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    满分150分 考试时间:120分钟
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. What are the speakers prbably talking abut?
    A. The bike price.B. A bike race.C. The man’s bike.
    2. Why has the wman mved the by’s seat?
    A. He talks t much.B. He has truble in listening.C. She wants t see him better.
    3. When did the man get his niece’s call?
    A. At 6:05.B. At 6:00.C. At 5:45.
    4. What des the man think is mst needed t succeed?
    A. Effrt.B. Luck.C. Talent.
    5. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At hme.B. In a shp.C. In a restaurant.
    第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. What is the man ging t d this summer?
    A. Wrk at a htel.B. Repair his huse.C. Teach a curse.
    7. Hw will the man use the mney?
    A. T hire a gardener.B. T buy sme flwers.C. T buy bks.
    8. What is the wman recmmending t the man?
    A. A bk.B. A club.C. A curse.
    9. What is the wman reading nw?
    A. The Beautiful Mind.B. The Kite Runner.C. The Great Gatsby.
    10. Hw much time des the man have t read the bk?
    A. Abut tw weeks.B. Abut three weeks.C. Abut ne mnth.
    11. Hw did the man learn abut the apartment?
    A. In the newspaper.B. Frm his friend.C. Thrugh the Internet.
    12. What is cvered in the rent?
    A. Gas.B. Electricity.C. Water.
    13. When can the man mve in?
    A. On Thursday.B. On Friday.C. On Saturday.
    14. Why did the wman fail t catch the bus?
    A. She was late.
    B. The bus left earlier than usual.
    C. She wanted t walk hme.
    15. What is the man wrried abut?
    A. The wman’s safety.B. The public transprtatin.C. The dangerus neighbrhd.
    16. What des the wman decide t d in the end?
    A. Buy a car.B. Call the newspaper.C. Cmplain t the lcal gvernment.
    17. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. Cling fans.B. Air cnditining.C. Rm design.
    18. Which cuntry might have invented the first cling device?
    A. Egypt.B. Rme.C. China.
    19. Which cling methd has the lngest histry?
    A. Wet plants.B. Cld water.C. Hand fans.
    20. Where is the passage mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A radi prgramme.B. A culture magazine.C. A histry bk.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    Olympics Cmpetitin Schedule
    The Tky 2020 Olympic Games will feature a recrd 33 cmpetitins and 339 events held acrss 42 cmpetitin venues.
    Belw yu will find the Olympic cmpetitin schedule.
    Simply tap n the icn fr each schedule t see it in detail.
    *The cmpetitin schedule was amended t reflect the new dates fllwing the pstpnement f the Games and may be subject t change.
    Table as f 16 June 2021
    Olympic Cmpetitin Schedule Friday 23 July
    *All times in Japan Standard Time (JST)
    *Opening Ceremny *Archery Wmen’s Individual Ranking Rund
    Date and Time: Friday 23 July 20:00- 23:00Date and Time: Friday 23 July 9:00 - 11:00
    Venues: Olympic StadiumVenues: Yumenshima Park Archery Field
    *Rwing Men’s Individual Ranking Rund
    Date and Time: Friday 23 July 8:30 - 12:10Date and Time: Friday 23 July 13:00 - 15:00
    Venues: Sea Frest WaterwayVenues: Yumenshima Park Archery Field
    21. Hw many gld medals are set fr the 2020 Tky Olympics?
    A. 42.​B. 33.​C. 339.​D. 372.
    22. When will Artistic Gymnastics be held?
    A. On July 24th.​B. On July 30th.​C. On August 5th.​D. On August 7th.
    23. Which sprt can yu watch at 11:10 n July 23rd?
    A. Rwing.​B. Archery.​C. Swimming. D. Basketball.​
    My name is Alice. Early last year, I was trubled by an anxiety that crippled my ability t d anything. I felt like a strm clud hung ver me. Fr almst a year I struggled n, cnstantly staring at this wall that faced me. My perfectinist tendencies were the main rt f this: I wanted t be perfect at whatever I did, which bviusly in life is nt pssible, but it cnsumed me.
    One day, I attended a presentatin by wildlife cnservatinist Grant Brwn at my high schl. His presentatin nt nly awed and inspired me, but als helped emerge an inner desire t make a difference in the wrld. I jined a pre-presentatin dinner with him and that smaller setting allwed me t slwly build up my curage t speak ne-n-ne with him—an idea that had seemed cmpletely impssible. This first cntact was where my stry began.
    A mnth later, Brwn invited me t attend the Wrld Yuth Wildlife Cnference. Lking back, I nw see that this wuld be the first in a series f timely pprtunities that my ld self wuld have let pass, but that this new and mre cnfident Alice enthusiastically seized. Shrtly after I received his invitatin, applicatins t jin the Yuth fr Nature and the Yuth fr Planet grups were sent arund thrugh my high schl. I decided t cmmit t cmpleting the applicatins, and sn I was a part f a grwing glbal team f yung peple wrking t prtect nature. Each f these new steps cntinued t grw my cnfidence.
    I am writing this just six mnths since my jurney began and I’ve realised that my biggest bstacle this whle time was myself. It was that vice in the back f my head telling me that ne phrase that has stpped s many peple frm reaching their ptential: I can’t. They say gd things cme t thse wh wait; I say: grab every pprtunity with everything yu have and be impatient. After all, nature des nt require ur patience, but ur actin.
    24. What des the underlined wrd “crippled” prbably mean in the first paragraph?
    A. Created. B. Defeated. C. Enhanced. D. Damaged.
    25. What is the drive f Alice’s first cntact with Brwn?
    A. Her inner desire fr cmmunicatin.B. Her strng interest in wildlife.
    C. Her newly-emerged will t change the wrld.D. Her urgent demand fr curage.
    26. Hw has Alice changed since the first cntact?
    A. She has gained curage and skills t make public presentatins.
    B. She has becme cnfident enugh t seize the pprtunities.
    C. She has tpped all the team members in prtecting nature.
    D. She has becme mre patient t wait fr the chances.
    27. What has Alice learned frm her experience?
    A. N ne is perfect.B. Curage lightens the blw f fate.
    C. Gd things cme t thse wh wait.D. Actin is wrry’s wrst enemy.
    Zlgists studied the nervus systems f insects t investigate principles f bilgical brain cmputatin and pssible effects n machine learning and artificial intelligence. Specifically, they analysed hw insects learn t assciate sensry infrmatin in their envirnment with a fd reward, and hw they can recall this infrmatin later in rder t slve cmplex tasks such as the search fr fd.
    Living rganisms shw remarkable abilities in cping with prblems psed by cmplex and dynamic envirnments. They are able t generalize their experiences in rder t rapidly adapt their behaviur when the envirnment changes. The zlgists investigated hw the nervus system f the fruit fly cntrls its behaviur when searching fr fd.
    Using a cmputer mdel, they simulated(模拟) and analysed the cmputatins in the fruit fly’s nervus system in respnse t scents cming frm the fd surce. They initially trained their mdel f the fly brain in exactly the same way as insects are trained in experiments. They presented a specific scent in the simulatin tgether with a reward and a secnd scent withut a reward.
    “The mdel rapidly learns a strng representatin f the rewarded scent after just a few scent presentatins and is then able t find the surce f this scent in a cmplex envirnment,” said cmputer scientist Dr Hannes Rapp, wh created the mdel.
    The mdel created is thus capable f generalizing frm its memry and t apply what it has learned previusly in a cmpletely new and cmplex envirnment, while learning required nly a very small database f training samples.
    The results suggest that the transfrmatin f sensry infrmatin int memries in the brain can inspire future machine learning and artificial intelligence applicatins t slving cmplex tasks.
    28. What is the aim f the research?
    A. T analyse the applicatin f bilgical brain cmputatin principles.
    B. T seek prmtin f machine learning and artificial intelligence.
    C. T shed light n hw the nervus systems f insects wrk.
    D. T uncver hw insects apply sensry infrmatin in search f fd.
    29. Which statement abut the research methd is NOT TRUE?
    A. The researchers cllected the data by using a cmputer mdel.
    B. The researchers fcused n hw the fruit fly’s nervus system reacts t scents.
    C. The researchers trained the mdel in the same way as training fruit flies.
    D. The researchers presented tw different scents t carry ut a cntrl experiment.
    30. What d the results f the research imply?
    A. Insects’ nervus systems are mre sensitive t particular scents.
    B. Artificial intelligence is significant t bilgical brain research.
    C. Sensry infrmatin is widely applied in machine learning.
    D. Research n insect brain can cntribute t AI develpment.
    31. What is the main purpse f the text?
    A. T present predictins abut the future f machine learning.
    B. T illustrate the methd and findings f a scientific study.
    C. T call n mre research n insect brain and behavir.
    D. T intrduce a practical methd f insect research.
    Space is becming mre crwded. On December 3, a Falcn 9 rcket made by Space X thundered int the sky. On bard were 64 small satellites, mre than any American cmpany had launched befre in ne g. They have a variety f uses, frm space-based-radar t the mnitring f radi-frequency-emissins. They will be wrking in their rbits(轨道).
    These bjects are part f the latest breed f lw-Earth-rbit (LEO) satellites. This launch is just taste f what is planned. Space X and One Web, a cmmunicatins firm, plan t launch satellites in their thusands, nt hundreds. The pair are set t duble the ttal number f satellites in rbit by 2027.
    That prmises t change things dramatically n Earth. LEO satellites can bring internet cnnectivity t places where it is still unavailable r unaffrdable. This will als be a lasting surce f new demand fr the space ecnmy. Mrgan Stanley, a bank, prjects that the space industry will grw frm $350 billin in 2016 t mre than $1.1 trillin by 2040. New internet satellites will accunt fr a half this increase.
    Fr that t happen, hwever, three wrries must be vercme. Debris(碎片) is the mst familiar cncern. As lng ag as 1978, Dnald Kessler, a scientist at NASA, prpsed a situatin in which, when enugh satellites were packed int lw-Earth rbits, any cllisin culd cause a chain reactin which wuld eventually destry all space craft in the same rbital plane. The syndrme which bears Mr. Kessler’s name weighs heavily n the minds f executives at the new satellite firms. Debris culd cause entire tracts(广阔的一片) f space t be unusable fr decades.
    Slutins exist. One is t grab malfunctin satellites and pull them dwn int Earth’s atmsphere. Anther is t mnitr space mre intensively fr debris; a US Air Frce prgram me called Space Fence is due t start in 2019. But technlgy is nly part f the answer. Rules are needed t gvern the safe dispsal f ld satellites frm lw-Earth rbit.
    Cyber-security is a secnd, lng-standing wrry. Hackers culd take cntrl f a satellite and seal intellectual prperty, redirect data flws r cause a cllisin. The satellite industry has been slw t respnd t such cncerns. But as mre f the wrld’s ppulatin cmes t rely n the infrastructure f space fr access t the internet, the need fr actin intensifies.
    The third issue fllws frm the first tw. If a simple mistake r a cyber-attack can cause a chain reactin which wipes ut hundreds f billins f dllars f investment, wh is liable? Underwriters(承保商) are studying the plans f firms (quite a lt) that wish t perate large numbers f satellites. But there is a lng way t g befre the risks are well understd, let alne priced.
    As space becmes mre cmmercialized, mind-bending prspects pen up: packages mved acrss the planet in minutes by rcket rather than by plane, equipment sent t ther small planets, passengers launched int rbit and beynd. All that and mre may cme, ne day. But such activities wuld raise the same questins as LEO satellites d. They must be answered befre the space ecnmy can truly develp.
    32. What infrmatin can we get abut LEO satellites frm the passage?
    A. They are suppsed t regulate the space ecnmy.
    B. They are expected t increase in large numbers.
    C. They are intended t bring internet cnnectivity t remte areas.
    D. They are designed t mve beynd the Earth as far as pssible.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “plane” in paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Aircraft. B. Surface. C. Flight. ​D. Entrance.
    34. Which f the fllwing can be classified as the third wrry?
    A. Lack f satellite industry regulatins.B. Lss f intellectual prperty.
    C. Crisis f cnfidence in the field.D. Slw respnse t satellite industry.
    35. What is the authr’s attitude tward the launch f LEO satellites?
    A. It shuld be further cnfirmed fr its wnership.
    B. It shuld be cntinued because f its advantages.
    C. It shuld be dne carefully t avid ptential risks.
    D. It shuld be stpped in the face f the space ecnmy.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    The infrmatin age has reached a critical pint, with AI’s superir cmputatin ability surpassing that f humans. A reprt released by Gldman Sachs in March 2023 estimated that AI is capable f ding a quarter f all the wrk currently dne by humans. 36 It wuld nt just happen t individuals, but it culd be pretty systematic. Acrss the Eurpean Unin and US, the reprt further ntes, 300 millin jbs are expected t be lst t autmatin.
    37 Accrding t Martin Frd, authr f Rule f the Rbts: Hw Artificial Intelligence Will Transfrm Everything, three categries are ging t be relatively secure in the freseeable future. 38 That means yu’re nt ding frmulaic (程式化的) wrk r just rearranging things, but generating new ideas. Fr example, in the field f science, where yur jb is cming up with a nvel strategy r slutin, there’s ging t be a place fr human beings.
    The secnd categry is jbs that require sphisticated interpersnal relatinships like nurses, business cnsultants and investigative jurnalists. These are jbs where yu need a very deep understanding f peple. 39
    The third safe zne includes jbs that really require lts f mbility and prblem-slving ability in unpredictable envirnments. Electricians, plumbers, welders(焊工) and the like all fall under this umbrella, where yu’re dealing with different situatins all the time.
    In shrt, seeking rles in dynamic, shifting envirnments that include unpredictable tasks is gd way t avid jb lss t AI, at least, fr a while. It’s imprtant t nte that an advanced educatin is nt a defense against AI takever. In many cases, mre educated wrkers are ging t be mre threatened than even the least educated wrkers. 40 It’s really hard t autmate that jb.
    A. That culd be terrible.
    B. Hwever, they are nt cming fr all jbs.
    C. Thankfully, there are still things AI isn’t capable f.
    D. The first wuld be jbs that are genuinely creative.
    E. Think f the persn that cleans htel rms.
    F. That desn’t necessarily mean all jbs that are cnsidered “creative” are safe.
    G. It’ll be a lng time befre AI has the ability t really build relatinships and interact.
    第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    On a clear afternn in late Octber a few years ag, I std underneath a giant verhanging cliff near my hmetwn, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The scenery that day was particularly 41 , with deer chewing n the brwn grasses by the river belw, and hawks 42 the wind.
    I was tied in, ready t 43 . I was attempting t d a tugh rute fr the first time. “Onsight”(首次攀登), as we call it, means I didn’t knw where I was climbing t. It wuld be a hard try fr me t nsight such a difficult rute. What I need is fcus. N 44 .
    Just as I was abut t climb, 45 in my bdy, which I hadn’t felt yet, wke up and said hell t me. That was a terrible sign fr any athlete. Desperate as I felt, I painted a cat f 46 n my inner walls f dubt t ease my tensin. I 47 myself at the tp, celebrating. “Yu can d this,” I 48 tld myself. “If yu believe, success is fr sure.”
    It didn’t wrk. 49 , I fell near the tp. Defeated, I lwered myself t the grund and realized immediately that the t strng desire t climb the rute had 50 me frm ding it.
    My self-wrth was clsely 51 at that unnatural mment with my success r failure, which 52 a chain f reactin: unnatural desire, pressure, perfrmance anxiety. I had just climbed with a mind fascinated with the tp but a bdy 53 belw with irregular and unnatural mvement.
    I tld myself that n my next 54 , success r failure didn’t matter. “Just make ne mve at a time.” I gave myself a pass fr whatever wuld happen. Case clsed, it 55 . I flated t the tp with grace, clarity and 56 .
    That mment gt me thinking, and then researching. At sme pint, I cncluded this experience 57 simple arithmetic(算术): When I 58 (determinatin, self-cnfidence, desire), I failed; when I tk away (the desire fr success); my bdy mved with greater 59 and I made it. As an athlete f 30 years, I discvered the 60 f subtractin(减法) fr the very first time.
    41. A. brain-washingB. breath-takingC. mind-bendingD. heart-breaking
    42. A. ridingB. drivingC. blwingD. cntrlling
    43. A. paddleB. flatC. crawlD. climb
    44. A. mtivatinB. inspiratinC. hesitatinD. distractin
    45. A. vicesB. spiritsC. nervesD. tissues
    46. A. cnfidenceB. cnfusinC. cnsciusnessD. cnsideratin
    47. A. dubtedB. wishedC. picturedD. suppsed
    48. A. suddenlyB. respectivelyC. genuinelyD. firmly
    49. A. HweverB. InsteadC. ThughD. Otherwise
    50. A. shelteredB. rescuedC. discuragedD. avided
    51. A. cmbinedB. cntactedC. cmparedD. cntrasted
    52. A. set abutB. brught abutC. gave utD. left ut
    53. A. expectingB. imagining C. resistingD. struggling
    54. A. attemptB. testC. rutineD. training
    55. A. ensuredB. ccurredC. revealedD. wrked
    56. A. flwB. cntentmentC. balance D. awareness
    57. A. ahead fB. fr fear fC. in terms fD. regardless f
    58. A. addedB. blckedC. cntributedD. devted
    59. A. capabilityB. frequencyC. naturalnessD. reliance
    60. A. affectinB. pwer C. surceD. status
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The English Channel crssing, ne f the mst famus glbal swimming challenges, 61 (refer) t as the peak f endurance swimming.
    A relay team f winter swimming 62 (enthusiasm) frm Wenzhu, Zhejiang prvince, swam the English Channel in less than 12 hurs n Friday. They 63 (chse) t swim the shrtest rute acrss the channel, the 33.8 kilmeters frm Dver in the UK t Cap Gris Nez, a cape near Calais in France.
    In fact, the team tk exactly 11 hurs and 54 minutes t make the crssing, 64 (swim) mre than 50 km t avid bstacles and strng currents. During the team’s crssing, each team member swam 65 at least an hur befre alternating until they reached France.
    Xie Derng, a member f the team, said that althugh the relay went 66 (smth) fr the mst part, the final 6 km prved t be an enrmus test f 67 (they) endurance. “We encuntered cunter currents that caused us 68 (slw) dwn.”
    69 idea f crssing the English Channel first came t them in 2019. Training started several weeks befre Friday’s swim in the Sanqi Reservir in Wencheng cunty, 70 the water temperature was similar t the English Channel.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    In recent years many flwers shps have been appeared in ur small twn. It is cmmn fr peple t buy flwers when they g t a gathering, visiting a friend, r attend a party. Last winter vacatin, I was abut t leave a flwer shp that a disabled by caught my attentin. I still remembered clear that the disabled by, wing his entire life t his mther, presented sme flwers t his mther t express his gratitude t her. With her kindness and care he wuld nt have had the cnfidence and curage t fight his disability. As the result f the great effrt he had made, he was finally admitted a key university in advance. What a mved mment!
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    1. 时间与地点;
    2. 内容与意义。
    Dear Sue,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    第一部分 听力理解
    1-5 CACBC 6-10 ACBBA 11-15 BACBA 16-20 CBACA
    第二部分 阅读理解
    21-23 CAA 24-27 DCBD 28-31 BDDB 32-35 BBAC
    36-40 ACDGE
    第三部分 英语知识运用
    第一节 完形填空
    41-45 BADDC 46-50 ACDBC 51-55 ABDAD 56-60 BCACB
    第二节 语法填空
    61. is referred62. enthusiasts63. chse 64. swimming 65. fr
    66. smthly 67. their68. t slw 69. The 70. where
    第四部分 写作
    第一节 短文改错
    In recent years many flwers shps have been appeared in ur small twn. It is cmmn fr peple t buy flwers when
    they g t a gathering, visiting a friend, r attend a party. Last winter vacatin, I was abut t leave a flwer shp that a
    visit when
    disabled by caught my attentin. I still remembered clear that the disabled by, wing his entire life t his mther,
    presented sme flwers t his mther t express his gratitude t her. With her kindness and care he wuld nt have had the
    cnfidence and curage t fight his disability. As the result f the great effrt he had made, he was finally admitted∧a key
    r a t/int
    university in advance. What a mved mment!
    第二节 书面表达
    A suggested versin:
    Dear Sue,
    I am Li Hua, chairman f the Schl Unin. Our schl is ging t stage an English versin f the traditinal play---Yue Fei during the appraching English Weekly. I’m writing t invite yu t enjy it.
    As arranged, the perfrmance is scheduled t take place at 8:00 p.m. this Sunday in the schl hall.
    The play mainly deals with Yue Fei’s life stries in which he is a natinal her and shws lifelng devtin and lyalty t his cuntry by defending the peple frm being invaded by the ethnic minrity called Jin. Finally, much t ur grief, he ends up being killed by the emperr. The significance f this play is in hnur f the her and t shw ur Chinese peple’s firm determinatin t defend ur cuntry and peple against freign invasin.
    I was wndering if yu wuld cme. I am lking frward t yur reply.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    评分标准:开头 3分;时间地点 4分;内容 6分;意义 5分;结尾2分;书写 5分
    第一部分 听力理解
    1-5 CACBC 6-10 ACBBA 11-15 BACBA 16-20 CBACA
    (Text 1)
    W: Ww! Yur dad did a great jb! He made the ldest bike in twn lk new. (1) Peple may think yur bike is mre expensive than mine. (1)
    M: Yu knw it ges faster than yur bike nw. (1)
    W: I dn’t think s. Let’s race and see.
    (Text 2)
    M: Mrs. Sphie? Why has my seat been mved t the frnt rw? Everyne else is sitting in their riginal seats.
    W: If yu chse t talk in class instead f listening, (2) yur seat will be mved clser t me s I can see yu better.
    (Text 3)
    M: Maria, I need t meet my niece at the railway statin at 6:20. She called me a quarter ag. (3) I just had an emergency meeting.
    W: Oh, it’s 6:00 nw. (3) 20 minute t g.
    M: That is enugh.
    (Text 4)
    W: Rbert, which d yu think yu need mre f, luck, talent r effrt t succeed in the arts?
    M: In my pinin, yu need the pprtunity t succeed and nt everyne gets the right pprtunity (4) even if they’re really talented and devted.
    (Text 5)
    M: Nw yu can begin taking the plates t the custmers. (5) Well, dn’t carry t many plates. (5) Yu may drp them. (5)
    W: Oh, I wn’t. I’ve never drpped plates in my life. (5)
    M: Yu can’t be t careful.
    W: Well, I’ll try my best.
    (Text 6)
    M: Guess what I’ll be ding this summer?
    W: What?
    M: I’m ging t wrk at the Churchill Htel. (6)
    W: What exactly will yu be ding there?
    M: Let’s see. I’ll be ding sme small repairs inside and utside the htel. (6) I’ll be cutting grass and taking care f the flwers.
    W: Sunds interesting. What’s the pay?
    M: Well, uh... abut twenty dllars per hur, five hurs a day, and Sunday free.
    W: That’s gd mney. What are yu ging t d with it?
    M: I’ll pay fr the textbks fr next semester. (7)
    (Text 7)
    W: Hey, Jhn? Can I talk t yu fr a minute?
    M: Sure. What’s up?
    W: I want t let yu knw abut a bk club I jined mnths ag. (8) I knw yu d a lt f reading, s I thught yu might want t cme with me next mnth.
    M: Oh! That sunds like fun. When des the grup meet?
    W: Usually the last Saturday f the mnth, at 7:30 in the evening. Is that t late fr yu?
    M: N, I think that’s kay. What d yu talk abut in the grup?
    W: Well. Every mnth we chse a new bk, and then during the next meeting we discuss it.
    M: What bks have yu read?
    W: Quite a lt. Recently we have read The Beautiful Mind and The Great Gatsby. Nw we are reading The Kite Runner. (9)
    M: The Kite Runner? I’ve heard that’s a gd bk. What’s it abut?
    W: It’s abut tw by wh grw up in Afghanistan in the 1980s and hw their friendship shapes the rest f their lives.
    M: That sunds interesting. I’d lve t cme.
    W: Great! The next meeting will be held in half a mnth, s yu still have time t read the bk. (10)
    (Text 8)
    M: Gd afternn, madam. My friend saw the infrmatin in the newspaper that yu might have a spare apartment and tld me n Friday. (11)
    W: Yes, I have a spare apartment fr rent.
    M: Wuld it be OK t lk at it nw?
    W: OK. Cme in please.
    M: Emm … This apartment lks nice and quite new. The living rm is really large.
    W: It’s frty square meters.
    M: Hw much shuld I pay?
    W: $800 a mnth.
    M: What are included? (12)
    W: Only gas is included. (12) Yu have t pay fr the electricity and water.
    M: Er, can yu cut dwn a little? I’ve searched a lt n the Internet, and there wasn’t s much high rent.
    W: As yu can see, the apartment has recently been redecrated and cmpletely furnished.
    M: Well, that’s it. When can I mve in?
    W: Let me see. Tday is Wednesday. In three days if yu like. (13)
    M: That’s great.
    (Text 9)
    M: Why did yu get hme s late, Enya? I was wrried sick!
    W: I had everything timed perfectly. I sat in the cffee shp, waiting fr Bus 35. It is suppsed t leave at 4:45 sharp. (14) I take it every day at that time because it arrives at the Waterl Statin just in time fr me t catch Bus 15.
    M: And yu lst track f time, didn’t yu? (14)
    W: N, Ken, nt this time. I was at the bus stp n time, and I was picking up my bag and getting t my feet at 4:35. I was tw feet frm the bus when it suddenly left! (14)
    M: Ten minutes early? (14)
    W: Yes. (14) S, I had t wait thirty minutes fr the next bus. By then, there were n mre buses leaving frm Waterl.
    M: Hw did yu get here, then?
    W: I walked. Can yu imagine — me, a yung wman, walking in the dark fr an hur by alne?
    M: And in this neighbrhd! Next time, please call me. That was s dangerus. (15)
    W: I knw. I’m lucky t be alive. (15) What’s wrng with the public transprtatin in this city? Dn’t they care abut peple wh can’t affrd cars?
    M: We shuld write a letter t ur lcal fficials. (16)
    W: And the newspaper! (16)
    (Text 10)
    The desire t stay cl is, f curse, nthing new.
    The ancient Egyptians and Rmans emplyed varius techniques t cl dwn their buildings frm the utside heat. Sme peple have even claimed that the first air cnditining device was invented in ancient Egypt. (17) (18) The ancient Egyptians wuld hang wet plants utside their windws, and when the air came int the huse, it wuld be cled by the cl water drps n the plants.
    The Rmans understd that if they culd bring cld water under their huses, then the temperature inside wuld fall. And if we really stretch the meaning f the phrase “air cnditining”, (17) then hand fans have been used since the very beginning f the histry. (19) Peple realized that they culd mve air by waving smething and it wuld cl them dwn fr a while.
    The Chinese inventr Ding Huan went a step further in the secnd century and invented a fan that culd g arund, similar t fans we might see tday, althugh it was pwered by servants.
    That’s all fr tday. Please stay tuned fr mre updates. (20)
    第二部分 阅读理解
    21-23 CAA
    21. C细节理解题。根据 “The Tky 2020 Olympic Games will feature a recrd 33 cmpetitins and 339 events held acrss 42 cmpetitin venues.” 可知有339个项目的比赛,所以金牌数量也是339个,故选C。
    22. A细节理解题。根据表格中Artistic Gymnastics所在行July 24 SAT—29THU和August 1SUN-3TUE可知艺术体操的举办时间, 结合选项可知,故选A。
    23. A细节理解题。根据倒数第三行 “*Rwing Men's Individual Ranking Rund” 和倒数第二行 “Date and Time: Friday 23 July 8:30 - 12:10” 可知,故选A。
    24-27 DCBD
    本文是一篇记叙文。Alice因为过于追求完美而被焦虑情绪困扰。一天,她听了野生动物保护者Brwn的一场演说,深受启发并萌生了兴趣。以此为契机,她开始抓住每一次机会积极参与活动,变得越来越自信。通过此事,Alice领悟到是内心对自己的否定阻碍了自己前进,应该抓住每次机会,及时采取行动,而非一直 “耐心” 等待,坐看机会流逝。
    24. D词义猜测题。根据后文 “我感觉乌云笼罩。将近一年我挣扎着,一直盯着眼前这面墙” 可知,我无法很好地完成事情,因此困扰我的焦虑情绪 “损害了我做事的能力”,故选D。
    25. C细节理解题。根据第二段 “His presentatin nt nly awed and inspired me, but als helped emerge an inner desire t make a difference in the wrld.” 可知Brwn的演讲让Alice内心产生了改变世界的渴望,故选C。
    26. B细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,曾经的自己会让适时的机会流逝,而现在这个全新且自信的Alice满腔热情地抓住了机会,故选B。
    27. D推理判断题。从文章最后一段可知,Alice将自己最大的障碍归结于自己内心 “我不行” 的声音,尽管人们说 “好事情发生在愿意等待的人身上”,Alice却认为要尽力抓住每次机会,要 “没有耐心”,及时采取行动。全文最后一句点明行动的重要性,故选D,行动是忧虑最大的敌人。
    28-31 BDDB
    28. B细节理解题。根据第一段 “Zlgists studied the nervus systems f insects t investigate principles f bilgical brain cmputatin and pssible effects n machine learning and artificial intelligence.” 可知,动物学家研究昆虫神经系统的目的是研究生物大脑计算的原理和对机器学习及人工智能的可能影响,故选B。
    29. D细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句 “They presented a specific scent in the simulatin tgether with a reward and a secnd scent withut a reward.” 可知,研究过程中确实使用了两种气味,但研究方法并非对照实验,而只是测试该模型对于有奖励的气味的反应,故选D。
    30. D推理判断题。由最后一段可知,本研究的结果表明,大脑中感官性信息转换为记忆能够启示未来机器学习和人工智能在解决复杂任务中的运用,说明对昆虫大脑的研究能促进人工智能的发展,故选D。
    31. B主旨大意题。本文全文皆在介绍一项研究,从研究目的到研究方法,再到研究结果,故选B。
    32-35 BBAC
    32. B推理判断题。根据第二自然段 “These bjects are part f the latest breed f lw-Earth-rbit (LEO) satellites…Space X and One Web, a cmmunicatins firm, plan t launch satellites in their thusands, nt hundreds.” 可知还会有更多的低地球轨道(LEO)卫星要发射,故选B项。
    33. B词义猜测题。根据本句 “…, any cllisin culd cause a chain reactin which wuld eventually destry all space craft” 可知一旦相撞会产生连锁反应因而摧毁同轨道层面的所有飞行器,故选B项。
    34. A推理判断题。根据第七自然段中 “If a simple mistake r a cyber-attack can cause a chain reactin which wipes ut hundreds f billins f dllars f investment, wh is liable?” 和 “Underwriters(保险商) are studying the plans f firms…there is a lng way t g befre the risks are well understd, let alne priced.” 可知对于低地球轨道(LEO)卫星网络发生事故后的责任划分问题不明确,保险商对这种情况的风险评估也未完成。说明卫星产业市场的相关法规制度并不完善,故选A项。
    35. C主旨大意题。根据最后一个自然段中 “But such activities wuld raise the same questins as LEO satellites d. They must be answered befre the space ecnmy can truly develp.” 可知作者认为很多问题尚未解决,所以对于LEO卫星的发射需要慎重,故选C项。
    36-40 ACDGE
    36. A上文提到某集团2023年3月的一份报告估计,人工智能可以完成目前人类所做工作的四分之一,以及下文提到的这不仅会发生在个人身上,而且可能是相当系统性的,说明 “这太可怕了”,故选A。
    37. C上文提到人工智能能够完成大约四分之一人类目前所做的工作,下文依次列举了人工智能无法做到的三大类工作,故选C,“谢天谢地,还有一些事情是人工智能无法做到的”。
    38. D根据上文There are generally three categries和下文The secnd…the third 可知,“首先是真正有创造力的工作” 承接上文,并引出之后两段的另外两种工作,故选D。
    39. G根据文意第二类是需要复杂人际关系的工作,如护士、商业顾问和调查记者。在这些工作中,你需要对人有非常深入的了解,说明第二类工作相对安全是因为它们需要对人有深入的了解,G项 “人工智能还需要很长时间才能真正建立关系和互动。” 进一步解释第二类工作可能不受人工智能威胁的原因,故选G。
    40. E在许多情况下,受教育程度更高的工人将比受教育程度最低的工人受到更大的威胁,E项 “想想那个打扫酒店房间的人吧。” 举例说明具体的不需要高学历的工作,下文 “It’s really hard t autmate that jb. (要使那项工作自动化真的很难)” 中it指代空处提及的工作,说明使酒店打扫工作自动化很难,即受到人工智能的威胁小,E项承上启下,符合题意,故选E。
    第三部分 英语知识运用
    第一节 完形填空
    41-45 BADDC 46-50 ACDBC 51-55 ABDAD 56-60 BCACB
    41. B考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“那天的景色尤为令人叹为观止。” A. brain-washing洗脑的;B. breath-taking壮观的;C. mind-bending令人费解的;D. heart-breaking令人伤心的,故选B。
    42. A考查动词词义辨析。句意:“鹰在空中盘旋”。ride“借着气流在空中漂浮”,故选A。
    43. D考查动词词义辨析。根据下文,我身上绑好绳索/保险绳,准备攀爬(首次攀登)。paddle “划船”;flat “漂浮”;crawl “爬行”,故选D。
    44. D考查名词词义辨析。根据上文 “What I need is fcus.” 可知,此时我需要全神贯注,不要分心。 mtivatin “动力”;inspiratin “灵感”;hesitatin “犹豫”,故选D。
    45. C考查名词词义辨析。考查名词词义辨析。句意:“就在我打算要爬上去的时候,我身体里自己并未察觉到的神经苏醒了。” 根据下文Desperate as I felt, I painted a cat f 46 n my inner walls f dubt t ease my tensin. 这里应该是指作者在行动前,不自觉地感到了紧张。nerves除了指人体内的神经,也可以指人的担忧、害怕的情绪,tissues指身体组织,故选C。
    46. A考查名词词义辨析。句意:“尽管感到绝望,我在自己内心里那道怀疑的墙壁上涂上了一层自信的外衣,以缓解我的紧张。” cnfusin “迷惑”;cnsciusness “意识”;cnsideratin“考虑”,故选A。
    47. C考查动词词义辨析。根据上文可知,作者还没有开始攀爬,由此可知,下文的 “… myself at the tp, celebrating.” 都是作者想象出来的。 picture “想象”,故选C。
    48. D考查副词词义辨析。根据上文可知,作者在开始爬山之前,告诉自己,只要相信自己成功,那么成功就是肯定的。suddenly “突然地”;respectively “各自地”;genuinely “真诚地”;firmly “坚定地”,故选D。
    49. B考查副词词义辨析。根据上下文,尽管我内心铺垫了很久,却并不管用,事实上,我摔了下来。hwever “然而”,therwise “否则,另外”;thugh “可是,然而”;instead “代替,顶替”,故选B。
    50. C考查动词短语辨析。句意:“我失败了,趴在地上,很快意识到,我想要攀爬这条路线的欲望太强烈了,这反而让我未能成功”。shelter “庇护”;rescue “挽救”;avided “避免”。discurage sb. frm ding…,意为 “使某人未能做某事”,故选C。
    51. A考查动词词义辨析。cmbine “结合”;cntact “联系”;cmpare “比较,比喻”;cntrast “对比”。根据后文的 “with my success r failure” 以及上文作者的自我剖析可知,作者的自我价值和成败与否结合在一起了。固定搭配 “把……和……结合”,故选A。
    52. B考查动词短语辨析。句意:“在那个不自然时刻,我的自我价值与我的成功或失败紧密地联系在一起,这引起了一系列反应:不自然的欲望、压力、表现焦虑。” bring abut “引起”;set abut “开始做…”;give ut “分发,公布”;leave ut “省略,忽略”,故选B。
    53. D考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我刚才在攀登时,思想上有着对山顶的迷恋,但我的身体却挣扎着做出不自然和不规则的动作。” 根据上文作者摔倒在地可知,空白处指的是作者的身体还在悬崖之下挣扎着,其实并没有做好充分的准备。expect “预期,期望”;imagine “想象”;resist “抵抗”;struggle “挣扎”,故选D。
    54. A考查名词词义辨析。根据上下文可知,作者第一次尝试以失败告终。他告诉自己在下一次的尝试中,不要那么在乎成功或失败,允许所有的可能发生。attempt “尝试”;test “测试”;rutine “例行公事”;training “训练”,故选A。
    55. D考查动词词义辨析。根据下文 “I flated t the tp with grace, clarity and ….” 可知,作者的方法奏效了。ensure “确保”;ccur “发生”;reveal “揭露”;wrk “起作用”,故选D。
    56. B考查名词词义辨析。根据上下文,作者成功了,“我以…的方式登上了山顶”。flw “流动,流量”;cntentment “满足”;balance “平衡”;awareness “意识”,故选B。
    57. C考查介词短语辨析。句意:“在某种程度上,我从简单的算术这个角度构建这段经历:…”。ahead f “在…前面”;fr fear f “为了避免,唯恐”;in terms f “以…的角度”;regardless f “不顾”,故选C。
    58. A考查名词词义辨析。根据上下文,“当我……(决心、自信、欲望)时,我失败了;当我减去(对成功的渴望)时,我的身体会更加……,而且我的表现也会提高。” add “增加”;blck “阻塞”;cntribute “做贡献”;devte “奉献”,故选A。
    59. C考查名词词义辨析。根据上文 “My self-wrth was clsely 51 at that unnatural mment with my success r failure” 以及 “I had just climbed with a mind fascinated with the tp but a bdy 53 belw with irregular and unnatural mvement.” 可知,作者觉得失败的时候,自己的身体会非常不自然。由此可推测,作者成功时,身体应该是自然的状态。capability “能力”;frequency “频率”;reliance “依赖”,故选C。
    60. D考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我发现了减法的力量。” affectin “关爱,喜爱”;surce “来源,源头”;status “地位”;pwer “力量”,故选D。
    第二节 语法填空
    61. is referred62. enthusiasts63. chse 64. swimming 65. fr
    66. smthly 67. their68. t slw 69. The 70. where
    is referred, 考查谓语动词的时态、语态。refer t… as…意思是 “把…视为/当做…”。该句意是“英吉利海峡被认为/被视为…”,这是常识性的客观事实,故使用一般现在时的被动语态。
    enthusiasts,考察名词单复数,enthusiast为“热心/喜好某事的人”,前文是a team f…,所以用复数形式。
    chse, 考查谓语动词的时态,根据上句的swam… n Friday可知,这是周五发生的事情,对于当时的过程进行描述,都应使用一般过去时。
    swimming, 考查非谓语的用法,该句前文主谓结构齐全,the team tk…, 所以swimming是指在主语the team发出的、与谓语动词tk同时进行的另一个动作。
    fr, 考查介词用法,“每个队员至少游一个小时”, fr +一段时间。
    smthly, 考查副词,g smthly/ well/ fine是指“进展顺利”。
    t slw,考查不定式,cause sb./ sth. t d “导致某人做某事”。
    The,考查冠词,根据下文可知,“这个穿越英吉利海峡的想法最初是他们在2019年想到的”,the idea f…有特指的意思。
    where,考查定语从句,根据上文可知,“他们在一个水库训练,那个地方是…”,所以该从句修饰的是先行词the Sanqi Reservir,从句中主谓结构齐全,先行词在从句中做地点状语。“在那个水库,那里的水温与英吉利海峡的水温接近”。
    第四部分 写作
    第一节 短文改错
    1. flwers改为flwer, 名词作定语时,一般用单数。
    3. visiting改为visit, when they g t a gathering, visit …r attend…并列关系。
    4. that改为when, 引导时间状语从句,意为:正要离开的时候,一位男孩引起了我的注意。
    5. clear改为clearly,修饰remembered。
    6. With 改为Withut,“要不是”,与后文语意连贯。
    7. and改为r,要不是有妈妈的爱心和照顾,他不会拥有和残疾抗争的信心或者勇气,故用r。
    8. the 改为a,固定搭配。As a result f…由于
    9.在admitted后加t/int,be admitted t/int被录取。
    10. mved改为mving,做定语修饰mment。
    第二节 书面表达
    A suggested versin:
    Dear Sue,
    I am Li Hua, chairman f the Schl Unin. Our schl is ging t stage an English versin f the traditinal play---Yue Fei during the appraching English Weekly. I’m writing t invite yu t enjy it.
    As arranged, the perfrmance is scheduled t take place at 8:00 p.m. this Sunday in the schl hall.
    The play mainly deals with Yue Fei’s life stries in which he is a natinal her and shws lifelng devtin and lyalty t his cuntry by defending the peple frm being invaded by the ethnic minrity called Jin. Finally, much t ur grief, he ends up being killed by the emperr. The significance f this play is in hnur f the her and t shw ur Chinese peple’s firm determinatin t defend ur cuntry and peple against freign invasin.
    I was wndering if yu wuld cme. I am lking frward t yur reply.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    评分标准:开头 3分;时间地点 4分;内容 6分;意义 5分;结尾2分;书写 5分

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