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    Best Spring Destinatins In Tibet
    Peach blssm valley,Nyingchi
    The peach blssms in Nyingchi,Tibet autnmus regin have been dubbed as "the mst beautiful peach flwers in the wrld".The annual Nyingchi peach blssm festival has becme a signature turism event n the plateau.The peach blssm valley stretches fr 30 kilmeters,making it ne f the lngest in China.
    Nanyi Valley
    Nanyigu scenic spt is 20 kilmeters away frm Milin cunty and is an imprtant birthplace f the mysterius Tibetan medicine culture.The scenic area cvers a ttal area f 820 hectares.The eclgical cnditins here are s gd that the place is rich in varius animal and plant species.Surrunded by muntains,Nanyi Valley is an ideal spring destinatin fr visitrs,where yu can find peach and azalea blssms everywhere.
    The Yarlung Zangb River Grand Canyn
    The Yarlung Zangb River Grand Canyn is the deepest canyn in the wrld.With a ttal length f abut 500 kilmeters,its altitude spans frm 7,782 meters at Namchak Barwa,the highest peak f the eastern Himalayas,t 550 meters arund the Yarlung Zangb River Valley.One unique feature f the spring sight here is that visitrs can enjy bth the peach blssms and the snw-capped muntains at the same time.
    Lulang Scenic Zne
    Lulang Scenic Zne,lcated in Lulang twn,cvers a land area f 859,000 square meters with artificial lakes.The scenic zne cntains rich natural scenery,including frest-clad muntains,flwers,lakes and beautiful landscapes,with snwy muntains seen in the far backgrund.Every year frm April t June,with wild flwers blssming alngside the meandering streams and snwy muntains twering in the backdrp,the whle landscape presents a peaceful and pleasant sight.
    1.Where is the text prbably taken frm? ______
    A. A market reprt.B. A travel brchure.
    C. A gegraphy textbk.D. A science magazine.
    2.Which is best recmmended t the ne interested in medicine and bilgy? ______
    A. Peach blssm valley,Nyingchi.
    B. Nanyi Valley.
    C. The Yarlung Zangb River Grand Canyn.
    D. Lulang Scenic Zne.
    3.What d the last tw destinatins have in cmmn? ______
    A. They are in the twn.
    B. They have a tp recrd in the wrld.
    C. They are rich in the natural attractins.
    D. They are famus fr the artificial scenic spts.
    My hme is in Demntn near a river valley. It is a beautiful area that has been made int a park with meters f hiking trails (小路) alng the river.
    One day I discvered a trail I had never seen befre. It was extremely steep and very slippery as it was cvered with ice. I was alne at the time and even thugh I was terrified, I still wanted t g fr a walk. Just this thught made my heart beat faster. I shk, nt frm the cld, althugh it was prbably arund -15℃, but frm the fear. I knew I had t d it.
    I mved frward slwly and put ne ft n the trail, then the ther. Thus I cntinued, ne ft in frnt f the ther I went very slwly dwn the trail, shaking with every step. I was sweating despite my cld. I had n idea hw lng it wuld take me t travel alng the trail, but I didn't care. I just wanted t cnquer my fear.
    At last, I succeeded! At least that's hw I felt. I nearly ran dwn the trail. Well, nt exactly ran, but it felt like that cmpare with my extremely slw speed in the beginning.
    Maybe yu dn't think this is much f a stry, but I just want t tell yu that we never knw what's arund the crner. If yu cmpare this stry t life, yu'll see that we have n idea where life is ging t take us, r hw many easy r difficult trails there are t chse frm until we make a chice! The pint is: we have the freedm t chse!
    4.Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe the trail the authr discvered?
    A. Steep and muddy.B. Icy and slippery.
    C. Rugh and wide.D. Narrw and wet.
    5.What d we knw abut the authr?
    A. He liked taking adventures.
    B. He cvered the trail with fear.
    C. He ran quickly alng the trail.
    D. He went dwn the trail with his friend.
    6.We can infer frm the passage that ______ .
    A. it was very warm that day
    B. the trail was nt far frm the river
    C. the trail was far frm the authr's hme
    D. the authr had walked alng the trail befre
    7.By talking abut his experience, the authr mainly wants t tell us that ______ .
    A. Rme was nt built in a day
    B. things may nt seem s dangerus in the end
    C. it's wrth challenging ur fears and pushing n
    D. we dn't have the freedm t d anything we like
    Marc Pl's tales inspired Eurpean explrers t search fr sea rutes (路线) frm west t east.Hwever,businessmen and explrers frm the East set sail frm east t west many years befre Clumbus first did.
    In ancient times,silk frm China fund its way ver land t India,the Middle East,and Rme,alng what became knwn as the Silk Rad.But anther trading rute acrss the sea was als frmed alng the casts f the Indian Ocean,centered arund Ceyln.Here,businessmen frm China and many ther places met t exchange gds.
    Later,the Ming Dynasty further develped relatins with these regins.Between 1405 and 1433,seven large fleets (舰队) sailed west n vyages f trade and explratin.Under the cmmand f Zheng He,they set sail frm the Suth China Sea acrss the Indian Ocean t the muth f the Red Sea,and then t the east cast f Africa.African ryal families sent gifts such as giraffes as gestures f friendship in return fr silk,and spices.Althugh China stpped further expeditins (远征) after 1433,these land and sea rutes remained active fr centuries.
    T reach ut acrss the sea remains a strng desire tday.The ancient sea rutes travelled by Zheng He are being revisited with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Rad,which is part f the Belt and Rad Initiative (一带一路倡议).The aim f this initiative is t encurage cperatin and trade acrss the histric Silk Rad areas,and strengthen the relatins between China and the rest f the wrld.China has pured billins f mney in systems and services alng these rutes,which will help t greatly develp the whle area fr the benefit f future trade and cultural exchange.
    China has als jined its friends acrss the sea n ther imprtant prjects.In recent years,China has jined ther natins n several expeditins t explre the Arctic.Frm a scientific pint f view,there is an urgent need t study the Arctic in rder t understand climate change and its effects.
    8.What d we knw abut the ancient sea rutes? ______
    A. The Silk Rad existed lnger than the sea rutes.
    B. It was Clumbus wh first explred the sea rutes.
    C. Businessmen travelled alng the sea rute fr their king.
    D. The sea rute was extended alng the Indian Ocean casts.
    9.What can be inferred abut China's expeditins in the Ming Dynasty? ______
    A. They were stpped fr ecnmic reasns.
    B. They were cnsidered t be a waste f mney.
    C. They als had an influence n the wrld trade.
    D. Seven large fleets set sail frm the East China Sea.
    10.What's the gal f China's Belt and Rad Initiative? ______
    A. T satisfy peple's strng desire and need.
    B. T prmte trade and develp friendships.
    C. T understand the climate change and its effects.
    D. T imprve the system and service alng the rutes.
    11.What is the text mainly abut? ______
    A. The Belt and Rad Initiative.
    B. The histry f Silk Rad.
    C. Brave businessmen and explrers.
    D. China's explratin acrss the sea.
    Peanuts are amng the mst ppular snack fds in the United States,but abut 2 percent f have an allergic (过敏的) reactin t them.A 2015 British study might bring hpe t the American parents wh are cncerned abut their kid's allergy t peanuts.
    Peple allergic t peanuts can develp skin cnditins r watery eyes.Children with a peanut allergy can develp a skin cnditin called eczema.Sme reactins are s serius that they can result in death.S far,dctrs have advised parents nt t serve peanut-cntaining fds t children under the age f 3.But a study published in 2015 in Britain fund that feeding children peanuts earlier might help t slve the prblem.
    Anthny Fauci,head f America's Natinal Institute f Allergy and Infectius Diseases,ntes that in Israel,peple have a traditin f feeding peanuts t babies and says the percentage f Israeli children with a peanut allergy is much lwer than the rate amng Jewish children living in England. "In Israel,there is a custm f feeding peanut-based fds t babies within the first few mnths f life,and the rate f peanut allergy drpped by ver 80% amng the Israeli kids cmpared t thse Jewish children living in England."
    Dr.Fauci says this finding is very imprtant.It means that babies have a natural mechanism (机制) that can be trained t react psitively t peanuts,which may turn ff as the baby reaches the age f 1.He says a team f experts have agreed n new guidelines fr wh deal with children's allergies.
    Fauci calls giving children peanuts a way f "challenging" their bdies. "If the child has a histry f serius eczema,yu shuld bring the child t d a skin test r a bld test t determine if the child has an allergy t peanuts.If they d,yu shuld refrain frm challenging that child.If they dn't,it wuld be safe t feed them peanuts when they are babies at 4 t 6 mnths ld."
    12.What might be the wrst result f allergic reactin t peanuts? ______
    A. Watery eyes.B. Serius eczema.C. Death.D. Skin cancer.
    13.What des Anthny Fauci say abut peanut allergy? ______
    A. Babies' mechanism can be trained t react actively t peanuts.
    B. Feeding babies peanuts earlier might increase the rate f allergy.
    C. Jewish children in England are less likely t be allergic t peanuts.
    D. A skin test is nt necessary fr a child with a histry f serius eczema.
    14.Which ne is clsest t the meaning f the underlined phrase "refrain frm" in Paragraph 5? ______
    A. Risk.B. Cntinue.C. Keep.D. Avid.
    15.What wuld be the best title fr this passage? ______
    A. Say NO t Prducts Cntaining Peanuts
    B. Feeding Peanuts t Children Early Helps
    C. Peanut Allergy Threatens Children's Health
    D. Guidance n Dealing with Children's Allergies
    Fr peple wh are planning a trip,a visit t a museum might nt be the first thing they think f.After all,there are plenty f ways t appreciate the wrld's civilizatin,gain exciting experiences and spend quality time with family and friends. (1) ______ Museums are where peple learn smething new,at every age!Are yu interested in smething specific?( 2) ______ .There,yu will find yurself drawn in and inspired!Museums are a fantastic place t learn abut a regin's histry,scientific achievements,majr cultural events,and f curse,dinsaurs.They als design exhibitins related t visual arts,industrial innvatins and anything that inspires an individual t learn abut the past and create new paths t the future.
    ( 3) ______ They will surely be an exciting part f the educatinal experience with the main purpse t expse children t knwledge f varius fields and expand their hrizns.T achieve that,museums are wrking t create meaningful and engaging activities,interactive and knwledge-based.
    Museums supprt turism.They are turism prmters in small twns and large cities.Museums aren't a burden n tax revenue (税收) r a separate cncern frm ther city prjects. (4) ______ Statistics shw that museums supprt mre than 726,000 jbs in America.
    Museums shape cmmunities.They have activities and exhibitins thrugh which visitrs can learn abut lcal histry.Museums are places where a shared heritage is celebrated and a cllective identity is frmed.They prvide an interesting public space where peple meet and talk t each ther. (5) ______
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    A week ag,in search f an extremely (1) ______ flwer called the tagimucia,I travelled t Taveuni,where the plant nly grws.
    My hst Vagni tld me that many lcals may have nly seen the flwer in pictures.He als tld me that I'd be (2) ______ t climb the muntain withut a (3) ______ . "Yu'll be n the steep (陡峭的) service rad befre yu (4) ______ the rainfrest n an unmarked track t have any chance f finding the tagimucia.There's thick (5) ______ and it's always raining," he said. "At best,yu dn't find the (6) ______ .At wrst,yu get cmpletely (7) ______ ."
    I asked Vagni (8) ______ this wrst case had happened befre. "(9) ______ !" he said. "Just tw weeks ag,a grup f seven lcals went up withut a guide and gt lst in the clud.There was a search-and-rescue missin.What a (10) ______ !"
    Sn,we set ut up the service rad with a guide.I'd hiked Kilimanjar,the highest muntain in Africa,and made it (11) ______ the Everest Base Camp. (12) ______ ,I quickly discvered that Taveuni's extreme humidity and the trail's steepness make the climbing astnishingly (13) ______ .I needed t stp t rest every 10 minutes.
    An hur later,we were in the frest,ducking under fallen trees and climbing ver ther bstacles.Suddenly,the guide pinted up with (14) ______ . "Lk!The tagimucia!" he shuted.I culdn't believe we'd fund it — I als culdn't see a thing,as my glasses were (15) ______ up in the mist.
    21.A. delicateB. beautifulC. rareD. tiny
    22.A. slwB. funnyC. flishD. weak
    23.A. rpeB. guideC. walking stickD. sleeping bag
    24.A. cut intB. search frC. lk arundD. make ut
    25.A. frestB. grassC. snwD. fg
    26.A. wayB. waterC. shelterD. flwer
    27.A. madB. lstC. exhaustedD. defeated
    28.A. whetherB. hwC. whenD. why
    29.A. AccidentallyB. BasicallyC. FrequentlyD. Exactly
    30.A. chanceB. shckC. scheduleD. mess
    31.A. withB. tC. frD. at
    32.A. HweverB. TherefreC. InsteadD. Besides
    33.A. impressiveB. urgentC. uniqueD. tugh
    34.A. excitementB. interestC. curisityD. fear
    35.A. straightenedB. steamedC. pushedD. brken
    36.Accrding t the traditinal Chinese calendar (日历),fr every 19 years there will be seven leap mnths. "Leap mnth" (1) ______ (refer) t a repetitive mnth.Rather (2) ______ (interesting),there are tw Februaries in 2023.
    There are (3) ______ variety f traditins and custms during leap mnth in China.They are quite (4) ______ (fascinate) fr yu t explre.In sme parts f East China's Shandng prvince,the married daughters send tads (蟾蜍) and fish (5) ______ (make) f dugh (面团) t their parents. (6) ______ (live) near Wuyi Muntain in East China's Fujian prvince,the lcal peple have the traditin f drinking tea at leap mnth,and nly wmen (7) ______ (allw) t take part.The daughters wh are married usually buy pig's feet and thin ndles fr their parents,( 8) ______ is unique fr peple in Sutheast China's Taiwan prvince.Varius histrical and cultural factrs have cntributed (9) ______ the diverse custms.D they successfully aruse yur (10) ______ (curius)?The leap February has arrived.Are yu prepared with yur gifts?
    When Dnald Cruch first encuntered Jim in his English class in rural Michigan,he saw an unhappy by,wh'd gne deep int a ccn (茧) f silence.
    Dnald might have assumed that Jim was bred r uninterested r even backward.Certainly,he appeared t be all f thse things.
    But there was smething in the yung by that lit up whenever the subject turned t petry.It was unnticeable,but Dnald culd see a shift in the by's attitude—a quiet but unmistakable enthusiasm that accmpanied any discussin f Chaucer,Shakespeare,r Tennysn.A twinkle in his eyes wuld appear whenever Dnald lectured n matters f English verse,smething which prved t be mst appealing t the therwise disappinted teacher.Althugh Jim was interested in all manners f petry,he seemed particularly excited when Dnald wuld discuss Walt Whitman,that greatest f American pets.
    One day Dnald kept Jim after schl and learned that Jim stuttered(口吃).Dnald understd that Jim had accepted the written wrd because the spken wrd had escaped him.The next day,Dnald tld the pupils t write a pem.Jim turned his assignment in,and Dnald was surprised by hw gd it was.
    The teacher read the assignment ver and ver again in disbeliefand,truth be tld,with a little bit f envy;hw culd a student frm the middle f nwhere cme up with smething like this?He turned his head nce again t the by and began t have an idea.
    注意:(1)续写词数应为150 左右;
    Dnald had nticed earlier that Jim's stutter disappeared whenever he quted his favrite pets ut lud.___________
    The whle class turned their attentin t Jim.___________
    【解析】(1)文章来源题。根据文章标题Best Spring Destinatins In Tibet(西藏最佳春季目的地)结合文章主要介绍了四个西藏春天值得去的旅游目的地。可推知,文章选自旅行册。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段Nanyigu scenic spt is 20 kilmeters away frm Milin cunty and is an imprtant birthplace f the mysterius Tibetan medicine culture.The scenic area cvers a ttal area f 820 hectares.The eclgical cnditins here are s gd that the place is rich in varius animal and plant species.(南一沟景区距米林县20公里,是神秘藏药文化的重要发祥地。景区总面积820公顷。这里的生态条件很好,动植物种类丰富)可知,对医学和生物学感兴趣的人最好推荐南一沟。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段One unique feature f the spring sight here is that visitrs can enjy bth the peach blssms and the snw-capped muntains at the same time.(这里春天景色的一个独特之处在于,游客可以同时欣赏桃花和雪山)以及最后一段The scenic zne cntains rich natural scenery,including frest-clad muntains,flwers,lakes and beautiful landscapes,with snwy muntains seen in the far backgrund.(景区拥有丰富的自然风光,包括森林覆盖的山脉、鲜花、湖泊和美丽的风景,远处的背景是雪山。)可知,最后两个目的地的共同之处是都有丰富的自然景点。故选C。
    根据第二段中的It was extremely steep and very slippery as it was cvered with ice.(它非常的陡,而且很滑,因为路面结满了冰。)可知,这条路很陡,而且结满了冰。故选B。
    根据第二段的倒数第二句I shk, nt frm the cld, althugh it was prbably arund -15°C, but frm the fear.(我颤抖着,是因为害怕,而不是因为冷,尽管当时可能零下15度左右。)可知,当作者产生要走这条小路的想法时就已经害怕得发抖了。及第三段的前三句I mved frward slwly and put ne ft n the trail, then the ther. Thus I cntinued, ne ft in frnt f the ther I went very slwly dwn the trail, shaking with every step. I was sweating despite my cld.(我慢慢地往前挪,先一只脚踩在小路上,然后另一只脚再踩在上面。于是我继续往前走,双脚前后交替着慢慢地沿着小路走下去,每走一步都会发抖。尽管我觉得冷,但我还是出汗了。)可知,描述的是作者走这条小路的动作,从慢慢地往前挪,每走一步都会发抖等细节可以看出作者是带着恐惧走这条小路的。故选B。
    根据第一段的第二句It is a beautiful area that has been made int a park with meters f hiking trails (小路) alng the river.(这个地区很美,已建成公园,沿河有几米长的徒步小路。)可知,这条小路离小河不远。故选B。
    4. 根据最后一段中的If yu cmpare this stry t life, yu'll see that we have n idea where life is ging t take us, r hw many easy r difficult trails there are t chse frm until we make a chice! The pint is: we have the freedm t chse!(如果你把这个故事和生活相比较,你会发现我们不知道生活将带我们去哪里,也不知道有多少容易或困难的道路可以选择,直到我们做出选择!关键是:我们有选择的自由!)及通读全文可知,作者讲述的这个经历是:面对着一条较险的小路,作者心生恐惧,但是最终仍然克服了恐惧,成功地走过了这条小路,所以作者是想借自己的经历告诉我们要挑战恐惧,继续向前,C项符合题意。故选C。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段But anther trading rute acrss the sea was als frmed alng the casts f the Indian Ocean,centered arund Ceyln. (但另一条以锡兰为中心的跨海贸易路线也沿着印度洋海岸形成。)可知海上航线沿着印度洋海岸延伸。故选D项。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第三段Althugh China stpped further expeditins (远征) after 1433,these land and sea rutes remained active fr centuries.(虽然中国在1433年后停止了进一步的探险,但这些陆上和海上航线在几个世纪里仍然活跃。)可推断,中国明朝的远洋探险对世界贸易产生了影响。故选C项。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第四段The aim f this initiative is t encurage cperatin and trade acrss the histric Silk Rad areas,and strengthen the relatins between China and the rest f the wrld. (这一倡议的目的是鼓励丝绸之路沿线地区的合作和贸易,加强中国与世界其他国家的关系。)可知中国"一带一路"倡议的目的是促进贸易和发展友谊。A.T satisfy peple's strng desire and need.满足人们强烈的欲望和需要;B.T prmte trade and develp friendships.促进贸易和发展友谊;C.T understand the climate change and its effects.了解气候变化及其影响;D.T imprve the system and service alng the rutes.改善沿线的系统和服务。故选B项。
    (4)主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其第一段Marc Pl's tales inspired Eurpean explrers t search fr sea rutes (路线) frm west t east.Hwever,businessmen and explrers frm the East set sail frm east t west many years befre Clumbus first did.(马可波罗的故事激励了欧洲探险家寻找从西向东的海路。然而,来自东方的商人和探险家从东向西航行比哥伦布早很多年。)可知文章主要介绍中国从古至今在海洋探索方面所做的尝试和取得的成绩。D项"中国的远洋探险。"最符合题意。故选D项。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据文章第二段Peple allergic t peanuts can develp skin cnditins r watery eyes.Children with a peanut allergy can develp a skin cnditin called eczema.Sme reactins are s serius that they can result in death. (对花生过敏的人可能会出现皮肤问题或流泪。对花生过敏的儿童会患上一种叫做湿疹的皮肤病。有些反应非常严重,甚至会导致死亡。)可知,花生过敏的症状严重情况下可能导致死亡。A.Watery eyes.水汪汪的眼睛;B.Serius eczema.严重湿疹;C.Death.死亡;D.Skin cancer.皮肤癌。故选C。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第四段Dr.Fauci says this finding is very imprtant.It means that babies have a natural mechanism (机制) that can be trained t react psitively t peanuts (福奇博士表示,这一发现非常重要。这意味着婴儿有一种自然机制,可以训练它对花生做出积极的反应)可知,婴儿出生时自带的身体机能,可以经过后期的训练,对花生制品积极地应对(不过敏),故选A。
    (3)词句猜测题。根据划线词后句If they dn't,it wuld be safe t feed them peanuts when they are babies at 4 t 6 mnths ld. (如果他们没有对花生过敏,那么在他们4到6个月大的时候给他们吃花生是安全的。)可知,如果证实孩子没有对花生过敏,就可以喂食花生,反之则应该避免让孩子接触花生。所以refrain frm为"避免"之意。A.Risk.冒险;B.Cntinue.继续;C.Keep.保持;D.Avid.避免。故选D。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据文章第一段最后一句A 2015 British study might bring hpe t the American parents wh are cncerned abut their kid's allergy t peanuts. (2015年英国的一项研究可能会给担心孩子对花生过敏的美国父母带来希望。)和第二段最后一句But a study published in 2015 in Britain fund that feeding children peanuts earlier might help t slve the prblem. (但2015年在英国发表的一项研究发现,早点给孩子喂花生可能有助于解决这个问题。)及全文可知,文章主要在讲2015年英国一项研究发现早给婴儿喂食花生可能很大程度上减少孩子对花生过敏发生的几率。所以"Feeding Peanuts t Children Early Helps(尽早给孩子喂花生有帮助)"作为文章标题最为合适。故选B。
    【解析】(1)联系上文题。根据上文Fr peple wh are planning a trip,a visit t a museum might nt be the first thing they think f.After all,there are plenty f ways t appreciate the wrld's civilizatin,gain exciting experiences and spend quality time with family and friends. (对于计划旅行的人来说,参观博物馆可能不是他们想到的第一件事。毕竟,有很多方式可以欣赏世界文明,获得令人兴奋的体验,与家人和朋友共度美好时光。)可知,此处提到人们在旅行途中有很多选择,博物馆不是人们的首选地址,G项"然而,事实是博物馆在许多方面提供了神奇的好处。"中的hwever表明,其实去博物馆有好多益处,此处点明本文的主题。符合语境,故选G项。
    (2)联系上文题。根据上文Museums are where peple learn smething new,at every age!Are yu interested in smething specific?(博物馆是人们学习新东西的地方,不分年龄!你有什么特别的兴趣吗?)"可知,可以去博物馆观看感兴趣的东西,D项"然后,去当地的博物馆了解一下这个主题。"中的that subject指代上文的smething specific,符合语境。故选D项。
    (3)段落主题题。根据下文They will surely be an exciting part f the educatinal experience with the main purpse t expse children t knwledge f varius fields and expand their hrizns.T achieve that,museums are wrking t create meaningful and engaging activities,interactive and knwledge-based. (它们肯定是教育经历中令人兴奋的一部分,主要目的是让孩子们接触各个领域的知识,扩大他们的视野。为了实现这一目标,博物馆正在努力创造有意义和吸引人的活动,以互动和知识为基础。)可知,博物馆可以让孩子们接收到教育,B项"博物馆经常举办以儿童为中心的展览。"作本段小标题。故选B项。
    (4)细节理解题。根据上文Museums supprt turism.They are turism prmters in small twns and large cities.Museums aren't a burden n tax revenue (税收) r a separate cncern frm ther city prjects. (博物馆支持旅游业。他们是小城镇和大城市的旅游推动者。博物馆不是税收的负担,也不是与其他城市项目分开的单独的问题。)可知,本段中涉及博物馆对城市旅行业的推动;C项"相反,它们创造了资金和就业。"与上文为转折关系,下文Statistics shw that museums supprt mre than 726,000 jbs in America.(统计数据显示,博物馆在美国提供了72.6万个工作岗位。)可知,此处具体解释博物馆创造工作机会的功能,呼应C项的fuel emplyment,符合语境,故选C项。
    (5)联系上文题。根据上文Museums shape cmmunities.They have activities and exhibitins thrugh which visitrs can learn abut lcal histry.Museums are places where a shared heritage is celebrated and a cllective identity is frmed.They prvide an interesting public space where peple meet and talk t each ther. (博物馆塑造社区。他们有活动和展览,游客可以通过这些活动了解当地的历史。博物馆是庆祝共同遗产和形成集体身份的地方。它们提供了一个有趣的公共空间,人们可以在这里见面交谈。)可知,本段涉及博物馆塑造社区的功能,博物馆作为一个公共空间,人们可以相互交流;E项"即使是在礼品店购物,也有机会建立联系。"可知,在博物馆的周边产业,如礼品店,在这里人们也有机会进行交流联系,符合语境。故选E项。
    【解析】(1)考查形容词及语境理解。A.delicate微妙的;B.beautiful美丽的;C.rare稀少的,罕见的;D.tiny极小的。句意:一周前,为了寻找一种名为tagimucia的极其罕见的花,我去了塔韦尼,这种植物只生长在那里。由下文的"Taveuni,where the plant nly grws (花只在塔韦尼生长)"和"many lcals may have nly seen the flwer in pictures (许多当地人可能只在照片中看到过这种花)"可知,名为tagimucia的花是极其罕见的。故选C项。
    (2)考查形容词及语境理解。A.slw慢慢的;B.funny有趣的;C.flish愚蠢的;D.weak虚弱的。句意:他还告诉我,在没有向导的情况下登山是愚蠢的。呼应下文的"this wrst case had happened befre (这种最糟糕的情况以前发生过)"和"Just tw weeks ag,a grup f seven lcals went up withut a guide and gt lst in the clud.There was a search-and-rescue missin. (就在两周前,一个由七名当地人组成的小组在没有向导的情况下上去,在云雾中迷路了。当时有一次搜救任务)"讲没有向导带路登山会发生糟糕的事情,这种行为无疑很愚蠢。故选C项。
    (3)考查名词或短语及语境理解。A.rpe绳子;B.guide向导;C.walking stick手杖;D.sleeping bag睡袋。句意:他还告诉我,在没有向导的情况下登山是愚蠢的。呼应下文的"this wrst case had happened befre (这种最糟糕的情况以前发生过)"和"Just tw weeks ag,a grup f seven lcals went up withut a guide and gt lst in the clud.There was a search-and-rescue missin. (就在两周前,一个由七名当地人组成的小组在没有向导的情况下上去,在云雾中迷路了。当时有一次搜救任务)"讲没有向导带路登山会发生糟糕的事情,这种行为无疑很愚蠢。故选B项。
    (4)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.cut int切入;B.search fr寻找;C.lk arund(四处)转转;D.make ut理解。句意:他说:"你将在陡峭的便道上,然后在一条没有标记的小路上驶入雨林,有机会找到tagimucia。那里有浓雾,而且一直在下雨。"由本处的"Yu'll be n the steep (陡峭的) service rad befre yu(4)the rainfrest n an unmarked track"可知,此处讲先在便道上走,然后从没有标记的小路上切入(即驶入)雨林。故选A项。
    (5)考查名词及语境理解。A.frest森林;B.grass草;C.snw雪;D.fg雾。句意:他说:"你将在陡峭的便道上,然后在一条没有标记的小路上驶入雨林,有机会找到tagimucia。那里有浓雾,而且一直在下雨。"由常识,下文的"it's always raining"和"in the mist (在薄雾中)"可知,雨林气候炎热,老下雨,会有浓雾,呼应下文的"gt lst in the clud (在云雾中迷路了)"。故选D项。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.way路;B.water水;C.shelter庇护所;D.flwer花。句意:往好了说,你找不到花。由上文讲作者寻找的花很稀有,"this wrst case had happened befre (这种最糟糕的情况以前发生过)"和下文的"Just tw weeks ag,a grup f seven lcals went up withut a guide and gt lst in the clud.There was a search-and-rescue missin. (就在两周前,一个由七名当地人组成的小组在没有向导的情况下上去,在云雾中迷路了。当时有一次搜救任务)"可知,鉴于找花的艰难,好点情况是找不到花。故选D项。
    (7)考查形容词及语境理解。A.mad疯狂的;B.lst迷路的;C.exhausted筋疲力尽的;D.defeated被击败的。句意:往坏了说,会完全迷路。由上文讲作者寻找的花很稀有和下文的"Just tw weeks ag,a grup f seven lcals went up withut a guide and gt lst in the clud.There was a search-and-rescue missin. (就在两周前,一个由七名当地人组成的小组在没有向导的情况下上去,在云雾中迷路了。当时有一次搜救任务)"可知,鉴于找花的艰难,坏点情况是完全迷路了。故选B项。
    (8)考查连词及语境理解。A.whether是否;B.hw如何;C.when当……时候;D.why为什么。句意:我问瓦戈尼,这种最糟糕的情况以前是否发生过。由下文的"he said"可知,作者问瓦戈尼,这种最糟糕的情况以前是否发生过,瓦戈尼才会回答。故选A项。
    (9)考查副词及语境理解。A.Accidentally意外地;B.Basically大体上;C.Frequently频繁地,经常;D.Exactly确切地。句意:"经常!"他说。由下文的"Just tw weeks ag,a grup f seven lcals went up withut a guide and gt lst in the clud. (就在两周前,一个由七名当地人组成的小组在没有向导的情况下上去,在云雾中迷路了)"可知,对于会迷路这种最糟糕的情况,瓦戈尼给予了肯定的回答,"Frequently"符合文意,呼应上文讲没向导登山很愚蠢。故选C项。
    (10)考查名词及语境理解。A.chance机会;B.shck震惊;C.schedule日程;D.mess混乱。句意:真是一团糟!由上文的"Just tw weeks ag,a grup f seven lcals went up withut a guide and gt lst in the clud.There was a search-and-rescue missin. (就在两周前,一个由七名当地人组成的小组在没有向导的情况下上去,在云雾中迷路了。当时有一次搜救任务)"可知,在雨林中寻找迷失的人,这真是一团乱。故选D项。
    (11)考查介词及语境理解。A.with用;B.t到,至;C.fr为了;D.at在(某处)。句意:我徒步穿越了非洲最高的山峰乞力马扎罗山,到达了珠穆朗玛峰大本营。由下文的"the Everest Base Camp"可知,作者到达了珠穆朗玛峰大本营。故选B项。
    (13)考查形容词及语境理解。A.impressive给人印象深刻的;B.urgent紧急的;C.unique独特的;D.tugh艰难的。句意:然而,我很快发现,塔韦尼的极端潮湿和小径的陡峭使攀登变得异常艰难。由上文的"Taveuni's extreme humidity and the trail's steepness",下文的"I needed t stp t rest every 10 minutes (我需要每10分钟停下来休息一次)"和"ducking under fallen trees and climbing ver ther bstacles (在倒下的树下躲避,爬过其他障碍物)"可知,攀登变得异常艰难。故选D项。
    (14)考查名词及语境理解。A.excitement兴奋;B.interest兴趣;C.curisity好奇心;D.fear恐惧。句意:突然,向导兴奋地指了指。由下文的""Lk!The tagimucia!" he shuted. ("看!tagimucia!"他喊道)"可知,向导发现花了,此时应该很兴奋。故选A项。
    (15)考查动词及语境理解。A.straightened变直;B.steamed蒙上水汽,蒙上汽雾;C.pushed推;D.brken打破。句意:我简直不敢相信我们找到了它——我也什么也看不见,因为我的眼镜在薄雾中蒙上水汽。由上文的"I als culdn't see a thing"可知,作者看不见花是因为作者的眼镜在薄雾中蒙上水汽。故选B项。
    【解析】(1)考查时态和主谓一致。句意:"闰月"是指一个重复的月份。分析句子结构可知,空处作句子的谓语,句子在描述一般性的事实,应用一般现在时,主语Leap mnth是单数,谓所以语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填refers。
    (3)考查冠词。句意:在中国的闰月有各种各样的传统和习俗。根据"variety f traditins and custms"可知,此处用固定短语a variety f,意为"各种各样的",空处需用冠词a。故填a。
    (6)考查现在分词。句意:居住在中国东部福建省武夷山附近的当地人有在闰月喝茶的传统,而且只有女性才能参加。分析句子可知,句子主干成分完整,空处需用非谓语动词,作句子的状语,live和逻辑主语the lcal peple之间是主动关系,应用live的现在分词形式living,且空处位于句首,首字母需大写。故填Living。
    (7)考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:居住在中国东部福建省武夷山附近的当地人有在闰月喝茶的传统,而且只有女性才能参加。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,句子在描述一般性的事实,应用一般现在时,allw和主语nly wmen之间是被动关系,应用一般现在时的被动语态,且主语是复数,be动词用are。故填are allwed。
    (9)考查介词。句意:不同的历史文化因素造就了不同的风俗习惯。根据空前"cntributed"可知,此处用固定短语cntribute t,意为"造成,促成",所以空处应用介词t。故填t。
    37.【答案】Dear Jhn,
    As the Dragn Bat Festival is cming,I wuld like t invite yu t experience this traditinal festival.【高分句型一】
    The Dragn Bat Festival is celebrated every year n the 5th day f the 5th lunar mnth and it has abut tw thusand years f histry.The festival is celebrated t hnr the great pet Qu Yuan.On that day,peple ften get tgether with their family t eat Zngzi and ther delicius fd.In suthern parts f China,peple ften have the Dragn Bat races.(节日简介)
    If yu lve the Chinese dragn bat r Zngzi,yu shuld cnsider cming t schl.【高分句型二】Lking frward t yur reply.(发出邀请)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:As the Dragn Bat Festival is cming,I wuld like t invite yu t experience this traditinal festival.
    高分句型二:If yu lve the Chinese dragn bat r Zngzi,yu shuld cnsider cming t schl.
    38.【答案】Dnald had nticed earlier that Jim's stutter disappeared whenever he quted his favrite pets ut lud.Nw the teacher tried t d smething mst teachers wuld never cnsider ding tday:he put Jim n the spt.S he said, "Jim,wuld yu kindly cme t the frnt f the class and read us what yu've written?【高分句型一】If the wrds really are yurs,Jim,then prve it.Stand and recite them.Right nw.Or admit that yu stle them."(唐纳德故意让吉姆在教室前面把自己写的读出来,来帮助他克服口吃)
    The whle class turned their attentin t Jim.Jim jumped t his feet and recited Ode t a grapefruit just as he had written it.There was anger in his vice,but what a vice it turned ut t be:big and bming and clear as a bell.That was the day when Dnald Cruch unlcked ne f the mst pwerful and familiar vices in the wrld.【高分句型二】Later n,it seemed that the wrld was t small t cntain a vice as big as Jim's.(吉姆带着愤怒读了自己所写的,从那时起,这个世界似乎太小了,容不下吉姆这么大的声音)
    高分句型一:Jim,wuld yu kindly cme t the frnt f the class and read us what yu've written?
    高分句型二:That was the day when Dnald Cruch unlcked ne f the mst pwerful and familiar vices in the wrld.
    在确定了思路和内容之后。最关键的就是结合提示语或者文中画线的关键词拟写草稿。拟写时,注意句子结构的多样性,语言的丰富性,并通过句与句之间连接词的正确使用,使上下文连贯。A.Museums bring ut the best qualities in children.
    B.Museums ften deliver kids-centered exhibitins.
    C.Instead,they generate funding and fuel emplyment.
    D.Then,visit a lcal museum t learn abut that subject.
    E.Even shpping at the gift shp there is an pprtunity fr cnnectin.
    F.On the cntrary,they cnsume a small percentage f city funds annually.
    G.The fact,hwever,is that museums ffer magical benefits in many ways.

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