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    这是一份2022-2023学年广东省肇庆市肇庆鼎湖中学高二上学期期中英语试题含答案,文件包含广东省肇庆市肇庆鼎湖中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中英语试题原卷版docx、广东省肇庆市肇庆鼎湖中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共38页, 欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分
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    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    San Francisc Fire Engine Turs
    San Francisc Winery Tur
    Running: February 1st thrugh April 30th
    This delicius tur ges thrugh the city n its way t Treasure Island where we will stp at the famus Winery SF. Here yu can enjy 4 purs f sme f the best wine San Francisc has t ffer. (Included in ticket price)
    Departing frm the Cannery(罐头食品厂): Tur times upn request
    Duratin: 2 hurs
    Price: $90
    Back t the Fifties Tur
    Running: August 16th thrugh August 31st
    This tur transprts yu back in time t ne f San Francisc’s mst fantastic perids, the 1950s! Enjy fun histry as we take yu thrugh San Francisc fr a free taste f ice cream.
    Departing frm the Cannery: 5: 00 pm and 7: 30 pm
    Duratin: 2 hurs
    Price: $90
    Frightening Hallween Tur
    Running: Octber 10th thrugh Octber 31 st
    Jin us fr a ride thrugh the histrical Presidi district. True fire gear(服装)is prvided fr yur warmth as ur entertainers take yu t sme f the mst exciting parts f San Francisc.
    Departing frm the Cannery: 6: 30 pm and 8: 30 pm
    Duratin: 1 hur and 30 minutes
    Price: Available upn request
    Hliday Lights Tur
    Running: December 6th thrugh December 23rd
    This attractive tur takes yu t sme f San Francisc’s mst cheerful hliday scenes. True fire gear is prvided fr yur warmth as yu get int the hliday spirit.
    Departing frm the Cannery: 7: 00 pm and 9: 00 pm
    Duratin: 1 hur and 30 minutes
    Advance reservatins(预订)required.
    1. Which f the turs is available in March?
    A. Hliday Lights Tur.B. Back t the Fifties Tur.
    C. Frightening Hallween TurD. San Francisc Winery Tur
    2 What can turists d n Back t the Fifties Tur?
    A. Have free ice cream.B. G t Treasure Island.
    C. Enjy the hliday scenes.D. Visit the Presidi district.
    3. What are turists required t d t g n Hliday Lights Tur?
    A. Take sme drinks.B. Wear warm clthes
    C. Set ff early in the mrning.D. Make reservatins in advance
    This is the mment a cleaner at a British university burst int tears after students raised $ 2,063 t send him t Jamaica n vacatin t see family.
    Herman Grdn, wh has wrked at Bristl University fr mre than a decade, is described as “ne f the mst lved” members f its cleaning staff. He is s well liked that a grup f students raised mney t give him a hliday. A vide shws a student hands an envelpe f cash t the surprised Grdan with tears rlling dwn his cheeks. He wipes away tears with a cleaning clth and hugs the student wh gave it t him. Grdan said: “I want t thank every ne f yu and Gd bless every ne f yu.”
    The grup f students started the fundraising because they liked Grdn s much. A pst said: “The Jamaican cleaner in the bimedical library is the jlliest man I have ever met; he makes me smile even when I’m in the deepest depths f srrw, if yu want a reasn t smile, g talk t him fr a minute r tw.”
    Anyne wh has been t the bimedical library knws wh Herman the cleaner is. Simply put, Herman is the epitme(典范)f happiness, “All year rund, this man wrks hurs n end t prvide us with a clean wrking space in which t study. But mst imprtantly, his everlasting psitive attitude has managed t turn many students’ dark days int psitive nes filled with jy,” said a student. Whether yu’re just feeling generally dwn r stressed ut due t exams, Herman is always there t encurage yu.
    This legend prves that happiness is nt abut what yu wn, what jb yu have r hw much mney yu’ve gt, but abut appreciating what yu currently have in life even if it’s small.
    4. What was Herman Grdn’ reactin when receiving the fundraising?
    A. grateful.B. stressed.C. delighted.D. astnished.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “jlliest” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A mst miserable.B. mst cheerful.C. mst generus.D. mst glrius.
    6. In which aspect d students benefit mst frm Herman?
    A. Building cnfidence.B. Develping exam skills.
    C. Learning self-cntrl.D. Gaining bimedical knwledge.
    7. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. A bimedical library cleaner. .B. A grup f warm-hearted students.
    C. Mney-raising t send a cleaner n vacatin.D. The mst lved cleaning staff.
    The number f birds in Nrth America has declined (减少) by almst 3 billin since 1970, accrding t a study published in Science. The researchers estimated changes in the ppulatins f 529 species using lng-term bird-mnitring databases. Thse data shwed that the number f individual birds acrss all f thse species had decreased by 29 percent, frm arund 10 billin in 1970 t just ver 7 billin in 2017.
    “The data they used prvide prbably the best lng term, large infrmatin n species abundances (物种丰度) fr any grup f animals r plants anywhere in the wrld,” Natalie Wright, a bird bilgist tells The Atlantic. “There’s always uncertainty, but if they are wrng, they are likely underestimating the size f ppulatin declines.”
    The team als examined 10 years’ wrth f data frm a netwrk f 143 weather radars, which pick up bird migratins, and fund a reductin in migratry bimass f abut 14 percent since 2007. “Tw cmpletely different and independent mnitring techniques thus signal majr ppulatin lss acrss the cntinent,” the authrs wrte in their paper.
    The results are particularly cncerning because many f the species shwing declines are nt cnsidered rare r in danger, but are almst everywhere and ptentially act as imprtant cntributrs t fd webs and ecsystem (生态系统) functin. Mre than 90 percent f the lss in abundance in the survey data was due t declines in 12 families including sparrws and blackbirds. Sme ther species, including many ducks, instead shwed increases in abundance-pssibly as a result f fcused cnservatin effrts in recent years.
    The findings shuld be a wake-up call. Many f the birds studied spend time in multiple cuntries within and beynd Nrth America. What ur birds need nw is a histric, glbal effrt that unites peple and rganizatins with ne cmmn gal: bringing ur birds back.
    8. Hw des the first paragraph shw the bird reductin?
    A. By cmparing figures.B. By ding experiments.
    C. By using experts’ wrds.D. By listing sme examples.
    9. What can we infer abut the functin f the data accrding t Natalie Wright?
    A. It’s wrng.B. It’s frmal.
    C. It’s helpfulD. It’s useless.
    10. Which f the fllwing is particularly wrrying?
    A. The ppulatin f widespread species is declining.
    B. Few species acrss the cntinent shw the increase.
    C. Sme ducks are likely t lse their ecsystem functin.
    D. The fcus f cnservatin effrts has turned ut wrng.
    11. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A. T pint ut the imprtance f raising birds.
    B. T call n peple t wrk tgether t bring birds back.
    C. T analyze the cncerning results f lng-term research.
    D. T infrm peple f the dangers many species are facing.
    Online educatinal learning games is an effective way with endless ptin fr teaching kids f all age grups, and children are als able t perate the cmputer withut much help. Parents wh becme familiar with perating the cmputer find it easier t teach kids thrugh these prgrams.
    Children are nt willing t learn math tables r difficult wrds at schl. They find it fun t sit in frnt f a cmputer and learn language and slve mathematical prblems. In this age f cmputers, cmputers are becming an imprtant part f the child’s daily curriculum (全部课程) with parents pting t teach these children new things each day with the help f nline educatinal games.
    Cmputers are als knwn t imprve the mtr skills in children. In additin, the level f these games can be adjusted accrding t the level and learning ability f the kids. The makers f the games keep the kid’s interest in mind while designing them s that their interest is maintained. Anther advantage f these games is that yu can find free nline games and d nt have t invest (投资) in these expensive prducts. Other activities that are available n the Internet include nline clring games. This is als a cnstructive way that children can use t pass their leisure time.
    Mrever, the children can stay in the cmfrt f their hmes. Kids wh are fnd f playing n the cmputer can spend their time learning educatinal material instead n vide games that teach vilence.
    Parents have t keep an eye n their kids and make sure that they d nt spend their time n the cmputer playing games that culd be harmful fr them. It is essential t direct the kids t educatinal sites that have beneficial games and are knwn t help the prgress f these children.
    12. Why d parents find it easier t teach kids accrding t Paragraph 1?
    A. Because kids are clever enugh
    B. Because kids have fun learning games.
    C. Because parents knw mre than the kids.
    D. Because parents themselves can perate cmputers.
    13. What shuld the makers mainly cnsider while designing games?
    A. The kids’ interest.B. Free nline games.
    C. Available activities.D. The kids’ learning ability.
    14 What can nline clring games be used fr?
    A. Learning languages.B. Playing vilent games.
    C. Entertaining themselves.D. Finding educatinal sites
    15. Accrding t the authr, parents shuld_______.
    A. prtect and cnvince their kidsB. mnitr and instruct their kids
    C persuade and cntrl their kidsD. discurage and beat their kids
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Is it necessary t learn when we are 50s, 60s r even70s? Mst peple cnsider when they get retired, they are suppsed t be cmpletely laidback (放松), d smething fun, r hang arund. ___16___ It’s particularly imprtant t the elderly.
    Thrugh learning, we knw hw t think, hw t memrize, hw t ask questins and even hw t interact with thers. Accrding t a study, while we are learning “the brain creates neural (神经) pathways” that make us smarter. ___17___ The mre we learn, the mre new neural pathways develp in ur brains.
    When it cmes t learning, it desn’t mean we must lad urselves with lts f knwledge. What we need t d is just learn smething we like day in and day ut. ___18___ Everyne learns frm bttm t up. If we have an interest t learn, that desire will naturally push us t mve frward.
    As we feel wrn ut frm learning, dn’t be discuraged. ___19___ An ld saying ges, “Birds f a feather fly tgether.” As lng as we have partners t learn all tgether, ur learning excitement will cme alive again. On the cntrary, if we dn’t learn, and chse t distance urselves frm ther, we might be getting stupid, and slw; eventually, we lse energy, and life passin. Instead f being bred, stupid, why dn’t we keep learning?
    ___20___ Mre imprtantly, learning explres ur life hrizn (眼界), helps us build up ur cnfidence; gradually, it leads us t a way f finding a sense f value and achievement in the prcess f learning jurney.
    A. It’s never t ld t learn.
    B. Dn’t wrry if we cannt learn well.
    C. Yu shuld set a high learning target.
    D. Learning makes us understand hw ptential we are.
    E. In ther wrds, ur brains are active as we learn smething new.
    F. Lk fr a partner wh has the same cmmn interest as yu d.
    G. Hwever, the truth is that learning makes us energetic, and self-fulfilled.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Thanksgiving Day was near. One day, the first-grade teacher, Miss White, let her students ___21___ a picture f smething fr which they were thankful.
    Mst students wuld ___22___ the hliday with turkey and ther traditinal fds f the seasn. But Duglas made a different kind f ___23___ . When he was asked t draw a picture f smething fr which he was ___24___ , he drew a hand. His picture brught ___25___ t his classmates. Whse hand culd it be? One child guessed it was the hand f a farmer, ___26___ farmers raised turkeys. Anther suggested it was a plice fficer’s hand, because the plice ___27___ and cared fr peple.
    While the children were ___28___ with each ther, Miss White std at Duglas’ ___29___ , bent dwn and asked him whse hand it was. The little by ___30___ and whispered, “It’s yurs, Miss White.” What Duglas had said ___31___ Miss White f the time she had ___32___ with him here and there. Hw ften she had said, “Take my hand, Duglas, we’ll g utside”. Or, “Let me shw yu hw t ___33___ yur pencil.”
    The ___34___ speaks f mre than thankfulness. It says smething abut teachers teaching. Duglas might nt always say thanks, but he’ll remember the ___35___ that Miss White reaches ut.
    21. A. strengthenB. gainC. stuffD. draw
    22. A. blameB. handleC. defendD. celebrate
    23. A. rainbwB. shadwC. pictureD. presentatin
    24. A. gratefulB. ptimisticC. depressedD. desperate
    25. A. cmpetenceB. techniqueC. imaginatinD. membership
    26. A. ifB. thughC. unlessD. because
    27. A. prtectedB. suspectedC. grabbedD. interrupted
    28. A. greetingB. discussingC. helpingD. siding
    29. A. canteenB. deskC. carpetD. ward
    30. A. slept inB. sat dwnC. lked upD. spke up
    31. A. cnvincedB. remindedC. deniedD. bathed
    32. A. walkedB. agreedC. livedD. met
    33. A. cnsumeB. hldC. chewD. freeze
    34. A. fabricB. radiatinC. stryD. idim
    35. A. handB. ankleC. needleD. fist
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Traditinal Chinese medicine riginated in ancient and develped fr ___36___ lng time. It has cllected varius ways t treat ___37___ (differ) diseases. It pays attentin ___38___ the balance f the bdy system. It reads, nce the bdy system ___39___ (balance), the disease will disappear. The damage f the bdy system is the surce f the disease.
    TCM is an imprtant part f Chinese culture. It has made great ___40___ (cntributin) t the prsperity (繁荣) f China. Great successes have been made in many areas thrugh TCM cure. As t acute stmachache, there is n need ___41___ (have) an peratin; all yu need t d is drink a cup f Chinese herbs (药草), ___42___ the western way takes mre time and mney. Yu may even take the risk f being infected after peratin.
    ___43___ (cmpare) with the western medicine high fees, TCM has a reasnable price that rdinary peple can affrd. I think in the future, TCM ___44___ (be) the mainstream in the health services in China. And ur cuntry shuld invest mre mney n the ____45____ (develp) n TCM.
    第四部分 写作(满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    46. 假设你是李华,最近你校正准备组织学生旅游,但旅游景点还未确定,学校特此向同学们征求意见,请你用英文给校长写一封信,内容包括:
    1. 推荐一个旅游城市;
    2. 推荐理由(2-3个);
    3. 希望校长考虑。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear headmaster,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Jenny was the nly child in her hme. She had a quarrel (争吵) with her mther that afternn and she ran ut f the huse angrily. She culdn’t help crying sadly when she thught f the angry wrds frm her mther. After she walked aimlessly in the street fr hurs, she felt hungry but had n mney. She std in frnt f a shp which sld ndles fr several minutes, but she had t leave. The seller f the ndle shp came ut and nticed the yung girl.
    “Hey, girl, yu want t have ndles?”
    “Oh, yes, but I have n mney n me,” she replied.
    “Oh, that’s nthing. I’ll treat yu tday,” the wner said, “cme in.”
    The seller brught her a bwl f ndles, whse smell was s attractive. As she was eating, Jenny cried silently.
    “What is it?” asked the man kindly,
    “Nthing, actually I was just tuched by yur kindness!” said Jenny as she wiped her tears. “Even a stranger n the street will give me a bwl f ndles, while my mther drve me ut f the huse. She shwed n care fr me. She is s merciless cmpared t a stranger!”
    Hearing the wrds, the seller smiled, “Girl, d yu really think s? I nly gave yu a bwl f ndles and yu thanked me a lt. But it is yur mther wh has raised yu since yu were a baby. Can yu number the times she cked fr yu? Have yu expressed yur thanks t her?”
    Jenny sat there, speechless and numb with shck. She remembered mther’s familiar face and weathered hands. “Why did I nt think f that? A bwl f ndles frm a stranger made me feel indebted (感激的), but I have never thanked my mum fr what she has dne fr me.”
    On the way hme, Jenny made up her mind t say srry t her mther fr her rudeness as sn as she arrived hme.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Para 1:
    Appraching the drway Jenny tk a deep breath.
    Para 2:
    A gentle tuch n her hair called her mind back.

    2023-2024学年广东省肇庆市鼎湖中学高三上学期10月月考英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年广东省肇庆市鼎湖中学高三上学期10月月考英语试题含答案,文件包含广东省肇庆市鼎湖中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题原卷版docx、广东省肇庆市鼎湖中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共41页, 欢迎下载使用。

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