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      四川省成都市树德中学2023-2024学年度高二下学期入学考试英语试卷 Word版含解析.docx
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    这是一份四川省成都市树德中学2023-2024学年高二下学期入学考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含四川省成都市树德中学2023-2024学年度高二下学期入学考试英语试卷原卷版docx、四川省成都市树德中学2023-2024学年度高二下学期入学考试英语试卷Word版含解析docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. When are Susan’s parents cming?
    A. In April. B. In June. C. In August.
    2. Hw des the man find the prblem?
    A. Quite tricky. B. Very cmmn. C. Really simple.
    3. What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A. Have lunch first. B. Buy anther T-shirt. C. Wear warmer clthes.
    4. What is the man ding?
    A. Telling gd news. B. Keeping a secret. C. Planning a vacatin.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A film. B. A nvel. C. A sng.
    6. What is the wman impressed with?
    A. The actrs in the mvie. B. The rbts in the mvie. C. The plt f the mvie.
    7. What des the wmen suggest ding?
    A. Buying rbts with fewer functins.
    B Aviding bring and dangerus tasks.
    C. Letting machines replace part f ur wrk.
    8. Why did the man cme t the airprt?
    A. T bk a flight. B. T see smene ff. C. T pick up the wman.
    9. Where will the speakers g next?
    A. T the cafe. B. T the ticket ffice. C. T the left-luggage ffice.
    10. Why did the wman chse nt t take a train t Shanghai?
    A. She culdn’t get a ticket. B. She had a tight schedule. C. She hated trains.
    11. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues. B. A cuple. C. Classmates.
    12. What waste will the man take care f?
    A. Plastic bttles. B. Paper. C. Cans.
    13. What d the speakers decide t d?
    A. Stp using paper cups.
    B. Prepare bxes fr different wastes.
    C. Reduce the use f paper and plastics.
    14. Why des the man g t the wman?
    A. T seek sme advice. B. T make an appintment. C. T inquire abut a curse.
    15. Why des the man cnsider ging t Central University?
    A. It has fewer requirements.
    B. It’s nt far frm his hmetwn.
    C. It allws him t change the majr.
    16. What des the man have t d if he ges t Central University?
    A. Change his majr. B. Take additinal curses. C. Abandn his credits.
    17. What will the man d next?
    A. Search fr mre infrmatin.
    B. Turn t anther advisr.
    C. Call his parents.
    18. Wh are prbably the target audience f the speech?
    A. Painting beginners. B. Students majring in art. C. Sunday painters.
    19. Which f the fllwing is a requirement f the curse?
    A. Finishing weekly hmewrk.
    B. Cmpleting a final artwrk.
    C. Ding experiments after class.
    20. What event is scheduled t take place after the 10th week?
    A. Drawing in public.
    B. Attending an exhibitin.
    C. Vlunteering at a lcal gallery.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    One-t-ne English tutring persnalised t yu
    English Scre Tutrs is the British Cuncil's ne-t-ne tutring platfrm fr 13-t 17-year-lds.
    ●Build yur cnfidence with fun sessins where yu can learn at yur wn pace.
    ●Find the perfect . tutr fr yu ——chse frm ur list f qualified tutrs.
    ●Study when yu want, with sessins available 24/7.
    ●Imprve with persnalised sessins designed arund yu and yur gals.
    Learn at yur wn pace
    We. understand everyne has their wn ways f learning. Sessins n English Scre Tutrs are persnalised t yur level, needs and gals. Tgether with yur chsen tutr, yu will create a learning plan that fcuses n the areas imprtant t yu.
    Our tutrs will get the best frm yu because each sessin is tailred t yu as an individual. Yur sessins will be enjyable and give yu plenty f time t practise speaking.
    Flexible learning
    Chse sessins at times that suit yu. Fit them in arund schl, weekend activities and hlidays, s that yu can learn when yu want t. Yu will get access t a persnalised dashbard t keep track f yur prgress any time.
    $1 intrductin sessin
    We ffer a 30-minute intrductin sessin where yu can chse a tutr and get a feel fr hw sessins will wrk. After this intrductry sessin, yu can decide if yu wuld like t purchase a pack f lessns t cntinue learning. Try yur first sessin fr just $1.
    ●Chse a tutr that yu wuld like t study with.
    ●Understand yur current language level and areas where yu can imprve.
    ●Get a persnalised learning plan.
    1. Wh might attend English Scre Tutrs classes?
    A. A preschl child.B. A university student.
    C. A middle-schl student.D. A wrking wman.
    2. What can yu d t understand hw the sessins wrk?
    A. Call the infrmatin centre.
    B. Write a letter f inquiry.
    C. Send an email t ask.
    D. Buy an intrductin sessin.
    3. Which clumn f a website is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. Take an Exam.B. UK-China Yuth Exchange Prgram.
    C. Learn English Online.D. Our Wrk in Arts.
    Between flights, as I sat in the Denver airprt, a yung man apprached me. He tilted (倾斜) his head tward the chair next t mine, then tward my suitcase blcking the chair. There were many pen seats. Why this ne? I thught. When he sat, I nticed the markings n his bag and his faded unifrm. I asked. He ndded. I bwed my head slightly. Then he asked where I was headed.
    Hands n his knees, he tld me he was n vacatin and was ging hme t surprise his mther. I asked hw lng it had been since he’d seen her (five years). I asked what he was lking frward t at hme(a shwer). He scanned the rm cautiusly as he talked. When he lked at me, his eyes kept n distance. He seemed t want smething frm me. I culd nt tell what it was.
    He said it was hard t stp scanning fr danger. Yesterday, he’d been in the desert. Fellw sldiers had been blwn int pieces arund him. Tday, he was in an airprt trying t understand anger ver flight delays and the rush fr cffee. He didn’t knw hw t be, here in this place.
    I thught maybe I understd. One evening after spending hurs with a friend wh just lst her sn, I went t my daughter’s perfrmance. In the crwded lbby, mthers cmplained abut their seats and bemaned ther small slights, but nly cmpassin made sense t me. I felt disriented, distant. I tld the sldier abut this. He breathed deeply and shwed a small smile.
    He’d seen the raw and unbearable. But he did nt knw hw t tell us. This was what he needed frm me, I realized. He did nt want the seat beside mine. He wanted t sit with me.
    I did nt knw his name, hw his surprise wuld turn ut, hw lng his tur f duty wuld last. We sat tgether until ur flights were called and then said gdbye, tw strangers heading hme.
    4. Hw did the authr feel when the sldier apprached him?
    A. Angry. B. Cnfused.
    C. Respectful.D. Jyful.
    5. Why did the man keep scanning the rm?
    A. He attempted t find a cffee shp.
    B. He frmed the habit f staying alert.
    C. He was distracted
    D. He was checking
    6. What des the wrd “bemaned” mean in paragraph 5?
    A. Shwed respect fr.B. Added fuel t.
    C Expressed dissatisfactin with.D. Tk pride in.
    7. What did the sldier really want?
    A. My supprt fr the sldiers.
    B. My knwledge f the cruelty f war.
    C. A chance t get away frm the battlefield.
    D. A brief sense f security
    Wal-Mart is nt just the wrld’s largest retailer. It’s the wrld’s largest cmpany, which sells in three mnths what number-tw retailer Hme Dept sells in a year.
    Wal-Mart exercises its pwer fr just ne purpse: t bring the lwest pssible prices t its custmers. At Wal-Mart, that gal is never reached. The retailer has a clear plicy fr suppliers: On basic prducts that dn’t change, the price Wal-Mart will pay, and will charge shppers, must drp year after year. But what almst n ne utside the wrld f Wal-Mart and nne f its 21,000 suppliers knw is the high cst f thse lw prices. T survive in the face f its pricing demands, makers f everything frm bikes t jeans have had t clse US plants in favr f btaining prducts frm abrad.
    Indeed, the real stry f Wal-Mart, the stry that never gets tld, is the stry f the pressure the biggest retailer cnstantly applies t its suppliers in the name f bringing us “every day lw prices”.
    The giant retailer’s lw prices ften cme with a high cst. Wal-Mart’s pressure can crush the cmpanies it des business with and frce them t send jbs verseas. Are we shpping ur way straight t the unemplyment line? Of curse, US cmpanies have been mving jbs ffshre fr decades, lng befre Wal-Mart was a retailing pwer. But there is n questin that the chain is helping accelerate the lss f American jbs t lw-wage cuntries such as Thailand.
    Peple ask, “Hw can it be bad fr things t cme int the US cheaply?” Sure, it’s great t have bargains. But yu can’t buy anything if yu’re nt emplyed.
    There is n questin that Wal-Mart’s drive t squeeze ut cst has benefited cnsumers. By nw, it is accepted wisdm that Wal-Mart makes the cmpanies it des business with mre efficient and fcused. Wal-Mart itself is knwn fr cntinuus imprvement in its ability t handle, mve, and track gds. It is legendary fr frcing its suppliers t redesign everything frm their packaging t their cmputer systems. It is als legendary fr quite straight frwardly telling them what it will pay fr their gds.
    8. What des the underline wrd ffshre in the passage mean?
    A. in abrad.B. in the cean.
    C. n the beach.D. n an island nt far frm shre.
    9. Wal-Mart’s lw price plicy results in
    A. mre high-paying jbs.B. better designed packages.
    C. bigger prfit f its partners.D. mre jbless American wrkers.
    10. What can we infer frm the passage?
    A. Still mre quality gds will be prvided.
    B. The fd yu get at Wal-Mart csts least.
    C. The value f Wal-Mart is ver assessed.
    D. Wal-Mart is a very demanding cmpany.
    11. What’s the best title fr the passage?
    A. The Frtune Wal-Mart MakesB. The Wal-Mart yu dn’t knw
    C. The Biggest Retailer—Wal-MartD. The Mney-saving Tip in Wal-Mart
    If yu knw exactly what yu want, the best way t get a jb is t get specialized training.A recent reprt shws that cmpanies like graduates in such fields as business and health care wh can g t wrk immediately with very little n-the-jb training.
    That’s especially true f bming fields that are challenging fr wrkers.At Crnell's Schl f Htel Administratin, fr example, bachelr's degree graduates get an average f fur r five jb ffers with salaries ranging frm the high teens t the lw 20s and plenty f chances fr rapid advancement.Large cmpanies especially like a backgrund f frmal educatin cupled with wrk experience.But in the lng run, t much specializatin des nt pay ff.Business, which has been flded with MBAs, n lnger cnsiders the degree an autmatic stamp f apprval.The MBA may pen drs and cmmand a higher salary initially, but the impact f a degree washes ut after five years.
    As further evidence f the crprate faith in specialized degrees, Michigan State’s Scheetz cites a pattern in crprate hiring practices.Althugh cmpanies tend t take n specialists as new hires, they ften seek ut generalists fr middle and upper-level management.This sunds like a frmal statement that yu apprve f the liberal-arts(文科) graduate.Time and again labr-market analysts mentin a need fr talents that liberal-arts majrs are assumed t have: writing and cmmunicatin skills, rganizatinal skills, pen-mindedness and adaptability, and the ability t analyze and slve prblems.David Birch, manager f the Bstn Red Sx, says that he des nt hire anybdy with an MBA r an engineering degree.“I hire nly liberal-arts peple because they have a less-than-canned way f ding things,” says Birch.
    Fr a liberal – arts degree, students fcus n sme basic curses that include literature histry, mathematics, ecnmics, science, human behavir and a cmputer curse r tw.With these useful and imprtant curses, yu can feel free t specialize, “A liberal-arts degree cupled with an MBA r sme ther technical training is a very gd cmbinatin in the marketplace,” says Scheetz.
    12. The jb market is in great need f peple with .
    A. special training in special fieldsB. a bachelr’s degree in educatin
    C. frmal schling and wrk experienceD. an MBA degree frm tp universities
    13. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means .
    A. an MBA degree des nt help in future prmtin
    B. MBA prgrams will nt be as ppular as they are nw
    C. peple will nt frget the degree the MBA graduates have gt
    D. mst MBA prgrams fail t prvide students with a fundatin
    14. David Birch says that he nly hires liberal – arts peple because .
    A. they will fllw thers’ ways f slving prblems
    B. they can d better in handling changing situatins
    C. they are well trained in a variety f specialized fields
    D. they have attended special prgrams in management
    15. The authr supprts the idea that .
    A. n – the – jb training is less cstly in the lng run
    B. frmal schling is less imprtant than jb training
    C specialists are mre expensive t hire than generalists
    D. generalists will d better than specialists in management
    Art in 21th Century Life
    The wrd “art” usually brings t mind images f white-walled galleries, abstract paintings csting millins f dllars, far remved frm ur everyday experience. ____16____
    The Internet has changed the idea that art appreciatin is nly fr the nble. ____17____ Yu can even visit several museums arund the wrld using virtual reality headsets, withut leaving yur hme.
    ____18____ Art has always been a vehicle fr self-expressin, but scial media have made it much easier t share amateur wrk with the whle wrld. Where an amateur artist r musician might ne have shared their wrk with a circle f friends and family, they can nw sell their wrk t anyne in the wrld.
    “A picture is wrth a thusand wrds” is the mtt f data visualizatin enthusiasts. The amunt f infrmatin available tday can be verwhelming, s sme statisticians (数据分析师) made it their missin t present this mass f data using infgraphics that are easy fr the public t understand. ____19____ Of curse, graphs can be abused t mislead the audience, s we need t take care t interpret them the right way.
    Anther way that art facilitates educatin is by helping us t cnceptualize things that are invisible t the naked eye. ____20____ Likewise, the mind-bending cncepts in physics such as black hles can be better understd with the help f illustratrs wh have backgrunds in bth art and science.
    A. Many platfrms f scial media help teaching the public art.
    B. Yet art is indeed clser than many wuld believe it t be nwadays.
    C. As mst f ur envirnment is man-made, everything in it cntains art.
    D. Netizens are nt nly cnsumers f art but creatrs and participants, t.
    E. Bilgy students wuld find vides such as “The inner Life f the Cell” helpful.
    F. They present infrmatin in visually appealing ways instead f using dry numbers.
    G. It has enabled mre peple than ever t have access t visual art and music f all types.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共一节,满分15分)
    Jake and Max Klein are twin brthers wh have a passin fr vlunteering. Their family have always dne cmmunity ___21___ .At a yung age, they chse t ___22___ family's gifts at their birthday parties, but asked them t dnate mney t a charity. When they were seven, Jake and Max were interested in ___23___ with a family friend at the lcal hmeless shelter t help ck. ____24____, he turned them dwn because they were t ___25___ and they had t be furteen t ck. This led them n an endless ___26___ t cme up with a way t help ther kids wh were als facing a ___27___ challenging: wanting t help but ___28___ because f their age.
    S, Kids That D Gd was ___29___ t shw ways t kids r adults, at any age, they culd jin the cmmunity and make a ____30____ .The small ____31____ has grwn int a large website that brings thusands f ____32____ visitrs each year. Jake and Max say that their website brings 35,000 unique viewers, f thse viewers, Kids That D Gd has ____33____ kids t 16,000 rganizatins.
    Jake and Max are ____34____ with schl and after-class activities and ther cmmunity service prmises. Kids That D Gd als has blg psts that advise kids n ____35____ their wn charitable event.
    21. A. surveysB. servicesC. dutiesD. businesses
    22. A. srt utB. play withC. give upD. put away
    23. A. travellingB. vlunteeringC. ckingD. recycling
    24 A. Unfrtunately.B. HappilyC. HnestlyD. Gratefully
    25. A. shyB. awkwardC. weakD. yung
    26. A. taskB. abilityC. chanceD. determinatin
    27. A. publicB. similarC. sharpD. direct
    28. A. jkedB. blamedC. deniedD. praised
    29. A. advisedB. allwedC. namedD. created
    30. A. judgmentB. differenceC. cmmentD. decisin
    31. A. planB. effrtC. prjectD. experiment
    32 A. pleasedB. satisfiedC. amazedD. interested
    33. A. cnnectedB. expsedC. cntributedD. attracted
    34. A. familiarB. patientC. busyD. cntent
    35. A. rememberingB. describingC. celebratingD. building
    第一节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Flwer arrangement is the ___36___ (cmbine) f several elements t prduce visually pleasing display f fresh. silk, r dried flwers. General design principles include unbalance and harmny, ___37___ ften invlves the use f light, space, and accent. Different parts f the wrld use varius design techniques fr flwer arrangement.
    The art f Chinese traditinal flwer arrangement, riginally ___38___ (serve) as fferings at temples and decratins in the palace, has survived ver the centuries. “With ___39___ histry f mre than 3,000 years, the image f flwer arrangement smetimes is still limited bunches f flwers in flwer shps. That’s a pity.” Zhang Yan, a master f the art, said. ___40___, in recent years Zhang has been devtedly ppularizing the traditinal flwer arrangement, hping peple will be familiar ___41___ the art, take pride in its lng histry and hld an ability ___42___ (appreciate) the beauty in life.
    In Zhang’s view, Chinese traditinal flwer arrangement is nt nly a decratin, but a frm f psychlgical treatment ___43___ (true) effective fr mdern busy bees. The art emphasizes simplicity, and the arranger must decide n ___44___ is really necessary in his r. her wrk and life. When the arranger fully understands what they want, the healing effect f the art ____45____ (realize).
    第二节 根据假期所阅读的小说,判断正误。正确的在括号内写T,错误的写F.(共15题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    ( )66. Marianne cmes back t life frm the cma eventually because f her mther’s persistence. ——Whse face d yu see
    ( )67. Grandfather gets his revenge by smashing Gran’s space-ship t pieces with his little chpper. ——The return f the mn man
    ( )68. I just left everything there and walked ff twards the park t take phts f the gslings waddling arund the pl side. ——At the Marketplace
    ( )69. Alper was finally sad because this was nt that he had wanted. ——The Guitar
    ( )70. With the Age Rager, Old Spldge, the Principal f the schl, grws yunger and becmes Miss Newham’s byfriend wh wears pink bw tie. ——Pink Bw Tie
    ( )71. In a sudden surge at ne f the statins, Naledi and Tir were carried frwards, hurling ut n t the platfrm, but frtunately they managed t reach back t the pen dr befre the train began t mve n. ——Jurney t J’burg
    ( )72. The beggar had intentinally left his bag there. —— The Lng Jurney Hme
    ( )73. Bffin’s lie detectr shws what Sandra says are all lies. ——Ex Pser
    ( )74. When Cliffrd came t pick up his sn fr the hlidays, he was surprised t hear the High Master speak with a Yrkshire accent. ——The High Master and Little Billy Clugh
    ( )75. Jha sld their clthes t buy the meat t entertain his friends Mehdi. ——Jha and the End f the wrld
    ( )76. Alice gt engaged t an up-and-cming dentist. ——The Clurful Life f Calum McCall
    ( )77. One f the passengers believes the lcal peple will understand their language. ——Emergency Landing
    ( )78. The chice f Principal Girl reflects a need t give the shw a glamrus angle. ——Clap Hands, Here Cmes Charlie
    ( )79. The girl didn’t accmpany her mum t Selda’s Hair Saln because it was t cld. ——Sewing Day
    ( )80. When the by plays ftball, he has lts f cnfidence. He feels like a lin with a glden mane running twards the gal. ——The Ex-ftballer
    第三节 读后续写(25分)
    46. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The excited sund f seventh-grade laughter and vices spilled dwn the hallway as the students filed int the gym. I weaved my way thrugh the mass f peple and sat dwn next t my best friend, Lauren.
    “S, what exactly are we ding here?” she questined.
    “Well, accrding t Mrs. Marks, we’re suppsed t be listening t a speech abut bullying and peer pressure.”
    As sn as the speaker started talking, I snapped t attentin. She had this way abut her, as if she knew hw t reach int ur minds and suls and make us think. I thugh abut the kids wh came t schl every day, despite knwing that they wuld have t face cruel cmment all day lng.
    One by, in particular, came t mind. Every day, this by came t schl late, and I suspected it was because he needed t get medicine frm the nurse. But this didn’t stp kids in the class frm making fun f him. The by wuld put his head dwn n his desk in shame. The wrst, thugh, was when he tried t fight back. His attackers nly laughed and cntinued the cruelty until the entire rm was laughing at his expense.
    As I sat in the auditrium, absrbing everything the speaker had t say, thughts f this pr by crept int my head.
    “Nw, befre I leave tday, I wuld like t give everyne here an pprtunity t say anything he r she wants t n the subject f bullying r peer pressure. Yu may aplgize t a friend, thank smene fr his r her kindness, anything, And this is the ne time I can prmise that n ne, will laugh at yu.”
    The stillness in the rm made me believe her. Slwly, I saw a few hands raise tentatively (犹豫地) in the air behind me, One girl wanted t aplgize t a friend she had been ignring recently. Anther thanked a by fr his kindness when she slipped n the steps the ther day.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    It was then that my mment f curage arrived, inspiring me t act.
    Later that day, the by I had been talking abut came up t me privately.

    214,四川省成都市树德中学2023-2024学年度高二下学期入学考试英语试卷: 这是一份214,四川省成都市树德中学2023-2024学年度高二下学期入学考试英语试卷,共20页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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