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    这是一份高一英语下学期期末考试02-高一英语下学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019)(含答题卡及听力),文件包含高一下学期期末考试docx、答题卡docx、audiomp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共27页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1.What des the man want?
    A.Cups.B.Ntebks.C.Carpet cleaners.
    2.Hw des the man find the prblem?
    A.Quite difficult.B.Very interesting.C.T simple.
    3.What des Paul want t d?
    A.Save mney.B.Study abrad.C.Change his jb.
    4.What des the man mean?
    A.Tny always wrries a lt.
    B.Tny likes riding bikes.
    C.Tny is expert at repairing bikes.
    5.What des the wman suggest ding?
    A.Finding a vlunteer.
    B.Clearing up tgether.
    C.Helping prepare the party.
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.Why des the wman cme t see Rick?
    A.T say gdbye.B.T ask fr advice.C.T invite him t her hme.
    7.Which cuntry wuld the wman like t visit?
    8.Whm will the man meet n Saturday?
    A.Hebe.B.Daniel.C.His cusin.
    9.What des the wman want the man t d?
    A.Attend her birthday party.
    B.See her ff at the airprt.
    C.Invite Daniel t dinner.
    10.What are the speakers preparing fr?
    A.A festival.B.A camping trip.C.A birthday party.
    11.What can the man ck?
    A.Fruit salad.B.Fried eggs.C.Chicken wings.
    12.What fruit des the wman want t buy?
    13.Where are the speakers?
    A.In a hspital.B.In a gym.C.In a park.
    14.What happened t the wman yesterday?
    A.She fell ff the bed.
    B.She had truble in breathing.
    C.She almst died f heart disease.
    15.What was the wman’s decisin?
    A.Changing her lifestyle.
    B.Drinking less cffee.
    C.Seeing the dctr regularly.
    16.What annys the wman mst?
    A.Having scary dreams.B.Giving up fried chips.C.Getting up early.
    17.What is the speaker?
    A.A teacher.B.An editr.C.A student.
    18.What is necessary fr a vlunteer?
    A.Cmmunicatin skills.B.High scres.C.Experience.
    19.What’s the best reasn fr taking the jb?
    A.T learn t write.B.T make mney.C.T have fun.
    20.When are vlunteers expected t start wrking?
    A.Right after the meeting.
    B.Tmrrw mrning.
    C.Next week.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    With green muntains and wide beaches — as well as ruins (废墟) frm the days f the ancient Greeks and Rmans — the island natin f Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean ffers a large number f eye-catching places t visit. Here are just a few.
    Painted Churches in the Trds Muntains
    The Trds Muntains, n the suthern side f the island, are ppular fr walker and winter sprts fans. But they’re als famus fr a grup f churches whse inside walls are cvered with clrful paintings frm as far back as the 11th century. Frm the utside, the buildings may nt lk very special, but step inside and almst every stne tells a stry f the ancient past.
    Ayia Napa
    On the east cast, Ayia Napa is the island’s party capital — but that’s nt all there is t d. In 2021, the Museum f Underwater Sculpture pened arund 200 meters frm the beach. Visitrs must bk with a lcal diving cmpany in rder t see the sculptures, f which there are mre than 90. Accrding t artist Jasn deCaires Taylr, the idea f the museum is t make peple think abut the way that humans and nature live tgether.
    Nrthern Cyprus
    The Turkish-speaking nrthern part f the island — which has called itself an independent state since 1983 — is quieter than the suth. But there is lts t see bth in the back streets f Girne and Lefksa — als knwn as Kyrenia and Nrth Nicsia — as well as the ancient city f Salamis, with its 2,000-year-ld utdr theater.
    21.What are the Trds Muntains knwn fr?
    A.Huge stnes.B.Strange buildings.
    C.Ancient churches.D.Dangerus sprts.
    22.What makes the Museum f Underwater Sculpture s special?
    A.Its lcatin.B.Its histry.C.Its size.D.Its cllectin.
    23.Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A.A histrical nvel.B.A science reprt.
    C.A gegraphy bk.D.A travel magazine.
    Sylvester Stallne had been a struggling actr befre he achieved his great success as an actr and screenwriter, starting in 1976 with his rle as bxer Rcky Balba, in the first film f the successful Rcky series.
    Stallne was s pr at ne pint that he sld his wife’s jewellery (珠宝). He ended up becming hmeless, sleeping in a bus statin, and struggled t affrd fd. He even managed t get a small amunt f mney in his pcket by selling his dg fr $25.
    Sn after, Stallne decided t take his career int his wn hands and write a mvie rle fr himself. After watching a bxing match, Stallne wrte the script (脚本) fr Rcky very quickly, and sn a studi wanted t buy the screenplay t make.
    Stallne was ffered $125,000 fr the Rcky script, but the truble fr the studi was that Stallne wanted t star in the mvie. Stallne was penniless, but he still turned dwn $125,000 in rder t chase his dream.
    After being refused n the idea that he “lked and talked funny”, Stallne was then ffered $250,000 fr the screenplay. He refused unless he culd star. He was then ffered $350,000. Again he refused.
    The studi wanted this screenplay s badly, but was nt willing t risk the mney n this unknwn actr. Stallne stayed strng, and eventually the studi gave him a small amunt fr the script and let him star.
    With his frtunes up, Stallne went t buy back his dg, but the guy he sld it t wuld nt sell him back. Stallne ffered the man $1,000 fr the dg, but the man refused. Eventually, the man accepted $15, 000 fr the dg.
    And this is why Stallne has deserved his success and why he is n this list f the best inspiring stries — because he was willing t d whatever it takes t get his dream.
    24.What d we knw abut Stallne frm paragraph 2?
    A.He lived a very hard life.B.He didn’t want t wrk hard.
    C.He made a living by selling dgs.D.He didn’t get n well with his wife.
    25.Why did the studi refuse t ffer the rle t Stallne at first?
    A.He wasn’t a respnsible actr.B.He asked t much fr his script.
    C.They had already fund a famus star.D.They thught he wasn’t the right persn.
    26.Which f the fllwing best describes Stallne?
    27.What’s the best title fr the text?
    A.Stallne’s Rcky SeriesB.Stallne’s Well-written Script
    C.Stallne’s Rad t SuccessD.Stallne’s Jurney t Frtunes
    France has changed the rules in its grcery stres and marketplaces. Starting n January 1, 2022, mst fresh fruits and vegetables can n lnger be packaged fr salern plastic.
    Under the new law, mre than 30 types f fruits and vegetables must nw be sld in materials that can be recycled. Ptates, tmates, apples and carrts are sme f the items included in the list. Plastic will still be allwed fr packs that are ver 1.5 kilgrams. Smaller items such as raspberries and cherry tmates can still be sld in plastic fr nw, but the cuntry plans t ban (禁止) all single-use plastic packaging fr whle fruits and vegetables by 2026.
    This ban n plastic packaging is part f a brader effrt by France t cntrl plastic waste acrss a range f sectrs. Other effrts include preventing restaurants frm including plastic tys in children’s meals, newspapers and magazines frm being delivered in plastic, and tea bags being sld in plastic packages. Furthermre, public lcatins must prvide water refill statins t disincentivize the use f single-use water bttles.
    It’s believed that 37% f fresh fruits and vegetables are wrapped in plastic in France. The gvernment says the new ban will stp ne billin pieces f plastic frm being used each year.
    Nt everyne is happy with the change. Françis Rch, president f the French fruit sellers’ federatin, tld Reuters, “Selling lse prduce is cmplicated (复杂的) as many custmers tuch the fruit and peple d nt want their fruit t be tuched by ther custmers.”
    The ban will likely require a change in habits Shppers will prbably have t take their wn reusable bags t fill and weigh. It will be interesting t see hw France deals with the cmplicatins that cme with selling lse prduce, and whether ther cuntries fllw suit, nce a precedent (先例) has been set.
    28.What’s the purpse f the new ban?
    A.T reduce plastic waste.B.T cntrl verspending.
    C.T recycle plastic prducts.D.T fight ver-packaging.
    29.What des the underlined wrd “disincentivize” mean in paragraph 3?
    30.Hw des Françis Rch feel abut the new law?
    31.What is a prbable result f the ban accrding t the authr?
    A.Mre attentin t a healthy lifestyle.B.A change in custmers’ shpping habits.
    C.Fewer tips t stres and supermarkets.D.A drp in the sale f fruits and vegetables.
    Amng thusands f emperr penguins in Atka Bay, a yellw rbt named ECHO quickly mves ver the Antarctic envirnment and patiently bserves the birds. The autnmus, remte-cntrlled rbt is abut three feet lng and stands at eye level with the adult penguins. It mnitrs Suthern Ocean ecsystems in real-time, year-rund with small impact n wildlife.
    ECHO was designed by the Marine Animal Remte Sensing Lab at Wds Hle Oceangraphic Institutin in Massachusetts. Scientists hpe t use the rbt as part f a 30-year prject lking at the impact f climate change n the regin. Since emperr penguins are amng the tp predatrs (捕食性动物) in the regin, studying their ppulatins can shw the health f the Antarctic envirnment.
    Scientists must physically catch penguins and put chips n their hacks t track them. But t gather data n the chips, scientists have t get clse enugh t the devices t scan (扫描) them, and smetimes, penguins are hard t lcate, r the weather may be t terrible fr humans t g ut in the field.
    ECHO remves these issues by acting as a mbile bservatry that can mnitr thusands f penguins each year. The rbt can easily apprach the penguins and scan the chips withut intrducing a harmful human ftprint r affecting the birds. The rbt is equipped with LIDAR, r light detectin and ranging, and a 360-degree camera that can mnitr penguins n large areas and uses an antenna (天线) t read each penguin’s chip.
    While ECHO has nly been tested fr a year, researchers say the penguins d nt seem t be afraid f it and dn’t mind it when it cmes near. When penguins gather in large grups during the wintertime, ECHO can steal in and scan penguins as they brave the elements. By tracking their behavirs ver time, researchers can bserve hw penguins adapt and fllw where they g t search fr fd. In turn, these data pints can als determine the true size f prtected areas f the sea.
    32.Why d researchers mnitr the penguins?
    A.T further understand the fd chain.
    B.T prtect the birds frm being hunted.
    C.T find ut hw the birds survive winters.
    D.T learn abut the Antarctic envirnment.
    33.Hw d researchers get the infrmatin abut the penguins?
    A.By keeping a few f them.B.By visiting them ften in persn.
    C.By attaching chips t them.D.By referring t previus findings.
    34.What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A.The advantages f the rbt.B.The challenges f the prject.
    C.The ppulatin f the penguins.D.The envirnment f the regin.
    35.What can we infer abut ECHO frm the last paragraph?
    A.It will be jined by mre rbts.B.Its wrk is ging n smthly.
    C.It will be brught back befre lng.D.Its equipment requires updating.
    Many peple like sweet fd. And being an Indian, sweet is what we all fall in lve with every day. Accrding t a study, 30 grams f sugar is enugh fr us every day. ____36____ Thugh sugar can prvide yu with a shrt-term pleasure r delight, it’s taking a healthy hur frm yur life. Here are the reasns why sugar cannt be a part f yur healthy hur and aviding it can keep yu healthy.
    ____37____ With high cnsumptin f sugar, yu start string fat in yur bdy. With eating extra sugar, yu are unable t stre nutritius fd, which can lead t a start f unhealthy lifestyle. Brain needs nly minimum amunt f sugar fr functining. ____38____ As we knw, cancer cells are fnd f sugar, which can even break dwn yur immune system. Therefre, sugar plays a great rle in the lss f yur health.
    These are the changes in the inner bdy, and utside it can raise the bacteria in teeth, thus ruining yur white teeth. ____39____ Eating large amunt f it can result in wrinkles(皱纹) n yur face. Sugar is really nt sweet as yu think.
    S, next time yu have desire fr sme sugary fd, stp and think. D yu really want t change yur healthy hur int an unhealthy hur? The healthy life isn’t far away. Eat less sugar and gd changes are cming in yur way. ____40____
    A.Sugar can result in verweight.
    B.T much sugar can cause damage t it.
    C.There is n exact answer t this questin.
    D.But there’s nthing wrng in keeping it lw.
    E.Besides, sugar is als cnsidered harmful t yur skin.
    F.T make it wrk well, yu can cnsume a little mre sugar.
    G.The healthy life is sweeter than a small sweet bite f sugar, after all.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    It was a ht weekend in Australia. Adrian was wrking utside in the ____41____. Over the years, the 40-year-ld had ____42____ dangerus animals while digging arund in sil, but he knew hw t ___43____ the nn-threatening nes frm the dangerus nes.
    His shvel(铲子) was in his truck, ____44____ sme 50 metres away. He cnsidered getting it, but the jb was ____45____, and nly a light dig was necessary. S he used his hands instead. Just as his fingers slid under the pile f leaves, he felt a ____46____ pain in his hand. Adrian quickly pulled ut his hand t see a spider grasping his finger.
    But that wasn’t the wrst f it. Adrian knew immediately it was the mst ____47____ spider in Australia. He ____48____ shk his hand up and dwn t ____49____ the spider and finally made it.
    He called ut t his _____50_____, Phil, wh was wrking clse by. Phil drpped his shvel and ran ver. The pair quickly walked t the truck while Adrian _____51_____ hard at the base f his finger t _____52_____ the spread f venm(毒) int his bldstream.
    Frtunately, the wdland was nt very far frm the hspital. Phil _____53_____ Adrian t hspital as fast as he culd. Adrian walked int the emergency department with _____54_____ still streaming dwn his finger. He tld the dctr what had happened and was treated _____55_____. After being bserved fr 24 hurs, Adrian was allwed t g hme.
    49.A.lk frB.thrw ffC.catch hld fD.step away frm
    55.A.by chanceB.at firstC.n purpseD.in time
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    In much f Asia, especially the s-called "rice bwl" cultures f China, Japan, Krea, ___56___ Vietnam, fd is usually eaten with chpsticks.
    Chpsticks are usually tw lng, thin pieces f wd r bamb. They can als be made f plastic, animal bne r metal. Smetimes chpsticks are quite artistic. Truly elegant chpsticks might ____57____ (make) f gld and silver with Chinese characters. Skilled wrkers als cmbine varius hardwds and metal ____58____ (create) special designs.
    The Chinese have used chpsticks fr five thusand years. Peple prbably cked their fd in large pts, ___59___ (use) twigs(树枝)t remve it. Over time, ___60___ the ppulatin grew, peple began cutting fd int small pieces s it wuld ck mre quickly.
    Fd in small pieces culd be eaten easily with twigs which ____61____(gradual) turned int chpsticks.
    Sme peple think that the great Chinese schlar Cnfucius, ___62___ lived frm rughly 551 t 479 B.C., influenced the ___63___ (develp) f chpsticks. Cnfucius believed knives wuld remind peple f killings and ___64___ (be) t vilent fr use at the table.
    Chpsticks are nt used everywhere in Asia. In India, fr example, mst peple traditinally eat ____65____ their hands.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    66.你校正组织英语演讲比赛。请以“The Pwer f Teamwrk”为主题写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:
    Gd mrning, everyne,
    Thank yu!
    The spt f red was what first caught Randy Heiss’s attentin n December 16, 2022. He was hiking the remte land behind his farm in a small twn near the U. S. - Mexic brder, and there lying n the grass was a balln. He walked tward it with his dg, thinking he culd pick it up and thrw it away.
    That’s when he nticed the balln’s string was attached t a piece f paper. “Dayami,” it read n ne side, in a child’s writing. A hand-drawn bw(蝴蝶结)accmpanied the wrd. Heiss flipped the paper ver. On the back he saw a numbered list, all in Spanish. His Spanish wasn’t very gd, but he culd see it was a Christmas list!
    Heiss was charmed. He suspected(猜想)that a child had tried t send Santa Claus a Christmas wish list by balln, smething he used t d himself when he was a kid. Nbdy had ever returned the letters Heiss had sent, but he wndered whether he culd find the girl wh had sent this ne.
    It wuld be difficult, but Heiss had a few clues. Abut 20 miles t the suthwest, just acrss the brder, was the city f Ngales, Mexic, with a ppulatin f abut a quarter millin. Based n the wind, directin, he was almst sure that was where it came frm. Heiss brught the nte hme t his wife, wh is fluent in Spanish and helped him translate the list. They determined that Dayami, prbably a girl, had asked fr a dll, a dllhuse, dll clthes. and art supplies.
    Heiss then psted his search abut finding Dayami n Facebk, attaching phts, hping sme f his friends in Ngales might knw the girl’s family. A few days passed with n results; Heiss wrried that time was running ut befre Christmas. On December 19, 2022, he decided t send a private Facebk message t Radi Xeny, an AM radi statin based in Ngales. T. his surprise, smene frm the statin called him back right away and prmised him t pst his search n the statin’s Facebk page immediately.
    Paragraph 1:
    The next mrning, Heiss awke t a message frm Radi Xeny.
    Paragraph 2:
    Dayami’s eyes were wide pen with wnder.
    【原文】M: I thught there is a special sale n carpet cleaners this week.
    W: That sale was ver yesterday. We have ntebks and cups n sale this week.
    【原文】M: I have tried very hard t find a slutin t the prblem, but it was useless.
    W: Why nt cnsult with Frank? Yu see, tw heads are better than ne.
    【原文】W: Paul, it’s nt the mney. The mney is nt a prblem. It’s just that ...
    M: Mm, yu knw if I have the chance t study abrad fr ne year, it will help me get a gd jb in the future.
    【原文】W: Tny said he culd fix my bicycle, but I really dubt it.
    M: Dn’t wrry. He’s very gd at this srt f thing.
    【原文】W: It shuldn’t take lng t clear up after the party if we all vlunteer t help.
    M: That’s right. Many hands make light wrk.
    6.A 7.B
    【原文】W: Hell, Rick. I’ve cme t say gdbye t yu.
    M: Are yu ging back t yur cuntry Canada?
    W: N, I’ll travel in Eurpe with my parents as this term is ver. I want t g t France. But my parents prefer Germany. We’ll travel fr tw mnths.
    M: Ww, the whle summer vacatin. Wish yu an enjyable hliday.
    8.C 9.A
    【原文】W: Hi, Luis. This is Hebe.
    M: Hi, Hebe. What’s up?
    W: D yu have any plans n Saturday night?
    M: Yes. My cusin will fly t see me that night. I am ging t pick him up.
    W: Oh, it’s my birthday that day. I’m having dinner with Daniel and we plan t make a party.
    M: I’m really srry. I wn’t be able t make it.
    10.B 11.B 12.C
    【原文】M: What shuld we buy fr the camp, Mary?
    W: Let’s buy sme chicken wings. I can ck the chicken wings at the camp.
    M: I nly knw hw t fry eggs. S let’s buy eggs and ham t.
    W: We als need sme bread. And what kind f fruit d yu like?
    M: Apples and bananas.
    W: OK, yu g t pick them. I’d like t get sme peaches. What abut drinks?
    M: Sme sft drinks and juice.
    W: I prefer milk.
    M: Culd yu d fruit salad fr us?
    W: Of curse.
    13.C 14.B 15.A 16.C
    【原文】M: Hey, Mlly. What are yu ding here?
    W: Can’t yu see that I’m running?
    M: Of curse, I see. But I never saw yu in the park at 6 ’clck in the mrning. Yu never exercised, did yu?
    W: Well, I’ve decided t make a change.
    M: Why?
    W: I was reading bks at hme yesterday. When I gt up frm the bed t get smething t drink, I felt truble in breathing. Althugh the discmfrt went away sn, I was scared, s I went t the dctr immediately.
    M: Was there anything wrng?
    W: He said I wuld die f heart disease if I kept the frmer lifestyle.
    M: S what was the dctr’s advice?
    W: Have a balanced diet and take mre exercise. Thus, I have t say gdbye t my favrite fried chips and Cke, but what annys me mst is that I have t leave my warm bed at such an early time while thers are still having dreams.
    17.B 18.B 19.C 20.A
    【原文】M: Hell! I’m Harvard Smith. As the editr f The Vice, I’d like t intrduce yu t ur schl daily newspaper. We need vlunteers t help us with ur newspaper. Experience isn’t abslutely necessary. But we need peple with writing and typing skills. Since The Vice cmes ut five days a week, we need excellent students wh knw hw t plan their time well. Gd grades are necessary. We can pay yu depending n yur wrk. But dn’t expect t get rich. This isn’t smething yu d fr the mney. Mstly it’s just fr fun. Anyne wh is interested in this jb shuld speak t me immediately after this meeting. Be prepared t start right nw. The first issue ges t press tmrrw.
    21.C 22.D 23.D
    21.细节理解题。根据文章Painted Churches in the Trds Muntains部分“But they’re als famus fr a grup f churches whse inside walls are cvered with clrful paintings frm as far back as the 11th century.(但是它们也因一组教堂而闻名,这些教堂的内墙上挂满了远至11世纪的彩色绘画)”可知,特罗多斯山以古老的教堂而闻名。故选C。
    22.细节理解题。根据文章Ayia Napa部分“Visitrs must bk with a lcal diving cmpany in rder t see the sculptures, f which there are mre than 90.(游客必须项当地的潜水公司预定才能看到这些超过90件的雕塑)”可知,水下雕塑博物馆的收藏的雕塑使得它如此特别,故选D。
    23.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“the island natin f Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean ffers a large number f eye-catching places t visit.( 位于地中海东部的Cyprus岛国就提供了大量引人注目的景点)”以及后文分别介绍了三个著名的景点可推知,这篇文章可能来自于一本与旅游相关的旅游杂志。故选D。
    24.A 25.D 26.C 27.C
    24.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Stallne was s pr at ne pint that he sld his wife’s jewellery (珠宝). He ended up becming hmeless, sleeping in a bus statin, and struggled t affrd fd. ( Stallne一度非常贫穷,以至于卖掉了妻子的珠宝。他最终无家可归,睡在公交站,难以支付得起食物)”可推知,Stallne过着非常艰难的生活。故选A。
    25.细节理解题。根据文章第五段“After being refused n the idea that he “lked and talked funny”, Stallne was then ffered $250,000 fr the screenplay.( Stallne因为‘长相和谈吐都很有趣’而被拒绝,他得到了25万美元的剧本报价)”可知,工作室一开始拒绝让Stallne出演这个角色是因为他们认为他不是合适的人选。故选D。
    26.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“And this is why Stallne has deserved his success and why he is n this list f the best inspiring stries — because he was willing t d whatever it takes t get his dream.(这也就是为什么Stallne值得他的成功,也是为什么他被列入这个最佳励志故事名单的原因——因为他愿意不惜一切代价来实现自己的梦想)”可推知,Stallne是一个非常有决心,意志坚定的人。故选C。
    27.主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段“And this is why Stallne has deserved his success and why he is n this list f the best inspiring stries — because he was willing t d whatever it takes t get his dream.(这也就是为什么Stallne值得他的成功,也是为什么他被列入这个最佳励志故事名单的原因——因为他愿意不惜一切代价来实现自己的梦想)”以及全文可知,文章主要讲述了Stallne的成功之路。由此可知,C项“Stallne的成功之路”符合文章标题。故选C。
    28.A 29.D 30.B 31.B
    28.细节理解题。根据第三段“This ban n plastic packaging is part f a brader effrt by France t cntrl plastic waste acrss a range f sectrs.(这项塑料包装禁令是法国在多个行业控制塑料废物的更广泛努力的一部分)”可知,新禁令的目的是减少塑料垃圾。故选A。
    29.词句猜测题。根据第三段“Other effrts include preventing restaurants frm including plastic tys in children’s meals, newspapers and magazines frm being delivered in plastic, and tea bags being sld in plastic packages.(其他措施还包括禁止餐馆在儿童餐中加入塑料玩具,禁止报纸和杂志用塑料包装递送,以及禁止茶包用塑料包装销售)”以及画线词上文“Furthermre, public lcatins must prvide water refill statins t”可知,公共场所必须提供补水站,是为了抑制使用一次性水瓶。故画线词意思是“抑制”。故选D。
    30.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Nt everyne is happy with the change. Françis Rch, president f the French fruit sellers’ federatin, tld Reuters, “Selling lse prduce is cmplicated (复杂的) as many custmers tuch the fruit and peple d nt want their fruit t be tuched by ther custmers.”(并非所有人都对这种变化感到满意。法国水果销售者联合会主席弗朗索瓦·罗克告诉路透社:“销售散装水果很复杂,因为很多顾客会触摸水果,而人们又不希望自己的水果被其他顾客触摸。”)”可知,Françis Rch对新法律不满意。故选B。
    31.细节理解题。根据最后一段“The ban will likely require a change in habits Shppers will prbably have t take their wn reusable bags t fill and weigh.(这项禁令可能会要求人们改变习惯,购物者可能不得不自己带可重复使用的袋子来装东西并称重)”可知,禁令可能产生的结果是顾客购物习惯的改变。故选B。
    32.D 33.C 34.A 35.B
    32.细节理解题。根据第一段“Amng thusands f emperr penguins in Atka Bay, a yellw rbt named ECHO quickly mves ver the Antarctic envirnment and patiently bserves the birds. The autnmus, remte-cntrlled rbt is abut three feet lng and stands at eye level with the adult penguins. It mnitrs Suthern Ocean ecsystems in real-time, year-rund with small impact n wildlife.(在阿特卡湾的数千只帝企鹅中,一个名为ECHO的黄色机器人迅速在南极环境中移动,并耐心地观察这些鸟类。这个自主遥控机器人大约有三英尺长,与成年企鹅站在同一高度。它全年实时监测南大洋的生态系统,对野生动物的影响很小)”可知,研究人员监测企鹅以了解南极的环境。故选D。
    33.细节理解题。根据第三段“Scientists must physically catch penguins and put chips n their hacks t track them.( 科学家必须亲自捕捉企鹅,并在它们的黑客身上加上芯片来追踪它们)”可知,研究人员通过在企鹅身上贴上芯片来获取有关企鹅的信息。故选C。
    34.主旨大意题。根据文章第四段“ECHO remves these issues by acting as a mbile bservatry that can mnitr thusands f penguins each year. The rbt can easily apprach the penguins and scan the chips withut intrducing a harmful human ftprint r affecting the birds. The rbt is equipped with LIDAR, r light detectin and ranging, and a 360-degree camera that can mnitr penguins n large areas and uses an antenna (天线) t read each penguin’s chip.( ECHO通过充当一个移动天文台来消除这些问题,每年可以监测数千只企鹅。该机器人可以很容易地接近企鹅并扫描芯片,而不会引入有害的人类足迹或影响鸟类。该机器人配备了激光雷达或光探测和测距,以及一个360度摄像头,可以大面积监测企鹅,并使用天线读取每只企鹅的芯片)”可知,本段主要介绍ECHO机器人的好处。故选A。
    35.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“While ECHO has nly been tested fr a year, researchers say the penguins d nt seem t be afraid f it and dn’t mind it when it cmes near. When penguins gather in large grups during the wintertime, ECHO can steal in and scan penguins as they brave the elements.(虽然ECHO只进行了一年的测试,但研究人员表示,企鹅似乎并不害怕它,也不介意它靠近它。当企鹅在冬季成群结队地聚集时,ECHO可以在企鹅勇敢面对大自然时偷偷进入并扫描它们)”可推知,ECHO的工作进展顺利。故选B。
    36.D 37.A 38.B 39.E 40.G
    36.下文“Here are the reasns why sugar cannt be a part f yur healthy hur and aviding it can keep yu healthy.( 以下是为什么糖不能成为你健康时间的一部分,避免摄入可以保持健康的原因。)”说明不可以摄入太多的糖,因此D项“但保持低量并没有错。”符合语境,故选D。
    37.下文“With high cnsumptin f sugar, yu start string fat in yur bdy. (随着糖的大量摄入,你开始在体内储存脂肪)”说明摄入太多糖会增重,因此A项“糖会导致超重”概括段意,故选A。
    38.下文“As we knw, cancer cells are fnd f sugar, which can even break dwn yur immune system. (众所周知,癌症细胞喜欢糖,糖甚至会破坏你的免疫系统。)”说明摄入太多糖会诱发疾病,因此B项“过多的糖会对人体造成伤害”符合语境,故选B。
    39.下文“Eating large amunt f it can result in wrinkles(皱纹) n yur face. Sugar is really nt sweet as yu think. (大量食用它会导致脸上出现皱纹。糖真的不像你想象的那么甜。)”说明大量的糖对皮肤的影响,因此E项“此外,糖也被认为对你的皮肤有害”符合语境,故选E。
    40.上文“The healthy life isn’t far away. Eat less sugar and gd changes are cming in yur way. (健康的生活并不遥远。少吃糖,好的变化就要来了。)”说明要健康生活需远离糖,因此G项“健康的生活比一小口甜糖更甜”符合语境,故选G。
    41.D 42.B 43.A 44.D 45.A 46.C 47.A 48.D 49.B 50.C 51.B 52.B 53.C 54.A 55.D
    41.考查名词词词义辨析。句意:Adrian在森林里干活。A. desert沙漠;B. camp营地;C. farm农场;D. frest森林。根据下文中的“Frtunately, the wdland was nt very far frm the hspital.”可知,此处指的是在“森林”工作。故选D项。
    42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:多年来,这位40岁的老人在挖掘土壤时遇到过危险的动物,但他知道如何区分无害的动物和危险的动物。A. fllwed跟随;B. met碰到,遇到;C. saved节省;D. fed喂养。根据下文中的“while digging arund in sil”可知,此处指的是在挖掘时“遇到”过危险的动物。故选B项。
    43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:多年来,这位40岁的老人在挖掘土壤时遇到过危险的动物,但他知道如何区分无害的动物和危险的动物。A. tell辨别,区分;B. prtect保护;C. separate 分离;D. excuse原谅。根据下文中的“the nn-threatening nes”和“the dangerus nes”可知,此处指的是“区别”两者,tell…frm…意为“区别开……和……”符合语境。故选A项。
    44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的铁铲放在他的卡车里,停在50米开外的地方。A. sld售卖;B. discvered发现;C. repaired修理;D. parked停车。根据上文中的“His shvel(铲子) was in his truck”和下文中的“sme 50 metres away”可知,前文提到了卡车,空后讲述的是50米之外,由此可推断,应是“停车”在50米之外。故选D项。
    45.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他考虑过去取,但工作量很小,只需要稍微挖一下。A. small小的;B. difficult困难的;C. attractive吸引人的;D. bring无聊的。根据下文中的“nly a light dig was necessary”可知,这是项“很小的”工作。故选A项。
    46.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:就在他的手指伸到那堆树叶下面时,他感到手上一阵剧痛。A. slight稍微的;B. bearable可忍受的;C. sharp剧烈的;D. familiar熟悉的。根据下文中的“Adrian quickly pulled ut his hand t see a spider grasping his finger.”可知,Adrian是被蜘蛛咬伤,所以此处指的是“剧烈的”疼痛符合语境。故选C项。
    47.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Adrian立刻意识到这是澳大利亚最危险的蜘蛛。A. dangerus危险的;B. typical典型的;C. imprtant重要的;D. cmmn普通的。根据上文中的“but he knew hw t ____3____ the nn-threatening nes frm the dangerus nes.”以及“But that wasn’t the wrst f it.”可知,此处指的是“最危险的”蜘蛛。故选A项。
    48.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他疯狂地上下摇晃着手,想把蜘蛛扔出去,终于成功了。A. eagerly渴望地;B. cnstantly不断地;C. prperly恰当地;D. crazily疯狂地。根据上文中的“But that wasn’t the wrst f it. Adrian knew immediately it was the mst ____7____ spider in Australia.”及语境可知,被毒蜘蛛咬到后,应该是“疯狂地”摆脱掉它符合语境。故选D项。
    49.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:他疯狂地上下摇晃着手,想把蜘蛛扔出去,终于成功了。A. lk fr寻找;B. thrw ff扔掉,摆脱;C. catch hld f抓住;D. step away frm远离。根据常识,被蜘蛛咬到后应该将其“甩掉”。故选B项。
    50.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他大声呼叫在附近工作的同事Phil,他就在附近工作。A. dctr医生;B. driver司机;C. cwrker同事;D. visitr参观者。根据下文中的“wh was wrking clse by”可知,此处指的是Adrian的“同事”。故选C项。
    51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:两人迅速走向卡车,Adrian用力按压手指根部,以减缓毒液进入血液的速度。A. kncked敲打;B. pressed按,压;C. seized抓住;D. rubbed擦,搓。根据常识以及下文中的“hard at the base f his finger”可知,被有毒的蜘蛛咬伤后,应是使劲“按着”手指根部以免毒液进入血液。故选B项。
    52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:两人迅速走向卡车,Adrian用力按压手指根部,以减缓毒液进入血液的速度。A. guide指引;B. slw减缓;C. prevent阻止;D. cntrl控制。根据上文中的“Adrian ____11____ hard at the base f his finger”以及下文中的“the spread f venm(毒) int his bldstream.”可知,被毒蛇咬到后,使劲按着手指根部只能“减缓”毒液进入血液的速度,而不“阻止”或者“控制”,“减缓”更符合实际生活。故选B项。
    53.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Phil以最快的速度把Adrian送到医院。A. greeted问候;B. directed指引;C. raced快速移动;D. invited邀请。结合语境和常识以及下文中的“as fast as he culd.”可知,当被毒蜘蛛咬到后,Phil应该“快速”将Adrian送医。故选C项。
    54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Adrian走进急诊室,手指上还流着血。A. bld血液;B. rainwater雨水;C. sweat汗水;D. il油。结合语境以及下文中的“still streaming dwn his finger”可知,Adrian手指被蜘蛛咬伤,顺着手指流出的应该是“血”。故选A项。
    55.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:他把发生的事情告诉了医生,得到了及时的治疗。A. by chance偶尔;B. at first首先;C. n purpse故意地;D. in time及时地。根据上文中的“Frtunately, the wdland was nt very far frm the hspital. Phil ____13____ Adrian t hspital as fast as he culd.”可知,由于Phil快速将Adrian送到医院,得到了“及时地”治疗。故选D项。
    56.and 57.be made 58.t create 59.using 60.as/when 61.gradually 62.wh 63.develpment 64.were 65.with
    57.考查固定词组。精美的筷子可能是由刻有汉字的金或银制成的。sth. be made f…某物由……制成,情态动词后跟动词原形,故填be made。
    58.考查不定式作目的状语。技术娴熟的工人会把各种各样的硬质木材和金属结合起来,以创造出特殊风格的筷子。这里用不定式表目的,故填t create。
    61.考查副词。副词修饰动词或形容词,这里修饰动词短语turned int应该用副词,故填gradually。
    1. 纯空格试题的解题技巧。
    2. 给出了动词的试题解题技巧。
    3. 词汇转换题解题技巧。
    66.Gd mrning, everyne,
    It’s my great hnr t give yu a speech, whse tpic is “The Pwer f Teamwrk”. N matter what the age is, being able t wrk tgether with anther persn r in a grup will gain benefits in relatinships, schl, and wrk. Teamwrk can save us a lt f time and energy. Additinally, we can learn much frm ur partners by cperating with them.
    Hw can we cperate effectively? In my pinin, firstly, we shuld try t listen t thers' pinins. If they make mistakes, try t pint them ut in a plite way. Besides, never frce yur ideas n thers. Last but nt least, appreciate their gifts, effrts, and sacrifices, whether they are big r small.
    Thank yu!
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生以“The Pwer f Teamwrk”为主题写一篇演讲稿参加学校英语演讲比赛,内容包括:1.团队合作的重要意义;2.如何有效合作。
    无论什么:n matter what→whatever
    有好处:have benefits → be beneficial/be f benefit
    此外:additinally→in additin
    在我看来:in my pinin→as far as I’m cncerned
    原句:Additinally, we can learn much frm ur partners by cperating with them.
    拓展句:Additinally, we can learn much frm ur partners by cperating with them.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】It’s my great hnr t give yu a speech, whse tpic is “The Pwer f Teamwrk”.(运用了whse引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】N matter what the age is, being able t wrk tgether with anther persn r in a grup will gain benefits in relatinships, schl, and wrk.(运用了n matter 引导让步状语从句和动名词作主语)
    67.The next mrning, Heiss gt a message frm Radi Xeny. The message said they had lcated Dayami, an eight-year-ld girl, and her family, wh indeed lived in Ngales. And they wuld be willing t arrange a get-tgether at the radi statin. Hearing the great news, Heiss changed his entire day and went t the shpping mall with his wife. They bught everything n Dayami’s list. Then the Heisses drve fr 45 minutes, crssing the brder int Ngales. They arrived at the Radi Xeny ffices with presents by the armlad. Heiss even dressed himself as Santa Claus while waiting fr Dayami and her parents. After what seemed like a century f waiting, “Santa Claus” met the girl — Dayami.
    Dayami’s eyes were wide pen with wnder.After seeing “Santa Claus” with gifts fr her,she culdn’t help but give “Santa Claus” a bear hug and thanked him fr drpping by. She had been writing a letter t Santa Claus and sending it by balln fr years, but this was the first time anyne had fund the nte. With the sweetest smile f that Christmas seasn, the girl held the dll in her arms. What a miracle it was that Heiss culd ever spt the balln, let alne lcate Dayami and her family. Fr a day, that brder fence melted away.
    【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Randy Heiss捡到了女孩Dayami的心愿气球,上面是一张用西班牙语写的圣诞节的礼物清单,最后历经了许多困难, Heiss最终找到了女孩,并帮她完成了气球上的心愿。
    ①由第一段首句内容“第二天早上,Heiss一觉醒来,听到了Xeny电台的消息。”可知,第一段可描写Xeny电台的工作人员找到了Dayami ,Heiss和妻子赶忙去买Dayami清单上的所有东西。然后他们开了45 分钟的车,越过边境进入诺加利斯。他们终于见到了那个非常兴奋的女孩。
    ①愿意:be willing t/want t
    ②通过:crss/g acrss
    ③能:be able t/can
    【点睛】[高分句型1]After what seemed like a century f waiting, “Santa Claus” met the girl — Dayami.(由连接词what引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]What a miracle it was that Heiss culd ever spt the balln, let alne lcate Dayami and her family.(句中包含强调句结构)

    高一英语下学期期末考试-高一英语下学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019)(韩答题卡及听力): 这是一份高一英语下学期期末考试-高一英语下学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019)(韩答题卡及听力),文件包含高一下学期期末考试docx、答题卡docx、audiomp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共27页, 欢迎下载使用。

    专题13 非谓语动词80题(期末重点语法)-高一英语下学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019): 这是一份专题13 非谓语动词80题(期末重点语法)-高一英语下学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019),共14页。

    专题12 期末热点话题满分范文20篇-高一英语下学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019): 这是一份专题12 期末热点话题满分范文20篇-高一英语下学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019),共28页。试卷主要包含了申请信,建议信,其他应用文,邀请信,感谢信/祝贺信,告知信/通知等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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