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    1.本试卷考试时间为 120分钟,满分 150 分。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What present des Eric get fr his birthday?
    A. A bk. B. An album. C. A diary.
    2. Where des the cnversatin mst likely take place?
    A. At a shpping mall. B. At a bus stp. C. In a bank.
    3. When will Tm get his bk bag?
    A. Tday. B. Tmrrw. C. The day after tmrrw.
    4. Hw is the weather nw?
    A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cludy.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Hw the wman gt the sun.
    B. When the wman went sailing.
    C. Why the wman had a hliday.
    第二节(共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
    6. Wh culd the man prbably be?
    A. A teacher. B. A clerk. C. A receptinist.
    7 Wh en des the wman suggest visiting the center?
    A. On Thursdays. B. On Tuesdays. C. On Wednesdays.
    听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。
    8. What is the speakers' destinatin?
    A. The markets. B. The water gardens. C. The ancient district.
    9. Wh is the wman ging t get a present fr?
    A. Her sister. B. Her mum. C. Her dad.

    高三英语试卷 第 1 页 (共8页)
    听第8段材料, 回答第10至 12题。
    10. What did the wman just d?
    A. She rushed fr the train. B. She gt ff the train. C. She came back frm twn.
    11. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. Her cat was lst. B. Her phne was stlen. C. Her sprts shes are dirty.
    12. Which wrd can best describe the wman?
    A. Disrganized. B. Reliable. C. Sprty.
    听第9段材料,回答第 13 至 16题。
    13. What is Wendy's pinin abut the menu?
    A. It's rdinary. B. It's attractive. C. It's traditinal.
    14. Wh will d the deliveries first?
    A. Wendy. B. Ben. C. Mark.
    15. What did the man d?
    A. He increased the rder. B. He arranged the schedule. C. He hired mre peple.
    16. What will Wendy d next?
    A. Plan sme prmtins.
    B. Cntact repeat custmers.
    C. Add smething t the website.
    听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。
    17. When did the speaker decide t be a mechanic?
    A. After he finished schl. B. When he gt qualificatins. C. As he was a child.
    18. Why did the speaker leave his twn?
    A. T learn new skills.
    B. T experience new things.
    C. T becme an adventurer.
    19. What did the speaker think f the jb n the ship at first?
    A. Enjyable. B. Satisfying. C. Tugh.
    20. What did the speaker d after returning t his cuntry?
    A. He went travelling.
    B. He set up his wn business.
    C. He cmpleted sme training.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分 37.5分)
    Vlunteer Prgrams
    Special Needs Supprt in Barcelna
    Are yu interested in being a vlunteer f Special Needs Supprt in Barcelna? The prgram enables vlunteers t prvide ne-n-ne care fr peple with a variety f physical and mental disabilities.
    The prgram starts every secnd Mnday f the mnth.
    Affrdable fees are $ 1000 fr 2 weeks.
    It includes accmmdatin, meals and airprt pick-up.
    Animal Care in Spain
    D yu want t make sme fur-legged friends as a vlunteer f Animal Care in Spain? The prject empwers vlunteers t assist cats and dgs that have been abandned in Barcelna. Vlunteers take care f animals and imprve cnditins at the animal shelter.

    高三英语试卷 第 2 页 (共8页)
    The prgram starts every furth Tuesday f the mnth.
    Affrdable fees are $ 1030 fr 2 weeks.
    It includes accmmdatin, meals and airprt pick-up.
    Frest Cnservatin in Spain
    D yu want t help deal with climate change in Spain? The prject prvides a unique pprtunity fr vlunteers t cntribute t the recvery f the native frests n the Catalnia cast near Barcelna.
    The prgram starts every Wednesday.
    Affrdable fees are $425 fr 1 week.
    It includes accmmdatin, meals and 24/7 supprt.
    Castal Cnservatin in Zanzibar
    Are yu excited abut vlunteering fr castal cnservatin in Zanzibar? It is an pprtunity fr vlunteers t explre the Jzani Frest. Vlunteers will gain experience by supprting lcal initiatives.
    The prgram starts every Friday.
    Affrdable fees are $ 540 fr 1 week.
    It includes accmmdatin, airprt pick-up and 24/ 7 supprt.
    21. When d yu begin t wrk if yu vlunteer t help thse with special needs?
    A. Every Friday. B. Every secnd Mnday f the mnth.
    C. Every Wednesday. D. Every furth Tuesday f the mnth.
    22. Which prgram enables a vlunteer t d smething abut climate change?
    A. Animal Care in Spain. B. Castal Cnservatin in Zanzibar.
    C. Frest Cnservatin in Spain. D. Special Needs Supprt in Barcelna.
    23. What d the fur vlunteer prgrams have in cmmn?
    A. They all charge fees. B. They all last tw weeks.
    C. They all prvide meals. D. They all fcus n envirnmental prtectin.
    When I first heard abut Summit Learning, I admitted I was nt a bit happy and excited at all. I thught it wuld require interactins with thers. But later, I was astnished when I gt t experience it firsthand.
    Recently, we did a petry prject, and ne f the activities was a peer review. I wuld never have taken part if it was up t me, as I preferred t wrk independently. But when I gt invlved, I fund in the experience, I had dne smething that I thught was nearly impssible it made my petry better. My partner infrmed me f my mistakes and tld me where I culd give mre detail.
    One f ur final prducts f the prject was t present ur petry t the class. I've always lved public speaking but I thught with Summit Learning, I wuld have fewer chances t speak. I was wrng. The peer activities we did with a partner gave me mre belief in my ability and inspired me t d mre t make my presentatin the best it culd pssibly be.
    Interactins like these are what Summit Learning is all abut. This style f learning brings a psitive and hard-wrking culture that allws us t push ur bundaries and keep ging
    As an active by, I have always been ahead and advanced, but in a nrmal classrm, there are restrictins n what I can d. With Summit Learning, I can g beynd expectatins in prjects r mve ahead in learning new cntent when I'm ready. I have wnership f my wrk and pursue my gals.
    Summit Learning has shwed me hw much peple can grw and change. It has helped me see peple and myself differently. It has been ne f the greatest experiences f my life, and I cannt see myself ging back t a nrmal classrm.
    高三英语试卷 第 3 页 (共8页)
    24. What was the authr's initial respnse t Summit Learning?
    A. He was a bit excited abut it. B. He was unwilling t attend it.
    C. He was astnished t hear abut it. D. He was curius abut hw it wrked.
    25. Hw did the authr benefit frm the petry prject?
    A. It reminded him t be independent. B. It imprved his pem and cnfidence..
    C. It allwed him t deliver a public speech. D. It raised him a sense f respnsibility.
    26. What can be inferred abut Summit Learning?
    A. It has restrictins n what ne can d.
    B. It shws bundaries f ne's abilities.
    C. It teaches petry in a nrmal classrm.
    D. It transfrms the traditinal way f learning.
    27. What des the authr think f Summit Learning nw?
    A. Enjyable. B. Inspiring. C. Challenging. D. Cnservative.
    Climate change has been a lng-standing issue. The universe's mst abundant element, hydrgen(氢), has drawn the scientists' attentin and is nw n its way t becming the future f green fuel.
    Mre than $150 billin wrth f green hydrgen prjects were annunced glbally in 2020. A
    Eurpean multinatinal aerspace crpratin has taken the lead in the new sustainable fuel industry. It has designed self-cntained hydrgen fuel cell pds(电池舱) that can be attached t the underside f airplane wings, prmting the use f hydrgen fuel fr lng-distance flights, which aim t achieve zer emissins.
    Cmpared t fssil fuels, hydrgen is a much mre ec-friendly fuel. When hydrgen burns, the nly by-prduct is water. Hwever, the traditinal way t get hydrgen frm natural gas r cal generates cnsiderable carbn emissins. The greenest way is t btain hydrgen frm water using electrlysis(电解) pwered by renewable energy, althugh this prcess requires s much electricity. The key t making hydrgen cmpetitive with fssil fuels is t lwer the prductin cst.
    Als, shipping liquid hydrgen is challenging, given that needs t be chilled t -253℃ t d s.
    Japan's Kawasaki Heavy Industries is set t cmplete the cnstructin f the wrld's first liquefied hydrgen carrier by early 2021. Mst f the wrld's big hydrgen exprt prjects are lking t ship hydrgen in the frm f liquid ammnia(氨), which can be changed t hydrgen and needs t be chilled t nly -33 C.
    With mre and mre cuntries aiming t cut dwn carbn emissins t slve the issue f glbal warming, green hydrgen will help decarbnizing(碳减排) industries that can't be electrified hit the targets.
    “We culd use these circumstances, where lads f public mney are ging t be needed int the energy system, t jump frward twards a hydrgen ecnmy,” said Diederik Samsm, wh heads the
    Eurpean Cmmissin's climate cabinet.

    高三英语试卷 第 4 页 (共8页)28. What is the strength f the hydrgen fuel?
    A. It is cnvenient t stre. B. It wrks very efficiently.
    C. It is envirnmentally friendly. D. It prduces n by-prduct
    29. What is the challenge when shipping liquid hydrgen?
    A. The required temperature. B. The expensive cst f shipping.
    C. The cnstructin f liquefied carriers. D. Changing it t the frm f liquid ammnia.
    30. Which industries will benefit frm green hydrgen mst?
    A. Thse making hydrgen. B. Thse generating electricity.
    C. Thse funded by public mney. D. Thse pwered by fssil fuels.
    31. What is the mst suitable title fr the passage?
    A. Fueling a Green Future B. Living a Green Life
    C. Shipping Liquid Hydrgen D. Making Hydrgen Cmpetitive
    I ften find myself running late n the edge f missing appintments. It's nt that I enjy being late, but smehw, it keeps happening. A delayed train, a miscalculatin in time, a wrng turn the reasns fr my lateness are many. I dislike being late, and yet, I frequently find myself in a rush r arriving behind schedule.
    Michaela Thmas, a Swedish psychlgist, calls peple like me “time ptimists” r “tidsptimists”. We underestimate hw lng tasks will take and verestimate the time we have. As a result, we ften find urselves rushing, causing stress fr bth urselves and thse arund us. It creates a dmin effect f chas, annyance, and incnvenience fr everyne invlved. It can even have severe cnsequences.
    The causes f standing lateness are cmplex. Peple, accrding t Jung, fall int tw categries: “timekeepers” and “time enders”. Timekeepers wrk methdically, stay rganized, and usually finish tasks ahead f schedule. In cntrast, time enders, like me, push things t the last minute, feeling mst energized and creative when under pressure.
    Many see prcrastinatin (拖 延) as a key reasn fr lateness, but it's nt simply a time management issue. Fuschia Siris, a prfessr f scial and health psychlgy, believes prcrastinatin ften arises frm md management. Peple put ff tasks t avid dealing with emtins like anxiety, fear, r frustratin. It can als be a frm f rebellin when faced with bring r uncntrllable tasks.
    Is there a slutin fr latecmers? Researchers suggest creating pre-event deadlines fr imprtant ccasins like a wedding r catching a flight, s that the extra time can help yu avid being late when unfreseen circumstances arise. Yu can infrm friends, family, and clleagues abut yur cmmitment t punctuality and ask fr their supprt in helping yu stay n time. Fr everyday imprvement, setting alert s n phnes fr getting ready instead f departure time, breaking tasks int smaller, manageable parts and priritizing time-flexible tasks can be helpful.

    高三英语试卷 第 5 页 (共8页)
    32. The underlined wrds “time ptimists” in paragraph 2 refer t peple wh .
    A. wrk in an rganized manner B. always be punctual
    C. leave things until the last minute D. have a casual persnality
    33. What can we learn frm the passage abut prcrastinatin?
    A. It is driven by the desire fr perfectinism.
    B. It is a charming and creative quality in individuals.
    C. It is always due t a lack f time management skills.
    D. It may arise frm a desire t avid uncmfrtable emtins.
    34. What is a suggested slutin fr latecmers?
    A. Allwing enugh time fr imprtant events.
    B. Setting departure time alerts n the phne.
    C. Relying n friends t make plans in advance.
    D. Priritizing time-sensitive tasks ver flexible nes.
    35. What is the main idea f the passage?
    A. Ways f strict time management. B. The impact f prcrastinatin n punctuality.
    C. Benefits f punctuality in daily life. D. Reasns fr lateness and strategies t slve it.
    第二节(共5 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分 12.5分)
    Whether yu're an intrvert(内向的人) r extrvert, quiet r lud, ne f the key s t success in every area f yur life is learning hw t be mre cnfident. Here are sme things that can help yu becme mre self-cnfident!
    Train yur brain. 36 Instead f immediately assuming yu can't accmplish smething, believe yu have what it takes t figure it ut. Like Marie Frle always says, “Everything is figureutable.”
    Watch yur wrds. Whether yu realize it r nt, the wrds yu speak shape yur beliefs abut yurself and what thers believe abut yu. 37 The act f gssiping and putting thers dwn always cmes frm a place f insecurity, s if yu catch yurself wanting t say smething sarcastic(讽刺的), redirect thse thughts t smething better.
    38 In her research, scial psychlgist Amy Cuddy fund that cnfident peple have higher levels f teststerne and that peple's levels f teststerne can rise simply by exhibiting a “high pwer pse.” We've all heard the phrase “Fake it till yu make it,” but Amy tk this a step further and said, “Fake it till yu becme it.”
    Be secure. Being secure in wh yu are means that, althugh yu might make a mistake r fail, yu knw yu're nt a failure. 39
    Get experience. Nthing builds self-cnfidence like experience. After yu've dne the thing nce yu've led the cmpany meeting, published yur first blg, r cached yur first client—yur cnfidence in yur ability t d it again will increase. 40
    A. Stay psitive.
    B. Change yur bdy language.
    C. Just d it, and watch yur cnfidence take ff.
    D. That als ges fr what we speak abut thers.
    E. Yu can learn hw t be mre cnfident in yur mind.
    F. Yu have the pwer t be mre cnfident within yurself.
    G. It means smene might disagree with yu, but it desn't shake yu up.
    高三英语试卷 第 6 页 (共8页)第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共15 小题; 每小题1分,满分 15 分)
    I pulled ver and ne f the bys standing by the rad asked fr sme water.
    My heart 41 when I heard this. In Wilcannia, where I nw wrked as a primary schl teacher with a six mnth cntract, there was a drught. Quickly 42 my car, I gave a bttle t the children befre saying gdbye. Mments like this reminded me just hw 43 I'd cme frm my ld life as a teacher hundreds f kilmeters away in Sydney.
    In my first lessn with Year Six I made a 44 fr ur class: Mistakes are expected, respected and crrected. We psted this n the wall in my classrm as a 45 t students. I hped it wuld give students 46 t keep mving frward. We 47 s well that by the end f mnth ne, I 48 my cntract t a full year in the rural r remte place!
    A real 49 was helping with the twn's annual kids' fashin parade(游行). But COVID pandemic 50 a mve t nline learning. S I 51 students t film vides f themselves singing Frm Little Things Big Things Grw. The children's perfrmance wn wild applause. And 52 I was awarded Music Teacher f the Year. This srt f 53 was such an hnur!
    Nw, three years later, I'm 54 in Wilcannia. Peple always ask me hw lng I plan t stay here, and then cmes my 55 reply: “Anther year.”
    41. A. sank B. beat C. melted D. raced
    42. A. checking B. searching C. mending D. parking
    43. A. fast B. sn C. lng D. far
    44. A. decisin B. mtt C. change D. plan
    45. A. reminder B. symbl C. gift D. picture
    46. A. signal B. experience C. capacity D. cnfidence
    47. A. reacted B. bnded C. behaved D. perated
    48. A. drafted B. restricted C. extended D. maintained
    49. A. chance B. rutine C. lve D. highlight
    50. A. saw B. led C. added D. kept
    51. A. expected B. emplyed C. trubled D. guided
    52. A. gradually B. frequently C. subsequently D. temprarily
    53. A. appreciatin B. impressin C. expressin D. appintment
    54. A. already B. still C. again D. als
    55. A. timely B. typical C. sincere D. crrect
    第二节(共 10 小题; 每小题1.5 分,满分 15分)
    The tea that 56 (delight) the wrld fr thusands f years has finally received glbal 57 (recgnize) as a shared cultural treasure f mankind.
    Traditinal tea prcessing techniques and their assciated scial practices in China, including tea gardens, picking f tea leaves, the prcessing, drinking and sharing f tea, 58 (add) t UNESCO’s List f the Intangible Cultural Heritage f Humanity last mnth.
    In China, traditinal tea prcessing techniques are 59 (clse) related t gegraphical lcatin and natural envirnment, 60 results in a distributin range between 18° 37°N and94°-122°E, that is, the prvinces f Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Anhui and ther areas in Suth China. Assciated scial practices, 61 , are spread thrughut the cuntry and shared by many ethnic grups.
    Over 2,000 tea 62 (variety), mainly in six categries green, black yellw, lng. white and dark, are grwn in China. A lt f key prcessing skills are invlved befre it is ready fr service.
    高三英语试卷 第 7 页 (共8页)
    The ancient Silk Rad and trade rutes brught tea t the whle wrld. 63 (serve) n different ccasins and used as an imprtant tl fr cmmunicatin, tea is everywhere n the glbe tday. “Practices f greeting guests 64 tea and building gd relatinships within families and neighbrs thrugh tea-related activities are shared amng many ethnic grups, and prvide 65 sense f belnging,” tea culture researchers said.
    第一节 (满分 15分)
    2. 活动主题;
    1.词数 80左右;
    Dear Frank,

    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    At Piedmnt Schl, everyne wanted t be n the sccer team. Laura had dreamed f earning glry fr the Falcns ever since she had witnessed her lder brther scring the winning gal. On the day she jined the team, she felt like she culd fly.
    Unfrtunately, her jy did nt last lng. She spent mst f the matches n the bench. Walking t the car after the last game, Laura's mther asked if she was feeling fine. Laura kept quiet and tried t smile at her mther. Having spent yet anther game as a reserve, Laura had nt even brken a sweat. Laura als jked that she wuld have baked in the ht sun if she had played. Her mther assured her that she wuld have anther chance t play. She als cheered Laura n. Laura culd nly shake her head as she climbed int the seat, back hunched and face dwn.
    A few days later, Laura's mther fund she sprawled n the cuch, watching music vides n her phne, s she tried asking Laura t watch sccer vides instead. Laura lked at her mther blankly, rlling her eyes. “They wn't help me and I can't get better by myself,” Laura said.不

    Sighing, her mther sank dwn n the cuch. “Laura, fr every lck, there is a key. We just have t find it. What if I film yu practicing t help yu find ways t imprve?”
    “But the seasn's ver, Mum. N mre practice, remember?” Laura said. Her mther lked at her reslutely and insisted that the best players keep practicing even when the seasn is ver. Laura prtested, “But t practice plays, I wuld need at least ne ther persn t jin me! It is difficult t d that alne.”
    Laura's mther patted her and said, “We’ll find that key t, but we have t start smewhere.” While Laura's mther was searching her wallet fr her gld key, she smiled gently at Laura. She gave Laura an assuring n d befre passing her the key. “This key is a reminder fr yu t be strng and nt give up. Let's build smething tmrrw.” Laura's mther said.
    The next day, Laura and her mther built a gal and made a training plan.

    Then came the next seasn. On the field, ne f the best players gt hurt suddenly.

    高三英语试卷 第 8 页 (共8页)

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