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    07 Unit5 短文填空12篇-2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标)
    07 Unit5 短文填空12篇-2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标)01
    07 Unit5 短文填空12篇-2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标)02
    07 Unit5 短文填空12篇-2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标)03
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    07 Unit5 短文填空12篇-2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标)

    这是一份07 Unit5 短文填空12篇-2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标),共19页。

    Xie Jincheng, ne f the repairers, has been ding this fr abut 10 years. Hwever, he can nly repair a few pages a day, and it smetimes 1 him several days t fix just ne page. It takes quite a lng time t 2 fr the right paper t repair the bks. “Smetimes it is impssible t get similar paper, s we need t prcess the paper urselves,” Xie said.
    Du Weisheng is anther repairer at the NLC. Ancient bk repairing is a lifelng jb fr him. Du, 69, has wrked as an ancient bk repairer 3 1974. He is happy t see yung peple 4 his team and chsing t stay. “They have gd educatinal backgrunds, and bring a mre scientific way t the bk repairing,” Du said. In 2013, a training center was 5 up at the NLC t train mre prfessinal repairers.
    Nw, the NLC is 6 t sme f China’s best-knwn literary(文学的)treasures. It huses mre than 3 millin ancient Chinese bks. It’s the biggest cllectin f its kind.
    Science and technlgy als helps with the prtectin f the ancient treasures. In 2016, a natinal-level database(数据库)f ancient Chinese bks went nline fr public use. Nearly 21,000 cpies f such bks at the NLC are included in the database. Readers can read them 7 at any time withut causing any danger t them.
    Thanks t the repairers and ther wrker sat the NLC, the public n lnger have 8 finding these ancient bks and they can knw mre abut the fantastic ancient Chinese culture.
    Passage 2(2022·广东茂名·统考模拟预测)
    D yu knw il paper umbrellas? They have a 9 f ver 1, 000 years in China. Liu Weixue is a master at making il paper umbrellas.
    In 2015, Liu 10 up a well-paid jb as a designer(设计师). He decided t learn the traditinal art f making Yuhang il paper umbrellas frm 11 grandfather. “I want t bring the art t life, ”Liu said. “ 12 it rains, smene uses the umbrella –that’s what I want t see.”
    Liu has imprved the umbrellas t win the hearts f yung peple. As the paper used in the past brke 13 , he started t use thicker paper. In a test, his umbrellas were pened and clsed fr 1, 000 14 withut breaking. He als used a lighter bamb than befre t make the umbrellas weigh less.
    In 2017, Liu pened an 15 shp t sell il paper umbrellas. Nw his shp has mre than 80, 000 fllwers. Liu has never thught abut 16 t sell mre umbrellas. What he cares 17 is hw t make high-quality(高质量的) il paper umbrellas. His wrkshp makes n mre than 1, 500 umbrellas each year.
    Liu hpes the art f making il paper umbrellas can be passed n. He ften ges t sme lcal schls t 18 students. He als ges t events in different places t prmte(推广)the art.
    Passage 3(2022·九年级课时练习)
    China is a large cuntry with a lng histry. She has many traditinal art 19 . These usually try t shw imprtant things in life, such as lve, 20 and family. The mst cmmn things like paper, clay and bamb are 21 int bjects f beauty.
    Accrding t Chinese histry, Zhuge Kngming was the first t use sky lanterns. They were made f bamb and 22 with paper. When peple were in 23 , they culd sent them ut t ask fr help. But tday they are used at festivals and ther celebratins. When they are lit, they slwly rise int the sky like ht-air 24 .
    Paper cutting has a histry f ver 1,500 years. It can be difficult t d. Peple use 25 t cut the red paper. The mst cmmn pictures f paper cutting are flwers, animals, and things abut Chinese histry. During the Spring Festival, they are put n windws, drs and walls as 26 f wishes fr gd 27 and a happy new year.
    Chinese clay pieces are small but they lk very 28 . The pieces are usually cute children r 29 characters frm a Chinese fairy 30 . The pieces are shaped by 31 and fired at a very high 32 . It needs several weeks t 33 everything. These small pieces f clay shw the lve that all Chinese peple have fr life.
    Passage 4(2022·江苏连云港·校考二模)
    Tai chi has always been a symbl f Chinese culture and is becming ppular arund the wrld.
    One thing that makes tai chi ppular is its h 34 benefits (益处). As yu mve, yu breathe deeply and naturally, fcusing yur attentin n yur bdy. This helps yu relax and find inner peace.
    What makes tai chi even mre interesting might be the philsphical (哲学的) ideas b 35 it. The term “tai chi” cmes frm Taism, which states that inactin (无为) is the slutin t prblems. That’s w 36 tai chi mvements are slw and sft. Tai chi is nt used t fight e 37 . It is used t prtect yurself.
    Tai chi als fcuses n harmny between “yin” and “yang”. This idea f keeping a healthy balance can be applied (适用于) t almst e 38 in life. It makes tai chi far mre than just anther martial art.
    Passage 5(2022·内蒙古呼和浩特·中考真题)
    It’s that time f year again, when red envelpes (信封) are given t and r 39 frm friends and families. Here we explain tw things.
    The stry behind giving red envelpes
    As yu prbably knw, the Chinese lve the red clr. It’s a clr that represents luck, happiness, and gd e 40 . In China, a red envelpe is t 41 called “ya sui qian”.
    Accrding t the stry, a mnster named Sui came arund t hurt children n New Year’s Eve. T prevent Sui frm c 42 t harm children, parents wuld light candles and pray in the night. And peple started t jin eight cins alng red strings (线) and place them under c 43 pillws (枕头). Sn, it became a traditin. Sui was kept ff by these prtective symbls and finally stpped scaring children.
    S why are the envelpes called “ya sui qian”? The c 44 “sui” actually has exactly the same prnunciatin as “祟” (Sui), the mnster’s name. These cins were called “ya sui qian”,meaning “lucky mney t keep ff harmful spirits”. As generatins passed, cins were replaced with n 45 and the strings were replaced with envelpes.
    Wh gives red envelpes and hw much shuld they give?
    If yu have a jb and can make mney, it’s time fr yu t start giving ut “ya suiqian”! A general r 46 is that the mre mney yu earn, the mre mney shuld be a 47 t the envelpes.
    Accrding t custms, yur parents and grandparents will prbably still k 48 giving yu “ya sui qian” t shw their lve and wishes. Fr yur wn children, yu shuld give frm RMB100 t whatever amunt yu prefer.
    Passage 6(2022秋·九年级课时练习)
    Chinese peple started t build gardens mre than 2,000 years ag. Chinese gardens are a special frm f t 49 Chinese culture and art.
    At the age f a Chinese garden, there is usually a h 50 stne r wall t screen (挡住) yur view in rder t later prduce unexpected happiness w 51 yu turn arund the hall t see the amazing rck frmatins (假山) and a big lake. The best e 52 is the Summer Palace.
    Rck frmatins are very i 53 in a Chinese-style garden. Withut them, a garden culd nt be cnsidered a Chinese-style garden. Ge Garden in Yangzhu is famus fr i 54 Fur Seasns Rckeries (四季假山).
    G 55 in the suth are mstly small in size. S peple hang a mirrr ppsite a windw t take in the utside sights. A fine example f this is Pian Shi Shan Fang, a rckery in He Garden, Yangzhu. A big mirrr is built int the wall f its west crridr. Then wherever the visitrs are, they can s 56 the garden in the mirrr. A pl r a lake in a garden w 57 the same way. A pl runs frm suth t nrth t 58 the garden f Pian Shi Shan Fang. East f the rckery, a man-made mn is reflected (倒映) in the pl.
    Passage 7(2023·天津·九年级专题练习)
    Yu may think that yu cannt live thrugh summer withut air cnditiners. But in ancient China, hand fans were a 59 the nly way fr peple t drive the heat away. Chinese peple started t use hand fans ver 2,000 years ag. The fans came in different s 60 , such as rund and square. They were als made frm all kinds f materials. Palm (棕榈树) leaf fans were c 61 and easy t make. Feather fans shwed the 62 high status (地位). Sandalwd (檀香) fans culd send ut a sweet smell. Later, hand fans became far mre than just smething that culd cl yu dwn. They develped int art w 63 , in which Tuanshan (rund fans) and Zheshan (flded fans) were the mst cmmn.
    In the shape f a full mn, Tuanshan were usually m 64 f silk. They had beautiful birds and flwers n them. Wmen, e 65 thse in the imperial palace (皇宫), liked t use them. Pets in ancient China ften cmpared a wman’s unlucky life t tuanshan. Nalan Xingde w 66 during the Qing Dynasty, “If nly life were as beautiful as when we first met, why shuld the autumn wind bther t pity deserted fans?”
    Meanwhile, men, especially the literati (文人), used Zheshan. The literati liked them b 67 Zheshan were usually made f paper and they culd paint and write pems n them. It was a way fr them t shw ff their ability in literature, painting and handwriting. Almst a 68 culd be painted n Zheshan.
    Tday, Chinese peple still use these fans, thugh nt many peple write r paint n them any mre. Next time when yu are waving a fan, yu may think f the stries behind it.
    Passage 8(2023·江苏·一模)
    The histry f Chinese characters (字) is frm ancient times, with a histry f several thusand years. Hanzi began as simple pictures that ancient Chinese peple drew, p 69 and carved t describe nature and lives.
    The ldest Chinese characters are jiaguwen with 3, 000 years. They can give us k 70 abut hw ancient peple saw the wrld arund them.
    Abut 80% f Chinese characters are m 71 up f smaller part which are mixed in different ways t develp thusands f hanzi. Chinese characters and Chinese culture are tgether. China’s writing system builds a strng b 72 cnnecting Chinese peple and culture f the present with thse f the past. Many internatinal students are studying Chinese and are cming t e 73 China’s wnderful culture, as China takes its place in the internatinal cmmunity.
    Passage 9(2022·黑龙江齐齐哈尔·统考三模)
    Acupuncture is knwn as “zhenjiu” in Chinese. It first appeared in China mre than 2, 000 years ag. H 74 when I grew up, I’d always cnsidered it ut f date. As we knw, acupuncture treatment lasts a lng perid and causes a lt f pain. Smetimes 75 (simple) taking a pill can treat the same illness. But my experience made me c 76 my mind.
    Last mnth, I slept thrugh a flight frm Lndn t Beijing. When I wke up, I fund that I culd n l 77 mve my right arm and fingers. There was n pain. My arm didn’t fllw my brain’s instructins t mve, as i 78 it was n lnger mine.
    One dctr said he culd d 79 (smething) except give me sme pills. “Rest fr tw mnths first and cme back fr an examinatin.” I felt great fear.
    When I felt helpless, an acupuncturist in Sichuan, ffered t help. I started my acupuncture treatment the next day. At first, I was 80 (wrry). After a few days, I culd mve my fingers. Tw weeks 81 I culd use chpsticks. Within a mnth, I gt almst well. It was amazing.
    Nw, acupuncture 82 (cnsider) t be ne f China’s natinal treasures. Recently, it 83 (spread) internatinally, which shws the pwer f acupuncture. I hpe this kind f traditinal Chinese medicine will bring health and happiness t friends all ver the wrld.
    Passage 10(2022·福建龙岩·统考模拟预测)
    During the clsing ceremny f the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, many Chinese cultural examples were fit int the design f the grand shw, expressing Chinese 84 (wish). Let’s take a lk.
    Chinese knt
    The 12 Chinese zdiac(生肖)ice cars created 85 wnderful picture f a Chinese knt with its wheel marks. And then it 86 (becme) bigger, and a large “Chinese knt” was presented with the help f digital AR technlgy.
    Each clr bar culd be 87 (clear) seen, and all f them gt tgether, standing fr unity and gd 88 /lʌk/.
    Fish and riches
    During the clsing ceremny, sme 89 /tʃɪldrən/ frm Hebei prvince perfrmed again, this time with 90 (difference) clthes. The Chinese paper-cut f 91 /'dʌbl/ fish was seen n their clthes, meaning “rich and have mre in the next year” in Chinese culture.
    Willw branches
    In ancient times, Chinese peple brke a willw branch and gave 92 t their friends, family r relative when seeing them ff. And nw in that way Chinese peple say gdbye 93 the wrld guests.
    Passage 11(2022·浙江绍兴·校考二模)
    Usually, Chinese weather changes with the changing f slar terms (节气). In Chinese lunar Calendar, a year is 94 (分开) int 24 slar terms (节气). Start f Summer, the seventh term f the year, means the cming f the summer 95 (季节). The temperature will rise quickly 96 (在……期间) this perid.
    Here are three things t learn abut hw Chinese greet the Start f Summer.
    •Checking ne’s weight
    The custm f 97 (称重) peple at the Start f Summer started frm the Three Kingdms Perid (220-180) and still 98 (保持不变) ppular in Suth China tday. It is said that this practice will bring health and gd luck t them.
    •Eating eggs
    In 99 (古代的) China, peple believed a rund egg was a symbl f a happy life and eating eggs n the day f Start f Summer was a gd wish and gd health. After water gets 100 (煮沸的), peple put leftver tea nt it tgether with eggs t create “tea eggs”. Later peple imprved the cking 101 (方法). Tday tea egg has becme a traditinal snack in China and is welcmed 102 (热烈地) in many places f China.
    •Taking cart f the heart
    Accrding t Chinese traditinal medicine, Start f Summer is a 103 (关键) time t misten (滋润) f the heart. When it gets ht, heat can affect human health. S fd, such as fruit and vegetables, rich in vitamins and cl in nature is strngly advised t eat.
    Passage 12(2023·全国·九年级专题练习)
    The traditin f tea drinking began in China thusands f years ag. It sn became 104 (流行的;受欢迎的) because it was healthy and gave peple energy. Later, tea was brught t sme cuntries in 105 (东方的) Asia, such as Japan and Krea. Nwadays, Chinese tea has becme a wrld drink.
    Sme f the wrld’s tastiest teas 106 (生长) in China. Olng tea is ne f the best and it has many different kinds. One f them has a light brwn 107 (颜色) and tastes like hney. Anther special kind has a heavier, burnt taste.
    Perhaps the best way fr beginners t enjy tea is t 108 (出席;参加) traditinal tea art perfrmances which are held at tea huses and tea farms arund the cuntry.
    Several steps are planned 109 (细致地;小心地) in each perfrmance. First, heat the pts and tea cups with warm water. Then, put sme tea 110 (叶子) int the teapt. Next, pur ht water frm a specific height. After that, make sure the tea is biled fr a prper time.
    When the tea is ready, drinkers shuld 111 (闻到;嗅) it befre taking a sip. It’s 112 (有礼貌的) t finish each cup in three small sips. The perfrmance prvides a chance t appreciate this valuable 113 (礼物;馈赠) frm nature.
    1.takes 2.lk 3.since 4.jining 5.set 6.hme 7.safely 8.difficulty
    1.句意:有时只修复一页需要花费几天的时间。It takes sb.+时间+t d sth.“花费某人时间做某事”,固定句型。全文为一般现在时态,主语是第三人称单数。故填takes。
    2.句意:寻找一张合适的纸来修理这些书要花很长时间。根据“ the right paper t repair the bks”可知,应该是寻找合适的纸来修理这些书。lk fr“寻找”,动词短语。It takes+时间+t d sth.“花时间做某事” ,t后面跟动词原形。故填lk。
    4.句意:他很高兴看到年轻人加入他的团队并选择留下来。根据下文“chsing t stay”可知,应该是年轻人加入了他的团队。see sb.ding sth.“看见某人做某事”,动词短语。故填jining。
    5.句意:2013年,NLC成立了一个培训中心,以培训更多的专业维修人员。set up“建立”,动词短语。此处为被动语态:be+动词的过去分词。故填set。
    6.句意:现在,NLC是中国一些最著名的文学瑰宝的所在地。根据下文“It huses mre than 3 millin ancient Chinese bks.”可知,国家图书馆已成为中国最著名的文学瑰宝的所在地。be hme t“为……的所在地”,be动词后跟名词作表语。故填hme。
    7.句意:读者可以在任何时候安全地阅读,而不会对他们造成任何危险。根据下文“at any time withut causing any danger t them.”可知,读者可以安全地阅读。safely“安全地”,副词修饰动词“read”。故填safely。
    8.句意:多亏了国家图书馆的维修人员和其他工作人员,公众再也不难找到这些古书了。have difficulty (in) ding sth. “做某事有困难”,动词短语。故填difficulty。
    9.histry 10.gave 11.his 12.When 13.easily 14.times 15.nline 16.hw 17.abut 18.teach
    9. 句意:它们在中国有1000多年的历史。根据“ver 1, 000 years in China.”可知,此处指油纸伞的历史,“histry历史”,故填histry。
    10.句意:2015年,刘放弃了一份高薪的设计师工作。根据后文“He decided t learn the traditinal art f making Yuhang il paper umbrellas”可知刘伟学学习油纸伞技术,所以猜测他放弃高薪工作,“give up放弃”,因为时态为一般过去时态,动词要用过去式,故填gave。
    13.句意:由于过去使用的纸容易破损,他开始使用更厚的纸。根据下文“he started t use thicker paper.”可知,他开始用更厚的纸,所以猜测过去的纸容易破,“easily容易地”,副词,修饰后面的名词break,故填easily。
    15.句意:2017年,刘开了一家卖油纸伞的网店。根据“Nw his shp has mre than 80, 000 fllwers.”可知,刘的店铺有超过八千粉丝,所以猜测是网店。“nline网络的”,形容词,修饰后面的名词shp,故填nline。
    17.句意:他关心的是如何制作高质量的油纸伞。短语“care abut关心”,故填abut。
    18.句意:他经常去一些当地学校教学生。根据“He ften ges t sme lcal schls t”可知,刘去学校教学生,“teach教”,又因为 t+动词原形,故填teach。
    19.frms 20.beauty 21.turned 22.cvered 23.truble 24.ballns 25.scissrs 26.symbls 27.luck 28.real 29.lively 30.tale 31.hand 32.heat 33.cmplete
    20.句意:这些通常试图生活中的重要东西,例如爱、美和家庭。根据下一句“The mst cmmn things... bjects f beauty.”such as “例如”后加名词或动名词,lve和family都是名词,此处也要填名词。故填beauty。
    21.句意:像纸,泥土,和竹子这样最普通的东西被制成的美丽的物品。be turned int “被变成”。故填turned。
    22.句意:它们是有竹子制成的并用纸覆盖。可知天灯是有竹子制成的并用纸覆盖be cvered with “被覆盖”。故填cvered。
    23.句意:当人们处于困境之中时,他们可以发送天灯去寻求帮助。be in truble “处于困境之中”。故填truble。
    25.句意:人们使用剪子剪红纸。use sth. t d sth.“使用某物做某事”,scissrs“剪刀”。故填scissrs。
    26.句意:在春节期间,它们(剪纸)被贴的窗子和墙上,作为好运气和快乐新年的美好祝愿的象征。as “作为”,symbls f “……的象征”。故填symbls。
    27.句意:在春节期间,它们(剪纸)被贴的窗子和墙上,作为好运气和快乐新年的美好祝愿的象征。gd luck “好运”。故填luck。
    28.句意:中国的泥塑是小的但是看起来很真实。real “真实的”,lk real“看起来真实”,系表结构。故填real。
    29.句意:这些泥塑通常是来自一个中国童话故事的可爱的孩子们和活泼的人物。cute children “可爱的孩子们”和“活泼的角色”并列,此处缺形容词。故填lively。
    30.句意:这些泥塑通常是来自一个中国童话故事的可爱的孩子们和活泼的人物。fairy tale“童话故事”。故填tale。
    31.句意:泥塑是由手工制成的,并在高温下烧制。by hand “手工”。故填hand。
    32.句意:泥塑是由手工制成的,并在高温下烧制。根据at a very high heat “高温”。故填heat。
    33.句意:完成一切事情需要几周的时间。t后动词原形,完成 “cmplete”。故填cmplete。
    34.(h)ealth 35.(b)ehind 36.(w)hy 37.(e)nemies 38.(e)verything
    34.句意:太极拳受欢迎的原因之一是它的健康益处。根据“This helps yu relax and find inner peace.”可知是对健康有好处,health“健康”,名词作定语。故填(h)ealth。
    35.句意:太极拳更有趣的可能是它背后的哲学思想。根据“The term ‘tai chi’ cmes frm Taism, which states that inactin is the slutin t prblems.”可知是讲太极拳背后的哲学思想,behind“在……后面”。故填(b)ehind。
    36.句意:这就是为什么太极拳动作缓慢而柔和。根据“The term ‘tai chi’ cmes frm Taism, which states that inactin is the slutin t prblems.”可知这是太极动作缓慢而柔和的原因,此处用why表示“为什么”。故填(w)hy。
    37.句意:太极不是用来与敌人搏斗的。根据“t fight”可知是与敌人搏斗,enemy“敌人”,前无限定词,用复数形式enemies。故填(e)nemies。
    38.句意:这种保持健康平衡的想法几乎适用于生活中的每件事。根据“This idea f keeping a healthy balance can be applied t almst e... in life.”可知适用于生活中的每件事,everything“一切,每件事”。故填(e)verything。
    39.(r)eceived 40.(e)nergy 41.(t)raditinally 42.(c)ming 43.(c)hildren’s 44.(c)haracter 45.(n)tes 46.(r)ule 47.(a)dded 48.(k)eep
    39.句意:又到了每年的这个时候,朋友和家人都会收到红包。根据“It’s that time f year again, when red envelpes (信封) are given t and r…frm friends and families.”可知,此处指收到红包,receive“收到”,使用动词过去式。故填(r)eceived。
    40.句意:这是一种代表幸运、幸福和良好活力的颜色。根据“It’s a clr that represents luck, happiness, and gd e…”可知,此处指良好活力,energy“活力”,不可数名词。故填(e)nergy。
    41.句意:在中国,红包传统上被称为“压岁钱”。根据“a red envelpe is t…called”可知,红包传统上被称为“压岁钱”,traditinally“传统上”,副词修饰过去分词。故填(t)raditinally。
    42.句意:为了防止祟来伤害孩子,父母会在晚上点蜡烛祈祷。根据“T prevent Sui frm c…t harm children, parents wuld light candles and pray in the night.”可知,防止祟来伤害孩子,cme“来”,frm为介词,后跟动名词。故填(c)ming。
    43.句意:人们开始把八枚硬币沿着红色的绳子连在一起,放在孩子们的枕头下面。根据“T prevent Sui frm c…t harm children”和“And peple started t jin eight cins alng red strings (线) and place them under c…pillws (枕头)”可知,此处指放在孩子们的枕头下面,children“孩子”,名词复数,此处使用所有格修饰名词,children后加’s。故填(c)hildren’s。
    44.句意:“sui”这个字的发音实际上与“祟” 怪物的名字一样。根据“The c…‘sui’ actually has exactly the same prnunciatin as ‘祟’ (Sui), the mnster’s name.”可知,此处指“sui”这个字,使用名词character“文字”,使用单数形式。故填(c)haracter。
    45.句意:随着世代相传,硬币被纸币取代,绳子被信封取代。根据“As generatins passed, cins were replaced with n…and the strings were replaced with envelpes.”可知,此处指硬币被纸币取代,nte“纸币”,使用复数形式表泛指。故填(n)tes。
    46.句意:一般的规则是,你赚的钱越多,信封里的钱就越多。根据“A general r…is that the mre mney yu earn, the mre mney shuld be a…t the envelpes.”可知,此处强调一个一般的规则,rule“规则”,使用单数,故填(r)ule。
    47.句意:一般的规则是,你赚的钱越多,信封里的钱就越多。根据“the mre mney yu earn, the mre mney shuld be a…t the envelpes.”可知,赚的钱越多,信封里的钱就越多,be added t“被增加到”,使用动词过去分词构成被动语态。故填(a)dded。
    48.句意:根据习俗,你的父母和祖父母可能还会继续给你“压岁钱”来表达他们的爱和愿望。根据“Accrding t custms, yur parents and grandparents will prbably still k…giving yu ‘ya sui qian’ t shw their lve and wishes.”可知,此处指继续给你“压岁钱”来表达他们的爱和愿望,keep ding“继续做”,will后跟动词原形。故填(k)eep。
    49.(t)raditinal 50.(h)uge 51.(w)hen 52.(e)xample 53.(i)mprtant 54.(i)ts 55.(G)ardens 56.(s)ee 57.(w)rks 58.(t)hrugh
    49.句意:中国园林是中国传统文化和艺术的一种特殊形式。根据“Chinese gardens are a special frm f t... Chinese culture and art.”可知,中国园林显示中国传统文化和艺术,traditinal“传统的”,作定语修饰其后的名词,故填(t)raditinal。
    50.句意:在中国园林的年代,通常有一块巨大的石头或墙壁来遮挡你的视线,以便稍后当你转过大厅看到惊人的岩层和一个大湖时产生意想不到的快乐。根据“At the age f a Chinese garden, there is usually a r wall t screen (挡住) yur view”可知,有巨大的石头或墙壁来遮挡视线,huge“巨大的”,作定语修饰其后的名词,故填(h)uge。
    51.句意:在中国园林的年代,通常有一块巨大的石头或墙壁来遮挡你的视线,以便稍后当你转过大厅看到惊人的岩层和一个大湖时产生意想不到的快乐。根据“in rder t later prduce unexpected happiness turn arund the hall t see the amazing rck frmatins (假山) and a big lake”可知,当你看到惊人的岩层和一个大湖时产生意想不到的快乐,用when引导时间状语从句,故填(w)hen。
    52.句意:最好的例子是颐和园。根据“The best the Summer Palace.”可知,拿颐和园举例,example“例子”,根据“is”可知,使用名词单数形式,故填(e)xample。
    53.句意:在中国式园林中,岩层是非常重要的。根据“Rck frmatins are very a Chinese-style garden.”可知,岩层是非常重要的,imprtant“重要的”,在句中作表语,故填(i)mprtant。
    54.句意:扬州个园以四季假山而闻名。根据“Ge Garden in Yangzhu is famus fr Seasns Rckeries (四季假山).”可知,此处指个园,作定语修饰其后的名词,用its代替,故填(i)ts。
    55.句意:南方的花园大多面积不大。根据“ the suth are mstly small in size.”可知,南方的花园面积不大,garden“花园”,此处表示复数含义,使用名词复数形式,故填(G)ardens。
    56.句意:这样无论游客在哪里,他们都能从镜子中看到花园。根据“they can garden in the mirrr”可知,能从镜子中看到花园,see“看到”,can后用动词原形,故填(s)ee。
    57.句意:花园中的水池或湖泊也是如此。根据“A pl r a lake in a garden same way.”可知,水池或湖泊的作用也是一样的,wrk“产生……作用”,主语是单数,动词用三单。故填(w)rks。
    58.句意:一个水池从南向北穿过片石山坊的花园。根据“A pl runs frm suth t nrth garden f Pian Shi Shan Fang.”可知,水池穿过片石山坊的花园,强调内部穿过,用thrugh,故填(t)hrugh。
    59.(a)lmst 60.(s)hapes 61.(c)heap 62.()wner’s 63.(w)rks 64.(m)ade 65.(e)specially 66.(w)rte 67.(b)ecause 68.(a)nything
    59.句意:但在中国古代,手扇几乎是人们驱暑的唯一方式。根据“But in ancient China, hand fans were ... the nly way fr peple t drive the heat away.”和首字母可知,almst“几乎”符合语境,故填(a)lmst。
    60.句意:扇子的形状各不相同,比如圆形和正方形。根据“such as rund and square”可推知,扇子有不同的形状;结合首字母提示,shape“形状”符合语境,此处要用复数形式,故填(s)hapes。
    61.句意:棕榈叶扇子既便宜又容易制作。根据“Palm (棕榈树) leaf fans were ... and easy t make.”和首字母可知,cheap“便宜的”符合语境,故填(c)heap。
    62.句意:羽毛扇子显示了主人的高地位。根据“Feather fans shwed the ... high status (地位).”和首字母可知,wner“拥有者”符合语境;再根据“high status (地位)”可知,此处要用名词所有格形式,故填()wner’s。
    63.句意:它们发展成艺术作品,其中团扇(圆扇)和折扇(折扇)是最常见的。根据“They develped int art...”和首字母可知,此处表示它们发展成艺术品;wrks“作品”符合语境,故填(w)rks。
    64.句意:团扇通常由丝绸组成。根据“Tuanshan were usually ... f silk.”可知,be made f“由……制成”,固定短语,故填(m)ade。
    65.句意:女性,尤其是皇宫里的女性,喜欢使用它们。根据“Wmen, in the imperial palace (皇宫),”可知,此处特指皇宫中的女性;由首字母提示可知,especially“尤其”符合语境,故填(e)specially。
    66.句意:清代的纳兰性德在诗中写道“人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇?”根据“If nly life were as beautiful as when we first met, why shuld the autumn wind bther t pity deserted fans?”可推知,此处指在诗中写道,write“写”符合语境;动作发生在过去,动词要用过去式,故填(w)rte。
    67.句意:文人喜欢它们,因为折扇通常是纸做的,他们可以在上面写诗作画。根据“The literati liked them”和“Zheshan were usually made f paper and they culd paint and write pems n them.”可知,前后句为因果关系;再由首字母提示可知,because“因为”符合语境,故填(b)ecause。
    68.句意:折扇上几乎可以画任何东西。根据“Almst ... culd be painted n Zheshan.”和首字母可知,anything“任何事物”符合语境,故填(a)nything。
    69.(p)ainted 70.(k)nwledge 71.(m)ade 72.(b)ridge 73.(e)njy
    69.句意:汉字最初是古代中国人绘制、绘画和雕刻的简单图画,用来描述自然和生活。根据“ancient Chinese peple drew...”和首字母提示可知,本句是一般过去时,且此处是指画简单的图画。paint“绘画”,动词。故填(p)ainted。
    70.句意:他们可以让我们了解古人如何看待周围的世界。根据“They can give hw ancient peple saw the wrld arund them.”和首字母提示可知,此处是指给我们知识。knwledge“知识”,不可数名词。故填(k)nwledge。
    71.句意:大约80%的汉字由较小的部分组成,这些部分以不同的方式混合在一起,形成了数千个汉字。根据“Abut 80% f Chinese characters f smaller part”和首字母提示可知,组成数千个汉字。固定短语be made up f“由……组成”。故填(m)ade。
    72.句意:中国的书写体系在中国人和中国文化的现在与过去之间搭建了一座牢固的桥梁。根据“China’s writing system builds a Chinese peple and culture f the present with thse f the past.”和首字母提示可知,此处是指搭建了一座坚固的桥梁。bridge“桥梁”,名词;且空前有“a”,其后跟单数名词。故填(b)ridge。
    73.句意:随着中国在国际社会中的地位,许多国际学生正在学习汉语,并开始欣赏中国的精彩文化。根据“and are cming ’s wnderful culture”和首字母提示可知,此处是指欣赏中国的文化。enjy“享受”,动词;又因空前有动词不定式符号t,其后跟动词原形。故填(e)njy。
    74.(H)wever 75.simply 76.(c)hange 77.(l)nger 78.(i)f 79.nthing 80.wrried 81.later 82.is cnsidered 83.has spread
    76.句意:但我的经历让我改变了主意。“改变主意”change ne’s mind,“让某人做某事”make sb d,使役动词make后加动词原形。故填(c)hange。
    77.句意:当我醒来时, 我发现我的右臂和手指再也动不了了。结合首字母,n lnger“不再”,故填(l)nger。
    78.句意:我的手臂没有按照大脑的指令移动,好像它不再是我的了。根据句意和首字母,as if“好像”。故填为(i)f。
    82.句意:现在,针灸被认为是中国的国宝之一。主语acupuncture 和谓语动词cnsider为被动关系,根据句子时间状语“nw”可知为一般现在时,一般现在时被动语态结构为am/is/are+动词过去分词,主语acupuncture单数,助动词用is。故填is cnsidered。
    83.句意:最近,它在国际上传播开来,这表明了针灸的力量。根据“recently”可知句子为现在完成时,结构为have/has+动词过去分词,主语it为第三人称单数,助动词为has。故填has spread。
    84.wishes 85.a 86.became 87.clearly 88.luck 89.children 90.different 91.duble 92.it 93.t
    85.句意:十二生肖冰车创造了一幅由车轮痕迹形成的中国结的奇妙的图片。wnderful picture是单数名词,此处表示泛指,其前应有不定冠词,wnderful为辅音音素开头的单词,不定冠词应用a。故填a。
    88.句意:每条颜色条都可以被清晰地看到,它们都聚集在一起,代表团结和好运。根据音标/lʌk/和空格前的“gd”可知此处应是名词luck,gd luck表示“好运”。故填luck。
    91.句意:他们的衣服上看得到有中国的双鱼剪纸。根据音标/'dʌbl/和空格后的名词“fish”可知,此处应用形容词来修饰,/'dʌbl/是形容词duble。duble fish为“双鱼”。故填duble。
    92.句意:在古代,中国人在送别朋友、家人或亲戚时,会折断一根柳枝送给他们。此处指代上文提到的“a willw branch”,是单数意义,因此应用代词it来指代。故填it。
    93.句意:现在,中国人民正以这种方式向世界客人告别。say gdbye t sb表示“跟某人说再见”,因此此处应填介词t。故填t。
    94.divided 95.seasn 96.during 97.weighing 98.remains 99.ancient 100.biled 101.methds 102.warmly 103.key
    94.句意:在中国农历中,一年被分为24个节气。“分开”为divide,动词;分析句意可知,主语和动词之间是被动关系,故应用被动语态,结合空前is提示可知,故应用一般现在时的被动语态,构成形式为:be dne,divide的过去分词是divided。故填divided。
    98.句意:立夏称人重量的习俗始于三国时期(220-180年),至今仍在中国南方流行。根据时间状语“tday”可知,句子应用一般现在时,主语“The custm”是第三人称单数形式,故动词应用单三式remains。故填remains。
    104.ppular 105.East/eastern 106.grw 107.clr/clur 108.attend 109.carefully 110.leaves 111.smell 112.plite 113.gift/present
    105.句意:后来,茶被带到了东亚的一些国家,如日本和韩国。根据“Asia”和中文提示可知,可以用名词或形容词修饰名词,East Asia/easten Asia“东亚”符合句意;故填East/eastern。
    106.句意:世界上一些最美味的茶叶生长在中国。根据“Sme f the wrld’s tastiest teas”和中文提示可知,是一般现在时态,主语是复数,动词用原形,grw“生长”符合句意;故填grw。
    107.句意:其中一种是浅棕色的,吃起来像蜂蜜。根据“a light brwn”和中文提示可知,需要一个名词单数,clr/clur“颜色”符合句意;故填clr/clur。
    108.句意:对于初学者来说,品茶最好的方式可能是参加在全国各地的茶馆和茶场举行的传统茶艺表演。根据“is t ”和中文提示可知,需要一个动词原形,attend“参加”符合句意;故填attend。
    109.句意:每次演出都要精心策划好几个步骤。根据“Several steps are planned”和中文提示可知,需要副词修饰动词,carefully“小心地”符合句意;故填carefully。
    113.句意:演出提供了一个机会来欣赏这个来自大自然的珍贵礼物。根据“this valuable”和中文提示可知,需要一个名词单数,gift/present“礼物”符合句意;故填gift/present。

    09 Unit2 短文填空10篇 - 2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标): 这是一份09 Unit2 短文填空10篇 - 2023-2024学年九年级英语全一册期末高效专题复习训练(人教新目标),共17页。试卷主要包含了festival 2,句意等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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