph?
    A. She has frmally studied painting since childhd.
    B. She is frm Pland which is full f Tibetan trees.
    C. She has limited experience in waterclr painting.
    D. She is famus fr revealing the details f tree leaves.
    33. What is Shirley's attitude t the new generatin f btanical artists?
    A. Skeptical. B. Indifferent. C. Disappinted. D. Optimistic.
    34. What wuld be an apprpriate title fr this article?
    A. The Histrical Significance f Btanical Illustratin
    B. Yung Talents Blssm at the Ryal Btanic Gardens
    C. The Evlutin f Btanical Art in Mdern Times
    D. Gardening Tips frm the Experts at Kew Gardens
    35. Where culd this article mst likely have been published?
    A. On a fashin website. B. In a gardening magazine.
    C. In an academic textbk. D. In a cking review jurnal.
    In tday's wrld, where the cnsequences f climate change are becming increasingly evident, the need fr energy cnservatin has never been mre pressing. 36 .
    Use yur laptp mre than yur desktp
    Laptps use an average f 20 t 50 watts f electricity t run, whereas desktp cmputers use an average f 60 t 200 watts f electricity t run. The reasn fr this is that laptps run ff f battery pwer and desktps are cntinuusly plugged int a pwer surce that drains energy.
    37 . Nt nly des this help reduce yur energy usage, but it als ptimizes yur laptp's battery life t last lnger.
    Charge yur phne in airplane mde and befre bedtime
    While charging, switch yur phne t airplane mde, s that the phne des nt slw dwn the charging prcess by cntinually burning energy trying t cnnect with cell phne twers and plt yur lcatin with its GPS functin. When yu switch t airplane mde yur phne charges mre quickly.
    The brighter the screen setting, the mre pwer it uses and vibratin uses mre energy than a ringtne. 38 , therefre less energy cnsumptin. And remember-unplug yur charger if nt in use!
    Unplug mbile phne and laptp chargers
    Always unplug electrnics and appliances when nt in use. 39 . When the pwer strip is left n, the devices plugged int it cntinue t use energy and actually increase yur energy usage. The Nrthern Resurces Defense Cuncil fund that devices in sleep r standby mde accunt fr abut ne- quarter f all residential energy cnsumptin.
    Reduce yur carbn ftprint by rganizing yur files and eliminating unnecessary data frm clud strage! Cmpanies ffering clud data strage need warehuses filled with servers running nnstp. These data centers cnsume massive amunts f energy since they require AC systems t avid verheating.
    A. Lw Pwer Mde als saves battery life
    B. Delete unwanted files frm clud strage
    C. Saving energy is nw easier with these tips frm UNICEF
    D. Therefre, energy cnservatin has never been mre pressing
    E. Unused electrnic appliances may prduce harm t the envirnment
    F. Deenergizatin will save yu energy, mney, and can prevent electrical fires
    G. Make sure t unplug yur laptp frm the pwer surce nce it's fully charged
    第一节完形填空(共20小题,每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
    They dn't call Vusi Sindane "the crazy cyclist" fr nthing. The sftware engineer 41 a 3, 000 km bicycle jurney in June, all t 42 mney fr 10, 000 pairs f schl shes fr children in need.
    When he wrked in Limpp, he saw 43 the pverty faced by 44 kids. "My biggest cause s educatin, and when I saw bareft children walking t schl in Limpp, I knew smething had t be lne, "he says. He 45 with a nn-prfit rganizatin which supplies schl shes t children in 46 areas.
    Hwever, the pandemic 47 his plans t d his crss-cuntry cycle in 2020 and 2021, and a(n) 48 injury last year meant he culd nly get ging in April this year. Prir t his 13 April departure, he 49 his training with six weeks f 50 cycling with his mentr and training partner. But Vusi quickly discvered that nthing culd've 51 him fr what he wuld encunter and have t 52 . "The first day was like a reality 53 . Althugh I'd been planning and cnsidering this fr nearly six years, the reality is that there's 54 n the rad, there's climbing, yu must use yur bdy physically, and it's ht-especially in Limpp. I was almst 55 by many high muntains. I tried t 56 , but the bike isn't mving. My hands were hurting, and my injured knee was cnstantly in pain. My muscles 57 , and my mind was like, 'This isn't wrth it', " he said.
    T 58 himself, he began thinking abut the peple wh inspire him. He shared his 59 n scial media, many peple 60 t him and mre encuragement came.
    41.A. cmpletedB. assignedC. cnnectedD. admitted
    42.A. investB. brrwC. raiseD. leave
    43.A. nwhereB. vernightC. firsthandD. verhead
    44.A. disciplinedB. disadvantagedC. appintedD. abandned
    45.A. kept upB. raced upC. put upD. teamed up
    46.A. publicB. ruralC. wideD. urban
    47.A. ceasedB. fllwedC. assistedD. designed
    48.A. handB. headC. kneeD. arm
    49.A. quittedB. leftC. drveD. increased
    50.A. intenseB. subjectiveC. respnsibleD. lgical
    51.A. askedB. preparedC. aplgizedD. begged
    52.A. generateB. acknwledgeC. perateD. tlerate
    53.A. friendB. gainC. checkD. luck
    54,A. trafficB. pliceC. attackD. hpe
    55.A. returnedB. presentedC. recgnizedD. defeated
    56.A. winB. cycleC. standD. bend
    57.A. achedB. interruptedC. reactedD. stretched
    58.A. respectB. testC. cureD. mtivate
    59.A. exchangeB. struggleC. cnfusinD. benefit
    60.A. set ffB. lived upC. reached utD. gave way
    第二节(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Chinese achievements in pllutin cntrl, eclgical recvery and prtectin, and green develpment China 61 (make) in the past decade were highlighted at a Friday press briefing, 62 a senir fficial pinted ut China's 63 (participate)and leadership in glbal climate gvernance.
    Accrding t the press briefing, China has been the fastest in imprving air quality and the PM2. 5 level in cities at the prefecture level and abve drpped by 34. 8 percent frm that f 2015. Days with gd air quality reached 87. 5 percent. Pllutin f water bdies and the sil is als 64 (effective)tackled. Eclgical systems 65 (prtect)and restred. Natinal parks are set and mre than 300 endangered animal and plant species saw their wild ppulatins recver, marking achievements in prtecting eclgical diversity.
    The cuntry has taken 66 active part in cperatin n climate change. It has dne its 67 (gd) t help ther develping cuntries t imprve their climate respnse capacity 68 (reduce)the harmful impacts f climate change. It als has distributed ver 1. 2 billin yuan n climate change and trained abut 2, 000 fficials and experts in the field f climate change 69 mre than 120 develping cuntries.
    70 (head)frward, China will wrk with all parties t actively participate in the glbal gvernance f climate change.
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    Last weekend, my friends and I decided t g t skiing tgether. As we arrived, we culd see the slpes cver in a blanket f white, which waited fr us t vercming them. We eager rented ur skis and snwbards and made ur way t the beginner's slpe. Sme f us were experiencing skiers, when thers were trying it fr the first time. We encuraged each ther but shared tips n hw t manage the slpes. As we slid dwn hill, a sense f jy filled the air. We challenged us t tackle mre challenging runs. Skiing tgether nt nly allwed us t enjy the thrill f the sprt but strengthen ur friendship.
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    3. 参考词汇:baking sda小苏打,sak浸泡,scrub搓洗
    Recently, a website has cnducted an nline survey n three ppular methds fr cleaning white dirty scks.

    陕西省咸阳市2024届高三下学期高考模拟检测(二)(咸阳二模)英语: 这是一份陕西省咸阳市2024届高三下学期高考模拟检测(二)(咸阳二模)英语,文件包含2024届陕西省咸阳市高三下学期模拟检测二英语试题docx、答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

    陕西省咸阳市2023届高三下学期高考模拟检测(三)英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份陕西省咸阳市2023届高三下学期高考模拟检测(三)英语试卷(含答案),共19页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,短文改错,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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