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    辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期3月联合考试 英语 Word版含解析
    辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期3月联合考试 英语 Word版含解析01
    辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期3月联合考试 英语 Word版含解析02
    辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期3月联合考试 英语 Word版含解析03
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    辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期3月联合考试 英语 Word版含解析

    这是一份辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期3月联合考试 英语 Word版含解析,共18页。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What is the wman weak in?
    A.Rller skating.B.Bating.C.Swimming.
    2.Hw des the wman feel abut finding a jb?
    3.Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A.In a hspital.B.In a htel.C.In a library.
    4.What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.A theatre.B.A vilinist.C.A mvie.
    5.Why is the wman upset?
    A.She is wrried abut the maths test.
    B.She didn’t prepare the maths test.
    C.She failed the maths test.
    6.What des the wman think f the man’s news?
    7.Wh made the man decide t quit the team? .
    A.His teammates.B.He himself.C.His father.
    8.What des the man suggest the wman d first?
    A.Search fr the reprt.B.Tidy her rm.C.Hide the truth.
    9.Where des the wman find the reprt?
    A.On the desk.B.On the bkshelf.C.On the flr.
    10.Why desn’t the wman want t jin a phtgraphy club?
    A.She desn’t have a camera.B.She thinks it t expensive.C.She prefers t take phts alne.
    11.What des the man say abut the yga club?
    A.The number f the members is small.
    B.Mre and mre peple are jining it.
    C.It lasts fr a few weeks every term.
    12.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.What t d in a club.B.Hw t jin a club.C.Which club t jin.
    13.What is “Peple Yu Meet”?
    A.A radi prgramme.B.An ffice party.C.A training curse.
    14.Hw many peple des Mark’s ffice receive every year?
    15.What d we knw abut Mark?
    A.He is a team leader.B.He was brn in Lndn.C.He speaks thirteen languages.
    16.What d Mark and his c-wrkers usually d t help peple?
    A.Shw them arund.B.Plan turs fr them.C.Teach them English.
    17.What is the speaker mst likely t be?
    A.A hst.B.A tur guide.C.A teacher.
    18.What can peple d in the learning centres?
    A.Perfrm scientific experiments.B.See varius creatures.C.Learn abut 3-D cinemas.
    19.What des the speaker remind peple t d?
    A.Buy a brchure.B.Wear cmfrtable shes.C.Bk the tickets nline in advance.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Chinese Dual Language Immersin Prgram (CDLIP)
    What is Dual Language Immersin?
    Dual language immersin prvides academic instructin in tw languages. The Pasadena Unified Schl District currently ffers a Chinese-English immersin prgram.
    Why Chse the CDLIP?
    Learning a secnd language awakens curisity and respect fr ther natins and their cultures. Chinese is nt nly a rich language with a lng literary traditin, but it has als emerged as an influential wrldwide language. Our CDLIP prmtes crss- cultural sensitivity, s that students can learn abut the glbalized wrld. Fr native Chinese speakers, ur prgram ensures full develpment and mastery f English language arts while helping them becme mre fluent in their mther tngue.
    Our Classrms
    The CDLIP serves primary schl students, frm kindergarten thrugh secnd grade. Grades 3, 4 and 5 will be added in September f 2022, 2023 and 2024, respectively. The prgram is currently lcated at Luther Burbank Primary Schl. On any given day, yu might find a classrm full f kindergartners cunting and srting cins, first graders singing “The Mre We Get Tgether”, r secnd graders describing physics experiments—all in Chinese!
    Hw Des the Prgram Wrk?
    CDLIP classrms cmbine native and nn- native speakers s that all students may succeed in bth Chinese and English. We apply a Tw Way 90:10 Mdel. In kindergarten, 90% f the day’s instructin is in Chinese and 10% is devted t imprving English ral language and the ability t read and write. As children prgress thrugh grade levels, the percentage f English instructin gradually increases, finally achieving a 50:50 split by fifth grade.
    T Register Yur Child
    Language learning is a lng-term prcess, s parents are asked t register their children fr the full six years.
    ●Register nline at between June 13 and 23.
    ●The prgram is free, supprted by the Pasadena Unified Schl District.
    ●Fr kindergarten, n knwledge f Chinese is necessary. (Sme knwledge f Chinese is expected fr students entering grades 1-3.)
    ●Applicatins will be accepted after the deadline if spaces are still available.
    ●If yu wuld like assistance t cmplete yur applicatin, please cntact Ms. Netty Li at Burbank Primary Schl (626) 396-5760 r visit PUSD Welcme Center.
    21.After attending the CDLIP, students will be able t ______.
    A.master Chinese artsB.develp crss-cultural awareness
    C.hand dwn traditinal literatureD.understand wrld histry
    22.The CDLIP is intended fr ______.
    A.primary schl studentsB.children and their parents
    C.Chinese teaching assistantsD.1-3-year-ld children
    23.W hat can yu find in CDLIP classes?
    A.Kindergartners spending mre time practicing reading.
    B.Students fcusing n science vcabulary.
    C.Higher-grade students using mstly Chinese.
    D.Students learning thrugh sngs and activities.
    It was a week after my mm had passed away and I didn’t knw hw t g n with life. S when I received an e-mail frm a friend abut a race benefiting cancer research, I ignred it. It seemed t prick (刺痛) my heart, as cancer was the disease that tk my mther away frm me.
    But smething abut my friend’s wrds— “I can help rganize the whle thing”—stuck with me. I felt bliged (有义务的) t agree. In the weeks t cme, I managed t re-enter the wrld f the living. I checked ur team’s website daily, feeling prud each time a dnatin cntributed t ur ttal. I knew my mm wuld have wanted it that way. She was the type wh never gt defeated. It was this very spirit that helped me get by.
    When the race ended, I nticed the runners all had ne thing in cmmn: There were big smiles n their faces. They made it lk s rewarding and effrtless. I wanted in.
    S I enrlled in anther race tw mnths later. Cnsidering I culd barely run a mile, it was ambitius. But my friend and I made a training plan s I wuldn’t cme in last. I fllwed it religiusly and didn’t let anything get in my way.
    Running up and dwn the city’s hills, I was flded with memries. I had lived there befre cllege and my mther had visited ften. I passed Blmingdale’s, recalling the time she and I had gtten int a screaming argument there.
    I was abut t beat myself up when I remembered what Mm had said after her diagnsis f cancer. “I dn’t want yu t feel guilty abut anything.” Her paper-thin hands had held me tightly. A weight was lifted frm my shulders.
    When the race day arrived, I gave it my all fr my mm and fr all she had taught me and cntinued t teach me. As I ran, whenever I felt like slwing dwn, I pictured her cheering me n.
    Crssing the finish line, i was filled with her lve and a sense f peace.
    24.Why did the authr ignre the e-mail in the beginning?
    A.She felt it hard t finish the race.B.She had n time t jin in the event.
    C.She was reminded f her mther’s death.D.She thught the research meaningless.
    25.What des the underlined part “religiusly” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A.Optimistically.B. Carelessly.C.Carefully.D.Quickly.
    26.Which f the wrds can best describe the authr’s mm?
    A.Cnsiderate and plite.B.Strng-willed and caring.
    C.Brave and humrus.D.Outging and patient.
    27.What might be the best title fr the passage?
    A.The Lss f Sweet Memries: Running With Mm
    B.Running With Mm’s memry: A Healing Jurney
    C.Mm’s Jurney f Healing: Racing With Hnr
    D.In Memry f Mm: An Hnred Run
    Of the mre than 3,000 species f msquites in the wrld, just a small number specialize in sucking human bld. Hw msquites track us dwn s effectively isn’t currently knwn, but it matters, since they carry dangerus diseases which may cause death.
    “In fact, stpping these annying insects in their tracks culd save up t half a millin lives lst t thse diseases each year,” said Carlyn Gauff, a prfessr f eclgy and evlutinary bilgy at the Princetn Neurscience Institute. That’s why Gauff’s team wanted t understand hw they find and target humans.
    Msquites mstly chse what t bite based n dr (气味). Knwing hw a ptentially disease-carrying msquit finds a persn, while ignring ther warm-blded animals, is a key questin. But it’s nt easy t answer, since any animal smell is made up f hundreds f chemicals mixed tgether in specific percentage. “The actual chemicals that are fund in human dr are basically the same as the chemicals fund in animal dr—it’s the percentages and the relative large amunt f thse substances in human mixtures that’s unique,” said Gauff.
    T investigate, researchers decided t recrd neural activity in the brain f msquites while expsing them t natural human and animal dr samples. They cllected dr samples frm abut 40 different animals. When they cmpared sme f thse with the 16 human samples, smething jumped ut. Decanal is particularly rich in human skin. Cmmn in the natural wrld, in humans, decanal cmes frm anther, mre cmplex substance. When ne cmpnent f ur skin’s natural ils, sapienic acid, breaks dwn, decanal is left ver. This acid is nly fund in human beings. It’s what likely leads t the high levels f decanal that help the msquites smell their way t us.
    Understanding what the msquites are targeting is nly part f the stry; knwing hw they d it is als imprtant. T see exactly hw msquites use this sense, scientists used genetically mdified (转基因的) msquites s that they culd cut pen msquites’ heads and watch neurns firing when they’re expsed t human and animal drs. The research team already knew that msquites have abut 60 different types f neurns that sense drs, s when they lked in the insects’ brains, they thught they might see a lt f activities. But it was surprisingly quiet, meaning that the signal was perhaps quite simple, dwn t just a cuple types f neurns. “One type f neurn respnded really strngly t bth humans and animals. Anther type f neurn respnded t bth—but it respnded much mre strngly t humans than animals,” Gauff said.
    Hw t keep msquites’ decanal signal frm being transmitted will be the research team’s next fcus. Gauff hped their current wrk culd be used t make msquit killers and attractants t prevent disease.
    28.What’s the final purpse f the research cnducted by Gauff’s team?
    A.T study why nly certain msquites suck human bld.
    B.T investigate the neural activity in msquites’ brains.
    C.T test the effectiveness f msquit killers.
    D.T help prevent deadly diseases caused by msquites.
    29.T which substance(s) wuld msquites mstly be attracted?
    A.Remains f decmpsed sapienic acid.B.Chemicals in the envirnment.
    C.Decanal generated in human bld.D.Natural il frm human skin.
    30.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.Chemicals fund in human and animal drs are quite different.
    B.Genetically mdified msquites are nt sensitive t human dr.
    C.Further research will fcus n dr signal and neural cnnectin.
    D.Mst msquit neurns are nt invlved in respnding t human dr.
    31.Frm the last paragraph, which ptin accurately describes the future usage f Gauff and his team’s research?
    A.Develping mre effective msquit killers.
    B.Studying f msquit neural cnnectins in respnse t dr signals.
    C.Analyzing the types f neurns in msquites.
    D.Discussing the benefits fr preventing msquites frm transmitting the decanal signal.
    My university has nw tpped the U.S. News &. Wrld Reprt rankings fr 11 years running. Given Princetn’s success, yu might think I wuld be a fan f the list. Nt s. Dn’t get me wrng. I am prud f Princetn’s teaching, research and cmmitment t service. I like seeing ur quality recgnized. Rankings, hwever, are a misleading way t assess universities. Different schls have distinct strengths, structures and missins. The idea f picking ne as “best”, as thugh educatinal prgrams cmpeted like athletic teams, is strange.
    Hwever, the U.S. News rankings attract great attentin and a huge custmer base. Applicants and their families rely n the rankings and feel pressure t get int highly regarded institutins. As a result, many schls make intense effrts t mve up in the rankings. This cmpetitin prduces damaging cnsequences. Fr example. sme universities avid ding difficult but valuable things—such as admitting talented lwer-incme students wh can succeed at university if given apprpriate supprt.
    Still, students and families need cmparative infrmatin t chse universities. If rankings mislead, what is the alternative? Fr generatins, buyers have turned t Cnsumer Reprts fr advice abut almst everything except university educatin. When Cnsumer Reprts evaluates a prduct, it assesses multiple factrs s that ptential buyers can make their wn chices wisely, Similarly, university applicants need infrmatin abut sme basic variables. Graduatin rates are crucial. A university that des nt graduate its students is like a car with a bad maintenance (维修) recrd. It csts mney withut getting yu anywhere. What applicants need is nt the average graduatin rate, but the rate fr students with backgrunds like their wn. Fr example, sme places successfully graduate their wealthy students but d less well fr lwer incme students. Applicants shuld als see sme measures f pst-graduatin utcmes.
    Here is a partial list f ther factrs that matter: cst f tuitin (学费) and fees; high-quality teachers actively engaged in undergraduate instructin; and a learning culture cmpsed f diverse students wh study hard and educate ne anther. Judged by these criteria, many schls culd be “Cnsumer Reprts Best Buys”. Applicants shuld be excited t get int any f them; they shuld pick the ne they find mst appealing; and they shuld nt waste time wrrying abut which is “the best”.
    It wuld be great t have a Cnsumer Reprts fr universities. I hpe that sme natinal publicatin will have the curage t prduce an annual, user-friendly Cnsumer Reprts-style analysis f higher educatin institutins, even if it is nt as attractive as a ftball-style set f rankings. In the meantime, thse f us wh understand the imperfectin in the rankings must call them ut—even when, indeed especially when, we finish at the tp.
    32.What is the authr’s attitude twards university rankings?
    33.Why des the authr mentin Cnsumer Reprts?
    A.T emphasize the need f verall evaluatin f universities.
    B.T present the infrmatin f ptential buyers.
    C.T highlight the difficulty f chsing universities.
    D.T reveal the multiplicity f cnsumers.
    34.What can we learn frm this passage?
    A.It is nt likely t have a Cnsumer Reprts fr universities.
    B.The tp universities can see the imperfectin in the rankings better.
    C.The mst suitable university fr applicants may nt rank the tp.
    D.The average graduatin rate is crucial t lwer-incme applicants.
    35.What is the main idea f the passage?
    A.There is n such thing as a gd r bad student.
    B.Educatin equality is an ideal hard t be realized.
    C.Discriminatin against pr students brings lss f talents.
    D.An alternative apprach is needed t assess universities.
    In ur mdern wrld, there are endless alternatives. Have yu ever fund yurself wndering whether yu shuld quit r stay in yur jb, accept an ffer r give it up fr anther? There is a simple and practical methd that slves this prblem. 36 When yu understand the cncept, yu have the pwer t measure every alternative with precisin and make the right decisin.
    In the field f ecnmics, pprtunity cst is the value that yu have t give up when yu chse an ptin ver anther gd ptin. 37 Every time yu chse smething, yu give up ther alternatives tgether with their financial benefits. It is nt all the ther ptins, but the mst valued ne that is defined as the pprtunity cst.
    38 Take the simple example f trying t decide whether t take public transprtatin fr 80 minutes r t drive fr 40 minutes. Yu might save n the cst f gas while riding the bus but duble the trip length and miss ut n ther things yu culd have dne during that time. 39 This is hw yu create pririties in yur daily life.
    Thugh useful in decisin making, the biggest drawback f pprtunity cst is that it’s ften related t what’s hard t quantify. 40 After all, putting a number t yur peaceful mind r happiness can be difficult.
    Opprtunity cst isn’t cut and dried. It varies frm persn t persn. At the end f the day, yu are in charge f what yu wn and what yu want t gain. .
    A.Mst peple verlk pprtunity cst because the benefits are usually hidden frm view.
    B.The key principle underlying the idea is that there is n such thing as free lunch.
    C.This is especially true when the pprtunity cst is f nn-financial benefit.
    D.It is the develpment f imprtant skills that wuld help yu mve frward in yur daily life.
    E.Weigh the lsses and gains, and make yur decisin.
    F.It is abut finding ut the pprtunity cst.
    G.Opprtunity cst matters nt nly in ecnmics but als in real life.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Over the weekend, a 41 damaged huses, rads, and bridges, leaving many peple nwhere t g. The pwerful fld damaged Hagan’s bridge, leaving him and his wife 42 frm the cmmunity. He turned t scial media but never 43 he wuld receive a call frm his grandsn’s cach Ryan Jesp. “The Hagans have dne s much fr this area, s it was a(n) 44 decisin t help,” Jesp said.
    The Switzerland Cunty ftball cach drew up a plan telling his team t build a new bridge 45 the ld brken ne. Hagan received a(n) 46 that a team wuld be at his huse Mnday at 9 a.m. t wrk. “Peple I’d never seen befre were walking dwn my driveway t help us,” Hagan said, “It was 47 and brught tears t my eyes.”
    48 , the steel frame base structure (钢架基础结构) f the bridge wasn’t damaged by the flding. Dzens f peple went t the bridge and 49 the ld ne plank (木板) by plank. Then the team built it back up by 50 an assembly line (流水线). “The 51 f ur team is t help them thrugh teamwrk ,” student Linebacker Gabriel Rse said. The team 52 the prject in nly a few hurs. “They were here at nine ’clck, and I lked at my 53 when it was dne and it was 11:45.” Hagan said. The Hagans nw recnnected with their 54 thanks t their grandsn’s ftball team. As fr Cach Jesp, he is chalking it up as the biggest 55 f the seasn.
    45.A.in hnr fB.in need fC.in case fD.in place f
    49.A.tk inB.tk upC.tk ffD.tk apart
    Shadw play (皮影戏), a flk drama active in China fr ver 2,000 years, is als knwn as “shadw puppet” r “lamp shadw play”, in which peple perfrm stries 56 using puppet (木偶) shadws n lighted hide r paperbard.
    The prductin prcedures f shadw puppets usually g thrugh the fllwing 57 (step): leather selectin, leather making, painting, engraving, clr applicatin, sweating and irning, binding and synthesis. Each step must be 58 (care).
    Brn in the times 59 there was neither mvie nr TV and 60 (reach) its best days in the Qing Dynasty, shadw play 61 (be) n the way f develpment t date with it seen all arund China. In 2006, shadw play 62 (list) in China’s first natinal intangible (无形的) cultural heritage list. Since then, it has wn many awards at hme and abrad, which is f psitive 63 (imprtant) t the inheritance f shadw play.
    Shadw play is amng the first Chinese drama arts t spread abrad. Quite a few freign friends spke highly f it— “I lve the mdeling f shadw puppets because they have a special styling.”, “I fail t understand 64 peple are singing, but I still find it quite interesting.”, and such like that.
    As fr shadw play in ur traditinal culture, we can’t let the drama 65 (leave) t us be lst. We shuld let it be handed dwn.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    I lked up frm my desk t see the teacher writing n the bard: “Battle f the Bks!” She smiled and said, “This time it’s a teamwrk. Yu’re ging t be in teams f tw, and set a reading gal. Every team that meets their gal by the end f the mnth will get a prize!” The lunch bell sunded befre she culd explain any mre rules.
    As I gathered my things, Liya passed my desk and said, “Teammates?” Since Liya and I shared the same interest in graphic nvel (漫画小说), and we tk Hindi language class tgether, we teamed up autmatically. I was bth relieved and excited t have my team. Then we gt t the cafeteria and quickly threw ut a bunch f ideas f what t d at ur table.
    I lked t ur third friend Kash, with whm the three f us always d stuff tgether, “Kash, d yu have ideas fr us?” “Why wuld I give yu guys ideas?” he said glmily (阴沉地). “I’ll save that fr my team…whever that is. Nw I see hw I rank in the friendship lineup.” Kash replied in an angry tne.
    I knew he was mad fr a reasn. If I were him, nt nly wuld I think that I ranked last in that grup, but I’d als be panicking abut what team I culd jin. But nw, I was n the inside and Kash wasn’t. I felt like the nly way t fix this wuld be three peple n a team. S, as the teacher walked by ur table, I asked fr her permissin. What surprised me was that she had intended t draw names t assign randm grups, but didn’t get a chance t say it befre lunch.
    Awkward and frustrated, we were stuck in this dilemma. Having first teamed up withut Kash didn’t mean we didn’t like him. I knew we—especially I—wuldn’t be able t enjy any prize if ur friend felt bad abut being left ut. S, I decided t d smething t make it up fr him and cnvince Kash he was an equal friend.
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    That night. I was struck by an idea as I read a graphic nvel that all three f us liked.
    The next day, I handed my pages f aplgy t Kash.
    第一部分 听力
    1~5 CCACA6~10 ABBCC11~15 ACACA16~20 BBABB
    第二部分 阅读
    21.B【解析】理解具体信息。根据Why Chse the CDLIP?中Our CDLIP prmtes crss-cultural sensitivity, s that students can learn abut the glbalized wrld. (我们的中文双语浸入式课程提高了跨文化的敏感度,这样学生就可以了解全球化的世界。)可知,参加了中英双语浸入式课程后,学生将能够培养跨文化意识。故选B项。
    22.A【解析】理解具体信息。从文章第三段The CDLIP serves primary schl students, frm kindergarten thrugh secnd grade.(CDLIP为从幼儿园到二年级的学生提供服务。)可知,CDLIP旨在服务于小学生。故选A项。
    23.D【解析】理解具体信息。根据第三段On any given day, yu might find a classrm full f kindergartners cunting and srting cins, first graders singing “The Mre We Get Tgether”, r secnd graders describing physics experiments—all in Chinese!(在任何一天,你可能会发现教室里满是幼儿园的孩子们在数硬币和分类硬币,一年级的学生在唱《我们在一起的日子越来越多》,二年级的学生在描述物理实验——所有这些都是中文!)可知,学生通过歌曲和活动来学习。故选D项。
    24.C【解析】理解具体信息。根据文章第一段第三句It seemed t prick (刺痛) my heart, as cancer was the disease that had taken my mther away frm me.(这件事似乎刺痛了我的心,正是癌症夺去了我母亲的生命。)可知,这个比赛使作者想起了因癌症过世的母亲。故选C项。
    25.C【解析】词义猜测。根据文章I fllwed it religiusly and didn’t let anything get in my way.(我一丝不苟地遵循它,不让任何事情阻碍我的道路。)carefully符合文意,其他各项均与文意无关。故选C项。
    26.B【解析】作出判断推理。根据第二段最后两句She was the type wh never gt defeated.(她是那种永远不会被打败的人。)可知作者的母亲意志力坚强,并结合第六段第二句I dn’t want yu t feel guilty abut anything.(我不希望你对任何事情感到内疚。)说明母亲关心爱护作者。所以作者母亲是一个意志坚强,又体贴的人。故选B项。
    27.B【解析】理解主旨要义。根据文章最后两段As I ran, whenever I felt like slwing dwn, I pictured her cheering me n. Crssing the finish line, I was filled with her lve and a sense f peace.(在赛跑的时候,每当我想慢下来的时候,就会看到母亲鼓励我的画面。通过终点线时,我内心充满了她的关爱和一种平和感。)并结合上文作者对母亲的回忆,可知母亲治愈了作者,正是母亲的鼓励,他才能完成比赛。故选B项。
    【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章讨论了Carlyn Gauff及其团队努力了解蚊子,尤其是携带危险疾病的蚊子是如何找到并攻击人类的。
    28.D【解析】理解具体信息。由第二段内容(普林斯顿神经科学研究所的生态学和进化生物学教授Carlyn Gauff说:“事实上,阻止这些讨厌的昆虫的活动,每年可以挽救多达50万因这些疾病而丧生的人。”这就是为什么Gauff的团队想要了解蚊子如何发现和瞄准人类的原因。)和最后一段中的Gauff hped their current wrk culd be used t make msquit killers and attractants t prevent disease.(Gauff希望他们目前的工作可以用于制造灭蚊剂和引诱剂,以预防疾病。)可知,Gauff团队进行的研究的最终目的是帮助预防蚊子引起的致命疾病。故选D项。
    29.A【解析】理解具体信息。根据第四段中的Decanal is particularly rich in human skin. Cmmn in the natural wrld, in humans, decanal cmes frm anther, mre cmplex substance. When ne cmpnent f ur skin’s natural ils, sapienic acid, breaks dwn, decanal is left ver. (人体皮肤中的癸醛含量特别丰富。在自然界和人类中很常见,癸醛来自另一种更复杂的物质。当我们皮肤的天然油脂的一种成分——皂酸——分解时,就会留下癸醛。)可知蚊子最容易被分解后的皂酸残留物吸引。故选A项。
    30.D【解析】理解具体信息。由倒数第二段中的“The research team already knew that msquites have abut 60 different types f neurns that sense drs, …but it respnded much mre strngly t humans than animals,” Gauff said.(研究团队已经知道,蚊子有大约60种不同类型的神经元来感知气味,所以当他们观察蚊子的大脑时,他们认为可能会看到很多活动。但蚊子的大脑出奇的安静,这意味着信号可能相当简单,仅限于几种类型的神经元。Gauff说:“一种神经元对人类和动物的气味反应非常强烈。另-种神经元同时对两者都有反应,但对人类气味的反应比动物气味的反应强烈得多。”)可知,蚊子有大约60种不同类型的神经元来感知气味,但研究发现只有几种类型的神经元才会对人类和动物气味作出反应,可得出大多数蚊子神经元不参与对人类气味的反应。故选D项。
    32.B【解析】作出判断推理。根据第一段Rankings, hwever, are a misleading way t assess universities.(然而,排名是一种具有误导性的评估大学的方式)可知,作者认为排名是一种误导性的大学评估方式。由此可以推断出,作者对大学排名的态度是不赞成的。故选B项。
    33.A【解析】作出判断推理。根据第三段If rankings mislead, …Similarly, university applicants need infrmatin abut sme basic variables.(如果排名误导了别人,那还有什么选择呢?几代人以来,除了大学教育,消费者几乎都是从《消费者报告》中获得各方面的建议。当《消费者报告》评估一个产品时,它评估了多个因素,以便潜在的买家能够明智地做出自已的选择。同样,大学申请者需要一些基本变量的信息)可知,作者提到《消费者报告》是为了强调大学综合评价的必要性。故选A项。
    34.C【解析】理解具体信息。根据倒数第二段they shuld pick the ne they find mst appealing; and they shuld nt waste time wrrying abut which is “the best”.(他们应该选择他们认为最有吸引力的;他们不应该浪费时间去担心哪个是“最好的”)可知,申请者应该申请自己认为最有吸引力的学校,而不是那些排名最好的学校。由此可以推断出,最适合申请者的学校,不一定是排名最好的学校。故选C项。
    35.D【解析】理解主旨要义。通读全文,尤其是根据第一段Rankings, hwever, are a misleading way t assess universities.(然而,排名是一种具有误导性的评估大学的方式)和最后一段It wuld be great t have a Cnsumer Reprts fr universities…even if it is nt as attractive as a ftball-style set f rankings.(如果能有一份大学的《消费者报告》就好了。我希望一些全国性的出版物有勇气对高等教育机构进行一年一度、用户友好型的消费者报告分析,即使它不像足球式的排名那么有吸引力也没关系)可知,文章主要讲述了大学排名是一种误导性的评估方式,所以要用其他的方法来评估大学,即大学需要另一种评估方式。故选D项。
    36.F【解析】根据上文There is a simple and practical methd that slves this prblem.(有一个简单实用的方法可以解决这个问题。)和下文When yu understand the cncept, yu have the pwer t measure every alternative with precisin and make the right decisin.(当你理解了这个概念,你就有能力精确地衡量每一个选择,并做出正确的决定。)可知,空处提到了一个概念,就是机会成本。F项中的“the pprtunity cst”和下文中的“the cncept”对应。所以F项It is abut finding ut the pprtunity cst(这是关于找出机会成本)符合语境。故选F项。
    37.B【解析】根据下文Every time yu chse smething, yu give up ther alternatives tgether with their financial benefits.(每次你选择某样东西,你就放弃了其他的选择以及它们的经济利益。)可知,下文举例说明机会成本的具体实施原则,选择了某样东西就要放弃其他的选择以及它们的经济利益。B项The key principle underlying the idea is that there is n such thing as free lunch.(这个观点的关键原则是,天下没有免费的午餐)符合语境。故选B项。
    38.G【解析】空处为段落主题句。根据下文Take the simple example f trying t decide whether t take public transprtatin fr 80 minutes r t drive fr 40 minutes.(举个简单的例子,试着决定是乘80分钟的公共交通工具还是开车40分钟。)可知,本段主要讲述机会成本在日常生活中的应用。G项Opprtunity cst matters nt nly in ecnmics but als in real life.(机会成本不仅在经济学中很重要,在现实生活中也很重要)符合语境。故选G项。
    39.E【解析】根据上文Yu might save n the cst f gas while riding the bus but duble the trip length and miss ut n ther things yu culd have dne during that time.(你可能会在乘坐公共汽车时节省汽油费用,但会使行程长度增加一倍,并错过在这段时间内你可以做的其他事情。)可知,在做决定之前要权衡利弊。E项Weigh the lsses and gains, and make yur decisin.(权衡得失,再做决定)符合语境。故选E项。
    40.C【解析】根据上文Thugh useful in decisin making, the biggest drawback f pprtunity cst is that it’s ften related t what’s hard t quantify.(虽然机会成本在决策中很有用,但它最大的缺点是它往往与难以量化的东西有关。)可知,此处提出机会成本的局限性,结合下文After all, putting a number t yur peaceful mind r happiness can be difficult.(毕竟,用一个数字来形容你内心的平静或快乐是很困难的。)可知,像情绪等非经济利益机会成本难以形容。C项This is especially true when the pprtunity cst is f nn-financial benefit.(当机会成本是非经济利益时尤其如此)符合语境。故选C项。
    第三部分 语言运用
    41.C【解析】考查名词及语境理解。A.snw雪;B.fire火灾;C.fld洪水;D.landslide滑坡。句意:上周末,一场洪水摧毁了房屋、道路和桥梁,使许多人无处可去。根据下文“The pwerful fld”可知,洪水摧毁了房屋。故选C项。
    42.A【解析】考查动词及语境理解。A.separated使分开;B.saved救;C.freed释放;D.hidden躲藏。句意:强大的洪水摧毁了Hagan的桥梁,使他和他的妻子与社区分离。根据上文“The pwerful fld damaged Hagan’s bridge”可知,桥被毁了,Hagan和妻子与社区分离了。故选A项。
    43.B【解析】考查动词及语境理解。A.agreed同意;B.expected预料;C.remembered记得;D.explained解释。句意:他求助于社交媒体,但从未想到他会接到孙子教练Ryan Jesp的电话。根据下文“he wuld receive a call frm his grandsn’s cach Ryan Jesp”可知,他孙子的教练给他打来电话,这是他没有预料到的。故选B项。
    44.C【解析】考查形容词及语境理解。A.difficult困难的;B.rugh(表面)粗糙的;C.easy容易的;D.tugh困难的。句意:Hagan一家为这个地区做了很多,所以帮助他们是一个很容易的决定。根据上文“The Hagans have dne s much fr this area”可知,因为Hagan一家为这个地区做了很多,所以是应该得到别人的帮助的,因此此处表示“帮助他们是一个很容易的决定”。故选C项。
    45.D【解析】考查介词短语及语境理解。A.in hnr f为了表示尊敬和钦佩;B.in need f需要;C.in case f万一;D.in place f代替。句意:瑞士郡的足球教练制定了一个计划,让他的球队在旧的断桥上建造一座新桥。根据上文“a new bridge”和下文“the ld brken ne”可知,用新桥代替旧的。故选D项。
    46.B【解析】考查名词及语境理解。A.invitatin邀请;B.message消息;C.pinin观点;D.reprt报道。句意:Hagan收到消息说,周一上午9点会有一个团队到他家工作。根据下文“a team wuld be at his huse Mnday at 9 a.m. t wrk”可知,周一上午9点会有一个团队到他家工作,这是他收到的消息。故选B项。
    47.A【解析】考查形容词及语境理解。A.tuching感人的;B.shcking令人震惊的;C.frightening令人害怕的;D.cnfusing令人困惑的。句意:它很感人,让我热泪盈眶。根据下文“brught tears t my eyes”可知,Hagan哭了,说明这很感人。故选A项。
    48.A【解析】考查副词及语境理解。A.Frtunately幸运的是;B.Suddenly突然;C.Surely无疑,肯定;D.Persnally亲自。句意:幸运的是,桥梁的钢框架基础结构没有被洪水破坏。根据下文“the steel frame base structure(钢架基础结构)f the bridge wasn’t damaged”可知,桥梁的钢框架基础结构没有被洪水破坏,这是幸运的。故选A项。
    49.D【解析】考查动词短语及语境理解。A.tk in吸收;B.tk up占据;C.tk ff起飞;D.tk apart拆开。句意:几十个人走到桥边,一块一块地把那座旧桥拆开。根据下文“ne plank(木板)by plank”可知,他们一块一块地把那座旧桥拆开。故选D项。
    50.C【解析】考查动词及语境理解。A.recrding记录;B.prtecting保护;C.creating创造;D.changing改变。句意:然后,团队通过建立一条装配线来重建它。根据下文“an assembly line(流水线)”可知,团队通过建立一条装配线来重建桥,空格处意为“创造”。故选C项。
    51.D【解析】考查名词及语境理解。A.reasn原因;B.prblem问题;C.trip旅行;D.gal目标。句意:我们团队的目标是通过团队合作来帮助他们。根据下文“t help them thrugh teamwrk”可知,帮助他们是这个团队的目标。故选D项。
    52.D【解析】考查动词及语境理解。A.designed设计;B.mved移动;C.researched研究;D.cmpleted完成。句意:这个团队只用了几个小时就完成了这个项目。根据下文“in nly a few hurs”和“when it was dne”可知,这个团队只用了几个小时就完成了这个项目。故选D项。
    53.C【解析】考查名词及语境理解。A.bridge桥;B.dr门;C.watch表;D.huse房子。句意:Hagan说:“他们9点钟就来了,当桥修好的时候,我看了看表,时间是11点45分。”根据下文“it was 11:45”可知,作者是在团队完成任务的时候看了看表。故选C项。
    54.C【解析】考查名词及语境理解。A.cmpany公司;B.cmpetitrs竞争者;C.neighburhd社区,四邻;D.students学生。句意:多亏了他们孙子的足球队,Hagan一家现在与他们的社区重新建立了联系。根据上文“leaving him and his wife ______ frm the cmmunity.”可知,之前洪水使他们和社区分开了,所以现在桥修好了,他们就和社区重新建立了联系。故选C项。
    55.A【解析】考查名词及语境理解。A.win胜利;B.risk风险;C.hpe希望;D.task任务。句意:至于Jesp教练,他认为这是本赛季最大的胜利。根据上文“The team ______ the prject”可知,这个球队完成了桥的重建,所以这是这个球队的胜利。故选A项。
    57.steps【解析】考查名词复数。因为57题后面提到了leather selectin, leather making, painting, engraving, clr applicatin, sweating and irning, binding and synthesis,说明皮影戏的制作有很多步骤,此step用复数steps。故填steps。
    61.has been【解析】考查现在完成时。出现于既没有电影也没有电视的时代,在清朝达到鼎盛时期,皮影戏一直在发展的路上……本句的t date是现在完成时的标志。故填has been。
    62.was listed【解析】考查被动语态。在2006年,皮影戏被列入了中国第一个国家非物质文化遗产名录。故填was listed。
    63.imprtance【解析】考查词性转换。be f+名词=be+形容词,在文中提到这些奖项对于皮影戏的传承具有积极的重要性。故填imprtance。
    第四部分 写作
    Dear Jim,
    Thank yu fr yur recmmendatin f the English nvel The Old Man and the Sea.
    Having finished reading, I’ve harvested a lt. The tugh man wh fights against the big fish and sharks alne in the sea inspires me t brave frustratins in my life. And I have learned that we shuld stick t ur dreams n matter what hardships we may encunter.
    The bk unflds a new wrld t me. Regarding my future reading plans, I’m cnsidering explring Hemingway’s ther nvels, like “A Farewell t Arms” and “Fr Whm the Bell Tlls.”
    I wuld appreciate it if yu culd give me mre recmmendatins.
    Li Hua
    That night, I was struck by an idea as I read a graphic nvel that all three f us liked. Thrilled and inspired, I sprang in frnt f my desk, racked my brains and started drawing a few scenes f three f us giggling, chattering and enjying each ther’s cmpany like we usually did. On the last page, I wrte, “Dear Kash, yu are nt the ne left behind. Liya and I are s srry abut the way we messed things up.” Filled with guilt, I carefully placed the paintings int an envelpe, hping this wuld be an icebreaker.
    The next day, I handed my pages f aplgy t Kash. He tk it, lking surprised at the first sight. After he read it, an expressin f intense jy lit up his eyes. Blushed, I brke the silence, “I’m srry. We shuld have talked t yu.” With her eyes fixed n the flr, Liya came ver and aplgized in a lw vice, “Yu mean a lt t us.” Hearing her wrds, Kash shk his head and smiled, “I was way t sensitive.” We exchanged a knwing smile, realizing that sincerity, trust and cmmunicatin were always the key t clearing up the misunderstanding between friends.
    Text 1
    M: Hw abut ging n an uting with us next week? We’re planning t g rller skating and bating in the natinal park.
    W: Sunds gd. But I’d better warn yu, I’m nt much f a swimmer.
    Text 2
    W: I’ll never get a jb. I dn’t have any great skills.
    M: I see it differently. Cheer up. Fur years f schl has given yu exactly what mst emplyers are lking fr I’m nt wrried.
    Text 3
    W: D yu have a specific prblem that’s wrrying yu, Mr. Smith?
    M: Yes, that’s why I came in fr this check-up. This tth n the right has been giving me a bit f truble.
    Text 4
    M: Did yu see The Vilinist when it was in the theatre? It was great.
    W: Yes. That’s a mvie I’ll always remember. It is my all-time favurite mvie.
    Text 5
    M: Yu lk upset. Is there anything wrng?
    W: Oh, I’m really in a bad md tday. Yu knw, althugh I had prepared fr my maths test, I think I’ll fail it, because it was t hard.
    Text 6.
    W: Hi, Ben! Hw was basketball practice tday? Yu lk like yu had a gd game.
    M: I did, but I’m nt n the basketball team anymre. I was practising with the tennis team tday.
    W: Really? Yu’re very gd at basketball, and gt alng well with yur teammates. I thught it was yur favurite sprt. Why aren’t yu n the basketball team anymre?
    M: Well, it’s my fault, actually. Even thugh I d well n the curt, I dn’t really enjy playing basketball. It was my father’s dream t have a sn wh is gd at that sprt. I used t like the game because my father lved it s much, but I can’t frce myself t d smething I dn’t enjy anymre. I talked t my father abut it a cuple f weeks ag, and then I quit the team.
    Text 7
    M: Linda, have yu finished yur wrk?
    W: Yes.
    M: Shall we g and have sme cffee?
    W: I’m afraid I can’t, I’m lking fr a reprt, I will be in truble if I can’t find the reprt. My bss will kill me.
    M: Instead f lking fr it directly, why dn’t yu try rganising yur rm a bit? It’s a disaster.
    W: But I like it this way! …Here it is! I searched the desk and bkshelf, but I didn’t lk n the flr.
    Text 8.
    M: OK. Shall we start with yur interest? What d yu like ding best?
    W: Um…well, I like phtgraphy. I’ve gt a prfessinal camera. S I take it quite seriusly. But I can’t imagine belnging t a club t take phtgraphs. I usually g n lng walks n my wn and take phts.
    M: And the film club?
    W: It’s far t expensive.
    M: OK. s what else d yu like ding? Running?
    W: Oh, n! Nt running! I like walking. I’m afraid the running club isn’t fr me and nr is the cycling club. But I d like yga. Hw many members des the yga club have?
    M: It’s always a small grup. A lt f peple sign up at the beginning f the term, but they stp ging after a few weeks. S at last nly a few regular members remain every year.
    W: That sunds great. I think I’d like t jin it.
    Text 9
    W: Hell, welcme t this week’s “Peple Yu Meet”. Tday, we present t yu Mark Leach, an infrmatin fficer in Lndn.
    M: Hi, everyne. My name’s Mark Leach. I’m an infrmatin fficer at the Britain Business Centre, which is a turist ffice fr the British Turist Bard in Lndn. Here, we ffer a turist infrmatin service t mainly visitrs frm verseas. And each year, we have abut 500,000 peple cme t the ffice.
    W: Ww, that’s a large number f peple. Hw d yu manage t meet the needs f s many peple?
    M: I’m in charge f an infrmatin team. The team has abut ten fficers wh give turist infrmatin directly ver the cunter t visitrs. We speak a ttal f thirteen languages altgether.
    W: That’s pretty cl! S, what exactly d yu d every day?
    M: Well, we act as a ne-stp shp fr anyne wh wants t cme in. S, it culd be that they want a day-trip frm Lndn, which is a very ppular request. And we can ffer suggestins f where t g and hw t get there. If peple want a tw-week tur f Britain, we can plan ut exactly where t visit, what rads t take.
    W: S, d yu have any suggestins fr peple cming t Britain?
    M: A gd suggestin is t see as much as yu can, but try t cme back again and again t see different parts f the cuntry, because in that way, yu’ll really experience it.
    Text 10
    W: Welcme t Futurscpe. I hpe yu enjy yur visit t the largest space-age park in the wrld. Everything here is develped by using the mst advanced technlgy. Here, yu can get clse t the wrld in an amazing way thrugh the 3-D cinemas and huge mvie screens. Yu can g t the bttm f the cean t see varius blind creatures that have never seen sunlight. Yu can fly thrugh the frest r visit the slar system. Yu can g t learning centres t try yur wn scientific experiments r learn mre abut space travel. All f these things make the wrld cme t life in a cmpletely new way fr yu. Tickets can be bught at the park’s entrance r nline. Fr class utings, we ffer a grup admissin rate. We have excellent htels nearby and they prvide a bus service t the park. Remember t plan yur trip in advance, since there’re s many shws, activities and suvenir shps. Dn’t frget t wear cmfrtable shes! Fr detailed infrmatin, yu can take a free brchure t help yu. As a great mix f fun and learning, Futurscpe is yur unique chice! Enjy yurself!

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