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    这是一份2023-2024学年湖北省部分普通高中联盟高一上学期期中联考英语试卷+听力含答案,文件包含湖北省部分普通高中联盟2023-2024学年高一上学期期中联考英语试卷docx、湖北省部分普通高中联盟2023-2024学年高一上学期期中联考英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共17页, 欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间: 2023年11 月14日下午14: 20-16: 20 试卷满分: 150 分
    第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    1. When will the man arrive at the party?
    A. At 7:30. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:30.
    2. Hw des the man help the wman?
    A. By filling ut the frm fr her.
    B. By telling her his persnal infrmatin.
    C. By reading the infrmatin n the frm.
    3. What is the wman ging t d?
    A. Pay fr the shes. B. G t the she shp. C. Brrw mney frm the man.
    4. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Dctr and patient. C .Classmates.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. What the man's hbby is
    B. Whether the man learned drawing.
    C. When the man went t high schl.
    6. What did Jena frget t d?
    A. Tell the wman abut the man's call.
    B. Make an appintment with the man.
    C. Take her cell phne with her.
    7. What will the wman d n Saturday?
    A. G and visit Jena. B. Have dinner with the man. C. Make a phne call t her sister.
    8. What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He is hard-wrking. B. He likes making things. C. He paid S50 fr the bkcase.
    9. What des the man d in the end?
    A. He tells a jke. B. He makes a future plan. C. He asks the wman fr help.
    10. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Discussing their schedule. B. Packing fr a jurney. C. Deciding n a present.
    11. What des Jacques like ding?
    A. Swimming. B. Playing basketball. C. Reading bks n mdem art.
    12. What will the speakers mst prbably d next?
    A. Find a basketball. B. Leave hme. C. Call a taxi.
    13. When did the man's bss call Jeff?
    A. In the mrning. B. In the afternn. C. In the evening.
    14. Hw did Jeff explain everything?
    A. Over the phne. B. By e-mail. C. In persn.
    15. Why didn't Jeff cme t the ffice n Tuesday?
    A. He was sick. B. He was ff the day. C. He was wrking smewhere else.
    16. Hw des the wman sund in the end?
    A. Excited. B. Angry. C. Surprised.
    17. Why did the speaker g n the tur?
    A. It was the prize f a cmpetitin.
    B. Jhn asked her t g with him.
    C. It was her travel plan.
    18. What did the speaker dislike abut the htel?
    A.' The drinks. B. The fd. C. The waiters.
    19. What did the speaker think f the trip t the museum?
    A. Disappinting. B. Amazing. C. Terrible.
    20. What did the speaker d in the secnd week?
    A. She rde an elephant. B. She went t the muntains. C. She relaxed in the htel.
    第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50分)
    The Winter Olympic Games are nt just a chance fr athletes t win medals and hnr fr their cuntries. Every fur years, the Games als help audience t get. t knw mre abut winter sprts frm arund the wrld. The Winter Olympics may nt have the large crwds and huge stars f its Summer Games, but they share the same Olympic spirit.
    One f the mst ppular sprts f the Winter Olympic Games is skiing. Skiers cmpete in the dwnhill and slalm (回转赛), and in the shrt and lng Crss-cuntry ski races. Skiing was riginally (最初) a sprt played nly in cld nrthern cuntries, but nw athletes frm all ver the wrld cmpete in this sprt, even thse frm cuntries withut any snw!
    Skaters cmpete with each ther in speed races r in figure-skating events. The figure-skaters are generally cnsidered t be the stars f the Winter Olympic Games. These ice princes and princesses are s graceful that it's easy t frget that they are actually highly skilled athletes.
    Skeletn (俯式冰橇)
    The skeletn is ne f the strangest named sprts f the Olympics. The skeletn is named after the shape f the metal sleds (雪橇) used in the 1890s, when the sprt first started. The skeletn is a dwnhill sled race, usually n ice. In the skeletn, a persn lies n his r her stmach n the sled, with his r her head pinting dwnhill!
    21. Why des the writer mentin the Summer Games?
    A. T share the Olympic spirit.
    B. T intrduce the Olympic Games cmpletely.
    C. T help audience learn mre abut sprts.
    D. T cmpare with the Winter Olympic Games n size
    22. Which f the fllwing best describes the figure-skaters?
    A. Senir and hnrable. B. Amazing and respnsible.
    C. Cnfident and attractive. D. Graceful and highly skilled.
    23. What d the three sprts have in cmmn accrding t the passage?
    A. They all include dwnhill races.
    B. All the three are newly-develped.
    C. They are all typical games f Winter Olympics.
    D. All the athletes cme frm icy nrthern cuntries.
    One day, an expert in time management was speaking t a grup f business students. He used an illustratin t express his pint.
    With his beginning wrds ,“time fr a quiz",he pulled ut a wide-muthed jar and set it n the table. Then he carefully placed abut a dzen fist- sized rcks int the jar until it was filled t the tp, be asked,“Is this jar full?" Everyne in the class said,"Yes" “'Really?" He then reached under the table, pulled ut a bucket f gravel(石子),put sme in and shk the jar, causing pieces f gravel t wrk dwn int the spaces between the big rcks. Then he asked again, “Is the jar full"'"Prbably nt," ne answered.
    “Gd! “He answered. Once mre he reached under the table and brught ut a bucket f sand. He started dumping (倾倒) the sand in the jar and it went int all f the spaces left between the rcks and the gravel. Once mre he asked ,“Is this jar full?"“N!" the class shuted."Gd!"Then he grabbed a can f water and began t pur it in until the jar was filled t the edge.
    Then he asked the class,“What is the pint f this illustratin?" One eager student replied,"The pint is, hwever full yur schedule is, if yu try really hard yu can always ft sme mre things in it!"
    “N," the speaker answered,“The truth is: If yu dn't put the big rcks in first, yu'll never get them in at all S d things yu lve; schedule fr yurself; make clear what are the big rcks in yur life. Then, put thse in yur jar first."
    24. What des the underlined wrd in paragraph1pbly mean?.
    A. Strategy. B .Example. C. Registratin. D. Impressin.
    25. Which is cre abut the expert frm the passage?
    A. He liked giving students a quiz. B. He might teach in a nrmal schl
    C. He was used l making experiments D. He did well in managing time in particular
    26. Why did the expert use the jar?
    A. T shw his idea. B, T cntain the gravel.
    C. T ffer a slutin. D.' T make an experiment
    27. What is the best title fr the passage?
    A. A Gd Activity. B. The Stry f Big Rcks.
    C. A Jar-Filling Design. D. The Less Fr Surce Arrangement.
    A grup f wandering wild elephants have becme an vernight Interne hit glbally While the riginal grup is made up f 16 elephants, tw decided t return hme after a week. The rest cntinued their jurney nrthward, spping nly fr a shrt break in Nvember 2020 t allw a newly-brn elephant and is mther t recver.
    Since leaving the reserve, the elephants have walked ver 500 kilmeters. Alng the way,they
    entered farms fr fd and water waked thrugh urban streets and even paid a visit t a car dealership and a retirement hme. N animals r peple were hurt. Hwever, they destryed mre than $1 millin wrth f crps.
    Researchers are nt sure why the elephants decided t leave r where they are headed. While they are knwn t leave their habitats in search f fd, this is the lngest migratin f wild elephants recrded in China Because f this, sme guess that the elephants may be lst.Hwever, thers think the elephants were frced t mve due t defrestatin(砍伐森林) . Successful cnservatin effrts have almst dubled the elephant ppulatin in the Xishuangbann Natinal Nature Reserve. Hwever, their natural habitat has been greatly reduced
    "As their ppulatins increase they search fr mre fd”, Becky Shu Chen said “Yu culd say that the increase in agricultural land in their regin is like finding a big sweet shp,right n their drstep.”
    The wandering herd's search fr a suitable hme was nticed by lcals wh eagerly fllwed their daily mvements n scial media Adam Chang, assigned t deliver fd t the elephants, says,. "Befre this meeting, I just felt curius abut animals. Nw, I think I wuld vlunteer in animal rights grups t preserve thse giant creatures."
    28. Why did the wild elephants stp temprarily in Nvember 2020?
    A. T enjy the fd given by lcal peple.
    B. T pay a visit t a car dealership.
    C. T figure ut whether they were in the right directin
    D. T wait fr a baby elephant and its mm t rve.
    29. What can we learn frm Paragraph 3?
    A. Scientists dn't knw why the elephants leave their hme.
    B. The elephants culdn't find their way hme.
    C. Elephants ppulatin has decreased fr human activities
    D. Elephants never leave their hme.
    30. What d Adam Chang's wrds in the last paragraph mean?
    A. The elephants have the rights t mve.
    B. The elephants help t raise peple's awareness f animal prtectin.
    C. The elephants are helped by lcals t find a suitable hme.
    D. The elephants are annyed f being fllwed.
    3I. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. China's wild elephants are always n the mve.
    B. China's wandering wild elephants attract the wrld.
    C. China's wandering elephants are lsing their way.
    D. China's wild elephants are turing thrugh cities.
    By nw, mst peple knw they shuld be eating mre vegetables. But are there ways t get mre frm the vegetables yu already cat? A research shws that when it cmes t vegetables, it's nt nly hw much we eat, but als hw we prepare them, that decides the vitamins and ther nutrients that enter ur bdy.
    Many studies shw that peple wh eat lts f vegetables have less heart disease, and eye prblems and even cancer, But raw vegetables are nt always best. The researchers fund that 198 Germans wh cat raw fd were shrt f lycpene, the matter fund in tmates and ther red vegetables. "There is an idea that raw fds are always ging t be better," says Steven K. Clintn, a prfessr at Ohi State University. "Fr fruits and vegetables, smetimes a little bit f cking can be helpful."
    A number f' factrs decide hw the vegetables are gd t peple's health befre they reach the table, including where and hw they were grwn and stred befre being bught. N single cking way is best. Sme nutrients are easily lst in cking if they are cked in different ways.
    Vitamins C and B are ften lst. In January, anther reprt said that biling was better fr carrts than frying r serving them raw. Frying was the wrst way t ck.
    What cked with the vegetables can als be imprtant? When the vegetables were cked with fat, the diners can get mre nutrients. Fat can als make the taste f vegetables better, meaning that peple will eat mre f them. Putting n sme ther things that make it taste better- -a little salt- can make the fd taste better.
    32. The writer mainly wants t tell us that
    A. peple shuld eat mre vegetables B. eating vegetables is gd fr us
    C. hw much vegetables ne shuld eat D. hw peple eat vegetables is imprtant.
    33. The peple wh eat the raw vegetables fr a lng time will
    A. have the eyes prblems B. have heart disease
    C. bate eating tmates D. be a lack f lycpene
    34. The fllwing decide hw the vegetables are gd t peple EXCEPT
    A. the price at which the vegetable are sld B. the place where the vegetables are grwn
    C. the way hw the vegetables are stred D. the way hw the vegetables are prepared
    35. Frm the last paragraph, we can knw.
    A. it's better t ck vegetables with the fat
    B. the mre fat in the cking, the fewer vegetables peple will eat
    C. its better t ck the vegetables withut salt
    D. the fat will increase the nutritin f the vegetables
    When yu are arranging t travel alne, yu may have a millin questins: Where shuld yu g? Will there be smene t talk t? Hw d yu stay safe? And is it all right t travel alne? In fact, traveling alne is nt as frightening as it seems._ 36
    Chse a place where yu feel cmfrtable and safe
    Hnestly speaking, traveling alne fr the first time is mre abut the experience than the destinatin. S make sure t chse a place that yu feel cmfrtable with. It culd be smewhere clse t hme,__ 37 _
    Make a plan
    Always make a plan. That way yu'll avid wrrying t much ver where yu're staying, what t see and hw yu're getting frm A t B.
    Bk htels ahead f time
    When yu're traveling alne fr the first time, bking htels ahead f time is extremely necessary.
    Scheduled accmmdatins can make yu less nervus .In additin, when yu bk yur htel 38 by ding it, yu wn't be lst
    If yu're ging t a turisty place like Thailand, there are lts f ther peple wh are traveling alne. Mst likely, they'll be easy t talk t and they'll want t cmmunicate. They might als ask yu t jin them fr dinner r a beer. That happens a lt.
    Let smene knw where yu are
    Yur family and friends lve yu and prbably wrry abut yu every day. What if yu are travelling alne fr a lng time withut keeping in tuch with them?__ 40 that will make yu and them feel safer. And in case smething des happen, they'll knw where yu are.
    A. Ask peple fr help
    B. Talk t peple
    C. The specific tips are as fllws
    D S text them and let them knw what yu're up t thrughut yur trip.
    E. The first thing yu need t d is believe in yurself
    F. ask if they will send a driver t pick yu up
    G. It culd be smewhere yu've already been with friend as well.
    第三部分语言运用(共两节 ,满分30分)
    When 1 was abut 10 years ld, I was walking dwn the street with my mther. She _ 41 _t speak t Mr. Lee. I knew I culd see Mr. Lee anytime arund the neighbrhd, s I didn't greet him. Later, my mther_ 42 me by the arm and said 43 that has stuck with me frever. She said, "Yu let that be the 44 time yu ever walk by smebdy and nt pen up yur muth t speak, because 45 a dg will mve its tail gently when it passes yu n the.__ 46
    That 47 tuching my heart deeply, it's been a guidepst fr me and the fundatin f wh I am. I's nt just smething I believe in; it's becme a way f life. I believe that every persn 48 t feel smene realize their presence, whether 49 r nbdy.
    At wrk, 1 always used t say hell t the 50 f the cmpany and ask him hw ur 51 was ding. But I was als speaking t the peple in the cafe and the peple wh 52 the buildings, and asked hw their children were ding. One day, I asked the funder hw__ 53__he thught I culd g in his cmpany. He said, "If yu want t, yu can get all the 54 t this scat."
    Nw I've becme vice president, but my mther's advice is still in my hear. I have 55 a lt frm pening my muth and say, "Hell."
    41. A. happened B. cntinued C. pretended D. stpped
    42. A. caught B. kicked C .threw D. brke
    43. A. anything B. everything C. smething D. nthing
    44. A .last B. next C .first D. late
    45. A. even B. never C. ever D. Still
    46. A. square B. campus C. street D. platfrm
    47. A. prverb B. declaratin C. regulatin D. phrase
    48. A. refuses B. deserves C. prmise D. rejects
    49. A. everyne B. anyne C. smebdy D. everybdy
    50. A. wrkmate B. servant C. waiter D. funder
    51. A. educatin B. husewrk C. business D. gvernment
    52. A. cleaned B. destryed C. bught D. managed
    53. A. ften B. lng C. far D. fast
    54. A. time B. way C. while D. methd
    55. A. applied B. enquired C. benefited D. purchased
    Hangzhu, knwn fr its beautiful sceneries in histry, is als a place where great events are ften held. The pening ceremny f the 19th Asian Games_ 56 _ (hld) at the Hangzhu Olympic Sprts Center Stadium in Hangzhu, East China's Zhejiang prvince 57___ Saturday evening.__ 58_ (netizen) were captivated(迷住) by the display f Chinese aesthetics (美学) exhibited at the pening ceremny,
    Viewers nticed that as the athletes made 59_ (they) entrance int :the field, The screen beneath their feet manifested(显现) pictures f plum blssms, ltus, and smanthus (佳花香水)embridery patterns.The entry f the Chinese team was accmpanied by a breathtaking visual representatin f the mtherland's muntains and rivers.
    The atmsphere at the pening ceremny reached 60 new height when the digital trchbearer(火炬手) lit the main cauldrn(大锅),__ 61__ marked a histric mment in the Asian Games' histry because it was the first instance(实例)_ 62 (make) a“digital human" jin in the trch-lighting ceremny.
    The pening ceremny drew inspiratin (灵感) frm 63 (traditin) cultures, . attracting the wrld's turists t China。It was the representatins(呈现)_ 64 _ shwed that tday's China is develping _ 65 (quick).
    第四部分写作( 共两节,满分40分)
    注意: 1.写作词数应为100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);
    Dear Sir r Madam,
    I am Li Hua, a girl frm Guangming Middle Schl_________________________________
    Yurs, .
    Li Hua
    阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成- -篇 完整的短文。
    “Surprise!" was the first thing I heard when I pened the dr. My family and friends were all smiling at me. There were clrful ballns all ver the huse, a big pster saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY", and f curse a cake with 12 candles. It was a wnderful feeling, I knew that I had finally turned twelve and I might pssibly get the thing I wanted mst.
    I saw my mm and dad cming twards me with a small bx which seemed t be a birthday present. When I pened the bx, I culdn't believe my eyes. I had really gtten a mbile phne! Thrwing myself int their arms, I let ut a cry f jy,“Thank yu! I lve yu guys!" “Yu're welcme. We knew this was ging t make yu happy but we didn't nly get yu this because yu turned twelve, but als because yu are ding well in schl. We expect yu t keep getting gd grades."“Of curse I will." I said cnfidently.
    As sn as I gt t schl the next mrning, I was shwing ff my phne and asking everyne fr their number. It was cl hw I gt s many cntacts n the first day. It felt like I didn't even exist in that class anymre. I wuldn't pay much attentin t the teachers because 1 was t busy n my phne. Hwever, I didn't get caught using it.
    I am pretty sure that the teacher did ntice that I stpped paying attentin t her because a week later we tk a test and I failed. What was wrse, my mm had t sign the test.
    It was hard t shw my mm the test. She was used t seeing A's and B's n my tests. Finally, I shwed it t her, and she culdn't believe it. She was angry but mst f al, she was disappinted.
    Realizing why I failed, my parents started t dislike that I had a phne.__________________
    Frm that day, I had a different pinin twards phnes._____________________________

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