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    这是一份重庆市南开中学2023-2024学年高三上学期1月第五次质量检测英语试题(Word版附答案),共17页。试卷主要包含了 本试卷由四个部分组成等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本试卷由四个部分组成。其中第一、二部分和第三部分的第一节为选择题。第三部分的第二节和第四部分为非选择题。共150分, 共12页。
    2. 全部答案在答题卡上相应区域内完成, 在本试卷上作答无效。选择题请使用2B铅笔填涂, 非选择题请使用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔作答。要求字体工整、笔迹清晰。
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    做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并析在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Frm which platfrm shuld the wman get n the train?
    A. Platfrm 5.
    B. Platfrm 10.
    C. Platfrm 12.
    2. What time is it nw?
    A. 4:40 p. m.
    B. 4:45 p. m.
    C. 4:50 p. m.
    3. Hw can we describe the man?
    A. Wrried.
    B. Impatient.
    C. Cautius.
    4. What is the prblem with the shes accrding t the wman?
    A. They are ld.
    B. They are prly made.
    C. They are uncmfrtable.
    5. Hw many peple will g t the mvies?
    A. Three.
    B. Fur.
    C. Five.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第6段材料, 回答第6至7题。
    6. What des the man think abut the kids?
    A. They are lucky.
    B. They are gentle.
    C. They are friendly.
    7. Wh prbably is the wman?
    A. A parent.
    B. A headmaster.
    C. A student.
    听第7段材料, 回答第8至9题。
    8. Where will the speakers prbably g first?
    A. The beach.
    B. The btanical gardens.
    C. The ld neighbrhds.
    9. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Mther and sn.
    B. Father and daughter.
    C. Turist and guide.
    听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。
    10. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Imprving jb skills.
    B. Taking schl classes.
    C. Planning a vacatin.
    11. What attracts the man t wrk in China mst?
    A. Mre mney.
    B. A better jb psitin.
    C. New experiences.
    12. Hw will the speakers practice their language skills in the future?
    A. By cmmunicating with friends in Chinese.
    B. By watching mre freign mvies.
    C. By taking language classes.
    听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。
    13. Where are the speakers?
    A. At a chclate stre.
    B. At a flwer shp.
    C. At a delivery statin.
    14. What is the favrite clr f the wman's sister?
    A. Pink.
    B. Red.
    C. Yellw.
    15. Which price wuld suit the wman mst?
    A. £10.
    B. £ 25.
    C. £ 40.
    16. Hw will the wman's sister get her gifts?
    A. She will cllect them herself.
    B. The wman will take them t her.
    C. The man will help deliver them.
    听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。
    17. What is unknwn t the speaker abut the tree?
    A. Its psitin.
    B. Its height.
    C. Its age.
    18. Hw tall n average are the trees f this type?
    A. 800 feet.
    B. 400 feet.
    C. 350 feet.
    19. Hw d scientists prtect the tree?
    A. By prtecting its tp.
    B. By raising lcal birds.
    C. By hiding its lcatin.
    20. Which caused the damage f anther famus tree?
    A. The visit f the turists.
    B. The tuch frm the scientists.
    C. The cncentratin f the birds.
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。
    Unfrgettable shws-A Spectacular Lineup fr All Entertainment Enthusiasts!
    Dn't miss ut n extrardinary shws. Visit ur website r call ur ticket htline t reserve yur tickets tday.
    21. On which day d yu have the mst chices?
    A. Tuesday.
    B. Friday.
    C. Saturday.
    D. Sunday.
    22. What's the lwest cst fr 2 parents and 2 kids t attend Mysterius Illusins?
    A. $100.
    B. $140.
    C. $160.
    D. $170.
    23. Which shw invlves audience's participatin?
    A. Dazzling Delights.
    B. Cmedy Carnival.
    C. Musical Magic.
    D. Mysterius Illusins.
    Cnventinally butterflies were regarded nt as fascinating subjects fr clse bservatin but as symbls f shallwness. But Eleanr Granville treated them with scientific seriusness.
    In her thirties, thugh suffering frm a marriage where the husband was vilent and even turned her family against her, Granville sught cmfrt by studying mths and butterflies. She travelled arund the cuntryside with lcal girls, beating bushes t catch falling larvae (幼虫), and recruited her servants as assistants t cllect specimens(样本). Because f unusual genersity in paying fr a fine specimen, she sn accumulated a substantial cllectin f butterflies. After bringing larvae hme, she meticulusly lgged their grwth, prviding sme f the earliest detailed accunts f insect life cycles.
    Hwever, wandering the cuntryside with a cllecting net was cnsidered weird behavir fr anyne back then, let alne a wman, and she was accused f ging ut dressed like a "gypsy".
    Besides her wn extensive research, Granville exchanged letters and butterflies with ther cllectrs. Anther enthusiast William Vernn reprted that she had wned "the nblest cllectins f butterflies, all English, which has shamed us". She sent 100 examples t the Ryal Sciety and als sent James Petiver, England's mst celebrated butterfly expert, bxes f carefully pinned butterflies, including several that had been previusly unknwn, and ntably the ne later named the Granville fritillary whse wings carry striking brwn and yellw patterns, a species f special cncern due t the decline f the ttal number under the influence f fd lss and htter weather.
    Eleanr Granville remains the nly British naturalist t have left their name t a native butterfly species. A pineer in the study f entmlgy (昆虫学), Cranville helped make it an academic subject. Regretfully, nly tw mths and a butterfly f Granville's precius specimens are still preserved in Lndn's Natural Histry Museum. Her name lives n the butterflies she lved.
    24. What d we knw abut Granville?
    A. She paid generusly fr every specimen.
    B. She was accused f deserting her family.
    C. Studying butterflies prvided an escape frm her life.
    D. Wrking with lcal girls earned her a gd reputatin.
    25. What can we learn frm Paragraph 4?
    A. James Petiver greatly influenced Granville.
    B. Granville's effrts shamed the Ryal Sciety.
    C. The Granville fritillary is an endangered species.
    D. Granville's wrk was academically recgnized.
    26. Hw did Granville cntribute t the field f entmlgy?
    A. By naming butterflies and mths.
    B. By studying rare butterfly specimens.
    C. By ffering up her cllectins fr research.
    D. By intrducing entmlgy int universities.
    27. Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A. A Battle Against Scial Cnventins
    B. A Wman Wh Cllected Butterflies
    C. An Adventurer Trapped in a Wman
    D. An Undertaking That Changed Histry
    The wrld feels like it's being set alight. Wildfires in Canada and Eurpe, flds in China, and a never-ending stream f recrd-breaking heat waves have cnstantly dminated newspaper headlines. The feeling that time is quickly running ut is very real. But that feeling is a barrier t actin-Nthing has changed when we've called fr actin befre, s cnsidering the seemingly limited time windw.
    Our past effrts tell us there is a chance. The wrld has slved large envirnmental prblems that seemed impssible t vercme at the time. An eye-pening example is acid rain. Studying hw the wrld dealt with this geplitically divisive prblem can give us sme inspiratin n hw we can address climate change tday.
    It has mstly slipped frm the public cnversatin, but acid rain was the leading envirnmental prblem f the 1990s. Caused by sulfur dixide (二氧化硫), it disslved ld sculptures, stripped frests f their leaves, and plluted rivers and lakes. Emissins frm the UK wuld blw ver t Sweden and Nrway; emissins frm the US wuld blw ver t Canada. This is a classic game thery prblem; utcmes dn't nly depend n the actins f ne cuntry but thse f the thers t. Eventually, gvernment fficials had t sign internatinal agreements, place emissins limits n pwer plants and start t reduce cal burning. Interventins were incredibly effective. In Eurpe, sulfur dixide emissins fell by 84 percent and in the US by 90 percent.
    Surely climate change is nt the perfect parallel fr the envirnmental prblems we've slved befre. It will be harder. It will invlve every cuntry, rich and pr. But change is happening. T accelerate actin, we need t have the expectatin that things can mve faster. Past lessns tell us that these expectatins are nt unrealistic.
    28. Hw des the sense f urgency affect attitudes t climate change?
    A. It discurages team wrk.
    B. It fuels dubts abut effrts.
    C. It aruses fear fr disasters.
    D. It weakens trust in newspapers.
    29. Why des the authr discuss acid rain?
    A. T analyze the causes f present challenges.
    B. T bst public cnfidence in the gvernment.
    C. T highlight acid rain's envirnmental damage.
    D. T ffer insights int handling climate change.
    30. What was the main challenge in addressing acid rain?
    A. The seriusness f the pllutin.
    B. Unequal shares f respnsibility.
    C. Seeking internatinal cperatin.
    D. Reducing sulfur dixide emissins.
    31. What is the authr's attitude t current climate change measures?
    A. Unsatisfied.
    B. Dismissive.
    C. Optimistic.
    D. Apprving.
    In July 1915, severely trtured by his pr health, James Murray, ne f the early editrs f the Oxfrd English Dictinary (OED), defined ne final wrd. After his 36 years' dedicatin t the dictinary, his hard labur had taken a tll. Knwing he wuld nt see the prject cmplete.
    The petic quality f Murray's final days is ne f the many memrable tales in The Dictinary Peple. Beginning in 1857, the OED was a huge crwdsurcing prject-"the Wikipedia f the 19th century"-cmprising 3, 000 peple. The idea was t create a "descriptive" dictinary that tracked wrds' use and meaning ver time, unlike its "prescriptive"18th-century predecessr by Samuel Jhnsn, which tld readers hw t say and use wrds. Vlunteers read widely, mailing in examples f hw "rare, ld-fashined, new, strange" wrds were used. What is surprising abut this fairly randm methd is that it wrked.
    The rigin stry f Sarah Ogilvie's bk is almst as imprbable as that f the dictinary itself. Ms Ogilvie, a frmer schlar wh served as an editr fr the OED, went int the dcuments f Oxfrd University Press and came acrss an ld ntebk. It had belnged t Murray and cntained the names and details f the dictinary vlunteers, mst f whm had previusly been unknwn. The Dictinary Peple is her wrk f detective schlarship, bringing the lives behind the names t readers.
    Ms Ogilvie's bk is full f intriguing stries. The presentatin f the bk is uncnventinal, t, taking its structure frm the wrk it describes. There are 26 alphabetical chapters, each celebrating a grup f cntributrs ( memrably, "K" is fr "kleptmaniac" peple wh desire t steal). This is a clever arrangement, thugh it smetimes means that brader issues emerge nly in pieces.
    Essentially, this is a stry abut rdinary peple. It is cncrete prf f thse wh, t cite dictinary-helper Gerge Elit, "lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tmbs".
    32. What des the underlined expressin "taken a tll" in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Paid ff.
    B. Prved in vain.
    C. Wrn ut the passin.
    D. Had a harmful effect.
    33. What can we learn abut the Oxfrd English Dictinary?
    A. It serves as an example f dictinary editing.
    B. It prvides precise directins fr wrd usage.
    C. It is a cperative wrk f many vlunteers.
    D. It was edited with the help f Samuel Jhnsn.
    34. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The stry behind Sarah Ogilvie's bk.
    B. The detective methds f Sarah Ogilvie.
    C. Legends f the early OED editrs.
    D. Murray's rle in editing the OED.
    35. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A review f a bk.
    B. A bigraphy f an editr.
    C. An essay n dictinary editing.
    D. An intrductin t a dictinary.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
    根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    "Tidying can transfrm yur life. This is the attractive prmise frm Japanese decluttering (清理) expert Marie Knd. Arund 11 millin peple have bught her bk, The Life-Changing Magic f Tidying Up, hping t achieve her minimalistic happiness.
    Knd's methd is straightfrward-Tidy yur hme by categry instead f by rm, pull everything ut befre srting it ut, and keep nly things that are useful r "spark jy". 36 Clthes, kitchen tls, paperwrk, even bks shuld be carefully examined, assessed and thrwn away.
    Scientific research suggests Knd is n t smething. 37 Fr example, researchers at the University f Navarra fund vlunteers made less mistakes inputting data in a neat envirnment than in a messy ne. On the ther hand, ther studies shw clutter(杂乱) can reduce ur ability t fcus n a task, which may explain why sme peple just cannt stand wrking at a messy desk. 38 It can even make us mre likely t reach fr junk fd.
    But fr mst f us, piles f clutter may nt seem like a big deal. 39 And fr many peple, sme bjects are tied t emtinally significant memries and represent a piece f ur identity, which is difficult t thrw away. Scientists believe that there is a real value in clutter and nstalgia(怀旧), especially if we are unlucky enugh t develp Alzheimer's in later life. 40 Hwever, thse that evke happy memries are priceless, especially t peple with memry prblems.
    As Albert Einstein-the wner f an extremely messy desk-is ften quted as saying: "If a cluttered desk is a sign f a cluttered mind, f what, then, is an empty desk a sign?"
    A. But can we really be better ff with less stuff?
    B. The wrd clutter implies it desn't have value.
    C. Tidy envirnments help us think mre clearly.
    D. Living in a tidy space can greatly increase happiness.
    E. Messiness can als make it harder fr us t fall asleep.
    F. All that stuff just helps turn the buildings we live in int hmes.
    G. Nthing is safe frm her missin t reduce the stuff in ur lives.
    第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Skydiving has always held a fascinatin fr me. Despite the fear, there is smething that 41 me t it. It is an adventure, making me feel 42 but thrilled, with the wrld pening up befre me in mere secnds.
    Nvember 24, 2021, a day perfect fr my sl skydiving-—sunny, with little wind.
    After ging thrugh safety rules with my cach, I 43 with faith. As I flew thrugh the air, the adrenaline (肾上腺素) ran thrugh my veins.
    Hwever, after 30 secnds, I realized I was lwer than anticipated. Urgently, withut stabilizing my bdy psitin, I 44 t pull my parachute, nly t have it wrap arund my leg. I tried t untie the lines, but my effrts were 45.
    With the grund getting clser, I prepared t 46. As an ptimist, I didn't think it wuld be destructive 47, , the autmatic reserve (备用) parachute pened. I gained sme cntrl, directing myself tward grass, which I hped wuld 48 a sfter landing.
    The 49 turned ut far frm gentle. I lay in 50 pain, screaming fr help. The skydiving club members arrived quickly but they didn't dare d anything due t the risk f 51 my injuries. Sn, the air ambulance crew came with 52, ffering temprary relief.
    Severe injuries cast 53 n my future. N ne culd guarantee if I wuld walk again. Sticking t my determinatin, remarkably, I tk my first steps in three mnths.
    My enthusiasm fr skydiving 54 after that hrrifying experience. As I embark n anther jurney later n, I will carry with me the undefeated 55 that pushed me t challenge my limits.
    41.A. drawsB. frcesC. dragsD. expses
    42.A. embarrassedB. terrifiedC. satisfiedD. superir
    43.A. strmedB. raredC. marchedD. leaped
    44.A. rushedB. failedC. ceasedD. tended
    45.A. helpfulB. fruitlessC. riskyD. tireless
    46.A. slideB. riseC. dieD. crash
    47.A. TragicallyB. ThankfullyC. HpefullyD. Regrettably
    48.A. make frB. cme acrssC. result frmD. set up
    49.A. influenceB. pressureC. impactD. bunce
    50.A. unnticeableB. predictableC. unbearableD. tlerable
    51.A. wrseningB. strengtheningC. addingD. causing
    52.A. blanketsB. stretchersC. painkillersD. wheelchairs
    53.A. suspicinB. lightC. despairD. uncertainty
    54.A. disappearsB. remainsC. declinesD. expands
    55.A. pursuitB. realityC. mttD. spirit
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Paper-making is a reflectin f ancient Chinese wisdm, 56 (regard) as ne f the Fur Great Inventins f China. Amng varius types f paper in China, Xuan paper, traditinally handmade in Xuancheng, Anhui prvince, is famus fr its clse assciatin 57 Chinese calligraphy and ink paintings.
    The 58 (early) mentin f Xuan paper is in On Famus Paintings Thrugh Histry, a bk by a schlar frm the Tang Dynasty. It listed many characteristics f Xuan paper, like its stability, its durability and its 59(resist t insects. Yet 60 psitined it as an ideal medium fr calligraphy and painting is its capacity t display varius ink shades. Such are the features f the Xuan paper 61 it has gained favr amng artists and calligraphers acrss generatins.
    With the grwing ppularity f Xuan paper in recent years, the industry has expanded 62(dramatic)in Anhui. Last year, large quantities f Xuan paper, t be precise, abut 500 metric tns, 63 (prduce) in Xuancheng, 64 engaged mre than 30, 000 lcal peple in the industry. Currently, the lcal gvernment is building a Xuan paper cultural park and a Xuan paper twn 65 (develp)cultural turism.
    假定你是李华, 上周你参加了校心理社(PsychlgyClub)举行的“认识你自已”(Knw Yurself)活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道, 内容包括:
    1. 活动时间及目的;
    2. 活动内容;
    3. 收获与感想。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    A Self-Discvery Jurney at "Knw Yurself"
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    In a small twn called Meadwville, there was a belved playgrund that had brught jy t generatins f children. 11-year-ld Emma and her best friends, Alice and Le, were amng thse wh idled away their after-schl time and weekends there all year rund. It was a place where imaginatins sared, friendships blssmed, and laughter eched thrugh the air.
    One afternn, rushing ut the schl gate, Emma shuted, "Let's g dwn t the playgrund!" The three f them gt there sn, but it was lcked up. The fence was brken and the swings had tape arund them.
    Shcked, they stared int each ther's eyes, nt knwing why. A man apprached them, explaining that it was unsafe and the cuncil had decided t shut it dwn.
    "Will they fix it?" asked Alice.
    "N. it will cst a lt, at least ten thusand dllars. "the man shk his head, walking away. Le lked desperate, gazing at the playgrund and then hanging his head, as if bidding farewell. "We need t get sme help!" Emma dragged Alice twards her hme.
    On stepping int the huse, Emma exclaimed, "Dad! We need ten thusand dllars. . . "Her dad, wh was drinking cffee, turned his head arund, "What?" Alice then revealed the truth. Hearing this heart-breaking news, Emma's parents were mre than surprised, fr their childhd was clsely cnnected with that playgrund as well. They spread the news t ther families.
    Instead f prviding the mney, they suggested the children take matters int their wn hands while parents ffered assistance.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Emma sprang t her feet, "Let's hld a bake sale t raise funds!"
    Their hard wrk paid ff.
    1-5 CACBB
    6-10 CBCAA
    11-15 CABAB
    16-20 CACCA
    21 -23 CBB
    24 -27 CDCB
    28 -31 BDCA
    32 -35 DCAA
    36-40 GCEFB
    41-45 ABDAB
    46-50 DBACC
    51 -55 ACDBD
    56. regarded
    57. with
    58. earliest
    59. resistance
    60. what
    61. that
    62. dramatically
    63. were prduced
    64. which
    65. t develp
    A Self-Discvery Jurney at "Knw Yurself"
    Last Friday, I had the privilege f attending the "Knw Yurself" event rganized by ur schl's Psychlgy Club-a jurney int self-discvery that was bth enriching and enjyable.
    The event, held in the schl library, aimed t guide students in gaining a deeper understanding f themselves and prmting mental well-being. The activities were diverse, ranging frm grup discussins n stress- cping strategies t enjyable psychlgical tests that unveiled persnality traits and behaviral tendencies.
    Thrugh these activities, I gained insights int my cping mechanisms under pressure. Additinally, the psychlgical tests prvided me with new perspectives t better plan my future develpment. I believe such experiences are invaluable fr all participants and will have a psitive impact n ur future grwth.
    Emma sprang t her feet, "Let's hld a bake sale t raise funds!" Everyne presents lit up, ndding in agreement. With respective tasks, the children and parents gt dwn t the preparatin. Emma's father made a huge banner reading "Saving the Playgrund" while Le's mm ccupied herself with paperwrk needed t issue a permit fr the sale. Meanwhile, kids wrked jintly t design and hand ut the leaflets. Eventually, the big day came. Almst every family in their cmmunity cntributed their delicius hmemade treats. That Sunday mrning, the arma f freshly baked ckies and cakes filled the air as peple lined up t supprt the cause. Being a tremendus success, the sale in the farmer's market went fr anther 2 mnths. Shw
    Discunt & Special requirements
    Every Friday & Saturday
    7:00 PM
    Admissin $30
    VIP sectin $50,
    10% ff fr grups f mre than 10 peple
    Prepare t be swept ff yur feet by the stunning cstumes and flawless perfrmance f
    Dance Fushin Grup. Talented dancers will take yu n a jurney f elegance and grace, leaving yu in awe. Pieces frm classics like Swan. Lake, The Nutcracker will ensure a feast fr the eyes while mdern innvative dances give audience a fresh idea f dancing.
    Every Tuesday
    & Thursday
    8 :00 PM
    Admissin $25,
    VIP sectin $40
    bking nly
    Get ready fr an evening with laughter as Laugh Out Lud Prductins brings yu funny sketches and witty jkes. Raise yur hand, step nt the stage and interact with the actrs.
    Musical Magic
    Every Saturday
    6:00 PM
    Admissin $35,
    VIP sectin $60
    Kids under 8 nt allwed
    Immerse yurself in classical masterpieces, cntemprary hits, and riginal pieces. The magical atmsphere created by Meldy Makers will leave yu humming fr days.
    Every Tuesday
    thrugh Sunday
    7 :30 PM
    Admissin $40,
    VIP sectin $70 Admissin)
    Family ticket: $ 100 (2 adults+1 kid fr General
    Enigma Entertainment will have yur mind blwn n the jurney thrugh the wrld f illusins. Witness mind-bending tricks and mind-bggling acts that will leave yu questining reality and lnging fr mre.

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