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    这是一份精品解析:北京市东城区2022-2023学年高一上学期期末统一检测英语试卷(原卷版),共9页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 知识运用(共两节,共25分)
    第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
    My family mved t Perth, Australia when I was six. On the first day f schl, I was ___1___ because I culdn’t even say hell in English.
    Then I met Natsumi. Her family had just mved t Australia frm Japan. Unable t speak a wrd f English, we culd nly ___2___ thrugh bdy language, but this did nt stp us frm becming fast ___3___. My mum has a clear memry f ne car trip when Natsumi and I were sitting in the backseat, laughing and talking t each ther in brken English, It was the first time I had felt ___4___ enugh t speak the few wrds I had learned thrughut the year.
    Unfrtunately, at the end f that year, Natsumi’s family mved t Queensland and mine t New Suth Wales. We lst ___5___.
    Years later, I went int training as a teacher, teaching English t newly-arrived students and adults. Many f my students were Japanese, which ___6___ me f Natsumi. Thugh I had lng been lking fr her, my searches had s far led nwhere.
    On a visit t Japan in 2018, I ___7___ again. Having spent a lng night nline, I came acrss smene named Natsumi. Trying my luck, I sent her a message. The next day, there was a ___8___: “Gabi? Gabi frm Perth?”
    We agreed n a date and met up fr dinner. Seeing her again was ___9___. Hwever, this time, we were nt nly able t cmmunicate with ne anther in English, but ____10____ s.
    1. A. angryB. frightenedC. excitedD. curius
    2. A. explreB. imprveC. studyD. cmmunicate
    3. A. friendsB. rmmatesC. advisersD. travellers
    4. A. shckedB. cnfidentC. upsetD. calm
    5. A. heartB. hpeC. interestD. tuch
    6. A. warnedB. remindedC. infrmedD. freed
    7. A. appliedB. trackedC. triedD. failed
    8. A. replyB. tipC. cntactD. sign
    9. A. awkwardB. impssibleC. attractiveD. unbelievable
    10. A. hnestlyB. peacefullyC. fluentlyD. plitely
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
    Ging frm junir high schl t senir high schl is a really big challenge. The first week was a little ____11____ (cnfuse). First, I had t think very carefully abut which curses I wanted t take. The schl adviser helped me chse the suitable nes: maths, English, chemistry, wrld histry, and Chinese. I knw that Chinese is a very difficult language, ____12____ I hpe t be fluent when I graduate. My adviser recmmended that I shuld sign up fr advanced literature ____13____ I like English and I’m gd at it.
    When Michael Jrdan’s feet left the grund, time seemed t stand still. The player ____14____ became knwn as “Air Jrdan” changed basketball with his graceful mves and jumps. Jrdan’s ____15____ (skill) were impressive, but the mental strength that he shwed made him unique. In the final secnds f a game, Jrdan always seemed t find a way t win. Jrdan says that the secret t his success is learning ____16____ his failures. Lsing games taught him t practice harder and never give up.
    Hurricane Ian, a pwerful strm ____17____ hit Cuba earlier this week, grew t a strng strm befre making landfall n Flrida’s west cast. At least 125 peple, including 120 in Flrida and 5 in Nrth Carlina, ____18____ (die) since the disaster happened. Last week, Ian swept suthwestern Flrida, bringing heavy rains and dangerus flding. Ninety percent f Frt Myers Beach ____19____ (destry) by it. Right nw rescue wrkers ____20____ (wrk) hard day and night t make sure peple are safe.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,共28分)
    The Lngji Rice Terraces Day Tur
    Price: U. S. $ 128 Per Persn
    Time: Every Day at 8:00 am
    Duratin: 9 hurs
    —Private Guided Tur fr phtgraphy lvers
    —Explre the extremely attractive rice terraces
    —Experience the unique custms and lifestyle f lcal Zhuang village
    The Lngji Rice Terraces are the mst amazing terraces in China. With a histry f arund 700 years, the Lngji Rice Terraces shw bth the great wisdm and physical effrts f the Zhuang peple.
    At 8:00 am, yur tur guide and driver will pick yu up frm yur htel in Guilin and transprt yu t the amazing Lngji Terraces. (* Turists staying utside f the city center need t pay an extra fee.)
    After a tw-hur drive, yu will reach the entrance t the Lngji Terraces, where yu will take an ec-sightseeing bus t Ping’an Village. Then the tur guide will shw yu arund the village. Lunch is n yur wn. Yur expert guide can give yu sme advice n the fd chices in the village.
    After a shrt lunch break, walk fr 20 minutes t N. 2 Viewing Platfrm, a perfect place fr a wnderful view f the terraces beneath. Yu will have enugh time t take pictures and enjy the fresh air.
    Other services
    ◇ Htel pick-up and drp-ff
    ◇ Private English-speaking guide
    ◇ Private driver & air-cnditined vehicle
    ◇ Entrance fees t turist sites
    21. The tur is suitable fr peple wh like ______.
    A. lcal fdB. studying histry
    C. taking phtsD. city adventures
    22. What infrmatin can travellers get frm the itinerary?
    A. The tur lasts 2 hurs.B. Lunch is included in the price.
    C Transprt t rice terraces is free.D. N. 2 Viewing Platfrm is a must-g.
    23. The purpse f the passage is t ______.
    A. give advice n hikingB. prmte a package tur
    C. intrduce a turist attractinD. prvide gegraphic infrmatin
    The lder yu get, the mre difficult it is t learn a new language. But n ne knws exactly what the cutff pint is—at what age it becmes harder. In ne f the largest studies, researchers frm Bstn-based universities fund that children are gd at learning a secnd language up until the age f 18, abut 10 years later than earlier thught. But the study als shwed that it is best t start by age 10 if yu want t achieve the grammatical fluency f a native speaker.
    T slve this prblem, the research team cllected data n a persn’s age, language level and time studying English. They created a shrt nline grammar quiz called “Which English?” that tested nun-verb agreement, prnuns, prepsitins and relative clauses, amng ther linguistic elements. They wanted t find ut when the “critical perid” fr achieving the highest levels f grammatical fluency ends.
    Based n peple’s grammar scres and infrmatin abut their learning f English, the researchers develped mdels t find ut hw lng it takes t becme fluent in a language and the best age t start learning. They cncluded that the ability t learn a new language, at least grammatically, is strngest until the age f 18. T becme cmpletely fluent, hwever, learning shuld start befre the age f 10.
    There are three main ideas as t why language-learning ability falls at 18: scial changes, interference (干扰) frm ne’s primary language and cntinuing brain develpment. At 18, kids typically graduate frm high schl and start cllege r enter the wrk frce full-time. Once they d, they may n lnger have the time, pprtunity t study a secnd language. Or it is pssible that after ne masters a first language, its rules interfere with the ability t learn a secnd language. Finally, changes in the brain that cntinue during the late teens and early 20s may smehw make learning harder.
    This is nt t say that we cannt learn a new language if we are ver 20. There are many examples f peple wh pick up a language later in life.
    Althugh the study was cnducted nly in English, the researchers believe the findings will transfer t ther languages and they are develping similar tests fr Spanish and Mandarin.
    24. In Paragraph 2, “this prblem” refers t ______.
    A. at what age peple can d the quiz
    B. hw peple imprve their language skills
    C. why peple find it hard t master grammar rules
    D. in what perid peple can learn a new language well
    25. Why des peple’s language-learning ability fall at 18?
    A. Because they have n gd learning envirnment.
    B Because they are busy develping ther life skills.
    C. Because they needn’t imprve the language ability.
    D. Because they fcus mre n their primary language.
    26. Why des the authr write the passage?
    A. T explain a finding.B. T prvide a slutin.
    C. T lead a discussin.D. T supprt an pinin.
    Abut 6 millin t 12 millin creatures are dissected (解剖) in U. S. classrms every year, accrding t the Natinal Anti-Vivisectin Sciety, an animal rights grup. While many students eagerly lk frward t the chance t examine real animals up clse, thers say that there’s n educatinal value in cutting int animals’ bdies. Shuld students dissect real animals?
    David Evans, the directr f the Natinal Science Teachers Assciatin, argues that students shuld be given the chance t dissect animals in the classrm. Students learn best in a hands-n envirnment where they can wrk tgether t explre and discver. Interacting with rganisms (生物) is an effective way t help students develp skills f bservatin and cmparisn and learn the unique structures (结构) and prcesses f rganisms. As gd as many mdels r simulatins might be, they are very different frm real rganisms. And he believes they fall shrt f prducing the respect fr living things that cmes frm the actual dissectin experience.
    Jnathan Balcmbe, a bilgist and a life-lng animal rights supprter, says, “I spent many years as a bilgy lab teacher. I remember the hrrible feeling I had when it came time fr my class t dissect animals. The lessn required that students cut pen and examine dead frgs, fetal pigs, sparrws, and ther creatures. I felt pity fr these animals, wh prbably suffered befre being killed. And I knew their pain culd have been avided. If students and teachers saw hw these animals typically end up n their desks, I believe that dissectins wuld sn stp.”
    He pints ut there are many effective chices fr learning animal dissectin and physilgy, including 3-D mdels, vides, and cmputer sftware. Hundreds f prgrams are free thrugh lending services like The Science Bank. The simulated dissectins can be repeated, and the prgrams prvide feedback. Several studies have shwn that cmputer mdels and ther chices teach students just as well as r better than traditinal animal dissectin.
    I’m nt surprised that n state requires dissectin t graduate frm high schl, and n cllege r university demands it as part f the admissins prcess. In fact, laws in 18 U. S. states and Washingtn, D. C. supprt a student’s right t use ther chices. Hwever, dissectin culd have a legal place in educatin if the animals did nt suffer and were nt intentinally killed. Fr example, sme schls have students dissect animals that “were put t sleep” fr medical reasns and whse bdies were dnated t science.
    27. Which f the fllwing may Evans agree with?
    A. Mdels are as effective as actual dissectins.
    B. Students are shrt f chances t dissect animals.
    C. Dissecting animals helps peple respect creatures.
    D. Students benefit much mre when learning in grups.
    28. What d we knw abut Balcmbe’s view n dissecting animals?
    A. It causes pain t animals.
    B. It advances medicine research.
    C. It shuld be mre educatinal.
    D It shuld be put in schl prgrams.
    29. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. The nature f dissectin.
    B. The necessity f dissectin.
    C. The result f dissecting animals.
    D. The research n dissected animals.
    Keep Sight f Dry Eye
    D yur eyes feel uncmfrtable r dry? If s yu might have dry eye syndrme (综合征). ____30____ It can affect the enjyment f scial activities and yur ability t fcus n yur studies. But slutins fr dry eyes d exist, s read n.
    In the past, dry eye syndrme was mainly a cnditin experienced by lder adults, but it nw affects many yung peple as well. Dry eye ften results frm veruse f cmputers r smartphnes, which causes the user t blink (眨眼) less. Since blinking helps keep ur eyes wet, a lack (缺少) f it can lead t dry eye. ____31____ As a result, thse wh spend a lt f time indrs are particularly at risk. Finally, wearing a medical mask can cause dry eye, since breathing with a mask n can frce air ut thrugh the tp f the mask and int ur eyes.
    ____32____ The first step tward preventin is cleanliness. When yu wash yur face, clean yur eyes with a mild sap. Then, cver yur eyes with a warm, wet clth. Preventing dry eye als means aviding tiredness in the eyes, s take frequent breaks when using yur cmputer. While yu’re n a cmputer break, fcus n blinking, making sure that yu clse yur eyes fully n each blink. ____33____ Anther way t prevent dry eye is t drink mre water. Fr gd verall health, experts advise drinking 8 t 10 glasses f water per day, which will increase tear prductin.
    If yu suffer frm dry eye syndrme, these steps can g a lng way tward making yur eyes feel better. Hwever, if the prblem desn’t g away, then it’s time t see a dctr. ____34____
    A. After all, yur health is wrth keeping an eye n.
    B. Blinking can help prtect the surface f yur eyes.
    C. This happens when yu dn’t prduce enugh tears.
    D Air-cnditining and fans als cntribute t dry eye.
    E. Limit screen time and take breaks frm staring at screens.
    F. Treatments fr dry eyes can include eye exercises and eye drps.
    G. All it takes is a few lifestyle changes t prevent and treat dry eye syndrme.
    第一节 选词填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)
    35. Sugar is a ______ cause f tthache.
    36. The by was in tears and ______ very upset.
    37. These sprts ______ bth speed and strength.
    38. The lady was trying t ______ her sn frm the fire.
    39. We must develp a ______ t deal with the prblem.
    40. Mike is ______ cmputer games.
    41. After the earthquake, the whle city was ______.
    42. We are really ______ seeing yu again.
    43. Students are encuraged t ______ their wn learning.
    44. Kate is planning t g t Iceland fr hliday. She will ______ a visa sn.
    45. Have yu made all yur travel ______?
    46. Tw players are ut f the team because f ______.
    47. That ______ inventr designed a new kind f machine.
    48. I felt I was ding well and my ______ began t grw.
    49. An athlete shuld have a ______ bdy and a strng mind.
    第二节 阅读表达(共4小题;第50、51题各2分,第52题3分,第53题5分,共12分)
    We are all faced with challenges in ur lives. Mst peple have a hard time accepting and dealing with them. The truth is that yu will have t deal with difficult prblems thrughut yur life. Here are sme tips n hw t deal with everyday challenges.
    1. Dn’t cmpare yur lifestyle with thers. It is really difficult nt t cmpare urselves with thers; hwever, the mre ften we d that, the mre dissatisfied we will feel. There will be peple that may have accmplished mre than yu. The key thing t remember is that yu create yur wn stry and success in life.
    2. Dn’t blame thers. Many peple make a habit f blaming thers fr all their prblems. They fail t take full respnsibility fr the decisins they have made in life. The mre yu blame thers fr the challenges yu are faced with, the mre yu will make peple dislike yu and nt want t be arund yu. The first thing yu want t d when faced with a persnal challenge is nt t start pinting fingers at thers.
    3. Accept changes in yur life. Yu will have t deal with changes in life all the time. Many peple dn’t like change because it gets them utside f their cmfrt zne. Yu may be unhappy r happy at certain times; hwever, yu have t realize that thse tw feelings will nt last frever. Yu have t always train yur mind t be at peace despite the emtinal state yu are experiencing.
    4. Dn’t think t much. When yu think t much abut an event that happened, yu will start t judge everything and everyne. When yu think t much, yu will have a very hard time accepting reality and yu will think that smething is nt right. Thinking t much can als lead yu nt t take actin n yur gal. This can make yu really sad in the lng run.
    Life is full f its ups and dwns. With the right mindset and practice, yu will be able t vercme them every time and grw in the prcess!
    50. What is the key thing t remember if yu want t stp cmparing yur lifestyle with thers?
    51. What will happen if yu blame thers fr the challenges yu are faced with?
    52. Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement, then underline it and explain why.
    • Yu will feel sad because thinking t much makes yu refuse t accept reality.
    53. What are the ther ways t deal with challenges in yur life? (In abut 40 wrds)
    54. 假如你是红星中学高一学生李华。你的英国好友Jim发来邮件,表示他对自己的形象不满,因此感到十分烦恼。请你用英文给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    strategy demand majr rescue bviusly
    addicted t apply fr lking frward t in ruins take cntrl f
    injure arrange cnfident pwer create

    24,北京市东城区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末统一检测英语试题(无答案): 这是一份24,北京市东城区2023-2024学年高一上学期期末统一检测英语试题(无答案),共7页。试卷主要包含了5分,共3分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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