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    这是一份山东省新泰市第一中学(弘文部)2023-2024学年高二上学期第二次月考英语试题(Word版附解析),共24页。试卷主要包含了 12, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023. 12
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    1.Where will the speakers have lunch?
    A. In the park. B. In the ffice. C. In the dining hall.
    2.When will The Cuck Clck start?
    A. At 6:00. B. At 6:10. C. At 7:00.
    3.Hw will the by g t schl tmrrw?
    A. By car. B. By bus. C. By bike.
    4.Where are the speakers?
    A. In a library. B. In a classrm. C. In a bkstre.
    5.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. The sky. B. The sun. C. The cean.
    第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6.What are the speakers ding?
    A. Talking abut a band. B. Lking at a picture. C. Enjying a perfrmance.
    7.Hw ld is the wman?
    A.20 years ld. B.22 years ld. C.24 years ld.
    8. Why is the man stressed?
    A. He’s busy with this week’s exam.
    B. He has a lt f schlwrk t d.
    C. The prfessrs dn’t like him.
    9.What will the wman d?
    A. D exercise with the man.
    B. Teach the man t read fast.
    C. Help with the man’s schlwrk.
    10.What des the wman think f her jb?
    A. Challenging. B. Attractive. C. Well-paid.
    11.What has the wman decided t d?
    A. Try fr anther jb.
    B. Learn a new language.
    C. Get full-time educatin.
    12.Where are the speakers ging?
    A. T a cncert hall.B. T a cmpany.C. T a schl.
    13.What size bag des the man want?
    A.40cm x 60cm.B.60cm x 90cm.C.70cm x 90cm.
    14.What clr bag des the man chse?
    A. Blue and white.B. Red and white.C. Red and green.
    15.Hw much will the man pay?
    16. Why will the man get the bag n Saturday?
    A. It will be cheaper n weekends.
    B. He needs it fr camping this weekend.
    C. The clr he wants is available this weekend.
    17. Hw many bys are there in the first pht?
    A. Fur.B. Five.C. Six.
    18. What is the children’s attitude twards the scre f the ftball game?
    A. They dn’t mind.B. They feel upset.C. They are puzzled.
    19. What are the girls in the secnd pht ding?
    A. Drinking cffee.B. Ding sprts.C. Talking tgether.
    20. What benefit des the activity in the secnd pht prvide?
    A. It gives a sense f winning.
    B. It ffers a chance t cmmunicate mre.
    C. It helps the children t imprve physical health.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题2. 5分,满分 37. 5分)
    Parks are an essential part f many cities and twns arund the wrld. They ffer a peaceful escape frm the hustle and bustle f everyday life, a place t enjy nature, and an pprtunity t engage in physical activity. Here are fur famus parks frm different parts f the wrld.
    Central Park-New Yrk City, USA
    Central Park is an urban park lcated in the heart f New Yrk City. It cvers 843 acres and features several lakes, gardens, and recreatinal facilities. Visitrs can take a walk thrugh the park’s many paths r participate in sprts activities such as tennis and baseball.
    Hyde Park–Lndn, UK
    Hyde Park is ne f the largest parks in Lndn and cvers 350 acres. It ffers a serene retreat frm the city’s busy streets, with many trees, gardens, and funtains t explre. Visitrs can als enjy bating n the park’s Serpentine lake, cycling, r even hrseback riding. The park is als hme t several famus landmarks.
    Tky Park- Tky, Japan
    Tky Park is a beautiful urban park in the heart f Tky and cvers ver 130 acres. It ffers a tranquil (宁静的) envirnment fr visitrs t relax and enjy nature, with several pnds, gardens, and walking trails. The park is als hme t several famus museums and art galleries.
    Kruger Natinal Park–Suth Africa
    Kruger Natinal Park is ne f Africa’s largest game reserves. It is hme t many different species f animals, including elephants, lins, and rhincerses. Visitrs can take guided turs t see the animals in their natural habitats.
    21. What d Central Park in New Yrk and Tky Park have in cmmn?
    A. They have all kinds f sprts equipment.B. They are urban parks in the heart f City.
    C. They have famus museums and art galleries.D. They are hmes t several famus landmarks.
    22. What can peple d in Hyde Park?
    A. Ride a hrse.B. Play tennis and baseball.
    C. Appreciate sme art wrks.D. Visit the natural habitats f animals.
    23. In which park peple can see many different species f wild animals?
    A. Central Park.B. Hyde Park.C. Tky Park.D. Kruger Natinal Park.
    On July 17 1888, Miriam Elizabeth Benjamin became the secnd African American wman t receive a patent frm the U. S. gvernment fr her inventin f a Gng and Signal Chair. At the time f her applicatin, Benjamin was living in Washingtn, D. C. , wrking as an educatr in the city’s public schls. One f nly a few black wmen t receive a patent befre 1900, Benjamin als studied medicine and law at Hward University.
    Benjamin aimed t transfrm several industries with her innvatin, including htels, theaters, healthcare, and gvernment. The key feature f the chair was a ntificatin system, which allwed the seated persn t press a buttn and issue an alarm t the attendant when assistance was needed. Press the buttn, the gng r bell wuld sund, and the red signal r flag n the chair wuld als appear.
    Benjamin’s inventin received attentin in the press and was featured in newspapers acrss the cuntry. She persuaded the U. S. gvernment t have it used as a means t signal pages in the U. S. Huse f Representatives, fr example, and the final system installed was similar t her prpsal. The methd used t signal flight attendants n airplanes can als date back t Benjamin’s insight.
    Benjamin’s career as an inventr did nt end in 1888. In 1917, she patented a system t deliver drugs in the sle (鞋底) f a she. By 1920, Benjamin had returned t Bstn t live with her brther, Edgar, a successful lawyer, and her mther. She remained there until her death in 1947. Benjamin never married nr had any children.
    Benjamin als had success as a cmpser. Music histrians believe she cmpsed at least tw imprtant marches. The U. S. Marine Band under Jhn Philip Susa perfrmed ne piece, “The Bstn Elite Tw Step,” in the early 1890s. Anther cmpsitin, “The American Bugle Call,” gained even mre attentin as the campaign sng fr the 1904 Presidential Campaign f Thedre Rsevelt.
    24. What d we knw abut Benjamin?
    A. She invented a beneficial alarm-sunding chair.
    B. She used t hate t be a teacher in public schls.
    C. She was the first black wman t receive a patent in the U. S.
    D. She dreamed f having further educatin at Hward University.
    25. What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. Benjamin’s whle-life ambitins.
    B. The functin f Benjamin’s inventin.
    C. Benjamin’s great interest in her innvatin.
    D. The reasn fr inventing the Gng and Signal Chair.
    26. Which f the fllwing can best describe Benjamin?
    A. Reliable and devted.
    B. Creative and humrus,
    C. Persuasive and prductive.
    D. Knwledgeable and generus,
    27. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T shw respect fr black peple.B. T explain Benjamin’s lnely life.
    C. T intrduce sme new inventins.D. T remember a wman inventr.
    Bdy language is a pwerful means f cmmunicatin used by bth humans and animals. Thrugh gestures, facial expressins, and pstures, individuals express emtins, intentins, and establish scial cnnectins. This nnverbal frm f cmmunicatin plays a crucial rle in prmting understanding and establishing strng relatinships.
    In the human wrld, bdy language is an essential part f daily interactins. A smile can instantly cnvey happiness and friendliness, while a furrwed brw may signify wrry r cnfusin. Even slight changes in psture can cmmunicate cnfidence r depressin. By paying attentin t these nnverbal signals, individuals can better understand the underlying emtins and thughts f thers, thus strengthening their ability t understand and cnnect with each ther.
    Interestingly, animals als rely heavily n bdy language t cmmunicate within their wn species and even acrss different species. Fr instance, a wagging tail in a dg usually means excitement r happiness. Similarly, puffed-up feathers in birds can indicate attacks, while a relaxed bdy psture may suggest satisfactin. By understanding these signals, animals can effectively cnvey messages and establish scial classes, ultimately imprving their chances f survival and successful reprductin.
    Furthermre, bdy language ften vercmes language barriers, enabling cmmunicatin between individuals wh d nt share a cmmn language. This is particularly imprtant in diverse scieties r in situatins where verbal cmmunicatin is nt pssible. In such cases, gestures, facial expressins, and bdy mvements becme fundamental in cnveying messages and building cnnectins.
    Nnetheless, it is essential t recgnize that bdy language is nt always the same. Cultural differences and individual persnality traits can affect the interpretatin f certain gestures and expressins. Fr example, direct eye cntact is generally cnsidered a sign f respect and fcus in Western cultures, while it may be seen as a challenge r disrespect in ther cultures. Therefre, it is crucial t be mindful f these differences when interpreting bdy language in crss-cultural cmmunicatin.
    28. What can we learn abut bdy language frm paragraph 1?
    A. It is nly used by humans.
    B. It is limited t verbal cmmunicatin.
    C. It can express emtins and intentins.
    D. It is ineffective in bridging language barriers.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “depressin” mean in paragraph2?
    A. Being prud.B. Lsing heart.C. Discmfrt.D. Curisity.
    30. Why is bdy language imprtant in diverse scieties?
    A It bridges language barriers.
    B. It helps establish scial classes.
    C. It is the primary frm f cmmunicatin.
    D. It remves the need fr verbal cmmunicatin.
    31. Which f the fllwing can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A. Animals rely nly n verbal cmmunicatin.
    B. Bdy language is universally interpreted the same way.
    C. Understanding bdy language can lead t successful reprductin.
    D. Cultural differences can affect the interpretatin f bdy language.
    Plants need phsphrus(磷) t grw. At first, peple used rganic r natural fertilizer. In1842 English agricultural chemist Jhn Bennet Lawes patented a prcess fr treating phsphrus-rich bnes and rcks with acid, making it easier fr plants t btain, and sn the wrld’s first human -made fertilizer began selling.
    Later scientists discvered that phsphrus was a bit tricky. The fertilizer Lawes prduced cntained a frm f phsphrus that plants can easily use. But as sn as the phsphrus hit the sil, a large part f it reacted with sil minerals, frming substances that crps can’t access. Sme als gt lcked away in equally unavailable rganic frms.
    S scientists cncluded farmers shuldn’t cut back phsphrus. They shuld use mre, especially as they raced t feed the wrld’s grwing ppulatins during the 20th century. In fact, it was nce sil scientist Paul Withers’ jb t spread the wrd. As a gvernment farm advisr in the 1980s, he drve a red Vlv statin wagn arund the winding rads f rural England telling farmers t make sure their crps gt plenty f key nutrients. This methd, which Withers calls “insurance-based farming”, is still widely used arund the wrld.
    But is the large amunt f unused phsphrus in the sil-s-called legacy (遗漏的) phsphrus actually as difficult t btain as scientists nce thught? English crp scientist Rger Sylvester-Bradley has taken a first cmmn sense step: They stpped adding phsphrus fertilizer t half the barley field t see hw the plants wuld grw. Eight years later, they have nly just started t bserve the first signs f phsphrus shrtage. Barbara Cade-Menun, wh versees similar experiments in Canada, says, “Our prductin isn’t changing. ”
    “The plants can use ur mistakes frm the past,” says Sheida Sattari, whse 2012 analysis fund glbal sils cntain enugh legacy phsphrus t cut the expected demand fr new fertilizer in half by 2050.
    32. What was the disadvantage f Lawes’fertilizer?
    A. The cst f prducing it was a bit high.
    B. T much f it wuld d harm t plants.
    C. It culd nly be partly absrbed by plants.
    D It led t the lss f sme minerals in the sil.
    33. What was Withers’ attitude t phsphrus veruse?
    A. He felt uncertain f it.
    B. He was in favr f it.
    C. He was wrried abut it.
    D. He shwed n interest in it.
    34. What des paragraph 4 mainly fcus n?
    A. The increasing csts f fertilizer.
    B. The shrtage f phsphrus resurces.
    C. The ineffectiveness f “insurance-based farming ”.
    D. The phsphrus pllutin f the envirnment.
    35. What d Sattari’s wrds mean in the last paragraph?
    A. Crps can live n legacy phsphrus.
    B. Phsphrus is a necessity t grw crps.
    C. Unused phsphrus is causing big truble.
    D. It is wrng t use a large amunt f phsphrus.
    第二节 (共5 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 12. 5分)
    H. G. Wells, brn in 1866, was trained as a scientist, a pineer amng his literary cntempraries, and was perhaps the mst imprtant figure in the genre (类型) that wuld becme science fictin. Writers in this traditin have a histry nt just f imagining the future as it might be, but f inspiring thers t make it a reality. ____36____.
    Audi bk, Airplane, and Televisin
    Wells imagined frms f future entertainment. In When the Sleeper Wakes (1899), residents use fantastic frms f technlgy like audi bks, airplanes and televisin sets.
    Visitrs t The Island f Dr. Mreau(1896) meet dd creatures created by the mad man dctr in human-animal hybrid experiments that may predict the age f genetic engineering. ____38____, thugh tday human immune systems (免疫系统) still ultimately reject such effrts.
    Martians in The War f the Wrlds(1898) give ff what Wells called a Heat Ray. ____39____. It wuld be mre than six decades befre Thedre Harld Maiman fired up the first peratinal laser in 1960, but military thinkers had been hping t weapnize (使…武器化) the cnceptual laser befre it was prven practical, .
    Atmic Bmbs(原子弹)
    ____40____ . The atmic bmbs he intrduces in The Wrld Set Free(1914) fuel a war s disastrus that its survivrs are mved t create a unified wrld gvernment t avid future cnflicts.
    A. Genetic Engineering
    B. Directed-energy Weapns
    C. It can burn enemies with a niseless flash f light
    D. It is ften a warning abut the cnsequences f technlgy
    E. Here are sme f the incredible Wells predictins that have cme true
    F. Wells recgnized the damaging pwer that might be created by this weapn
    G. Scientists are wrking twards the pssibility that animal rgans culd save human patients
    第三部分 语言运用(共二节,满分30分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    I have always wndered hw far I culd push myself. What are my ____41____ limits?
    Our bdies, f curse, set ____42____ fr each f us. Even with newer running shes and better ____43____ , there will always be limits t hw fast peple can ____44____ r hw much weight they can lift. Als, althugh we can get urselves in ____45____ shape, sme f us are just genetically mre suited t strength and ____46____ . But, mre imprtantly, it’s a persn’s ____47____ that determines hw far he r she can g.
    S hw culd I best test myself?
    Jhn Cllins was living in Hawaii when he ____48____ this questin. One night, he was listening t a few friends argue abut whether runners r swimmers were in better shape. He ____49____ the argument by turning it int an idea fr a cmpetitin. Each ____50____ wuld swim3. 9 kilmeters, bike 180 kilmeters and then run 42 kilmeters. The first ne t ____51____ wuld be given the title Irnman!
    I decided t take the advice. Preparing fr the Irnman race started with fd. I started ____52____ five t seven times a day t give myself mre energy as I ____53____ .
    Swimming, cycling and running began t ____54____ a large part f each day fr me. In between, there were wrkuts in the gym.
    Finally, the day arrived. Seventeen hurs after starting, I arrived at the finish line. I ____55____ wasn’t the first, but I had challenged myself and felt like a winner!
    41. A. scialB. intellectualC. readableD. physical
    42. A. galsB. examplesC. limitsD. recrds
    43. A. warningB. blessingC. trainingD. understanding
    44. A. learnB. driveC. speakD. run
    45. A. betterB. darkerC. smallerD. sharper
    46. A. wisdmB. speedC. labrD. management
    47. A. mindB. patienceC. chiceD. backgrund
    48. A. laughed atB. put frwardC. bjected tD. benefited frm
    49. A. weakenedB. rememberedC. startedD. bradened
    50. A. audienceB. instructrC. discvererD. cmpetitr
    51. A. failB. finishC. applyD. disappear
    52. A. drinkingB. eatingC. dancingD. swimming
    53. A. exercisedB. calculatedC. playedD. escaped
    54. A. sum upB. insist nC. take upD. depend n
    55. A. certainlyB. generallyC. impssiblyD. gratefully
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分 15分)
    As an educatr, I knw what is ging n in the minds f my students. I lk at ____56____ (they) bdy language.
    When students are interested in a lessn, they lean frward and lk at me. Peple have a tendency ____57____ (lean) twards whatever they are interested in. S if a student has his head ____58____ (lwer) t lk at his watch, it implies he is bred and just cunting the minutes fr the class t end. If tw friends are leaning their heads tgether, they are ____59____ (prbable) writing ntes t each ther. Of curse, nt everyne ____60____ lks up is paying attentin in class. Sme students lk up, but there is an ____61____ (absent) f eye cntact. Their eyes barely mve, and they always have ____62____ same distant expressin n their faces. It is as thugh they are asleep ____63____ their eyes pen.
    Sme students are amused by smething else. They spend all their time ____64____ (lk) anywhere but at me. They are certainly interested in smething, but wh knws what. The main thing is reminding distracted _____65_____ (student) that they need t pay attentin in class.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 你校英文报正在举办“科技与生活”英文征文比赛。请你以“Technlgy and Life”为题写一篇英文短文参赛,内容包括:
    1. 科技进步给生活带来的便利;
    2. 科技进步带来的不好的影响;
    3. 你的观点。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Technlgy and Life
    第二节 (满分25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I admit that there was a time in my life when I hated my brthers. Especially, my lder brther, Zach, He was 13 mnths lder than me. As an elementary schl kid, he lved making fun f his little sister: me. While Zach and I gt alng smetimes, we mre ften fught. The fighting nly stpped after my parents threatened t punish us. But this never slved anything in the lng term, and even thugh it stpped the fighting fr the mment, my anger just kept grwing.
    Tward the end f middle schl, we bth began cllecting Pkemn cards. We saw Pkemn cards as a srt f status (地位) symbl whever had better cards was the strnger, better, cler persn. It became a cllecting cmpetitin, and every weekend the neighbrhd kids and Zach and I wuld gather t trade r shw ff ur cards.
    As I remember, it was impssible t knw what cards yu wuld get; it was the luck f the draw. S, it was t my great disappintment and envy when Zach gt a hlgraphic (全息图的) Charizard ne weekend. Charizard was ne f the rarest. The way I saw it, if yu gt a Charizard card yu were basically the king f the wrld, and if yu gt a hlgraphic Charizard card, yu were the king f the universe. Zach had just wn the ultimate jackpt (头奖).
    One night, Zach wasn’t feeling well. He went t bed with a stmachache. In the middle f the night, he awke, crying frm being in s much pain. I went ver t see what was happening. My parents came rushing ver and secnd s later, Zach vmited (呕吐) all ver his rm; n t the carpet, himself, and. . . the magical Charizard card! My parents immediately tk him int the bathrm t get him cleaned up and near a tilet in case he had t vmit any mre.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I was left in his rm, my heart punding wildly — what abut the messy card?
    Zach did thank me and I felt ur relatinship sftened a bit afterwards.
    考号 班级_________ 姓名
    非选择题必须用 0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔作答。严格按照答题要求,在答题卷对应题号指定的答题区域内答题,切不可超出黑色边框,超出黑色边框的答案无效。
    56 57 58 59 60

    61 62 63 64 65
    第一节 应用文写作(15分)
    Technlgy and Life

    ____________________________________________________________________________ ________

    I was left in his rm, my heart punding wildly — what abut the messy card?

    Zach did thank me and I felt ur relatinship sftened a bit afterwards.

    第一部分 客观题(请用2B铅笔填涂)


    第二部分 主观题(请用0.5mm黑色签字笔作答)
    听力:1-5 ACACC 6-10 BCBAC 11-15 BABAB 16-20 ABACB
    (Text 1)
    W: Hey, Jim. Guess what? I brught lunch tday. We can eat it in the park.
    M: Gd idea. That’s mre fun than eating it in the ffice r in the dining hall.
    (Text 2)
    W: Shall we g and see the film The Cuck Clck tmrrw?
    M: Why nt? But I wn’t finish my wrk until 6 p.m.
    W: That’s OK. At 6:10 there is a shrt dcumentary and then the film is after that, at 7:00.
    (Text 3)
    M: Mum, culd yu give me a lift t schl tmrrw? I dn’t want t get n a crwded bus.
    W: I guess s. What’s wrng with yur bike?
    M: It’s brken. I’ll have t g t the cycling shp after schl.
    (Text 4)
    M: It is sld ut, but I can rder it and have it in five days.
    W: But the birthday party is in tw days.
    M: We have ther bks by Dickens.
    W: I’m afraid Amy likes A Tale f Tw Cities best.
    (Text 5)
    M: Lk at the cean. It’s s pretty at this time f day.
    W: Yes, it is. The cean lks just like the sky right nw. They are bth red and gld and blue when the sun ges dwn.
    (Text 6)
    M: Wh is this girl in this picture?
    W: Oh, it’s my friend Jenny. She’s really kind-hearted, but she is shy.
    M: Really? She’s, uh, really beautiful. Hw ld is she?
    W: Well, she is tw years yunger than me. S, she’s 22.
    M: Oh, s is she yur best friend?
    W: N. We’re friends because her byfriend and my brther are in the same band.
    (Text 7)
    M: I’m really stressed.
    W: It’s nly the beginning f schl term. Hw can yu already be feeling pressure?
    M: I have a lt f difficult classes this term. The prfessrs are nt ging easy n us. I have nearly 100 pages t read this week, and I have a huge paper t hand in n Mnday. I can’t think clearly. I als can’t sleep at night.
    W: I can’t help yu with yur schlwrk, but I can share with yu sme ways t reduce stress. Get int sme exercise clthes. We’re ging fr a run.
    (Text 8)
    W: I’ve decided t g t a night schl t learn a new skill. I’ve been ding the same jb fr years and I need a new challenge.
    M: Yu aren’t ging t give up yur jb, are yu?
    W: Nw that’s an attractive idea, but I’m nt silly. I’m n such a gd salary. What I was thinking was t learn abut anther language. Then I can use my new language skills t d sme serius traveling when I g n hliday.
    M: Enugh dreaming f hlidays, we need t get ging r we will be late fr the cncert. I’ve called a taxi. It’s cming in ten minutes.
    (Text 9)
    W: Gd mrning, Camping Bags and Tents, Oxfrd Street. Hw can I help yu?
    M: Oh, gd mrning. I’d like sme infrmatin abut that bag in yur shp windw yesterday.
    W: Oh, yes. That is ur best-selling bag, the Weekender.
    M: Hw big is it?
    W: It’s frty centimeters by sixty centimeters.
    M: Oh, I think that’s t small. I need it when I g camping next weekend.
    W: Well, we als have the Weekender Plus. That’s seventy by ninety, n, srry, sixty by ninety.
    M: That’s better. What clrs d yu have?
    W: The Plus is available in red and green, r blue and white.
    M: Can yu keep a blue and white ne fr me, please? I’ll cme and get it n Saturday.
    W: Certainly, sir. The price is usually $300, but it’s n sale n weekends at nly $200.
    M: Yeah, that’s why I’ll cme n Saturday. Thank yu very much fr yur help.
    (Text 10)
    W: Well, in the first pht, there’s a grup f children, five bys and six girls, playing ftball tgether in the park. They seem t be enjying themselves, and it seems that they wn’t mind what the scre will be at all. I think they benefit frm this activity in several ways. First, they’re getting sme exercise, which is always gd fr them because it’s great fr health and helps t relax. At the same time, they’re having fun tgether, which is imprtant because it builds up their scial relatinships and their friendships. Als, it is gd fr bys and girls t d a bit f sprts tgether, because I think playing sprts is abut having fun with everyne and winning is nt the nly thing. In the secnd pht, there are fur girls talking tgether in a cafe and laughing. They aren’t s active as the children in the first pht because they’re nt ding a sprt, but they are cmmunicating mre and share their ideas and experiences. I think they als benefit because they can talk abut their prblems, relax and als enjy their friendships. All in all, I think they get a lt frm bth activities.
    【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D
    【21题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“Central Park is an urban park lcated in the heart f New Yrk City.(中央公园是一个位于纽约市中心的城市公园)”以及倒数第二段“Tky Park is a beautiful urban park in the heart f Tky and cvers ver 130 acres.(东京公园是东京市中心一个美丽的城市公园,占地130多英亩)”可知,纽约的中央公园和东京公园的共同之处是都是市中心的城市公园。故选B。
    【22题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段“Visitrs can als enjy bating n the park’s Serpentine lake, cycling, r even hrseback riding.(游客还可以在公园的蛇形湖上划船,骑自行车,甚至骑马)”可知,人们可以在海德公园骑马。故选A。
    【23题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段“Kruger Natinal Park is ne f Africa’s largest game reserves. It is hme t many different species f animals, including elephants, lins, and rhincerses.(克鲁格国家公园是非洲最大的野生动物保护区之一。它是许多不同种类动物的家园,包括大象、狮子和犀牛)”可知,在克鲁格国家公园人们可以看到许多不同种类的野生动物。故选D。
    【答案】24. A 25. B 26. C 27. D
    【24题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“On July 17, 1888, Miriam Elizabeth Benjamin became the secnd African American wman t receive a patent frm the U. S. gvernment fr her inventin f a Gng and Signal Chair.”(1888年7月17日,米里亚姆·伊丽莎白·本杰明成为第二位获得美国政府专利的非裔美国妇女,因为她发明了鸣锣信号椅。)及第二段后两句“The key feature f the chair was a ntificatin system, which allwed the seated persn t press a buttn and issue an alarm t the attendant when assistance was needed. Press the buttn, the gng r bell wuld sund, and the red signal r flag n the chair wuld als appear.”(这把椅子的主要特点是一个通知系统,当需要帮助时,坐着的人可以按下一个按钮,向服务员发出警报。按下按钮,锣或钟就会响,椅子上的红色信号或旗帜也会出现。)可知,她发明的椅子具有声音警报装置,可以帮助有需要的人。故选A项。
    【25题详解】主旨大意题。根据第二段后两句“The key feature f the chair was a ntificatin system, which allwed the seated persn t press a buttn and issue an alarm t the attendant when assistance was needed. Press the buttn, the gng r bell wuld sund, and the red signal r flag n the chair wuld als appear.”(这把椅子的主要特点是一个通知系统,当需要帮助时,坐着的人可以按下一个按钮,向服务员发出警报。按下按钮,锣或钟就会响,椅子上的红色信号或旗帜也会出现。)可知,本段主要介绍了该椅子的功能。故选B项。
    【26题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段第二句“She persuaded the U. S. gvernment t have it used as a means t signal pages in the U. S. Huse f Representatives, fr example, and the final system installed was similar t her prpsal.”(例如,她说服美国政府将其用作向美国众议院发送信号的手段,最终安装的系统与她的建议相似。)及第四段前两句“Benjamin’s career as an inventr did nt end in 1888. In 1917, she patented a system t deliver drugs in the sle f a she.”(本杰明的发明家生涯并没有在1888年结束。1917年,她申请了一项在鞋底给药系统的专利。)及第五段前两句“Benjamin als had success as a cmpser. Music histrians believe she cmpsed at least tw imprtant marches.”(本杰明作为一名作曲家也很成功。音乐史学家认为她至少创作了两首重要的进行曲。)可知,她非常具有说服力,而且有多项发明和创作,是一位多产的发明家。故选C项。
    【27题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“On July 17, 1888, Miriam Elizabeth Benjamin became the secnd African American wman t receive a patent frm the U. S. gvernment fr her inventin f a Gng and Signal Chair.”(1888年7月17日,米里亚姆·伊丽莎白·本杰明成为第二位获得美国政府专利的非裔美国妇女,因为她发明了鸣锣信号椅。)并结合下文对她的生平及发明创造的具体介绍推知,本文的主要目的是为了纪念这位女性发明家。故选D项。
    【答案】28. C 29. B 30. A 31. D
    【28题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段第二句话“Thrugh gestures, facial expressins, and pstures, individuals express emtins, intentins, and establish scial cnnectins.(通过手势、面部表情和姿势,个人表达情感、意图,并建立社会联系)”可知,个人可以通过肢体语言来表达情感和意图。故选C项。
    【29题详解】词义猜测题。根据第二段“In the human wrld, bdy language is an essential part f daily interactins. A smile can instantly cnvey happiness and friendliness, while a furrwed brw may signify wrry r cnfusin. Even slight changes in psture can cmmunicate cnfidence r depressin. By paying attentin t these nnverbal signals, individuals can better understand the underlying emtins and thughts f thers, thus strengthening their ability t understand and cnnect with each ther.(在人类世界中,肢体语言是日常互动的重要组成部分。微笑可以立即传达出幸福和友好,而眉头紧锁可能意味着担忧或困惑。即使是姿势的轻微变化也能传达出自信或depressin。通过关注这些非语言信号,个体可以更好地理解他人潜在的情绪和想法,从而增强他们相互理解和联系的能力)”可知,本段提到了微笑可以幸福和友好,皱起的眉头可能表示担忧或困惑。该句中提到即使姿势的轻微变化也可以传达出自信或者怎样的信息。由此推知,depressin和cnfidence的意思相反,cnfidence的意思是“自信”,所以划线词语的意思应该是不自信,与lse heart“失去信心”意思接近。故选B项。
    【30题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段前两句“Furthermre, bdy language ften vercmes language barriers, enabling cmmunicatin between individuals wh d nt share a cmmn language. This is particularly imprtant in diverse scieties r in situatins where verbal cmmunicatin is nt pssible.(此外,肢体语言通常可以克服语言障碍,使不共享共同语言的人之间能够进行交流。这在不同的社会或无法进行言语交流的情况下尤为重要)”可推知,肢体语言在不同的社会中跨越了语言障碍,这点尤为重要。故选A项。
    【31题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段“Nnetheless, it is essential t recgnize that bdy language is nt always the same. Cultural differences and individual persnality traits can affect the interpretatin f certain gestures and expressins. Fr example, direct eye cntact is generally cnsidered a sign f respect and fcus in Western cultures, while it may be seen as a challenge r disrespect in ther cultures. Therefre, it is crucial t be mindful f these differences when interpreting bdy language in crss-cultural cmmunicatin.(尽管如此,重要的是要认识到肢体语言并不总是一样的。文化差异和个人性格特征会影响对某些手势和表情的解释。例如,在西方文化中,直接的眼神交流通常被视为尊重和专注的标志,而在其他文化中,这可能被视为一种挑战或不尊重。因此,在跨文化交际中解读肢体语言时,注意这些差异是至关重要的)”可推知,文化差异和个人性格特征会影响对某些手势和表情的解释。故选D项。
    【答案】32. C 33. B 34. C 35. A
    【32题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中“The fertilizer Lawes prduced cntained a frm f phsphrus that 。。。substances that crps can’t access. Sme als gt lcked away in equally unavailable rganic frms. (Lawes生产的肥料含有一种植物很容易利用的磷。但一旦磷进入土壤,其中很大一部分就会与土壤矿物质发生反应,形成作物无法接触到的物质。有些还被锁在同样不可用的有机形式中)”可知,Lawes的肥料缺点是只能部分被植物吸收。故选C项。
    【33题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段中“In fact, it was nce sil scientist Paul Withers’ jb t spread the wrd. As a gvernment farm advisr in the 1980s, he drve a red Vlv statin wagn arund the winding rads f rural England telling farmers t make sure their crps gt plenty f key nutrients. This methd, which Withers calls “insurance-based farming, ”is still widely used arund the wrld. (事实上,传播这个信息曾经是土壤科学家Paul Withers的工作。20世纪80年代,作为一名政府农业顾问,他驾驶着一辆红色的沃尔沃旅行车在英格兰农村蜿蜒的道路上行驶,告诉农民要确保他们的庄稼获得足够的关键营养)”可推知,Withers对磷的过度使用持赞成态度。故选B项。
    【34题详解】主旨大意题。根据第三段中“This methd, which Withers calls ‘insurance-based farming’, is still widely used arund the wrld. (Withers称之为“保险农业”的这种方法至今仍在世界各地广泛使用)”和第四段中“English crp scientist Rger Sylvester-Bradley has taken a first cmmn sense step: They stpped adding phsphrus fertilizer t half the barley field t see hw the plants wuld grw. Eight years later, they have nly just started t bserve the first signs f phsphrus shrtage. (英国作物科学家Rger Sylvester-Bradley迈出了合乎常理的第一步:他们停止向一半的大麦田添加磷肥,以观察植物的生长情况。八年后,他们才刚刚开始观察到磷短缺的最初迹象)”以及“Our prductin isn’t changing. (我们的产量没有改变)”可知,本段强调说明了“保险农业”的无效性,即没有必要每年都使用那么多磷肥。故选C项。
    【35题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段中“‘The plants can use ur mistakes frm the past,’ says Sheida Sattari, whse 2012 analysis fund glbal sils cntain enugh legacy phsphrus t cut the expected demand fr new fertilizer in half by 2050. (‘植物可以利用我们过去的错误,’Sheida Sattari说,他2012年的分析发现,到2050年,全球土壤中遗留的磷含量足以将新肥料的预期需求减少一半)”可推知,Sattari的话说明农作物可以靠遗留下来的磷生存。故选A项。
    第二节 (共5 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 12. 5分)
    【答案】36. E 37. A 38. G 39. C 40. F
    【36题详解】上文“H. G. Wells, brn in 1866, was trained as a scientist, a pineer amng his literary cntempraries, and was perhaps the mst imprtant figure in the genre(类型) that wuld becme science fictin. Writers in this traditin have a histry nt just f imagining the future as it might be, but f inspiring thers t make it a reality. (H. G. Wells出生于1866年,被培养成一名科学家,在他的文学同代人中是一位先驱,也许是科幻小说流派中最重要的人物。这一传统的作家不仅有想象未来的历史,而且有激励他人使其成为现实的历史。)”概括介绍了H. G. Wells,他是科幻小说流派中最重要的人物,有想象未来的历史,选项E“以下是一些已经实现的令人难以置信的Wells预言”承接上文,引起下文,介绍一些预言。故选E项。
    【37题详解】下文“Visitrs t The Island f Dr. Mreau(1896) meet dd creatures created by the mad man dctr in human-animal hybrid experiments that may predict the age f genetic engineering. (《莫罗博士岛》(1896)的游客们会看到这位疯狂的医生在人兽杂交实验中创造的奇怪生物,这可能预示着基因工程的时代。)”介绍了他的有关基因工程的幻想作品,选项A“基因工程”符合本段主题,适合做小标题。故选A项。
    【38题详解】上文“Visitrs t The Island f Dr. Mreau(1896) meet dd creatures created by the mad man dctr in human-animal hybrid experiments that may predict the age f genetic engineering. (《莫罗博士岛》(1896)的游客们会看到这位疯狂的医生在人兽杂交实验中创造的奇怪生物,这可能预示着基因工程的时代。)”提到了基因工程,选项G“科学家们正在研究用动物器官拯救人类病人的可能性”,说明科学家们正在研究动物基因工程拯救病人的可能性,和后文“thugh tday human immune systems (免疫系统) still ultimately reject such effrts (尽管今天人类的免疫系统最终还是会拒绝这种努力)”之间存在转折关系。故选G项。
    【39题详解】上文“Martians in The War f the Wrlds(1898) give ff what Wells called a Heat Ray. (《世界大战》(1898)中的火星人释放出威尔斯所说的热射线。)”介绍了他的科幻想象中的热射线,选项C“它可以用无声的闪光燃烧敌人”,热射线的作用——闪光燃烧敌人。选项中it指上文中的Heat Ray,故选C项。
    【40题详解】下文“The atmic bmbs he intrduces in The Wrld Set Free(1914) fuel a war s disastrus that its survivrs are mved t create a unified wrld gvernment t avid future cnflicts. (他在《世界自由》(1914)中介绍的原子弹引发了一场灾难性的战争,幸存者们为了避免未来的冲突而建立了一个统一的世界政府。)”介绍说他提到过原子弹给人类带来灾难,选项F“Wells认识到这种武器可能产生的破坏力”引领下文,说明Wells认识到这种武器可能产生的破坏力。故选F项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共二节,满分30分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    【答案】41. D 42. C 43. C 44. D 45. A 46. B 47. A 48. B 49. D 50. D
    51. B 52. B 53. A 54. C 55. A
    【41题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的身体极限是什么?A. scial社会的;B. intellectual知识的;C. readable可读的;D. physical身体的。根据“Our bdies, f curse, set 2 fr each f us.”可知,作者不知道自己身体极限是什么。故选D。
    【42题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:当然,我们的身体为我们每个人设定了限制。A. gals目标;B. examples例子;C. limit极限;D. recrds记录。根据“there will always be limits”,身体有极限。故选C。
    【43题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:即使有了更新的跑鞋和更好的训练,人们能跑多快或能举起多少重量总是有限制的。A. warning警告;B. blessing祝福;C. training训练;D. understanding理解。根据“there will always be limits t hw fast peple can 4 r hw much weight they can lift.”可知,通过更好的训练,人们能跑更快或能举起更大重量的物体,故选C。
    【44题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:即使有了更新的跑鞋和更好的训练,人们能跑多快或能举起多少重量总是有限制的。A. learn学习;B. drive开车;C. speak说话;D. run跑步。根据“Even with newer running shes ”可知,准备跑鞋跑步。故选D。
    【45题详解】句意:此外,尽管我们可以让自己保持更好的体型,但我们中的一些人只是在基因上更适合力量和速度。A. better更好的;B. darker更暗的;C. smaller 更小的;D. sharper更锋利的。根据“Even with newer running shes and better 3 , ”可知,经过更好训练可以让体型更好,故选A。
    【46题详解】考查名词词义辨。句意:此外,尽管我们可以让自己保持更好的体型,但我们中的一些人只是在基因上更适合力量和速度。A. wisdm智慧;B. speed速度;C. labr劳动;D. management管理。根据“sme f us are just genetically mre suited t strength”,锻炼让我们保持体型也能提升力量和速度,故选B。
    【47题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,更重要的是,一个人的思想决定了他或她能走多远。A. mind思想;B. patience耐心;C. chice选择;D. backgrund背景。根据“but I had challenged myself and felt like a winner!”可知,这是思想决定自己走多远。故选A。
    【48题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:约翰·科林提出这个问题时住在夏威夷。A. laughed at嘲笑;B. put frward提出;C. bjected t反对;D. benefited frm从中受益。根据“S, hw culd I best test myself?”可知,这是约翰提出的问题。故选B。
    【49题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他扩大了论点,把它变成了一个竞赛的想法。A. weakened变弱;B. remembered记得;C. started开始;D. bradened扩大。根据“by turning it int an idea fr a cmpetitin.”可知,这是他把论点进行了扩大。故选D。
    【50题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:每个参赛者都要游泳9公里,自行车180公里,然后跑步42公里。A. audience观众;B. instructr指导者;C. discverer发现者;D. cmpetitr竞赛者。根据“by turning it int an idea fr a cmpetitin. ”可知,这是参赛者要完成的项目。故选D。
    【51题详解】句意:第一个到达终点的人将被授予铁人的称号!A. fail失败;B. finish完成;C. apply运用;D. disappear消失。根据“wuld be given the title Irnman!”可知,第一个达到终点的人。故选B。
    【52题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我开始每天吃五到七次,以便在锻炼时给自己更多的能量。A. drinking喝水;B. eating吃;C. dancing跳舞;D. swimming游泳。根据“Preparing fr the Irnman race started with fd”可知,开始吃得更多。故选B。
    【53题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我开始每天吃五到七次,以便在锻炼时给自己更多的能量。A. exercised练习;B. calculated计算;C. played演奏;D. escaped逃离。根据“Preparing fr the Irnman race started with fd.”可知,作者在为铁人赛锻炼身体。故选A。
    【54题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:游泳、骑自行车和跑步开始占据我每天的大部分时间。A. sum up总结;B. insist n坚持;C. take up占据;D. depend n依赖 。根据“In between, there were wrkuts in the gym.”可知,大部分时间被游泳、骑自行车、跑步占据。故选C。
    【55题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:我当然不是第一个,但我挑战了自己,感觉自己像个胜利者!A. certainly当然;B. generally一般;C. impssibly不可能;D. gratefully感激。根据“but I had challenged myself and felt like a winner!”可知,虽然作者不是第一个到达终点的人,这是当然地,但是感觉自己像一个胜利者。故选A。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分 15分)
    【答案】56. their 57. t lean 58. lwered 59. prbably 60. wh##that 61. absence
    62the 63. with 64. lking 65. students
    【56题详解】考查物主代词。句意:我观察他们的肢体语言。限定名词bdy language应用形容词性物主代词。故填their。
    【57题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:人们总是倾向于他们感兴趣的东西。have a tendency t d是固定句型,不定式作后置定语。故填t lean。
    【63题详解】考查介词句意:就好像他们睁着眼睛睡着了。根据句意可知,此处用介词with+复合宾语their eyes pen,表示伴随。故填with。
    【64题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他们把所有的时间都花在看别的地方,就是不看我。spend time (in) ding sth是固定句型,动名词作宾语。故填lking。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    【答案】Technlgy and Life
    It is a great hnr fr me t deliver a speech cncerning “Technlgy and Life”. With the rapid develpment f technlgy, its influences n ur daily lives are everywhere.
    Thanks t high-tech, we can stay cnnected with friends and families, n matter where they are. We can easily access infrmatin, and even rder fd and grceries with a few taps n ur mbile phnes. Hwever, technlgy als brings negative influences. With the cnstant expsure t the screens, ur eyes get tired. What’s wrse, there is always a cncern abut privacy and data security.
    Despite these drawbacks, I think technlgy’s psitive impacts utweigh the negative nes. S, we need t use technlgy in a way that maximizes its benefits while minimizing its harm.
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生以“Technlgy and Life”为题写一篇英文短文参加校英文报举行的征文比赛。
    【详解】1.词汇积累 迅速的,快的:rapid→fast 由于,因为:thanks t →wing t 无论哪里:n matter where→wherever 虽然,尽管:despite→in spite f
    2.句式拓展 简单句变复合句
    原句:Despite these drawbacks, I think technlgy’s psitive impacts utweigh the negative nes.
    拓展句:Althugh it has these drawbacks, I think technlgy’s psitive impacts utweigh the negative nes.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】It is a great hnr fr me t deliver a speech cncerning “Technlgy and Life”.(运用了动词不定式作真正主语it作形式主语的用法)
    【高分句型2】S, we need t use technlgy in a way that maximizes its benefits while minimizing its harm.(运用了that引导的定语从句)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    I was left in his rm, my heart punding wildly what abut the messy card? I knew what I had t d. I clsed my eyes and picked up the card with my fingertips. I tk it int the bathrm and cleaned the card. I dried the wet card n a twel and laid it ut t dry. I washed my hands and tk a deep breath f relief... I had saved the card. The fllwing night I tld Zach what I did, prbably hping fr sme kind f ryal treatment.
    Zach did thank me and I felt ur relatinship sftened a bit afterwards. As the years passed, the Pkemn cards began cllecting dust in ur basement. Zach and I became clser than ever. Maybe we were just getting lder r had mre in cmmn. But I felt that night was a turning pint. I didn’t have t give Zach a kidney r anything t shw him hw much I was willing t d fr him. I just had t selflessly clean his Charizard card. I can’t think f a better way t say, “Hey brther, I gt yur back.”
    行为类 ①.深呼吸:take a deep breath/breathe deeply ②.保存:save/keep
    情绪类 ①.宽慰的:my heart punding wildly/my heart racing wildly ②.亲密的:clse/tight
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. The fllwing night I tld Zach what I did, prbably hping fr sme kind f ryal treatment. (由连接词what引导的宾语从句以及非谓语动词现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2]. As the years passed, the Pkemn cards began cllecting dust in ur basement. (由as引导的时间状语从句)

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