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    第一部 分听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B.£9.18. C. £9.15.
    1.What is the man ding?
    A. Asking the way.
    B.Giving directins.
    C. Crrecting a mistake.
    2.What dress size des the wman want?
    3.What is the wman likely t d?
    A. Make a phne call.
    B. Handle the prblem.
    C. Have a rest.
    4.Which tur des the man seem t be interested in?
    A. The evening tur.
    B. The half-day tur.
    C.The full-day tur.
    5.Where are the speakers?
    A.At a canteen.
    B.At a clinic.
    C.At a bank.
    6. What des the wman think f the match?
    C. Bring.
    7.What d the speakers plan t d n Tuesday afternn?
    A.Watch a game.
    B. Play tennis.
    C. G t the cinema.
    8. What des the man advise Mrs.White t d?
    A.G n a diet.
    B. D mre exercise.
    C. Get enugh sleep.
    9.Which can be included in Mrs. White's breakfast?
    10.What is the man?
    A. A teacher.
    B.A physician.
    C.A chef.
    11.Hw des Nancy lk t Daniel?
    B. Excited.
    C. Anxius.
    12.Why des Daniel mentin his perfrmance in a play?
    A.T cmfrt Nancy.
    B. T express his regret
    C. T shw his pride.
    13.What is Nancy ging t d next week?
    A.Take a schl test
    B.Have a check-up.
    C.G in fr a cmpetitin.
    14.What des Daniel ffer t d fr Nancy?
    A.Rewrite her lines.
    B.Drive her t the theatre.
    C.Help her with the practice.
    15.What was Prf. Stne's grandfather afraid f?
    A.Leaving his hme.
    B.Parting frm his sn.
    C.Taking early retirement.
    16.What des ld age mean t many elderly Americans?
    A.Lack f mral supprt.
    B. Lss f self-wrth.
    C. Change f living habits.
    17.What will Prf Stne talk abut next cncerning elderly peple?
    A.Public services they ask fr.
    B.Health care available t them.
    C.Cntributins they can make.
    18.What des the speaker's mther want her t be?
    A.A cnfident persn.
    B. A warm-hearted persn.
    C. A humrus persn.
    19.Why did the speaker feel lnely in her childhd?
    A.She ften traveled by herself
    B.Her family mved frequently.
    C.Her mther was busy wrking.
    20.What des the speaker mainly talk abut?
    A.Imprtance f hme schling.
    B.Mther-daughter relatinship.
    C.A rle mdel in her family.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    The Biggest Stadiums in the Wrld
    Peple have been puring int stadiums since the days f ancient Greece. In arund 8 A.Q., the Rmans built the Clsseum, which remains the wrld's best knwn stadium are cntinues t infrm cntemprary design. Rme’s Clsseum was 157 feet tall and had 80 entrances, seating 50,000 peple. Hwever, that was small fry cmpared with the city’s Circus Maximus, which accmmdated arund 250,000 peple.
    These days, safety regulatins-nt t mentin the mdern sprts fan’s desire fr a gd view and a cmfrtable seat-tend t keep stadium capacities(容量)slightly lwer. Even sccer fans tend t have a seat each; gne are the days f thusands standing t watch the match.
    Fr the biggest stadiums in the wrld, we have used data supplied by the Wrld Atlas list s far, which ranks them by their stated permanent capacity, as well as updated infrmatin frm fficial stadium websites.
    All these stadiums are still functinal, still pen and still hsting the biggest events in wrld sprt.
    •Rungrad 1st f May Stadium, Pyngyang, Capacity. 150,000. Opened. May 1,1989.
    •Michigan Stadium, Ann Arbr, Michigan, U.S. Capacity: 107,601. Opened. Octber 1, 1927.
    •Beaver Stadium, State Cllege, Pennsylvania, U.S. Capacity: 106,572. Opened: September 17, I960.
    •Ohi Stadium, Clumbus, Ohi, U.S. Capacity: 104,944. Opened: Octber 7, 1922.
    •Kyle Field, Cllege Statin, Texas, U.S. Capacity: 102,512. Opened: September 24,1927.
    21.Hw many peple culd the Circus Maximus hld?
    A.104,944. B. 107,601. C. Abut 150,000. D. Abut 250,000.
    22.Of the fllwing stadiums, which is the ldest?
    A. Michigan Stadium.
    B. Beaver Stadium.
    C. Ohi Stadium.
    D. Kyle Field.
    23.What d the listed stadiums have in cmmn?
    A. They hst big games.
    B. They have becme turist attractins
    C. They were built by Americans.
    D. They are favred by architects
    When almst everyne has a mbile phne, why are mre than half f Australian hmes still paying fr a landline (座机)
    These days yu'd be hard pressed t find anyne in Australia ver the age f 15 wh desn’t wn a mbile phne. In fact plenty f yunger kids have ne in their pcket. Practically everyne can make and receive calls anywhere, anytime.
    Still, 55 percent f Australians have a landline phne at hme and nly just ver a quarter (29%) rely nly n their smartphnes, accrding t a survey (调查).Of thse Australians wh still have a landline, a third cncede that it's nt really necessary and they're keeping it as a security blanket - 19 percent say they never use it while a further 13 percent keep it in case f emergencies. I think my hme falls int that categry.
    Mre than half f Australian hmes are still chsing t stick with their hme phne. Age is naturally a factr (因素)-nly 58 percent f Generatin Ys still use landlines nw and then, cmpared t 84 percent f Baby Bmers wh've perhaps had the same hme number fr 50 years. Age isn't the nly factr; I'd say it's als t d with the makeup f yur husehld.
    Generatin Xers with yung families, like my wife and I, can still find it cnvenient t have a hme phne rather than prviding a mbile phne fr every family member. That said, t be hnest the nly peple wh ever ring ur hme phne are ur Baby Bmers parents, t the pint where we play a game and guess wh is calling befre we pick up the phne (using Caller ID wuld take the fun ut f it).
    Hw attached are yu t yur landline? Hw lng until they g the way f gas street lamps and mrning milk deliveries?
    24. What des paragraph 2 mainly tell us abut mbile phnes?
    A. Their target users.
    B. Their wide ppularity.
    C. Their majr functins.
    D. Their cmplex design.
    25. What des the underlined wrd "cncede" in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Admit.
    B. Argue.
    C. Remember.
    D. Remark.
    26. What can we say abut Baby Bmers?
    A. They like smartphne games.
    B. They enjy guessing callers’ identity.
    C. They keep using landline phnes.
    D. They are attached t their family.
    27. What can be inferred abut the landline frm the last paragraph?
    A. It remains a family necessity.
    B. It will fall ut f use sme day.
    C. It may increase daily expenses.
    D. It is as imprtant as the gas light.
    Yu’ve heard that plastic is plluting the ceans—between 4.8 and 12.7 millin tnnes enter cean ecsystems every year. But des ne plastic straw r cup really make a difference? Artist Benjamin Vn Wng wants yu t knw that it des. He builds massive sculptures ut f plastic garbage, freing viewers t re-examine their relatinship t single-use plastic prducts.
    At the beginning f the year, the artist built a piece called“Strawpcalypse,” a pair f 10-ft-tall plastic waves, frzen mid-crash. Made f 168,000 plastic straws cllected frm several vlunteer beach cleanups, the sculpture made its first appearance at the Estella Place shpping center in H Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
    Just 9% f glbal plastic waste is recycled. Plastic straws are by n means the biggest surce (来源)f plastic pllutin, but they’ve recently cme under fire because mst peple dn’t need them t drink with and, because f their small size and weight, they cannt be recycled. Every straw that' s part f Vn Wng's artwrk likely came frm a drink that smene used fr nly a few minutes. Once the drink is gne, the straw will take centuries t disappear.
    In a piece frm 2018, Vn Wng wanted t illustrate (说明) a specific statistic: Every 60 secnds, a trucklad's wrth f plastic enters the cean. Fr this wrk, titled "Trucklad f Plastic, "Vn Wng and a grup f vlunteers cllected mre than 10,000 pieces f plastic, which were then tied tgether t lk like they’d been dumped(倾倒)frm a truck all at nce.
    Vn Wng hpes that his wrk will als help pressure big cmpanies t reduce their plastic ftprint.
    28. What are Vn Wng’s artwrks intended fr?
    A. Beautifying the city he lives in.
    B. Intrducing ec-friendly prducts.
    C. Drawing public attentin t plastic waste.
    D. Reducing garbage n the beach.
    29. Why des the authr discuss plastic straws in paragraph 3?
    A. T shw the difficulty f their recycling.
    B. T explain why they are useful.
    C. T vice his views n mdern art.
    D. T find a substitute fr them.
    30. What effect wuld "Trucklad f Plastic" have n viewers?
    A. Calming.
    B. Disturbing
    C Refreshing
    D. Challenging.
    31. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Artists' Opinins n Plastic Safety
    B. Media Interest in Cntemprary Art
    C. Respnsibility Demanded f Big Cmpanies
    D. Ocean Plastics Transfrmed int Sculptures
    During an interview fr ne f my bks, my interviewer said smething I still think abut ften. Annyed by the level f distractin(干扰)in his pen ffice, he said, “That’s why I have a membership at the cwrking space acrss the street —s I can fcus. "His cmment struck me as strange. After all, cwrking spaces als typically use an pen ffice layut (布局). But I recently came acrss a study that shws why his apprach wrks
    The researchers examined varius levels f nise n participants as they cmpleted tests f creative thinking. They were randmly divided int fur grups and expsed t varius nise levels in the backgrund, frm ttal silence t 50 decibels(分贝),70 decibels, and 85 decibels. The differences between mst f the grups were statistically insignificant; hwever,the participants in the 70 decibels grup—thse expsed t a level f nise similar t backgrund chatter in a cffee shp-significantly utperfrmed the ther grups. Since the effects were small, this may suggest that ur creative thinking des nt differ that much in respnse t ttal silence and 85 decibels f backgrund nise.
    But since the results at 70 decibels were significant, the study als suggests that the right level f backgrund nise—nt t lud and nt ttal silence—may actually imprve ne’s creative thinking ability. The right level f backgrund nise may interrupt ur nrmal patterns f thinking just enugh t allw ur imaginatins t wander, withut making it impssible t fcus. This kind f "distracted fcus" appears t be the best state fr wrking n creative tasks.
    S why d s many f us hate ur pen ffices? The prblem may be that, in ur ffices, we can't stp urselves frm getting drawn int thers’ cnversatins while we’re trying t fcus. Indeed, the researchers fund that face-t-face interactins and cnversatins affect the creative prcess, and yet a cwrking space r a cffee shp prvides a certain level f nise while als prviding freedm frm interruptins.
    32. Why des the interviewer prefer a cwrking space?
    A. It helps him cncentrate.
    B. It blcks ut backgrund nise.
    C. It has a pleasant atmsphere.
    D. It encurages face-t-face interactins.
    33. Which level f backgrund nise may prmte creative thinking ability?
    A. Ttal silence.
    B. 50 decibels.
    C. 70 decibels.
    D. 85 decibels.
    34. What makes an pen ffice unwelcme t many peple?
    A. Persnal privacy unprtected.
    B. Limited wrking space.
    C. Restrictins n grup discussin.
    D. Cnstant interruptins.
    35.What can we infer abut the authr frm the text?
    A. He's a news reprter.B. He’s n ffice manager.
    C. He's a prfessinal designer.D. He's a published writer.
    Accrding t Jessica Hagy, authr f Hw t Be Interesting, it's nt difficult t make yurself interesting at a dinner party.
    ___36___, if yu're ut f yur cmfrt zne r if yu're wandering int smebdy's huse fr the first time. S the main thing is just t shw up and be adventurus, trying different fds and talking t strangers.
    Peple lve t talk abut themselves. If yu can start the cnversatin with a questin ther than “What d yu d fr a living?", yu'll be able t get a lt mre interesting cnversatin ut f whmever it is yu're talking t. ____37 ___. it can bring in "I have this ld, brken-dwn vehicle" r "I rde the bus with these crazy peple wh were laughing at silly jkes in the back." It just pens up cnversatin.
    ____38___? If yu can't take their wine away, yu shuld certainly try t take away their sapbx (讲台).If yu're the hst, yu can ask them t help yu in the kitchen with smething and just remve them frm the situatin.___39_____
    And what abut that ther dinner-party killer: awkward silence? If yu're faced with an awkward silence at a dinner party, the nly thing that always gets everyne talking again is t give the hst a cmpliment (赞扬).__40___. Just quickly tun arund and say, "This cake is extremely delicius and yu have t tell me all abut it.”
    S being interesting at a dinner party isn’t that hard.
    A.Hw d yu knw the hst
    B.The first step is t g explring
    C.If yu ask the questin "Hw did yu get here?',
    D.Be prepared t have awkward cnversatins with strangers
    E.Or turn the cnversatin int a tpic where they have little t say
    F.What abut that persn wh has had t much t drink r wn't stp talking
    G.He r she is the persn wh is feeling the weight f that awkwardness the mst
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A 、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Simply saying thank yu desn't seem enugh in certain situatins. I was cnsidering this while wrking as a ___41__ Just a few weeks ag. And it came t me then hw much easier it wuld be if we had a range f wrds that express different ____42___ f gratitude (感谢).
    My thughts were sn ___43___. We had a wman patient wh was ___44____ frm a knee replacement peratin. One afternn, while __45___t get int bed she cllapsed (倒下) frm what was ____46_____ discvered t be a heart attack. The cllapse was disastrus, ___47____ the emergency medical team and gd teamwrk. But she recvered, thugh ___48___ ,and was ready fr discharge (出院)after fur weeks.
    She was __49____ fr everything that the medical and nursing team had dne fr her. On her day f discharge, we shared in her ___50____ at her recvery. As she was ____51___ she was eager t say___52____ t each f us in the nursing team. When she ___53______ ne nurse, she tried t press a five-pund nte int her hand. My clleague ____54___ t accept it, saying that we were all just ___55___ ur jb. The patient lked puzzled, and then____56____: "Oh this isn't fr the ___57___ I had. I take that as a ____58____. N, this is fr setting my hair yesterday.''
    And there yu have it. T many peple, ___59____lives is part f the jb but styling hair is an ___60____ and shuld be rewarded.
    41. A. cleanerB. chemistC. nurseD. dctr
    42. A. gradesB. meaningsC. needsD. expectatins
    43. A. brushed asideB. put t the test
    C. brught under discussinD.taken int accunt
    44. A. departingB. escapingC. retiringD. recvering
    45. A. attemptingB. chsingC. pausingD. prmising
    46. A. eventuallyB. frtunatelyC. casuallyD. secretly
    47. A. assessingB. requiringC. frmingD. prving
    48. A. slightlyB. accidentallyC. slwlyD. happily
    49. A. gratefulB. thughtfulC. srrwfulD. fearful
    50. A. surpriseB. delightC. curisity D.disappintment
    51.A. perating B. thinking C. hesitating D. leaving
    52.A. srry B. hell C. gdbyeD.yes
    53.A. reached B. cnsulted C. intrduced D. persuaded
    54.A. wished B. pretendedC. failedD. refused
    55.A. enjying B. ding C. securing D. starting
    56.A. repeated B. recited C. replied D. reprted
    57.A. curage B. patience C. duty D. care
    58.A. gal B. given C. push D. greeting
    59. A. risking B.changing C. saving D. building
    60.A. hnur B. ability C. pening D. extra
    Ecturism is cmmnly regarded as lw impact (影响)travel t undisturbed places. It is different frm traditinal turism because it allws the traveler t becme 61 (educate) abut the areas - bth in terms f gegraphical cnditins and cultural characteristics, and ften prvides mney fr cnservatin and benefits the 62 (develp) f the lcal areas.
    Ecturism has 63 (it) rigin with the envirnmental mvement f the 1970s. It was nt widely accepted as a travel cncept 64 the late 1980s. During that time, increasing envirnmental awareness made it desirable.
    Due t 65 grwing ppularity f envirnmentally-related and adventure travel, varius types 66 trips are nw being classified as ecturism. Actually, a true ec-friendly trip must meet the fllwing principles:
    Minimize the impact f 67 (visit) the place.
    Build respect fr and awareness f the envirnment and cultural practices.
    Prvide 68 (finance) aid and ther benefits fr lcal peples.
    Make sure that the turism prvides psitive experiences fr bth the visitrs and the hsts.
    Kmd Natinal Park, fficially recgnized in 1980, is ppular fr ecturism because f its unique bidiversity. 69 (activity) there range frm whale watching t hiking (远足) and accmmdatins aim 70 (have) a lw impact n the natural envirnment.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    I lve ding husewrk. I always assist my parents in ding the dish after meals. I als water the flwers in the yard and tidying up my wn bedrm whatever necessary. In my pinin, students can benefit a lt ding sme husewrk. Firstly, ding husewrk was helpful fr us t be a respnsible persn. Als, it gives ur parents mre time t d what they are like and it imprves the family relatinship. What's mst, ding husewrk can be a frm f mentally relaxatin frm study. That’s ur view n husewrk. And hpes this can inspire mre thinking n the tpic!
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以Be smart nline learners 为题写一篇发言稿参赛,内容包括:
    21-23 DCA 24-27 BACB 28-31 CABD 32-ACDD
    61 educated
    62. develpment
    63. its
    64. until
    65. the
    66. f
    67 visiting
    68 financial
    69 Activities
    70 t have
    Line 1: dish—dishes
    Line2: tidying—tidy; whatever—whenever
    Line 3: benefit a lt ding—benefit a lt frm ding
    Line 4: was—is
    Line 5: are 删掉
    Line 6:mst—mre ; mentally—mental
    Line 7: ur—my ; hpes—hpe

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